Erogenous zones of men according to the zodiac sign: a first-class guide for unforgettable women! How to flirt and how to caress men of different zodiac signs

Women who have had relationships with several men claim that the male temperament is very much dependent on their zodiac sign. Men born under different signs react differently to female affection and tenderness. Scorpions, for example, are able to become very excited at the slightest touch of female fingers on their genitals. Pisces and Libra, on the contrary, are not so easily excited, and a woman will have to sweat in order to make a man born under this sign tremble with pleasure.

Men who often change partners know how and where to touch women of different zodiac signs, that is, where they are erogenous zones of the zodiac signs in girls and women. This comes with experience, and if you don't have it, take the following tips into service:

  1. Aries. Both men and women love to be stroked on the head, playing with their hair. The most sensitive places in Aries are the head, ears and face. Caressing them, you can easily bring Aries to ecstasy. Biting and kissing Aries on the earlobes and neck, you will feel how his back begins to arch. Aries in bed is quite emotional and decisive, a quarrel or other conflict can excite him very much. In bed, they are determined, and always try to please both. Women born under the sign of Aries like a man with a beard. They get turned on when their hair touches their face, it turns them on.
  2. Calf . They resemble little calves that blissfully close their eyes and stretch their heads forward when you stroke their necks. For them, there is no higher pleasure than a massage of the throat and neck area, kisses in this area. Start massaging the neck at the base of the head, smoothly moving on to kissing, and you will see how the Taurus is turned on. However, do not expect that you will immediately be passionately attacked. Taurus prefer to do everything thoughtfully, slowly, indulge in lengthy foreplay. As an experiment, invite Taurus to tie his tie. During this activity, massage his neck and you will feel him flutter in your hands. After a few minutes, his most important desire will be to be in the same bed with you.
  3. Twins . All representatives of this class are great innovators and experimenters. They perceive any new steps from their partners with delight, they like everything unusual. Erogenous zone of Gemini- hands. Both men and women of this sign react very strongly when their hands are kissed and caressed. And we are talking not only about the hands, but about the entire hand as a whole. Use your tongue to caress his elbows, the inside of his shoulder, all the way to his armpit. This will create a desire in them that will inflame you.
  4. Cancer . Cancers love tenderness and affection. Of course, everyone loves it, regardless of the sign of the Zodiac, but Cancers are especially gentle and vulnerable. No need to surprise them with new Kamasutra poses, it's better to tell them more about love, they love it. They are easily aroused by a passionate kiss, but the most important erogenous zone they have breasts. To arouse a strong sexual desire in Cancer, nibble on his nipples, kiss them and gently wrinkle them with your fingers. Cancers are very fond of kissing, they do it long and passionately, using both lips and tongue. If you want to seduce a Cancer man, then wait for the moment when he is naked to the waist. Touch gently on his chest, and you will immediately notice how tense his body is. Keep caressing him in the same place, and he will get turned on pretty quickly.
  5. A lion . Leos love it when they get a back massage. Moreover, they will not wait for you to think of it yourself, they will brazenly lie on their backs and ask you to give them a massage. This is the clearest example of their feline nature. Whatever you do with his back, he will love it. Gently scratch, kiss him, wrinkle him - from all this he will come to wild delight. Another great joy for him will be if you put him in the bath and massage him while kissing. After such procedures, even the most proud and impregnable Leo will turn into an obedient and devoted kitten.
  6. Virgo. If we compare Virgos with other signs of the Zodiac, then Virgos are the coldest and unemotional persons. Exciting them is not as easy as others. But, nothing is impossible. Kiss the Virgo on the cheek, as they love to be kissed on the face. Before kissing, take care of the freshness of your breath, as the virgins are very clean. They are somewhat obsessed with the freshness of the body, and the shower relaxes them very well. They love it when jets of water stroke their body, perineal area and genitals. Seducing a Virgo man is easy: hug him from behind, and gently run your fingernail over his stomach. You will immediately feel his body tremble. After that, take him to the shower, and turn on soft, pleasant music. You will be surprised how passionate and passionate a lover the outwardly impregnable and cold Virgo man will be.
  7. Scales . People who were born under this sign are distinguished by one feature. Almost all Libras have rounded, attractive priests. Their buttocks are their most sensitive erogenous zone. If your man is Libra, then it would not hurt you to master the art of striptease. Libra is very fond of basking on a soft bed, slowly drinking good wine, and watching the dance of naked buttocks. If, during the dance, you start massaging his ass, then the Libra man will know real pleasure. Libra women love gentle stroking and pinching, but at the same time they are not averse to hard slaps during sexual fun.
  8. Scorpion . Scorpions are easily excited, and their most important erogenous zone is the penis. They go crazy if women's hands, lips or tongue touch the head of their penis. The Scorpio woman is delighted with the caresses of her clitoris. Any manipulation with him makes her tremble with pleasure. Even accidentally touching it can cause arousal.
  9. Sagittarius. Erogenous zones in Sagittarius women different from men. A Sagittarius woman will moan with pleasure if you start combing her hair or stroking her head. Any manipulation of her hair can make her aroused. Sagittarius men love to caress their thighs. They go crazy when the partner caresses their leg from the inside of the thigh, from the knee to the groin.
  10. Capricorn . Capricorns are quite selective, and they approach the choice of partners especially carefully. They never go to bed with the first person they meet. If you are planning a first date with Capricorn, then do not even dream about sex after it. You will have a long courtship so that Capricorn understands that you can be trusted. If you managed to achieve the reciprocity of Capricorn, then you will not regret that you spent your time. A Capricorn woman goes into ecstasy when her navel or the bend of her knee is caressed. Men love caresses of the groin, chest and face.
  11. Aquarius . If you can touch (preferably gently) his calves and ankles in any way, then consider that you have managed to excite him. These parts of the body are erogenous zones of Aquarius. They love having sex, whether in bed or on the floor. But the special joy and pleasure they bring sex in the water. A warm bath is the perfect place to fully experience the passion of Aquarius.
  12. Fish . Erogenous zone of Pisces are legs. Gentle stroking on the back and foot massage will bring Pisces into indescribable delight. Men from such caresses turn into gentle and tireless lovers, and a real volcano of wild passion wakes up in Women. Pisces love water and warmth, both men and women. If you managed to find a secluded place on the beach or pool, then you will never forget this night. It is next to the water that Pisces open up completely, and show everything that their naked body is capable of.

Astrologers are convinced that the location of the erogenous zones on the body depends on the person's belonging to one or another Zodiac Sign. With the help of a sexual horoscope, you can find out about the most sensitive areas of your partner and, thereby, surprise him in the process of love games.


The erogenous zones of the representative of this Zodiac Sign are the face and head. Aries are quickly excited by gentle touches on the earlobes, the back of the head and lips. Biting, light tickling and gentle kisses in these places will bring true pleasure to Aries.


The erogenous zones of Taurus are the neck and shoulder blades. He just loves relaxing massage in this area of ​​the body. Stimulation of the neck and upper back first acts on the representative of this Zodiac Sign relaxing, and then leads to excitement. Stroking the neck and back, turning into passionate kisses, will drive Taurus crazy.


The erogenous zone of Gemini is the hands. According to the erotic horoscope, this is the most sensitive part of the body of this Zodiac Sign. Caresses for Gemini must be gentle and soft, turning into more confident and passionate.


The erogenous zone of Cancer is the chest. He quickly gets excited about touching, kissing and stroking the area. In the process of caresses, Cancer can get indescribable pleasure from any touch in this zone.

a lion

The erogenous zone of Leo is the lower back. Massage in this area can quickly excite a representative of this constellation and awaken a real predator in him. The hollow at the spine has a special sensitivity. It can be included in the love game, for example, by passing a piece of ice over it.


The erogenous zone of Virgo is the belly. Partner Virgo must know that caressing his lover of this Zodiac Sign's stomach, he not only gives him pleasure, but also helps to relax and get rid of that stress.


Astrologers do not distinguish certain erogenous zones on the body from representatives of this Zodiac Sign. According to the sexual horoscope of Libra, the body of a person born under this constellation is completely covered with sensitive points. The whole skin of Libra is very receptive to touch and caress, so it is very easy to excite a partner of this Sign.


The erogenous zones of Scorpio are the buttocks and genitals. The sensitivity of these body parts in Scorpio is several times higher than the sensitivity in this area in other constellations.


The erogenous zone for Sagittarius is the hips. The inner thighs are considered to be a particularly sensitive area. Active stimulation of this part of the body will reveal a passionate and irrepressible lover in Sagittarius.


Erogenous zone of Capricorn - knees and elbow joints. Kissing and caressing in these parts of the body will increase the desire of the partner of this Zodiac Sign and make him lose control of his feelings and emotions.


The erogenous zones of Aquarius are the feet and ankles. Massaging these parts of the body will make Aquarius more sensitive in sex and reveal a passionate lover in him.


The erogenous zone of Pisces is the legs. Stroking and kissing from heels to thighs will awaken real passion and strong desire in Pisces. The only thing you need to know about this erogenous zone of Pisces is that caresses should be very gentle and slow.

With the help of a sexual horoscope, you can determine your erogenous zones, as well as the erogenous areas of your partner, which will help you better understand and feel each other in bed. We wish you happiness, and do not forget to press and

21.03.2014 13:39

What is the sexiest zodiac sign according to the horoscope? Astrologers have long found the answer to this question and ...

A sexual horoscope will tell the fair sex how to seduce any man. We will tell you about the weaknesses...

Each person is individual not only in appearance, but also in his inner content. Everyone has their own character, mannerisms, feelings and thoughts. And a person is just as individual in his attitude to intimacy and its perception. In this area, everyone has their own preferences and their own temperament. Sometimes it is impetuous and stormy, more often calm and self-possessed, occasionally it is inhibited and aloof. But these individual characteristics of the body can be quite successfully corrected if you know where the partner's erogenous zones are and have an active influence on them.

sensitive points on the body

Any sex is preceded by a prelude that stimulates the bodies of partners to start the active phase of sexual intercourse and achieve the highest physical satisfaction. Every person has erogenous points, and they are especially sensitive to intimate caresses. Thanks to this feature of the human body, it is possible to smooth out the differences in temperaments of partners and at the same time get an orgasm, giving each other unforgettable pleasure and happiness. But after all, the erogenous zones of different signs of the zodiac are located in completely different places, so you should carefully work out information about the place of their deployment in people born under different signs of the zodiac.

It should be noted that everyone has their own preferences. And people belonging to different signs react to completely different points of influence. In this regard, it should be noted that the erogenous zones in women according to the signs of the zodiac may be different from those of men. Consider what sensitive points each of the representatives has.


The most erogenous zones of Aries are located on the head, and his partner’s light and gentle touches on her hair, forehead, lips, and nose inspire love. Gently run across the face or back of the head, stroke the top of the head, tickle with the tongue or lightly bite the earlobe - this is an arsenal of female tricks in order to excite the Aries man. A gentle touch of the lips or temples can very quickly put a man on alert. Male Aries adore when they are stroked and scratched on the back. Erogenous ones are slightly different from male ones. The girl is also not indifferent to the caress of her ears and lips, but she loves it when they blow a little into her ear, and her lips begin to bite a little during the kiss. A kiss on the eyelids will make her tremble. Unshaven men - bearded and mustachioed - give sexual pleasure to these women by their very appearance.


His erogenous zones are on the head and in the neck area, so he is especially susceptible to kissing the neck and throat. Only this should be done as if by chance, the touch should be gentle and fleeting. In this, Taurus men and women are united and with trepidation accept the caresses of their vulnerable zones. In addition, Taurus gets excited from stroking the spine and nibbling the neck, only all this should be done without fuss.


In this sign, erogenous places are located on the shoulders, arms and fingers. Kissing in these places literally thrills Gemini. Even men love it when they slowly, slowly, kiss their fingers and palms one at a time. They also have secret places on their backs, so touching the spine can quickly heat up his desire. Gemini is very excited by such a caress - to run the tongue along the inside of the arm - from the elbows to the armpits, his reaction to this will be incredibly violent and swift.


This sign is not indifferent to passionate kisses, very long and soulful, since its erotic zones are concentrated on the tongue and lips. His chest is also very sensitive, in particular, he is excited by the caresses of the nipples with his hands and lips, as well as the area above the chest - with careful fingering in this place, Cancers experience unearthly bliss.

a lion

The excitable zones of Leo are located on the back, so during the foreplay, the back should be gently stroked, walked along the spine, and carefully scratched with nails. Its lower part is especially susceptible to intimate caresses; this can immediately turn a mighty lion into an affectionate kitten. Leo women are more sensitive in the shoulders and upper back. And she also has extremely sensitive skin, even the lightest touch causes a pleasant quivering trembling. The lower part of the spine is also highly sensitive and makes the lioness especially passionate in bed.


Its erogenous zones are located on the abdomen, and caresses of the chest, abdomen and perineum with the tongue are especially effective. Virgos favorably perceive touching the hair and stroking it. Virgos adore water procedures and love it very much when a washcloth is passed over the stomach. The Virgo woman is no exception here either, but she has additional erogenous places on her chest and at the navel. Caressing the navel with lips and fingers will give her unforgettable pleasure.


Their secret zones are the buttocks, waist and sacrum. They like gentle touches and affectionate hugs, massage of the lower back and other erogenous points. A man is delighted with the touch of the partner's nipples on the spine, and the woman is simply thrilled by stroking the buttocks.


His forte is the genitals. He perceives even an accidental touch to his genitals as a prelude to sex, even too tight underwear excites him. The Scorpio woman is also very sensitive in this zone, it is enough for her to squeeze her legs tighter and make a few rhythmic movements - and she will reach orgasm without a partner. Gentle kisses on a man's penis and caressing a woman's clitoris with her tongue make them wildly excited.


Sagittarius has a zone of excitability on the hips and lower back. A man loves caresses on his thighs and genitals, in the area of ​​​​the crotch and knees, especially when his balls are pulled, with which he loves to rub against his partner's thighs. Women are also partial to bold touches on the inside of their thighs, but can get unearthly pleasure when stroking and fiddling with their hair. Very erogenous in Sagittarius and the skin, which can be gently massaged and thus give him pleasure. Even a short massage can lead to a quick erection.


Capricorn has erogenous zones on the chest, abdomen and groin. A man goes berserk at the touch of nipples on his face and lower abdomen. He welcomes both stroking the back and quick kisses along the line of the spine, and is especially supportive of caressing the armpits. Women adore kissing the navel and the back of the knees, and are also aroused by light touches on the inner thighs and lower back.


Erogenous are the legs, calves and ankles. His circular massage movements on the heels and toes are very exciting, only such a massage should be done slowly, carefully, maintaining the desire at the pre-erection level, otherwise he can very quickly reach the finish line. The Aquarius woman likes sex in a standing position so that she can touch her calves with the man's knees, clasping her feet tightly around the man's calves. Aquarians do not welcome aggression, they should be treated very carefully and gently during sex.


Pisces also prefer the lower part of the foot. They like kissing in these places, sucking on their toes, stroking their ankles with sliding up. The perineum is also a very strong zone of excitability in both sexes - stroking the penis or inserting a finger into the vagina will increase the severity of the love game.

By knowing the secret locations of all zodiac signs, you will be able to find a more subtle and intimate approach to your sex partner. This will help prolong sexual intercourse and improve its quality.

Aries love desires

If you are flirting with Aries, you should familiarize yourself with the intimate horoscope in more detail, so that your relationship will strengthen and become closer and more understandable. Aries love aspirations can be expressed in a few words - the onslaught and a quick victory. He does not like superfluous words and sentiments and, if he is already sufficiently excited, he prefers to immediately get down to business. This feature of the Aries man often scares away women who are more romantic, who love long preludes and preparatory periods. That is why, if this scenario does not suit you, you should not start flirting with Aries. Otherwise, the matter will certainly end in bed, whether you like it or not.

Despite all his commitment to romanticism, Aries remains an adherent of express sex. For him, there is no difference between love and sex, so he considers it quite natural to enter into a close relationship with the object of his passion as soon as possible. To know what to expect from such an impatient and passionate partner, you need to pay the most serious attention to the intimate horoscope of the Aries man.

And the main factor that should be taken into account when preparing for a relationship with Aries is his extreme intemperance and impatience. When he reaches a certain critical point in his excitement, the arguments of reason no longer affect him - he is ready to get what he wants, and he will do it. And for him, the entourage is absolutely not important - any development of events leading to the rapid possession of the object of desire is acceptable to him. Whether it happens right on the lawn of the park or on a park bench, in a car, an elevator, a cinema, or any other place more or less suitable for intercourse, he does not care at all. When entering into a relationship with such a man, everything that the intimate Aries horoscope warns about should be taken into account in the most serious way.

Excitement and onslaught of Aries

His main qualities are excitement and onslaught. He is swift and cruel in achieving his goal and sees no obstacles to this. If you decide to have fun using the erogenous zones of Aries, do not flatter yourself that you can stop yourself and stop your partner in time. Excited Aries is a locomotive without brakes. In a state of excitement, he is often extremely aggressive, therefore, in a partner, he needs a woman who is risky and active in sex, who receives satisfaction from very hard sex and aggressive behavior of her partner. But he gets excited only with the woman who was able to captivate him. If you do not provoke him to arousal and do not use the erogenous zones of Aries for this, everything can be done peacefully and calmly. But inciting him to have sex should only be when you are ready for such features of it.

Erogenous zones of Aries and the intimate horoscope of a man

Under the sign of Aries, men are born who have a very bright and original character. They declare their sexual interest directly and unambiguously. He is constantly changing, being either gentle, or rude, or generous, or stingy, and this inconstancy, even a certain mystery of nature, when it is impossible to predict his actions, is very appealing to women, arouses interest in these stubborn and strong natures. He directly radiates sexuality and promises unearthly pleasure. And this can be firmly counted on, because Aries is able to do even more than you expected.

This sign is distinguished by indomitable jealousy, although he himself is rather fickle - his passionate nature will always provide many temptations that he is unable to cope with. Yes, I must say, and do not try to do so. Hoping for a long and serious relationship, you need to consider this side of his character. If you add caressing the erogenous zones of Aries to the love game, then there is no time to think about the situation - he expects only a short “yes” from you, but even if he does not wait, the result will be the same. True, pride will not allow him to complete the affair simply by spending a night together. Sex with him will not disappoint you and will be very interesting and varied. But if you are not a fan of hard sex, this is not your option.

Aries is smart and ironic, empty and stupid women do not attract him. The one who wins his heart will be honored with his loyalty and devotion, though not in a sexual way.

Intimate horoscope of a woman

In sex, the Aries woman is very temperamental, charming and extremely controversial. The exact intimate horoscope of the Aries girl warns that she is very swift in thoughts and actions, impulsive in her statements, and does not attach any importance to what she herself says. She herself is tireless and is able to stir up any man. The main erogenous zones of the Aries girl ambiguously indicate that all her sexuality is connected with the head. She is smart and likes to force her opinions on others. In love, he strives to be above his partner and push him around in every possible way. Often, the rather aggressive behavior of your chosen one can significantly reduce your interest in her.

Despite the fact that she is very romantic, believes in love and admires it, she perceives sex as one of the great many pleasures of life. At the same time, the intimate horoscope of the Aries woman indicates that, entering into a relationship with a man, she is looking for carnal pleasures, and not a calm and measured family life. She is a very passionate lover and passionate partner. If her chosen one has an additional effect on the erogenous zones of the Aries woman, then she is able to give him heavenly bliss.

Sexual compatibility of Aries with other signs

During sex with another Aries, Aries will dominate, not content with a secondary role. Each of them will strive for leadership, which will create disharmony and may lead to a break. For marriage, the prognosis is unfavorable.

Sex with an impulsive Taurus irritates the romantic Aries, and it is very difficult to establish the desired balance. Mutual interest passes quickly, and this union is not promising for long-term relations.

With Gemini, the union is harmonious, because both signs are active and tireless in love. The aggressiveness of Aries in sex with an open-minded Gemini gives an excellent result, quite suitable for a marriage union.

Aries has a strong sexual attraction to Cancer and it is mutual, but when sensuality reduces heat, trifling quarrels and noisy scandals begin. If the marriage takes place, it is unlikely to be long and certainly not cloudless.

With Leo, they have a complete match in terms of the level of aggressiveness, the relationship is straightforward and open, with mutual tolerance for certain character traits, marriage has the right to exist.

With Virgo, sexual compatibility is so difficult that it takes a lot of effort to reach agreement. But if this succeeds, the union will be pleasant, but a successful marriage may turn out to be 50 out of 100 cases.

With Libra, the sexual relationship can be short-lived, because the physical aggressiveness of Aries disgusts the idealist Libra.

It is very difficult to achieve sexual compatibility with Scorpio, because both signs are energetic and independent, strive for dominance and do not allow anyone else to take over.

An alliance with Sagittarius is also problematic, since they are equally prone to conflicts, and Aries' sexual addictions provide inexhaustible soil for them.

With the restless Aries, the hypocrite Capricorn may well count on the awakening of his libido, and then a short-term sexual union can develop into a strong marriage union.

With Aquarius, physical interaction will surprise with the novelty of sensations and high-quality sex. The leader Aries and the passive Aquarius will make a quite pleasant union, not only sexual, but also marriage.

With Pisces, the prospect of sexual relations is very positive, because their shyness will be overcome by the onslaught of Aries, which will cause a real explosion of sexual emotions.

In an effort to improve relations with the impulsive and excitable Aries, heed the advice of astrologers:

  • always be sincere with him, for he perfectly distinguishes between lies and truth;
  • respect his intellect;
  • do not try to command Aries or impose your views;
  • offer him new ideas in sex - he loves it and always welcomes it;
  • show interest in cultural values: theater, music, museums, he loves such parties and is always happy to attend them;
  • when going on a date with Aries, it’s better not to be late - he is very punctual and attaches great importance to this;
  • never make plans for him;
  • in music, choose fast and rhythmic melodies;
  • always have contraceptives on hand, because Aries does not use condoms himself and will not wait for you while you use your own, so take care of this in advance.


If your chosen one is Aries, then a detailed intimate horoscope will aim you at his characteristics and prepare you for what you can expect from him. Be attentive to the desires and preferences of partners and your relationship will be pleasant and bring delightful results in a sexual union.


It is believed that the sign of the Zodiac affects the character, temperament and even the appearance of a person. Sexual preferences also strongly depend on who the person is according to the horoscope, which means that it makes sense to find out which erogenous zones are most active in people born at different times of the year.


Especially sensitive in Aries nerve endings are located on the skin of the face and head. Representatives of this zodiac sign really like soft strokes of the forehead or light kisses on the cheeks and nose. You can comb or gently caress the top of your head, touch your temples with your fingertips.

The earlobes are extremely sensitive, and women have a strong sexual desire if you lightly blow into her ear. Biting the lips gives a good result, and light kisses of closed eyes cause pleasant spasms in the back.

Kisses from bearded men drive Aries women crazy. The soft hair of a man's beard touching her face while kissing will give her great pleasure!. If you don't have a beard, don't worry. You can caress her face with a soft brush or touch her lips with your fingertips.


The sensitive area of ​​Taurus is the neck. Start with light touches
and stroking with your fingers at the back of the head, slowly descending to the neck. Keep kissing the throat and Taurus will soon be on fire. There are unlimited possibilities for "accidental" touches. For example, when straightening a man's tie, you can stroke his neck or gently run your nails along it. You will be surprised by his quick response.

On the beach, gently touch the woman's naked neck, shake off the sand, and this will serve as a signal to her. Alone in a room, the neck should be the center of attention. Sensual kisses, tender love bites on the neck will especially excite Taurus. But do not forget that Taurus prefers slowness and naturalness. Therefore, behave with restraint and do not force things.


Particularly sensitive places are the hands. Gemini women respond well to hand kisses. Gemini men love it when they kiss their fingers one at a time, sucking on them.

An occasional caress of the fingertips can cause an enthusiastic shudder. Gemini gets special pleasure from kissing the inside of the hand. A more provocative option - swipe lightly with your lips and tongue from the elbow to the armpit.

Both a man and a woman born under this sign will enjoy deep kisses involving the tongue and teeth. They are even known to be able to experience an orgasm from it!

However, the most sensitive part of the body is the chest. Both sexes are sensitive to oral and manual nipple stimulation. Gently stroking the breasts with the fingertips causes intense sexual desire. They also enjoy pinching their nipples with their thumb and forefinger. Even in the final part of the foreplay, gentle pinching of the breast or nipples can increase their desire.

Advice for women making love to a Cancer man: run your hand over his chest, gently touching it. If you do this repeatedly, you will be able to strongly excite him.

So, let's assume that you have placed Leo in the appropriate setting for the moment. How to start? You can go to the bathroom. Rub the Leo with a sponge until his skin turns pink. The back is especially sensitive. If you are dealing with a Leo man while making love, gently scratch his back. This will stimulate him.

Take a shawl (preferably cashmere) and touch it with a fringe to a naked body - from the shoulder to the entire back. Then do the same with a brush, like the one hairdressers use to apply powder.

When foreplaying a Leo woman, look for the degree of her sexual arousal in the redness of the skin, which begins in the abdomen and then slowly spreads to the chest and neck. The intensity of the color will be directly proportional to the degree of stimulation. As soon as the desired shade appears - it is yours!


When you have reached frank caresses in your relationship with Virgo, do not forget about the stomach. In Virgo, everything - from the crotch to the chest - reacts to the touch of the tongue, light stroking with the fingers or barely noticeable touches with the hair. Run your fingernail horizontally across the body - this will cause extraordinary sensations.

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Well excite stroking the abdomen with a sponge, soap and warm water. Do not forget about this if you first ended up in the shower (which is very fortunate, since Virgo has a "fixed idea" - cleanliness). If the bath is narrow, sit the Virgo woman on your lap to enter her from behind, while showering on her belly.

Lying in bed, do a light massage of the navel area. Finish it by touching the tip of the tongue to the navel itself. You will see how quickly it works.


The most sensitive places in Libra are the lower back and buttocks. In society, at dances, or even when walking together, lightly touch Libra's lower back with your fingers. In a more intimate moment, place your hands on Libra's bare buttocks and make small rotational movements with your palms, moving gradually up your back, and back down again. Real Libra will go into ecstasy.

If Libra is a man, he will go crazy with the soft touch of your nipples on his lower back. You don't have to repeat this twice.

All Libra's buttocks are an extremely erogenous zone. Women love to be stroked, patted and playfully pinched on their buttocks, and come into a state of sexual arousal. They also prefer positions where their buttocks are clearly visible to their partner, as happens when she is entered from behind. Scales of both sexes react to blows to the buttocks with a hand, a whip and other objects. By the way, to say. Libras can be easily distinguished by their well-shaped rounded buttocks.


The most sensitive places of Scorpios are their genitals. Even a light touch with your fingers can turn a man into a volcano. Why not? A woman of this sign is able to get excited just by crossing her legs, and in this position rub her "lips" against each other.

Nothing will give a Scorpio man such pleasure as lightly touching the tip of his penis with his tongue. Do I need to add that women are especially delighted with cunnilingus?

When you play with the sexual organs of a Scorpio, you can literally say that your partner is in your hands!


For the ninth sign of the Zodiac, the most erotic zones are the hips and thighs. But in Sagittarius women, hair also belongs to them. Play with them, stroke, comb. She will purr like a kitten. If it lasted long enough, it might awaken her sensuality.

His vulnerable area is near the genitals. Kissing the inside of the leg or lightly touching the tongue from the knee to the crotch will give him pleasure. The same can be said about the gentle stroking of the thighs. Homosexuals like to have their partners smear Vaseline on the inside of their thighs. After that, the mere insertion of a member between tightly clenched legs can lead to an orgasm.

Sagittarius men and women are equally affected by rubbing with warm oil. On the hips, this should be done with rotational movements, on the thighs - with vertical strokes. Lightly run your nails along the curves, and this will awaken an erotic feeling throughout the body. And do not be surprised if you never manage to complete the massage.


Capricorn men love a woman to touch her nipples to his face, mouth, chest, abdomen, groin with slow sliding movements. It drives him crazy.

The passion of a Capricorn woman will turn into a hurricane if her partner kisses her on the stomach or under the knees. The skin around the navel is especially sensitive in women born under this sign. And the skin under the knees is easier to stimulate than the thighs of other women.

Both the Capricorn man and woman will respond to a massage from the lower back to the top if you slowly touch the body with your tongue, making circular movements.

An unusually large number of Capricorns prefer to replace the vagina (as a source of pleasure) with the armpit. Don't agree.


Sensitive areas - calves and ankles. Any posture in which you touch these places will greatly increase the desire. As if casually stroke the leg from the ankle to the game, very carefully. You will be delighted to see the reaction of Aquarius.

Try to make love standing up, when a woman wraps her legs around a man under her knees, touching his calves. During the act, there will be a natural friction of the erogenous zones. (Especially effective in the pool.) Other positions that allow contact with the calves and ankles will always increase sexual satisfaction.

Aquarius is receptive to gentle touches.


When it comes to the moment that calls for the perfect setting for lovemaking, keep the following in mind: Pisces loves a warm place and the movement of water. So try a heated blanket and waterbed, or look for a bathroom that's comfortable enough for two.

Pisces will respond to gentle massage and stroking of the heels and feet, soft stroking of the feather on the soles and kissing of the fingers. With your fingertips, make circular movements, starting from the ankle, along the instep and to the fingers, stroking the toes with your hands or lightly biting them, you will give the Pisces a lot of pleasure.

Pisces women love to masturbate men with their feet. She does this by gently squeezing his cock with her feet. Pisces men get a special extra arousal by sticking their toe into the vagina or simply stroking the perineum with their foot. The excitability of Pisces increases if they soar their legs before having sex.

The main rule of an ideal lover, according to sexologists, is to give a man what he needs. Only now, not all men share their innermost secrets, desires, so women have to think and dodge as best they can. Experienced in sexual mastery is easier - they quickly find in men areas of the body that are sensitive to caresses. If you are not so experienced or want to learn even more about the male body, you are welcome!

We present you a first-class guide to male erogenous zones, who knows how and where to caress a man in order to achieve maximum effect. So let's explore the male body for erogenous zones and do this by referring to the signs of the zodiac.


The most sensitive areas in Libra men are the muscles of the buttocks, the sacrum and lower back. So do not refuse your beloved man in an intimate setting to caress the buttocks area with your hands, making circular movements. Such caresses give the strongest stimulation and excitement. Since the area of ​​the sacrum is one of the most sensitive in scales, you can massage this area with your chest. Libra men will be delighted if a woman spanks her buttocks with her hand, belt, whip and other objects.


Gemini men are especially sensitive to the touch of their upper limbs (fingers, forearms and hands are especially sensitive). To please your beloved, gently stroke and kiss his hands, draw a line from the brush to the armpit with the tongue. Particularly thrilling will give a man biting and sucking on the folds of his fingers. Be sure that such caresses will give your man incredible pleasure.


The most sensitive place in Leo is the back. This sign will especially enjoy caresses in the bathroom, where you can caress your man with a washcloth from the neck to the waist. When the passions in your bedroom have been played out in earnest, you can move on to more “close” caresses, such as sticking sharp nails into the buttocks and shoulder blades. For a thrill, you can tickle the body of a Leo man with a feather, brush or cilia. It is very gentle and sensual. If you notice that the man's back is reddened, do not be alarmed - this is a sign of arousal.

Erogenous Zones of a Man: ARIES

Aries are distinguished by purposefulness, stubbornness and strength. Erogenous zones in Aries guys are located in the head area, mainly capturing the face. That is why kissing, stroking, touching the head, lips and cheeks give Aries incredible pleasure. Try to massage your face, head and neck, touching with smooth and gentle movements. Stroke the ram’s head as often as possible, run your fingers through his hair, experiment with tickling and don’t be afraid to bite on the earlobes and lips (just don’t overdo it with pressure, otherwise, your caress will turn into pain and will not bring any pleasure, unless, of course, your man is not a sadomasochist).

ERogenous Zones of the Virgo Man

Virgo men are very receptive to caresses of the abdomen, chest and groin. They especially like it when every inch of their body is explored. Virgo guys especially like it when they touch the lower abdomen, inner thighs and genitals with their fingers, tongue and lips (although the latter is liked not only by Virgos, but by all men, without exception). It is known that men of this zodiac sign are very fond of cleanliness, so they will especially enjoy playing with their beloved woman in the shower. You can try to influence the guy's erogenous places with a trickle of water.

Erogenous Zones in Taurus Guys

Taurus has a very sensitive neck. And since this part of the body is often open, it can be affected at any convenient time. The Taurus guy will definitely like stroking the back of the head with the fingertips, moving the hair, stroking the back of the head with the fingertips, sensual kisses on the back and side of the neck, caressing the ear. From such caresses, Taurus will quickly ignite and begin to act.


You will be surprised, but the most erogenous zone of Cancer guys is the mouth. Therefore, you will not be mistaken if you arrange for your Cancer a night of dizzyingly passionate kisses with the obligatory interlacing of teeth and tongues. In addition to the mouth, Cancer men love caresses of the chest, nipples, upper abdomen and collarbone. During sex, caress your man's chest with the tips of your hair, fingers, and nipples. Bite and lick your man's nipples. Such stimulation will not go unnoticed, and you will become the best lover in the world for him.

Erogenous Zones of the Scorpio Man

Scorpios are very strong and confident zodiac signs. Men of this sign love caresses of the genitals. You can caress them with anything: hands, improvised objects, sex toys, stimulate with lubricants, tongue ... The effect of such caresses will be grandiose, exciting and incredible. The sensitivity of the erogenous zones does not disappear even if the man's groin is stimulated through clothing. You can safely, during a romantic dinner (even if it is in a restaurant), caress the penis of a man with your foot (after removing your shoes, of course). But the Scorpio man receives the most vivid experiences with the help of a blowjob. The regular caresses of the Scorpio guy will not let him leave you.


Legs are the main erogenous zone of Aquarius. A massage will go very well, in which a man can touch your intimate parts of the body with his toes. Caresses of the legs should be barely perceptible, but pleasant. As if by chance, stroke the guy's leg from ankle to calf, only carefully. You will be delighted when you see the young man's reaction. Especially a man should enjoy standing sex, when a woman wraps her legs around a man under her knees and touches his calves. All positions that allow contact with the calves and ankles increase sexual pleasure.

ERogenous Zones of the Pisces Man

Pisces love the sound of the water and warmth, so you can try having sex on a water bed and invest in a heated blanket. Jacuzzi tub or spacious shower where you won't get a brain injury from wild sex. Pisces are most receptive to caresses on the feet. Massage, soft stroking of heels and feet, kissing and biting fingers will definitely please your man. It will sound very strange, but Pisces men love to put their big toe in the woman's vagina. But if you are not ready for such experiments, you can let your boyfriend just stroke your crotch with his leg.

Erogenous Zones of the Capricorn Man

Capricorn men love slow and sliding movements on the nipples, chest, groin, stomach, mouth, face ... Touching drives Capricorns crazy, and a massage of the lower back, turning into sex, is generally delighted. Capricorn guys love large female breasts and caressing their erogenous zones with it. Gentle kisses in the navel, caresses under the knees and elbows give strong excitement. There are Capricorns who prefer to replace the female vagina during sex with the female armpit. This is a kind of perversion that you should not succumb to.


Sagittarians love caressing the thighs and buttocks, so stroking these parts of the body will allow the guy to experience incredible excitement. If you dodge and squeeze the penis of your beloved with your thighs. Sagittarius will beat in a strong ecstasy. Since the fire sign is quite relaxed, he does not hesitate to express his sexual preferences to his partner. The Sagittarius guy will get great pleasure if you rub his body with oil, and then have sex with him.

P.S. Do not flatter yourself too much: the erogenous zones are individual for everyone, and the penis remains the main one anyway. And it’s not a fact that if one Aquarius likes foot caresses, then the other will also be delighted with it. Maybe he would like kissing his back and biting his earlobes much more?