Methods of organizing and conducting ecological holidays and leisure activities in kindergarten. Scenario of an ecological holiday for children of senior, preparatory groups of the preschool educational institution "Earth is our common home

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1. The meaning and role of holidays and entertainment in the environmental education of preschoolers

2. Requirements for organizing and holding holidays and entertainment with preschool children

3. Preparation and methodology for holding ecological holidays and entertainment

4. Develop a script for an ecological holiday or entertainment in kindergarten for any age group


1. The meaning and role of holidays and entertainment in the environmentPhysical education of preschoolers

The interaction of man with nature is an extremely urgent problem of our time. For centuries, man has been a consumer in relation to nature: he lived and used its gifts without thinking about the consequences. It is necessary to protect nature from its unjustifiably barbaric destruction and pollution, to educate people in a caring attitude towards it. And you need to start with the smallest. It is at preschool age that the assimilation of the basics of environmental knowledge is most productive, since the baby perceives nature very emotionally, as something alive. The influence of nature on the child is enormous: it meets the baby with a sea of ​​sounds and smells, secrets and riddles, makes you stop, look, think. The beauty of the surrounding world gives rise to a feeling of attachment to the place where you were born and live, and, ultimately, love for the Fatherland.

Holidays and entertainment are bright and joyful events in the life of preschool children. Combining different types of art, they have a great influence on the feelings and consciousness of children. P. K. Krupskaya emphasized: “It is necessary to help the child, through art, to become more deeply aware of his thoughts and feelings, to think more clearly and feel more deeply ...”.

The preparation and holding of holidays and entertainment serve the moral education of children: they are united by common experiences, they are brought up with the foundations of collectivism; works of folklore, songs and poems about the Motherland, about native nature, labor form patriotic feelings; participation in holidays and entertainment forms discipline and a culture of behavior among preschoolers. Learning songs, poems, dances, children learn a lot about their country, nature, people of different nationalities. This broadens their horizons, develops memory, speech, imagination, and promotes mental development. Musical ecological holidays support the child's interest in the wonderful and mysterious world of nature. Communication with music keeps the child interested in the wonderful and mysterious world of nature and the world around him. Music is one of the means of emotional-figurative knowledge of the world around the child, forming his personality. Carefully selected music helps children to “try on” one or another image, to feel like an angry, hungry wolf, then a beautiful, delicate flower, a cowardly hare, a clumsy clubfoot bear. Musical movements contribute not only to consolidate knowledge of an ecological nature, but also help children, in combination with music, the plasticity of their bodies, to show emotionally, expressively, consciously their own attitude towards the depicted character, a phenomenon that will contribute to the emergence of positive feelings in the child - love, sympathy, compassion , admiration, surprise - to create a positive field of possible ideas and actions. A beautifully decorated hall, or playground of a kindergarten, elegant costumes create a special atmosphere conducive to the development of environmental and aesthetic qualities.

The importance in such holidays is not so much the reproduction of familiar musical works, poems, games, guessing riddles on the theme of nature, but the involvement of children in the experience of events, in the consciousness of environmental problems that are accessible to the understanding of children.

Holidays and leisure should be held regularly, ending the season or any content block with them (but not more than once every 1.5 - 2 months). The scenarios for these activities use material that children are familiar with. Ecological holidays can be dedicated to the seasons, harvest, spring revival, holidays dedicated to water and the sun, flowers, holidays of a health-improving nature are held in summer. One of the most significant is the holiday dedicated to Earth Day: it creates a scale for the vision of the planet, its significance for people, awakens love for one's Motherland and nature as an important part of it.

2. Requirements for the organization and holding of holidays and entertainmentand with preschool children

Preparation for holidays and entertainment is carried out systematically and systematically, without disturbing the general rhythm of the life of the kindergarten. If the teacher knows the children well, their interests, individual characteristics, he knows how to make every day of the children's stay in kindergarten joyful and meaningful for them.

At the heart of every holiday, entertainment is a certain idea that should be conveyed to every child. For example, the October holiday is the birthday of our Motherland, the May 1 holiday is the day of international solidarity of workers, etc. This idea should go through the entire content of the holiday, songs, poems, music, dances, round dances, dramatizations serve to reveal it. decoration.

The idea of ​​the holiday will be conveyed to each child, if it is revealed on art material accessible to children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics. This is achieved, first of all, by careful selection of the repertoire (poems, songs, dances, etc.) for children of each age group. At the same time, the repertoire already available to children, the level of development of their vocal and motor skills, and interests are taken into account. Finally, speaking about the availability of the holiday, one should remember about the time of its holding. In children of younger and middle groups, fatigue occurs much earlier than in older preschoolers. Toddlers are able to perceive a much smaller number of poems, songs, etc. Therefore, the duration of the holiday for them should not exceed 20-30 minutes. For older preschoolers, its duration increases to 45-55 minutes. and the repertoire becomes much richer and more varied.

It is desirable that the holiday program harmoniously combines different types of arts, collective and individual performance. Complementing each other in solving one topic, they increase the strength of the emotional impact on children, at the same time, each of them has its own special impact on the child. Given the relatively quick fatigue and excitability of children, it is necessary to correctly alternate their various types of artistic activity.

The holiday brings joy to all children. Therefore, it is important that every child takes part in it to the best of his ability.

Preschool children are characterized by the need to repeatedly repeat well-known songs, round dances, dances, which they do with special pleasure and expressiveness. Therefore, it is necessary to include a significant part of such material in the holiday program, making some changes to it (variants, a different design of the round dance, games, etc.).

But, of course, new numbers are also needed.

3. Preparation and methodology for conducting ecologistscal holidays and entertainment

One of the main directions in the work of preschool teachers is the preparation, organization and holding of environmental holidays and entertainment for preschool children. The purpose of such holidays is to sow and nurture in the child's soul the seeds of love for nature, home, family, history, culture of the country, created by the labor of relatives and friends. At the present stage of the formation of environmental consciousness - one of the main directions in overcoming the environmental problem in which the country and the entire planet is. The solution of this issue in the system of continuous education begins with children of preschool age. Organization, preparation and holding of ecological holidays and entertainment with preschool children is an important pedagogical task.

Preparation for an ecological holiday or entertainment can be divided into several stages:

Stage 1. Development of scenarios, including a variety of methods and techniques, forms of conducting. When compiling a scenario on an environmental theme, one must follow the general rules: the beginning should be bright and solemn; the plot, which reflects the main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe holiday, should develop in such a way that the emotional upsurge goes on increasing; holiday ecological education preschooler

the presentation of gifts must be planned, which always aggravates the emotional state of the child (gifts should be distributed quickly, without fuss); everything must be calculated so that the holiday is not delayed for “technical reasons”; the duration of the holiday is 30 minutes for children of younger groups and 40-45 minutes for older children, no more. Long holidays tire children, which leads to whims and tears.

2. Discussion of scenarios, distribution of roles, where the duties of the team members are clarified, the leader is elected.

3. Individual work with the presenter. This is the most responsible role. The facilitator must have a good literary speech, so that he is emotional and resourceful, able to joke, communicate directly with children and, most importantly, be sincere, cheerful, natural and cheerful. The host thinks in advance about the placement of children (where they will sit, change clothes) and attributes. The leader must not only know the program well, but also be able to quickly respond to unexpected random changes. The holiday should be held at a good pace. Prolongation of speeches, too many of them, unjustified pauses - all this tires the guys, discourages them, violates a single line of emotional and physiological stress.

4. Preparation of attributes. Preparation for holidays and entertainment causes joyful excitement in children and adults, forms an artistic taste, unites all participants.

5. Decoration of the music hall. It should correspond to the content of the holiday, be artistic, i.e. develop artistic and aesthetic taste in children, as well as create a joyful mood for everyone and anticipate an event, i.e. arouse interest in them.

6. Selection of musical works.

7. Rehearsals with characters.

Thus, the meaningful, systematic and well-organized work of the entire teaching staff of the kindergarten in preparing, organizing and holding environmental holidays and entertainment, carried out under the guidance of a senior teacher, helps to enrich the child's life with bright, emotional impressions and provides environmental education, environmental education and environmental culture of preschoolers. .

4. Develop a scenario for an ecological holiday or entertainment in the children'skindergarten for any age group

Our house - Earth

(Environmental entertainment - preparatory group)

Children enter the group, greet the guests.

presenter: Guys, today April 22 is a holiday - Earth Day, and therefore I invite you to the forest, to see how nature wakes up from winter sleep. And we go there on a magic train, close our eyes, let's go (phonogram sounds)

presenter: arrived. Look at what clearing let's sit down and have a little rest (children sit on chairs) (phonogram sounds - the voices of nature)

The Princess of the Forest enters with a globe decorated with flowers and insects.

Queen: Hello, dear guests! I am the Queen of the Forest, I am glad to see you in my kingdom - the state. I did not come to you empty-handed, I brought the globe. The whole planet blooms in spring. Look how beautiful it is around elegantly!! In spring, all insects wake up. What insects do you know? Now guess the riddles (The Queen makes riddles about insects). Well done! Do you know that insects are the most ancient and numerous inhabitants of the planet? Many live not only on the earth and in the earth, but also in the air and in the water.

How do they move? (They can crawl, fly, swim)

What do they eat? (Green leaves, stems, fruits, fallen leaves; beetles - grinders - tree bark; insect predators - other insects; bees, bumblebees, butterflies, flies - nectar of flowers).

presenter: Oh guys! Look! What bird flew to us (a butterfly lies on the carpet).

Children: No, it's a butterfly.

Queen: guys, tell us what you know about the structure of insects? (children's answers using diagrams)

Insect structure:

3 body parts: head, thorax and abdomen covered with chitin, 6 legs, many have 2 pairs of wings

How are they saved from enemies? (protective color - caterpillars, grasshoppers; frightening color - butterflies (peacock eye, dead head); sharp sting - wasps, bees).

What is the benefit or harm?

Insect pests: mosquitoes, flies, etc.

Domesticated insects: bees and silkworms.

What are the benefits of bees? (children's answers).

presenter: And now, guys, let's tell the Princess how butterflies are born. (children's answers)

Queen: Well done, but I mixed up the cards, help me restore the chain, how butterflies are born. (game logic chain)

Caritsa: That's right, guys, well done!

Disturbing music is heard, a kikimora runs in, conjures and clouds appear on the globe instead of flowers.

Queen: Oh, my forest, my wondrous forest! What have you done with the globe? After all, all living things will die! Do you hear Mother Earth moaning?

presenter: Kikimora what have you done! Our children know that nature must be protected.

kikimora: What am I doing? Oh, oh bad! No, I don't want this to happen!

Queen: put away your sorcery then! Help clean the globe from dust and dirt! Clean up trash!

kikimora: I agree, I agree! Only you guys help me! I also want to learn more about insects. Answer my questions. Chip for the correct answer.

1. Who builds anthills in the forest?

2. What is the name of the house for bees?

3. Why is a dragonfly called a predator?

4. Where are the grasshopper's ears?

5. Where do cockroaches live

6. Who does the ladybug prey on?

7. What harm do flies and cockroaches bring?

While the children are answering questions, the Queen is restoring the globe.

kikimora: Now I learned a lot! Witchcraft destroyed. I realized that we need to protect the globe! Thanks for the science! I'll go and tell everyone why the Earth needs to be protected! (leaves)

presenter: And it's time for us guys to return!

Queen: Thanks guys! My forest is again full of fairy tales and miracles, the nightingales sing again, the whole Earth has come to life!

presenter: Thank you! Goodbye, Queen of the Forest! Children, close your eyes, let's go back.


1. Ivanova A.I. Living Ecology M.: TC Sphere, 2007

2. How to introduce preschoolers to nature: A guide for kindergarten teachers / L.A. Kamenev, A.K. Matveeva, L.M. Manevtsova M.: Enlightenment, 1983

3. Nikolaeva S. N. Theory and methods of environmental education for children. M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2002.

4. The world of nature and the child. (Methods of environmental education of preschoolers): Textbook for pedagogical schools in the specialty "Preschool education" / L.A. Kameneva, N.N. Kondratieva, L.M. Manevtsova, E.F. Terentiev; ed. L.M. Manevtsova, P.G. Samorukova. - St. Petersburg: AKCIDENT, 1998

5. Nikolaeva S.N. Young ecologist: Program and conditions for its implementation in kindergarten. Moscow: Mosaic - Synthesis

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Ecological holiday in the preschool educational institution "Visiting Lesovushka"

The course of the holiday

Lesovushka: Hello, children. I have been waiting for you for a long time, I invite you to visit me.

Lesovushka: Hello guys. I am Lesovushka.

Who I am - you won't understand right away,

Squirrels, hedgehogs, moles,
Be my friend and you!

Lesovushka: Guys, you probably know that the forest has many names. What is another name for a forest? What is the name of the Siberian forest? (Answers of children).

1 child.

I shouted to the trees by the river:
- Hello!

And listened to the green echo of spring!

Song about the forest.

2 child.

Hello forest, dense forest!
Full of fairy tales and wonders!
What are you making noise about?
Dark, stormy night?
What are you whispering to us at dawn,
All in dew, as in silver?
Who is hiding in your wilderness
What kind of animal, what kind of bird?
All open do not hide
You know - we are ours!


When you enter the forest
Where everything is nice to us since childhood,

For everyone who knows how to solve their mystery.

Children sit on chairs.

Lesovushka: And now, guys, for you puzzles. And they are all about our forest flowers.

4. The first to get out of the earth on a thawed patch. He is not afraid of frost, even though he is small. (Snowdrop)

Dance of flowers.

Lesovushka. And now, guys, I want to check if you know the trees of our forest .. I suggest you play the game "What branch are the kids from?".

Lesovushka: Well done, guys. It turns out that you know everything about trees, everything! But I also want to check if you know medicinal plants.

"The forest is like a fairy-tale kingdom,
Medicines are growing all around

And medicine and pills.
Well, what and how to treat
I can teach you.
All medicinal plants
I know without exception.
Just don't be lazy
You just need to learn
Find plants in the forest
that are suitable for treatment.

The task for you is this: you need to collect medicinal plants and name the diseases they help against. (Chamomile, plantain, nettle, lingonberry, coltsfoot).

A game "Green Pharmacy"

Lesovushka: But not only plants and trees grow in the forest. For whom is the forest home? Look who hid in the forest and is watching us?

Game "Find the forest dweller"

Lesovushka: Well done, guys. All animals were found.

Noise outside the door.

Lesovushka: You don't hear the noise in my forest. I'll go and have a look. (Goes out the door).

The bully enters.

What to do, the forest is completely empty ...

I saw an ant.

Finally! Anthill.
It's like he grew up in front of me.
Well, I'm just for fun
I kick it lightly with my foot...

An anthill kicks.

Fu ... tired ... Time to take a break,
Refuel properly.
And on the road again!

I always love to eat well!

So I rested, I can go,
And the extra bottle is on the way.
Oh pine tree now I will break it
On the trunk I will carve my name.


Who did this?
Did you ruin the old anthill?

Doesn't he know

Guys, what benefits do ants bring to the forest?

Children's answers.

Looks like he's been here too.
Scattered glass, film and paper.

How long will this wound heal?
I won't be able to jump on the branches now.


It will heal, and you will again jump in the sky.

Look, here are the tracks
A trap caught me


The fur will grow, let me stroke you.

Lesovushka for children: What to do, guys? Did the bully do the right thing? Offended animals, scattered garbage. How can we help the forest? (Answers of children).

(Two teams of 5 people).


Where are we this robber

I'll go and look. (leaves).

A bully with matches enters.

Something is boring to me in the forest
I'd rather light a fire.

Something is on fire. Oh oh oh, someone help me!

Lesovushka comes to the noise: Guys, how can you put out the fire in the forest? (Answers of children).

Bring more water from the stream,
I will cover the fire with earth.

“Rain is more fun!
Don't feel sorry for the warm drops.
For forests, for fields
And for little kids
For both moms and dads
Cap-cap! Cap-cap!" (sounds of the rain).

Forest hooligan:

I offended a squirrel and a bunny!
You almost lost yourself in the fire.

The bully wipes away his tears:

I will protect nature, protect from evil deeds!

Lesovushka to the children: Well, guys, will we forgive him? But first you need to teach him the rules of behavior in the forest.

Rainbow poem.

The song "Rainbow".

All the children run out into the hall.

Child 3.

All this is called nature,
Let's always take care of it!

Child 4:

All this is called nature
Let's be friends with nature.

Child 5:

Smoke swirls at the dawn of fog ...
All this is called nature,
Let's give her our hearts!


let's be friends
Like a bird with the sky
Like a field with a plow
Like the wind with the sea

With all of us!



Ecological holiday in the preschool educational institution "Visiting Lesovushka"

The course of the holiday

Music sounds, children enter the hall, they are met by Lesovushka in folk costume.

Lesovushka: Hello, children. I have been waiting for you for a long time, I invite you to visit me.

Children go into the hall and sit on chairs.

Lesovushka: Hello guys. I am Lesovushka.

Who I am - you won't understand right away,
On unknown paths you will find me in the forest.
My house is in the wilderness of the forest, I listen to the forest in the spring.
The sun pours down on the trees and flowers from above.
I guard the dense forest, And my friends are with me:
Squirrels, hedgehogs, moles,
Be my friend and you!

Lesovushka: Guys, you probably know that the forest has many names. What is another name for a forest? What is the name of the Siberian forest? (Answers of children).

Lesovushka invites children to the hall to sing a song about the forest. The children stand up.

1 child.

Pine candles, birch light.
I shouted to the trees by the river:
- Hello!
And the forest smiled, playing with foliage,
And he laughed out loud with me!
I looked in love at the pine candles
And listened to the green echo of spring!

Song about the forest.

2 child.

Hello forest, dense forest!
Full of fairy tales and wonders!
What are you making noise about?
Dark, stormy night?
What are you whispering to us at dawn,
All in dew, as in silver?
Who is hiding in your wilderness
What kind of animal, what kind of bird?
All open do not hide
You know - we are ours!


When you enter the forest
Where everything is nice to us since childhood,
Where it is pleasant to breathe clean air,
There are healing powers in herbs and flowers
For everyone who knows how to solve their mystery.

Children sit on chairs.

Lesovushka: And now, guys, for you puzzles . And they are all about our forest flowers.

1. A curly girl stands in the forest: a white shirt, a golden heart. What it is? (Chamomile)
2. He stands in clothes, like fire on a leg. It will become a ball on a leg without clothes. Parachutists will fly from these fluffy balls. (Dandelion)
3. Head on a leg, bells in the head. Hey, bells, blue color, with a tongue, but there is no ringing! (bells)
4. The first to get out of the earth on a thawed patch. He is not afraid of frost, even though he is small. (Snowdrop)

Dance of flowers.

Lesovushka. And now, guys, I want to check if you know the trees of our forest .. I suggest you playthe game "What branch are the kids from?".

Game with boys. Trees: aspen, birch, pine, spruce, mountain ash. The boys gather fruits and leaves to the music and lay them out to the trees. They explain what kind of leaf or fruit, and what it is called - pine, fir cone, etc.

Lesovushka: Well done, guys. It turns out that you know everything about trees, everything! But I also want to check if you know medicinal plants.

"The forest is like a fairy-tale kingdom,
Medicines are growing all around
In every grass, in every branch -
And medicine and pills.
Well, what and how to treat
I can teach you.
All medicinal plants
I know without exception.
Just don't be lazy
You just need to learn
Find plants in the forest
that are suitable for treatment.

The task for you is this: you need to collect medicinal plants and name the diseases they help against. (Chamomile, plantain, nettle, lingonberry, coltsfoot).

A game "Green Pharmacy"

Lesovushka: But not only plants and trees grow in the forest. For whom is the forest home? Look who hid in the forest and is watching us?

Game "Find the forest dweller"

Lesovushka: Well done, guys. All animals were found.

Noise outside the door.

Lesovushka: You don't hear the noise in my forest. I'll go and have a look. (Goes out the door).

The bully enters.


Something neither animals nor birds can be seen today,
And I urgently need to test a new slingshot ...
What to do, the forest is completely empty ...

I saw an ant.

Finally! Anthill.
It's like he grew up in front of me.
Well, I'm just for fun
I kick it lightly with my foot...

An anthill kicks.

Fu ... tired ... Time to take a break,
Refuel properly.
And on the road again!

Breaks a branch, tears flowers, grass, throws it on the ground and sits down.

I'm well settled! Where is my food?
I always love to eat well!

Spreads newspaper, eats, throws garbage. Rises.

So I rested, I can go,
And the extra bottle is on the way.
Oh pine tree now I will break it
On the trunk I will carve my name.


Lesovushka enters. Looks at the ruined anthill.

Who did this?
Did you ruin the old anthill?
The poor ants were left homeless
Years of hard work was wasted!
Doesn't he know
That a forest without anthills is not healthy!
Guys, what benefits do ants bring to the forest?

Children's answers.

Lesovushka approaches, sees garbage.

Looks like he's been here too.
Scattered glass, film and paper.

A squirrel (girl) enters, limping.

I'm sitting all alone in my hollow.
He crippled my paw with a slingshot
How long will this wound heal?
I won't be able to jump on the branches now.


Red-haired squirrel, give me your sweetheart,
I'll wash the wound with water, I'll see
I will give you a healing leaf of plantain,
It will heal, and you will again jump in the sky.


Look, here are the tracks
A trap caught me
A little alive then I escaped from it ...


I will anoint your abrasion with herbal juice,
The fur will grow, let me stroke you.

Lesovushka for children: What to do, guys? Did the bully do the right thing? Offended animals, scattered garbage. How can we help the forest? (Answers of children).

Game - relay "Let's clear the forest of garbage."(Two teams of 5 people).


Where are we this robber
Find him in order to have a conversation with him urgently.
Tell me how to always behave
Not causing disaster and harm to nature.
I'll go and look. (leaves).

A bully with matches enters.

Something is boring to me in the forest
I'd rather light a fire.

Collects branches, kindles a fire.

Burn - burn brightly so that it does not go out.
Something is on fire. Oh oh oh, someone help me!

Lesovushka comes to the noise: Guys, how can you put out the fire in the forest? (Answers of children).

Lesovushka addresses the animals.

Bring more water from the stream,
I will cover the fire with earth.
Guys, the fire does not go out, let's call the rain
“Rain is more fun!
Don't feel sorry for the warm drops.
For forests, for fields
And for little kids
For both moms and dads
Cap-cap! Cap-cap!" (sounds of the rain).

Forest hooligan:

See how much trouble you've done
Almost destroyed our forest in the fire!
Garbage and glass all around you scattered!
I offended a squirrel and a bunny!
You almost lost yourself in the fire.

The bully wipes away his tears:

Please forgive me for doing a lot of trouble!
I promise to leave a good mark on the earth!
I will protect nature, protect from evil deeds!

Lesovushka to the children: Well, guys, will we forgive him? But first you need to teach him the rules of behavior in the forest.

Children go out into the hall and tell the rules of behavior in the forest. Lesovushka draws the attention of children to the rainbow.

Rainbow poem.

The song "Rainbow".

All the children run out into the hall.

Child 3.

We love the forest at any time of the year,
We hear rivers slow speech ...
All this is called nature,
Let's always take care of it!

Child 4:

In the meadows of sunny chamomile,
Such that it is brighter in the world to live,
All this is called nature
Let's be friends with nature.

Child 5:

Flying, ringing raindrops from the sky,
Smoke swirls at the dawn of fog ...
All this is called nature,
Let's give her our hearts!

The song "The world is like a colored meadow."


let's be friends
Like a bird with the sky
Like a field with a plow
Like the wind with the sea
Grass with rain, how the sun is friends
With all of us!

The meaning of holidays and entertainment in the process of environmental education of children is difficult to overestimate. As many studies show, the harmonious development of a child's personality is impossible without an emotional attitude to the world around him. In order to overcome the discrepancies between the knowledge of moral norms and the actual behavior of children, it is necessary that not only an understanding of this or that situation arises, but also a positive attitude towards the event. At the present stage, preschool institutions annually hold holidays and entertainment dedicated to environmental events, for example, Earth Day, Bird Day, etc. Interesting holidays and entertainment dedicated to writers and poets writing about nature, for example, A.S. Pushkin , V. Bianchi, M. Prishvin and others.

Emotional development, "education of feelings" of children is carried out under the influence of adults, who, as it were, set the child's standards of emotional attitude to the environment, including nature.

The role of holidays and entertainment lies in the strongest impact on the emotional sphere of the child's personality. The children's feelings are influenced by the colorful decoration of the holiday, musical accompaniment, artistic word, character costumes, etc.

The leadership style of an adult who organizes holidays and entertainment for children is very important. The scenario should be thought out in such a way that each child feels not like a spectator, but a participant in joint activities, can show independence during the holiday, choose one or another method of action, act, show compassion, desire to help this or that character.

Emotions give rise to attitudes, affect the personality of the child as a whole, so holidays and entertainment should be held regularly, completing any season or content block with them (but not more than once every 1.5-2 months).

Ecological holidays and entertainment carry a certain load in accordance with the special content. What is important in such holidays is not so much the reproduction of familiar musical works, poems, games, guessing riddles on the themes of nature, but the involvement of children in the experience of events, in the awareness of environmental problems that are accessible to understanding children. In the course of the plot of a fairy tale played out by children, a separate episode of it, one should evoke in children an experience of humane feelings, sympathy, a keen desire to help the heroes or solve a problem situation that has arisen.

The child's experience of events, various situations, the accumulation of experience in solving environmental problems in accordance with the role assumed is the basis for the subsequent choice of the correct ways of behavior in similar or similar situations.

Among the important factors influencing the ecological education of children during holidays and entertainment is the child's activity in a group of peers. Here the child shows his abilities, asserts himself, performs actions in accordance with moral standards, realizes more deeply how to act in this or that case.

Preparation for holidays and entertainment is carried out by educators together with the music director. Educators take on the role of the leader, as well as individual characters. Holidays with the participation of teachers bring children especially a lot of joy.

Quizzes and crossword puzzles are now widely used in the practice of environmental education. These methods of work are used at senior preschool age and are aimed at the intellectual development of children, as they require reproduction, updating of ideas about the facts of nature, patterns known to children. At the same time, the joy of a correctly solved problem, the satisfaction experienced by the child, strengthens interest in nature, awakens curiosity and, therefore, it is also useful to use these methods of work.

When preparing for entertainment with children (quizzes, riddle evenings, solving crossword puzzles), it is necessary to think over the organization of children, the design of a group room (or hall), didactic material, ways to activate and encourage children.

Children's interest in completing tasks and experiencing intellectual emotions are provided by unexpected game situations; the need to make decisions in a short time; communication with peers; competitiveness; satisfaction from a successful, correct answer and demonstration of one's abilities; satisfaction with the prize.

When developing the content of quizzes, crossword puzzles, the teacher should pay attention to the ability of children to establish connections and relationships in nature, the mastery of subject concepts.

Task for self-control:

1. The value of holidays and entertainment in the environmental education of preschoolers.

2. The role of the educator in the organization of ecological holidays and entertainment.

Holiday in the senior group "How the children saved the earth"

Integration of educational areas: "Music", "Cognition", "Safety", "Socialization", "Health".

Target: draw the attention of preschoolers to the problems associated with environmental pollution.

Tasks: Awaken in every child the desire to help protect the environment; to promote understanding that we ourselves are the main driving force behind changing approaches to environmental issues.

Planned results: owns the basic movements in accordance with age; emotionally subtly feels the experiences of close adults, children, characters of fairy tales and stories, cartoons and feature films, puppet shows; shows a steady interest in various types of children's activities (design, visual activity, play), sensitivity to the artistic word, aesthetic feelings, emotions, aesthetic taste, aesthetic perception, interest in art; feels the rhythm and melody of the poetic text; game interaction accompanies speech, corresponding both in content and intonation to the role taken; speech becomes the main means of communication; can evaluate his actions and the actions of his peers himself or with a little help from an adult.

Content of organized activities

Children run into the hall to the music, stop in a circle facing the audience.


The sun is shining in the sky,

The laughter of children rings around.

Every day starts with a song

Forest, and field, and river, and meadow.

The song "The Morning Begins" (music by I. Kosmacheva, lyrics by M. Yasnov). An SOS signal sounds.


What is it, what happened?

Somewhere something happened!

Listen guys, this is an SOS distress signal. It is sent only as a last resort. Apparently someone needs help. Hear that faint sound? Probably, this signal made its way to us from the future. What happened there? We urgently need to go to the future, and the Time Machine will help us get there.

The song "Time Machine"

If somewhere, someone, something,

If suddenly trouble came,

We are ready to come to the call,

We are always ready to help.

Even time is not a barrier -

Let's fly through the years

By car on a magical

We will hurry to help you.


We have a time machine

The car is just class.

Carries us through the years

Fly forward quickly.

Children sit down, there is a change of scenery. Aunt Tina is sitting on a snag.

Aunt Tina(sings a song).

Dragged in brown mud

The smooth surface of an old pond,

But the birds used to sing

And the poplars rustled.

Was happy and naive

All people careless look,

Everything around seemed wonderful

300 years ago.

Leading. Here we are in the future, but what is happening here?

Aunt Tina. Who are they, why did they come to my swamp?

Leading. We came from the past, but we did not want to get to your swamp at all.

Aunt Tina. And now the whole Earth is a solid swamp, and I am the most important here - Aunt Tina, please love and favor.

Leading. And what, besides you, there is no one here?

Aunt Tina. If not, there are spiders and cockroaches, and also fly agarics with grebes.

Amanita and Toadstool come out to the music (the roles are played by children).

Amanita and Toadstool(sing).

They say around that we -

useless mushrooms,

They don't cook us in sour cream,

We can get poisoned.

Fly agaric.

Look at me,

Fly agaric I even where!


But toadstools are still better

And our outfit is cooler.

Fly agaric.

What did she say? Repeat!

Who is prettier, me or you?


Of course, I have no doubt

There is no more beautiful Toadstool!

fly agaric. Fly agaric is still better!

Toadstool. Now you can get me!

Fly agaric.

Oh you, harmful Toadstool,

I'll ask you now!


I can't listen anymore

I'll take it and bite!

Fly agaric.

So you're thinking of biting?

I will fight with you!

Aunt Tina. And that's how it is every day. They can argue for hours which of them is more beautiful.

Toadstool. I am the most beautiful!

fly agaric. No, I'm prettier!

Leading. And in my opinion, the most beautiful on Earth are flowers!

Amanita and Toadstool. Flowers? And what is it?

Aunt Tina. Flowers are such plants with a specific smell, they were destroyed in the last century.

Leading. And who destroyed them?

Aunt Tina. Like who? You, of course! You trampled flowers, tore them indiscriminately, forgot to water them.

Leading. Guys, it's true: very often we pick flowers, trample grass. And some like to set fire to poplar fluff, not thinking that nothing can grow in this place. We need to correct our mistakes. Let's plant flowers here!

Fly agaric. Horrible!

Toadstool. We must call someone for help, otherwise they will turn our entire swamp into a flower garden. (run away)

Leading. And we won't waste time

We need to take out all the trash!

The game "Let's clear the clearing of garbage."


We put the meadow in order,

Now you can plant flowers.

The game "Who will plant more flowers."


Well, guys, well done!

We were able to plant flowers.

Nature wakes up.

Where was the swamp yesterday

Flowers are spinning in a waltz

Unprecedented beauty.

Dance "Waltz of the Flowers" (music by P. I. Tchaikovsky).

There is a sneeze, the Old Mossman appears. Mossy old man. Oh what's wrong with me? Kikimora marsh, where are you? Apchi!

kikimora(peeks out from behind a bump).

Well, what is it, there is no rest.

Who is sneezing here, who is disturbing my sleep?

Is that you, Mohovichok? Got a cold, old man?

Mossy old man.

I did not catch a cold at all -

I have an allergy.

I remember this has happened to me before.

Many years ago they sneezed at the flowers.

Kikimora. What are flowers?

Old man-mohovichok. Well, they are so different, they are yellow and red (points to the flowers), something like that. Apchi!

Kikimora. Oh, how beautiful!

Mossy old man.

Where did they come from here?

Rip them all off quickly.


To tear such beauty

To be honest, I can't!

Mossy old man.

Kikimora, don't you know

What danger are flowers?

kikimora. I know it's your allergy!

Old man-mohovichok. Yes, compared to bees, this is just nonsense! There you hear, buzzing, flying at the flowers.

Dance of the bees "Zhu-zhu".

Mohovichok comes out with his face tied with a scarf.

kikimora. Oh, Mohovichok, what's wrong with you?

Old man-mohovichok. You do not see - the bees have bitten. (Notices children) You planted flowers here! And why did they just show up?

Leading. We are here because we received an SOS signal.

Old man-mohovichok. Who dared to send this signal? Are you Kikimora?

Kikimora. Why just a little, immediately Kikimora is to blame? You yourself, go ahead, sent this signal, and now you are dumping it on me.

Old man-mohovichok. Who? I've posted? Well, now you can get me!

Aunt Tina. Stop arguing, I sent the distress signal.

Old man-mohovichok. For what?

Aunt Tina. After all, I was not always Tina Bolotnaya. 300 years ago, I was a fast, frisky stream, but at that time people did not take care of nature: their factories littered the rivers, smoke poisoned the air. People have forgotten that Earth is our home, water is our mother, and air is our father. So I wanted you to see what human carelessness can lead to. Have you, children, thought about what each broken branch, crushed insect or ruined nest can lead to? When breaking a branch, how many of you think that a whole tree can die? (Children's answers) And when you uproot flowers, do you think that they can even disappear from the face of the earth? (children's answers)


Let's walk slowly across the meadow

And say "hello" to each flower.

You must bend over the flowers

Not to tear or cut -

And to see their kind faces

And show them a good face.

The children are scattered.

1st child.

We want the birds to sing

To make noise around the forest,

To have blue skies.

2nd child.

To make the river silver

For the butterfly to frolic

And there was dew on the berries!

3rd child.

We want the sun to warm

And the birch is green

And under the tree lived a prickly hedgehog.

Common song "Green World" (music by M. Partskhaladze, lyrics by Yu. Polukhin, from the movie "Bear, Baby and Others").

Old man-mohovichok(sneezes). Ugliness! What a swamp they have turned into! Now return everything as it was! Kikimora!

kikimora. What about Kikimora? For example, I like it. Even I want to dance, sorry, I can’t.

Leading. And the guys and I will come to the rescue,

Let's go dancing with you.

General dance (at the discretion of the music director).

The children remain in the circle, the Old Mossman dances.

Leading. From our dance, even Mohovichok's mood rose!

Old man-mohovichok. What mood? They spoiled the whole swamp, and now they are talking about the mood. They themselves broke the branches, tore the flowers; Well, never mind, you'll leave, and again there will be a swamp.

Leading. Guys, do you want our Earth to turn into a swamp? (Children answer)

Are you ready to take an oath to protect your Earth and not to pollute nature?

Children. Yes!

1st child. We swear not to destroy bird nests!

Children. We swear!

2nd child. We swear not to break the branches of the trees!

Children. We swear!

3rd child. Love nature, respect!

Children. We swear! We swear! We swear!

Leading. I want you to carry this oath through the years And save our land, save it!

Old man-mohovichok. And Kikimora and I want to give you medals.

kikimora. To announce young ecologists.

Presentation of medals "Young ecologist" to children.

Aunt Tina. Thank you, little children, for coming to the rescue, saving the Earth from death.

Leading. Well, it's time for us to go back.

Heroes. Goodbye friends!

The song "Time Machine"

The scenery is changing.

Leading. Here we are with you and returned from the future. Of course, it was only a fairy tale, but I ask you guys not to forget that only in a fairy tale you can correct your mistakes. It's much harder to do this in real life. Love and take care of nature.

Children leave the hall to the music.

Ecology Entertainment Scenario

on the topic of:

"Protect the environment"


To form an ecological culture in children, to give elementary scientific knowledge about nature, to maintain interest in the knowledge of the world around.

To develop the creative abilities of children, ingenuity and ingenuity, their erudition.

To educate in children love and respect for nature, the ability to see the beautiful and beautiful in the natural environment.

Educator: Good morning, guys!

Have you ever seen a dandelion bloom? Have you ever heard the sound of silence in the forest?

Each of us looks, but can we see? Each of us hears, but can we hear? How much he loses who does not peep, does not eavesdrop, how wonderful, how exciting the world of fields, rivers, forests lives! Our land is generously endowed with nature. Nature is our true friend, but she wants people to love and respect, take care and treat her with care. Only the person who knows well, studies and is constantly interested in it can protect and love nature.

- Today a telegram came to our kindergarten. Let's read it.

“Hello, dear guys! I, the Fairy of Nature, heard that you are very good, smart children, and I really want to get to know you better and invite you to visit me. My natural state has a "Nature Lovers Club". Do you want to visit there? But for this you must pass the test. Don't be afraid? Then stand in a circle, all together say the magic words, perform the movements and immediately find yourself in the forest ... "

We got up. Ready...

It's easy to get into the Kingdom of Nature,

You don't have to travel far.

Close your eyes and take a step

Now clap your hands like this:

One clap, another clap -

And now a haystack is visible,

And now the field is earing,

Noise, worries wheat,

The skies are blue above her

Open your eyes quickly.

Educator: - So we ended up in the state of the Fairy of Nature. Where is she herself? Let's eat her. Oh, look, a magical flower - Flower-Semitsvetik, he also fulfills any desire. Guys, there is something on the petals. Yes, these are assignments. Let's read.

Red petal."Name the artist."

- Children, take colored cards. Now I will read poems, and you must raise the card. If the poem is about winter, then you will raise a white square. If about spring - green, about summer - red, about autumn - yellow.

four artists,

So many pictures.

Painted with white paint

All in a row one.

Forest and field are white,

white meadows,

At snow-covered aspens

Branches, horns... ( winter)

The second is blue

Sky and streams.

splashing in blue puddles

A flock of sparrows.

transparent in the snow


The first thawed patches

First grass... ( spring)

In the picture of the third

Colors and do not count:

Yellow, green, blue is.

Green forest and field

blue river

White fluffy

There are clouds in the sky. ( summer)

And the fourth is gold

Painted the gardens

fields are fruitful,

Ripe fruit...

Berries everywhere

Ripe in the forests

Who is that artist?

Guess yourself! ( autumn)

- Well done! You know the seasons well!

What's on the orange petal?

Orange petal. Game: "What was, who became."

Egg - fry - fish.

Egg - chick - sparrow.

Egg - tadpole - frog.

Seed - sprout - dandelion.

Egg - caterpillar - cocoon - butterfly.

Seed - sprout - pine.

Yellow petal.

- Now we will check how you know the rules of behavior in the forest. To do this, let's play the game: "If I come to the woods." I will tell you my actions, and you will answer, if I do well, we say “yes”, if it’s bad, then we all shout “no” together!

- If I come to the forest

And pick a chamomile? No.

- If I eat a pie

And throw out the paper? No.

 If the bread is a piece

Will I leave it on the stump? Yes.

- If I tie a branch

Shall I put up a peg? Yes.

- If I make a fire,

Am I not going to simmer? No.

- If I mess up a lot

And forget to remove? No.

- If I take out the garbage,

Bury a bank? Yes.

- I love my nature

I help her! Yes.

Green petal. And here, guys, questions about how you will act in a given situation.

 Ilyusha found a nest with warbler eggs in the grass. He really liked the little testicles. He wanted to take them home. And the chiffchaff circled over him and screamed. What is the right thing to do for Ilyusha?

A nest on a branch is a bird's house.

Yesterday a chick was born in it.

Don't destroy this house.

And don't let anyone.

Outdoor game: "Birds in the nest."

 The children came with the teacher to the forest glade. And they stopped in amazement: “How many flowers! Kupava, chamomile, bluebells. Let's pick big bouquets of flowers, - suggested the children. And the teacher said...

What did the teacher say?

flower in the meadow

I broke on the run.

Ripped off, but why -

I can't explain.

In a glass, he stood for a day and wilted.

And how long would he stand in the meadow?

Game: Let's collect flowers.

 On Sunday I decided to go to the lake. There were two boys walking down the path ahead of me. Suddenly they saw a small frog in the grass. “Let's take her to us so that she doesn't get lost,” said one boy. "Don't touch it, the frog will find its own way," said another.

Which boy is right?

At a soft swamp hummock,

Under the green leaf

The jumper lurked

Bug-eyed frog.

She can't live at home

Better let the forest help.

 Zhenya found a hedgehog in the forest and decided to give it to his girlfriend Anya. But Anya said: “Let him go, please!” "Never! I know that some people catch hedgehogs and bring them home, they give them milk, they feed them with sweets,” answered Zhenya. “Only cruel people do this. Hedgehogs cannot live in captivity and often die!”

Why did Anya say that?

Don't take food with you

Let him go home

The hedgehog is even the most stupid

Wants to live with hedgehog mom.

- Well done! One must be a friend to all living things and behave correctly in the forest.

1 child: - If we do not protect the forest,

Tear, break, saw and burn,

Then trouble will happen to him:

The water dries up in streams,

And a cuckoo on a bitch

Do not sing his "Ku-ku".

2 child: - Hedgehog, squirrel and bunnies

Bored without a lawn

A bear, fox and wolves

They will be sad in winter without a Christmas tree.

3 child:  To eat greener,

The bumblebees rang on the flowers,

In more often lilies of the valley bloomed,

And mushrooms in the forests!

4 child: - Tree, flower and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed

We will be alone on the planet.

Educator: - Our kids should know

From the stories and from the book:

Together: We are the forests of our country

You must always protect!

The song "What a beautiful world!"

Educator: - Let's see what task is on the blue petal.

Blue petal. Game: "Dress the tree."

On the floor there are tree trunks with one glued leaf. The rest of the leaves are scattered on the floor. At the expense of 1, 2, 3 - the children pick up clothes for the tree.

- Well done! You have ripened one after another, the trees have been properly dressed.

Blue petal. Puzzles. We answer quickly.

    Who wears a house? ( Snail)

    Not a bird, but with wings? ( Butterfly)

    Where do insects go with the onset of winter? ( Hiding)

    Name coniferous trees spruce, pine, cedar, fir).

    What animals hibernate? ( Bear, badger, hedgehog, gopher)

    What animals change color in winter? ( hare, squirrel)

    What bird is called a forest doctor? ( Woodpecker)

    What can't a plant grow without? ( Light, heat, water, earth)

Y/n: “Who lives where?”

    bear - in the den

    fox - in a hole

    squirrel - in the hollow

    magpie - in the nest

    bee in the hive

    caterpillar - in an apple

    fish in the river

    worm - in the ground, etc.

- Well done guys, you know a lot about the wonderful world of nature.

“And now the purple petal.

Purple petal.

The attraction "Forest paths" is held.

Children run between the trees with a “snake”, crawl under the branches of a fallen tree (in an arc), jump from tussock to hummock (hoops), go along the “bridge” across the river and find a message from the Fairy of Nature on the bush.

We read the message: “Guys! You are true friends and connoisseurs of nature. I am pleased to welcome you to the "Club of Nature Lovers".

“Now it’s time for us to go home. Let's join hands, friends, and go along the forest path to our home.