Christmas celebration in Europe. When and how is Christmas celebrated in different countries of Europe and around the world (Great Britain, Bulgaria, America, Germany, Israel, Portugal, etc.) New Year holidays in Europe when do they start

December is coming and with it date of celebration of catholic christmas. This event has many different rituals and traditions. Catholics from all over the world rejoice at the arrival of Christmas and celebrate it with special significance. In 2016 it will be celebrated December 25. However, this celebration is celebrated annually on the same day.

Decorations in the house for Catholic Christmas.

What date is Christmas celebrated in 2016?

Which countries will celebrate this holiday? At present, Catholicism dominates in Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Ireland, Belgium, Austria. The Catholic religion prevails among believers in Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, although there are many Protestants in the last three.

Catholicism also dominates in Malta and in other small states of Europe - Monaco, Liechtenstein, San Marino, Andorra. IN Switzerland Catholics make up 52% ​​of believers, 51% in the territory of the former Germany(very few in the GDR). Among believers English Catholics 7%, among Scots 15%.

It will help you to understand this issue in more detail. a map of Europe, indicating the predominant religion in each country.

Christmas in Ireland.

As you can see from the map above, Ireland is predominantly Catholic. To be more precise, the main religion in the country is Latin Rite Catholicism.

Therefore, the holiday of Catholic Christmas is celebrated in the country on December 25 on a large scale. Of course, all of Ireland takes a day off. At this time, restaurants, cafes, bars, nightclubs, government departments, 99% of shops and private businesses are closed.

Perhaps the only public place you can go to is a church - midnight mass is a long-standing Christmas tradition in Ireland. In addition, now some 4- and 5-star hotels invite you to spend this holiday within their walls - guests are offered a festive dinner, spa visits and a variety of entertainment.

is a quiet family holiday (although it is inevitably preceded by drunken and noisy corporate parties and other parties). Before Christmas, the Irish decorate their homes with holly wreaths (holly), and mistletoe (mistletoe) is also present in decorations.

Many people buy a Christmas tree, and families with children decorate their homes with miniature mangers with figurines of the baby Christ and the Virgin Mary, flashing snowmen, deer, Santa Clauses, and more.

It so happened that Christmas in Russia is celebrated modestly, without pomp, most often in the family circle. Perhaps due to the fact that at first we celebrate the New Year, and we get so tired of fun and albeit joyful, but still troubles, that by Christmas we have no strength left for anything. In Europe, where most of the population belongs to the Catholic faith , Christmas is celebrated a week before the New Year - December 25, and much more attention is paid to it. Cities are changing, the atmosphere of the holiday reigns everywhere - garlands, elegant Christmas trees, the ubiquitous Santa Clauses and their faithful deer - all this makes an incredible impression! Moreover, Catholics start preparing for the holiday in advance - so you have a chance to see everything with your own eyes, even if you can’t get into the city in the midst of events. Remember that for Europeans Christmas is a family holiday, shops and municipal institutions often do not work on this day , according to a special schedule, traffic is carried out. Prices at this time are also higher than usual, so it is quite reasonable to plan a trip in the first half of December - you will feel the atmosphere of the holiday, but you will not experience any inconvenience. The hotel search engine will tell you in which European cities you will find the very Christmas mood for all New Year holidays .

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Prague, Czech Republic

When choosing where to go to feel the Christmas atmosphere, one cannot ignore Prague - this city always attracts tourists due to its architecture, traditions and customs. If there is an opportunity to visit this city on or before Christmas, it should not be missed. As in any other European city, here you can visit many Christmas markets, taste baked carp - a favorite treat of the Czechs during this period, admire the main fir tree of the capital, which, by the way, is lit on December 1st.

Paris, France

In Paris, a city so beloved by romantics, preparations for the Christmas holidays will begin at the end of November. Indeed, when you get to Paris in December, you will not be able to think about anything but the rapidly approaching holiday - everyone around is absorbed in a cheerful bustle and think, probably, only about gifts. On the Place de la Concorde, the main fir tree is set up - 35 meters high, and various festive events will be held there. An interesting Parisian tradition is to play puppet shows in shop windows that will impress not only children, but also adults. In addition, every winter, skating rinks are poured throughout the city - the one in front of the city hall is, of course, the most famous. The atmosphere reigning there on Christmas night is simply indescribable!

Nuremberg, Germany

A real adventure can be a trip to Nuremberg - this German city is deservedly considered the European Christmas capital. It is there that you can meet the heroes of biblical stories - baby Jesus and the Virgin Mary, feel the spirit of a fairy tale by writing a letter and sharing your dreams that will surely come true - after all, magic mail works without interruptions. The famous Christmas market in Nuremberg opens on December 1 and lasts until Christmas Eve, which means that by visiting it, you can see a lot of interesting things!

London, Great Britain

London is one of the most interesting and beautiful capitals in the world, and the way Christmas is celebrated here confirms this. They also begin to prepare for it in advance - the last week of November is already filled with festive chores. According to many, it is London streets that are decorated for the holiday in the most amazing way - in the city center, almost every street has its own unique style. In the famous Hyde Park, Christmas markets are held, rides, skating rinks work - everything is for the pleasure of citizens and tourists! There you can also ride a Ferris wheel and see festive London from a height of 60 meters - an unforgettable sight!

Brussels, Belgium

Something, but Europeans celebrate Christmas on a grand scale and with special enthusiasm. Approximately the same as we celebrate the New Year, beloved by absolutely everyone. Traditionally, Christmas on the continent is more popular than the arrival of the new year. This holiday among Europeans is filled with joy, warmth and a sense of a fairy tale, in general, the atmosphere is magical and contagious. Well, let's not procrastinate and introduce you to the traditions of Christmas in Europe.

When is Christmas celebrated in Europe?

It is known that Christmas is a religious holiday, it is the day of the birth of Jesus Christ into the world. Most of the population of Europe are adherents of Catholicism, one of the branches of Christianity. All Catholic holidays are celebrated according to the Gregorian calendar (unlike Orthodoxy, where the Julian calendar is used). Therefore, the date of Christmas in Europe falls on the night of December 24 to 25, and not from January 6 to 7, as in countries where Orthodoxy is considered the main denomination.

Christmas Traditions in Europe

In general, we can say that many customs of celebrating this bright day are common to all countries of the continent. However, each state has its own, special traditions.

Common to all Europeans is the decoration of the house with an elegant Christmas tree with toys, garlands and. For some inhabitants, a Christmas tree branch or a wreath on a door, wall, or fireplace is enough.

At Christmas, it is customary to give gifts to each other, to children - in boots or socks hung by the Christmas tree. Moreover, there is a legend that the fairy-tale hero Santa Claus (Babbo Natale in Italy, Nikolaus in, Yulenisse in Sweden, Papa Noel in Spain, Syanalis Šaltis in Lithuania) leaves gifts, who arrives from Lapland on a sleigh pulled by reindeer.

Usually on the evening of December 26, the whole family meets at the same table, eating traditional Christmas dishes: turkey, pork, chicken or goose, baked or fried, Christmas cake, gingerbread cookies and a gingerbread house.

Greeting cards are certainly sent to all acquaintances, relatives, friends, colleagues. Cities and villages are decorated with a scene of three-dimensional figures depicting a manger, the Christ Child, the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph.

Mass is held at midnight in all Catholic churches.

Holidays for Christmas in Europe

Undoubtedly, it is better to see once than hear (or read) a hundred times. You can feel the unique atmosphere of the festival yourself by going to Europe on the eve of Christmas.

There are many options for an unforgettable Christmas celebration in Europe in 2015. Very interesting at this time in Germany. In addition to getting to know the customs, you will have the chance to spend money and have fun at the famous Christmas markets in Berlin, Cologne or Nuremberg.

You can combine an active holiday with a Christmas dinner in a cozy chalet at ski resorts Alps. This trip is recommended for both family and fun companies.

In search of the unusual, book a tour to the tourist area in Finland- Rovaniemi, better known as Lapland, the birthplace of the protagonist of Christmas - Santa Claus. Here you can write a letter to Finnish Santa Claus, visit his residence, visit the Ice Park and take part in fun folk festivals.

You can enjoy the beauty and warmth on Christmas night 2015 in the capital Hungary Budapest. A trip to one of the most charming cities in Europe is already an event, and if it is also at Christmas, then unforgettable impressions cannot be avoided.

Poland- a great option for those who would like to absorb Christmas traditions and customs, but do not spend a lot of money. By the way, tasting traditional dishes at a gala dinner can be combined with stunning sightseeing.

In fact, the month and date of the birth of Jesus are unknown, but in the first third of the 4th century, the Western Christian Church determined Christmas on December 25: firstly, nine months from the Annunciation, and secondly, there were too many pagan Roman holidays in December. Today, the Roman Catholic Church and most Protestants celebrate Christmas according to the Gregorian calendar - December 25, but some Eastern Christian churches (Russian, Jerusalem, Serbian, Georgian, Athos, and also Eastern Catholic) celebrate according to the Julian calendar, that is, January 7. So the date is one, but the calendars are different. However, today, during the general interpenetration of cultures, the Christmas mood reigns on the planet throughout December. Candles are placed on the windows, snowflakes are painted on the glass, Christmas markets supply gingerbread and roasted chestnuts to the table, you can always buy cute souvenirs and look at an elegant Christmas tree, and small gifts await children in stockings or shoes in the morning. We invite you to take a look at our selection. In some photos you will not see snow, but the festive illumination and the Christmas tree will certainly be there. Bulgaria. In the communist era, religious holidays were banned, so a secular holiday “next door” appeared, so modern Bulgarians celebrate two Christmas days at once: December 25 and 26 Poland. Many Christmas traditions in Poland have survived the centuries: an extra plate for an unexpected guest, bundles of straw under the table, and other Hungary. Advent is the waiting time for Christmas. Most children receive calendars at this time with small gifts or sweets - for each day before the Danish holiday. Jul is the Danish word for "Christmas", meaning "turn" or "wheel". We are talking about the turning of the Sun, because this holiday is celebrated immediately after the winter solstice in Switzerland. On December 1, the period of pre-Christmas Advent begins. Initially, it was a time of repentance and spiritual cleansing, but now it is just a holiday for everyone, especially children. Iceland. The Christmas mood comes to the island early. Already on December 12, children's shoes are placed on the windowsill in anticipation of gifts. Icelandic children are lucky - not only Santa Claus will bring gifts, but also 13 Christmas creatures, half-humans, half-trolls Spain. Navidad in Spain is a continuous marathon of celebrations starting the week before Christmas and lasting 12 days of Vatican City. December brought together about 14 religious holidays that are honored by all Italians in Italy. In every house, as well as on the streets and squares, nativity scenes Germany are exhibited. Families gather at the laid tables in anticipation of Santa (Weihnachtsmann). And at the same time they themselves exchange gifts - this custom is called Bescherung Estonia. On Christmas Day, Christmas grandfather Austria comes to Estonian children with gifts. On the evening of December 24, the Austrians celebrate the Holy Evening - der Heilige Abend. Kids are not allowed to the Christmas tree, because at this time the baby Christ decorates it! Czech Republic. For good luck, Czechs put a carp scale under each plate, sometimes they add a small coin to it. It happens that the scale is hidden in a wallet and carried with them all year round by the Netherlands. Dutch kids on December 25, standing on the embankment in the harbor, are waiting for a long time for the ship, on which the analogue of Santa Claus (Kerstman) with gifts from France will arrive. The ancestors of the French, the Gauls, celebrated Saturnalia in December - the beginning of the new year. Subsequently, the pagan holiday was replaced by Christmas in England. Here, on Christmas Eve, candles are lit in the window of almost every house, welcoming passers-by. That is why the night before Christmas is called in England the "night of candles" Latvia. The rite of dragging logs is still actively observed even in Riga, and in small Latvian villages it can be seen everywhere. The essence of the ritual is to drag a log around your house, symbolizing the failures and sorrows of the outgoing year, and then burn it. Norway. Norwegian Christmas gnome (Julenissen) lives with pets in the yard. In order to appease the dwarf, who, when full, is a nice guy, they cook Christmas porridge (julegroet) Portugal for him. Winter holidays in Portugal begin with Saint Martin's Day - November 11th. In fact, the holiday lasts for three whole days, during which the weather is almost always sunny and warm, for which the Portuguese call them "the summer of St. Martin" Belgium. On Christmas Eve, Saint Nicholas appears in Belgium. This is a stately old man with a gray beard, dressed in a red cassock, on his shoulders - a white episcopal robe, on his head - a high red mitre, in his hands - a golden staff of Finland. Before Christmas, at sunset, families go to church, although most Finns prefer to watch the service on TV. The Christmas service usually starts at 5 pm. On this day people visit cemeteries and light candles on the graves of relatives and friends.

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Calendar of the best Christmas markets in Europe

Gendarmenmarkt square in Berlin during Christmas holidays

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Time spending:
Cologne - November 24-December 23
Nuremberg - November 28 - December 24
Dresden - November 27 - December 24
Munich - November 27 - December 24
Berlin - November 24 - 31th of December

Frankfurt - November 26 - December 22

It is believed that the "most-most" Christmas markets are held in Germany, because it was from the medieval traditions of this country that the custom of organizing New Year's Eve and Christmas markets spread throughout Europe. If you go to Germany before Catholic Christmas, you can visit the fairs in Munich, Cologne, Nuremberg, Frankfurt, Dresden and Berlin. And believe me, each of them will have their own characteristics. For example, in Nuremberg you can buy the best Christmas toys in Europe, the unique technology of their production is jealously guarded by local craftsmen. And guests of Christmas Dresden are waiting for the annual Stollen fruit pie festival, which takes place on the second Sunday of December, and the election of a gingerbread princess.

Well, the main Christmas market takes place in the capital of Germany - on Berlin's Gendarmenmarkt. There are hundreds of shops with traditional German treats and handmade toys. And if it happens that rain catches you while walking, which is not uncommon in the city in November, you can hide in the three-story Christmas decoration shop Käthe Wohlfahrt. Surrounded by thousands of Christmas balls, squirrels and Christmas bears, it's hard not to believe in the New Year's miracle. By the way, sales in German stores begin around the same time.

Hand-painted Christmas decorations on sale at the Christmas market in Vienna

Time spending:
— November 15-December 26
Salzburg - November 20 - December 26
Innsbruck - December 1 - 31th of December

Vienna's main Christmas market takes place on the square in front of the town hall. A huge spruce is set up here, and the trees are decorated with lanterns in the form of red hearts. In early December, there is a slight frost and snow in the capital of Austria, but this will definitely not spoil your festive mood. The frosty air smells of apple punch with rum and roasted chestnuts, and if you get tired of walking around the city on foot, you can use an old horse-drawn carriage, which will add color to your amazing trip.

On Maria Theresa Square there are many tents with Christmas sweets - sweets, gingerbread and crescent-shaped special local cookies - Vanillekpferl. And if you go further to a small square between the two twins of the Art and Historical Museums of Vienna, you will see craftsmen's shops where you can buy New Year's gifts: blown glassware, miniature wooden cradles, etc.

Strasbourg Christmas Market unfolds near the walls of the cathedral

Time spending:
Strasbourg - November 28-December 31
Paris 15th of November - 6th January

Surprisingly, the main Christmas holiday in France takes place not at all in Paris, but in the historical capital of Alsace - Strasbourg. Due to its location - next door to Germany - Christmas is celebrated here on a German scale. In addition, there is a version among the French that it was Strasbourg that became the birthplace of the first Christmas tree (the French call it the “Christmas tree”).

About three hundred food stalls settle in the square near the cathedral, where you can buy: clay pots with duck and goose foie gras, deer stew, tarte flambé (Alsatian traditional pie stuffed with cheese, onions and brisket), roasted chestnuts, curly gingerbread and many more goodies. Wash down all this with tinctures on a cherry stone or quince.

Christmas market at the Natural History Museum in London

Great Britain
Time spending:
London— November 17 - December 24
Edinburgh - November 21 - 4 January
Glasgow - November 14 - 21 December

In the pre-Christmas period, the famous Hyde Park (Hyde Park) from a place of rest for the townspeople and holding high-profile rallies turns into a real magical story called "Winter Wonderland" (Winter Wonderland). An ice rink, which has no equal in the UK, is also opened here, it is generously illuminated by several thousand spotlights that create the effect of a starry sky above the heads of vacationers, and bears the proud name "Ice Age". Yes, and the whole of London is decorated with illumination, and it is best to look at this beauty from the height of a giant Ferris wheel - the London Eye. But know that if you get to London on the day of the celebration of Catholic Christmas, you will see an empty city. Shops and restaurants are closed, museums are closed, there are no cars or people on the street. The city is given over to bored tourists who were not invited to a family dinner with a turkey.

Main square during the Christmas market in Brussels


Time spending :
Brussels - November 28 - 4 January
Bruges - November 21 - January 2

If you consider yourself a gourmet, connoisseur of haute cuisine, or just love to eat deliciously, then the Christmas markets in Brussels and its fellow Bruges are just for you. Without the famous Belgian chocolate, of course, it could not have done here. In addition: traditional waffles, fresh oysters, snails, meat baked according to old recipes and. It is offered to drink all this with juniper tincture or strong local beer, the varieties of which are several hundred. But not only gourmets can please Belgium. In stores, a real boom of discounts begins, and you can often find sales of still fresh collections of clothes and accessories.

The Christmas tree is brought directly from the Krkonoše Mountains in northern Bohemia

Time spending:
Prague- 29th of November - 1st of January
Pilsen - November 27 - December 23

Holiday Fair in Prague - the first in the category "The most-most Christmas tree". A forest beauty is set up on the famous Old Town Square, and a round dance of shops with New Year's souvenirs, wooden toys, hot sausages, a boar knee on a spit and a special strudel with raisins and nuts, which is prepared only for Christmas, unfolds around it. Celebrations are also held in other places in the city, not far from the Old Town Square is Wenceslas Square - here, in the light of trees decorated with lanterns, there are small kiosks with warming drinks - it's nice to pour a glass of punch, mead, hot tea or go for a walk to the Tyn Cathedral.