How to make chubby cheeks. How to increase cheeks at home or with an appeal to specialists

In order to remove excessive roundness of the face, reduce the cheeks and highlight the cheekbones, different techniques are used. These are gymnastics, operable intervention and make-up techniques. Each of them is effective in its own way. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the techniques and techniques of the main options.

Causes of chubby cheeks

If we exclude a genetic predisposition, then the main cause of the appearance of chubby cheeks is an imbalance of fluid in the body. The body simply does not have time to remove all the processed moisture. In addition, there are various external factors that are directly responsible for the appearance of a round face.

  • allergic manifestations. Not all histamine reactions go away with rash and itching. Very often, an allergy shows itself as swelling of the cheeks and neck area.
  • Acclimatization. If the cheeks become plump after moving to another country or a long trip, then the reason lies in the climate change. For everyone, this process proceeds strictly individually. Someone suffers from migraine, someone's body temperature rises, and some "round up" in certain parts of the body.
  • Hormonal imbalance. Many adolescents (especially males) develop large, fleshy cheeks against the background of an ascetic physique. This is one of the manifestations of growing up. As soon as the hormonal system is settled, the cheeks themselves will disappear. This item also includes hormonal disruptions associated with pregnancy and lactation.
  • Weight gain. This is the most obvious cause of puffy cheeks and the face in general. Adipose tissue tends to accumulate almost everywhere, it does not bypass the face with the upper body.
  • Age changes. Flabbiness in the cheeks, loss of turgor, hanging folds in the nasolabial region are all unpleasant companions of aging. For many women, wrinkles appear not only in the eyes and corners of the mouth, but also under the cheeks.

Depending on the cause of large cheeks, methods of getting rid of the problem vary.


If the lanites are rounded as a result of weight gain, then the only rational option for reducing them is diet. To make your face thin and reduce your cheeks, you can choose any sparing diet (according to Dukan, BEACH, metabolic). But, first of all, you need to protect yourself from fast carbohydrates. What foods are recommended to be excluded from the diet:

  • Flour in any form.
  • Chocolate, marmalade, caramel and other dangerous carbohydrates. They are not excreted from the body, but are deposited in little-used areas. In particular, on the chin, cheeks, lower abdomen.
  • Carbonated sweet water.
  • Potato.
  • Fried, smoked and heavily salted foods.
  • Ideally, you should stop consuming sugar and salt.

Most often, puffiness of the cheeks affects girls of the abdominal body type. To lose weight "apples", it is important to maintain a balanced diet. Sample menu for the day:

  • Breakfast: green tea with honey, toast with cheese, whole grain porridge.
  • Second breakfast: juice, a couple of eggs, any fruit.
  • Lunch: Broth, fresh vegetable salad with olive oil, croutons, green tea or compote, boiled white meat.
  • Afternoon snack: Smoothies based on natural yogurt
  • Dinner: Vegetable puree soup, coleslaw salad, steamed cutlets, tea with honey.

This is an approximate diet and may vary depending on food preferences. It is important to adhere to the optimal daily caloric intake. The required number of calories can be calculated using women's calculators.


The easiest way to remove sagging hamster cheeks is to make masks with a tightening effect. They will provide the necessary skin turgor, refresh the appearance, and improve lymph metabolism.

What masks can remove cheeks?

  • Blue clay. Clay products contribute to active tightening. To prepare a lifting agent, you need to mix clay and water in equal proportions and apply on the face and neck. Hold for up to 20 minutes until the liquid mass hardens on the skin. Repeat 2 times a week.
  • Oatmeal and kefir. This remedy will help make big cheeks look much smaller and brighten the skin. To prepare, soak 2 tablespoons of oatmeal in natural yogurt and leave the mixture for 20 minutes. When the mass swells, apply it in a dense layer on the skin. Keep for 30 minutes and repeat every other day.
  • Honey and clay. Sagging cheeks, which are covered with wrinkles, will quickly restore the clay-honey mixture. This is a great tool for home lifting and skin whitening. Clay should be diluted 1:1 with water and add ½ part of honey to the resulting mixture. Keep 20 minutes. If you make a mask every day, you can permanently remove red cheeks.
  • Yeast and egg. Another simple and quick way to tighten your cheeks at home is to dissolve a spoonful of live yeast in the same amount of milk. The main secret is to apply the liquid in several layers. That is, smear your cheeks once, wait until the moisture dries, smear a second time. A total of five steps are required. You can repeat every day.
  • Candles for hemorrhoids. This is the only method described that will really help to remove bulldog cheeks on the face overnight. You need to buy "Relief" candles at the pharmacy and slightly flood them in a water bath. You will get a white creamy mass. It should be applied to the area of ​​the cheeks, chin and under the eyes. It is best to do the procedure before going to bed. In the morning, you will immediately notice how your skin is refreshed and wrinkles are smoothed out. The only drawback of the method is that it cannot be used often. This is an emergency help if you need to reduce the cheeks in a short time.
  • If you do not want to reduce your cheeks with injections, and plastic surgery is simply scary, then as an alternative, we can recommend masks with hyaluronic acid. Cosmetics containing this substance provide blood flow to the treated areas and promote subcutaneous fat burning.

Exercises to help remove the second chin and cheeks

To remove belly fat, girls torture themselves in gyms, attend various yoga courses and regularly do massages with body wraps. The same applies if you need to remove the second chin or adjust the shape of the cheeks. Facial exercises are called face-building. They help to align the oval in a week and provide a long-term effect.

To drive fat from the cheeks, it is important to activate absolutely all the muscles of the face. Otherwise, the effect will not be as obvious as we would like. And facebuilding coaches have one secret on how to smooth out sagging in the shortest possible time. This is to squirm as much as possible. It is believed that grimacing is one of the reasons for the appearance of facial wrinkles. But this is not a completely true statement. If you regularly train your muscles, then the skin simply cannot sag - it will have nowhere to do it.

How to quickly tighten the facial muscles in the cheeks, forehead and chin at home:

  • Before each gymnastics, the face is warmed up with a massage. With soft patting movements, go through all areas: from the forehead to the chin. Then rub the skin in a circular motion and complete the “warm-up” with pinching. Please note that after the manipulations there should not be bruises.
  • Facebook building cheeks, paradoxically, begins with the eyebrows. Raise your eyebrows up, lower, move your eyebrows in turn. Repeat each of the movements 5 times.
  • Raise your cheeks as if you are about to smirk. Make sure that no other muscles work in this exercise - only the cheeks. Perform not 3 minutes.
  • Do the same with the lips. Gather them into a "bow" and move them along a circular path. Do the exercise for 2 minutes.
  • Now curl up. Try to use as many facial muscles as possible. At first, it will be most difficult to control the eyebrows. They should move symmetrically with the cheeks. Repeat 4 minutes.

Shape and size adjustment

It is believed that the oval of the face can only be corrected surgically, but sagging cheeks can be eliminated without surgery. How to remove puffy cheeks and reduce the oval of the face:

  • Sit up straight, put your hands on your collarbones. Smile as wide as possible and try to fix this position of the lips. Slowly open your mouth and move your jaw down as if you were about to say "A". Repeat 12 times for 2 sets.
  • Sit back in the starting position. Stretch your head as high as possible and smack your lips (girls do this movement when they put on lipstick). The louder the sound, the better the muscles work. Repeat 12 times for 2 sets.
  • Correcting the shape of the face and oval is impossible without working out the area under the eyes. It is in it that girls most often have failures. Place your index fingers on your upper eyelids and press the skin against the bone. Open your eyes as much as possible and try to move your eyelids down. Repeat 10 times.
  • After the previous exercise, do not remove your fingers, but move them slightly from the bridge of your nose. This will help relax the frontal lobe muscles.

Strengthening the muscles of the face and neck

A girl who has thick cheeks needs to pay maximum attention to the muscle groups of her neck. They are responsible for the correct distribution of the load and adipose tissue. To strengthen these zones, the following exercises are used:

  • Open your mouth and draw in the maximum amount of air (diaphragmatic breathing welcomes). Then stick your tongue out as far as you can and exhale loudly. Repeat 10 times.
  • Similarly, draw air under the upper lip, a flexible roller should form there. Then squeeze your lips together, as if smacking, and loudly push it out. This will tighten the muscles of the neck, nasolabial area and in the cheek area. Repeat 10 times.
  • To tighten sunken cheeks, you need to inflate them all the time and play with your cheekbones. Only then will the hanging areas become less noticeable. The simplest exercise: take air into your mouth and rotate it in a circular path. Repeat 3 minutes.

Massage plays an important role in therapy. To achieve a more noticeable result, you need to stretch the muscles of the neck and lower face after each gymnastics. To do this, gently tilt your head from side to side, rotate it to the maximum possible amplitude, raise your eyes up and lower them to the floor.

Swelling on the cheeks, their sagging, the absence of pronounced cheekbones are very often the result of underdevelopment of the muscles of the chin. As one of the signs of this problem, fat deposits under the chin are added to sagging cheeks.

They can be removed in the following ways:

  • Open your mouth and press your tongue against your lower teeth. As you exhale, push your jaw forward as much as possible, and as you inhale, return it to its original position. Repeat 12 times.
  • To make round cheeks a little less noticeable, and a chin more defined and bright, combine the “Smack” exercise with jaw thrust. With your mouth open, move your jaw down as far as possible, then lift it and smack it. The most important thing is to perform the exercise very slowly, measuredly. Run 12 times.
  • Maximum stretching is used to remove hanging areas in the lower part of the face. You need to relax the muscles as much as possible, and then tighten and tighten all of them. The easiest way to perform the exercise is to draw an analogy with morning sipping. Repeat 15 times.

Get rid of chubby cheeks

At home, you can make cheeks only with the help of Facebook building. Without fillers, punctures with a hyaluronic cocktail or other non-invasive techniques.

To do this, you just need to carry out a set of exercises every day:

  • Stretch your face into a smile and breathe into your mouth. Roll the "bubble" from one cheek to the other for 3 minutes. After that, drive it in your mouth along a circular path, slightly holding it in the area of ​​​​the cheeks and lips.
  • Hanging cheeks are well corrected by inflating. The main thing is to inflate the muscles to the maximum state, directly so that they are steel. First you need to hold in this position for at least 30 seconds, your goal is to achieve a 3 minute voltage delay.
  • The “tube” exercise will help to remove puffiness. Pull out your lips with a “tube” and draw out a sound: “U”. The main thing - do not let go of the muscles, they should be stretched like the strings of a guitar.

Combine these cheek exercises with the gymnastics described above, then the result will not keep you waiting. The first effect will be noticeable after 5 sessions.

Making beautiful cheekbones

It is difficult to imagine a beautiful face with well-defined lines without pronounced cheekbones. Of course, you can draw them with the help of makeup, for example, concealer, proofreader and bronzers. But, few girls are familiar with contouring. If there is no desire to create the effect of modest cheeks with the help of blush, then you can make beautiful cheekbones with gymnastics:

  • In order for the cheeks to become sunken, and the zygomatic bones to be pronounced, you need to train them by squeezing. Close your jaws and try to move the far muscles. The sensations should be similar to those that arise when chewing meat. Repeat 3 minutes. In the future, gradually increase the time to a 5-minute interval.
  • Exercise "Smile" will help emphasize the dimples and reduce adipose tissue. Close your lips and gently, slowly smile. Try to act exclusively with the zygomatic muscles, without touching the forehead and eyebrows. Repeat 15 times.
  • Extra centimeters from the cheeks go away when the cheekbones are stretched. This is a great opportunity to highlight the "Mongolian" features on the face. Sit up straight and stretch your neck forward. While inhaling, open your mouth as wide as possible and hold it in this position for 1 minute. Slowly connect your lips and repeat the exercise 12 times.

For the greatest effectiveness, facebuilding should be complemented by mesotherapy or active massage with natural oils. The minimum course recommended by facial gymnastics coaches is 15 procedures. After that, you need to take a monthly break and then, if necessary, resume sessions.

Most of us find full cheeks attractive, because sunken and thin cheeks are associated with illness and old age. If you increase the cheeks, then this makes the face more beautiful, younger, while maintaining its attractiveness. The skin on such cheeks is even and toned. But what if nature has not rewarded you with beautiful cheeks? You can eliminate the flaw and give them the desired shape with the help of professionals and on your own.

Enlarge cheeks professionally

You can increase the volume of the cheeks with the help of cosmetic procedures and surgery.

Facial lipolifting

The technique consists in transplanting the patient's own fat using injections into the cheeks. The most commonly used fat is the thighs and buttocks. It is processed in a special way and implanted in the desired area of ​​the face.

Advantages of the method: there are no allergies to injections, low probability of rejection, lasting result, no scars, quick visible result, speed of the procedure.

Cons: with a low qualification of the doctor, numbness of the zone or asymmetry of the face may occur.


Complications after surgery

Immediately after the operation, some patients complain of numbness in the areas of the face where the incisions were made. This may be due to the nerves affected during the surgeon's actions.

The following phenomena often appear:

  • Pain
  • Hematomas
  • Abscesses
  • tissue inflammation
  • Poor healing
  • Allergic reactions to anesthesia
  • Injury to blood vessels, muscles, nerves Asymmetry, displacement of the implant

We make cheeks bigger on our own

If you are a supporter of naturalness or are afraid of painful medical procedures, then make your cheeks bigger yourself. How to make cheeks bigger at home? A special gymnastics complex for this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face will help in this.

Cheek Volume Exercises

In order for the cheeks to become plumper and more, it is necessary to tighten their muscles and eliminate skin flabbiness. For this, an effective set of exercises has been developed.

  • We inhale, we inflate our cheeks. The mouth remains tightly closed during exercise. We press the palms on the inflated cheeks, resisting the pressure of the hands. After 5 seconds, exhale and relax the muscles of the face. Number of approaches: 10.
  • We strain our cheeks, at this time we massage them from the inside with a tongue. With the right exercise, you will feel resistance, and your tongue and cheeks will get tired. As soon as you feel excessive muscle strain, finish and rest.
  • We collect water in our mouths, we crush it with our cheeks, we do not open our mouths. You should feel tension in the muscles, spit out the water, rest and repeat 10 more times.

  • Open your mouth, stretch your lips, giving them the shape of an oval. We stretch our lips and try to smile. The muscles of the cheeks and mouth should be tense. We do it until we get tired.
  • We put our palms so that they are directed to each other with the back side. We insert index fingers into the mouth so that they are located between the gum and the lower row of teeth. We grope for a seal on the back of the cheeks. We bend our index fingers, close our teeth and hold them in this position for several seconds. The corners of the mouth should not be stretched. Number of approaches: 5.
  • We lay the middle and index fingers on the lower row of teeth. Pulling the jaw down, return it to its original position, straining the muscles of the face. We do not close the mouth, we work only with the jaw.

Regular repetition of gymnastics will help make the muscles strong, and the cheeks themselves will increase their volume. The main thing is to follow the change in facial symmetry.

good makeup

There are frequent cases when the owners of chubby cheeks, due to a sharp weight loss, see that the muscles in this area have weakened, the cheekbones have leaned forward. The visual perception of the face changes and this does not please the woman.

If you do not want to work on yourself, if there is no time or it is impossible to have an operation, the volume of your cheeks will help to give the right make-up.

  1. Apply foundation to the entire face. We cover them with the face from the hairline to the neck.
  2. Then we correct the cheek area with powder a few tones darker than the foundation.
  3. We shade the powder horizontally, directing strokes to the auricles.
  4. The chin is formed with dark powder, shaded in a circular motion.
  5. The next step is to correct the sides of the nose. They are shaded with the same tool that was used on the chin.
  6. Powder of a light shade is applied along the contour of the oval of the face.
  7. We form "apples" with the help of blush. Shade the blush towards the auricles.
  8. The final stage: apply powder (the same shade as the foundation) with a thin layer over the entire surface. It will mask the color transitions and make the face look natural.

The result of corrective makeup: the face will become visually fuller, prominent cheekbones and sunken cheeks will be masked, the nose and chin will decrease.

With proper corrective makeup, it is necessary to match the tones and shades used, the moderate use of each color. Feathering provides uniform overflows of color, the tones should not overlap each other.

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It was once very fashionable to have sunken cheeks and prominent cheekbones. But everything flows, everything changes in this world. Even more so in today's fashion world. Chubby cheeks are popular today. They give the face freshness and youth. With them, a girl or woman looks cute and flirtatious. What measures are taken by the representatives of the weaker sex so that their face matches modern After all, the owners of narrow cheeks have to resort to different methods of rounding them.

What to do?

If you really can’t resist the desire to change something in yourself and accept yourself as you are, you can always find ways that allow you to implement your plan with the least effort. The question of how to make cheeks plump is asked by more than one generation of princesses and queens. Even when it was not fashionable, many intuitively understood all the advantages of a round, charming face.

There are a couple of effective methods that make the cheeks fuller without mechanical intervention. These are folk methods, but they work, if, of course, you put some effort into your desire. Only then will you become the owner of attractive round shapes.

How to make chubby cheeks - exercises and more exercises

The first thing to try is yoga. True, without spiritual practices. This is not always good, you can get lost in the wilds. Yoga should be used purely for the body and its healing. In principle, such exercises exist outside of yoga practices. But they really work wonders. The skin of the face will become radiant and full due to the stimulation of blood circulation.

So, the first thing to do is to sit in a comfortable chair so that your back is at a right angle. Pull the shoulder blades down and completely relax the shoulders. It is necessary that this area relax as much as possible and become as if motionless.

  • His mouth is slightly open, as if he is speaking in a calm, measured tone. Now you need to lightly cover your teeth with your lips.
  • The corners of the lips stretch towards the molars, the chin moves forward, and the lips return to their original position.
  • Now you need to sit for thirty seconds and feel a pleasant tension in the muscles of the face. After a while, we relax and take the starting position.

How to get plumper cheeks with minimal effort

You need to act carefully, very lightly pinching the cheekbones from top to bottom. Such manipulations do not make the cheeks full, they rather have a visual effect. After all, the blush gives them fullness and freshness.


The best option is emollient creams. They are designed specifically to moisturize, eliminate inflammation and damage. This face cream should be applied every time after a shower. Do not dry your face with a towel, let it dry on its own. The maximum effect is achieved at night. If you understand how to make your cheeks plump, and do everything right, then the result will not be long in coming. Remember! Of particular importance are manipulations before bedtime. They allow the skin to be fully saturated with moisture overnight.

sugar scrub

Sugar and shea butter have a beneficial effect on the skin of the face. The first component acts as a mild exfoliant, eliminates dead cells. And the second - gives elasticity. As a result, we get a comprehensive care: cleansing + soft moisturizing. Here's what you need to do to make your cheeks plump.

Apply apples

These fruits, which are present in the diet of every person, are a storehouse of useful substances and trace elements. The magic fruit contains vitamins A, B, and C. They prevent the formation of wrinkles, which means they make the skin beautiful and resistant to aging. Apple masks really work wonders! Here is the answer to the question of what to do to make your cheeks plump: apply apples! Collagen and elastin are found in large quantities in Delicious, Granny Smith and Braeburn varieties.

  • We bring the pulp of an apple to a mushy state (with a pusher or an immersion blender) and apply it in a circular motion to the cheek area. Remove residue after 15 minutes.
  • Three pieces of apple, three pieces of carrot, half of lemon juice are mixed, the drink is drunk daily in the morning. What's the secret? Carrots contain potassium. It eliminates inflammatory processes, does not allow the skin to dry out. Carrot, like lemon, contains natural antioxidants and vitamins, so it acts as a tonic.

Natural elastin on the windowsill and in the kitchen

Believe me, many women and even girls are worried about thin cheeks. How to make them plump without medical manipulation? The key to the answer lies in nature and its gifts. Aloe vera is famous for its medicinal properties. To achieve this goal, the juice is rubbed into the skin with even movements. The longer this process takes, the better. The optimal time is from half an hour to an hour.

There is an alternative - to accept inside. But this is not for everyone. Folk methods say that you need to drink almost a glass every day. Who knows if it's worth the risk, what if it doesn't work out? The stomach, for example, will react differently, and other problems may arise. When caring for yourself, you must always remember - it's good that in moderation. Even if a girl is haunted by obsessive thoughts on how to make her cheeks plump at home, she needs to pull herself together, calm down and choose methods without risk, since the main thing is not to harm!

Extremes always lead to bad consequences. But in small doses, aloe juice even treats various inflammatory processes and increases the elastic properties of the skin. It is worthwhile to carefully study this issue before proceeding to use it internally.

Get chubby cheeks and do no harm to the body

To nourish, moisturize, soothe, maintain the natural level of moisture, a pink-glycerin mixture is used. She repeats the action of antiseptic drugs.

Honey masks for external use are real magic. Firstly, honey moisturizes the skin, secondly, it prevents moisture loss, and thirdly, it forms a healthy shade and protects the cheeks from bacteria. Honey together with milk, kefir, cream has a better effect on the skin of the face.

The recipe for an exotic "potion": honey and papaya are combined in equal proportions and kept on the face for ten minutes. If you want something sweet, prepare yourself a tonic cocktail. To do this, mix a glass of milk, a spoonful of honey, butter, oats and grated hard cheese (2 tablespoons). After cooking, we eat. It is better to drink a glass of fresh orange juice, it is good if it is freshly squeezed. Although this is optional.

Milk soothes and normalizes the appearance of the skin. Oats prevent dryness. Orange juice from natural ingredients makes the face younger. Now you know how to make your cheeks plump.

Application of oils

Normal skin has natural fats at its disposal. If they are not enough, oils that contribute to saturation come to the rescue. The skin on the face will shine with a blush and visually appear rounder. Owners of skinny cheeks faced the problem of poor fat production. She decides. It is enough to adjust your diet and add more nuts and olive oil to your food, which is great for external use. It is rubbed into the cheeks with soft movements. It is desirable to do this after bath procedures and scrub application.

Coconut, almond and avocado oils are excellent remedies. They are amazingly nourishing for the skin. Therefore, their use will only benefit.

Useful tricks

  • Say no to bad habits! Smoking, drinking alcohol adversely affect the beauty of women's cheeks. Under the influence of harmful substances, they lose elasticity, elasticity and become sensitive to external influences. All these factors make the cheeks skinny.
  • Do not eat food with turmeric. Cosmetologists say that it severely damages the skin.
  • In summer, it is advisable to cover your face with sunscreen. Because ultraviolet light makes the cheeks stiff and tired.
  • At the end of each day, just before going to bed, be sure to remove the remnants of makeup. This is done with the help of special liquids. Otherwise, the skin will deteriorate and look aged.

The physiology of the female body is a capricious thing. Due to age and hormonal changes, changes in the appearance of a woman occur. The skin of the face is the first thing that affects everything. But if a person is aware - he is armed! Knowing how to get better in the face and how to make plump cheeks, a woman will be able to help herself and significantly slow down all the inevitable withering processes. The main thing is patience, a system and a reasonable approach. Of course, you want a quick result, but this is not always possible. Therefore, it is necessary to be diligent and constant in caring for yourself. Beauty takes effort!

With age, all women notice obvious changes in the oval of the face. The muscles responsible for facial expressions begin to weaken, the skin loses its elasticity, sagging cheeks appear. This problem is also observed during a sharp weight loss, the skin simply does not have time to tighten. Therefore, you need to lose weight gradually so that extra pounds disappear proportionally. There are a lot of factors influencing the appearance of sagging cheeks and a second chin.

  • Facial skin aging. Age-related changes are the primary cause of sagging cheeks. With age, by about 35-40 years, the skin wears out, loses its elasticity and firmness, sags, creating the effect of a "sullen clown".
  • Excess weight. The skin of the face of a full person is distinguished by a loose structure. Fat accumulates in the subcutaneous layers, filling the contour lines of the cheeks and chin, because of this, the oval of the face looks ugly.
  • Fluid accumulation. Improper diet, hormonal imbalances and other health problems can cause water retention in the body. It is necessary to prevent the appearance of edema.
  • Ultra-violet rays. Constant exposure to the scorching sun leads to a loss of elasticity of the epidermis. UV light accelerates aging and causes unwanted pigmentation. Therefore, be sure to protect your skin by using quality creams with SPF filters. Limit sun exposure and wear wide-brimmed hats.
  • genetic inheritance. If you have chubby cheeks or sagging skin at a young age, perhaps one of your relatives had the same problem, and you inherited these shortcomings. In this case, more thorough systematic care will be required.
  • Wrong way of life. If a woman smokes, drinks alcohol, eats junk food and leads a sedentary lifestyle, she should know that her face will age prematurely.
  • Wrong care. Poor-quality cosmetics entails the appearance of wrinkles at a young age. Moisturize, nourish, exfoliate the skin of the face and use only light tonal creams and makeup bases.

Undesirable defects on the face appear if you sleep on a high pillow, drink plenty of fluids at night, constantly stoop, read while lying on your back. But you can lose weight in the face and cheeks at home, if you wish, in a month of intensive care.

Proper daily care

How to remove sagging cheeks at home? It is necessary to approach this problem comprehensively, only targeted actions will help to achieve a magnificent effect.

  • Cosmetical tools. Anti-aging serums and creams are just additional tools, and they will not be able to remove the problem of sagging cheeks on their own. It is better to choose daily cosmetics for care from one series and apply in a course. To achieve the maximum result, you can periodically change the means, then the skin will not get used to the active ingredients. Every week you need to do a deep cleansing with a lifting effect, use scrubs and nourish the skin with creams.
  • Hard massage. For this procedure, you will need a small towel made of natural fabrics. Daily massage enhances blood circulation and tones the skin. A positive effect is observed when using a solution of sea salt or decoctions of medicinal herbs. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the morning. A wet towel should be intensively slapped on the face, but do not overdo it, bruises may remain. Thanks to the massage, the cheeks are noticeably tightened and the complexion is evened out.
  • contrast procedures. The most effective method to remove puffiness. It is necessary to moisten a napkin with hot water, wring it out slightly, attach it to your face and wait until it cools down. Then repeat the operation, but at the same time using cold water. If there are herbs for cosmetic procedures, then not just water, but an infusion can be used as a base. If you do this simple procedure every day in the morning and in the evening, then in just a week you can get rid of noticeable flabbiness of the skin.
  • Cosmetic ice. In the morning, be sure to wipe the skin with ice cubes, treat the cheeks especially carefully. As a basis, it is better to use infusions of medicinal herbs. Chamomile, celandine, mint are effective. This procedure allows you to quickly remove swelling and increase the elasticity of the epidermis.
  • Compresses for the night. For the procedure, you will need a saline solution and a sheet mask for the face. After cleansing the skin, apply a napkin moistened with the solution, hold for a quarter of an hour, then wash your face and apply a moisturizing cream with a lifting effect. The compress should be done 2-3 times a week, only with regular procedures can the desired effect be achieved.

Laughter helps to reduce skin laxity; during a smile, the maximum number of facial muscles is activated. At the same time, the oval of the face is perfectly corrected and subcutaneous fat disappears.

Face slimming diet

How to lose weight in the face with a diet? An individual diet is recommended to be compiled with a specialist, but there are basic rules for everyone.

  • Drink more water. About two liters of water daily, non-carbonated mineral or table water, the liquid improves skin hydration and maintains its tone. With a shortage of water, the human body begins to make its reserves, this often causes edema. You can drink green tea, but without sugar. It has a tonic effect and reduces the feeling of hunger.
  • Fractional nutrition. Eat small meals. As a rule, there are three main meals, and in addition - three snacks. The last food of the day should enter the body no later than 4 hours before bedtime. Chewing food thoroughly will tighten your cheeks due to the fact that the muscles of the face will be more actively involved.
  • Eliminate harmful products. During the diet, remove salt and sugar from the diet, they prevent excess fluid from being excreted from the body. Sweets, broths with a high content of fat, smoked meats, pastries, strong coffee, tea, drinks with gas should be excluded. You can remove fat from the cheeks only by strictly limiting yourself in food.
  • Eat vegetables and fruits. Increasing the amount of vegetables and fruits eaten guarantees a good result. They are rich in vitamins, fiber and other beneficial substances. They can be eaten not only raw, but also pre-boiled or stewed. When cooking, add a little vegetable oil, but do not use spices.
  • Give up alcoholic beverages. In order not to wonder how to remove cheeks or a double chin, stop drinking beer and wine. It is these drinks that lead to swelling.
  • Eat dairy products. They help in weight loss due to their calcium content. Doctors say that the use of calcium in the amount of 1200 mg per day contributes to rapid weight loss. If you eat hard cheeses or cottage cheese, the useful element will be much easier to absorb by the body.

Losing weight in the face so that cheekbones appear and cheeks sag is quite difficult. You need to combine an integrated approach: diet, proper skin care and pull-up exercises.

A set of exercises

Many women are interested in how to make their face thin with exercise. Reducing the size of the cheeks and changing the facial features for the better is within the power of everyone in about a month. Exercises are selected individually, based on the problem that is most relevant.

We tighten the facial muscles

Exercise is best done in the morning. It engages the major facial muscles and tones them.

  1. Inhale deeply and puff out your cheeks, purse your lips tightly.
  2. Place your palms on your cheeks and cover your ears with your fingers.
  3. Press firmly on your cheeks with your hands, without releasing the air from your mouth.
  4. You need to perform the exercise for 5-6 seconds. The number of approaches in the range of 5-10 times.

Correcting the shape and size of the cheeks

Exercise allows not only to eliminate cheek defects, but also to get rid of nasolabial folds.

  1. Twist your lips into a tube, as if pronouncing the letter "O".
  2. Place your tongue firmly on your cheek.
  3. Actively make circular movements with your tongue.
  4. Repeat the exercise on each side 10-20 times.

Strengthen the muscles of the face and neck

This exercise will help eliminate mimic wrinkles around the eyes and strengthen the muscles of the face and neck.

  1. Open your mouth and purse your lips into an "O" shape.
  2. Press your lips against your teeth as hard as you can.
  3. Press your index fingers to the area of ​​​​the face under the eyes.
  4. Smile broadly and return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat the exercise at least 20 times.

Try to move only the lips, other parts of the face should be motionless. When performed correctly, the muscles around the eyes tighten, you can control this with your index fingers.

Correcting the chin

Exercise makes it easy to lose weight in the face and cheeks and get rid of the second chin.

  1. Sit comfortably in a chair with your back straight.
  2. Tilt your head back in this position.
  3. Grasp the upper lip with your lower lip.
  4. Stay in this position for a while.

Do not strain your neck in the early days. After performing this exercise, there should be no discomfort, so the execution time depends on the characteristics of the body.

Get rid of chubby cheeks

The exercise is quite simple and interesting. Models the oval of the face and strengthens the cheeks.

  1. Take a pencil in your mouth and clamp it between your teeth.
  2. Move the pencil through the air, you can “draw” shapes or words.
  3. The duration of the workout is at least 3 minutes.

Performing gymnastics every day, you can achieve a decrease in the roundness of the face. With this workout, all facial muscles are involved.

  1. Open your mouth wide.
  2. Wrap your lips inside your mouth and press them against your teeth.
  3. Firmly tighten your lips and cheeks.
  4. Sit in this position until muscle fatigue appears.
  5. After a short break of 5-10 seconds, repeat all over again.

Making cheekbones

The more beautiful the oval of the face, the younger you will look. By performing this simple gymnastics, you can tighten your cheeks and make your face much younger.

  1. Stand up straight or sit down.
  2. Clearly pronounce the vowels of the alphabet: "A", "U", "O", "S", "I", "E".
  3. Try to strain all the muscles of the face at once.

The meaning of this exercise is in tension and work of the facial muscles. With regular performance, the entire face noticeably loses weight and the cheekbones become more noticeable.

If you are wondering how to get rid of cheeks, exercise, proper diet, giving up bad habits and an active lifestyle will help you notice positive results in just a week.

Thick cheeks can appear due to the special shape of the cheekbones, but often they also become the result of excess weight. At the same time, even after losing weight, sometimes it is not possible to achieve the desired oval of the face. However, you can solve the problem with a few simple exercises.

Cheek reduction exercises

The easiest exercises for chubby cheeks

To effectively reduce the volume of the cheeks at home, it is enough to spend a few minutes daily on simple exercises. If you want to not only correct the shape of your face, but also improve your mood, do the “big smile” exercise. First, close your lips tightly, as children do when a spoon with a hated porridge is brought to their mouth. Wait 5-6 seconds and then smile as wide as you can and hold the position again for 5-6 seconds. Then wrinkle your nose, relax your muscles, and wrinkle again. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

It is advisable to perform gymnastics for the face in front of a mirror, because in this case, quality is much more important than quantity. Follow the facial expressions. After exercising, be sure to rinse your skin with cool water.

Try another simple exercise. Pout your lips and tighten your cheeks with all your might. Then stretch your lips with a tube and puff them up again. Repeat the exercise 15 times every day. When performing it, it is important to ensure that the muscles of the face are tensed as much as possible. It is on this that the effectiveness of the exercise will depend.

How to quickly reduce cheeks

The inflation exercise helps to cope with thick cheeks very well. Close your lips tightly, and then begin to gradually fill your mouth with air. The feeling of tightness will grow. When the cheeks are as tense as possible, hold the air for 7-10 seconds, and then release it.

When you have mastered this exercise, try to complicate it: fill one cheek with air, wait a few seconds, and then inflate the other. Repeat the exercise daily, and after 2-3 weeks the result will be noticeable. You can perform such simple gymnastics even while reading or watching TV.

another simple exercise will help reduce cheeks. Pull your lips out as if you were making an "O" sound. You can really extend this vowel, sing it. Then stretch your lips and say "I". Make sure that the muscles of the cheeks are very tense.