When can you retire early? Who is eligible for early retirement? For a working citizen after dismissal

The legislation regulates that early retirement with a reduction in staff in 2017 is possible only if there are several factors. It is only by the combination of these factors that a pension can be received ahead of schedule.


Early retirement with downsizing is quite possible. But you need to have enough justification for such a procedure. The very process of reducing employees does not provide for those benefits and guarantees that are available to pensioners, persons who have not reached the pension limit.

Any reduction in personnel out of necessity or the liquidation of an organization always means a reduction in jobs, and therefore various positions. In this case, compensation is paid, as well as benefits. In addition, any reduction requires the provision of jobs to the reduced employees. But, unfortunately, such a procedure is not always possible, and in order to dismiss an employee of pre-retirement age in the first place, there are no prohibitions.

Pension provision

The legislation regulates retirement at a certain age. Such a restriction does not apply to certain categories of persons who may leave earlier due to their state of health or the complexity of their work. The same does not apply to civil servants who retire when they reach the age limit or after length of service.

When an employee is laid off, they are notified a couple of months before this process. At the same time, if a job is not found, then it will be necessary to join the exchange, which will pay a certain allowance, until the person receives a vacancy. With people of pre-retirement age, everything is more complicated. Usually at this age it is difficult to find a job, even if there is a certain qualification and experience. If special conditions are not met, early retirement is not possible. A number of special conditions:

  • official unemployment;
  • insurance experience of twenty and twenty-five years for women and men, respectively;
  • the age threshold of 53 years and 58 years for women and men, respectively;
  • consent of the person to its execution, that is, an application in the prescribed form is required.

The main problem will be unemployment, as it is sometimes very difficult to prove due to the fact that you can get a job. In order to be officially recognized as unemployed, you must:

  • work book with a record of reduction;
  • registration at an employment center that is looking for vacancies;
  • absence of refusals from the workplace (you can refuse no more than two times).

If all conditions are met, then after two months after the reduction, which is paid by the former employer, you can apply for early retirement. The documentation package includes all documents of a personal nature, as well as copies of the order that the person was recognized as unemployed. The same package includes a certificate of insurance accruals and average earnings for the last two years. All documents must be certified and authentic. Otherwise, a refusal will follow.

It is worth remembering that early pension payments are provided only to those citizens who have the necessary length of service, and have also almost reached the retirement age threshold.

Reduction options

It is possible to receive compensation payments and benefits from management upon dismissal by agreement of the parties. Even with a staff reduction, you can try to negotiate with your boss to leave earlier, but for moderate compensation. At the same time, payments can be higher and more. This option can help you wait for the retirement age. From the moment of dismissal on reduction, the following provision occurs:

  • when leaving, a calculation is made;
  • compensation is paid, which is stipulated by the Labor Code or the employment contract;
  • all funds that have not been paid, for example, vacation pay or other payments, are paid in full settlement;
  • after leaving the exchange, a reduction allowance is provided. The first two months, full wages are paid, and then the interest rate is lowered;
  • when registering with the employment center, various job offers are received.

This order is always the same. When you get a job or retire, payments from the exchange stop.

Early retirement provision

If the registration of an early pension was successful, then it is paid until a certain moment arrives in the form of:

  • receiving an old-age pension. One pension replaces another, and it is necessary to submit a documentation package to the pension department with an application for a retirement pension;
  • devices to work. Any employment removes the state payment in the form of an early pension;
  • your business. Entrepreneurship is one of the reasons for the termination of the pre-retirement payment.

You can independently both demand pre-pension provision and refuse it.

The possibility of transition to a superannuation pension can be obtained in several ways, while it is possible to receive it in several ways:

  • personally, that is, a person receives it at his post office;
  • the postman delivers the pension to the specified address;
  • personal bank account or plastic card;
  • a trustee is engaged in receiving a pension, which is confirmed by a power of attorney officially registered with a notary.

When receiving an old-age pension, you need to remember that such a pension will not be withdrawn when you get a job.

Features of retirement

Features of the pension in 2017 can be distinguished in the form of several rules:

  • pre-pension provision is assigned only in case of complete absence of work, as well as if it is impossible to obtain a new qualification or specialty. It is worth remembering that it is possible to involve an unemployed person in social work, which also will not be the basis for calculating a pre-retirement monthly salary;
  • pension payment in accordance with the law is calculated on the basis of an individual pension coefficient, which depends on the length of service and insurance contributions, as well as on indexation;
  • in order to receive a pre-pension payment, you will need a referral from the labor exchange, but even if there is such a referral, a negative solution to the issue is possible;
  • when submitting a documentation package, not only all documents are checked, but also marital status, social status and the presence of financial difficulties.

All benefits to be paid are mainly dependent on seniority. In addition, the shorter the length of service, the shorter the period for paying unemployment benefits.

Thus, if there is an experience of less than twenty-five years, then the maximum can be counted on a year of unemployment benefits. It is for this reason that pre-retirement payments, which are considered early retirement benefits, may simply be necessary.

Payout amount

The amount of early retirement benefits always depends on the length of service during which funds were deducted to the insurance fund. In addition, there is the concept of indexation, and indexation increases every year. Most often, early retirement is a minimum payment that is lower than unemployment benefits after dismissal. In this regard, on the basis of their individual data, each reduced person must remember that it is required to calculate the early retirement pension in advance and apply for it when unemployment payments stop or fall below the amount of this early pension.

It is also worth remembering that early retirement and a pension upon reaching a certain age most often differ. There is one important nuance - the pre-pension payment upon accrual is made after the unemployment benefit has ceased to be accrued, that is, simultaneous receipt of payments is not possible. When assigning early pension coverage after collecting complete documentation, you should know that after the onset of the basic pension, the entire documentation package will have to be collected again, and a certificate stating that pre-pension payment was made will be required.

There is another type of early pension, which can be assigned before reaching the generally established retirement age, but it does not depend on working conditions or health status, but is associated with the loss of a job and the recognition of a citizen as unemployed. Such an opportunity is provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Employment in the Russian Federation" (as amended in 2019). This rule is to be applied in 209-2020.

For reference. Simultaneously with the assignment of the status of "unemployed", the employment service deals with the appointment of unemployment benefits, which is paid monthly. The allowance is due to the unemployed from the first day of its recognition as such and is one of the benefits to the unemployed from the state that supports the citizen financially.

As a general rule, an old-age insurance pension is assigned and paid to insured persons under the following conditions:

  • reaching the age of 65 for men, 60 for women (with the exception of civil servants. For them, the retirement age is set to 65 for men and 63 for women).
  • the presence of insurance experience (annual increase up to 15 years by 2024 is provided);
  • the amount of pension points (IPK) (an annual increase of up to 30 points is provided for by 2025).

Read more about the conditions for assigning insurance pensions in the article at the link.

Conditions for granting a pension to the unemployed ahead of schedule

Condition 1 - dismissal from work in connection with the liquidation of the organization or the termination of activity by an individual entrepreneur, a reduction in the number or staff of employees of an organization, an individual entrepreneur.

Thus, the dismissal must occur due to circumstances that do not depend on the will of the person. That is, upon dismissal of one's own free will, the right to early retirement does not occur.

Also, the right to early retirement does not come upon dismissal in the following cases:

  1. non-compliance of the employee with the position held or the work performed due to insufficient qualifications, confirmed by the results of certification;
  2. repeated non-performance by an employee without good reason of labor duties, if he has a disciplinary sanction;
  3. a single gross violation of labor duties by an employee:
    • absenteeism, that is, absence from the workplace without good reason throughout the working day (shift), regardless of its (her) duration, as well as in case of absence from the workplace without good reason for more than four hours in a row during the working day (shift);
    • the appearance of an employee at work (at his workplace or on the territory of the organization - the employer or the facility where, on behalf of the employer, the employee must perform a labor function) in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or other toxic intoxication;
    • disclosure of legally protected secrets (state, commercial, official and other), which became known to the employee in connection with the performance of his labor duties, including the disclosure of personal data of another employee;
    • committing at the place of work the theft (including small) property of others, embezzlement, its deliberate destruction or damage, established by a court verdict that has entered into legal force or a decision of a judge, body, official authorized to consider cases of administrative offenses;
    • a violation by the employee of labor protection requirements established by the labor protection commission or the labor protection commissioner, if this violation entailed serious consequences (accident at work, accident, catastrophe) or knowingly created a real threat of such consequences;
  4. the commission of guilty actions by an employee directly serving monetary or commodity values, if these actions give rise to a loss of confidence in him on the part of the employer;
  5. failure by the employee to take measures to prevent or resolve a conflict of interest to which he is a party, failure to provide or provide incomplete or inaccurate information about his income, expenses, property and obligations of a property nature, or failure to provide or provide knowingly incomplete or inaccurate information about income, expenses, property and obligations of a property nature of his spouse (wife) and minor children, opening (presence) of accounts (deposits), keeping cash money and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, possession and (or) use of foreign financial instruments by an employee, his spouse (wife) and minor children;
  6. the commission by an employee performing educational functions of an immoral offense incompatible with the continuation of this work;
  7. making an unreasonable decision by the head of the organization (branch, representative office), his deputies and the chief accountant, which entailed a violation of the safety of property, its unlawful use or other damage to the property of the organization;
  8. a single gross violation by the head of the organization (branch, representative office), his deputies of their labor duties;
  9. submission by the employee to the employer of false documents when concluding an employment contract.

Condition 2 - reaching the age of two years before the age of entitlement to an old-age insurance pension, including early pension. Consequently, the right to early retirement, as a general rule, comes when men reach the age of 63, for women - 58 years. If you have the right to a preferential pension - 58 years for men, 53 for women.

Condition 3 - the presence of insurance experience lasting at least 25 and 20 years for men and women, respectively. When calculating the length of service, both length of service (that is, periods of employment) and other periods (for example, military service, temporary disability, periods of childcare, etc.) are taken into account. Read about the procedure for calculating the insurance period in the article at the link.

Condition 4 - offer of employment service bodies in the absence of employment opportunities for unemployed citizens.

The issuance of a proposal on the appointment of a pension for the period before the age of entitlement to an old-age pension is accepted by the employment service body in the absence of employment opportunities for a citizen.

Judicial practice in resolving disputes between citizens in case of refusal to issue a referral for early retirement often tends to confirm the legitimacy of decisions of state bodies. The courts in their decisions indicate that sending citizens to an old-age pension ahead of schedule is not among the state-guaranteed measures of social protection to support citizens and the right to make decisions on issuing an offer for an old-age pension ahead of schedule is granted to the employment service authorities and is not of a declarative nature.

The rules in accordance with which the employment service authorities issue proposals for the early appointment of a pension to the unemployed citizens specified in this paragraph are determined by the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated June 29, 2012 N 10n "On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision of public services for the implementation of social payments to citizens recognized in the prescribed manner as unemployed".

Condition 5 - consent of the person to the appointment of an early pension.

Attention! Only the simultaneous observance of all the above conditions gives the right to early retirement 2 years earlier than the retirement age.

Upon reaching the age that gives the right to an old-age insurance pension, including the one assigned ahead of schedule, the recipient of a pension assigned in accordance with this paragraph is entitled to transfer to an old-age insurance pension.

In fact, early retirement pensions in case of staff reduction are paid from the state budget, and not from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as is the case with insurance pensions.

Upon admission to work or the resumption of other labor activities, the payment of a pension established by unemployed citizens is terminated. After the termination of the specified work and (or) activity, the payment of this pension is restored.

Prepared by "Personal rights.ru"

Most citizens work in one field or another, but not all professions are the same. Some are particularly complex and harmful, so the state provides their representatives with the right to early retirement.

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In addition to workers in particularly difficult conditions, certain categories of citizens still have the opportunity to receive a pension before others. We will talk further about what these categories are, at what age workers have the opportunity to retire early.


Early retirement is a special type of pension that can be granted to an employee who has not yet reached the retirement age common to all (for men 60 years old, for women 55 years old), but who has a certain length of service in a particular profession, or belongs to a special category of citizens.

Legal regulation

In recent years, pension laws have been frequently amended and supplemented. They concerned indexation, calculation of seniority, lump sum payments, but the main regulatory framework remained unchanged.

Of the most significant federal laws governing insurance and preferential pensions, we can distinguish:

  • . Articles 27-28.1 deal with early retirement.
  • . Chapter 6 indicates the rights of categories of citizens and professions to preferential pension provision.

The rest of the laws deal with more general issues in the pension sector.

Who has such a right?

Federal Law No. 400-FZ lists more than 20 clauses that specify the conditions for preferential retirement for men and women who work in certain conditions, in certain specialties and positions, and who have a certain length of service, insurance and labor.

Here are some of them:

  • persons who worked in underground structures or in workshops with elevated temperatures, with particularly difficult working conditions;
  • women who worked at high intensity or operated heavy machinery;
  • railroad workers;
  • geologists, search engines;
  • workers of sea and river vessels;
  • public transport drivers;
  • miners;
  • aviation industry workers;
  • rescuers;
  • employees of the penitentiary service;
  • teachers;
  • community health professionals;
  • creative and theatrical figures.

And you can also distinguish several special categories of citizens to whom the state is ready to provide a pension ahead of schedule:

  • Mothers of many children with five children, or from two or more, who worked in the conditions of the Far North.
  • Visually impaired or injured as a result of combat operations.
  • Disproportionate dwarfs and midgets.

The retirement age of these citizens also varies depending on working conditions and length of service.

Early retirement in 2019-2017

General conditions and main purposes


When taking into account the conditions that give the right to receive an early pension, seniority is of great importance.

Moreover, the legislation singled out several types of experience:

  • insurance;
  • labor;
  • special.

Insurance experience- this is the total period during which insurance payments were made in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. This may include periods of activity not only under a labor contract, but also under a civil law contract.

Seniority- the total time during which a person worked under any type of employment contract (at a permanent place, temporary, seasonal work or at home).

Special experience- a type of seniority, which refers to military personnel, is recruited for length of service.

In addition to these periods, the total work experience of a citizen includes:

  • work or service for hire in the Russian Federation and abroad;
  • urgent military service;
  • the period of being registered for unemployment;
  • the time during which the person was on;
  • period ;
  • the time a person spent in prison.

Meanwhile, it is worth recalling that the minimum amount of insurance experience that a pensioner must have is five years.


According to the generally established procedure, for men, the retirement age for a well-deserved rest comes at 60 years, and for women - at 55.

Reducing the retirement age before the term, depending on the severity of working conditions and the length of service, varies:

  • for men - 50, 55 or 58 years;
  • for women - 45, 50 or 53 years.

Ten years earlier than the rest, men and women, whose total insurance experience is at least 20 and 15 years, have the right to leave.

Moreover, they devoted half of these periods of time (10 and 7 and a half years) to work in underground or hot shops, took part in hazardous production. And also at the age of 50 and 45, people living and working in the Far North can receive a pension. These citizens had to perform the duties of reindeer herders for 25 and 20 years, or engage in fishing and hunting.

Citizens who have acquired the right to receive early pension payments 2 years earlier than others (men at 58, women at 53) are laid off or dismissed due to the liquidation of the enterprise.

These persons were not able to be employed by the employment service for a certain period of time, so they can be sent to early retirement with their consent.

Availability of consent

Since the provision of a pension occurs upon the filing of an application with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the presence of his consent, of course, is necessary.

That is, the future pensioner always has a choice when to issue his pension - exactly at the onset of a certain age or for some time later. Moreover, at present, non-state pension funds offer favorable conditions under which the postponement of the registration of a pension will increase its future payments.

Another thing is if the job center offers to send the laid-off unemployed to retirement ahead of schedule (not earlier than two years in advance). This is done only with the consent of the citizen.

old age

Men at 58 and women at 53 in 2019

The age of old-age pensioners is reduced by two years for workers who have fallen under or from liquidated enterprises.

The conditions for granting preferential care for a well-deserved rest are:

  • the employment center cannot find a new job for a citizen;
  • the work experience is 20 years for women and 25 years for men;
  • the employee agrees with the prospect of early retirement.

At the same time, the proposal to bring a citizen to early retirement should come from the employment service.

By harmfulness

List #1 and #2

The Ministry of Labor has established detailed lists, the so-called lists 1 and 2, defining professions, positions and specialties, whose representatives receive early pension payments.

The determining condition here is also the possession of seniority in these professions.

The pension benefit under list No. 1 is due to those employed in hazardous industries:

  • mining;
  • metallurgical;
  • chemical;
  • electrotechnical;
  • work with radioactive substances.

According to list No. 2, workers in especially difficult conditions can go on vacation earlier than usual:

  • miners, machine operators;
  • miners;
  • slingers, wire drawers (metallurgy);
  • chemical synthesis operators;
  • medical workers;
  • workers in the woodworking industry.

To confirm the right to a preferential pension, the listed categories of citizens will have to present relevant certificates, records in, etc.

Along with the application, all applicants must bring with them:

  • original and photocopy of the passport;
  • original and photocopy of labor;
  • military ID (if any);
  • certificates certifying the experience;
  • information about monthly income in any period of time in a row for 60 months before January 1, 2002.

Of the supporting documents (they depend on the category of benefits), the following can be distinguished:

  • certificate of dependents;
  • address reference;
  • disability certificate;
  • on the upbringing of a child under eight years of age;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • birth certificate of all children;
  • certificate and certificate of establishment of guardianship.

The time of work by professions from lists No. 1 and No. 2 or the period of activity in northern conditions can be confirmed by marks in work books, in personal cards for personnel records, personal accounts for calculating salaries, etc.

Is it possible to apply for early retirement with a reduction in staff? Let's figure it out in this article. Pre-retirement age workers are now often faced with layoffs due to downsizing. Some enterprises are closed due to the crisis, while many others reduce production volumes, which inevitably leads to a reduction in the number of staff.

When citizens of pre-retirement age are among the dismissed, this is a much greater problem for them than for other employees, since it is difficult to find a new job at this age. Are they entitled to early retirement with a reduction in this case? In our article you will find the answer to this question.

General Information

Retrenchment is bad news for people of all ages. But for older workers, it is also a significant psychological trauma. In order to reduce the negative consequences of such a situation, the government of the Russian Federation developed and approved law number 1032-1 (Article 32, clause 2), which regulates the receipt of an early pension in this case.

Early retirement with reduction

To start receiving a state-issued old-age pension, several conditions must be met. Firstly, this is the recognition of the laid-off employee as unemployed. Secondly, the achievement of their insurance experience. For women, this is twenty years, and for men - 25. Thirdly, the age of a dismissed woman must reach 53 years, and for men - 58 (that is, no more than two years should remain until retirement). It is also important that the desire of the dismissed employee to receive

For a citizen to be recognized as unemployed, a number of conditions are also necessary:

  • a record of dismissal present in the work book due to a reduction in employees;
  • a citizen must be registered with the regional department of employment of the population as looking for an opportunity to go to work in the required position;
  • he should not refuse the offered job options more than twice.

Payments from previous employer

The legislation obliges the former employer to make payments of the average earnings received at the enterprise to an individual who has fallen under the reduction within two months.

What else does early retirement involve when reducing?

Then, after this period has expired, the citizen has the right to register with the employment department and receive a special allowance. Its amount for the first three months is 75 percent of the average monthly salary, for the next four months - 60 percent, for the remaining five months - 45. The amount of this allowance cannot be set higher or lower than the levels provided by the government of the Russian Federation. However, the criteria for calculating benefits are periodically reviewed depending on the economic situation in the country. These payments are made by the Pension Fund, which is replenished from the budget of the country or region.

When taking early retirement with a reduction in the Voronezh region, for example, the length of service is taken into account.

Insurance experience

The insurance period is the total period during which a citizen worked or was engaged in other activities when contributions were made to the Pension Fund. Other activities of citizens are also taken into account. This is military service, training in secondary educational institutions and universities, being on sick leave, caring for a young child or a disabled person who is a family member, etc.

In the event that the total length of service is more than required to apply for an early old-age pension, two weeks are added “from above” for each year, when a citizen can count on state benefits. The total period of payment of this benefit is no more than two years.

In what cases is it possible to get early retirement with a reduction?

Good reasons for early retirement

The main reason for granting a citizen from the side of the district department of the Department of Employment the right to issue early state security is the inability to find a job. Having received consent from the citizen, this department issues a recommendation on the execution of pension payments ahead of schedule in writing.

With this document, the dismissed employee can apply to the social security department of his area.

Package of documents for registration of early retirement

The package of documents for early retirement must contain the following:

  1. A recommendation issued to a dismissed employee by the Department of Employment, which states that he is unemployed.
  2. Application for early retirement benefits.
  3. Passport. If we are talking about citizens who do not have Russian citizenship, then this should be a residence permit.
  4. Labor book of a citizen.
  5. His military ID (if any).
  6. SNILS.
  7. Documents certified by the Pension Fund, in which the amounts and periods of cash contributions to this fund are recorded.
  8. A certificate signed by the director and chief accountant, with the seal of the organization in which the citizen worked, containing information on average earnings for any five years taken in a row.
  9. Depending on the situation, some other documents will need to be attached to this package.

Early retirement with a reduction in the employment center is issued.

Amount of early pension

The calculation of an early pension is similar to the calculation of a labor pension. The value depends on two main indicators - the amount of payments to the Pension Fund and the average salary of a citizen. In addition, the amount of this allowance can be recalculated or indexed if this is provided for by a decision of the government of the Russian Federation.

Simultaneously with early retirement with a reduction in staff, a person can also count on the payment of benefits for long service.

A citizen can receive a pension in connection with dismissal due to a reduction both at the post office or by home delivery, and by transferring to a plastic card or bank account, as well as through a trusted (and approved by a notary's signature) person.

When are denials possible?

Early retirement can be denied in several cases. For example, an employee was fired from the enterprise not due to a reduction, but for another reason. Or the citizen refused the offered vacancies in the employment department more than two times. Incorrectly completed or containing false information documents may also be the reason for the denial of early retirement.

The current legislation provides for early retirement in case of staff reduction. To do this, it is necessary that a person be in the pre-retirement age and meet a number of requirements. In addition, for people working in the north, preferential conditions for early retirement are provided.

basic information

During the downsizing, people who have a low level of qualification and make the least contribution to the development of the enterprise are excluded from the staff of the company. Most often, citizens of pre-retirement age fall under the dismissal. By law, the employer, after the dismissal procedure, is obliged to keep the employee's average monthly earnings for two, and in rare cases, three months. After this period, the payment of funds is terminated even if the employee has not yet managed to find a job in a new place. In such a situation, in order to receive support from the state, a person must receive the status of unemployed through the employment center. After that, he is assigned an unemployment benefit, which is paid for 1 year, while the amount of payments will gradually decrease.

Current legislation, in particular law No. 1032-1, allows people to retire early upon dismissal due to reduction. This right is granted to all citizens who have an insurance record of at least 20 years (women) or 25 years (men). The main reason for early receipt of pension payments is the impossibility of new employment.

To receive early retirement benefits, a laid-off worker must:

  • apply to the CZN at the place of residence and submit several applications, to which it is required to attach documents proving the presence of the necessary work experience;
  • after receiving a written proposal to transfer a person to an early retirement, that is, approval from the HC, the person must apply to the Pension Fund at the place of residence.

It is important to know! The validity period of the offer, which allows a person to qualify for early retirement, does not exceed 1 month. After the expiration of this period, the document is invalidated.

After a positive decision is made, the citizen will receive the first funds from the pension reserve within the next month after the appeal. At the same time, a laid-off person in the EC loses the status of an unemployed person and the corresponding state payments in the form of unemployment benefits.

Pension conditions and documents

At the legislative level, a number of conditions are provided that a person must meet in order to receive pensions ahead of schedule. So, the reduced person should:

  • be in pre-retirement age - 58 years (men) or 53 years (women);
  • have a minimum insurance period equal to 20 (women) or 25 years (men);
  • be fired due to a reduction in staff or due to the complete closure of the enterprise;

It is important to know! If a person fully complies with all the conditions, but was dismissed due to guilty actions or for other reasons, then the right to early retirement provision is canceled.

  • have a minimum number of individual points - 13.8 for 2018;
  • not have the opportunity for subsequent employment, that is, there must be no suitable vacancies in the employment service.

Only if all the above conditions are met, a citizen can retire 2 years earlier than the statutory period. It is worth considering that citizens who carry out their labor activity in special conditions, for example, in the Far North or in areas equivalent to it, can also apply for early retirement benefits. At the same time, premature retirement is a completely voluntary decision, which allows a person to waive this right provided for by the current legislation.

It is important to know! If a person after early retirement decides to find a job again, then he will be deprived of these payments. Their restoration is possible only after repeated dismissal due to reduction or in connection with the liquidation of the company.

After receiving an offer at the Central Office, a person should contact the Pension Fund at the place of residence. To do this, he must provide a documentation package, in which the following must be enclosed:

  • application for the appointment of monetary payments;
  • a document capable of confirming the identity and place of registration of a person;
  • SNILS;
  • a work book and other documents that can confirm the presence of the necessary experience;
  • certificate of average earnings for any 2 months.

At the same time, the documentation package can be supplemented with certificates of the presence of dependents, the place of actual residence or a change of surname (name).

If the decision was made in favor of the person, then the provision of pensions is carried out using the post office or through a banking organization (depending on the method specified in the application).

Nuances and possible reasons for refusal

If a person does not meet at least one of the above conditions, then early retirement will be denied. In such a situation, the PF employees draw up a written refusal based on the decision of a special commission, which is transmitted to the citizen personally or by mail.

In addition, they may refuse if:

  • at the time of applying for him, the salary from the last place of work is retained;
  • there was a suspension of the provision of benefits or its size was reduced due to the fault of the citizen himself;
  • a person 3 times within 1 year refused the vacancies offered to him for employment.

In case of refusal, the specialists of the Central Health Center are obliged to continue to provide assistance in the further search for a vacancy for employment.

After a person reaches retirement age, he must re-apply to the FIU for the transfer or appointment of old-age pension payments. In the first case, a person will receive funds from the 1st day of the next month, and in the second, from the moment the right to receive a pension arises (from the day the retirement age is reached).

Due to the unstable economic situation, most firms are forced to carry out a reduction procedure to optimize production. The current legislation provides for the possibility of early retirement if the citizen meets all the conditions. Otherwise, this right will be denied to the person. For a positive decision, an employee dismissed during a reduction in staff must have the entire package of documents and certificates, and is also registered at the employment center.