Autumn images for pregnant women. Fashionable and stylish clothes for pregnant women (60 photo images)

Most of the fair sex has one reaction to the onset of spring - a thirst for transformation, change, new images, as well as romantic meetings and trips to countries where summer is gradually replacing spring. Well, it's time to go shopping for fresh new clothes, visit fashion shows, flip through glossy magazines, read blogs about the trends of the upcoming season, in a word - do a transformation. Expectant mothers have exactly the same desires. Why not?

True, the possibilities are much less. A reason is absence fashion clothes for pregnant women in specialized stores. Those who are faced with trips to such stores will understand me. To go to nature in these clothes - yes, to walk at home - quite, but not on a holiday. But just do not appear in a decent society. Things that took a lot of time and effort to find, and they are a real shortage for pregnant women, I want to wear them later. Moreover, most girls who watch their figure before pregnancy often do not gain more than ten to fifteen kilograms. And this allows you to walk in your own until almost the fifth month. regular clothes, having bought only a couple of things for the entire pregnancy. The lack of suitable clothes in stores for mothers is not a reason to refuse fashion novelties. Some designers seemed to take special care of women of fashion with a tummy.

Natural materials for pregnant women 2019 photo

Being in an interesting position, expectant mothers begin to worry not only about their well-being, but are more worried about the future health of their baby. Not only the daily routine is changing, but also the diet and clothing.

It's no secret to anyone that natural materials the most suitable. Fabrics made from linen and cotton should be the only ones in use during pregnancy. Natural wool and down are also acceptable for cold seasons.

Clothing made from fabrics donated by nature itself should completely capture the wardrobe shelves for a while.

Underwear for pregnant women 2019 photo

Special lingerie for pregnant women is radically different from the usual models. The main emphasis is not on the sexuality of the style, but on convenience and practicality. Despite the fact that strength and comfort are still the priorities of underwear for future women in childbirth, when creating new-fangled styles, fashion designers took into account the wishes of the ladies and gave the models elements of sophistication.

The first thing that surprises in the new collections is the color scheme. Fashion designers have gone beyond the most popular three colors - white, beige and black. Not found in collections underwear in bright flashy colors, but the palette of pastel shades was wide enough.

Coffee, mint, "tea rose", "burgundy peony", lilac, blue, pale pink - all these colors are used in collections as a single tone, and in combination with other colors. Also, prints in the form of a small pattern of flowers, hearts and peas were used, which create an aura of tenderness and warmth for their owner.

In addition, when creating elements of a linen wardrobe, lace inserts began to be used for ladies in an interesting position, giving the models a special grace.

Fashionable swimwear for pregnant women summer 2019

Growing in popularity breathing exercises for expectant mothers in the pool overwhelms more and more of its admirers. Attending such classes without a special swimsuit will not succeed. Designers have developed a whole galaxy of new styles for pregnant women, which are sure to shine on beautiful bodies expectant mothers. Both one-piece swimsuits and bikinis are in fashion.
Color solutions can be completely different. Among the usual monochromatic models of blue, turquoise, black, peach and pink flowers the red monokini made a real sensation, which, perhaps, will become the favorite of the year.

Also acceptable print in the form of:

  • peas;
  • butterflies;
  • flowers.

Office clothes for pregnant women 2019 photo

Companies with a serious reputation strictly adhere to corporate dress code, which applies to all employees including pregnant women. It is for this situation that designers annually come up with new models of clothing that would easily fit into a rigid corporate culture.

The rules of office etiquette of some companies are so strict that even interesting position women will not be forced to change established canons. Nevertheless, the designers were able to dilute the excessive stiffness of business ensembles with stylish feminine touches.

Classic black trousers with a white blouse, decorated with a decorative bow, will be the perfect set for the work environment. The designers also provided a choice of classic-cut pencil dresses and elongated tunics with non-standard clasps and bows for future mothers, which can be safely combined with tight trousers. All these feminine little things on clothes without a hint of gender look very cute.

The color scheme of business-style clothing created by designers for the new season is standard for office style. White, gray and black are the undisputed favorites of the office.

Fashionable dresses for pregnant women spring-summer 2019 photo

Being pregnant in the modern world is not a shame, so fashionable dresses For future mother allow you to emphasize a cute growing tummy, while hiding wide hips. Designers sew clothes for pregnant women exclusively from natural materials, so the dresses do not look shapeless and stretched. Their fabric is pleasant to the touch and allows the skin to breathe freely. The materials from which the clothing is made ensure proper air exchange.

Wearing a special dress for a pregnant woman, the expectant mother will not suffer from increased sweating And discomfort. Spring collections stylish dresses 2019 for expectant mothers include short cotton chemise dresses. Such a thing will be able to last until the very birth. Represented fashion designers things do not constrain breathing, hide flaws and emphasize dignity.

Models are saturated with bright spring prints or, on the contrary, modest and refined. Strict stylish dresses will become great option to go to work. Dresses made of natural wool perfectly stretch along with the growing tummy, so they do not squeeze in any places and provide complete comfort when carrying a child. Many models are decorated with interesting details and have an original style. Woolen dresses are perfect for updating spring wardrobe and designed for cool, unstable weather. Light cocktail dresses are an option for a friendly party.

Spring-summer collections include romantic models of a-line dresses created from light and airy fabrics. Cocktail Dresses for pregnant women allow you to look especially attractive and bright. A wide variety of models allows you to choose a very beautiful and stylish thing, which will provide good mood expectant mother during a trip to visit or to a club. Short dresses beautifully frame the tummy and reveal slender legs, while hiding wide hips. As for materials, satin, linen, silk, chiffon and cotton are always in trend for pregnant women.

The main concept of fashionable spring-summer collections is naturalness and naturalness. Collections of evening dresses for pregnant women have a wide variety of styles. The models have lace inserts, interesting design solutions in Greek style, drapery and pleating. Dresses with belts tied at the side, high-waisted models look very impressive. In the new season, designers preferred traditional colors - white and black, as well as rich shades of lilac, coral, chocolate. fine evening dresses to the floor will be a good choice for a social event and will allow the expectant mother to look very dignified and elegant.

Blouses and tunics

The loose and fitted upper made of natural materials is ideal for everyday wear. It can be worn with high-waisted jeans and trousers and leggings.

For daily commuting ideal option will become a shirt-cut blouse white color, and for street style fit shirts with a classic cut and straight tops in bright colors. The theme is voluminous bomber blouses, elongated oversized tunics and any high-waisted clothing.

The color choice can be absolutely any and depend only on the preferences of the expectant mother. Designers have equipped their collections with bright and pastel palettes, and also decorated some models with prints in the form of polka dots, checks, flowers and cute cartoon animals.

Coats and down jackets

Outerwear as if taken from someone else's shoulder fit Pregnant women are the best! Plain models in classic, retro and casual style are offered in draped, knitted and draped styles.

If the choice fell on a coat, then in 2019 they will be in trend:

  • trapezoidal models;
  • with high waist;
  • oversized duffle coats;
  • poncho.

Monochromatic discreet shades are welcome, as well as a herringbone and “herringbone” ornament. crow's feet". In addition, a contrasting combination of black and red in squares or abstraction will also be very appropriate. For a light cool day, parkas and light jackets of a free cut may well fit. Designers offer to keep up with general trends year and choose models in bright, discreet and cosmic colors that will be relevant.

It is better to go through very severe frosts in a warm down jacket with natural down. Some models for pregnant women are equipped with a special insert with rows of zippers that allow you to fasten the jacket as your tummy grows. A rich color palette allows you to choose a down jacket to your taste, which can be either plain or decorated with a print.

Fashionable jeans, trousers and leggings for pregnant women 2019 photo

Any comfortable casual clothing was simply doomed to become part of the wardrobe for women in position. Such an honorable mission was awarded to leggings and jeans. When choosing these comfortable components of the image, it should be borne in mind that models with a standard or low fit will no longer fit.

A high waistline for leggings and a special insert made of dense material on the stomach for jeans are a must. As for the style, it is advisable to temporarily forget about overly tight styles. denim pants. In the new year, one-color and denim leggings will still be on the horseback.

Pregnant girls in the hot summer can wear fashionable and stylish shorts that are perfect for city walks and for relaxing outside the city. Shorts for pregnant women have a feature - a special elastic insert to support the abdomen. The elastic band stretches well and fits the tummy. Shorts for pregnant women are short, elongated and breeches. Short belly shorts can be worn up to seven months of pregnancy, models with large inserts(front, sides and back) designed to be worn on more than later dates when the belly is already large enough. IN fashion collections for pregnant women there are shorts made of satin, cotton, denim, linen and even lace. They go well with any blouses, shirts, tops and t-shirts.

Overalls made of natural fabrics for pregnant women 2019 photo

The jumpsuit is so comfortable and comfortable clothes what you might think this piece of clothing was specially designed for expectant mothers.

Croy even conventional models involves a little support for the abdomen, and special styles focus on this area of ​​the body. Fashion designers have developed two variations of additional volume in the abdomen - fixed and adjustable (due to rows of special hooks). Often the cut itself is very simple and does not differ from the standard one.

The second parameter after the style is the material from which the jumpsuit is sewn. Of course, the best is the one that has a cotton content as close as possible to 100%. The production of fabric allows you to create overalls both from standard cotton fabric for hot days, and from more insulated jeans and velveteen.

Fashionable shoes for pregnant women 2019 photo

The main rule when choosing the next pair of shoes for a woman in an interesting position is the minimum height. Legs must be in constant feeling comfort, and the possibility of loss of balance should be excluded completely.

In addition to convenience and safety, women are always interested in the relevance of their fashion bows, so fashion designers offer to replenish your wardrobe with several new pairs according to the latest fashion trends.

One of the main trends of the season among shoes has become shoes and sandals on the so-called tractor sole which has come into vogue recently.

Also at the peak of popularity will be sneakers and sneakers. Fashion trends of the season allow sneakers to be worn with dresses and tunics, which makes these shoes almost universal. Sandals with a lot of webbed low heels are suitable for a social event.

Pregnancy for every woman is a special time, because it is born in her new life. During this period, nothing should upset a woman, she should flutter on the wings of love and glow with happiness, look feminine and stylish.

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful states of a woman. Many men claim that during pregnancy a woman becomes especially beautiful, touching and tender. Naturally, only we, women, know what we have to experience at the moment when a baby is born, grows and develops in us. But you must admit, even in this not always easy period of life, you want to be beautiful, keep up with fashion, give smiles and receive compliments from others. That is why stylists do not forget about expectant mothers, including in their recommendations for the season fashion tips for pregnant.

Before considering in detail what the fashion for pregnant women in 2019 will be like, it is worth knowing the main advice of stylists for expectant mothers: Pregnancy is not at all a reason to wear what fit. Leave your mother's dresses and skirts to your mother, your husband's sweaters to your husband, and your pre-pregnancy wardrobe to the moment your baby is born.

After all, there is nothing worse than a woman dressed from someone else's shoulder, not in size, uncomfortable and incompatible with each other. Believe me, today you can buy things that can be worn after the baby is born, you just have to choose them correctly.

It is difficult for women in position at any time to endure the heat. The question of what to wear when the thermometer scares you with scary numbers and you have to go outside will never lose its relevance.

Ahead of us is waiting for a hot period - summer! Stylists and doctors advise giving preference to light natural fabrics such as cotton, viscose, denim and chiffon.

Femininity is in trend, so it will not be difficult for pregnant women to choose a wardrobe - dresses will come to your aid. Lightweight cotton products with a fluffy skirt, high waist and loose top are very relevant and comfortable when the tummy is already rounded.

With regards to the print, the fashion for a background completely clogged with large flowers is departing. large flower remains as a single asymmetrically placed pattern, such as on the hem and bodice. A small floral pattern, on the contrary, takes its toll - fabric designers offer it as an alternative to large peas. The main thing is that the background color is clearly visible. This season it is better to give preference to calm pastel colors. Blue and lavender remain in favor, but in very soft, pastel shades.

Things from natural linen not very practical, but linen color is becoming popular - from deep unbleached linen to delicate cream. This color is proposed to be combined with a print of Venetian-style monograms.

The color of the powder in little dols will appeal to lovers of lace and chiffon. On a girl in position, such an outfit will look extremely romantic, the main thing is not to overdo it with transparency, so as not to look vulgar in the end. Here accessories will come to the rescue - light straw hats, bags with a minimum of decor, low-speed shoes.

Another trend is oversized dresses. Main principle- it should sit on the shoulders. For the summer, you can choose a dress of this cut made of lightweight denim. In this outfit, you can avoid the heat, while looking stylish and not feel constrained in movement.

Decor - light wear and artificial pearl, which mainly embroider the bodice. In denim dresses top part The bodice can be paired with chiffon or lace to provide extra breathability and help keep out the heat.

To comply business style shirt dresses are perfect. Now they are at the peak of popularity and, oddly enough, stylists offer them to ladies in position. Models for pregnant women are distinguished by wider front shelves and a high waist. The belt is designed to be tied under the bust. A dress-shirt made of natural cotton fabric of calm or even strict colors is perfect for the office.

Shirts with a high chest line and wide hem front, can be combined with maternity skirts and trousers. Stylists suggest giving preference to cotton and light colors fitting into the dress code. T-shirts and T-shirts are suggested to be worn in an adjacent silhouette, but it is better to forget about all kinds of flying clothes and hoodies - they do not make the figure feminine, turning a woman into a kolobok.

Skirts and trousers for pregnant women should be as comfortable as possible. It is worth noting that classic fit migrated to maternity fashion, having undergone some changes in the part of the drawstring, which, of course, is made of soft knitwear or elastane. You can safely choose an image in classical style, even in the ninth month of pregnancy.

Outerwear for the summer is not grandmother's sweaters. shortened jeans jackets, jackets made of light fabrics in a classic style or jackets made of soft wool - all this must have fitted silhouette from the back. Yes, yes, even pregnant women have a waist, do not forget about it! It is suggested to wear such things unbuttoned. some models suggest an asymmetric fastener on the top button.

During pregnancy, doctors recommend wearing low-speed shoes, but if weight and posture allow, you can afford boats with not too much high heels. Tractor-soled sandals can make your look heavier, but a neat low wedge heel will make your legs slim and allow you to evenly distribute the load on your spine.

Fashion for pregnant women for autumn-spring 2019

The cool season is also no reason to lose femininity during pregnancy. Fashion for pregnant women for spring-autumn 2019 suggests soft tissues pleasant to the body, calm colors and clear lines.

Dresses made of wool and knitwear for pregnant women are offered in several main areas:

  • above knee length
  • popular midi dresses
  • maxi dresses.

Dresses above the knee for pregnant women are offered in an oversized cut - a loose silhouette with welt pockets. They loosely fit the stomach and for pregnant women the cut provides for a slightly elongated hem in front so that the bottom of the dress, even with a large belly, has a straight line and does not ride up. The decor is provided in the form of a ribbon under the bust, folds at the rounded neckline, or complete absence decor. The colors are calm, warm from light to dark. The checkered print is still popular, but even it is increasingly yielding to monotony.

Fitted midi dresses are also in vogue for ladies in position. Worth giving preference knitwear that stretch well on the stomach. True, it is worth making sure that the fabric is not enlightened and is dense enough to stretch only where necessary. Very popular models with a collar under the throat and a collar-collar, which can be worn lowered on the shoulders. All shades of gray and beige are in fashion, and bottle and burgundy are gradually becoming a thing of the past.

Maxi dresses with tie or drawstring under bust, long wide skirt and rich prints, stylists advise for tall ladies in position. If your height is less than the model, then it is better not to choose such a dress - you will get lost in it and on long term you will look ridiculous in such a long robe. With regards to the drawings, flowers and a cage fade into the background, designers are replacing them with Venetian motifs. Ladies in position should choose the most calm and muffled options.

Spring-autumn require more dark shades than in summer, but if you really want to, then the image can be shaded bright accents accessories - handbag or shoes.

Skirts and trousers for spring-autumn are also offered in a classic style. Fabric - wool, jersey or suit. With regards to such a favorite item of clothing for all pregnant women, like jeans, they are perfect for walking and meeting with friends, but not for going to the office. It is worth noting that the designers have removed boyfriend jeans from the collections for pregnant women, instead they offer tight-fitting trousers with high elasticity. If the dress code of your workplace allows you to wear jeans, then it is better to give preference to black colors, which successfully slim your legs.

Warm maternity shirts and sweaters complete the look with a skirt or trousers. Wherein Special attention pay attention to the combination of fabrics - they should be combined in texture.

The golden rule, which no one has canceled yet, is that the fabric of the top should be lighter than the fabric of the bottom. An exception is a stretch chiffon or lace skirt, but pregnant women should not include them in their wardrobe.

With regards to outerwear, today's fashion gives pregnant women all the cards. Oversized wool coat, oversized raincoat on synthetic winterizer, short jackets"Blankets" - all this seems to be created for ladies in position. Choice colors is up to you - here stylists recommend not to restrain yourself and choose bright colors, the only advice is to avoid neon colors.

Shoes with tractor soles will look great in combination with trousers, but all kinds of loafers and oxfords can squeeze the leg too much, because the likelihood of swelling increases during pregnancy. Buying demi-season shoes during pregnancy, pay attention to its softness and the presence orthopedic insoles, try to give preference to lace-up shoes and boots, which can be loosened at any time.

Winter maternity fashion 2019

Winter fashion for pregnant women 2019 is not much different according to the recommendations from autumn. But still there are nuances.

Winter for pregnant women is always a big stress. Fortunately, knitted midi dresses and knitted tunics have come into fashion. When choosing, give preference to tight knitting, which, when stretched, will not be visible on the stomach. natural colors and materials - gray in favor, as well as angora. But mohair and natural wool are not for you. Too prickly and skin irritating yarn - not the most the best choice when you are in position. An alternative to natural yarn is yarn made from bamboo or cotton with the addition of synthetic fibers. It is soft, holds its shape well and does not wrinkle. A dress, sweater or tunic made of such material will look chic, warm and protect you from colds.

Dresses and knee-highs made of jersey, as well as skirts made of this material, are especially relevant in the winter of 2019. Soft, tight knitwear will not squeeze the stomach, but at the same time will provide reliable support for the figure. Insulated sweatshirts and dresses made of fabric with stitching are the latest fashion for pregnant women. Print in the form bright pictures, ethnic motifs and colors retain their relevance in them, and this winter will still be in fashion.

But the trousers are offered to be replaced with insulated leggings with fleece or fur. They can be successfully combined with tunics or short dresses, but not with sweaters, otherwise you risk getting the effect of tights.

Outerwear is down jackets. The so-called "Blankets" came into fashion last season, and for pregnant women everything will also be relevant this year. They do not squeeze the stomach, do not interfere with walking, moreover, they are soft and protect against shocks and bruises in public transport. From shoes - give preference to uggs or soft boots with low speed.

Wearing heels in winter for pregnant women this year is not recommended not only by doctors, but also by stylists.

Stylish images of pregnant women 2019

Choose soft pumps for the outfit comfortable heel, and without special efforts you are ready to go to a restaurant or to a formal event.

1. Bodycon midi dress with short sleeve complement with soft moccasins to match, and a denim cropped vest. A small shoulder bag and a straw hat with a ribbon that matches the color of one of the garments - a stylish look for summer evening ready.

2. Knitted skirt complement with a light chiffon blouse for graduation. Put on a thick cotton jacket over the top. Complete the look with a stylish handbag and pointed-toe ballerina shoes - why not a dress code for the office?

3. Jeans combined with a T-shirt of an adjacent silhouette, complement with sneakers or canvas moccasins. Put on an inflated vest or jacket on top, depending on the weather - in this outfit you can go both to the supermarket and for a walk.

4. Oversized dress, add modest jewelry (a string of pearls or discreet beads), while maintaining minimalism in the image.

Being pregnant, you can look beautiful, fashionable and stylish, because pregnancy is far from a sentence, and definitely not a reason to abandon fashionable and beautiful clothes just like before pregnancy.

You can easily match your favorite style of clothing that you chose before pregnancy, and always be attractive and feminine.

It is important to know that maternity clothes can also be very stylish and attractive to make every pregnant woman look and feel beautiful and fashionable.

Do not forget that fashionable clothes for pregnant women in 2019-2020 should be not only comfortable, but also incredibly beautiful to sit on your figure.

Fashion for pregnant women 2019-2020 offers women a beautiful and elegant clothes for pregnant women, which allows you to create feminine and attractive bows not only for walking and Everyday life but also for office solemn events and for each of your appearances.

Modern fashionable maternity clothes are thought out and created in such a way as to take into account all changes in female figure during pregnancy, while allowing you to feel comfortable and, most importantly, look stylish and attractive.

Choosing fashionable clothes for pregnant women, it is important to give preference quality things from natural fabrics, which are comfortable and will not harm the body.

We are offering to you beautiful bows 2019-2020, which demonstrated fashionable clothes for pregnant women, photos fashion images for pregnant women, see the selection below.

Stylish maternity looks 2019-2020: maternity dresses

Beautiful dresses for pregnant women - a great opportunity look feminine, being in an interesting position. No need to think that future mothers should completely forget about feminine elegant dresses And evening dresses for pregnant.

And even more so, pregnant women should not wear shapeless and dimensionless things for pregnant women, which not only spoil the figure, but also do not look very attractive and beautiful.

It is best to prioritize beautiful dresses loose cut or choose fitted maternity dress models that slightly emphasize a rounded tummy.

You can complement the dress with a light cape, jacket or beautiful coat, which are universal, and they can be worn after pregnancy, complemented beautifully with a belt.

Business clothes for pregnant women 2019-2020

A business woman does not change her style and favorite things from her wardrobe, even when she is pregnant. In the office, you can also look stylish and business-like, giving preference to fashionable office clothes And business things for pregnant women from the women's wardrobe.

Stylish maternity dresses, complemented by a strict business jacket, classic pants with light and slightly fitted blouses are appropriate as never before in the office.

Maternity fashion 2019-2020 offers stylish office and business images for pregnant women, among which you can look for a couple of ideas for the office.

Casual clothes for pregnant women 2019-2020

Fashionable maternity clothes for every day are in no way inferior in style to your usual fashionable things that you managed to love so much before pregnancy.

Casual maternity fashion includes ripped jeans, sneakers, comfortable sweatshirts and stylish blouses with which you can create beautiful and glamorous images on every day.

Accessories for pregnant women

Fashion for pregnant women 2019-2020 suggests paying special attention in the new season stylish accessories for pregnant women, in particular, comfortable shoes, stylish and practical bags as well as beautiful and fashionable jewelry.

Fashion for pregnant women 2019-2020: photos, ideas of stylish images for pregnant women

View beautiful and stylish images pregnant women who show us fashionable clothes for pregnant women in the 2019-2020 season can be seen in the photo below ...

A long-awaited article about style and wardrobe for pregnant women. :-)

Dear girls, as a mother of two children, I tried to tell in detail about the features of the wardrobe for this wonderful period.

I hope you enjoy the article and find it useful!

How to dress during pregnancy?

A woman in anticipation of a baby is especially beautiful. It is during this period that the qualities that are inherent in us by nature are especially clearly revealed. femininity, charm, universal love overwhelm us. Of course, at this time we are faced with certain difficulties. One of these difficulties is our wardrobe, when we realize that most of the clothes with every month of pregnancy no longer fit us.

In this article, I will tell you how to stay stylish during the "interesting position", as well as ladies practical advice on the formation of a functional wardrobe that will work for you even after the birth of the baby.

wardrobe during pregnancy


When shaping your wardrobe, give preference to basic things. Choose a color, not a complex and decorative cut. Things sewn in a straight line sit on any figure, but various “complexities” interact poorly with volumes and bends. And volumes and bends within 9 months, as you understand, will only increase :)

Your figure will noticeably change during pregnancy, so it is better to decorate it with clothes made from high-quality natural fabrics with a laconic cut. So you will feel comfortable.

And the color will help diversify your wardrobe and, accordingly, make the image interesting.


Also in the last few seasons things have been in fashion straight cut and oversized. In such clothes you will look good before and!

You can buy these things at any clothing store. You don't even need to do shopping in maternity stores, which are famous for their unsympathetic assortment. Just stop paying attention to fitted things and see what it really is. big choice you will find clothes for this period in the most ordinary and familiar stores!


From brands like ASOS, ZARA, H&M and many more, including specialty brands, you'll find skirts and pants with an elastic waistband that molds to your rounded tummy. It is very comfortable!

Avoid clothing made from tight, inelastic fabrics. Since your body measurements are rapidly changing right now, these clothes are more likely to find a place on one of the shelves in your wardrobe marked “until better times” than in one of your looks.


When choosing things with a straight cut, do not overdo it and choose too shapeless clothes. Remember the more you want to hide your pregnancy under your clothes big size the bigger you will look in it.

If you still want to hide your “interesting position”, then in the first stages of pregnancy, a few simple tricks will help you with this.

Pay attention to blouses and knitwear that do not emphasize the waist. There are sooooo many such clothes in all brands. Just choose stores of the usual price category or look for the right things online.

To hide a hint of a tummy, a straight-cut blazer or vest will help.

In fitted jackets of an outdated style, you run the risk of feeling uncomfortable and can give away your position by emphasizing a rounded waist.

Please note that for reliability, you can release the top over a skirt or trousers, i.e. do not tuck it in, and throw a blazer or vest on top.

Straight-cut dresses (cocoon or trumpet) also perfectly mask the first signs of a wonderful position.


Another important point which for many is relevant is to wear or not to wear tight-fitting things during pregnancy. If you look at world stars, then during pregnancy they actively wear tight-fitting things, wanting to emphasize their rounded tummy.

We think that tight-fitting things will do slim girls who did not score excess weight during pregnancy. Only in this case knitted dress- the case will look beautiful on you, and you will tell the whole world about the upcoming event in your life, not forgetting your sense of style.


During pregnancy, you should also pay special attention to shoes. Everything is very individual! Someone runs on stilettos all the way to the hospital, and someone has swelling and “hello” uggs and ballet flats are 2 sizes larger.

Clean with medical point of vision, give preference to shoes with low heels or on flat sole and follow your doctor's advice.

Fortunately, just "" is in fashion now. Sneakers, sneakers, loafers, boots - you can definitely choose a stylish and up-to-date option.


Don't forget the dresses. IN given period a wraparound knitted dress that you can wear after pregnancy, as well as a dress with a high waist and a loose fit, are perfect for you.

A knit or cashmere sweater dress is another practical piece that you can wear throughout your pregnancy. And, of course, a cocoon dress! In such options, you will be very comfortable.


If a dress code and a sweater dress are not an option in the office, then, again, straight-cut blouses or draped blouses, slightly loose shirts, comfortable skirts and trousers with an elastic waistband (it will not be visible under the top) will come to your aid. ), smooth knitwear, blazers, cocoon dresses and wrap dresses.

If you find it difficult to find blouses or dresses with sleeves, then you can always throw a loose cardigan over your shoulders!

For important meetings, you can wear low-heeled pumps, and you can store a pair of comfortable shoes under the table. :-)


In the cold season, you will be warmed by an elongated down jacket. Depending on the gestational age and your volumes, choose suitable size. Also you are great fit coat in soft cashmere, wraparound design.