Brown hair color for women. Successful combinations for light-skinned brown-haired women. Turn from blonde to brown: is it possible

Do you want to be brown-haired? Then remember the main thing - brown hair color must be combined with the skin, as well as the shade of the eyes. Only in this case, you can count on an amazing result.

Who is brown hair suitable for?

Brown hair color is ideal for women with hazel, brown, green and blue eyes. If your original color is ash and dark blond (the so-called mouse), you will not have to lighten. If the hair is darker, you can not do without it. Otherwise, you will be wasting your time and money. We advise you to look at any chestnut tones, darker by 2 shades.

For girls with olive or dark skin and dark eyes, we recommend choosing warm brown tones with a honey or golden tint. Brown hair with red, caramel and bronze notes will look no less beautiful. But for owners of a bright face and bright eyes, a cold brown color - both light and dark - will be an ideal option.

Advice! Women with very light eyebrows and eyelashes need to carefully select the shade of the strands. After dyeing the hair in a dark color, they may even visually disappear. To prevent this from happening, paint your eyebrows and eyelashes with a special paint.

Fashionable shades of brown

Incredibly beautiful and noble shades of brown open up a lot of stylistic possibilities for women. You have a lot of options - from dark to golden.

Light brown

The light tones of the brown-haired woman are ideal for a lady with dark eyes, but it is categorically contraindicated for light-eyed girls. As for the skin, its color does not matter at all. Light brown hair goes well with both porcelain and swarthy faces.

Dark brown

Dark brown shades are an excellent choice for women with dark and tanned skin, as well as brown, green and blue eyes. It looks natural and perfectly emphasizes the overall image. Dark brown hair is in perfect harmony with both long and short hair, giving it volume, liveliness and a beautiful shine. But the most unusual duet will be the combination of dark hair color with fair skin and dark eyes. Thanks to such a sharp contrast, the image will be elegant, sophisticated, noble.

Ash brown

Of course, we cannot call it natural, but insanely beautiful - easily! Despite the fact that this complex shade adds a couple of years, modern beauties simply fell in love with it. Ash brown color has absorbed both warm and cold tone, so it is suitable for both light and dark skin. Eye color can be any, the main thing is not green.

Violet brown

Brown hair with pinkish and purple undertones is a real squeak! It looks simply chic, expensive and noble. That is why it is often chosen by many Hollywood stars.

golden brown

The golden shade of brown hair will create a bright image for girls with very dark or very fair skin, as well as brown eyes.


The red-brown color of the hair looks rich and bright. This is the same red tone, but with a brown tint. It will be an amazing solution for all women of a warm color type. If you have light brown or green eyes and slightly dark skin, be sure to try it on yourself.

light brown

Another beautiful color that breaks all popularity records. Often found in nature, but looks boring. That is why many women prefer to refresh the natural tone of their hair with the appropriate paint. The result of this coloring will be shining and shimmering in the sun hair.

copper brown

Almost the main trend of the season! The copper brown hue looks incredibly attractive - it will simply be impossible to take your eyes off you. Consider only the shade of the skin (it must be light), as well as the shade of the eyes (preferably brown).

black brown

This is perhaps the darkest and sexiest color. It is also called glasse or dark chocolate. Hair after dyeing becomes almost black and shines with light chocolate notes. The black-brown shade will add variety to the style of burning brunettes and add femininity to them.


The red-brown shade often becomes the choice of extraordinary and courageous personalities. It has no age restrictions and looks great on both young girls and mature ladies. Brown hair with a red undertone will perfectly accentuate fair skin and make you divinely beautiful.

cold brown

Cold brown-haired smoky, ash, blond, bronze and black twisted into one ball. This is a great option for owners of brown, blue and gray eyes, as well as delicate porcelain skin.

warm brown

Warm brown tones (cognac, amber, caramel) will be a win-win choice for the spring / autumn color type. These are girls with swarthy or tanned skin and green or light brown eyes.

chocolate brown

Chocolate brown hair color is one of the most popular in the entire brown palette. Feminine and very gentle, it will definitely erase a couple of years. For owners of a cold color type, chocolate with a gray or black undertone is ideal. Carefully make sure that there is not even a little reddish notes. Leave them to the girls of the autumn color type.

How to dye your hair brown?

There are several ways to get a beautiful color at home.

Method 1. Coloring with tint balms

Tinted shampoos or balms are great for those who have not yet decided on the final choice - they will easily wash off your hair after a while.

Method 2. Intensive toning

This method of staining guarantees a more stable result than the previous one. It allows you to change the hair color by 2-3 tones. The color will wash off after about 20-25 washes.

Method 3. Permanent staining

Permanent hair dye is the most radical way to change the color of your hair. But you can use it only after you have completely decided on the choice of shade. Persistent dyes are not washed off during washing and paint over gray hair well.

Important! Do not forget to regularly touch up the growing roots, otherwise your hairstyle will not look too neat.

Method 4: Home remedies

You can get a very deep and rich brown hair color using folk recipes. Remember, natural dyes can only be used on hair that has not been pre-curled or chemically dyed.

Recipe 1 - Onion Peel

  • Water - 200 ml;
  • Onion peel - 0.5 cups;
  • Glycerin - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Fill the shell with water.
  2. Boil 20 minutes.
  3. Strain through a sieve.
  4. Pour in the glycerin.
  5. Saturate the strands daily with this product using a cotton swab. Repeat until they get the desired color.

Recipe 2 - Linden Blossom

  • Linden color - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • Water - 1.5 cups.


  1. Fill the lime blossom with water.
  2. Cook over very low heat, stirring constantly.
  3. Wait for the liquid to evaporate by 2/3.
  4. Cool and apply to strands.
  5. This mixture does not need to be rinsed off.

Recipe 3 - Coffee

  • Natural coffee - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Henna - 1 pack;
  • Water - 200 ml.


  1. Pour water over coffee and boil for 5 minutes.
  2. Cool down to 90 degrees.
  3. Pour henna with this coffee.
  4. Stir well.
  5. Apply the mask to your hair.
  6. Put on a shower cap on top.
  7. Hold 35 minutes. Do not overdo the mixture, otherwise the hair will turn black and blue.


What is the hair color of brown hair? If everything is more or less clear with brunettes and blondes, then the color definition of brown-haired women can cause some difficulty. In order to understand this issue, let's start with color borders. So, brown-haired women include owners of hair, the color of which varies from chestnut to dark blond. For greater clarity, we divide the color range of this type into three tones, which are the main ones.

Dark brown hair. Translated from French, the word châtain has two meanings: chestnut and dark blond. In turn, the adjective châtain comes from the noun châtaignier - chestnut. It follows from this that the term "" was originally intended to refer to chestnut hair color, but then expanded the scope of its powers to light brown shades. It is the chestnut hair color that is a sign of belonging to the “dark brown” category. It is worth noting that the "chestnut range" boasts a chic set of different shades: here and a variety of chocolate overflows, from dark to milky; and golden chestnut; and reddish tones of brown - the whole range of possible variations is difficult to enumerate.

Light brown hair. Hair color, defined as "light brown", is most often found among Slavs. In terms of tone, this type is light and medium blond shades of hair.

Without a doubt, the color range of hair that brown-haired women have is very diverse. Moreover, the number of shades is so multifaceted that even an experienced hairdresser can get confused in them. What are only the names that exist within the framework of this definition: cocoa, caramel, cappuccino, chestnut, dark amber, terracotta, chocolate, golden nutmeg, dark bronze, and so on.

The fashion for a natural shade of hair has made the brown color a real hit of the current season. He is chosen for himself by both Hollywood stars and business ladies and even young girls, and not in vain - it is difficult to imagine a woman who would not adorn such a tone. So that you can choose such a shade for yourself, let's look at the features of the brown hair color, its popular variations, as well as the features of coloring and caring for this tone of your curls.

Basic color characteristics

Brown-haired women are considered to be owners of chestnut hair of all kinds of shades: from rich chocolate to light blond. This color has long been considered inexpressive and ordinary, but in recent years, with the return of fashion for natural shades of hair, it has become very relevant.

Its various tones are suitable for girls with a swarthy or vice versa - very fair skin, brown or blue eyes, skin with a cold or warm undertone. In all plans, the color of brown-haired can be considered universal. Today, this color is recommended for women of different ages and different social status.

Who will suit this hair color

Which suits absolutely all women. To look irresistible with him, you just need to choose the right shade for you according to the color type. It's easy to do this:

  1. If you belong to the cold color type “summer”, you need to pay attention to, but reddish shades should be avoided.
  2. Representatives of the cold contrasting color type “winter” should choose the darkest shades of brown, preferably with a cold tint. Shades with copper, as well as fairly light tones, will not suit representatives of this type.
  3. Young ladies related to the “autumn” color type should opt for chestnut warm shades. They will also suit the color of brown-haired with chocolate, reddish, honey tint.
  4. Girls like “spring” will suit: red, brown tones, it is desirable to choose shades with a beautiful golden tint.

If you want to make your coloring more interesting, you can choose the recommended shade for your color type as the main one, and in addition to it, choose a paint a few tones lighter or fantasy shades like purple or red. With the use of these, you can make a fashionable version of the combined staining, for example, using the ombre technique, or simply highlight a few strands with a bright color.

Basic shades

Speaking of which, there are 3 most natural options:

  • dark brown. This type of brown-haired woman is closest in color to a brunette (which is why these two shades are unknowingly confused). In fact, this shade is a dark chocolate of a warmer or colder shade. Most often it happens in girls of the “autumn” color type. This is one of the most noble colors, which is extremely difficult to obtain at home, and even with salon coloring;

dark brown

  • dark blond brown hair. The most common classic version of this color. It is found in various variations: chestnut shade, ashy, caramel. Currently, it is this shade of brown that is considered the most fashionable. It will suit representatives of the “winter” or “contrasting summer” color type;
  • . This shade usually means light blond or blond hair color, traditionally found among Slavs. For a long time, it was this shade of hair that was considered the most boring and unremarkable, but today it is in fashion. Various options for combined staining can diversify it.

Light brown

Also, all these shades can be conditionally divided into cold, warm and neutral.

You need to select each of the described colors based on the features of your appearance. If you do it right, this tone will look perfect on you.

Coloring technology

Nowadays, achieving the perfect brown or light brown color using various coloring options is not difficult. The easiest way is in the store.

Store-bought hair dyes

Household paints are extremely simple. So, first of all, in this case, you will only need to do an allergy test before using the composition, and if it suits you, prepare a mixture for dyeing, apply it to your hair according to the instructions and wash it off after the specified time. After that, the curls will need to be treated with a balm. So you can do one-tone coloring at home.

If you want to color in two colors, it is better to immediately contact a specialist who can choose the right tones and make a beautiful transition of shades on your hair. It is extremely difficult to make such staining on your own, especially without experience in this matter. Most likely, you will just ruin your hair.

You can also give your hair a chestnut tint using folk remedies. will give strong brewed coffee (however, such staining will be washed off after the first shampooing), as well as some varieties of henna.

If you are wondering, the brown-haired palettes, then you absolutely do not have to resort to aggressive chemical clarification. To get a beautiful shade of brown hair, you just need to apply lemon juice to the curls, evenly distributing it along the entire length before going outside. Hair will lighten under the influence of sunlight, without giving redness.

For girls who just want to try this shade, but are not sure that they will continue to wear it, tint balms or mousses are suitable. They can be used instead of any regular balm, applied to the hair after washing. Such a tool will not radically change your natural tone, but will make the shade of the curls a little darker. Using mousses, you can achieve more radical coloring, however, it will stay on the hair for up to 5-6 washes.

Before buying such hair coloring products, carefully study the reviews on them from other consumers. It is quite possible that the tone you have chosen does not lie very evenly, or it does not give the shade on the hair at all, which was originally declared by the manufacturer. Based on the reviews, it will be easier for you to determine which temporary staining agent is most suitable for your case.

Hair care after the procedure

Brown is a rather capricious color that requires careful care after staining. In order to support it, you should:

  • to restore color. It must be remembered that mixing different types of dye can give a completely unexpected result in terms of hair shade;
  • close your curls from the sun, especially in the first days after dyeing. Remember that this color fades quite easily, and if you do not follow this recommendation, you can turn from brown to red in just a couple of weeks;
  • use professional hair styling devices, working exclusively in gentle temperature conditions. Do not use both a hair dryer and a curling iron for one styling;
  • refuse heavy styling products that spoil the hair.

If you can’t choose the right styling and hair care products on your own, you can always contact your stylist about this issue. He will select for you shampoos, masks, varnishes and much more, which ideally matches the type and condition of your particular curls.


For more details on dyeing brown hair, see the video below.


As you can see, it can really be considered universal for women of any age and type of appearance. This beautiful shade looks good in various coloring options, can be obtained both with the help of synthetic dyes and with the help of folk remedies, but requires rather complex hair care to maintain it. In order for coloring in this tone to be successful for you, choose a good master, carefully select your shade and, of course, follow all the recommendations for maintaining it. In this case, a spectacular natural hair color is guaranteed to you.

An elegant, pretty long-haired brown-haired woman captivates guys more than a hot brunette or a colorful blonde. But many ladies know very little what this color scheme is and how it can be obtained if the hair color is different.

In this article, we will carefully tell you what black brown hair color is and what other colors of this tone are.

In the photo - an ordinary brown-haired woman

Varieties of color

As mind-blowing as it may seem, many ladies are interested in the usual question: “Brown hair is what color of hair?” Some are even ready to attribute brunettes to this category.

If you also have problems with color identification, carefully study the table below - it provides a detailed description of the 3 color options.

Color Description

Owners of this particular tone are quite often referred to as brunettes, but, as mentioned above, this worldview is incorrect. The color scheme itself is indescribably beautiful, but exclusively in its own natural origin, but it is almost impossible to achieve it using paints. If we talk about main sensory properties, then the following are inherent in it:
  • beauty;
  • nobility;
  • force.

Remember that no matter what dark-haired brown-haired woman is the owner of a unique color scheme, personal and indescribable.


Specifically, such a common feature is inherent in a more fashionable color scheme of the color under discussion. Many want to get it, repainting, for example, in a dark blond color. But not enough of the representatives of the charming half of the world's population know that it is indescribably simple to make such an ordinary tone more catchy and saturated - you just need to use shampoo to wash your hair, designed for light curls.

The hair color is light brown-haired - inherent in those ladies who have Slavic roots. The image of ladies with this tone of hairstyle is characterized by:
  • freshness;
  • ease;
  • youth.

They constantly attract the attention of others. By the way, as psychologists say, it is the owners of such curls who more easily win the placement of others.

You see, brown hair color can be quite different, but always pretty. The main thing is that you realize that the question "Black hair color is a brunette or a brown-haired woman?" must answer 1st. Therefore, as brown-haired women are still somewhat lighter.

Advantages of color

Brown-haired women with long hair and small strands have certain advantages over other ladies. Of course, gives these advantages first to their unique color of the hairstyle.

This hair color has a lot of advantages.

Namely, it is necessary to emphasize the following positive points - this color:

  • does not age;
  • does not assign completeness;
  • amazingly reflects tones;
  • perfect for any type of outfit;
  • Suitable for both loose and gathered curls.

And most importantly - this color never goes out of style!

How to look fashionable

Having figured out the question “Brunette and brown-haired - what hair color is this?” let's take a look at what tips there are on the formation and selection of a wardrobe, creating a make-up for brown-haired women.

We are convinced that our typical annotation will be useful to you and will allow you to always remain elegant, beautiful and charming.

There are certain rules for make-up and wardrobe selection

If we talk about clothes, then the tips are as follows:

  • beware of coral tone;
  • choosing muted colors, be sure to add colorful accents to the image;
  • beware of very bright colors and variegation.

Direct your attention. It is no secret that many ladies are obliged or even love to wear black clothes. Namely, these may be the rules of the dress code in the company.

Well, nobody canceled a tiny dark dress. But brown-haired women certainly need to combine a dark tone in clothes with other colors.

Now let's talk about the features of the make-up:

  • green-eyed ladies are recommended shades of greenish, coffee and grayish colors;
  • shades of grayish and brown colors are suitable for brown eyes;
  • blue-eyed and gray-eyed ladies should choose cocoa and brown shades.

The color of lipsticks for brown-haired women is the same, regardless of the eyes, and it can be:

  • bodily;
  • pink;
  • pomegranate.

When choosing shadows, consider eye color

Staining features

In this section, we will talk about how brown hair dye is used - similar information will be useful to everyone who wants to change their own natural tone of hair with their own hands.

There are many rules to consider when coloring. Namely, remember that the brown-haired woman immediately includes both the lightness and the darkness of all natural tones.

There are specific features of coloring

With all this, he actually completely falls on almost any tone of hair, although there are certain aspects.

From brunette to brown

In this case, black brown hair dye and its light colors can be used. But the structure of curls ultimately plays a gigantic role.

Namely, in women of the oriental type, the hairstyle is characterized by:

  • density;
  • rigidity.

Euro type ladies hair:

  • thinner;
  • not so tough.

Brown hair is always charming!

Direct your attention. The amount of paint used also in almost everything depends on how thick the hairstyle is. If your hair is not just dark, but also long, thick and lush, then most likely you will need two packs.

So, if your hair is of the oriental type, then they will most likely need additional bleaching. Especially if you plan to use light brown hair dye.

In this case:

  • a special mixture is distributed over the hairstyle;
  • held for a certain time;
  • washed off.

As a result, the black pigment of the hair is destroyed, and the hair becomes as if hollow - this greatly simplifies the process of dyeing, since the pigment from the paint can freely fill the cavities.

Direct your attention. More than 7 days should elapse between bleaching and staining. During this week, you need to apply a restorative balm to your hair.

Becoming a brown-haired woman is easy!

The staining process itself involves a certain technology:

  • if the hairstyle was previously tinted in a lighter color, then the coloring composition is previously applied to the roots;
  • after 20 minutes, the remaining product is distributed over the rest of the hair;
  • this is necessary in order to reduce the negative impact of the coloring composition on tinted hair and not overdry them.

If coloring is carried out for the first time, without preparatory toning, then the paint is immediately distributed over the entire length of the hair and is held for 30 to forty minutes. In other words, in this case, there are no features of applying the coloring composition.

From blonde to brown

If you are tired of walking with blond strands, you can change their color to a brown-haired woman. As with brunettes, there are also specific features.

For example, if your real blonde hair color has an ashy color, then this may be reflected in the acquired black tone. And, unfortunately, it’s bad - you won’t be able to make the effect of a natural color, but the fact that the curls are painted will be immediately visible.

Even if you are a colorful blonde, this will not prevent you from becoming a brown-haired woman.

Direct your attention. Black color from blond hair is washed out quite quickly. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right type of shampoo that will help you avoid the early loss of the acquired tone.

To avoid heterogeneity of hair color at the roots and ends, try all the same to get out to the beauty salon, and do not trust the hairstyle to a friend, mother or sister.

A professional master will be able to make the tone very uniform throughout the head, or he will use modern technologies used in this case:

  • ombre;
  • 3D coloring;
  • other methods.

To the end

What color would you prefer?

Now you not only understand what hair color brown-haired women have, but also many other fascinating and useful things about this color scheme. Namely, how to color correctly so that your hairstyle retains its health, and even gets the described tone.

An additional video in this article will help you better understand certain aspects.

According to popular belief, the owners of brown hair are ruled by the planet Pluto. It gives them such qualities as masculinity and courage. How to distinguish a brown-haired woman from a brunette? How to apply makeup correctly? What clothes should be preferred? It is worth talking about this in more detail.

Brown hair - description of hair color

Hair color "Brown" is the widest color range. That is why, for many people it is quite difficult to recognize it. There are several facts, having studied which, you can significantly simplify the task.

  1. This type includes all women whose hair tone is in the border from light chestnut to dark blond. Moreover, overflows can be the most unusual: the whole palette of chocolate, golden, milky, red and brown. The base is nutty or caramel notes.
  2. Most Russian women fall into the "light chestnut" category. They are the owners of light blond and medium blond hair.
  3. This is the most "capricious" type. If you forget about the timely care of curls, then very quickly they will become dull and unattractive.

It is worth noting that it is quite easy to repaint in “chestnut” for both a blonde and a brunette. This shade is an intermediate link between "white" and "black".

Brown hair and brunette - what's the difference

Brown hair and brunette. What is the difference between the two shades of hair? In total, there are several main differences.

By semantic meaning

The word "brunette" and "brown hair" came to us from France. The first variant in translation means brown, swarthy and dark. The second concept literally means - chestnut. In Russia, such color shades became known as early as the middle of the 19th century.

The nature

Most brunettes are hot-tempered. They are cunning, domineering, impulsive and incredibly sexy. If you cross the road to a burning black-haired girl, then she will definitely take revenge, moreover, she will do it very gracefully.

Brown-haired women are more calm, balanced and reasonable people. They are loyal and affectionate. You can always rely on them and entrust the most secret secrets.

By shade

The most important difference is the shade. Brunettes are the owners of black or dark brown hair. A brown-haired woman can be recognized by light blond and medium blond curls.

dark undertone

Who suits this hair color?

Brown is a very moody shade. It is not suitable for all people. Before repainting, you should pay attention to the ratio of the shade with the main features of the face.

Color of the skin

For pale-faced girls, curls of an ash-gray, light blond or medium blond palette with yellow tints are ideal.

Girls with swarthy or tanned skin are advised to dye their hair brunette. In this case, her image will turn out bright and extravagant. Hair from varieties of the "brown" type will also look harmonious. The ideal option is chocolate, chestnut or brown with a red tint.

chocolate brown

eye color

It is best to paint in brown hair for owners of bright green, brown, blue or gray-green eyes.

The nature

A lot can be said about a girl by the color of her hair: for example, what is her temperament, all the pros and cons of her character. It is recommended to paint in “brown hair” for calm, subtle spiritual natures with creative abilities. Such women never go into open conflict, they will always try to smooth out the quarrel or resolve it in a peaceful way.

dark ash brown

How to dye your hair brown

The staining procedure is a very delicate and reverent process. It is important that the result is a good color, but at the same time, the hair should not be damaged.

Dark brown hair dye.

The process of recoloring from a brunette

Dark curls cannot be repainted in one procedure. The transformation will take place in several stages:

  1. It is required to make clarification by two to three tones.
  2. After a few days, you can start staining using a special technology: at first, the paint is applied only to the roots, after 20-30 minutes you can evenly distribute it along the entire length of the curls.
  3. If as a result of this procedure it was not possible to obtain the desired shade, then it can be repeated again, but not earlier than in a week.
  4. The last stage is toning, which allows you to make the tone more even and beautiful.

The process of recoloring from blonde

If you want to change a little, then just one coloring is enough. For a radical transformation, a slightly different approach is required.

  1. Color your hair 1-2 shades darker.
  2. Wait 2-3 weeks and repeat the procedure again. At the second stage of reincarnation, the paint should be applied using a special technology: first the roots, after 20 minutes it is required to distribute the paint along the entire length.
  3. Do a final toning to create a beautiful and even tone.

How to maintain tone after staining - tint balm, shampoo for brown-haired women, masks.

After dyeing, the hair becomes porous. And this suggests that they willingly “give away” particles of paint with moisture during each rinse. In order for the color to remain for a long time, it is important to properly care for them after this procedure. To achieve this result will allow modern means.

  • Tinted balm. This cosmetic product has many functions: it washes away pollution, nourishes the hairs and changes their color structure. It is recommended to use it twice a week. Shining shine will please the girl for a long time. A good option is the balm "Capus", "Rocolor" or "Irida".
  • It is recommended to use a shampoo marked "for colored hair". It will protect them for a long time, make it stay bright and saturated.
  • If brown-haired women want to create an additional nourishing effect, then you need to create a mask at home. This requires:
    • Mix two yolks.
    • Add to them a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of olive oil.
    • Apply the mixture to the hair roots and leave for at least 20 minutes.

A natural mask will restore damaged curls, maintain color and give them a healthy shine.

light tone

dark tone

Ombre for brown-haired women - what tone to choose

Ombre is an unusual coloring method. It makes the hair brighter, and the woman more attractive. This cosmetic procedure is selected individually, depending on the basic tone. For example, several options are ideal for brown-haired women.

  • Tricolor ombre. Chocolate tone (basic) serves as a transition from a dark shade to a light one.
  • Creative brunettes can use extreme colors for ombre: pastel, green, blue, lilac, silver or pink. The main secret is clearly horizontal stripes, then the strands should be yellow or red.

Fair-skinned girls will be to face red and copper shades. It is better for dark-faced ladies to give their preference to an ombre in chocolate or chestnut.

lipstick color for brown hair

Brown-haired women can afford pastel, strict makeup. It is better to refrain from bright shades, they will create an artificial and defiant image. An important point is to create the right tone on the lips.

Looks good lipstick or gloss light pink, transparent, carrot and any other barely noticeable shade.

It is worth refraining from too bright and aggressive colors: bright red, dark, purple and others.

Color scheme in clothes for brown-haired women

When choosing clothes, a girl must adhere not only to the rules dictated by society. Her image should be ideally combined with the type of hair and skin.

Successful combinations for fair-skinned brown-haired women

  1. Purple combined with ashy or warm yellow.
  2. White + milk chocolate.
  3. White + red.

Successful combinations for dark-skinned brown-haired women

  1. Lilac combined with white.
  2. Pale pink, beige or blue.
  3. Sandy or light yellow.

The tone of clothes should maximally emphasize the depth of the soul, sensitivity and tenderness of nature. Black, dark blue, dark brown and white shades in clothes should be avoided.

A brown-haired woman is not just a girl with blond hair. This is a gentle and charming image, which is made up of the right choice of clothes, makeup and demeanor.