Green spinel. Spinel stone - a stone of good people

Spinel is a rare stone that is a combination of magnesium oxide and aluminum. This beautiful mineral With a high degree transparency and brilliance. Besides, given stone has a rich color palette.

The word spinel itself is translated from Latin as “little thorn”, and from Greek as “spark”. For the first time in Europe, this mineral was heard from Mark Paul in the 12th century. The traveler in those days visited the Pamirs, where this stone was mined. However, then he was confused with. Only a few centuries later, mineralogists found out that this stone has nothing to do with ruby ​​and is a separate mineral. During the entire period of excavations, spinel had the following names - lal, rubicel, picotite and ceylonite.

The stone, the photo of which is presented on our website, is very popular in our time, not only because of its external attractiveness, but also due to the fact that it has magical and healing properties.

The mineral spinel has a very diverse composition, which determines the color of the stone. That is why it has many varieties:

To date, there are many more types of spinel. Not all of them are precious stones, so not all minerals are used in jewelry. The most expensive and valuable stone is the red spinel. In addition, an orange-colored mineral is highly valued. In jewelry, blue and neon stones are used. Purple spinel and minerals pink shade are also valuable and more affordable than previous options. The most affordable stones are blue and gray-blue spinel.

The magical properties of Spinel

Spinel has magical properties. It helps to change the owner's life in better side. If a person has experienced some kind of shock and has lost interest in everything that happens, then this mineral will return the meaning of life to him. It will give a charge of positive energy and strength to make it easier to endure all difficulties.

Spinel brings good luck. Thanks to this stone, success will accompany a person in everything - in a career, in love, etc.

In addition, spinel develops the gift of clairvoyance. Therefore, the mineral is very popular with magicians, shamans and sorcerers. This stone helps to "see" what will happen in the near future.

The characteristics of this mineral can also be attributed to the fact that it gives protection from evil forces and evil witchcraft. It protects the owner from any negative impact.

Spinel helps to achieve your goals. It gives strength so that a person can overcome all the difficulties that stand in his way.

Spinel stone increases the attractiveness of the owner or owner in the eyes of the opposite sex. That is why with its help you can find your soul mate and build a strong family.

This mineral should not be worn by people with evil intentions. IN this case the stone will bring only troubles and failures to the owner himself.

The healing properties of the stone

Stone specialists say that spinel has medicinal properties. The first mention of the use of this stone for therapeutic purposes was found in the writings of the healer Paracelsus. He used the powder of this mineral to heal the most complex ailments.

The healing properties of a mineral depend on its shade. So, black spinel accelerates the healing process of soft tissues. It is used for wounds, bruises and cuts. In addition, the mineral stops hemorrhages. Also, black spinel helps to normalize low blood pressure, which is especially important for hypotensive patients.

Red spinel protects a person from viral infections and enhances the body's defenses. In addition, the mineral improves blood composition and circulation. It is believed that the stone increases sexual activity men and women.

Pink spinel has a positive effect on the condition nervous system. She calms, normalizes unstable emotional background and relieve depression. In addition, this mineral helps to cope with stress and normalizes sleep. In addition, it is recommended to wear it to people who suffer from pathologies of the epidermis. It is believed that such stones can be cleansed skin from plaques of psoriasis and various rashes.

Green spinel shoots headache and helps with migraines. In addition, it improves the activity of the heart and normalizes arterial pressure. Also, a green-colored mineral improves vision and relieves eye fatigue. To do this, you need to regularly look at it closely.

Blue spinel is recommended for use in any pathology gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it has a positive effect on the respiratory system. Spinel with blue hues normalizes metabolic processes body and helps to lose weight.

Who suits Spinel according to the zodiac sign

Spinel has a powerful energy, so astrologers do not recommend using it for all zodiac signs.

Spinel compatibility with zodiac sign. Table 1.

The zodiac sign Leo is ideally compatible with spinel in terms of energy. The stone bestows wisdom on the representatives of this zodiac sign. In addition, the mineral will help them achieve their goals and cope with all the difficulties that may arise. Any undertaking by Leo with this stone will be crowned with success.

Capricorns and Aquarius can increase their physical endurance with the help of spinel. Pisces, Libra and Taurus can also use spinel as a talisman. The mineral will help the representatives of these zodiac signs find their love and climb the corporate ladder. In addition, it will help to find a way out difficult situation and make the right decision.

The zodiac sign Cancer cannot use a spinel as a talisman. The fact is that the mineral gives representatives of this zodiac sign peace and tranquility. Because of this, they can become too lazy and lose all interest in everything that happens.

The rest of the signs of the zodiac may wear a spinel as an ornament rather than a talisman. It won't do them any good or harm.

Spinel is a rare stone and strong talisman. As an amulet, the mineral should be worn in the form of earrings or a ring that must be worn on the nameless or forefinger left hand. In addition, experts advise enclosing it in a gold frame. Only in this way will the stone "work" in full force.

Spinel is a rather unusual and very beautiful gemstone. Thanks to its superb brilliance, rich color scheme, as well as various physical properties, it can be safely classified as unusual and even rare stones. It is believed that spinel will bring love and love to its owner. happy life. However, it should be borne in mind that the nature of this mineral is very variable and requires careful attitude to yourself.

From the Latin language, the name of the stone "spina" or "spinelle" literally translates as "small thorn", and the Greek word "spinos" means "spark, sparkle". In our country, the stone got its name in honor of the mountain where it was mined.

The history of the origin of spinel

For the first time about spinel, as a jewelry gem, it became known from the famous traveler M. Polo, who visited the Pamir Mountains in the 13th century. It was here, in one of the regions of the Pamirs, in the little-known field of Kukhilale, that this stone was mined since the 9th century. True, at that time it was constantly confused with rubies and corundum, so Marco Polo also called the current spinel stone deposit “ruby mines”. Many years later, as a result of the development of science, it was found that spinel is a separate group of minerals with special physical properties.

Regardless of the name of the gem, spinel has been loved since ancient times, because many peoples considered this stone the most beautiful, expensive, luxurious and, most importantly, rare mineral.

It is worth noting the fact that it was with this gem of a unique dark red color that the imperial crown of Catherine II was inlaid in 1762. The spinel also adorned the famous Monomakh's Cap.

For several centuries of its existence, this stone has been endowed with several names, the most famous of which are: lal, rubicel, celonite, picotite and noble spinel.

In Rus', this stone was also appreciated and rightfully equated with emeralds, sapphires and amethysts. Today it can be found in jewelry along with pearls and diamonds.

Types and colors of gemstone

Due to the content of various impurities in spinel, this mineral can easily acquire any shades - from colorless to black. It is important to note that this stone can also vary in transparency: it ranges from transparent to cloudy.

Today, during the extraction of stone, spinel is found in the form of crystals. different sizes, which are often combined into druze.

Now a considerable number of varieties of the gem are known, which differ in color and degree of transparency. Spinel stone can be either colorless or blue, purple, blue, orange, pink, yellow, green, red and even black.

But natural version spinels are quite difficult to find today. Although many mineral deposits are known in the world, the color of the stone mined in them "leaves much to be desired." If, however, a gem-quality red spinel falls into the hands of a master, he will make every effort to show this stone in all its glory.

It is known that not all varieties of spinel in our time are precious stones and bear the title of jewelry. Minerologists have now identified a large number of natural varieties of stone, while its shades of dark color (black, brown) belong to ordinary spinels and are not used in jewelry production.

The most valuable among specialists is spinel of red and orange hues, strongly reminiscent of modern ruby ​​in color, as well as gems of neon and dark blue hues. Unfortunately, today large and natural specimens of this gem are quite rare, so their cost, you guessed it, is considerable.

Spinel created in the laboratory may have varied color, the most popular of which is a blue tint. In my own way appearance this stone is very similar to sapphire or aquamarine.

Mineral deposits

Large-scale and well-known mineral deposits are located in Thailand, Kampuchea, and Vietnam. Less famous deposits are found in Australia, India and Madagascar.

The most expensive types of red spinel are located in Myanmar, and the blue ones are in Sri Lanka.

Spinel price

Since this stone is a rather expensive mineral, therefore it low price should immediately alert, so as not to acquire a fake. For example, the cost of 1 carat of the most inexpensive spinel model (gray-blue shade) is approximately $25. The price of purple spinels often reaches up to $200. Spinel pink and blue color costs from 100 to 300 dollars. The price of the rarest and most famous red spinel reaches more than 600 dollars per 1 carat.

Scientific research on the synthesis of spinel was quickly crowned with success, although the first result obtained was truly accidental. But it was he who served as an impetus for the work on the production of synthetic spinel, the study of its properties and practical application.

At present, this synthetic mineral is widely used in various devices as an optical and dielectric material.

Synthetic spinel is not widely used as a jewelry raw material. For these purposes, spinels are most often used, painted in bright colors with chromium, manganese, iron, copper and cobalt.

Spinel stone and its magical properties

Spinel is considered to be a stone with strong magical properties. He can easily change a person's life for the better, and even revive a person who has given up on himself. However, he helps only sincere people with the best intentions. It is to them that he is able to bring love and good luck, help develop the gift of foresight, predict the future and fulfill the intended goals.

Then, as greedy and evil people it is better not to even touch this stone, as it can even destroy them.

Energetically spinel is tied to three celestial bodies- Jupiter, Venus and the Sun, so the mineral can work both in full power and in part, its effect on a person is changeable.

The magical properties of the stone are best manifested when it is in a gold frame. In the East, spinel has been widely used to attract the sexual energy of both partners, as well as to restore male power. For unmarried women, the stone helped to attract love and passion into their lives.

The healing properties of the gem

The miraculous healing properties of the stone have been known to the people since ancient times. They were first described by the famous healer and occultist Paracelsus, who widely used the powder of this stone to treat a variety of diseases.

According to modern experts, spinel perfectly helps to cope with many problems of our health. It has general strengthening properties, activates blood circulation, helps to treat various skin diseases, has a positive effect on myopia, relieves joint and muscle pain. At the same time, different colors of spinel have different medicinal properties:

  • A red stone improves and promotes blood circulation, strengthens the immune system and supports the body during paralysis. In the East, in ancient times, red spinel was considered an excellent sexual stimulant and was used by men to attract women. Ancient sorcerers used this red-colored stone to make amulets, which were used to increase sexual activity. It is for this reason that it is not recommended to give a red stone to children and adolescents, so as not to strengthen their temperament at such a vulnerable age.
  • A green-colored stone relieves headache and joint pain, will help people suffering from heart problems, and also normalizes blood pressure and restores metabolism. Also, green spinel helps with eye problems.
  • Pink spinel has a sedative effect, helps to cure skin diseases and relieve insomnia.
  • A blue stone will help with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as with diseases of the lungs, kidneys, endocrine system and liver.
  • A black gem will remove pain with wounds and bruises, increase blood pressure, improve well-being and reduce all types of bleeding.

Spinel and zodiac signs

Wear spinel in jewelry best in earrings and a ring worn on the index or ring finger left hand. Most of all, it will suit all the fire signs of the Zodiac (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), as well as Aquarius and Capricorn. He is able to improve their physical, intellectual and strong-willed qualities, as well as add energy and a surge of strength.

It is important to note that spinel jewelry is also useful for signs such as Libra and Taurus. And for Pisces, it will be the best of all they offer. For representatives of these signs, spinel will give additional strength. This will be especially necessary for those whose work is associated with constant traveling and the need to quickly make the right decisions.

Diamond - description and properties of the stone Pomegranate - a stone of love and fidelity

No one can say for sure where the name spinel came from. Possibly from the Latin spina, needle, since the spinel crystal is pointed, like a needle. The second option - from the Greek spinos - a spark, because the faceted mineral has a bright luster in combination with a rich color.

Spinel has been known to people for a long time, but such a name is not mentioned in ancient treatises. Perhaps it was not isolated as a separate type of mineral and was attributed to carbuncles. In Russia, it was called lal and was mined starting from the 9th century in the Pamirs in the Kukhilale deposit. In the XIII century, these places were visited by Marco Polo. True, here too confusion arose with the classification of the stone, therefore, in the traveler's notes, the stone is called a ruby.

Two historical spinels are stored in the English treasury at once. These two stones are worth talking about in more detail.

In the West it is called "Timur's Ruby" after its first known owner, Tamerlane, and in the East it is called "Khiraj-i-Alam (Tribute of Peace). This is one of the largest spinels weighing 352 carats. The stone is not cut; ancient writings have been preserved on it, according to which scientists have traced a long way stone from owner to owner, from country to country. The stone came to Tamerlane after the capture of Delhi, from where it was transported to Samarkand. Then the heirs of Tamerlane owned the jewel, and when the last representative of the family died, power and the stone passed to the new rulers of Safavi. A representative of this family presented the jewel to the Mughals. The jewel was with them until the dynasty fell. After the capture of India by Shah Nadir, the famous mineral, along with the Koh-i-Nor diamond, was taken to Persia, and then transported to Lahore, where they remained until all the jewels passed into the hands of the East India Company. Timur's ruby ​​was given to Queen Victoria. Since then, it has been in Buckingham Palace.

The "Ruby of the Black Prince" is inserted into the center of the cross of the English crown. It is not faceted, only polished, therefore it has irregular shape, and from the previous owners, a hole was left on the stone to wear it as a pendant. Now this place is covered by a diamond. Where the stone was found and who its first owner is unknown. The history known to us begins in 1367. At that time, it was kept in the treasury of the King of Grenada. This country was taken over by the cunning king of Castile, Don Pedro, who killed the ruler of Grenada. Along with the power, Don Pedro received all the jewels. A little later, in one of the battles, the Black Prince helped him win. As a reward for this, Don Pedro gave him a jewel. The further history of the stone is unknown. Again, it is mentioned as an ornament on the helmet of Henry V. In the terrible battle of Agincourt, the king was dealt a blow that could have been fatal, but the helmet held back the onslaught and the ruler remained unharmed. The stone was not damaged either. In the 17th century, jewels belonging to the crown were sold. Spinel was put up for sale at an unimaginably low price - 4 pounds. The person who bought it later returned it to the treasury.

Chemical and physical properties

Spinel according to modern classification belongs to the precious stones of the first group. The composition is aluminum oxide and magnesium oxide. The chemical composition of the mineral is very simple: a magnesium atom is connected to two aluminum atoms and surrounded by four oxygen atoms. If magnesium and aluminum are replaced by zinc, manganese or iron in the composition of the stone, then the color and transparency change.

The properties are described in the table:

Due to its brightness, brilliance and hardness, it is valued as a gemstone along with diamond, ruby ​​and emerald. But the spinel is cheaper and often pretends to be a ruby ​​in jewelry.

Varieties of stone

It is difficult to make a single classification, because, depending on the impurities, the stones come in different colors and transparency. It is conditionally possible to divide spinels into ordinary and noble ones. The first are dark opaque minerals. For example, pleonast and ceylonite are black, often with a green or blue tint. They are not used in the manufacture of jewelry. The noble species is divided into subspecies depending on the color.

No significant deposits have been discovered in Russia. Occasionally, spinel is found in the Southern Urals in association with other minerals. The ancient large deposit in the Pamirs. Also, mining is carried out in Sri Lanka, in Burma, in Myanmar.

Medicinal properties

How remedy it has been in use since Ancient Rus'. Red spinel according to the principle of compliance was used to treat diseases associated with blood and cardiovascular system. They also stopped bleeding, treated infections and inflammations.

Modern lithotherapists distinguish the following healing properties of the stone:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • restores visual acuity;
  • may relieve paralysis;
  • treats sexual dysfunction in men;
  • relieves irritability and nervous disorders;
  • restores metabolism;
  • relieves pain syndromes;
  • treats infertility in women;
  • normalizes pressure;
  • relieves pain during intestinal colic.

Red spinel awakens passion, so it should not be used by teenagers, because they have hormonal background not settled yet. This is a talisman mature men who want to attract the attention of women, as well as increase sexual energy. Transparent spinel is used for medicinal and magical purposes. light shades. For example, black does not have supernatural properties.

magical properties

Spinel is not a simple stone. It is under the control of three luminaries at once: the Sun, Jupiter, Venus. In this regard, it is able to have both a beneficial effect on the host and harm. It is believed that spinel jewelry should not be worn every day.

Experts in the field of esotericism warn that the stone helps only sincere people, without bad intentions. He will only harm the deceitful and evil, causing confusion in business and personal life. In general, he does not tolerate cruelty. An amulet with it will protect its owner from communicating with unkind people.

The main magical property of the mineral is to establish connections between people, as well as change the life of its owner. Spinel is able to make a person more attractive in the eyes of others, add positive and charm to him. Along with this come success, well-being, career. The spinel stone has an amazing feature of forming an aura favorable for changes. Even if the desires of the owner are not yet fully formed, and he himself is not aware of what needs to be changed, the talisman is already working and one success follows another, bringing changes with it. This feature makes spinel an indispensable amulet for desperate people who do not know which direction to move.

Spinel of pink and red colors tends to attract love and romance into the life of the owner. It is a symbol of friendship, devotion, purity and constancy. Red spinel will help you meet the person of your life, and revive the family former passion in a relationship with a spouse.

Astrologers advise lions to use spinel. This sign of the zodiac under the influence of the talisman will be charming and noble, successful in all matters, will achieve all the goals. It will become a source of energy for the lion, help to avoid a breakdown, drive away black forces.

The rest of the signs should be treated with caution to spinel amulets.

  • this mineral will add sexuality to the ram;
  • the sign of the zodiac Taurus under the influence of spinel will find love, advance in a career;
  • the twins will find harmony in the soul and become more positive;
  • virgins will become businesslike and energetic;
  • scales will stop doubting, will quickly make the right decisions;
  • Sagittarius will make new useful acquaintances;
  • Capricorn will be easy and cheerful in communication;
  • fish will get good luck in business, they will begin to bring what they started to the end.

Synthetic spinel

Discovery of a way to do artificial spinel happened by accident. The initial task of the researchers was to make a blue sapphire. For this, a mixture of aluminum oxide, calcium, magnesium and cobalt was used. The result is spinel. For jewelry industry crystals are made bright colors with impurities of chromium, iron, cobalt, copper. Such stones impersonate not only natural spinel, but also some other minerals. In addition, laboratory-grown spinel is used in industry. It is used as a dielectric, optical material, substrate in electronic circuits.

Spinel products

The price of these jewelry is high and depends on the size, color and quality of the stone. For example, one carat of red spinel costs about $1,000. Grey-blue is cheaper than $20 - $30 per carat.

The price should be the determining factor in determining a fake, since it is difficult to distinguish an artificial mineral from a natural one. synthetic stone characterized by the presence of cleavage, patterns, birefringence, bright colors. If you buy jewelry in a store, then the seller must have documents on the stone, which indicates the origin of the mineral.

The cheapest counterfeit spinel with stained glass can be identified by running a stone over the glass. With a hardness of 8 units, spinel will easily leave a scratch. In addition, the stone does not conduct heat well, which means that after touching it remains cold for some time.

Spinel is not a capricious stone to care for. It is enough to follow these rules:

  • do not wear constantly, so as not to wear out the edges;
  • store in a separate soft box;
  • protect from shock and sudden changes temperatures;
  • before washing homework or physical education, remove jewelry;
  • protect from being hit chemical substances and cosmetics;
  • clean soft cloth. At heavy pollution rinse with running water or special solutions.

At proper care spinel will please the owner for a long time with its tints of color. Proof of this is the famous gems, which have changed owners, countries for many centuries, witnessed wars, but continue to be beautiful. This imperial stone, decorating the Monomakh's cap, the crown of Catherine II and the crown of the British Empire.

It is difficult to find in nature a more wonderful and beautiful red crystal than the noble spinel. This bright stone with play of light radiates warmth and charm. Spinel will certainly bring love and a happy life to its owner. But, you should know that the mineral has a changeable character and requires a careful attitude.

Description and history of the stone

Spinel is precious gemstone of the first order. It is one of the unusual and rare crystals due to its rich color, gloss and physical properties.

  • Minerals are usually small in size. However, sometimes there may be specimens weighing about a pood and more than a foot long.
  • Depending on the transparency, color and terrain, the stones have a variety of names: noble spinel, lal, rubicel, celonite, picotite.
  • The luster of the crystals is bright glassy.
  • Pure stones are transparent and colorless, however, they are rare in nature.
  • The red color of the crystals determines the presence of chromium ions. The purple-red color is associated with the presence of manganese, and the yellowish color is associated with an admixture of iron.
  • The hardness of spinel on the Mohs scale is eight. This is only two units lower than that of a diamond.

A bit of history

  • As a jewelry stone, spinel was first mentioned back in the thirteenth century. At that time, these crystals were being mined in the Kuhilale deposit. However, the famous traveler Marco Polo, who visited the Pamirs, mentioned this deposit as "ruby mines".
  • Only in the nineteenth century, thanks to the development of science, it was possible to find out that the stone has inherent only to it physical properties and is a separate group of minerals. After that, many pieces of jewelry were subjected to careful examination, and it turned out that stones mistaken for rubies were actually spinels.
  • One of the most famous stones in history is a spinel called "Ruby Black Prince". ABOUT It was presented for military prowess to the Prince of Aquitaine and Wales by the King of Castile in 1376.
  • From 1415 known mineral began to own King Henry V, who always carried the stone with him. During the Hundred Years War, in one of the battles, the helmet of the monarch was split with a sword blow, but the king did not die. Therefore, it is believed that the "Black Prince" saved his life.
  • During the bourgeois revolution, the "Ruby Black Prince" disappeared and returned to royal family only during the restoration of the monarchy in 1660. Since then, he has adorned the crowns of English monarchs.
  • The famous crystal "Timur's Ruby", which once belonged to the conqueror Tamerlane, has a weight of three hundred and sixty-one carats.
  • In the Louvre in Paris there is a spinel, which was decorated with the crown of the French monarchs. The weight of the stone is one hundred and five carats.
  • And today it is stored in Diamond Fund Moscow dark red crystal adorning the crown of Catherine the Great.

Until recently, all these gems were considered natural rubies, and only with the help of advanced diagnostic methods, scientists were able to establish their true origin.

Varieties of crystals

The stone has a large number of varieties that differ in the degree of transparency and color.

1. Noble spinel- these are transparent crystals, painted in different beautiful colors:

  • ruby stone has rich red hues;
  • oriental amethyst - purple;
  • ruby-bale - pink;
  • rubicella - orange-red;
  • sapphire spinel - blue or pale blue.

The main deposits of these stones are India, Borneo and Ceylon.

2. Chrome spinel or picotite is black. In this stone, part of the aluminum is replaced by chromium.

3. Ordinary spinel, ceylonite or pleonast is distinguished by a high iron content and has a dark green or dark brown color. In Russia, there are many deposits of pleonast in the Nazyam and Shishim mountains, as well as in the Urals.

4. Ganit or zinc spinel has Blue colour, sometimes with a purple tint. In it, magnesium is replaced by zinc and iron.

Spinel stone - healing properties

The stone is quite fragile, so it can be easily turned into powder. Ancient healers used this property of the gem and treated burns and wounds with powder. Oriental healers use the crystal to treat infectious diseases.

Properties and compatibility with zodiac signs

The strong magical properties of spinel are capable of drastically change fate person for the better. True, the stone helps only sincere kind people who have good intentions.

  • The crystal will rejuvenate its owner physically and spiritually, energize, help find friends and bring happiness.
  • In the East, red gems are considered sexual stimulants. Therefore, they are recommended to men to increase sexual activity and attract female attention.
  • Earrings or rings with a mineral can attract family happiness and love.
  • In Europe, an amulet with a crystal was worn for rejuvenation. It was believed that he could prolong years of life.
  • The overcoat is a talisman for those whose work requires quick decisions and for those who travel a lot.

You can't wear a talisman all the time. The stone is not only able to pump up energy, but also disempower its owner.

A bit of astrology

  • As an amulet, it is recommended to wear jewelry with spinel for Taurus, Pisces and Libra. In their life, the stone will attract good luck and the favor of the opposite sex. The gem will become especially great support for women - Pisces.
  • Most of all, the crystal is suitable for people who were born under the sign of Leo. He will improve their intellectual and volitional abilities, give them additional strength and energy.
  • Cancers are best not to wear jewelry made from these gems. People born under this zodiac sign can be made unnecessarily lazy by a stone.

When buying jewelry with spinel, you need to remember that the gem is quite fragile and over time, it can be erased on the edges. For this reason, it must be handled with care.

  • Jewelry with a stone is best stored in a box with a soft inner lining.
  • Before performing physical work, be sure to remove.
  • It is not recommended to wear jewelry with this crystal every day.
  • The stone must be protected from falls, shocks and contact with aggressive chemical environment.
  • Once every three to five months, the gem should be cleaned with a mild soapy solution using a toothbrush.

Multicolored mineral, which is a symbol of happiness in love relationships, beautiful to look at and dear to jewelers. A stone called spinel can also be called balash, akerite, lal, rubicel, celonite, picotite. Semi-precious stone with an amazing palette of colors and shades. The ancient name for spinel is "lal". This word comes from Indo-Iranian roots and literally means "red". Interestingly, not only spinel was called lala, but also other gems with such properties. Regardless of the exact name of the mineral, it has always been valuable due to its color and was loved by luxury connoisseurs as one of the most beautiful, expensive, even luxurious and, what adds to its value, rare minerals.

The properties and characteristics of the spinel stone include a small size of crystals, the mass is usually no more than 12 carats. Has a glassy sheen. The form is octahedral, dodecahedral, others are quite rare. The degree of resistance to mechanical stress is very low, the jewelry inserts of their gem quickly wear out and fade, especially in corners and ribs.

Varieties and characteristics of spinel

There are varieties of jewelry spinel:


Bale ruby;







The photo shows an image of a spinel stone, where you can admire the color saturation and the symmetry of the shape:

History of spinnel

"Lalami", or "lallami", in the Middle Ages was called bright red stones that were harder than carbuncles and hyacinths. In those days, there was no knowledge that different gems have completely different chemical composition and they have nothing in common. The nature of all precious stones was supposed to be the same, and the value was determined only by color and by whether one stone could scratch another. In Ancient Rus', where it was already known, it was used as a means to quench thirst.

The history of spinel dates back to 1779, when the famous Belgian mineralogist Jean Demest discovered that lal is a completely independent mineral. He called the mineral "spinel" discovered by him, from the Latin "spinella" - "small thorn", because natural crystal spinel really resembles a thorn. The Greek word "spinos" is translated as a spark, which also speaks of the nature of the mineral.

Spinel as a precious stone and jewelry gem became known from the traveler Marco Polo, who visited the Pamir Mountains back in the 13th century: in one of the mountainous regions, the Kuhilale deposit, which is not so well known, the mineral has been mined since the 9th century. However, at the same time, it did not stand out as a separate group of minerals that has its own physical properties, but was confused with corundum and. Marco Polo named the deposit “ruby mines”.

An interesting fact is that one of these gems, a unique dark red stone, was encrusted with the crown of Empress Catherine II herself. The same mineral was on the well-known Cap of Monomakh.

Spinel deposits are known in Sri Lanka, in Afghanistan (Badakhshan province), and also in Burma. Quite recently, gem-quality spinels have been discovered in Vietnam (Luk Yen region), Tanzania (Mahenge and Matombo regions), Kenya (Tsavo region) and Madagascar, near the city of Ilakaka. The most famous deposits of red spinel are the placers of the Mogok Valley (Myanmar), where they are mined in parallel with ruby, because it is still difficult to distinguish them during mining.

How to distinguish a spinel gemstone from a semiprecious one

Research in the field of synthesis of this mineral was successful, although they reached the result by accident. However, this case was really happy and marked the beginning of the production of synthetic spinel, as well as the identification of areas for its application. Today, a synthetic gem is used as an optical and dielectric material in a variety of devices.

Depending on the impurities, we can say that spinel as a mineral is a precious (if red) or semi-precious stone (for example, a transparent gem). It is rarely used in the jewelry field, in such cases a stone painted in bright colors becomes more attractive - due to the introduction of iron, cobalt, copper, chromium.

You can distinguish only by price, because there are no ways to do it yourself. In order to verify the authenticity of the stone, you should contact a specialist - a jeweler.

Spinel color and price

A variety of color palettes is characteristic of the properties of the spinel mineral. It is given by various impurities contained in the gem, therefore it is characterized by a color from colorless to black. In addition, the degree of transparency of the stone is different - from the most transparent to cloudy. The natural color is very rare, and then it is a matter of honor for the jeweler who received this jewel in his hands to show the world the fullness of this beauty.

Commercial value for jewelry market has only red, blue and lavender (purple) spinel. orange shades also increase the price of any spinel. Over time, mineralogists are isolating more and more natural varieties gems, and some of them have no jewelry value at all - for example, stones dark shades(gray, black), belong to ordinary spinels. On the market jewelry stones sometimes star-shaped spinels with asterism effect are found, but they are extremely rare. The cost of the spinel mineral sometimes reaches the price of very high-quality rubies or sapphires. Large natural specimens are very rare, which, accordingly, raises their price almost to the sky, to the level of diamonds.

red spinel highest quality estimated at $2,000 to $5,000 per carat. Blue - from $600 to $3500 per carat. Lavender - from $350 to $850 per carat.

1 carat of the most inexpensive grayish-blue spinel costs about $25, purple can cost up to $200, pink or blue - up to $300.

For natural spinel, the demand is growing almost constantly, and, accordingly, the price, which makes the gem a good investment.

Spinel jewelry can be worn as part of a set or separately. The stone can be used in women's and men's jewelry.

Rings, pendants, bracelets with mineral inserts look beautiful. Semi-precious amazing stones spinel can be found in jewelry along with diamonds and pearls - they wonderfully emphasize the elegance and luxury of the image.

Mystical properties of spinel stone for zodiac signs

The Jewelery Industry Council of America and the British National Jewelers Association have not included spinel in their official list of birthstones. As for the zodiac signs, which are patronized by the spinel stone, most astrologers believe that three celestial bodies interact with the mineral at once: Jupiter, Venus and the Sun. For this reason, spinel is believed to have a special positive effect on people born under the signs of Pisces, Libra and Taurus.

According to one version, this stone is tied to the elements of Earth and Fire, and the only one who can fully use all of its positive energy is Leo. He will also be able to feed his energy from this talisman, which will allow him to constantly be full of strength.

Fire signs of the zodiac magical properties mysterious stone spinel will help improve physical characteristics, volitional qualities, intellectual level. This is Aries, Sagittarius. The lucky ones who can get a similar effect from him include Aquarius and Capricorn. He will give them strength and energy. Libra and Taurus will also get a lot of benefit from the talisman.

To magical and even mystical properties miraculous spinel is its ability to bring love, good luck and develop the mystical gift of foresight. Magic force stone is very large, it can change your whole life for the better, revive even the most desperate person. However, there is a small nuance: a person must be sincere and with the best intentions. magical properties enhanced if the stone is set in gold. When determining who the spinel talisman really suits, it is worth remembering that he is able to simply destroy evil or greedy people, so they should not even touch him. Considering which planets the mineral is associated with (which are unstable in nature), it is worth remembering the variability of its influence - it can either fully reveal its strength or reduce it to a minimum, and unpredictably. If you wear a gem for too long, you can not only not add strength to yourself, but also lose your own, and people with excessive impulsiveness will suffer more from its influence than receive support. For Cancer, wearing this talisman brings euphoria, carelessness, which is not particularly useful in a decision-making situation or active action.

The mystical meaning of the responsive spinel stone is to give good luck, happiness, to “read” motives still hidden for the owner himself and to adjust external circumstances so that the wearer is surrounded by the care of the universe.

The healing properties of spinel stone and who suits its strength

The East appreciates this mineral due to its positive influence on the sexual energy of partners: for men, it helps to restore male power, if necessary, and passion and love attracts unmarried women into the life. Therefore, it is not recommended to wear or give a stone to teenagers - in order to avoid stimulating temperament.

Given the medicinal properties precious stone spinel, it is worth indicating who suits his strength. For the first time these properties were described by the great occultist and famous healer Paracelsus, who used it in a wide variety of cases. He renders restorative effect on the body, optimizes blood circulation, cures skin diseases, relieves the symptoms of myopia, reduces joint pain. It is characteristic that different colors have different healing powers. For example, the red mineral promotes blood circulation, strengthens the immune system.

In the Middle Ages, lal was of great interest to lithotherapists. There was an opinion that lala powder helps with stomach diseases and relieves back pain. There was a belief in the East that the red lala protects the eyes from blinding by the sun, and if you put a lala crystal in your mouth, you will not feel thirsty when crossing the desert. Esotericists believed that at night, lal allegedly protects from nightmares. Who else is suitable for a lucky spinel stone is people whose work involves travel or constantly requires quick decisions.