What lipstick suits a tanned face. Choosing a lipstick color for dark and fair skin

The color of lipstick for women with blond hair depends on various factors. One is the shade of the hair, the other is the skin tone, the natural color of the lips and eyes plays an important role. The image, clothes, mood are also important. Not all blondes know what colors suit them, how to emphasize their appearance.

Which one is suitable?

First you need to decide what does not suit blondes. These are various shades of purple, plum, red-brown. These shades are, firstly, really difficult to use in real life, and secondly, they can shade the hair color in an unpleasant way and give the face a more tired look.


Bright Red/True Red is perfect for all eye, hair, and skin tones. Especially it goes to blondes with a light skin tone, hair and eyes. It is with this shade that Taylor Swift is often painted, and it is her makeup that you can take as an example. Remember - using such a bright lipstick, you should not paint your eyes as richly. A classic arrow or ink will be enough.

Dark red "merlot". Merlot is suitable for those with perfect skin. This is the only dark red shade that blondes can generally use. However, it requires a perfectly even skin tone and a clearly defined contour. It cannot be used on thin lips, as it will make them look even smaller. This is the perfect lip color for the cold season.

Marsala. The shade is on the verge of red and brown, similar to cherry, but with more pronounced notes. In another way, it can be called maroon or wine, the color of a good wine of the same name. A rather capricious shade, it is difficult to wear it in Everyday life. Perhaps, it is absolutely not suitable for girls of spring and winter color types, but “summer” (all shades of blond, especially ashen) and “autumn” (hair with a redhead) can try to “tame” it. As in the case of merlot, marsala cannot be used on thin lips and with highlighted eyes - arrows, pastel shades of shadows would be ideal.

Bordeaux. Burgundy lipstick has the same capriciousness as other dark red shades. She needs plump lips, a perfect white smile and an even skin tone, as she is able to emphasize any yellowness and redness. It is in the form of lipstick that this shade is best suited for festive evening events, but during the day it is better to use gloss. This color will look good on both pale-skinned blondes and dark-skinned women, but for simplicity, when choosing, you can focus on the formula "the darker the skin tone, the darker the shade of lipstick should be." However, it is better to refuse warm burgundy red for completely fair-skinned girls - it suits only dark-skinned women or ladies with light tan.


Pink, of course, is divided into several shades - from light and delicate to almost raspberry. Fortunately, almost every blonde goes.

Doll pink. It is in this color that the wardrobe of one of the most popular blondes in the world - Barbie, is made up, and it is with this shade of lipstick that her lips are made up by default. This color is especially popular in spring and summer.

Crimson and fuchsia perfect in combination with brown eyes. It is this combination that will make the appearance as expressive as possible (especially with purple shadows and well-blended pink blush). Cherry, on the contrary, suits gray-eyed and blue-eyed, because it is able to emphasize such an appearance.

The most fashionable shades

Very popular lately brownish pink nude or dusty pink, and this is due to the trend "your lips, only better." Ideal if you want to focus on the eyes, but not ignore the lips. The color is pale enough for fair-skinned ladies and can make them look more tired, so it is only suitable for tanned blondes or peach-skinned girls. It will look good both in spring and winter.

peach coral The best way to refresh any summer make-up. You can use it without shaped eyes, or as an addition to the brightest smoky eyes in your life. Very soft and warm shade, a truly summer trend of the season. It is coral or peach that can make lips visually plumper. These colors are perfect for fair-skinned women.

Beige lipstick should be darker than the natural color of the lips by half a tone - in golden or caramel tones. So the skin will look visually darker. Such cosmetics are universal and suitable for both an evening event with an emphasis on the eyes, and for a morning meeting. It will go to ladies of any age and for any time of the year.

Pretty popular lately "baby pink", doll pink, however, with this shade it is very important not to overdo it, so as not to create a childish atmosphere around you.

bright carrot now also in trend, but you need to be careful with it so as not to overdo it with contrast. You can stop at peach or coral shades, with care in orange.

Scarlet lipstick has long been a classic.

How to choose?

Just take and buy lipstick - that's not all, you need to learn how to use such cosmetics correctly. And we are talking not only about the method of application (although this is certainly very important), but also about the right make-up, a carefully selected image. After all, even the most adventurous blonde will not wear merlot or marsala with sports t-shirts in everyday life.

Yes, a well-chosen image plays an important role. For example, with sportswear it is better not to use lipstick at all, but with sportswear (made in a similar style, but not intended for training, more feminine and sophisticated), it is better to use muted peach or coral tones. For going out, you can choose both bright and nude tones, but beware of puppet ones. They will make you frivolous.

Cold shades of lipsticks are suitable for pastel looks, warmer shades for bright ones. Remember: the darker the lipstick, the more it will reduce your lips, so it is better not to use it for thin lips.

Remember that a lot depends on the quality and type of lipstick. Of course, it will be embarrassing if lipstick after the first glass of water is imprinted on it, disappears after a breakfast bun, or hair sticks to it due to strong winds (and okay, if yours).

If you want a super-matte finish, look no further than liquid matte lipsticks. They are capricious in application, require a clear contour, but they will definitely last all day. Such lipsticks, as a rule, are waterproof and able to survive several snacks (remember that no lipstick can withstand a full meal), they are not imprinted on the glasses and lips of a beloved man. They can slightly disappear from the mucosa after eating, and low-quality ones can crumble, so in any case, walk around the store for twenty to thirty minutes, smearing a probe on your hand, and see how the cosmetic behaves.

Matte lipsticks, liquid or in sticks, are universal - they are suitable for going out to the movies and for an evening meeting. As the name implies, they do not have a shine.

Remember that the shade of the blonde also plays a role. If you have bleached or virtually bleached hair, go for copper pink, peach and coral shades, you can pay attention to pale red. The ashy shade of hair is ideally emphasized by bright dark colors - merlot or marsala, as well as muted, almost natural ones. Apricot, peach and coral are also suitable for golden hair.

Owners of rose gold hair should pay attention to all shades of pink, but avoid puppetry in the images. Purple blond can afford coral and peach shades, and blond on the verge of red (strawberry blond) - all nude and coral, light red tones of lipsticks.

Makeup examples

The first thing you should know is that you need to prepare your lips in advance, with a special scrub and moisturizing balm or fatty oil. It is better to do this an hour before applying makeup or in the evening, before applying makeup. A lip scrub will help even out their relief, remove dead skin particles, make the lips visually more plump and juicy, and a moisturizing component (balm or oil) will help retain moisture, fill gaps in the relief and negate the likelihood of tightness and a feeling of dryness. After that, it is recommended to use a primer for lipstick - a thin layer of foundation or powder can replace it.

It must be remembered that an even complexion makes any makeup more beautiful, even if the emphasis is on the lips. Use tonal creams, concealer and powder without a twinge of conscience.

With blue eyes

Dark cherry lipsticks are perfect for this eye color. They set off almost transparent blue shades and make blue more expressive. However, they require a perfect complexion and are quite capricious, so you have to try:

  1. Take care of the skin first. Apply a moisturizing or mattifying cream / makeup primer, wait ten minutes and apply foundation or powder.
  2. Exfoliate lips and moisturize them, apply primer.
  3. As dark as lipstick, circle the contour of the lips with a soft pencil, paying special attention to the corners. Apply around concealer or another thin layer of foundation.
  4. Pick up the lipstick and carefully, starting from the bottom, fill in the lips. Smack it when you fill it completely so that some of the pigment remains on the upper lip. Color her too. Once again, carefully circle the contour already with lipstick. If your lipstick is liquid, "smack" should not be performed.
  5. If you want extra shine, more luscious lips, apply gloss to cupid's cleft and center of lower lip.

Dark lipstick is emphasized by beautiful long eyelashes or shades of purple shades, the classic version with an arrow is also not forbidden - however, it can be made not black, but light blue or the same purple. The correct blush, matched to the color of the skin and simply necessary with dark lipstick, and a highlighter on the protruding parts of the face will finally “make” the image.

With green eyes

If you have a rare shade of eyes - green, you can emphasize it with an emphasis on the eyes. It can be olive or golden smoky, golden arrow or bright white pigment. Lips in this case should be restrained - brick, terracotta, beige or nude peach shades are suitable. Helpful hints:

  1. As usual, scrub and moisturize your lips, use a primer. Since this is a make-up with an emphasis on the eyes, the tone can be applied as a last resort so that the shadow or mascara does not crumble on it.
  2. Take the lipstick of the desired shade - beige, brick or peach. If these are liquid matte textures, be sure to use a balm as a base because they dry out.
  3. Paint over the outline. You can use a soft pencil of a suitable color, or you can not use it - here if you wish.
  4. Working from the edges to the center, fill in the lips.
  5. Once you're done with the lips, move on to the eyes. You can make smokey in suitable shades, "birdie" and combine it with arrows in interesting shades (you can just draw arrows). Eyes should be bright, so false eyelashes with a natural effect are also not forbidden.
  6. It is after you have designed your eyes that you can take on foundation or powder and blush. A caramel or apricot/peach rich shade of blush goes well with beige lipstick.

With brown eyes

Brown-eyed ladies can try this year's popular ombre lip technique. The essence of the technique is that the contour of the lips is painted with a darker shade, and the middle is light. This creates a smooth transition. This make-up is ideal for an evening event, but for the daytime, you can choose not too contrasting colors. Initially, this technique conquered hairdressers, and now it is also used in makeup. So, you will need two similar shades (one darker, one lighter), a natural soft pencil, lip balm and a brush. The execution technique is as follows:

  1. The first step is to scrub the lips - this is a must, as they will be double-pigmented, and it will lie better with perfect lips.
  2. The next step is moisturizing (with your favorite fatty oil or lip balm).
  3. You should blot excess moisturizer from your lips and, if desired, apply a layer of foundation, powder or lip primer (to even out the surface and smooth the relief).
  4. Use a concealer or the same foundation to draw the outer contour of the lips to highlight the borders and make them more expressive. Blend well with your fingers.
  5. Take a pencil and draw a contour with it, shading inwards.
  6. Take a lighter shade of lipstick and start filling your lips with it completely. Next - take a dark one and (depending on what you want) draw only the corners or the entire outline with it.
  7. Use your fingers or a brush to gently blend the colors. If desired, you can add a transparent gloss to the center of the lower lip.

How to choose lipstick: according to the type of appearance, skin tone, lip shape, taking into account the color of the eyes and the purpose of the makeup. Photos, types and composition of lipstick.

We can choose it endlessly, carry several copies in our purse at once and use different colors at the same time. Moreover, each of us, starting from kindergarten, eats up to 5 kg of this “delicacy” in our life. The fairer sex cannot do without this cosmetic accessory in their arsenal.

Of course, you already guessed that we are talking about lipstick. Properly selected shade and high quality of this cosmetic product is the key to beautiful makeup and gentle lip care.

According to one version, the word "lipstick" has French roots. Cardinal Richelieu was very fond of apples. Once he asked his doctor to prepare a fragrant ointment from these fruits: applied to the lips and the tip of the nose, she allowed the cardinal to enjoy his favorite aroma anytime and anywhere. The ointment was called lipstick: “pomme” in French means “apple”.

But how to choose the right lipstick? What rules should be followed? What to look for when buying? In this article, we will try to answer these questions.

Types of lipstick

There are three main types of lipstick: stand-up, matte, and satin.

long lasting lipstick due to the presence of wax and water-repellent components in its composition, it stays on the lips for a long time, while maintaining its color and shine: the main thing is to apply it on dry lips. And in order for lipstick to look perfect during the day, you need to give up fatty foods.

Matt lipstick- due to the high content of powder and wax, it has a deep, rich color. For thin lips, it is undesirable, but the owners of plump lips are perfect.

Satin lipstick has the effect of light radiance, which will help to visually enlarge thin lips. It's thicker than matte, but doesn't last as well. Satin lipstick is well applied, perfectly smoothes and moisturizes the skin.

There are other varieties of lipsticks. Nourishing lipstick is perfect for the cold season: thanks to the presence of natural oils and plant extracts, it gives the lips a matte finish and protects them from chapping. In summer and spring, moisturizing lipstick is most in demand. It protects lips from drying out and gives them a seductive shine.

1. The quality of the lipstick

High-quality lipstick has the following characteristics:

  • well moisturizes the skin;
  • does not tighten, does not dry lips;
  • does not flow under the influence of the sun;
  • does not roll, does not form lumps;
  • does not spread on the lips;
  • has a pleasant smell or no smell;
  • has a smooth surface, without droplets, cracks and smudges;
  • has a uniform color over the entire surface;
  • lays flat on the lips;
  • has a strong core;
  • retains color for a long time.

To protect yourself from fakes, buy lipstick in a company store. Always pay attention to the packaging: it must be new, clean, without scratches, indicating the type, composition, lipstick number and country of origin.

The colors of the lipstick in the tube and on the lips may not match. To understand whether lipstick suits you or not, before buying, you need to apply it on the back of your hand or ask for a sample.

2. The composition of the lipstick

When choosing or choosing a lipstick, carefully read its composition. Any lipstick contains dyes, moisturizing oils and wax.

In the manufacture of lipstick, castor and olive oils are used, as well as lanolin and petroleum jelly. The most common among these components is castor oil. It perfectly moisturizes the lips and gives them a soft glow.

Wax is designed to ensure that the lipstick is easy to apply and lay on the lips in an even layer. Quite often, beeswax is used. And for skin prone to allergies, lipstick with Brazilian palm wax is more suitable.

Many manufacturers add collagen, vitamin E, amino acids, aloe vera, and moisturizers to lipstick. Vitamins A and C in the composition of the lipstick prevent the appearance of peeling and cracks on the lips, and also help to preserve their youth.

The skin of the lips must be protected from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The presence of a UV filter is an indicator of the high quality of lipstick.

3. Lipstick expiration date

The shelf life of lipstick with proper use and storage is 3 years. But if you apply lipstick not with a brush, but directly on your lips, then you can use it for no more than 12 months.

Before buying, make sure that the lipstick is not expired, signs of this may be an unpleasant, bitter smell, incomprehensible consistency and color. If you bought lipstick and want to keep it longer, keep the tube in the refrigerator.

The quality of the product is definitely in the first place. But even the most expensive lipstick, if chosen incorrectly, can add years to us or emphasize flaws. To prevent such disappointments, when choosing a lipstick, you need to take into account several factors at once: eye and hair color, skin tone, lip shape, makeup style, age. Having understood all these subtleties, you can choose the most successful option for each specific situation.

1. Type of appearance

Pink-lilac, light brown, berry shades of lipstick are suitable for women with pale skin and blond hair.

Blondes with dark skin should prefer terracotta tones. If your eyes are brown, you need to pay attention to delicate beige-pink shades. And the beauty of golden hair will successfully emphasize the coral color.

Red-haired girls wear brown and terracotta lipstick. If the skin has a warm tone, and the eyes are brown or green, you can paint your lips with burgundy-raspberry, orange-brown and pink-brown lipstick.

Brunettes and brown-haired women are suitable for bright colors of lipstick: red, raspberry, lilac. Green-eyed brunettes suit coral, caramel, red-brown lipstick. Girls with gray-blue eyes and blue-black hair should choose neutral shades of lipstick: beige, pale pink.

If the skin is dark, pastel, chocolate, plum and wine tones go well with it. But brunettes with white porcelain skin are more suitable for beetroot, lingonberry and bright red lipstick.

2. Lip shape

If you have plump lips, choose matte lipsticks in muted tones: bronze, purple, brown. They give a deep and rich color. Thin lips are more suitable for light lipstick. For girls with expressive lips, it is better to give preference to satin lipsticks: they visually increase the volume.

3. Skin tone

Owners of dark skin are perfect for juicy and bright colors of lipstick. If the eyes are brown, beige-pink tones look very good. Girls with an olive skin tone to face red-brown lipstick.

For fair skin, natural shades are most preferred: beige, pale pink, pale coral. And owners of light brown or golden-beige skin will never fail if they choose lipsticks of red and golden shades.

4. Purpose of makeup

For evening make-up, you should choose bright and saturated colors of lipstick, and in the daytime, prefer calmer shades.

Remember that you can not make both eyes and lips too bright at the same time. When creating makeup, focus on one thing. If you want to emphasize the eyes, the lips should not be too bright, and vice versa. If you want to emphasize the lips, keep the eyes neutral.

An important point is the whiteness of the teeth. If the teeth are yellow, then red and orange lipsticks will only emphasize this flaw. Creamy pink shades are the most versatile, they make lips fresh, tender, young and suit almost everyone.

So how do you choose the right lipstick? Don't be afraid to experiment, even if you've already found your perfect lipstick color and brand. Every woman should have at least three lipsticks: discreet everyday, bright festive, moisturizing in summer, nourishing in winter.

Pomade - this is a magic wand that allows a woman to be different: sweet, mysterious, tender, bright ... Let her every day help you delight, surprise and inspire those for whom we are trying - your beloved men.

It's no secret to any woman that the color of lipstick is considered the main touch of makeup. With one stroke it is easy to transform beyond recognition and create a new image, but in the absence of experience, the wrong choice easily spoils all the efforts made in advance. Before choosing a lipstick, you need to study some rules and recommendations of cosmetologists and makeup artists who will certainly help to adequately cope with a difficult task.

Common mistakes and important rules when choosing lipstick

Before you choose the color of lipstick, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the most common and even dangerous mistakes that threaten serious trouble. One of the shortcomings that women make is choosing a lip product without even thinking how it suits them. At the same time, they are guided by the opinion - bright and rich, which means beautiful. You should not do this - not all vending products look gorgeous on the lips.

Using a tester is a prerequisite before buying a new cosmetic bag accessory. Beauticians warn - you should not apply the product directly to the face, there is a risk of contracting quite dangerous diseases. One stroke on the fingertips is enough to determine the desired tone - just put them on the lips and see how the chosen color will look on the face.

Another common mistake is that for many women it is enough to pick up an accessory once, then they try to purchase a product, paying attention only to the number. Then one has only to wonder why with each new tube the makeup looks worse and worse. It's simple - despite the formulas, manufacturers fail to accurately reproduce shades, so there is a risk that each batch of products will be different. We should also not forget about changes in the skin - if in summer only shades look exquisite on a tanned dermis, in winter they will look rather ridiculous.

There are a few rules to consider when buying a lip product:

  • choose the color of lipstick to match the skin of the face;
  • in summer or spring, use warm nude tones, in winter - darker and more saturated;
  • if you choose a means for evening make-up, pay attention to extravagant bright colors, for daytime use - light natural ones.

Do you know? There is a little trick that is recommended to use when buying a lip product. It is necessary to carry out a smear on the wrist (in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe veins) and see if the vessels are visible. If even two strokes are not enough to hide the veins, it is better to refuse the purchase.

The main types of shades of lipstick

The artistic environment is the main source of the concept of shades, which was borrowed by cosmetology. Thanks to different colors, it is easy to create new images - to create makeup for every day, for festive events, romantic dates, business meetings.

Lipstick shades are divided into several groups - neutral, warm, cold. In turn, each of these categories is divided into subgroups - saturated, medium, bright.

Warm shades of lipstick (calm, vital, gentle):

  • coral;
  • peach;
  • orange.

Cool colors include the whole palette of pink shades. Even the ash-pink color, which many women consider warm, beauticians refer to the "cold group". Terracotta, beige and all shades of brown are considered neutral shades.

The red color of lipstick, which many women like so much, is also considered cold. The only exception is tones that resemble a scarlet poppy. They belong to the warm group.

Important! One of the make-up rules that women need to remember is that the shades of lipstick should be in harmony with the overall appearance. The color type is usually determined by the pigment of the skin, the color of the curls, the color of the shell of the pupils.

How to match lipstick color to hair

If you focus on the hair, choosing the color of lipstick for the lips is not too difficult. There are combinations that have become classic in cosmetology, but each rule has its exceptions.

Do not forget that the color of lipstick must be selected not only for the color of the strands, but also to match the eyes or skin. The combination of lip product and hair shade is far from all the requirements that will have to be considered when buying.


Which lipstick is suitable for owners of light strands is a question that worries many blondes who are unable to choose the most effective shade on their own. Beauticians recommend taking a closer look at caramel, peach and lilac scales. No less attractive look on the lips of blondes and pink shades.

Ladies who are proud not only of blond hair, but also of snow-white skin, should pay attention to scarlet tones. Choose the right saturated shades - a pale palette in such cases will play a bad role.


It is not difficult for owners of black hair and light skin to choose the tone of lipstick - you should stop at scarlet and wine tones. A prerequisite is a cold ebb.

With a warm shade of black hair, a rich red lip tint is perfect. The bright pink gamma looks no less impressive on the face, but only with suitable makeup.

A warm tone is suitable for all brunettes, but on condition that the product stands out with rich pigment. It is better not to use faded and pale palettes - makeup will look rather unattractive.


Red-haired young ladies, before choosing a lipstick, it is recommended to study the tone of the skin. Since copper hair color almost always has a warm glow, it is the dermis that has to be guided.

If the glow of the skin is warm, it is recommended to stop at orange or light brown lip products. A pink range of shades is also allowed, but not too saturated.

Owners of a cold undertone of the skin will have to stop at nude colors. The pink light palette also looks great on the lips, but you have to carefully apply the rest of the makeup - it's easy to overdo it.

Lucky ladies who can boast of golden hair and olive dermis - they are recommended more saturated and bright colors. Wine, bright red and even plum palettes look great on the face.


Pale skin in combination with light brown curls is an excellent background for the red range of lipstick. For light brown hair, beige or pink colors will also serve as an excellent service, but subject to suitable makeup.

What lipsticks are suitable for fair-haired girls with a porcelain-white dermis? Golden or even beige lip colors will also perfectly emphasize the style and image.

Before choosing a lipstick color, fair-haired young ladies are advised to carefully examine the outflow of curls and skin pigment. If cold highlights are observed in the strands, and the skin is warm in color, you will have to stop at pink tones (you can use the whole range) or nude shades.

Rules for choosing lipstick by skin color

There is another rule on how to choose the right lipstick for lips. You will have to take into account the shade of the skin, which can also be cold, neutral and warm.

By skin color, women are conditionally divided into the following groups:

  • porcelain tones (dermis pink, with thin reddish streaks);
  • olive (dark skin with a hint of olive);
  • dark (owners of black skin);
  • neutral (ladies with light skin).

It is quite difficult to determine the color of lipstick by the color type of the skin without additional requirements, and not all women succeed in doing this correctly. You also need to take into account cold or warm tones of the dermis. In order to avoid mistakes and skin-colored lipstick does not spoil the overall impression of makeup, it is recommended to apply a simple test. It is necessary to remember which metals prevail among the jewelry - gold or silver. If a woman wears gold with pleasure, most likely, her dermis has a warm shade. Love for silver is a signal that skin colors are cold.

The existing color types and the correct selection of lipsticks are described in the video:


Ladies with a light dermis (porcelain, neutral) are advised to replenish cosmetic bag accessories with a pale palette. Nude tones go well with the skin, especially if the makeup is applied in a similar style, focusing on the eyes.

Red or raspberry lipstick for fair skin is also a godsend, especially if you want to create a festive or romantic look. Pale pink gamma is another necessary addition to the mysterious image. Light lipstick in combination with bright makeup will decorate any owner of porcelain delicate dermis.

Cold shades of lipstick are also welcome. It is recommended not to abuse and determine in advance how they fit under the eyes or the color of the curls.


Not always matched lipstick to the color of the hair is an ideal option if the shade of the skin was not taken into account. Owners of a swarthy face will have to work hard and familiarize themselves with the basic rules to make the most effective lip product.

The ideal lipstick color for dark skin is brown or plum tones. Do not use a palette that is too pale - it combines rather unnaturally with bright makeup and olive skin.

Advice! It goes well with tan and bright orange or scarlet poppies. Having replenished your cosmetic bag with such accessories, you can be sure of success with the opposite sex - the lips will look seductive, standing out on the face with bright and attractive curves.

How to choose lipstick by eye color

The easiest option for choosing a lip product is according to the color of the eyes. Of course, you should not forget about the shade of the skin or hair color, but it is the eyes that often suggest which color scheme is intended to decorate the face and complete the makeup.

The only thing to consider is that after applying makeup and its final touch on the lips, a woman should look not only beautiful, but also natural. Abuse of funds will lead to the fact that even the most sophisticated cosmetics will provide a touch of vulgarity and unnaturalness, and the wrong lipstick color will only aggravate the situation.

Lipstick for eye color is usually determined simply - there are time-tested rules that you need to consider when going to the store for a new cosmetic bag accessory.

For the green

For green-eyed beauties, there are not too many rules about how to choose lipstick. Beauticians recommend replenishing accessories for "war paint" with terracotta, orange, and pink scales.

For romantic parties or dates, brighter shades are suitable, but it is better not to abuse them, especially if there is no experience in applying such makeup. A brown palette goes well with green eyes, but be sure to make sure that the product is matte - shine can reduce the effect of general makeup.

For brown

Owners of brown eyes also often stop at the problem - how to choose the color of lipstick for the face so that the makeup looks stylish and skillfully complements the preconceived image. Image makers recommend stopping at the following shades:

  • brown;
  • chocolate;
  • Bordeaux;
  • plums.

Attention! The red palette is no less seductively combined with brown eyes, and you can acquire all shades - from light to almost black.

For blue

To the question of what lipstick suits blue eyes, image makers will answer with confidence - women need to carefully replenish their arsenal. You should stop at beige shades, look at the cherry palette.

Cold tones of lipstick will make the eye color icy. If you have a romantic meeting or a date, it is better to refuse such a choice, but for a business conversation, this image is perfect.

For gray

Gray-eyed beauties are also not too lucky with the color of the main face decoration. If you overdo it and make the wrong choice, it is easy to create the effect of “glassy” eyes, which often happens when applying a cold palette of lip products.

It is recommended to choose the color of lipstick from the cherry palette. As for blue-eyed women, you should look at beige scales. Plum lip products will no less effectively accentuate, decorating even everyday discreet makeup.

Advice! Nude will also decorate the face well, but only on condition that the hair color is light or blond. It is better for brunettes to abandon such experiments - the nude range does not go well with blue eyes and black curls.

Experts still have a considerable arsenal of useful tips that you need to consider when going to the store for a novelty for a cosmetic bag. Makeup artists recommend taking into account not only the eyes, hair and skin color, but also the shade of the teeth and even the size of the mouth.

For ladies who cannot boast of a snow-white chic smile, it is better to abandon the bright red range, beige or brown palette. What lipstick to choose for yellowish teeth? It is better to dwell on nude, pink tones, always matte. Discreet colors will partially mask the yellowness of the teeth. If the smile is snow-white, any tone will suit the face, especially if you take care in advance that the product is combined with strands, eyes and skin.

To choose a cosmetic bag accessory according to the shape of your lips, you should read the following recommendations from makeup artists:

  • light colors skillfully emphasize the shape, give new images, align the lines if necessary;
  • gloss is easy to add shine, which will decorate the makeup for an evening date;
  • dark shades visually reduce the lips, make them strict, taut, if you are smart with the range, it is easy to create a seductive and promising image;
  • it is better not to abuse mother-of-pearl tones for women with flawed lips - such experiments will emphasize defects, even if the flaws were minor, mother-of-pearl will make them too obvious;
  • matte palettes have their drawbacks - they relieve swelling of the lips, so it is better for owners of a thin, inconspicuous mouth not to use such products.

There is a little trick that makeup artists often use when they need to achieve the effect of lip augmentation. It is recommended to make the outwardly inconspicuous part of the face brighter and more expressive with a simple technique - apply a dark tone evenly along the contour, and almost transparent in the middle. The effect of such a make-up is amazing - even thin lips will become swollen, seductive lines will become. Another technique that allows you to visually increase the part of the face on which nature has saved a little is to complete the makeup with a gloss. The main thing is not to overdo it, too dark a shade combined with shine can create a vulgar effect.

Makeup artists also recommend choosing a lip product to be guided by age characteristics. It is better for young girls to stay on light warm shades. Older ladies will have to create their image with dark scales, but it is better not to overdo it. It is not recommended to get carried away with an expressive palette - this will play an evil role. A little secret for older ladies - pastel colors should not be used in any case. Such shades emphasize wrinkles too brightly - even if you managed to hide signs of age, the pastel range will highlight all the flaws.

To the question of how to choose the right color for lipstick, makeup artists will give one more useful advice - be sure to test the product when buying. It is not necessary to use a tester, which is a rather dangerous accessory (there is a risk of contracting serious diseases, especially if there are wounds or cracks on the lips). Good stores offer disposable probes that are great for this purpose. Applying the product will determine whether the selected tone is suitable. If in doubt, it is better to refuse the purchase and pay attention to another tube.

Plus 6 lipstick tricks every girl should try:

Choosing a lipstick color that perfectly matches the face and will decorate any makeup is not at all easy, as many women think. To look like a stylish well-groomed young lady, you will have to make a lot of effort and be patient. You should not buy the first lip product you like - intuition is a poor helper here. Only strict adherence to the recommendations of experts will allow you not to make a mistake and replenish the arsenal of cosmetic bags with the necessary and suitable accessory.

Gone are the days when a trendy shade of lipstick was used by most girls, relying solely on fashion. Now stylists are increasingly revealing the secrets of how to look beautiful and at the same time harmonious. Alas, even today, not all girls know how to choose the color of lipstick for their color type, since it is sometimes difficult to determine it.

lipstick shades

The variety of colors that are available on store shelves and in cosmetics catalogs can confuse anyone. Shades of red lipsticks are found in more than 10 varieties. And that's just red. At the same time, every year they are released in which the shades of lipsticks are repeated or different, so you can get completely confused. A big plus of such a variety is that a girl with any can paint her lips with her favorite color, but in a certain tone that suits her.

How to choose a lipstick color for the spring color type

Very similar to its season, the skin is often with a pink or peach undertone, looks fresh. The hair is predominantly blond and blond, but may be light brown. Hair color is sure to give a soft warm glow. The eyes can be from a light sky color to a rich deep. Bright and light shades of green and gray eyes are also inherent in spring girls. All the characteristics that distinguish the spring color type are shown in the picture below.

How to choose a lipstick color for the Spring color type? Given the softness of the image and shades inherent in spring girls, their colors will also have these characteristics. So, they will be appropriate following lipstick shades:

warm, translucent (lip gloss) vanillacarrot
warm pinkwarm fleshtomato
french rose color golden beige begonia color
salmon pink peachscarlet
coral pink bronzeruby red
carmine pink ochersangria
light coral terracottaburgundy
warm plummaroonruby

As for non-standard shades of lipstick, they must be selected in daylight, natural makeup, loose hair. So you can most accurately understand how the color suits the appearance.

An even easier way to select is to find the closest face type among celebrities and with a suitable color type, and then choose shades according to the images of the star diva. Also, this approach will be useful in that we treat someone else's appearance more soberly, which means that if the color of lipstick seems inappropriate for a celebrity, you can bypass it.

Lipstick color for color type Summer

Girls-Summer are similar to the glare of the sun and sunbeams, they are mostly light, although there are exceptions. Light skin of ivory, beige undertone, hair from blond to dark blond with a cold sheen. But this does not exclude brown-haired women and brunettes of the summer color type, although again, the hair color will be with a cold tint. The eyes are clear, icy to deep blue. Less common are green-eyed, but without admixture of hazel. In more detail, the Summer color type is shown in the picture below.

Let's figure out how to choose a lipstick color for summer ladies. As was evident from the description above, their appearance has a cold undertone, which means warm bright colors will make them dull. Cold shades, on the contrary, will emphasize the natural beauty, make it more expressive.

Lipstick shades for the Summer color type will be as follows:

pale pinklight red (cold) cold beige
royal pink strawberryearthy (shade of beige)
lavender pink maddercold chestnut
lilaccrimsonberry/dark raisin
hot pinklight cherrycherry
neon pink amaranthwarm plum

Lipstick shades for Autumn color type

Autumn girls are very bright, saturated, as if they have absorbed the colors of autumn. You will hardly find fair-haired among them, but a light red tint is a clear sign of autumn. The same applies to the entire palette of red up to dark copper. Also, Autumn is brown-haired and brunette with a warm shade of hair. They are also betrayed by the presence of freckles. For the most part, the eyes are green with a hazel tint and brown, but even blue eyes can be found. Skin tone with pink undertones or very light, almost pale. More about autumn girls is described in the picture below.

To understand how to choose the color of lipstick for the representatives of Autumn, you need to start from the main characteristics in appearance and autumn shades.

So, the most suitable lipstick colors are:

vanillacarmine pink begonia color
golden beige carrotsangria
coffeebright redwine
peachrubywarm plum
salmon pink dark rubypink coral

How to choose a lipstick color for the Winter color type

Winter girls are full of contrasts, like trees peeking out from under the snow. The most common image: black hair and eyes, snow-white or swarthy skin. You can also meet the Winter color type with lighter eyes and hair, but the shade will be cold. Contrasting appearance, where the main highlight is the eyes - the winter color type. And the details on all the characteristics of Winter are shown in the picture below.

Based on this, it is not difficult to understand how to choose the color of lipstick for a Winter girl. Shades will be saturated, while both cold and juicy, bright:

pale pinklavender pink ripe cherry
steel pink bright reddeep wine
deep pink crimsonruby
neon pink madderburgundy
fuchsiawine redsangria
brown raspberry burgundy

How to choose lipstick

In addition, to navigate the warm or cold spectrum of colors, you should pay attention to the color of hair and clothes. In everyday life, when the makeup is natural and the clothes are calm tones, choose a translucent shade of lipstick or gloss. For an evening make-up, the shade will be saturated and, depending on the outfit, bright and light or, on the contrary, deep.

In order for lipstick to look the most advantageous on the lips, you need to choose a color that will match your type of appearance. Often, due to the wrong choice, makeup can look at least ridiculous. If you do not like to use this decorative tool, then it is likely that you simply have not found your perfect tone yet!

Basic lip makeup

No lipstick will be able to "lie" on your lips well if they are overdried or weather-beaten. That is why it is important to take care of the lips in order to eliminate any peeling and dryness - a well-groomed look will be given to them by the timely use of a scrub, massage with a toothbrush, applying various balms and nourishing masks. Only having achieved softness and smoothness of the lips, you can proceed to their makeup.
    Beforehand, cosmetologists recommend applying a little concealer or foundation - thanks to this, the color of the lipstick will last longer and the natural pigment of the lips will not distort it. Now you need a contour, which is usually created with a pencil. If the lipstick is thick enough, then the contour can be applied with it, using a brush. Draw the desired borders, starting from the middle of the upper lip. If you want the lips to visually appear a little larger, then the pencil lines should slightly protrude beyond the boundaries of the natural shape of your lips. You can shade the contour over the entire lip area - this way the lipstick will last longer. However, in this case, it is important that the shades of the pencil and lipstick are identical. In general, the tone of the pencil should either match the tone of the lipstick, or be one tone darker - you should not use a lighter shade. Next, cosmetologists recommend gently applying lipstick with a brush. If you don't like using a brush, you can do without it. After applying lipstick, lightly blot your lips with a regular paper napkin - this is done to eliminate excess. It is not recommended to rub with lips.

How to match lipstick color to your face

Before choosing a lipstick, it is important to determine your color type. To put it simply, with a cold type of appearance, cold shades will look most harmonious, and with a warm one, warm ones. We will consider all these nuances below, and start with skin tone. If you are the owner of pale skin (such girls are often called “snow whites”), then cold shades of lipsticks will suit you, from light pink to wine or plum. It is better to choose gentle and slightly muted colors. Girls who have a swarthy or golden skin tone are suitable for warm and bright colors - coral, peach, brown, red and burgundy shades. Faded colors are likely to look less advantageous, "losing" on the face. If you have light pinkish skin, then the choice is also very wide - light brown cold tones, plum, dark pink will suit you.

How to choose the right lipstick for hair color

What lipstick color suits blondes

If you have blue eyes and cool blonde, then you will look most impressive with lips of pink and lavender tones. If the hair color is closer to wheat, then coral, pink-beige, light red will look spectacular. Green-eyed blondes it is better to do makeup in warm colors. Pay attention to muted orange tones, peach, beige, pale pink. Gray-eyed blonde may adhere to approximately the same recommendations as the blue-eyed. Dark tones in your case are appropriate only in evening make-up, and it is desirable that they be matte. Blondes with brown eyes it is recommended to pay attention to beige, red and brown shades. Warm pink lipstick will also be quite appropriate.

lipstick colors for brunettes

If you have blue-black hair and brown eyes then choose saturated shades for makeup, close to cherry and raspberry. If you have light eyes (gray, green, blue), then we recommend using lilac or pink lipstick. brunettes come not only with a cold undertone of hair, but also with warm. If, in addition to this, you also have dark eyes, then the choice of lipstick shades is very large - coral, dark pink, cherry. When choosing lipstick for the evening, pay attention to chocolate, dark red and ruby. If you have light eyes (gray, green, blue), then lips with brown shades will probably look the best. Evening version - lilac-pink tones.

If you have dark blond hair, then we note that in this case the choice of lipsticks can be significant. Peach, golden, beige and light pink tones will suit you. Wine, terracotta, brick, coral and chocolate tones are suitable for the evening. If you blonde hair, then pink shades would be more appropriate. Nude makeup is perfect for everyday life. Pay attention to apricot and pink shades. For the evening, you can experiment with fuchsia and burgundy shades.

For owners gray eyes well suited lipstick pink, golden, cherry shades. Neutral tones that are only slightly different from the natural shade of the lips will look appropriate. green-eyed We advise individuals to experiment with salmon, coral, raspberry, red, brick lipstick. For a neutral make-up, you can choose a beige tone. If you have blue eyes and fair skin, then some bright shades will look out of place (this rule is irrelevant if the skin is still tanned). In daytime makeup, beige or pale pink will look good. For the evening, you can experiment with raspberry, red, wine shades. brown-eyed girls can afford bright pink, coral, red, chocolate shades.

How to choose lipstick for lips - test online

1. Determine your skin tone
a) Golden b) Swarthy c) Pinkish d) Pale 2. Color of your eyes?
a) Blue, green, amber, carib) Gray-blue, gray, gray-green c) Bright blue, turquoise d) Dark brown, blue 3. Color of your hair?
a) Red, chestnut b) Light brown - natural color or close to it c) Shades of blond) Black, dark chocolate 4. Which of these celebrities do you think you most resemble?
a) Jessica Albab) Cara Delevingne) Rosie Huntington-Whitelig) Monica Bellucci 5. What style do you prefer?
a) Glamorous) Casual c) Romantic d) Vintage


1.) If option “A” prevails in your answers, then the following shades of lipstick are most likely to suit you: beige, coral, chocolate, brown, caramel, burgundy, brick, terracotta. 2.) With most answers "B": blue, plum or lilac lipstick, maroon, shades of lilac, wine color, cold pink. 3.) If you answered “B” more often: any natural color, neutral matte lipstick (both dark and light), nude shades, peach, pink or raspberry. 4.) In the case of the predominance of the answers "G", warm and cold shades may suit you: cherry or chocolate color, red, fuchsia, pink-brown or dark pink.

How to choose your shade of red lipstick

When choosing red lipstick, of course, you need to consider the color of your hair and skin. Some girls, once applying red lipstick to their lips, believe that this color does not suit them, but this is almost impossible - you just need to choose the right tone! The easiest method is to alternately apply different shades of red to the lips, and determine which of the shades looks the most harmonious. However, there are some general recommendations that will help you make the right choice. Blondes saturated berry shades (raspberry, cranberry) are most often suitable. In some cases, a carrot-red shade will also look great. brown hair often look spectacular with lipstick of a classic red hue. Also pay attention to tomato and coral tones. brunettes can favorably emphasize their merits by opting for a cherry, burgundy or wine red shade. redheads girls usually look most spectacular with red-pink or amaranth lipstick. Note that velvety matte lipsticks that look somewhat muted and do not emphasize skin imperfections are increasingly popular. In some cases, lacquer lipsticks with a glossy finish are quite appropriate.

How to choose lipstick for makeup

If you set out to make a neat daytime make-up, then, of course, you should give preference to natural shades, such as: warm pink, coffee, beige, cream. If you don’t want to draw attention to your lips at all, then you can use a transparent lip gloss or lipstick that will repeat your lip color tone on tone. Girls who still want to focus on the lips or are looking for options for evening makeup should definitely choose rich tones for your color type - red, fuchsia, burgundy, wine and so on. By the way, there is one important nuance - if you want the lipstick to look almost the same on the lips as in the stick, then first apply a little tonal base on the lips so that the natural pigment of the lips does not distort the chosen color. If you have pale skin, then for organic makeup you should not use lipsticks with mother of pearl - then the lips will be lost on the face. Also avoid yellowish tones, as they can make you look sickly. Choose calm and muted tones (they can also be dark). Dark-skinned girls are recommended to use juicy and bright colors in makeup. It is important to note that if you decide to focus on the lips, then the eye makeup should be more moderate. An exception may be parties and discos, but in this case it is important to think about the combination of colors.

What lipstick is suitable for age

Less than 20 years old It is better for very young schoolgirls to use lipsticks of moderate and delicate shades of peach, pink, cream in their make-up. "Screaming" colors at this age may look somewhat vulgar and out of place.

20+ Girls about twenty years old and a little more can be much freer in experiments with shades and textures of lipsticks. You can be bolder in choosing bright and even neon lipstick colors. Raspberry, fuchsia, plum, gray and many other fashionable and popular shades can suit you and be quite age-appropriate. Dark-skinned girls can be guided in the choice of lipstick by such celebrities as Jessica Alba and Jennifer Lopez, and pale-skinned girls by Cara Delevingne and Megan Fox. 30+ If you are over thirty, then, for sure, noble shades of red will look appropriate in your image. By sampling, you can choose your ideal tone - from classic red to brick. What to look for when choosing a shade? If you have olive or golden skin, then you are more likely to go for colors with an orange undertone. For women with dark skin, we recommend choosing red lipstick with a brown undertone or burgundy. Fair-skinned people are recommended to choose a “cold red”, without a redhead. Mila Jovovich, Scarlett Johansson, Natalie Portman can become a guide in choosing. 40+ If you are over forty years old, then romantic tones of lipsticks, like “dusty rose” or “beige-pink”, will probably be appropriate in your makeup. It is desirable that the cosmetic product give a satin or slightly dewy finish, as matte lipsticks can accentuate wrinkles. Remember that lips often lose volume at this age, so dark lipsticks can make them even smaller. Also, do not forget about the pencil, which guarantees the clarity of the contour. Such recognized beauties can become a guide for you: Cate Blanchett, Monica Bellucci, Julia Roberts, Jennifer Aniston, Charlize Theron, Salma Hayek. skin, eye and hair color.

What to look for when choosing a lipstick

Try to buy lipsticks in large cosmetic stores - they usually have the opportunity to test many products there. Swipe the tester over the skin of your hand - if the color goes on evenly and without bald spots, then this lipstick will probably not cause problems in use. Usually this type of cosmetics can be stored for two years, so be sure to find out the date of manufacture of the product - of course, it is desirable that it was released no more than a year ago. The smell of the cosmetic product is also important - it should be light and unobtrusive - highly scented lipsticks can provoke an allergic reaction. Please refrain from purchasing if there are moisture drops or cracks on the surface of the product.