Violent itching of the whole body during pregnancy. Causes and treatment of skin with itching in the intimate area in pregnant women

Skin itching during pregnancy is not a very common phenomenon. Most often, the skin begins to itch unbearably (as after mosquito bites) in the evening, closer to night, which can provoke insomnia and generally worsen a woman’s mood. Usually itching does not harm the baby and goes away after childbirth. However, it is still worth consulting with a gynecologist and dermatologist.

What does it come from?

The cause of itching during pregnancy in most cases is a violation of the liver: the production and outflow of bile, a general increase in the level of bilirubin in the blood. This is due to a hormonal failure in the body of the future mother - a violation of the synthesis of estrogens, as well as due to fetal pressure on the bile ducts. The fatty acids produced in large quantities enter the woman's skin with the bloodstream and irritate the nerve endings, causing excruciating itching. Similar phenomena associated with stagnation of bile in the body can make themselves felt in the third trimester of pregnancy. Sometimes itching is accompanied by such dangerous diseases as diabetes mellitus.

Who is predisposed?

Itching during pregnancy is usually observed in women with chronic diseases of the biliary tract and with high levels of cholesterol in the blood. Such future mothers need to regularly (at least once a month) do a biochemical blood test to exclude toxic effects on liver cells.

How to fight?

A pregnant woman should tell her gynecologist about the discomfort associated with skin itching. In some cases, itching can be a sign of the development of such a dangerous disease as hepatitis. The doctor will conduct appropriate examinations. If, according to an objective examination, itching does not pose any danger, it is often possible to get rid of discomfort simply by following a diet aimed at lowering cholesterol levels, limiting the intake of fatty, spicy and salty foods that prevent the liver from coping with the function of bile secretion, as well as drinking plenty of water - it is necessary to eliminate dry skin. If the diet does not help, the doctor may prescribe choleretic drugs suitable for pregnant women.

It is important to find the cause of the bothersome itching, eliminating a whole group of skin diseases that can occur during pregnancy.

Itching in the abdomen and chest

This itch is worth mentioning separately. As a rule, the skin on the abdomen or chest itches in the second and third trimesters due to its stretching, because it is these parts of the body that increase in volume during pregnancy. In this case, it is very important not to scratch the skin - this will lead to the appearance of stretch marks, which, unlike itching, will not go away after childbirth. Regularly use moisturizing creams, special products for stretch marks, do a light massage of the chest and abdomen with circular movements of your fingers and do not take hot showers.

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During pregnancy, various changes occur in the body of the expectant mother from the first days. A pregnant woman becomes more sensitive, and all changes in her body cause an immediate reaction. Unfortunately, not all sensations can be pleasant during this period.

One of the unpleasant moments during pregnancy can be called body itching. Although it does not occur so often and mainly in the second half of the term. Itching occurs either on its own or is accompanied by yellowing of the skin. He delivers the biggest concern at night, when the woman's body is resting. During the day, it is not so noticeable due to the possibility of being distracted by various chores.

Causes of itching

Itching during pregnancy can be called a certain complication of this condition. The exact causes of its occurrence have not yet been established. Most often, itching during pregnancy is caused by stretching of the abdominal tissues associated with its rapid growth. If itching is caused precisely by this change in the physiology of a woman, then special creams and gels for stretch marks can help in such a situation. They moisturize the skin well and make it supple. As a result, itching will go away, and the likelihood of stretch marks will be much less. If the itching does not go away after using these remedies, you should not self-medicate and you should consult a doctor, as it may be the result of any disease.

This can manifest itself as a disease of the biliary tract and liver. The amount of estrogen during pregnancy rises and can lead to bile stasis. In this case, bile acid is secreted very abundantly and gets on the skin, which causes itching.

During pregnancy, as a rule, vaginal secretion increases, which can contribute to the multiplication of microorganisms and the appearance of itching. The appearance of infections such as candidiasis, trichomoniasis require mandatory medical treatment prescribed by a gynecologist. Pregnant women often develop a skin disease such as polymorphic dermatosis. It may appear in the last trimester of pregnancy as a red rash on the abdomen and thighs and itching. The rash gradually disappears closer to childbirth.

Relief from itching

To get rid of itching, or at least reduce it, you can use some recommendations. It is necessary to take a shower more often or to wipe the body with a towel dipped in warm water. Then you can rub the ointment of lavender, calendula or fir with massaging movements. Rubbing after a shower of special milk or body oil can also alleviate the condition. They eliminate dry skin caused by various cleansers. And frequent showering will help remove excess bile acid that has got on the skin.

There are medications that can relieve the condition of itchy skin. For example, activated charcoal reduces intestinal toxicity. Some drugs are designed to improve liver function and prevent bile stasis.

Another cause of itching during pregnancy can be food allergies. Intolerance may occur to certain foods that a woman did not consume before pregnancy.

Wearing synthetic clothing can also cause itching. Therefore, things should be made from natural fabrics, and underwear should be specially selected and breathable.

A woman should try not to overheat, heat only increases itching. In addition, overheating is harmful to the unborn child. Itching in a future mother does not affect her baby in any way, if it is not cholestasis of pregnant women. In this case, the woman may be offered the stimulation of labor in order to avoid negative consequences for the child.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 9 minutes


Many pregnant women are familiar with annoying skin itching, when the stomach, chest, back, or the whole body can itch. But do not think that these are just the whims of a pot-bellied organism.

Itching in a pregnant woman can be a symptom of a disease that is dangerous for the health of the mother and baby, and it is very important to find out the causes of itching in a timely manner, and, of course, to see a doctor.

The main causes of itching during pregnancy

In order to understand this phenomenon, you need to consider its nature.

In most cases, this arises from the constant transformations in the woman's body.

  • The first reason is skin stretching. In this case, itching occurs at the end of pregnancy, in the third trimester. Moreover, the likelihood of its occurrence increases if a woman bears more than one child - after all, in the last months, the skin of the abdomen is stretched to such an extent that it shines like grated watermelon. This tension causes itching. Read also:

  • For the same reason, the chest can also itch, because it also grows. Only, unlike the abdomen, changes in the mammary glands occur in the first trimester, and itching appears at the same time as toxicosis.
  • Allergies can also cause itchy skin. It is no secret that during pregnancy the general sensitivity of the body increases, and the skin may begin to itch from the eaten berries, oranges, peanuts or chocolate. It is also possible the appearance of an allergy to household chemicals and cosmetics. Therefore, for the expectant mother, you need to choose exclusively hypoallergenic products, and even better - designed specifically for pregnant women or for babies. Read also:

  • The most dangerous option for the appearance of a pregnant scab is a malfunction of the liver.. It is known that pruritus is one of the main symptoms of cholecystitis, hepatitis and cholecystic pancreatitis. It was then that the whole body itched in a pregnant woman - legs, arms, back, stomach, neck, fingers and feet. Itching is worse at night and is contagious. First, one part of the body begins to itch, then the rest, and in the end, the whole body is covered with itching. In attacks of such scabies, you can comb the skin to the blood, and infect the wounds.

  • Itching can be caused by hormones. This is due to estrogens, which are secreted in sufficient quantities during pregnancy. A special difference is that hormonal itching is not "manic" in nature, as in the previous case, and disappears after childbirth.

  • The penultimate reason is skin diseases, such as eczema or scabies. Moreover, dermatological diseases are characterized by severe itching in the skin folds and between the fingers and toes. If a woman had skin problems before pregnancy, then during this difficult period, there is a high probability that they will only intensify.
  • Itching of the genitals can cause thrush. This is not a rare disease of pregnant women, which is why gynecologists monitor the microflora of the vagina so closely and take tests for culture at almost every appointment.

Don't miss a serious illness!

As mentioned above, the most serious ailment in which itching appears is malfunctions of the liver .

So, if a pregnant woman begins to be tormented by manic scabies, which intensify at night and become stronger and stronger, then you need to see a doctor immediately!

  • In a hospital, possibly in a hospital, they will make a pregnant woman ultrasound abdominal cavity, take all the necessary tests and determine whether there is a danger of cholecystitis. In the most tragic case, even an emergency delivery or an unplanned caesarean section is possible because of the danger to the health of the child.

  • Remember that in any case, itchy skin- this is a reason to contact your doctor. The doctor should examine you for all diseases that can cause it and prescribe drugs that block this restless syndrome. After all, painful pregnant scabies, at least, unnerves the expectant mother, which in itself is very undesirable.

What to do if the body itches during pregnancy?

remember, that do not self-medicate during pregnancy - this can lead to complications. Do not harm yourself and your unborn child - always consult a doctor for adequate treatment.

  • Take a shower. Hot water aggravates the itching, cold water relieves it. And this means that in the evening you can perform cool water procedures.
  • Follow a hypoallergenic diet. Since the pregnant body becomes very susceptible to dangerous foods, it is worth eliminating potential allergens from your diet. Forget about oranges, honey and chocolate. Eat right, healthy food - and don't forget about.

  • Use special, moisturizing creams for the chest and abdomen. They will at least slightly relieve the load of stretching from the skin, causing the itching to subside.
  • If the cause is stagnation of bile, then strong adsorbents, such as activated charcoal, can help.. But you should know that taking any medication, even the most harmless, is necessary only with the permission of a doctor!

During pregnancy, even the smallest change in well-being is extremely important. After all, on horseback - life and health of the unborn child .

All the complications that arise during pregnancy include one thing, which is not necessarily a sign of some kind of disease, but it certainly brings discomfort, and sometimes even drives you crazy - it's skin itching. This is not to say that if you become pregnant, you will certainly encounter this problem. But absolutely everyone has a chance, because practice shows that the skin of many expectant mothers itches.

This may be constant or occasional itching, it may appear alone or in combination with other symptoms, increase in the evening or not change its character. But be that as it may, before doing anything, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, an infectious disease specialist and a dermatologist and find the cause of the skin itch.

Why does the skin itch during pregnancy?

To the question: “Doctor, why do I itch during pregnancy?” No doctor will definitely answer you, because there is simply no exact answer. But still, for some reason, the skin itches, and the reason for this must be sought.

There are several theories regarding the occurrence of pruritus during pregnancy. Causes are looking for depending on the manifestations. It can be:

  • The appearance of stretch marks: due to the rapidly growing chest and abdomen, the skin is overstretched and severe itching occurs at the points of fiber rupture, preceding the appearance of striae. Such itching is localized in the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, chest, and sometimes the upper arms. It occurs in the second half of pregnancy, most often in genetically predisposed and fairly recovered mothers.
  • Cholestasis of pregnancy: caused by a malfunction due to . It is mainly accompanied by reddening of the palms and feet, which are very itchy. Over time, itching spreads to the whole body and intensifies in the evening and at night. Cholestasis of pregnancy most often occurs in the third trimester. At the same time, urine can noticeably darken, but on the contrary become lighter. The risk group includes women with high blood cholesterol levels and chronic diseases of the biliary tract.
  • Hormonal changes: they are often the cause of the development of cholestasis. Such itching is also localized on the palms and feet and disappears only after childbirth.
  • Skin diseases: often there is dermatosis and eczema of pregnant women, skin fungus and other diseases accompanied by itching and other manifestations on the skin (peeling, rashes, swelling).
  • Allergic reactions: usually accompanied by rash, redness and itching, as well as other associated symptoms. A provocateur can be washing powder, a new shampoo, seafood, exotic fruits, plant pollen, and anything else. Therefore, it is better not to experiment with anything now. In the case of an allergy, it is first necessary to exclude the effect of the allergen on the body.
  • Excessive sweating: Sweat that collects in the folds of the skin can cause itching and discomfort. If you find yourself sweating more, shower more often and change into clean clothes (necessarily made from natural fabrics). Telling the doctor that the sweating has intensified will also not be superfluous.

Among the causes of itching can be such serious diseases as hepatitis. Therefore, it is still necessary to start your research and solve the problem with a visit to the doctor. And even though skin itching does not affect the child in any way, it certainly brings discomfort to the mother, it can also be the cause of a bad mood and even pose a certain threat if it is a sign of some kind of illness. And recent studies do show that itching increases the risks of an unfavorable course of not only pregnancy, but also childbirth.

How to eliminate skin itching during pregnancy?

The solution to the problem depends on the identified cause. With cholecystitis or other medical diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe an examination, treatment and diet. In addition, you need to properly care for your skin. Try to take a warm (or summer), but not a hot shower more often, rub yourself with a towel. Massage with alternating strokes and rubbing is especially useful for those prone to stretch marks - it will significantly alleviate your condition.

After showering, always apply a light moisturizer to your body, as drying out the skin can make it more itchy. Try not to overheat, wear loose-fitting clothing made from natural fabrics, and drink plenty of fluids.

Pay special attention to cosmetics - these should be the safest creams and gels without fragrances and other harmful substances. There are also many recipes for traditional medicine for itchy skin.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Almost 85% of women complain of constant itching that they feel during pregnancy. Usually, during pregnancy, the whole body itches. But, sometimes itching can be localized only on certain parts of the body. Is this state of the body alarming for the woman and the fetus?

In most cases, this symptom is absolutely harmless and not dangerous to health. But constant or periodic itching causes a lot of discomfort and inconvenience. Despite the harmlessness of the problem of itching, especially when carrying a child, it is worthwhile to consult a doctor in a timely manner, because in some cases a pathological genesis of this condition of the body and skin is possible.

As practice shows, itching occurs due to the depleted state of the skin. The skin is constantly stretched and at such times it is especially prone to dryness. With a stable and normalized weight gain, there should not be such problems. But women who gain weight quickly and uncontrollably complain of itching. It is characteristic that in the later stages of gestation, with the rapid growth of the fetus and an increase in the uterus, a feeling of slight tingling and a desire to scratch appears in the abdomen and smoothly passes into the lower back. In cases where the whole body itches during pregnancy, you should pay attention to your diet, because this symptom indicates an excessive load on the body through rapid weight gain.

Persistent skin itching may precede the appearance of stretch marks. Stretch marks themselves do not pose a threat, but they spoil the aesthetic appearance of the skin. And as a result, they can cause a lot of complexes in a woman. The appearance of stretch marks indicates a lack of special proteins in the body: collagen and elastin, they are responsible for the elasticity and strength of the skin.

The appearance of stretch marks also indicates a rapid set of kilograms. And if no skin changes appear during pregnancy, then this does not guarantee that they will not occur after childbirth. Stretch marks are a kind of scars, scarring of excessively deformed areas of the skin. And the deformation and stretching of the skin occurs not only with a rapid weight gain, but also with a rapid loss of kilograms.

In this case, therapeutic and prophylactic products for the care of dry skin will help alleviate the condition. And also you should pay attention to specialized creams or oils for pregnant women, they do not contain harmful substances and are saturated with collagen. When applying the cream, special attention should be paid to the hips, chest, abdomen and lower back. It is worth continuing to use these funds even after the birth of a child for at least 3 months - this will help prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

Impaired liver function

A more alarming situation develops when the body itches heavily during pregnancy, while the itching is accompanied by the appearance of a small red rash on certain parts of the body. These symptoms may indicate problems with the functioning of the liver. This diagnosis is easily confirmed or refuted clinically.

With problems with the liver, it is focused on the feet and palms, and itching and redness intensifies in the evening. Women in labor with high cholesterol and chronic diseases of the genitourinary organs are at risk.

allergic reactions

The body itches during pregnancy and in the presence of allergies. If a woman did not suffer from allergic reactions before, this does not mean that she will not show up for all 9 months of her gestational age. This is due to the fact that in the body there is a complete restructuring of the work of all internal organs, and at the same time their reaction to even the simplest product can be special. If you suspect the occurrence of itching, as a consequence of an allergy, you should make an appointment with an allergist. The doctor will help find the cause of the allergy and prescribe antihistamines that are allowed to be taken during pregnancy. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable.

Excessive sweating

Often, in the later stages of pregnancy, the body itches due to heavy sweating. Skin receptors are irritated by constant moisture and bacteria. These microorganisms multiply quite quickly and thrive in such an environment. The best way out for a pregnant woman is to follow the rules of personal hygiene and often take a cool shower. Properly selected underwear and loose clothing, preferably made from natural fabrics, will also help to cope with the problem of itching, while linen is recommended to be changed several times a day.

Dermatological diseases

During pregnancy, the entire body of a woman is especially vulnerable and with the slightest decrease in immunity, the risk of dermatological infections increases. It can be a variety of fungal, less often eczema and any manifestations of dermatosis. With skin infections, along with itching, redness and a rash appear. Characterized by the appearance of itchy, inflamed spots on the skin. With such symptoms, it is worth contacting a dermatologist and conducting a laboratory analysis of skin samples.

The first thing that is recommended for women with similar problems is to strictly adhere to the rules of personal hygiene, using only hypoallergenic cosmetics. Do not forget that in hot weather, the sensation of itching can intensify, so the procedure for taking a cool shower should be carried out more than 4-5 times a day.

Already from the early stages of pregnancy, the skin needs constant care and additional nutrition. At least a couple of times a day, preferably on cleansed skin, it is worth applying creams or lotions. In the evening, you can even use fatty milk containing a vitamin complex.

In choosing clothes, you need to give preference to dresses of a free cut. At the same time, linen and parts of clothing adjacent to the body must be made of natural materials.

Pregnant women need more rest. The cause of constant itching may lie in nervous tension and an unhealthy psychological state. You can calm your nerves by enrolling in childbirth preparation courses or, for example, doing needlework.

Nutrition directly affects the condition of the skin. The diet should be composed with a high content of fresh vegetables and fruits. It is also important to regularly drink special for pregnant women.

Light will help increase skin elasticity and improve blood flow. Massage can be done at home, on your own or contact a specialist. To maintain the skin in a normal state and prevent the appearance of stretch marks, light stroking and rubbing will be enough.

This article discusses the main reasons that directly answer the question: why does the whole body itch during pregnancy. Therefore, if, in addition to severe itching of the skin, there are other alarming symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help. It is worth remembering that itching can be a manifestation of more serious and dangerous diseases, diabetes or hepatitis are not excluded. And also, do not neglect the directions for biochemical, which is normally carried out twice for the entire period of bearing a child. With indicators that differ from the reference values, therapy will be prescribed, and after that - a second test.