Vaseline: harmless, useful and insidious. Well-known petroleum jelly: application, appearance, varieties

In almost every home first aid kit there is a flat tin can of two halves, with the universal lubricant Vaseline.

This is a classic, familiar to us since Soviet times. Today, only the packaging has changed, the content remains the same. Not everyone knows that this famous box contains only one of the possible compositions. Namely: medical vaseline.

In addition to it, cosmetic and technical vaseline is produced. With the first options, everything is clear, especially with the scope. We will consider the difference between a technical product and medicine. Moreover, there are not so many differences.

Basic composition and application

Without exception, all products of this line (including medical vaseline) are a mixture (with a high degree of mutual distribution) of liquid and solid carbons.

At the same time, the composition remains stable in a given temperature range, and is a homogeneous mass, ready for use without prior preparation. Consistency (at operating temperature) - ointment of medium density.

Historically, natural petroleum jelly has been produced from hardwood paraffin resins, however, this technology is too expensive for technical applications.

The answer to the question: what is the difference between technical vaseline and medical vaseline is simple: a different basic basis.

  • refined petroleum oil, the properties of which are determined by the current GOST 4113-80, is a universal base for creating any type of technical petroleum jelly;
  • thickener: refractory hydrocarbons, usually paraffin and ceresin, providing the necessary consistency;
  • adhesive additives that make petroleum jelly sticky;
  • anti-corrosion additives.

As you can see, the composition is simple and effective. Of course, Vaseline cannot be used as a universal lubricant; any manufacturer of technical fluids offers a whole range of oils for this purpose.

Technical vaseline according to OST 38 1.56-74: description and properties - video

Nevertheless, he confidently occupies his niche:

Electrical Vaseline has one important feature: it practically does not conduct electricity. Therefore, it can be used to impregnate any separating materials (cloth, electrical paper) without the risk of short circuits or current leakage. Typical example: technical vaseline brand VTV 1.

In addition to industrial applications (actually for impregnation), it is used for mounting and protecting any contact connections.

In addition, grease can be applied to the sliding pads. At the point of contact, the vaseline is erased without changing the electrical conductivity of the connection. And the rest of the contact assembly will be protected from corrosion.

With different use, the consistency of the lubricant may vary. For example, liquid petroleum jelly is usually used to impregnate release materials.

Vaseline technical: characteristics according to GOST and TU

The parameters are indicated for VTV-1, but they are similar for any other brands.

  • consistency and color: uniform ointment of medium viscosity, light yellow or brown;
  • the structure is fibrous, smooth, without lumps;
  • dripping starts at: 54°C;
  • kinematic viscosity measured at 70°C: 13;
  • effective viscosity at typical temperature conditions of 0°C: 100 Pa*s;
  • ultimate strength at 20°C: start of shear not less than 1000 Pa;
  • acids and alkalis are absent.

The composition does not have a corrosive effect on metals, and effectively protects the surface from oxidation up to a temperature of 100°C.

Technical vaseline Contact 701, properties and application - video

Solubility in various liquids for any form of exposure:

  • water - insoluble;
  • electrolytes - insoluble;
  • glycerin compounds - insoluble;
  • alcohols - soluble with prolonged exposure;
  • ethers, chloroform - soluble;
  • oils - soluble with stirring.

What can replace technical vaseline?

  • from the point of view of protecting electrical terminals and other elements from corrosion - suitable;
  • as an impregnation of electrical separation materials: 100% no substitutes;
  • for lubricating surfaces - all greases have characteristics different from petroleum jelly.

Composition of medical vaseline

Vaseline medical, Petrolatum (USP), Vaselinum flavum (Ph Eur), Yellow soft paraffin (BP), Yellow petrolatum (JP) - a purified mixture of semi-solid, solid and liquid hydrocarbons having the general formula СnH2n +2. The composition of vaseline medical - a mixture of hydrocarbons consists mainly of branched and unbranched chains, it may contain some cyclic alkanes and aromatic molecules with paraffin side chains. According to the European Pharmacopoeia (EP) 2005 and US Pharmacopeia (F) 28. Medical petrolatum may contain a certain stabilizer (antioxidant, eg butyl hydroxytoluene, butyl hydroxyanisole or α-tocopherol), which is noted on the label. Introduced into pharmacy in 1876.

V. is obtained during the processing of oil from a semi-solid residue, after steam or vacuum distillation. V.'s purification is carried out by high-pressure hydrogenation or by treatment with sulfuric acid after filtration through adsorbents. A specific antioxidant may be added to the finished product.

Vaseline medical - a homogeneous greasy mass, stretches with threads, odorless, white or yellow, slightly fluoresces in daylight. White vaseline in composition and properties corresponds to yellow, only it is more completely freed from coloring substances (by bleaching). Due to the composition of medical vaseline, the applied substance on a glass plate forms an even film that does not slip or crack. Drop point - 40-60°C (EF), melting point - 38-60°C, density at 60°C - 0.815-0.880 (US F), refractive index = 1.460-1.474; practically insoluble in acetone, ethanol, hot and cold 95% ethanol, glycerin and water; soluble in gasoline, chloroform, ether, hexane and most volatile and fixed oils. Dynamic viscosity not lower than 2.5 at 60 ° C (according to Engler) rheological properties are determined by the ratio of straight chains to branched and cyclic components of the mixture. V. contains a relatively large amount of branched and cyclic hydrocarbons compared to paraffin, which makes it an ideal ointment base.

Due to its composition, medical vaseline is saponified by alkali solutions, does not change under the action of concentrated acids, does not oxidize and does not taste bitter in air. Mixes in all proportions with fatty oils (except castor) and fats. When kindled, it forms a homogeneous transparent, slightly fluorescent liquid. Vaseline medical is a stable product due to the non-reactive nature of its components; Stability problems arise from the presence of impurities that oxidize when exposed to light and cause an undesirable odor. The degree of oxidation of petroleum jelly varies according to its purity and the presence or absence of an antioxidant stabilizer. Therefore, it is recommended to heat it very much (not > 70 ° C until fluidity is achieved). Vaseline medical practically does not react with active ingredients applied to it.

Vaseline medical application

Vaseline medical is used as an ointment base and emollient, which is poorly absorbed by the skin; in emollient creams for topical use, they are used at a concentration of 10-30%, in emulsions - 4-25%, ointments - up to 100%. Included in non-adherent gauze therapeutic dressings containing APIs. Widely used medical vaseline in the manufacture of cosmetics and some food products.


  1. Zhoglo F., Wozniak V., Popovich V. et al. Excipients and their application in the technology of dosage forms: a reference guide. - Lvov, 1996;
  2. Sarafanova L.A. Food Additives: Encyclopedia. - St. Petersburg, 2004;
  3. Rowe P.C., Sheskey P.J., Owen S.C. Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients. - London-Chicago, 2006.

Latin name: Vaselinum
ATX code: D02AC
Active substance: Petrolatum
Manufacturer: Tatkhimfarmpreparaty, Russia
Vacation from the pharmacy: Over the counter
Storage conditions: t up to 25 C
Best before date: 5 years

Vaseline ointment is a cosmetic product that is characterized by a dermatoprotective effect.

Indications for use

  • Softening of the skin (prevention of dryness) after exposure to negative environmental factors (the influence of UV radiation, wind, sudden temperature changes)
  • Formation of specific protection of wounds from possible damage
  • Facilitating the implementation of various therapeutic measures (introducing a gas outlet tube or an enema into the rectum, preparing the skin before placing cans).

Composition and forms of release

The main active ingredient of pharmacy Vaseline is white softened paraffin. Vaseline according to the description does not contain additional components.

The drug is represented by an oily whitish thick mass without a pronounced aroma, packaged in tubes or jars with a volume of 25 g, 30 g, 40 g or 50 g. In addition to the ointment for external use, an instruction is attached.

Medicinal properties

White paraffin is a mixture of a number of carbohydrates (both hard and soft) that are produced from oil through a purification procedure. During the use of Vaseline, a pronounced softening effect is observed at the site of application. Ointment for external use has a beneficial effect on the process of restoring the natural hydrolipid protection on the skin surface. Thanks to this, it is possible to prevent the removal of fluid from the cells, excessive peeling is eliminated, and cracks disappear.

With external application of the drug, its penetration into the deep layers of the skin is not observed, it does not enter the systemic circulation.

Vaseline: complete instructions for use

Price: from 9 to 87 rubles.

Used exclusively externally. The drug is applied to the previously cleansed skin, with light rubbing movements. It is possible to use Vaseline for the implementation of applications.

Immediately after applying the emollient, you will need to wash your hands with soap and water under running water.

Use during pregnancy, GV

Since white paraffin, when used externally, has a local effect and does not enter the general circulation, Vaseline can be used by pregnant and lactating women if the drug is prescribed by a doctor.

Precautionary measures

Avoid getting the cream directly on the mucous membranes.

The shelf life of Vaseline is 5 years when stored at room temperature. Should not be used after the expiration date.

Cross-drug interactions

Balm can be used simultaneously with other drugs. At the moment there is no information about possible interactions.

Side effects

Vaseline is often well tolerated. In rare cases, manifestation of signs of hypersensitivity is possible.


With external use of the drug, an overdose is unlikely.


Tver Pharmaceutical Factory, Russia

Price from 19 to 30 rubles.

Salicylic ointment (salicylic vaseline) is an effective remedy for the treatment of acne and various dermatological pathologies (psoriasis, eczema, dyskeratosis). During the application of the ointment, inflammation is eliminated and the process of regeneration of the affected skin is accelerated. To exclude the development of side symptoms, it is better to use as directed by a doctor.


  • Low price
  • Helps get rid of oily seborrhea
  • The cream can be used during pregnancy.


  • Itching may occur during application.
  • Not suitable for newborns
  • The duration of treatment therapy is determined individually.

Vertex, Russia

Price from 84 to 660 rubles.

Dexpanthenol is a remedy that is used to eliminate local inflammation, activates the process of regeneration of wound surfaces and eliminates skin defects caused by dermatological diseases. The active ingredient is represented by dexpanthenol. It is produced in the form of a spray, gel, and also a solution.


  • low price
  • Assigned to babies
  • Easy to apply
  • It is released from the pharmacy without a prescription.


  • Not prescribed for hemophilia
  • Against the background of dexpanthenol therapy, local manifestations of allergies may appear.
  • Has no antibacterial effect.

There are many pharmaceutical and folk remedies for hemorrhoids. Among them, an inexpensive and proven remedy - medical vaseline - occupies a place of honor.

The composition and action of the ointment

Medical vaseline is produced by Russian manufacturers, such as Medkhim ZAO and others. The composition of the ointment includes white soft paraffin and cerizin. Vaseline ointment has a white or cloudy-white color with a yellowish tint, does not smell of anything (or with a barely distinguishable specific "machine" smell).

Vaseline ointment has a white or cloudy-white color with a yellowish tint, does not smell of anything (or with a barely distinguishable specific "machine" smell).

In medicine and cosmetology, 2 types of petroleum jelly are used: artificial and natural. The first is obtained from petroleum products with the addition of mineral oils and purified. Natural Vaseline is made from vegetable resins. It is more pleasing to the eye (translucent) and has antiseptic properties. Both types can (especially in tandem with lanolin) retain water.

Vaseline does not dissolve in water, so it is difficult to wash off the skin.

Pharmacological properties of Vaseline ointment



The drug is not absorbed into the blood, non-toxic, acts only on the surface of the skin, without penetrating into its deeper layers. Vaseline helps:

What is used for

It has long been used around the world for various purposes. In industry - as a lubricant and anti-corrosion protection of metals, as well as for the impregnation of paper, fabrics in electrical engineering.

Vaseline is widely used in medicine. The ointment has a dermatoprotective property, has a softening effect. The product lubricates damaged areas of the skin throughout the body.

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With a runny nose, the ointment is applied to the wings of the nose and the nasolabial triangle to relieve irritation from the constant removal of mucus and rubbing the skin with a handkerchief.

Vaseline also helps in the treatment of psoriasis: it makes the tightened healing wounds softer, and makes the spots less itchy.

In beauty procedures, it is used to maintain the elasticity of the upper skin and get rid of the dryness of the epidermis. Vaseline from plant resins is especially valuable in cosmetology. It is preferred by those who do not like the slight kerosene smell that can come from a medical ointment.

Vaseline oil is used as a cosmetic product for the face: its structure is more suitable for the preparation of masks, it mixes well with vegetable extracts and other ingredients of cosmetic formulations.

Neither ointment nor oil can enrich the epidermis with vitamins and minerals, but they are in demand in cosmetology because of their ability to retain water in skin tissues. This "skill" of Vaseline is extremely important for owners of dry skin.

With hemorrhoids

Vaseline will provide good help in combination with the drugs and procedures prescribed by the doctor, but will not be able to replace medicines, since it does not have a pronounced targeted therapeutic effect, but helps to reduce the manifestations of the disease.

Application of vaseline ointment

Vaseline can be used both for chronic hemorrhoids and for its exacerbation. Vaseline ointment and oil help relieve inflammation, forming an impermeable film on the mucous membrane, which protects against infection and retains moisture, preventing dryness of the rectal mucosa. This favors the tightening of small cracks. If you take natural petroleum jelly for treatment, it will have an antiseptic effect due to the composition of the organic resins from which it is made.

A dermatoprotective agent is applied up to 3 times a day (depending on the severity of the symptoms). Before this, hygiene is performed and clean skin and rectal mucosa are lubricated. Thanks to the waterproof and airtight film protection, as well as minimizing contact with microbes and bacteria, tissues regenerate faster and a person feels better and more comfortable to defecate with hemorrhoids.

Vaseline ointment can be mixed with zinc in equal proportions of 1: 1 (taking each component the size of a large pea). Before the procedure, wash the buttocks area. After the composition is applied, a cotton pad or gauze folded several times can be applied to the anus so that the ointment does not leak out and stain the laundry. Manipulation is recommended to be done in the evenings, 1 time per day for 7 days.

The ointment will be most beneficial after taking baths with anti-inflammatory herbs (calendula, chamomile, sage). These herbs are brewed like this: take 2 tbsp. l. medicinal raw materials and pour boiling water. Add to the bath or basin, take the procedure for 15-20 minutes.

Before using traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of hemorrhoids that have appeared, it is advisable to consult your doctor.

Often homemade rectal suppositories are made from vaseline oil. To do this, take:

  • 2 tbsp. l. oils;
  • 1 st. l. zinc ointment;
  • 30-40 g fresh butter.

The components are mixed and cleaned in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. After solidification, small bars are formed from the mass in the form of candles. Enter into the anus at night every day until the symptoms are relieved.

Contraindications to the use of Vaseline ointment

It is not recommended to use the ointment for severe bleeding from the rectum, obstruction of fecal masses in the intestines, for wounds and ulcers of a bacterial cause, and if pus is released from the skin. Elevated body temperature is also a contraindication to the use of ointment.

Side effects

The ointment is well tolerated, but in some cases it can cause allergies or skin irritation with frequent use.


If you often and uncontrollably use ointment and oil, then the effect may be the opposite of what is expected.

The skin must breathe and take air baths, especially prone to diaper rash and irritation. The film that appears on the epidermis after applying the product, on the one hand, protects it from external environmental influences, and on the other hand, does not allow the skin to be saturated with oxygen. Therefore, the skin must be allowed to breathe and rest from the protective film, and this requires alternating vaseline products with other drugs.

special instructions

Features of the use of the drug vary depending on the age and condition of the person.

During pregnancy and lactation

Vaseline ointment can be used by pregnant and lactating women as a harmless and natural remedy that has a softening effect to prevent moisture loss from the skin of the hands and face, if there are no allergies and contraindications.

Application in childhood

The tool is used in the care of delicate children's skin, if there are no allergic reactions to the components and the skin of the child is healthy.

Lubricate the baby's cheeks or lips with the product before going outside in frosty winter weather.

drug interaction

Vaseline ointment contains a neutral substance that does not react with any of the medications.

Vaseline-based analogues

Similar drugs, but with a wider range of actions, include:

  1. Zinocap.
  2. Revasil.
  3. Actovegin.
  4. salicylic ointment.
  5. Glycerin etc.

Terms and conditions of storage

The product should be stored in a dark, dry place at a temperature not exceeding 15 ° C (possibly in the refrigerator). Vaseline ointment is good for 5 years.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

The ointment is available without a prescription.


The drug belongs to the cheap available means. The price varies between 20-50 rubles.

21 Vaseline Uses You Didn't Know About

vaseline oil for constipation

Vaseline is well known to many since childhood. This accessible and still not lost popularity the product consists of a mixture of liquid and solid carbohydrates, has a thick consistency and color from transparent to caramel.

Vaseline is of artificial and natural origin, depending on the purpose of use, it is divided into technical, medical and cosmetic.


Vaseline, when applied to the skin, forms the thinnest film that helps to avoid loss of moisture from the skin. This property is indispensable in frosty or windy weather, when, under the influence of adverse conditions, the skin quickly dry and rough.

The use of petroleum jelly prevents weathering and cracking of the epidermis.

Most creams cannot cope with this task - the high water content in cosmetics leads to the fact that in severe frosts they just freeze thus exacerbating skin damage.

It is known that the inhabitants of the Far North lubricate their faces fish oil before going outside in the cold season.

But since this remedy has a strong odor and an unpleasant consistency, in the middle lane they prefer to replace it with inexpensive and no less effective petroleum jelly.

The film formed by this popular remedy protects the face well from external pollution. Without penetrating deep into the dermis, Vaseline prevents it from entering the pores infections and formation of inflammatory processes.

Protection of the epidermis is especially necessary after peeling or dermabrasion, when the young layers of the skin are characterized by increased sensitivity and trauma.


Contrary to popular belief, petroleum jelly cannot effectively moisturize the skin. He does not penetrate through pores and serves only as protection against moisture loss.

A layer of Vaseline on the face does not allow the skin to "breathe", pores get clogged and the output of products of metabolic processes is disturbed.

A dense film of the product retains sebum on the face, thereby aggravating oily skin. The evaporation of water from the surface of the epidermis is disrupted, which can lead to slight swelling.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, special attention should be paid to the creams you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of creams of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are referred to as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens negatively affect the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalances. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, our editorial experts conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.


Despite the controversial properties of the product, vaseline widely applied in cosmetics (both industrial and home-made):

In addition, Vaseline makes an excellent home scrub for face.

It is enough just to mix the product with sea or ordinary coarse salt and apply on the face, gently rubbing into problem areas.

prevent dehydration sensitive skin around the eyes in rooms with low humidity will help applying the product at night in a small amount. In the morning, it is recommended to wash your face with cold water or wipe your face with ice cubes.

This method will keep the skin moist and prevent the formation of new wrinkles.

Mask Recipes

Based on petroleum jelly, there are a large number of recipes for skin care, they efficiency repeatedly tested by time. The composition of the masks includes inexpensive components that can be easily bought at any pharmacy or supermarket.

Rejuvenating mask: combine a tablespoon of honey with a spoon, add five drops of pharmacy. Mix one teaspoon of cosmetic vaseline with the resulting mass.

Mix and apply on the face after steaming.

Wash off with cool water after 15 minutes. We store the mixture in the refrigerator.

Moisturizing mask: rub finely a quarter, add a spoonful of petroleum jelly and a spoonful of ground oatmeal. The mixture is applied to the face for 20 minutes. Repeat every evening for two weeks.

Mask for chapped lips: mix a spoonful of thick sour cream with an equal amount of vaseline. Lubricate the lips with a mixture every evening in the cold season. Such a mask will cope with cracks and peeling in a few days.

Effect of use

Protective properties vaseline as part of homemade masks will most favorably affect the condition of the skin:

  1. At low temperatures, the skin will remain smooth and velvety.
  2. Small wrinkles will become less noticeable.
  3. Damage and cracks in the epidermis will heal quickly.

The film formed by petroleum jelly when applied to the face as part of masks will allow the rest of the therapeutic components penetrate deeply into the pores.

Since Vaseline does not allow oxygen to enter the skin cells, too frequent use masks can clog pores and lead to acne.

Application a large number means for the night will cause the formation of edema and bags under the eyes. Therefore, it is recommended to use masks no more than twice a week.

In case of visible damage to the skin under the influence of weather conditions, it is allowed daily application therapeutic masks until full recovery.


Vaseline rarely causes allergic manifestations.

Only individual intolerance to the drug can serve as a contraindication.

Don't forget to check before buying. best before date indicated on the back of the jar.

Vaseline is not a skin remedy, but its use will help to resist aggressive environmental influences. Its competent use will quickly relieve the skin of damage and keep it smooth and elastic.

Recipe lip balm based on homemade vaseline in this video: