Happy birthday cards for an adult son. Pictures happy birthday son. Congratulations to parents on the birthday of a little son

The holiday of February 23 is the day when you need to congratulate all the close men. Their list is headed by dad - a person who deserves a gift chosen with special attention. You should not present banal gizmos bought in the subway passage. Take some time and imagination to really surprise and please your father.

Do-it-yourself surprise for father

It's a great opportunity to showcase your handicraft talents. Both adult children and kids can make a gift for dad on February 23 with their own hands. The smallest with the help of educators, teachers, mothers or older sisters will be happy to make elegant postcards, crafts, embroideries, appliqués.

  1. Salt dough makes excellent figurines of soldiers, animals, tanks, cars and other products that can be painted with acrylic paints. Boys will be able to burn a congratulation on a board or cut out a small puzzle mosaic.
  2. A traditional postcard can be made using the origami technique by folding thick colored paper in the form of an airplane or a boat. The same figure, framed with a passe-partout, will be an excellent wall decoration.
  3. Adult children will be able to please dad with more professional products. Knit your father a nice sweater or a cozy cardigan, a warm scarf or gloves. You can sew a home dressing gown or home vest for dad, embroider scarves with a monogram.

Daughters who are fond of scrapbooking can make an original purse, photo frame, photo album or memorial book for their father. In the list of interesting gifts that you can make yourself:

  • sofa cushions made of camouflage fabric;
  • felted slippers decorated with stars and other festive paraphernalia;
  • case for glasses, tablet or smartphone;
  • faience mugs, hand-painted.

Homemade gifts should be packed in fancy paper, boxes or cloth bags. Packaging can also be done by hand. Do not forget to attach a holiday card with a warm congratulation to it.

Practical gifts from loving children

When deciding what to give dad on February 23, keep in mind his hobbies and preferences. For example, a car enthusiast can be presented with a variety of car accessories: fur seat covers, a new radio tape recorder, and a fragrance for the interior. On sale there are products decorated with an army theme, on this day it will be especially useful.

Is your father fond of hunting or fishing, does he like traveling and going out into nature? Please him with useful things that will complement leisure. A practical thermo mug, a roomy thermos, a cooler bag, a handy flask in a case, a voluminous basket or a case with skewers, plates, glasses and other picnic accessories will do. A more solid present is a new brazier or a modern electric grill.

Sauna and Russian bath lovers can be presented with a set of felt hats, rugs, towels, washcloths. An original gift for dad on February 23 may include a pair of felted budenovkas and a towel with army symbols. It is important to choose not only unusual, but also high-quality things that will last for several years without losing their consumer properties.

An unusual gift - a variety of games and gadgets. Dad can be presented with a relaxation set made of metal or glass balls, an office golf set, an interesting puzzle or a puzzle with a thematic picture. There are still many cold winter evenings ahead that can be spent with benefit.

Grocery set: a gift that is always needed

Men are unlikely to be happy with a set of sweets or a cake. But they are also not indifferent to tasty things, especially since a holiday necessarily implies a plentiful table. When choosing what to give dad on February 23, give preference to meat and fish delicacies: smoked sausages, caviar, balyk. A good vacuum-packed steak is also appropriate as a grocery gift. Products can be packaged in a beautiful box or a gift basket decorated with a bow.

If you love and know how to cook, please dad with a delicious homemade pie or a basket full of pies with various fillings. Kids under their mother's guidance will be happy to bake fragrant gingerbread for their dad in the form of tanks, planes, boats and stars. To make the products look even more elegant, they can be decorated with colored fudge and sugar beads.

Supplement to the products - high-quality alcohol. On Defender of the Fatherland Day, rather expensive strong drinks are appropriate: vodka, whiskey, cognac, gin, tequila. Do not buy products of unknown brands in unusual themed packages. Get a really high quality product from a trusted brand and then pack it yourself.

When deciding what to give dad for Defender of the Fatherland Day, you can opt for a humorous gift. Father will be amused by the “real army set” of stew, a bottle of vodka, bacon and black bread, carefully wrapped in paper and folded into a duffel bag. February 23 is a great occasion to remember your youth and army days!

beauty and health

A popular gift for men is shaving products, eau de toilette, cologne and other hygiene items. When choosing perfumes, it is better to purchase high-quality products of a well-known brand with a classic discreet aroma. Middle-aged men especially like the aromas of pine, cedar, vetiver, moss. The necessary bottles can be found in a perfume boutique or a large cosmetic chain. Do not buy perfume sets in supermarkets and subway passages, a father should be presented with a truly high-quality gift.

The original version is a set that includes army hygiene products in the original packaging. Such a set can be bought in gift shops. Shaving cream, toothpaste, shampoo, soap and other essentials are conveniently stowed away in a practical carrying case made of thick khaki fabric. The toilet bag can also be used after the care cosmetics are used up. This set will especially appeal to travelers and people who often go on business trips.

Impressions as a gift

You don't have to buy things for dad. As a gift, tickets to a theater premiere or a football match, paid holidays in a holiday home, subscriptions to the gym or pool, courses in the gym under the guidance of a personal trainer can serve as a gift. Defender of the Fatherland Day is a good reason to get in shape and improve cultural activities.

A great gift is a poem or a song specially written for dad and performed by children. The text should be placed in a folder and presented as an additional gift.

When planning a holiday, do not forget that a gift for dad needs to be prepared in advance. Interesting ideas can be written in a separate notebook. It does not matter that not all gift fantasies can be realized. Ideas will come in handy next year, when again you will need to come up with an interesting gift for February 23rd.

Hello dear readers and guests of the blog. Today I want to invite you to do joint creativity with our children, we will make gifts for the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day. I think this event is very long-awaited and loved in our country. Indeed, on this day we can congratulate our men (dads, grandfathers, brothers) precisely because they are the stronger sex and protect us not only in wartime, but also in peacetime.

Of course, wives and girls are trying to do something special on February 23 for their men, but the kids do different crafts with their own hands, which is very valuable and pleasant. Therefore, my selection is devoted specifically to the manufacture of various gifts from improvised materials for children of all ages.

Most often, crafts are made in kindergarten and school, as well as in other children's institutions, and of course, caring mothers at home, at their leisure, with a child also try to make different products. And I hope that I will be useful to everyone, and educators, and teachers, and parents. I have collected the most beautiful and creative handmade gift ideas for February 23rd. I hope everyone finds for themselves what they were looking for.

We will start from the earliest age, we will create with children of the preschool category. Here, of course, the basis of the products is made up of various applications, origami, gluing and modeling.

And planes, tanks, ships and symbolic postcards usually act as gifts. I want to offer you to make such a beautiful and simple plane, anyone can do it, both the guys from the younger groups and the senior link.

  • Airplane

We will need:

  • Wooden sticks for ice cream - 8 pcs.;
  • Tube for water - 1 pc.;
  • PVA glue;
  • Gouache and brush;
  • Scissors.

Manufacturing process:

1. Let's make a frame for the aircraft. To do this, take 5 sticks and glue them together with PVA glue.

2. After that, take another stick and glue it to the frame, stepping back a little from the edge.

3. Take a straw from the water and cut off a piece. The width must match the width of the frame. We need two pieces.

4. Glue these pieces to the wings. And also glue the part of the body that will be in contact with the second wing with glue.

5. Gently glue the second wing of the aircraft on top.

6. Take another stick and cut it in half, rounding off the edges. Glue to the bottom of the aircraft.

7. Now make the propeller. Divide the stick in half, round off the corners. Fold both parts crosswise and coat the joint with glue. And on top you can glue another half of the bead or a small button.

8. Take gouache and a brush and paint the airplane.

9. Glue the propeller to the nose and let the craft dry. From above it is possible to cover with a colorless varnish.

  • Volumetric postcard for February 23

We will need:

  • Thick paper or cardboard;
  • Pictures on a military theme;
  • Plain colored paper;
  • stickers;
  • Glue, pencils, paints or felt-tip pens;
  • Scissors, ruler, pencil.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take the cardboard and fold it in half. With a ruler, you need to divide the height into 3 identical parts and leave marks on the fold with a simple pencil. And from them, draw a pair of perpendicular lines 3 centimeters long and cut the fold.

3. Now decorate the front side with a military theme of your choice. Stick stars, flowers, numbers.

4. But on the inside, you need to make different types of military equipment. You can cut out such cars from children's coloring books. It is better to glue them first on cardboard, and then paint them.

5. The finished picture must be glued to the protruding square. And everything is ready!!

Well, I really liked this idea, everything looks so simple and elegant, and most importantly, in the subject. I recommend to all mothers to master the origami technique and make such a symbolic gift with the baby.

  • Shirt with tie

We will need:

  • Colored paper - 2 sheets of different colors;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Markers.

Manufacturing process:

We take colored paper, choose a bright color, this will be the shirt itself. Bend the strip on top of the sheet. Then unfold the paper and fold it in two. Make a small incision on one side exactly along the fold. Unfold the paper again and place the top right corner at the intersection of the center line and the fold line. We repeat the same with the left corner. You should end up with a folded shirt with a collar.

From a different color of paper, darker, fold the tie and glue it in the center. And with felt-tip pens draw buttons and pockets.

Now I want to offer some more photo ideas. If you have any questions about the production, write reviews and be sure to analyze what is done and how.

  • Application "Tank"

  • Application "Airplane"

  • Application "Stars"

  • "epaulettes"

  • 3D postcard

  • "Star" from plasticine and napkins

  • "Ship"

  • Token with a thematic picture

  • Postcard from napkins (can be made from cereals, corrugated paper)

  • "Flags"

  • Airplane made of cones and plasticine

  • plasticine tank

Guys, do not forget about sculpting plasticine crafts, because this is especially true for kids. And remember that you can always replace plasticine with, and make an excellent present from this material.

How to make a gift for dad with your own hands

And I want to devote this section to crafts for our beloved dads, because we congratulate them first of all. There are a lot of product options, but of course the main ones are postcards, military paraphernalia.

I give your attention to what caught my heart. See if you like the ideas.

  • sponge tank

We will need:

  • Kitchen sponge for dishes - 2 pcs.;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Straw for drinks;
  • Coin.

Manufacturing process:

1. For work, you need two sponges with a hard base and preferably green. With one sponge, use scissors to separate the dark green part.

2. Then take a two-ruble coin and circle circles on the hard part, these will be the tracks for the tank.

3. Carefully cut out the blanks and glue them to the sides of the whole sponge.

4. Take the tube and cut it in half. And from the soft part of the sponge without a base, cut out two blanks, one larger is the tower, the other is smaller - the end of the muzzle.

5. Now make small holes inside the blanks, and grease the ends of the half of the tube with glue and assemble the structure, as in the photo below.

6. Glue the turret to the base of the tank, and as a decoration, make red stars and glue them too.

Well, according to tradition, ready-made samples of products for February 23, we look, choose and make with our own hands !!

  • The plane is made in the technique of origami, the inscription from plasticine and peas

  • Cut and paste the details from thick paper, glue it in parts somewhere to make a voluminous gift

  • You can make such a simple set of tools from colored cardboard and paper

  • We twist the napkins and glue on the sample

  • Different types of applications

  • Photo frame of thick threads

  • A simple boat, cut and paste, decorate with buttons or plasticine

  • Working from an old CD

  • A tank of toilet paper rolls and juice straws

  • Salt dough souvenir plate

Crafts for Defender of the Fatherland Day to school

I propose to consider step by step how to make a three-dimensional postcard.

  • "Ship" - voluminous postcard

We will need:

  • Double-sided cardboard in blue shades (if the cardboard is one-sided, then blue wallpaper will be needed);
  • White paper;
  • Scissors, clerical knife;
  • Glue stick;
  • Figured hole punch.

Manufacturing process:

1. Find a picture of a boat and print it out on 1/2 of white paper. Carefully cut it along the contour using a clerical knife, do not touch the horizontal lines. Next, make folds along the horizontal lines, folding the card in half. Cut the edges of the card with scissors with a wave blade.

2. Now glue the blank on the cardboard, stepping back 1 cm from the edge. If the cardboard is not double-sided, then first glue the wrong side with wallpaper.

4. Additionally, you can make different decorations to your taste.

5. Check how the boat stuck.

6. Glue a poem and decorations to the bottom.

7. Glue the inscription on the outside of the card and decorate as desired.

8. Our gift is ready!!

Well, a small selection of what else you can do with school-age children. I don’t describe in detail, so everything is clear: look at the picture and do))

The most beautiful DIY crafts for February 23

Since there are a lot of products on the Internet for the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday, I also make such a photo selection of crafts. Maybe some of them will appeal to you more than in the previous ones.

Master class on making a steam locomotive

And now I want to show you a video story on how to make an unusual train. Such a gift is suitable for little boys, it can be safely played with friends.

This master class is for older kids, look carefully, repeat all the steps and you will get a great gift for your brother.

Here are some other cute locomotives you can make out of paper, cardboard and matchboxes:

Children's crafts for February 23 from plastic bottles

And at the end, another master class on making a gift from ordinary bottles. It turns out very original and beautiful, and most importantly, it is done quickly and easily.

  • "Helicopter"

We will need:

  • Plastic bottle with convex top;
  • Tubes for drinks;
  • stapler;
  • Hairpin;
  • Ping-pong ball;
  • Scissors.

Manufacturing process:

1. Prepare all materials. Take the bottle and close it tightly. Using scissors, make a hole in it with the diameter of a drinking tube.

2. Now cut the bottle roughly in half. Take the top with the neck and bulge and one small strip.

3. The tubes must be cut so that the parts with a bend are slightly shorter than the straight parts. We need three pieces with flexible tips and two straight ones.

4. Take two short pieces with a flexible tip and connect the arc to them with a stapler. Straight strips are crossed together and secured with a clerical hairpin. The remaining piece of the arc with a flexible tip is inserted into the hole in the lid.

5. Using a stapler, we connect the cockpit and skids of the helicopter.

6. Insert the ball into the cabin (you can take a ball from an old deodorant or an egg from a kinder surprise). Attach the screw on top.

But what other planes and helicopters can be built:

Here is a selection of excellent and beautiful crafts for February 23 with my own hands. Tell me, do you create with your children or do you often buy gifts in the store ?! Write your reviews and comments, I will be glad to any discussion! Well, all the men with the upcoming Defender of the Fatherland Day.

If you prefer to give something handmade over traditional store-bought gifts, this article is for you. Gifts from the hand made category are a good option, especially in cases with a limited budget. By the way, now they are in fashion, you can visit the exhibition of folk craftsmen and be sure to find a suitable option. If you don’t know what to give dad on February 23 with your own hands, we will show you some cool ideas. They are not difficult, the preparation will take at most half an hour or an hour. Dad will be very pleased with the attention and will appreciate the creative souvenir from a loved one.

Top 10 do-it-yourself gifts for dad on February 23

  1. Safe mobile phone charging
  2. Shaving brush "Private"
  3. Dad's report card with grades in the subjects "Mommy Adoration", "Child Hugging", "Urokopomopomoganie", "Child Education", etc.
  4. Self-written poem about dad
  5. Lego stationery stand
  6. Knitted mobile phone case
  7. Handmade soap in the form of planes, tanks, grenades, etc.
  8. Pills of happiness (sweets in a jar with a cute label)
  9. Photo frame made of multi-colored threads on a cardboard basis
  10. Wall key holder made of Lego blocks

Delicious and original gifts

The easiest option for congratulating a loved one is to arrange a delicious dinner with your favorite dishes. You can also make original gifts for dad on February 23 from sweets, a bottle of good alcohol, your favorite roach or beer. Here are some good ideas:

  • Traditional cake. Are you good at cakes? Try to make it original and creative, for example, in the form of a tank, a cap, an airplane, a star. You can decorate with soldiers, cannons and similar things.
  • Candy composition. Watch a master class on making sweet compositions. It's not difficult, you will need candy of a certain type, ribbons, additional elements for decoration. You can make a tank, a plane, a star - something related to the theme of the holiday. It would also be appropriate to look like a composition in the form of a car or a motorcycle if dad is an avid driver.
  • Bouquet of fish. If the father respects beer with fish, you can present him with a comic bouquet of rams wrapped in newspaper and tied with a ribbon. Looks fun and original!
  • Canned beer cake. It goes well with a bouquet of fish. For manufacturing, you will need a frame, 6-8 cans of your favorite beer, a ribbon in order to bandage and decorate an impromptu cake. A great gift for dad on Defender of the Fatherland Day, which will please a lover of good beer.
  • Canape "Ships". Sails can be made from toothpicks and thinly sliced ​​cheese, the deck can be anything: a loaf with sausage, a tartlet with a filling, a cracker with caviar, etc.
  • Homemade cookies. Bake cookies of various shapes: tanks, stars, planes, caps, etc. Decorate with mastic, paint with food coloring, put in a gift box and tie a ribbon.
  • Grocery set. But not simple, but consisting of my father's favorite delicacies. They can be put in a basket, add a bottle of good alcohol, decorate with stars and shoulder straps. Such a tasty and original gift to the father in any way will be liked.

Every man loves good food. If you know how and love to cook, get creative when preparing a festive dinner. Such dishes will arouse the admiration of all men and the envy of women at the table.

Cool gifts with your own hands from improvised materials

If you know how to knit, sew, make compositions from improvised materials, you can create a wonderful gift for dad. Perhaps our ideas will help you. We offer do-it-yourself gift options for dad on February 23:

  • Knitted bow tie. An interesting and stylish tie will appeal to both the young dad and the older man. It can be worn with a youth shirt or an “adult” warm vest and show off that the daughter made the creative accessory with her own hands.
  • Bottle cover. An original 2-in-1 gift: good alcohol in an unusual design. You can make a cover from the sleeve of an old shirt. To do this, cut off the sleeve with the cuff, sew up the bottom, adjust the width of the bottle. Button up the button and tuck the cuff in slightly. Voila, an unusual and fun souvenir is ready in ten minutes!
  • Warm camouflage blanket. If you knit well, you can make a warm and cozy gift for your father. To recreate camouflage colors, you need to purchase threads of several colors: brown, ocher, khaki, black, yellow, etc. We offer do-it-yourself gift ideas for dad on February 23, and the Internet will help bring them to life!
  • Slippers with decor. You can sew them yourself from an old fur toy, a blanket or a thick cotton jacket. You can buy ready-made and creatively decorate with your own hands. The theme will include an inscription like “A real colonel” or “To the general of our family”, as well as decor in the form of stars, tanks, etc.
  • Jack of all trades apron. It is easy to sew, even without a sewing machine. You will find a pattern on the Internet, you can make it on an apron that you have at home. Choose a dense fabric: burlap, coarse linen or cotton, nubuck. Pockets can be decorated with applications depending on the interests and hobbies of a man: a hammer, pliers, knives, skewers, etc.
  • Cushion-star. It doesn't take long to sew a soft pillow. It will take a piece of fabric, filler and a little patience. Making a pattern is not difficult. The product can be decorated with embroidery with warm words and congratulations. Dad will be happy to rest on such a pillow and remember you with a kind word.
  • Keychain tie. A smaller copy of a man's tie, attached to a metal carabiner or ring, will become a creative keychain that dad will be happy to wear on a keychain.

We buy a base, decorate it ourselves: an unusual decor for simple things

If you can’t make crafts with your own hands, you can take ready-made things as a basis and decorate them in an original way. Even a child can cope with such a task. Such souvenirs look original and unusual, always cause surprise and joy. Good ideas for gifts for dad on February 23:

  • Warmer for dad's mug. You can make it from felt using beads, ribbons and other decorative elements, or knit it from woolen threads. Morning and evening tea parties will become even warmer and more delicious.
  • Bouquet of socks. Socks are an indispensable accessory in a man's wardrobe, for which they have a "special" weakness J A pair of new socks never hurts, so you can give your dad a month's supply. To make the most ordinary thing unusual, do not forget to decorate the gift beautifully. For example, make an unusual bouquet for dad. In the buds of socks, you need to make the middle of delicious sweets, and make the stems from kitchen skewers. You can add something else to the composition, for example, gel, shaving foam, shaving brush, etc.
  • Sock tank. To create a composition, you will need 6-8 pairs of socks of the desired size and color. They need to be folded in a certain way in the shape of a tank and tied with a ribbon. You can pin an asterisk as a decoration. Make a muzzle from a pen or reel.
  • Best dad t-shirt. You will need a new plain T-shirt, fabric paints and a little imagination. Draw and write on the product what you want to say to the dearest person in the world. In this T-shirt, of course, he will not go out, but he will be happy to wear it at home.

At all times, a postcard has been an indispensable element of a gift. Modern people often forget about it, and in vain. After all, you can make an original postcard with your own hands, which dad will keep for many years as a pleasant memory and an expensive sign of attention.

Do-it-yourself greeting card for your beloved dad

We decided to hold a small master class on making a greeting card using the popular quilling technique. Both adults and children are fond of it. In another way, it is called paper weaving. To create images, strips of paper rolled into tubes are used.

You will need multi-colored paper (it is better to use craft paper), a base, scissors, glue and a little patience. You can make such a card with your child, it will be the best gift for dad and husband in honor of the holiday.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Cut as many strips of colored paper as possible, about a centimeter wide, but you can vary it to your liking.
  • Using a toothpick, thin pencil or skewer, roll them into tubes and spirals.
  • With a simple pencil, draw a sketch of the future drawing on the base sheet.
  • Glue blanks on the sketch, combining different colors.
  • Cut wider strips for the title block.
  • On top of the background image, apply the thematic inscription "February 23" using contrasting stripes.
  • Decorate the appliqué with small stars, shoulder straps, colored paper planes.
  • Spray the composition with regular hairspray to better hold the parts together.
  • From the back, attach the stand or make a hole for mounting on the wall.

By the way, using the quilling technique, you can make not only a postcard, but also an original photo frame. Such gifts will take their rightful place on the desktop or bedside table, because they are so warm, cute and memorable.

We really hope that both you and him will like our options for gifts for dad on February 23, made by yourself. With a minimum budget, imagination and desire, you can please a loved one with an original, pleasant and memorable gift. Such things are never forgotten and do not gather dust on the far shelves of the closet.

In many families, it is customary to give gifts to each other on every holiday. Recently, presentations in the form of banknotes have become fashionable. Perhaps someone likes it, but in such a pragmatic gift there is no place for surprise, mystery, magic - everything that immediately takes us to childhood. How to choose an unusual thing that can pleasantly surprise a loved one? Try with your child to make a gift for dad with your own hands on February 23.

Teach kids to surprise

Modern parents, spoiled by an abundance of goods in stores, may not understand why do something on their own, if you can buy anything. What gift can a five-year-old child give to dad? Therefore, he usually kisses his father and gives him a shirt purchased by his mother. Everyone is pleased, but children do not receive any useful skills. To teach your child to make surprises, try holding this event in a different way.

A couple of weeks before February 23, tell your child about this holiday and discuss how you can make a gift for dad with your own hands on Defender of the Fatherland Day. It is not difficult for preschoolers to draw or mold something, but they do it every day, and something unusual is needed for the holiday. Try to turn on your fantasy: for example, take a walk with your child in a park or forest, find broken branches, and then decorate a photo frame with them. Of course, the baby alone will not cope, but it will be a pleasure to serve broken branches to mom!

If your kid has collected a bunch of beautiful pebbles in the summer, offer him to make dominoes for dad! The child will easily put dots on the stones, you will only need to suggest the right amount. A large stone is perfect as a press for sheets of paper that are constantly falling off a desk.

Give students cool ideas

The child is getting older, he has some favorite activities. Usually teenagers are interested in a lot of things: they want to play the guitar, and ride a scooter, and work on a computer; many are passionate about assembling models or needlework. Tell the children that such activities can be directed in a useful direction, for example, making gifts for dad with their own hands on February 23.

Let the son, who cannot be torn off the computer, choose his father's favorite photos or make an original collage in Photoshop, print them out and ... decorate his father's favorite corner in the house. And you can also do this in a non-standard way)

The girl can be suggested no less interesting idea! Let her make unique shaving brushes from ordinary shaving brushes! Such a gift to dad with his own hands on February 23 will be very relevant.

The original design of the purchased gift

Children grow up, they have already begun to earn money themselves. Before the holiday, young people go to the store to choose gifts. There is an abundance of beautiful things in the windows, a hand reaches for a wallet, and suddenly memories of childhood flash through my head. How joyful it was to make a gift to dad with your own hands, how fun it was to give it! .. The wallet is sent back to the pocket, and the youth strain their brains, inventing a gift.

If nothing interesting comes to mind, look on the Internet, there you will find a huge amount of advice on how to make the necessary and beautiful things. Bring your “zest” to the work, and the result will be an original gift for dad, which has a little personality. If appropriate, make a craft with a personalized inscription, then the product will immediately become copyrighted.

If you have already managed to buy a beautiful shirt, then try to at least give it in a not quite traditional way. What do you think of the tie sandwich idea? Great? 🙂 True, in this case, most likely you will have to run for a second shirt or try not to get this one dirty. In any case, such a presentation of an ordinary gift will make it memorable!

Another idea for decorating a gift bought in a store. We take several boxes of different sizes, first we pack the purchase; in the second we put some original greeting card and an already wrapped gift. The following boxes can be decorated with stickers, painted with funny pictures, put a hand-made souvenir into them. Boxes are nested one inside the other, like nesting dolls, then, in order to get a gift, dad will have to work hard and laugh.

Gift for a retired dad

Older men become picky and capricious, it is not easy to please them, not every thing will be to your taste. Give them warmth in the truest sense. The holiday is approaching, you just can’t figure out what to bring to an aging man. In this situation, it is very appropriate to make a gift for dad with your own hands. You can knit soft and warm woolen things for him, for example, a scarf and a vest, and sew comfortable house slippers. On cold winter evenings, he will be warmed by warm clothes and memories of loved ones. Choose a model in which dad will look like a successful modern man.

Old people love to brag about the success of their children. Perhaps you know how to make things that can be called a work of art. Put your work in the room with your parents, they will show them to everyone who comes into the house. When strangers praise your products, the father and mother will be happy, they don’t need a better gift.

Thematic table setting

In friendly families, all holidays are celebrated at a common table. So February 23 will not be an exception. As a pleasant surprise for dad, set the table in a special way! For example, if dad was once called up to serve in the navy and he is still interested in maritime topics, then beat this idea. Let there be more seafood delicacies on the table, and some dishes will be decorated in accordance with the chosen theme.

For dessert, a candy ship, perfect for a DIY gift for dad! You can come up with the design of the ship yourself, using shells and other attributes, or you can find many master classes on the Internet and use one of them.

At such an interestingly served table, communication will be lively and exciting!

And if dad loves to cook himself and you can often find him in the kitchen in the process of preparing another culinary masterpiece, then give him a cool apron as a gift))

Another holiday is approaching, and people habitually go to the store for crystal, sets and souvenirs. Aren't you tired of giving and receiving things that you can buy at every corner? Try to break out of this circle and first make a gift to dad with your own hands. Perhaps your example will be contagious, and on your next birthday, instead of a mountain of unnecessary things, you will receive original products that no one else has.

If you live far from your parents

Difficult question: how to make a gift to dad if you live far from your parents? You can send a postcard, money or a parcel, he will be happy with any news, or you can give him the opportunity to see you at any time. Take a video camera and make a short film about your life: how you live, where you work, how you relax with your children. If you know how to sing, dance or perform tricks well, include yourself in these frames in the movie. Having received such a gift by e-mail, parents will watch it several times every day.

Plan your holiday ahead of time!

So, you have finally decided on a gift. Congratulations!!! But you can go further and think over the scenario of the holiday from morning until evening. Remember all your dad's hobbies and talk about where he would like to go, but never got around to it. Arrange for him a trip to the museum of weapons, go karting with your dad, gather all your male relatives (and you can also women) and go paintball in a friendly company!

An active holiday with family and friends will cheer up dad and give a lot of unforgettable impressions! After the cultural program, you can all gather at the festive table and once again discuss all the interesting moments of the outgoing day.

Successful preparation of the holiday for your dear protector!!!

Handmade gifts always evoke affection, because they are created with love and especially for the person being presented. In the case of gifts from children, this is even more important, because in this way a child can express all his love. And February 23 is one of the great reasons to make something useful or just nice for dad.


The very first thing that comes to mind when you need to come up with a children's gift for dad is postcards. Often they make such a gift to dad on February 23 with their own hands in kindergarten and in circles, in elementary school classes, and it is always a pleasure to receive a postcard for the head of the family. Depending on the age of the child, you can complicate the technique and make really interesting postcards.

So, what ideas can be taken as the basis for making such a congratulatory gift? For example, you can make a postcard in the form of a military uniform. Take thick green cardboard, white, black and gold paper, scissors, felt-tip pens and a beehive. From cardboard, make a blank for a postcard in the form of a rectangle. Fold the edges of the rectangle towards each other so that they open like the hem of a jacket. Bend the corners of the cover outward, like the lapels of a jacket. Glue shoulder straps and buttons on top of gold or yellow paper, draw stars.

Next, cut out a rectangle from white paper. From above, make cuts from two edges, not reaching the middle and bend the resulting strips of paper inward and downward - you get a shirt collar. Cut out a tie from black paper and glue it to the shirt. Glue the shirt and tie inside the uniform - and the card is ready. Explain to the child all the technology step by step, and let him make the same picture for dad on his own.


From improvised means, using a little patience and creativity, you can create an original gift for dad on February 23 with your own hands, which will pleasantly surprise him. A variety of military equipment is perfect for the theme of February 23, so we offer you to make a plane out of clothespins and ice cream sticks as a nice gift. For one airplane, you will need one clothespin and three sticks, as well as glue and acrylic paints. Clothespins can be taken multi-colored plastic, or wooden. Then the clothespin will need to be painted with paint and do the same with chopsticks. Choose contrasting colors to make the airplane bright. When the painted parts are dry, you can glue them. Two sticks should be glued to the edge of the clothespin, one under the other - this will be the fuselage of the aircraft. Cut the third stick in half and glue the half on the end of the clothespin - this will be the tail. From the end of the remaining half of the stick, you can make a detail for the tail. Dad can simply put such an airplane in a conspicuous place, for example, and the desktop, and can fasten important notes on small pieces of paper with a trailer.

Also, a child can make a matchbox tank for dad. For the tank you need to prepare:

  • Three matchboxes.
  • Bottle cap green or black.
  • Green paper.
  • Black cardboard.
  • 8 buttons.
  • Glue.

First you need to take two boxes and glue them together with narrow sides, and then wrap the resulting rectangle with green paper. You also need to wrap the third box with paper. Next, glue a small rectangle in the center of a large one, and glue a lid on top. Fold the tube out of paper and glue it to the lid or top box - this will be the barrel. Glue the buttons in the form of wheels on the sides of the tank, and caterpillars can be made from black cardboard - cut out two strips, fold each with an accordion and glue on the sides of the tank.

Do-it-yourself gift for dad on February 23 from a photo

A photo collage will give both children and dad a lot of pleasant minutes - first when preparing, and then when looking at it. You can make a collage in the form of a postcard or in the form of a poster on the wall. Come up with a basic idea with your child, select suitable photos and pictures, help draw a background, cut and paste a photo.

As an idea, you can take a comic book about a superhero - this, of course, is dad. He fights evil to protect his family. You can also draw a car in which to “put” dad, mom and children - it will turn out unusual, made with humor do-it-yourself gift for dad on February 23.

Birthday Cake Ideas

What dad would refuse a delicious homemade cake prepared by the caring hands of his son or daughter? Older children, with adult supervision, can bake the cake from scratch, while toddlers can help knead the dough, cream or decorate. And to make the cake symbolic, make it in the form of a tank.

If you are afraid that baking is beyond the power of your baby, but you still want to create a delicious gift for dad on February 23 with your own hands, then prepare a simple cookie cake with your child. For its manufacture you will need:

  • 800 grams of cookies.
  • A pack of butter.
  • Bank of condensed milk.
  • Nuts to taste.
  • 1 chocolate.

Take the butter out of the refrigerator ahead of time to soften it. Also open a can of condensed milk so that the child does not cut himself. Butter and milk need to be whipped with a mixer, a child can handle this under your supervision. Also instruct him to crush the cookies with a rolling pin. Next, let him mix the cookies with the butter mixture and nuts and put the mass on a plate in the form of a slide or in a special split ring. Place the finished cake in the freezer so that it grabs. After a couple of hours, melt the chocolate in a water bath or in the microwave and pour hot chocolate over the frozen cake.

Eyeglass case from a tie

Such a gift for dad on February 23, made with his own hands, will be not only original, but also very useful for those dads who wear glasses. For manufacturing, you need to choose an unnecessary tie, cut off its upper narrow part and wrap the free edge inward. Next, you need to grab the edges with a thread to make a pocket. Velcro can also be glued to the eyeglass case so that the open edge wraps up and covers the glasses.

tea cup

When dad comes home in the evening, he always has dinner and drinks fragrant tea or coffee. And for this there must be a special cup, carefully decorated with their own hands - a gift to dad on February 23 from his daughter. 10 years old is a great age to make such a gift, although older preschoolers can handle it.

To prepare such a gift, you can buy special markers or paints for drawing on porcelain and ceramics and a simple white cup. Let the child fantasize and create - so the cup will turn out to be truly unique.

Also, if a child knows how to knit, even very simple stitches, you can make a heating pad for a mug. You will need to knit a small rectangle the size of a cup, which is fixed in the handle area with wooden buttons - cute and cozy.

Sweater tablet case

If knitting is not your forte and your child does not master this art, an alternative would be to use dad's sweater, which he has not worn for a long time. From it you can make a stylish and cozy case for a tablet or e-book.

For the cover, you only need the front and back of the sweater. Just cut two squares according to the size of the gadget and sew with threads on three sides. Threads can be used from the same sweater. Additionally, the cover can be decorated with wooden buttons. You will get a beautiful gift for dad on February 23, carefully made by your daughter with your own hands.

Can coaster

For a dad who works in an office, or for a creative dad, you can build a pencil glass from a tin can. To do this, take a larger jar with a paper label. Clean the label thoroughly so that the jar becomes shiny and smooth. Next, you need to decorate it. For this, nuts and screws, corks and bottle caps or caps from felt-tip pens are suitable. With their help, you can create a funny muzzle or any pattern. Also protect the edges of the jar, which may be sharp - use pliers to wrap the edge of the jar inward.

You can also glue the entire jar with nuts and paint the finished glass with spray paint. Please note that you can only glue metal to metal with special glue - "BF" or epoxy, so it will be made durable do-it-yourself gift for dad on February 23. Grade 1 - it's time to try your hand at making such a complex gift.

Men's bouquet

If it is customary for mothers to give bouquets of flowers on March 8, then for dad you can make a bouquet with humor. Instead of flowers, it may contain new socks - a duty gift for February 23, but not corny packed. In addition, a child will perfectly cope with such a bouquet.

First you need to prepare socks - roll each pair into a roll that will resemble a rose. With the help of adhesive tape, the sock must be fixed on a bamboo skewer. In the end, all that remains is to collect all the “flowers” ​​and wrap them in paper like a bouquet.

Also, a bouquet can be made from roach, if dad is a beer lover. Tie the fish by their tails and wrap them with wrapping paper imitating newspaper. An original gift for dad on February 23 is packed with his own hands.