Decoration of windows for the new year at home. Christmas window decorations - candles. To make crafts you will need

Hello friends! Today we again continue the theme of creating a New Year's atmosphere by cutting out products. self made from paper. That is, we will talk about again.

In this post you can find silhouettes fairy tale characters, the main characters of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, snowmen, deer, balls, snowflakes and much more. You will see already ready-made options window decoration, and you can also download and print the proposed stencils and templates. And then carefully cut them out and stick them on the windows, or decorate other corners of your interior.

But remember that it is window decoration that is an integral part of magical holiday New Year. With paper protrusions, you can decorate only glass, or create a whole composition using a window sill. And use large clippings to decorate the walls in the rooms.

If you have very little time to create festive interior, then cut a lot of carved ones and paste them all over the house.

So in order to do festive windows, use plain paper, it is better of course not only white, but also other colors. Also stock up on sharp thin scissors, and preferably a sharp clerical knife, and materials for decorating stickers ( toothpaste, double-sided tape, soapy water).

After you have prepared everything necessary tools and materials, you will need to choose paper decorations. In our case, these will be flat accessories for gluing to the glass surface, since there are also three-dimensional elements.

The size, shape and color of the products will depend on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the level of illumination and the size of the window itself. The main thing is that the decorations do not interfere with the free passage of light into the room, and the rest depends only on your imagination.

After determining the plot on the New Year's window, start creating stencils. If you can draw well, then you can come up with patterns on your own, but if it’s tight with artistic skills and imagination, then take ready-made vytynankas, print them on paper, and then start cutting.

This traditional paper decor does not take much time and does not require special skills, but it will help to create a real pattern and impress not only you, but also those around you.

The abundance of accessories is appropriate only on a large window, so do not overdo it! And try to choose openwork jewelry.

After cutting out the decorations, decide on their placement on the glass. You can use symmetrical, central or asymmetrical placement.

Well, then choose a method for attaching jewelry and, in fact, glue them. This is how easy and fast you decorate the window.

Now I propose to watch a video story on how to properly cut out decor accessories.

Well, samples of the design of New Year's windows.

Decorations on the windows for the New Year 2019 (templates inside)

Well, let's get down to choosing and creating flat paper toys. For starters, the most popular characters are Ded Moroz and Snegurochka.

Of course, do not forget about funny snowmen.

You may also need an image.

And don't leave your loved ones behind.

Even from these elements you can already create fairy tale on the window.

Jewelry stencils for cutting A4 size: you can download and print

I want to say that many flat accessories can be cut not only according to a pattern, but also according to a symmetrical pattern. This, for example, applies to Christmas decorations.

More great ideas there will be backlit clippings. Just with inside glue translucent paper, such as tracing paper, and carefully stretch a small garland (one of the lights) through it. It will look something like this:

So keep a bunch of different stencils with balls, bells, cones, numbers, animals, etc.

Do not forget about the symbol of the upcoming New Year 2019 - mischievous pigs.

Do-it-yourself window decorations for the New Year in kindergarten and school

And I want to separately make a thematic selection of paper decorations for educational institutions. After all, our children rejoice most of all on the approach of the holiday. So schools and kindergartens should not only arrange matinees, but also magically decorate the premises.

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Many people notice that the older they get, the harder it is to re-experience something. magical feeling fairy tales and miracles that always came to us in childhood under New Year.

But we are in website sure - Christmas mood will not keep you waiting if with my own hands make one of these wonderful decorations for your home and Christmas tree. Almost all, with the exception of two or three, do not require much time and some special materials - they can be made in half an hour from what is at hand.

Thread stars

A wreath of balloons and an old hanger

In just half an hour, you can make a colorful wreath by buying a couple of sets of inexpensive balloons. Blogger Jennifer, the author of this article, recommends straightening old hanger, but if there is none, then a piece of strong wire is perfect.

  • You will need: a pair of balloon sets (20-25 balloons different colors and sizes), wire hanger or wire, fir branches, braid or ready-made decoration for decorating a wreath.

Snowflake tablecloth

A delicate and surprisingly festive tablecloth will turn out from snowflakes, on which we have stuffed our hands since childhood. You can sit down and cut snowflakes with the whole family, and then lay them out on the table and fasten them with small pieces of tape. A wonderful solution for receiving guests or just having dinner with the family during the holidays.

multicolored hats

The cutest colored hats can be made from leftover yarn, which can be used to make a garland for a Christmas tree or for decorating a wall. Or hang them on a window or chandelier at different levels. Children over five years old will also do just fine. simple decoration. See details.

Lamp "Snowy City"

For this charming lamp, you need to measure a piece of paper around the circumference of the can with a small margin (to glue), depict and cut out the simplest urban or forest landscape. Wrap around the jar, and put a candle inside.

  • You will need: a jar, thick paper of any color, white can be, any candle. Alternatively, you can cover upper part cans of "falling snow" with a special "snow" spray, which is sold in hobby stores.

Balloons with photos

A great idea for decorating the Christmas tree or as a gift to relatives and friends. The photo must be rolled up into a tube so that it passes into the hole of the ball, and then spread with a wooden stick or tweezers. Small black-and-white rectangular shots will do, and you can also cut out the photo in the shape of a ball or silhouette (as in the case of a cat in the snow).

  • You will need: plastic or glass balls, photographs, various things for filling the ball - tinsel, garlands, coarse salt (for snow).

Christmas lights

And this miracle is a matter of five minutes. It is enough to collect balls, fir branches, cones and put them in a transparent vase (or a pretty jar) and add luminous garlands.


Luminous garlands hidden among cones, branches and coniferous paws create the effect of coals smoldering in the fireplace or a cozy campfire. They even seem to be getting hot. For this purpose, a basket lying on the balcony for a hundred years, a nice bucket or, for example, a wicker container for small things from Ikea, is suitable. Everything else (except for the garland, of course) can be found in the park.

floating candles

Very simple decoration New Year's table or for a cozy evening with friends in new year holidays- composition with candles floating in a vessel with water, cranberries and coniferous twigs. You can use cones, circles of oranges, fresh flowers and leaves from a flower shop - whatever your fantasy tells you. And as a candlestick - deep plates, vases, jars, glasses, the main thing is that they are transparent.

Snowman on fridge or door

From this, the children will definitely be delighted - fast, fun and very simple, because even a three-year-old can handle cutting out large parts. It is enough to cut out circles, a nose and a scarf from self-adhesive paper, wrapping paper or colored cardboard and attach them to regular or double-sided tape.

Snowflakes on the window

An interesting use for a glue gun lying around idle. In order to stick these snowflakes to the glass, just press them lightly to the surface. See details in our video.

  • You will need: a stencil with a snowflake drawn with a black marker, tracing paper (parchment, baking paper), a glue gun and a little patience.

Christmas trees-candy

Bright Christmas trees can be built together with the kids for children's holiday or decorate them festive table. Cut out triangles from colored paper or cardboard, attach with tape to a toothpick and stick the resulting Christmas trees into sweets.

  • You will need: Hershey's Kisses or any other truffle candies, toothpicks, scotch tape, colored paper or patterned cardboard.

Garland with photos and drawings

New Year, Christmas - warm, family holidays. And it will come in handy with photographs, children's drawings, pictures. They are easiest to secure with clothespins that can be decorated with hearts or snowflakes.

origami star

painted spoons

Ordinary metal spoons or wooden spoons for cooking with acrylic paints turn into interesting Christmas decorations. This idea is sure to please the kids. If you bend the handle of metal spoons, they can be hung on a Christmas tree. And wooden spoons will look great in the kitchen or in a bouquet with spruce branches.

Drawings on glass are fun, beautiful and festive. Having made such a New Year decoration with children on all the windows in your apartment, you will not only give festive mood yourself, but also to all those who, passing by your house, cast a glance at your windows. And it's beautiful and very affordable way to and .

New Year's drawings on the windows: draw with toothpaste

Drawings on windows made with ordinary toothpaste are the simplest and most budget way, which the kids will really like, and you will not worry about how to wash the windows, because the paste is washed off well with water. There are two ways to draw with toothpaste on glass.

To create on a window, you will need:

  • sponge for washing dishes;
  • toothpaste white color;
  • water;
  • Bowl;
  • scotch;
  • stencils of New Year's drawings;
  • toothpicks.

Roll up a piece of sponge and secure with tape. Squeeze toothpaste into a bowl and dilute it with a little water. Dip the resulting “brush” into the paste and draw patterns on the glass with it. You can draw with or without stencils. After the paste dries a little, draw the details with a toothpick. And with a thin brush you can draw threads for toys.

For the next way to paint with toothpaste on glass, you will need slightly different materials:

In this way, not only windows are often decorated, but also mirrors in the house for the New Year. First, select pattern stencils. It can even be ordinary snowflakes cut out of paper. , you will find the link. Moisten the cut stencil with water and glue it to the surface of a window or mirror. Remove excess moisture with a dry cloth.

In a container, dilute the toothpaste with water until smooth. Liberally collect the resulting mixture on the brush and bring it close to the stencil. Run your fingers over the bristles, thus spraying the paste onto the stencil of New Year's drawings until the drawing is completely filled.

Leave the drawing with the stencil almost until complete drying. When winter drawing he'll be ready, paper stencil easily separated from the glass surface and at the same time the pattern itself will not be smeared.

What else to draw on the windows: techniques for New Year's patterns on glass

For drawings on glass for the New Year, special washable paints for drawing on glass, gouache with a brush, artificial snow in a can, ordinary soap, PVA glue and sparkles are also ideal.

Drawings on the windows for the New Year 2019: stencils and templates

To make New Year's drawings on the windows neat, it is better to use stencils and templates. You just need to choose the plot you like, download the picture to your computer, print and cut along the contour and in the right designated places. And then everything, as described above in the master class, to draw with toothpaste on the windows.

How to paint windows for the New Year: 13 ideas for New Year's drawings on glass

We offer you several options for what you can draw on the windows in winter. Such pictures from New Year's drawings you can look at the windows for hours and be inspired by these wonderful ideas.

Christmas tree, decorated, hung around the house, " Frost patterns” on the windows, painted with your own hands - all this will create a feeling of a miracle and the approaching New Year 2019.

Dear friends, the New Year is coming soon! I believe that many are already thinking about how to decorate a house for wonderful holiday winters. I have already told you how to do this in my posts, at the end of this article you will find links to them. For those who are interested, go ahead and get acquainted with the ideas of New Year's decoration of the house.

Today I want to continue the topic and tell you about how you can make decorations for the window of your house so that it is festive and cozy in it. Each of us realizes the task to his own taste, going out of his abilities and capabilities. The main thing is to do it in good mood. Holiday though!

I will introduce you to wonderful unusual ideas for decorating a window for the New Year from paper, using garlands, New Year's toys, an orange. I'll tell you how you can draw on windows with toothpaste, even if you don't have a talent for it. In general, you will have plenty to choose from.

How to decorate windows for the New Year with your own hands. Paper decorations

How can you still beautifully decorate windows for the New Year? Very simple, and all you need is scissors and paper. I was convinced of this myself when I saw how the windows in one of the local cafes were originally decorated. It was beyond my strength to pass by and I photographed all this beauty.

Everything ingenious is simple! You don't need a lot of money to decorate a window like that. You just need to show imagination, find the time and be patient. After all, it's still painstaking work, but, you see, it's worth it. Can connect the whole family and cut a large number of snowflakes, which are a huge ocean on the Internet, and then use them to create a chic holiday slide for a snowman or window curtains.

How to make these paper figurines I will tell you in the next article. I will lay out a large number of stencils with which you can make an amazing New Year's window. We will consider each step in detail, from printing stencils to stickers. So don't miss the next post.

To decorate windows so beautifully, you need white sheets of A4 paper, but with the help of color you can come up with interesting plots.

To do this, first collect all the elements as a whole, and then stick on the window.

If you are unsure of your patience and do not want to fiddle with decoration for a long time, then make beautiful volumetric snowflakes and hang them on the window. This beauty is created quite simply. Watch the video and see for yourself.

I also want to suggest a small detail that will complement paper decoration windows in dark time days. Place an electric garland on the windowsill and turn it on in the evening. You will receive simply New Year's fairy tale at home.

How to decorate a window for the New Year with a garland

You can also decorate the window for the New Year with a garland. There is nothing complicated here either, to create it you need to buy beautiful paper or elegant tinsel. Prepare stars or snowflakes, stick on a strong rope and the decoration is ready. It remains only to attach it to the window.

You will learn how to make a star garland from the video below - simple and beautiful, and, most importantly, that its manufacture can be a wonderful family vacation.

Now tinsel wire has appeared on sale, it is also called chenille wire, from which you can make delicate snowflakes.

Here we will make them from it, and then we will collect them in a garland for our window. To make it, you need 10 pieces. chenille wire, but you will learn what to do with it further by watching the following video.

You can connect snowflakes to each other using fishing line, which is sold in needlework stores or "All for fishing".

But this is not all the options for garlands. They can be knitted, sewn, glued out of paper. In general, give freedom to your imagination, and in order to at least inspire it a little, I made a small selection of interesting garlands.

You don't even need to make this decoration. sewing machine, everything is done by hand, and the material for work is necessarily felt, it keeps its shape well and does not crumble around the edges.

To make such small gifts, take matchboxes and wrap them beautiful paper, tie with a smart ribbon or cord and assemble a garland.

For such decoration, you need to cut circles from colored paper. For one ball, you need to take six circles, bend each in half. Glue the first two to the thread in the center, the rest to the first two.

I think we all have old magazines at home. Let's get them going. Cut out mittens from them and decorate with colored paper hearts. Then we string it on a red ribbon, which is sold in the sewing departments and that's it, - window decoration ready.

Find on the Internet small or large motives for knitted garland no problem. I just suggested interesting idea. If you like it, then choose a pattern and knit.

This makes decorating the window a breeze. You do not need to sew or knit, anyone, even a child, can handle this work.

How to decorate windows for the New Year with toothpaste

I'm sure someone will say, "No, no. This is not for me. I can not draw". Believe me, even without the ability to draw, you can beautifully decorate the window for the New Year. To do this, you will need a stencil, toothpaste and a sponge, and then, as they say, sleight of hand and no fraud. The main thing is that after the holiday it will not be difficult to wash the window, because the toothpaste is easily washed off.

To keep the stencil well on the window, sprinkle it with water, let it stand for a couple of minutes, and then attach it to the glass. It will adhere wonderfully and allow you to apply the pattern with toothpaste using a sponge. Here are a few of these stencils for drawing.

Decorating windows with Christmas toys and more

The simplest window decoration, so to speak, without problems, is decoration with New Year's toys. We take a beautiful ribbon or a white strong thread. We tie one end to the toy, and attach the other to the window. Such a composition will look especially impressive if you hang the balls at different heights and different sizes.

In order for such a decor to be irresistible in the evening, add to New Year's toys electric garland, it will turn out very beautiful.

And for those who associate with the smell of citrus, I suggest paying attention to this unusual idea, - window decoration with oranges.

The first option is oranges decorated with carnation patterns.

The second option is orange circles, cloves and ribbons. Agree, it looks just charming.

I wish you all a pleasant New Year's Eve. May everything work out the way you intended. Good luck!

I wish everyone happiness, Natalya Murga

This is one of the easiest and tastiest ways to decorate. window glass. Small children can participate in the process - for them this activity will become a truly sweet magic.

Using a stencil, we apply an adhesive base to clean glass - honey or sugar syrup diluted in water. Then spray on the base. powdered sugar. Let the patterns dry, remove the stencil and brush off the remaining powder with a brush.

Soap drawings

Not only decorate the windows, but also allow you to wash the glass.

On a fine grater you need to grate a piece of soap. Add to soap crumbs warm water. Beat the mixture with a mixer until a stable foam is obtained. Dip a sponge - and you can draw! And even easier - to draw patterns on the glass with the remnant itself.

artificial snow

Used in decor different types artificial snow, but we will need the one that is sold in the form of a spray. Shake the can and... improvise! Light frost, stencil patterns - it can be anything.

Be careful: you should not save and buy the cheapest spray - it may turn out to be of poor quality, with a pungent odor.

Toothpaste is the tool of the Snow Queen

This classic way: who hasn't painted with toothpaste in the bathroom on the mirror as a child?

The effect of hoarfrost can be achieved by spraying the glass with paste from a spray bottle (or just splattering with a toothbrush). If you dilute it in water to a creamy consistency, you can paint glass with a hard brush.

Beer and Magnesia

Very beautiful and complex frosty patterns are obtained using beer and magnesia. The solution is prepared easily: for 100 gr. light beer need 50 gr. magnesia.

We apply patterns with a sponge, brush, cotton swab. As the liquid begins to evaporate, crystal patterns will appear on the glass. You can speed up the process by drying the drawing with a hairdryer.

conventional paints

Note: watercolor from glass is more difficult to wash off than gouache. The picture will be more contrast if you circle it with black paint. Glitter, beads and sequins can be applied to the paint.

Children's stained glass paints

Do not confuse them with professional ones, otherwise the drawing will remain on the glass forever.

Baby stained glass paints are applied not to glass, but to a special film, which is then glued to the window. Place the selected pattern under the film, circle it along the contour, then paint the inside. Do not spare paints so that there are no gaps on the film.

Finished stickers

You can stick on glass not only your stained glass drawings. If there is no time, at your service.

Paper stencils

Another hello from childhood. True, we used to improvise, but now you can find ready-made stencils for printing on the Internet.

Snowflakes made of white matte paper look good. Do not use glue, thick sugar syrup is better, it will wash off the windows faster.

Tulle and lace

And last, most exquisite way: stick tulle or lace on glass. It is best to choose a fabric with winter motifs, feathers, curls.

You need to prepare a solution: dilute two tablespoons of corn starch in two tablespoons cold water. And add a glass and a half hot water. If use potato starch, then the solution will turn out to be gray, which will give the appropriate shade to our application.

Now we apply a piece of cloth to the glass. On top of the lace, apply the solution with a brush, giving Special attention edges and corners. The paste hardens quickly, and the lace stays on the glass until you decide to wash it off with warm water.