What beauty treatments I will never do again. Eight secret but accessible beauty treatments that stars adore Popular beauty facials

Summer is coming - a hot time for all women who actively cleaned their feathers and prepared for the season. But what if there is simply not enough time to visit the masters in the salon? Or can't afford expensive spa treatments? Or maybe you just don't trust salons, preferring to take care of yourself on your own?

In any case, savvy ladies have long guessed to replace most salon beauty procedures with home counterparts. Perhaps not all of them solve skin problems as deeply as hardware or chemical professional methods. However, with systematic use, such home care methods will still give a brilliant result, which will certainly be noticed and appreciated by others.

1. Home hair glazing - instead of lamination in the salon

Salon lamination quickly fell in love with women for the visible effect after the first procedure - a glossy sheen of smooth, soft and obedient strands.

Homemade glaze based on gelatin will delight beautiful ladies no less.

Ingredients (quantity may vary depending on thickness and length of hair): 1 tbsp. a spoonful of gelatin diluted with water, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of water, 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of corn and olive (can be replaced with odorless sunflower) oil.

We heat the diluted gelatin in a water bath. After it is completely dissolved, add the rest of the ingredients and stir until smooth. Then remove from heat and let cool slightly. Divide wet hair into 8-10 large strands and apply the mixture without waiting until it cools down completely.

Attention! When applied from the roots, it is necessary to retreat at least 5 centimeters. Each smeared strand is wrapped with cling film, and the whole head is wrapped with a towel on top. It is necessary to walk with glaze for 25-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water - and you can enjoy the result.

If your kitchen does not have apple cider vinegar or a variety of vegetable oils, you can make the glaze according to an even simpler recipe: dissolve in 3 tbsp. spoons of hot water 1 tbsp. a spoonful of gelatin, mix the resulting mixture with your favorite hair conditioner. After washing your hair, instead of a pure balm, apply a conditioner enriched with gelatin. Wrap your hair in cellophane, put a towel turban on top, and walk with your head warm for about 2 hours. Wash off with warm water.

2. Facial scrub mask - instead of mechanical superficial peeling in the salon

There is no doubt that it is impossible to do medium and deep salon peels at home not only because of the unavailability of medicines, but also because of the lack of skills and knowledge, which can lead to deep skin injuries and chemical burns.

However, home scrubbing, combined in one procedure with nutrition and hydration, can do wonders for tired skin. The key to success is regular use at least once a week.

Ingredients: 3 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal, 3 tbsp. tablespoons dry orange peel, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of almonds, 150 g of chamomile decoction.

It's simple: you need to grind the first three components and mix them with the fourth. Apply the resulting mixture to the previously cleansed skin of the face and leave for 5 minutes - as a mask (for the effects of nutrients). Then we begin to exfoliate the dead particles of the epidermis, massaging the face with smooth circular movements along the massage lines (from the middle of the forehead to the temples, from the middle of the chin to the ears). Finally, wash off the orange scrub mask with warm water and apply your favorite moisturizer.

There is a similar but slightly different recipe: 1 tbsp. dilute a spoonful of semolina in 2 tbsp. spoons of freshly squeezed orange juice (you can squeeze a tangerine as an option), add half a teaspoon of ground oatmeal, and finish the mixture with 2-3 drops of almond oil. The use is almost the same, only in this case, massage the face first, and then leave the mask on the face for 15-20 minutes.

3. Homemade mask-film against black dots - instead of cleansing the face in the salon

The problem of black dots on the nose, chin is familiar to most girls, even if they are not owners of oily skin.

To deal with hated comedones, some regularly visit beauty salons, after cleaning in which they need to hide their red face from others for a day. Others buy cleansing sticky nose strips. The effect of them lasts for a short time (up to a week), but quickly and not as expensive as professional cleaning. And you can regularly make a homemade mask on the principle of sticky strips, which has the same effect at a penny cost.

To cleanse the nose, you only need milk (1 teaspoon) and gelatin (1 teaspoon). They are mixed and heated until the gelatin is completely dissolved and swollen. Apply the resulting mixture with a large brush (you can use a blush brush after washing it with shampoo) in a thick layer on the nose or the entire T-zone (then you may need to increase the number of components). The liquid mass must be given time to solidify completely. The resulting film must be torn off with a sharp, confident movement - the contents of the contaminated pores will remain on it.

4. Gymnastics for the muscles of the face and neck - instead of lifting in the salon

Many women regularly visit gyms and fitness clubs, but at the same time, out of ignorance or laziness, they neglect facial gymnastics.

Meanwhile, this completely free home remedy is able to keep the face youthful for many years much better than a salon facelift, significantly pushing back the need for radical manipulations. The main thing (as in any beauty technique) is regularity.

The essence of gymnastics is that it helps to tighten the muscular frame of the face, which inevitably weakens over the years, breaking the ideal facial oval with a flabby chin or sagging "bulldog" cheeks. And the essence of hardware lifting is the same training for the muscles of the face and neck, but passive (that is, for lazy young ladies).

Gymnastics technique can be seen in one of the many Internet videos on YouTube.

5. Face massage with cosmetic ice - instead of cryotherapy in the salon

Of course, this is not a completely equivalent replacement, since cryotherapy is a massage with liquid nitrogen, which has a much lower temperature than ice.

However, Sophia Loren herself has repeatedly admitted that it helps her to keep her skin in good shape from a young age by massaging the skin of her face with special ice cubes every morning. And the great Lauren is already 81 years old - and all women at this age should look like an Italian movie legend (by the way, this year the actress even became the face of the new Dolce & Gabbana fragrance).

Beauty Ice Recipe by Sophia Loren: mix mineral water and green tea in equal proportions, adding a few drops of lemon juice (if you have sensitive and dry skin, you can not add lemon), pour into molds and freeze.

If you do not like Madame's recipe, you can freeze any herbal infusions, having previously selected plants for your skin type, or even one mineral water. And start every morning with an ice cube, which you need to drive along the massage lines of the face until completely melted.

6. Paraffin baths for hands - instead of paraffin therapy in the salon

Usually, paraffin therapy is referred to as a complex of salon spa hand care, which provides incomparable softness of the skin and cuticles. This is a true bliss for dry, flaky brushes and fingers, which is quite possible to organize at home.

Get a small piece of paraffin, 1 teaspoon of natural beeswax and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cocoa butter. Think it's in the bag! Additionally, you need sea salt and lavender essential oil.

It remains to grate the paraffin, melt in a water bath, mix with melted wax and cocoa butter. After that, add 1 teaspoon of sea salt and a few drops of lavender to the hot mixture. Cool the mixture to a temperature that will be pleasant to the hands, and will not leave burns. Now you can immerse clean (preferably scrubbed) hands in baths (bowls) with a fragrant mixture. Several times you need to dip the brushes into the baths and get them out so that the paraffin thickens in the air. After 3 layers, you can put on cellophane gloves, warm mittens on top, enjoying for at least half an hour. Rinse with warm water, in the finale - your favorite hand cream.

Just do not forget to clean your nails from varnish before the procedure so that they also receive their dose of strengthening substances!

7. Homemade body wrap - instead of a spa wrap in the salon

Body wraps are exactly the procedure with which the vast majority of people associate a complex of spa services.

Depending on the main component used, wraps can tighten the silhouette, fight cellulite, stretch marks, soften dry skin, etc.

Home wraps can be as varied as in beauty salons. Who prevents you from setting up a salon at home at least every week? Or you can invite a couple of friends to visit - it is easier to cope with the intricacies of the procedure with companions.

Attention! Before any body wrap, it is necessary not only to cleanse the skin of the body with a shower product, but also to do a peeling of the whole body - for this, any ready-made scrub from a cosmetics store, as well as coffee grounds or sea salt, is suitable. All wraps are washed off with warm water, then the skin is moisturized with lotion, cream or oil (to taste).

Classic against cellulite and for weight loss - honey wrap. royal procedure! Pre-heated to a noticeably warm temperature (in no case hot, otherwise the most useful trace elements will evaporate!) Honey is applied to the body. From above you need to wrap yourself with a film (special cosmetic or at least ordinary food) - it’s easier when this manipulation is done by a companion in the procedure. Then we wrap ourselves in a warm blanket or blanket and lie down to dream for 40-60 minutes, feeling a warm tingling on the skin.

Another favorite of all salon regulars and sweet tooth is fragrant chocolate anti-cellulite wrap for skin tone. We take 200 g of natural cocoa powder without additives, mix thoroughly in half a liter of hot water. The mixture should have a consistency similar to sour cream. We apply it in a thick layer on the whole body (or the most problematic areas), wrap ourselves with a film and a blanket. You need to lie in cocoa for half an hour (but if time is short, then 15 minutes will give a certain effect).

As you can see, in any conditions (even at home) you can and should take care of yourself. Financial or time constraints are just an excuse. As they say, there are no ugly women - there are lazy ones!

If you want to impress everyone you know with your youthful radiant skin, then the cryolifting procedure is perfect for you. This is almost instant skin rejuvenation, or non-injection mesotherapy. Its main advantage is that it is safe, the procedure can even be done during the recovery period after a chemical peel or laser resurfacing.

Cryolifting, that is, exposure to cold, helps to tighten the skin, smooth wrinkles and improve skin relief. This procedure not only improves the condition of the skin, but also gives noticeable aesthetic changes: it whitens the skin with pigmentation, eliminates fine mimic wrinkles, and also reduces swelling.

The procedure is absolutely safe: after cleansing the skin, it is carried out with a special cooling tip. Working temperature during the procedure - from 0 to -20 degrees. In addition, cryolifting has a very small number of contraindications: cold urticaria, dermatitis, acne and diseases associated with blood clotting.


And here is another procedure with an almost magical effect. This is cleansing, and moisturizing, and skin rejuvenation at the same time. HydraFacial is carried out using a special vacuum system and is suitable for people with sensitive skin. For the procedure, there are several types of nozzles, all of them are disposable, which ensures the maximum level of safety.

The main feature is not only safety and painlessness, but also an instant result.

It is very important that your hair looks well-groomed and healthy at an important event. A procedure with a quick effect - biolamination - visually changes the structure of the hair. It differs from conventional lamination in that the coating composition consists of cellulose and other natural ingredients. In addition, biolamination can give the hair a darker shade if you wish. In this case, not a transparent mixture will be used, but a special tint. This is a great way to slightly change the usual hair color and improve them.

Pepper wrap

The shape is important. To instantly get rid of a few hated centimeters and put on a stunning trouser suit or a short dress, you can use the proven method - pepper wrap, which warms up the skin, speeds up blood flow and metabolism, allowing you to get rid of cellulite, reduce waist size.

This procedure can be performed at home. But if you have varicose veins, wrapping is contraindicated for you. In addition, the procedure can hardly be called pleasant, but it gives a quick result. If you decide to make it at home, be sure to read the rules for it in detail and select a recipe with ingredients that do not cause you allergies.

Manicure is the minimum requirement for a modern well-groomed woman. And no matter what shoes you choose, you can get a pedicure at least in order to feel more confident. An interesting and fashionable manicure can complement your look and emphasize the beautiful shape of your nails.

With the help of biolamination, you can not only create a beautiful coating on your nails, but also not harm them. Due to its composition, it fits perfectly on the nail plate, does not require long drying and lasts for a long time.

Hands are the visiting card of any girl. Before an important event, when you need to quickly put your hands in order, Brazilian manicure will help you - this is a combination of manicure and spa care based on natural ingredients. After that, it is recommended to do paraffin therapy, which will additionally soften and moisturize the skin.

Lush Refillable Bath Foam
This is not a magic wand, but a reusable product that fills the bath with a candy scent, colors the water in Barbie's favorite color and creates a dense foam. At the same time, it takes care of the skin a little.

Bath salt scrub Sexy Bath, Beautybuzz
For a scrub, this product is too ephemeral: upon contact with water and even a slightly damp body, it quickly turns into an emulsion and there are not so many abrasive particles left. But the main method of application, which conquers absolutely everyone, is in the form of bath salts. Because of the incredibly sweet vanilla-coconut aroma, you want to call it sugar - it seems that you are in a candy store with delicious and fresh pastries. The product moisturizes the skin and makes it soft.

Tom Ford Oud Wood Shower Gel
Notes of oud wood, amber and tonka bean transform bathing or showering into a true spa ritual with detox elements. The scent of Oud Wood envelops you with its warm and bright trail, and you don't want to leave the bathroom at all.

Body brush The Body Shop
After the bath, confidently walk with a dry brush over problem areas, massaging them in a circular motion. Thus, you will increase microcirculation, remove the stratum corneum and prepare the skin for the application of special anti-cellulite and sagging products. Be careful if you have sensitive skin or it has breakouts.


Serum-antistress CiCapair, Dr Jart +
Before plunging into the bath, thoroughly cleanse your face and apply the serum. This product from Dr Jart+, thanks to its semi-gel texture, is quickly absorbed, and also tightens pores, removes redness and evens out complexion. A good base before applying a clay mask.

GlamGlow Rejuvenating Exfoliating Facial Mask
Rumor has it that one of the secrets of Keanu Reeves' youth lies precisely in the use of GlamGlow masks. This clay and oil based treatment deeply hydrates the skin and stimulates the production of collagen to improve firmness.

Night mask for protection against aggressive environmental factors Kiehl's
When you're done with water, apply this mask at night to wake up with a rested face. Based on extracts of Chinese parsley and bitter orange, this remedy transforms the skin after the first application. It becomes even, polished and radiant, as if you have gone through a series of light peels.

Lancôme Nutrix Royal Body Cream
Steamed skin after a bath is important to thoroughly moisturize with oil or cream. This Lancôme product, because of its density and texture, wants to be called a cream. Specially developed for very dry skin, the cream easily copes even with rough areas.

Kiehl's Calming After Shave Gel for Irritated Skin
The case when it is worth taking a closer look at what is presented in the men's section of cosmetics. Formulated with aloe and peppermint extracts, this alcohol-free lotion soothes skin in minutes to prevent redness, irritation and ingrown hairs.

Modeling gel with ivy extract Ligne St Barth
After massage with a dry brush, do not forget to apply a special modeling agent to problem areas. This gel with ivy extract helps to increase microcirculation and remove excess fluid. In addition to being effective in the fight against cellulite, stretch marks and flabbiness, this remedy also helps to cope with morning swelling of the face.

Leonor Greyl Masque Fleurs de Jasmin
During the beauty marathon, you should not forget about your hair. Apply a mask containing organic oils and proteins and leave it on until the end of your spa ritual at home. Under the influence of temperature from hot water, the product will work even more efficiently, which means that the hair will be even more shiny, manageable and soft.

Gisou hair oil
It is better to complete hair care with a couple of drops of hair oil. This treatment softens and protects hair with organic honey without weighing it down. In addition, the oil adds even more shine and thickens the curls.

The modern sphere of salon care and cosmetology can solve, if not all, then very many problems of female beauty. And to make it easier for you to navigate the new names, we asked specialists from Moscow clinics and beauty salons to sort through the most trendy procedures of the coming year.

Photo: DR

Masters of the Bella Potemkina Beauty salon on Okhotny Ryad

Among the hair treatments this year will be very popular Olaplex. Its essence lies in the fact that a special Olaplex composition is added to the dye, and an innovative patented molecule helps to make the process of any hair coloring and bleaching gentle. As a result, you get soft, healthy, shiny and strong hair that remains so for a long time. In general, with Olaplex, any experiments with color will be nothing to your hair.

Massage to achieve a toned and slender figure began to gain popularity at the end of 2016, and in the coming year it will generally turn into a must-have. LPG massage is considered almost the most effective body shaping procedure: with the help of LPG you can remove cellulite, tighten the silhouette, reduce body volume and get rid of edema. Through special rollers in the automatic nozzles of the device, the skin is retracted at a frequency of 4-16 times per second, which allows you to renew and improve blood flow in specific areas. The action also applies to fat cells, so that as a result the skin becomes firm and elastic, the texture of collagen fibers improves and tones, puffiness is removed, regeneration and nourishment of the skin occurs, which helps to eliminate wrinkles. LPG massage is also relevant for the face.


Photoepilation is one of the most effective methods of hair removal and almost the only procedure of its kind that allows you to get rid of hair forever. Under the action of heat waves, the hair follicle is deprived of nutrients, as a result of which hair growth stops. In addition to the fact that hair grows very slowly and weakly, photoepilation has a number of important advantages, including a non-contact method of exposure, minimal damage to the skin, high speed of the procedure (one session takes from 5 to 30 minutes) and even skin rejuvenation. For complete hair removal, it will take from 3 to 7 sessions, however, after the first one, the hair begins to fall out intensively, and the newly regrown ones become thinner.

PQ Age peeling

This one differs from all classic peels by the absence of a recovery period and greater efficiency. Without affecting the upper layers of the dermis, PQ AGE peeling penetrates immediately inside and has a rejuvenating and regenerating effect at the level of the middle and middle-deep layers, which contributes to the renewal of the epidermis. In addition, this type of peeling is very fast, painless and has no seasonality.

Natalia Imaeva, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Lantan Clinic


To date, the main trends in modern aesthetic medicine are associated with the technologies of cellular skin rejuvenation and the ability to stimulate fibroblasts - skin cells responsible for the formation of collagen, and therefore for its elasticity and youth. The ability to restore organs and tissues is inherent in the human body by nature itself, and the current level of development of aesthetic medicine allows it to be repeatedly strengthened and effectively used for rejuvenation. One of the advanced methods in the field of rejuvenation is the RECYTOS-Skin procedure. The uniqueness of the procedure lies in the fact that it stimulates the functional cells of the dermis to produce new collagen fibers that replace the deformed fibers of non-functional collagen. The procedure allows you to achieve the effect of volumetric lifting, form a subcutaneous skeleton from your own new collagen fibers, improve skin texture, restore vascular elasticity, improve cellular nutrition and respiration, return the skin cell regeneration function to the “young” mode.


Bioreparation procedures have become a real breakthrough in the field of injection techniques. The procedure uses preparations containing peptide complexes and growth factors. When interacting with skin cells, a cascade of biologically active molecules is synthesized that is necessary to activate the skin's own stem cells, and the drugs also contribute to the formation of collagen. The procedure allows to increase the resistance of skin cells to aggressive environmental factors, slows down the aging process, ensures the delivery of nutrients and signal molecules to the skin cells. Growth factors normalize microcirculation, improve skin texture and restore damaged cell systems. The skin is rejuvenated and takes on a well-groomed appearance.


Unlike a number of aesthetic technologies that can effectively deal with the effects of such factors as poor ecology, unbalanced nutrition or bad habits on the appearance, the innovative CYTOS-jet technique affects the mechanisms of genetic skin aging, slowing them down. The CYTOS-jet cell rejuvenation technology uses an innovative technique for transporting ions and molecules through the cell membrane. The technique allows you to introduce active DNA-RNA complexes into skin cells, rejuvenating the skin from the inside. With the help of the procedure, active stimulation of collagen synthesis takes place, cell regeneration is restored and the processes of apoptosis (programmed aging) are slowed down. This allows you to significantly extend the life of skin cells, delaying their aging.

Nadezhda Kozhevnikova, cosmetologist at Britana beauty studio


I'll start with a small educational program. Cosmetic face masks have long been one of the most popular and affordable procedures in the complex of cosmetic methods for skin care. Face masks vary in many ways. First of all, they are divided into professional and intended for home use. The former are used in beauty salons, usually as the final stage of facial skin care. Such masks usually have a rather complex composition, which includes many active ingredients. The composition of the active ingredients depends on the effect expected from the use of a particular mask. Examples of active ingredients are hyaluronic acid, alpha hydroxy acids, ceramides, liposomal microemulsions. The second is a lighter version.

Masks also differ among themselves according to the type of skin for which they are intended (for oily, normal, dry, combination, sensitive, problematic, age-related and pigmented skin), in form (powder, paste, cream, gel, plasticizing and film) , by composition (clay, algae, paraffin, of animal and vegetable origin), by action and problem to be solved (moisturizing, nourishing, lifting, anti-inflammatory, whitening, cleansing, tonic, thermal, vascular strengthening, rejuvenating). The latter, it would seem, immediately solves the issue of choosing a mask, but in reality it is not so simple.

As a rule, facial skin in different areas has a different type, transitional or even frankly opposite. For example, in the area of ​​the cheeks, the skin may be dry, and in the area of ​​​​the wings of the nose and on the forehead - oily or problematic. It also very often happens that oily skin already has noticeable signs of age-related changes. And despite the fact that oily skin requires care with the use of sebum-regulating, often drying masks, this is not suitable for aging skin and may even worsen its condition, due to the fact that the correct level of moisture is very important to maintain skin elasticity.

Multimasking just solves this problem. Applying different masks at the same time on different parts of the face looks like a complex mosaic, but only with this approach in professional facial care can you get the best result. It should also be noted that there are masks that can solve several problems at once. For example, collagen sheets have a powerful lifting effect, as well as noticeably narrow pores and, in addition, can narrow dilated vessels. Alginate masks simultaneously have a powerful lymphatic drainage effect, and give a noticeable face lifting, narrow and cleanse pores.

Salon specialists Yes with Nelly Ermolaeva

Non-surgical removal of Bish's lumps

The main mechanism of the procedure is controlled heating of the dermis and subcutaneous fat to a temperature of 40-42 degrees, which significantly activates the processes of lipolysis, due to which volumes are reduced. Also, in the process, skin functions begin to recover, tissue trophism and local blood circulation improve, the process of collagen remodeling starts, and visually we observe a clearer oval of the face and the desired “sunken cheeks”. And yes, in addition to the fact that the procedure does not involve any surgical intervention, it is also absolutely painless.

Intimate rejuvenation

In the process of life, the skin undergoes some changes that affect not only the face and body, but also the most intimate areas. Flabbiness, atonicity, pigmentation and other unaesthetic changes occur in intimate areas not only with age, but also due to heredity, hormonal disruptions, surgical interventions, after childbirth and during menopause. Such defects create discomfort in the intimate life of women, and sometimes completely deprive her because of the latter's insecurity in their aesthetic beauty. You can restore your former beauty and confidence with the help of intimate rejuvenation, and in 2017, fortunately, this can be done without surgical intervention, with the help of an Israeli device, which, due to special technology in the system, provides an absolutely safe, painless process without rehabilitation. period. The procedure is carried out with two nozzles: the first works on the lifting effect, starts the production of neocollagenogenesis, due to which atonicity is eliminated and the shape improves, the second eliminates pigmentation and reduces tissue volume. Summarizing all of the above, the output is not only tissue rejuvenation, but also an improvement in the shape and size of the labia minora and labia majora, an increase in the tone and elasticity of tissues, an improvement in skin color, the elimination of pigmentation and the prevention of all possible defects in the future.


The procedure is a modern method of non-injection mesotherapy. The method is based on the introduction of useful substances into the epidermis under the influence of electromagnetic pulses through the opened channels, so the process takes place without pain: as a result of the action of currents of a certain strength and frequency on the skin, channels open in it, which, after the termination of the procedure, close on their own. Substances, getting deep into the epidermis, start the process of regeneration - a natural work to restore cells. The use of needle-free mesotherapy is possible on various areas of the skin: in the décolleté area, on the trunk, on the extremities, which significantly expands the list of problems solved with its help, including flabbiness and sagging of the skin, mimic wrinkles, lack of elasticity of different parts of the body, acne and acne. Also, the general appearance of the skin becomes more perfect, swelling, pigmentation disappear, stretch marks turn pale. And the recovery processes after plastic surgery and peeling are taking place. Another method is successfully used for cellulite and hair loss. But it is worth remembering that the long-term result is guaranteed only by the course: after ten sessions once a week, the effect is observed from 4-6 months to 1 year. Regular passage of the course significantly improves the condition of the skin as a whole, gives a rejuvenating effect.

Laser hair removal

Currently, laser hair removal is one of the most effective procedures for removing unwanted hair once and for all. This clean result is achieved by destroying the hair follicle under the influence of a laser beam that penetrates to a predetermined depth. Laser pulses are not absorbed by proteins, nucleic acids, lipids and do not cause mutagenic reactions (which, by the way, makes the procedure clinically safe), but only affect the dark pigment of the hair - melanin, which conducts a flash to the bulb itself, causing atrophy of the hair follicle.

In February 2017, the film Cure for Wellness is released, in which wellness is shown from a very unexpected side - a little dramatic, a little unusual and even a little scary. Unexplored procedures and medicines terrify the protagonist, who ends up in an elite sanatorium. Based on the trailer for the Gore Verbinski movie, we invite you to think about five beauty procedures that you may be afraid of and do it completely in vain.

Non-injection carboxytherapy

From childhood, we were taught that carbon dioxide is good for plants, but in humans, it can cause hearing loss, dizziness, and death from suffocation. With this knowledge, it can be difficult to voluntarily decide on carboxytherapy (saturation of the skin with carbon dioxide), even without injections. But no matter how paradoxical it may be, locally it acts on skin cells in a fundamentally opposite way. After several stages of cleansing, a dense mask of CO2 gel is applied to the face, and the body responds to the lack of oxygen with increased blood supply. This perfectly strengthens the walls of blood vessels, so the procedure is often indicated for people with rosacea. Due to the rush of blood, carboxytherapy enhances the effect of other procedures carried out before it, such as manual massage or LPG.

With this procedure, you can deal with bruising under the eyes, puffiness, dry skin and, most importantly, a dull complexion. If you are not ready for a course of standard 3-12 procedures, go at least one before the New Year. A single trip to carboxytherapy will delight you with the “Cinderella effect”, small wrinkles will be smoothed out, the skin will glow with health, swelling will go down, and a pleasant blush will play on your cheeks. The effect becomes especially noticeable after 15 hours and will last for 48 hours. for New Year's Eve. Salon professionals really do wonders. The cost of the procedure is 12900 rubles.


He's Dracula's lift, he's Vampire's therapy. Despite the scary names, the procedure itself is absolutely safe and even very useful, which is why Kim Kardashian, Angelina Jolie and Bar Refaeli love it so much. Plasmolifting became famous in 2009 - it was then that the stars began to “prick” plasma in the name of a beautiful complexion and getting rid of wrinkles. Sometimes, however, it is mixed with hyaluronic acid - the results of such a cocktail will not keep you waiting.

Plasmolifting is one of the methods of mesotherapy. It is usually done with a dermapen machine, a pen with a cartridge of about 12 needles that take turns making punctures on your face - from 3,000 to 5,000 per minute. Through these punctures, your plasma penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin. So, if you decide to fight age-related changes in the skin, sagging, dryness and a decrease in its turgor, stretch marks and mimic wrinkles, or if you want to restore the skin if you are carried away by tanning or peeling, Plasmolifting is your faithful assistant. First, you donate blood, then in a centrifuge it will be divided into erythrocyte mass and platelet-rich plasma - they are responsible for blood clotting and regeneration and growth of young tissue. The resulting plasma, enriched with elastin and collagen, is injected. After the procedure, the complexion will improve significantly, age spots and wrinkles will disappear, the face oval will tighten. For plasmolifting go to the clinic "[Beauty Time](http://vrkr.ru/cosmetology/plazmolifting)(: target="_blank" )". The cost of one procedure is 25300 rubles.

Hair firing

Many are familiar with hair treatment with hot scissors, but we suggest going a little further and paying attention to pyrophoresis - the procedure for burning hair with metal tongs. Such tongs are wrapped with cotton wool, which is then immersed in a specially prepared alcohol solution. Then the wonderful "torch" is set on fire. It is they who will “burn” your hair - strand by strand. Beforehand, the master will thoroughly wash your hair and select individually a complex of moisturizing masks and nutritional cocktails containing proteins, useful amino acids and trace elements. Then the fun begins. The “torch” heats up the strands - though there is no open contact with the fire, it only provokes the hair shaft to round and “bakes” the cuticles. After you wait for another washing of your hair with a contrast shower and a special nutritional composition. The result is instant.

Hand rejuvenation (augmentation)

We all don’t like injections, but the thought that a cannula is inserted under the skin, which the doctor moves under the skin, spreading the filler on the back of the hand, makes you feel completely sick. In fact, filling the hands is a quick, effective and virtually painless way to achieve youthful hands. Pinching your hand, it may seem that it is very thin, in fact, it has about 15 layers, while the cannula is inserted about 7 and never reaches the nerve endings, due to which you do not feel pain. If you are still afraid, before the procedure at Tretyakov SPA, your hands are still treated with an anesthetic cream. For comparison, motor therapy for the hands does not look so “furious”, but it feels much more painful and, unlike transparent hyaluronic acid, the filler has a flesh-colored shade. After the treatment, the blueness of the veins disappears, the vessels are no longer translucent, the voids are instantly filled, the wrinkles are smoothed out and the hands no longer give out your age.

Microneedling for the face

If injections confuse you, or you are simply afraid of them, then there is an excellent alternative to them - mesoscooters, which act directly on the skin matrix, which is thus stimulated and begins to produce its own collagen fibers. As a result, skin tone increases, wrinkles are smoothed out, and complexion improves. If you are still scared, we note that the procedure is almost painless. After cleansing and treating the skin with an antiseptic and anesthetic, the specialist will apply half of the selected mesotherapy cocktail, and then roll a roller with two hundred finest needles over the face in four directions four times. It will damage your skin a little - so the membrane will become permeable to drugs. In addition, the body's defense systems are activated.

After the roller, the master will apply the rest of the cocktail on the face for 20 minutes and the epidermis will “absorb” it 200 times better. Microneedling is a great way to combat and prevent nasolabial folds. So you can remove the second chin and tighten the oval of the face. Immediately after the procedure, there will be invisible micro-punctures all over the face, but they will last only a day. If you want to look perfect for the New Year, the procedure should be done in four days. It's not scary to do it in the salon (http://www.bc-salon.ru/)(: target="_blank" ), the cost is 10,000 rubles.