Spinel is artificial. Spinel stone - healing and magical properties

The range of precious stones is so diverse that it is difficult to choose something suitable. There is also a spinel stone that can be distinguished from all this. vast world treasures thanks to its incomparable brilliance, chic and color. Indeed, its extraordinary iridescence, sparkle and sparkling facets are compared with the luxurious look of very expensive and priceless jewels. Spinel stone is an outstanding stone known for its magical and healing properties.

There are several versions of the meaning of the word "spinel". From Latin, this word is translated as "little thorn." This is understandable, because it is presented in the form of pointed crystals. But from Greek it is translated as “spark” due to the play of color and brilliance. IN Ancient Rus' this stone was called lal according to the name of the mountain, where, in fact, this treasure was mined.

Some characteristics, some history

For the first time, this wonderful stone was mentioned back in the 16th century, although earlier jewelers worked quite successfully with it, they only knew its completely different name. This is balas and lal.

The place of formation of spinel is the earth's crust. Spinel is formed there as a result of magmatic activity.

Even in ancient times, spinel was attributed to a number of "precious stones of impostors." Due to its appearance and quality, it was sometimes confused with other precious stones. It is known that Empress Catherine II accepted a gift from the French king - a crown decorated with multi-colored sparkling spinels, which she mistook for rubies.

Only in the 19th century the stone was isolated from a number of other jewels. There is irrefutable evidence that in our time there were cases when even experienced jewelers wrong in their jewelry research.

Burma and Sri Lanka are the main deposits of spinel stone. Stones come to the market from Afghanistan, Thailand, Madagascar, India, where quite rich deposits of them have been found.

Amazing spinel

IN modern world collections this species stone has already become famous. It enjoys great popularity among devout, discerning and famous collectors. And all this thanks to its unsurpassed qualities, such as a variety of colors, brilliance, brightness and ever-increasing availability. red and blue spinel- the most valuable and expensive. After all, red spinel, or, as it is also called, noble spinel, is practically indistinguishable from first-class rubies, and blue is close to sapphires.

If in Ancient Rus' it was combined with sapphires and emeralds, then in the modern world it is without any doubt equated with pearls and diamonds.

Spinel also exists in pure form, that is, practically without color or with a pinkish tinge barely noticeable to the eye. However, it is quite rare.

Black, orange, lilac, blue, green, yellow, brown, purple - in such variants of natural color it is possible to meet spinel stone. Each of them represents its value, individuality, originality. Surprisingly, this mineral can occur in the form of a star.

The mass of crystals usually reaches approximately 10-12 carats. Of course, there are stones in nature large sizes. For example, in the world famous Diamond Fund large stones are saved, the size of which is 100 and 56 carats.

Spinel and its miraculous properties

Spinel has long been famous for its inexplicable magical properties. If we talk about the energy of this type of mineral, then it is incredibly strong and powerful. Many lovers and connoisseurs of precious stones believe and have probably seen from their own experience that if a person buys a spinel stone or jewelry with it, he acquires happiness. But the only thing that should not be forgotten is the variability of its properties. At times it works in full force, and sometimes it is completely inactive. Therefore, it is highly recommended to wear it from time to time. The main thing is not to abuse it.

It is especially not recommended to buy this stone or give it to children or teenagers, as the hot temperament that it can induce in them is absolutely not necessary for them. given period life.

The main and most important property of the spinel stone is to protect a person from all sorts of troubles and troubles. But it should be remembered that this person should not have evil thoughts and cunning, otherwise the stone will simply stop its magical action or, which should be taken into account, can be very harmful.

Since the spinel symbolizes love and fidelity, purity and devotion, it is a very good and good talisman. For those who lack these qualities, as well as family warmth and happiness, it definitely helps. Rings with this stone or earrings serve as a talisman.

If a person’s work is associated with constant travel, moving from one city to another, with the need to take quick decisions, then this stone is the most suitable talisman for them. But again, you need to wear it irregularly.

I really want to note and highlight the black stone. It is he who is able to endow a person incredible strength. But if a person is weak in character, then a black stone is contraindicated for him. Its property is to increase both strength and weakness in double mode. But you should know that very often, under the guise of black spinel, simple onyx is put up for sale, which is very similar to it.

Spinel - healing stone

As for the healing properties of the stone, they are also known from past centuries. To be more precise, these properties were described by Paracelsus, a physician and healer of the Middle Ages. He used a powdered stone internally in order to improve his work. digestive tract, complexion. It was believed that this is an excellent remedy for bad dreams, melancholic mood, and visual impairment.

If we take into account modern arguments, it is known that spinel has the ability to stimulate the immune system, improve the circulatory system human body, as well as help with certain diseases, such as paralysis or viral illnesses. If we talk about all the benefits of the stone, then we should certainly mention that the stone has a healing effect on the human body according to its color.

treat nervous system and some types of skin diseases, pink spinel will help to improve disturbed sleep. Green helps with heart disease, blood pressure problems and malfunction metabolic process substances. The role of green spinel is invaluable for headaches and all kinds of joint pain. The work of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract blue or blue spinel will help to put in order, but the pain of bruises and heavy bleeding remove black. It should be noted that black spinel is able to adjust and reduced pressure.

There is an opinion that if you put a small piece of stone in your mouth, then your thirst is instantly quenched.

What zodiac sign is spinel suitable for?

As mentioned earlier, it is better to wear the stone in earrings or in a ring. If this is a ring, then by all means it should be put on a nameless or forefinger left hand. This mineral Very suitable for people of fire signs. And to be more specific, Leo is exactly the sign of the zodiac to which the spinel is an ideal ally and helper.

The mineral will also have a beneficial effect on Aquarius, Capricorn. For Pisces, this is the most suitable stone from all existing ones. Spinel for Pisces is an additional and almost inexhaustible source of vital energy. Who should avoid this stone is Cancer.

Distinctive features of spinel

If it has already been said that this stone is very similar to some types of minerals, then how not to be deceived and choose exactly spinel for yourself. The main and fundamental factor to which you should first of all pay attention is the cost. In fact, spinel is an expensive stone. Only 1 carat costs about 25 dollars. It is worth noting that this is the price of the cheapest type of stone, namely a gray-blue hue. For a pink spinel, you will have to pay about 200-300 dollars per 1 carat. But for red - $ 600 per 1 carat. The next important fact is the appearance of the stone. That is, it is necessary to pay attention to all the irregularities and errors present, as well as to the uniformity of color. The store can ask you to present a certificate.

The last thing I would like to say is the careful attitude and handling of the stone. Indeed, ideally, the spinel is quite fragile, so it is better to store it in a separate place from other jewelry, be sure to remove it before any physical work, and protect it from strong shocks and falls.

Spinel stone enjoys special attention in jewelry circles. This mineral is rare. By itself, it is a compound of magnesium oxide and aluminum. There are several versions of the origin of this stone. If translated from German, then the “thorn” comes out - this is a characteristic of the shape of the crystal, it is pointed. And if translated from Greek, then the “chaffinch” comes out - this is a characteristic of color.

Not only does the stone have many different qualities, it is no less valued for the color that impurities give it. This mineral has one interesting feature which is unique to him. Each color has its own unique shade. For example, orange gives off pink, green has a bluish tint, red also has a pinkish tint.

This stone is considered a rare gem due to its magnificent brilliance, extraordinary palette and diverse physical characteristics. Even in ancient times, the owners of an ornament or an amulet made of spinel were prophesied love and happiness. The essence of the mineral is that it changes.

So it must be treated with care.

From the history

The first mention of spinel as a jewelry stone belongs to Marco Polo, after he visited the Pamirs in the 13th century. In this place, the mineral began to be mined in the 9th century. Only at that time it was still constantly confused with corundum and ruby. Therefore, it is not surprising that the traveler mentioned that there are deposits in the Pamirs not of spinels, but of "rubies".

Years passed, science developed. And only then it was possible to find out that spinel is a separate group of minerals, which is characterized by special physical properties.

Whatever it was, but our ancestors chose this stone. It has always been considered expensive and rare.

The mineral was used as an ornament.

For example:

  • the same “Monomakh's hat” is decorated with spinel;
  • the crown of Catherine II, which was made in 1762, was inlaid with this stone;
  • a rare mineral can also be found on the British crown.

About varieties and colors

Noble, or pure, spinel has a watery-transparent structure. Or it can be completely colorless, which is extremely rare. In most cases, already colored stones are mined, on the creation of which mineral additives “worked”. That is why there are stones of blue, red, green, brown, pink and black colors. The spinel stone owes its red hue to chromium ions.

Due to the admixture of iron, the mineral becomes yellowish.


  1. Noble spinel. This variety is almost completely transparent. She has species that are distinguished by beautiful rich colors.
  2. Ordinary. This is a gem whose structure contains iron. This stone has green, black and brown shades.
  3. Chrome. This is a black spinel, the structure contains a lot of chromium.
  4. Zinc. In its composition, magnesium was replaced by zinc and iron.

But modern mineralogy does not provide a very deep classification of spinel. Because of this, not every species is a precious stone, and ultimately does not carry any value for jewelers. For example, spinel can be considered as such dark shades(brown and black). It belongs to the ordinary category. Because of this, jewelers do not pay any attention to her.

Much more they appreciate the red and orange spinel stone. Blue spinel and neon are in demand. In nature, large specimens are rarely found, which is the reason for the high price.

Concerning pricing policy, then the most expensive option is red spinel. Further the price decreases - purple and pink variations.

The cheapest are blue and gray mineral.

Under laboratory conditions, it was possible to remove spinel absolutely different colors. The blue spinel is the most popular. Outwardly, it looks like aquamarine and sapphire.

The extraction of crystals takes place in Thailand, on the territory of Kampuchea, in Vietnam. In addition, spinel stone is mined in India and Tajikistan, Australia and Madagascar. As for Russia, here this mineral was found in the Urals. And the most expensive red spinel can be found in Myanmar.

In general, there is another classification of spinel varieties. But these terms are conditional. For example, a red-orange stone is called a fiery spinel. Red and purple are called ruby. stone with purple hues called the almandine variety. Any stone with signs of blue color considered sapphire. With a bluish tint, the crystal is simply called blue spinel. There are even brown stone, i.e. picotite. There are also trade names for spinels. And there are a lot of them.

Quite often there are fakes of this stone. First of all, the price should alert. It is the low cost that indicates that something is wrong. Even the cheapest kind of stone costs about $25.

Due to the fact that the mineral is rare and expensive, scientists decided to try to synthesize its artificial counterpart. Synthetic mineral spinel was obtained quickly. Although everything happened spontaneously. However, after a successful experiment, production began synthetic material. And in practice, they continue to study the properties of the stone and its application.

In general, spinel has a bad reputation. This happened due to the fact that for a long time Europeans confused it with corundum, ruby ​​and sapphire. This continued almost until the beginning of the 19th century. As a result, it turned out that some historical rubies and sapphires turned out to be spinels. This fact has become known thanks to modern gemological verification. Only once was spinel not confused with corundum. It happened even before our era in India. There was also a deposit of this crystal at that time.

They do not particularly like this mineral due to the fact that many synthetic analogues can be found on the wide market.

Natural product

A natural mineral with a reverse effect stands apart. It is worth noting the fact that most often people are aware of the synthetic analogue, which in best case worth a dollar per carat. Natural spinel is less common and can cost as much as $500 for a 1 carat spinel. Can change color. The synthetic counterpart has all the characteristics of a natural one.

The only thing missing is the ability to refract light.

When buying natural spinel, be vigilant. The price of the stone is unstable. It is influenced by personal evaluation criteria of jewelers.

As a rule, the crystal is used mainly as a jewelry insert when creating necklaces, bracelets and large rings. You can even meet beads with this stone.

Spinel is similar to other stones. It is necessary to approach its definition carefully, because it is very easy to make a mistake.

magical properties

Spinel also carries the strongest magical properties. This gem can help a person in the direction of his destiny in a positive direction. With it, you will even be able to find the forces that will help you be reborn. However, spinel magic will only help those with good and sincere intentions. With the help of a gem, you can attract good luck and love.

The stone helps in achieving goals, to see the future and upcoming events.

If you are an evil and greedy person with bad intentions, then you should not encounter this mineral. It is not even recommended to touch it. Because it can harm you.

Spinel has energy connection with 3 celestial bodies at once. These are Venus, Jupiter and the Sun. This is connected with the fact that the strength of the stone is a fickle phenomenon: it can act either to the maximum or partially.

Most of all, the magical properties of a stone are revealed when it is framed by a gold frame. Eastern culture advises using the stone as an amplifier of sexual energy.

Jewelry with such a mineral helps to restore masculine strength.

Medicinal properties

In addition to magical properties, the gem also has medicinal characteristics. Moreover, they have been known for a long time. For the first time, the healer Paracelsus wrote about such a characteristic of the stone. A powder was made from the mineral, which helped in the treatment of diseases.

Experts have confirmed the fact that spinel has therapeutic effect. If you prepare a powder from a stone, it will help you improve your health. The mineral is valued for its general strengthening characteristics. In addition, it is able to activate blood circulation.

Spinel powder effectively fights diseases skin Helps relieve muscle and joint pain. If you constantly wear jewelry from such a gem, you can improve eye health.

Each variety of spinel has its own medicinal properties. For example, red spinel has a beneficial effect on immune system, helps to improve blood circulation, heals paralysis, increases sexual activity.

Pink spinel will be useful for those who have problems with nerves, with sleep, there are skin diseases. Green spinel restores metabolism, participates in cardiac activity, normalizes arterial pressure, helps with eye diseases, relieves headache and articular.

With the help of a blue stone, you can get rid of an upset gastrointestinal tract. It will be effective in diseases of the lungs, liver, kidneys. This variety of crystal will help those who have problems with the endocrine system.

With the help of black spinel, you can get rid of pain after an injury, reduce bleeding and increase pressure.

Stone properties for zodiac signs

Since the stone has a powerful magic power, he is able to save a person from loneliness, helps to find happiness and love. But do not forget about the capricious and rather complex nature of the gem. Experts recommend wearing jewelry with a mineral all the time so that the action is effective.

To enhance the effect of the stone, it must be used as an element of a ring or earring. If you decide to opt for a ring, then wear it on ring finger left hand. It can also be worn on the index finger.

The sign of the zodiac also matters in determining the properties of the stone. This is the symbol of Leo. However, it can be worn by other representatives of fire signs (Aries, Sagittarius). The gem helps to improve many qualities of a person - intellectual, physical.

Helps to gain strength and energy.

In terms of health, these crystals will be useful to Taurus and Libra. They are especially effective in this regard for Pisces. The stone will give this sign additional strength, which will be needed by those who spend most of their time traveling and making decisions.

Mine dark color the stone receives due to the admixture of iron. Weaken this shade by oxidation at the time of calcination. At a temperature of 1000 ° C, the blue color can be turned into a bluish-green. If you increase the temperature by another 400 degrees, you can get an olive green tint, and then bring it to yellow.

For information

The only area where spinel stone is used is jewelry. But it is worth remembering that not every type of stone is valuable for a jeweler.

Most often, the stone is used in rings and necklaces. In these cases, red spinel is used. The counterpart of the mineral is the ruby. alternative blue stone considered sapphire, green - emerald. A black sample may be perceived as a dark diamond.

In order not to be deceived, it is worthwhile to clarify the presence of a quality certificate when buying, which the stone should have.

A sample of saturated tone received the name noble spinel from jewelers. Jewelers often use synthetic stone spinel. Laboratory crystals have a double refraction of light. So it is almost impossible to distinguish a synthetic insert from a garnet or sapphire purely visually. This is actively used by manufacturers.

Interesting Spinel Facts:

  1. The largest specimen of pink spinel was found in the Pamirs in 1986. The stone weighed over 5 kg.
  2. At the London Museum natural history two large copies are kept. Each of them is about 500 carats.
  3. Equally valuable are the copies that are stored in the treasury of the Iranian Shah. The mass of these minerals is 500 and 225 carats.
  4. In the Louvre, you can see a spinel weighing 105 carats. At the same time, the stone has an unusual red tint.
  5. A red overcoat was brought to America, the mass of which is 71 carats, its place of origin is Sri Lanka.
  6. In the United States, in general, many specimens of spinel can be found. So, an interesting copy was brought from Ceylon - its mass is 45.8 carats, the color is purple.

The stone, which was given the name "Ruby of the Black Prince", received wide popularity. Where he was found is still unknown. The first mention of this mineral dates back to 1367. The crystal was placed in the royal treasury of Granada. Part of this cache was taken over by the Castilian king. During the battle of Nager, the Castilian king was supported by the son of the king of England, who was called the Black Prince. For this he received a gem. After the "ruby" went to Henry 5, who used it to decorate his helmet. In one of the battles, it was he who helped him avoid death by protecting him from a fatal blow. On this moment the famous stone is on the State Crown of the British Empire. It was decided not to change the shape of the stone. It's just been polished.

Spinel began to belong to a special group of minerals only in the 19th century. Both in the East and in Rus', a precious gem of a red hue was called lal. This name was retained until the stone was separated from other gems. Even the spinel, which is located on the crown of Catherine 2, was considered a ruby.

The Hermitage keeps a pendant with an inserted spinel. Moreover, its size is compared with the size of a large plum. Once this decoration belonged to the English pirate Francis Drake.

If you are a person who belongs to a creative profession (painting, making music), then this advice is for you: put a ring in which this crystal is present on the ring finger on your left hand. Then you will feel a surge of additional inspiration, you will have many new ideas, and the stone will help in their implementation.

Treat the stone with kindness and sincerity. Then it will open up to you in a more positive way. But do not try to deceive the crystal and hide the truth from it. Only honest and good people can count on good luck and happiness from this mineral.

Too impulsive people are contraindicated in black spinel.

Otherwise, the stone can weaken and frighten them. So it is better to choose any other shade.

This is a wonderful talisman for those who travel a lot. With a stone, you will never go astray, it will help you always choose what is right. In addition, it will help to get satisfaction from the process.

If you have nervous work, then you should turn to the stone for help. You can express all your problems to him or just enjoy his magical color for a while. Be sure that you will feel relaxed, calm down, your thoughts will become fresh. IN similar condition you will be able to find a way out of any situation.

The stone does not like it when its owner uses other jewelry. So if you have spinel, then other decorations will have to be abandoned. Otherwise, the stone may refuse to reveal all its capabilities. It may even cause harm.

In general, spinel is considered an adornment of people from high society, the rich and kings. So under this stone you will need an appropriate outfit. It is necessary to choose not simple and not everyday attire. Your appearance should be so chic that the stone can harmoniously fit into the overall image.

How to care for a gem?

When you buy a spinel stone, remember that it is quite fragile. Over time, it can wear off on the edges. So it must be handled with extreme care.

Prepare a separate box for storage. Best with soft coating inside. Jewelry with this crystal should not be used daily. If you plan to do physical work or any household work, then the jewelry should be removed. Try to avoid bumps and falls of the stone. Make sure that the stone is not exposed to an aggressive chemical environment. Cleaning should be done no more than once every 3-5 months with a soft brush and mild soap solution.

Spinel is quite unusual and very beautiful. jewelry stone. Thanks to its superb brilliance, rich color scheme, as well as various physical properties, it can be safely classified as unusual and even rare stones. It is believed that spinel will bring love and love to its owner. happy life. However, it should be borne in mind that the nature of this mineral is very variable and requires careful attitude to yourself.

From the Latin language, the name of the stone "spina" or "spinelle" literally translates as "small thorn", and the Greek word "spinos" means "spark, sparkle". In our country, the stone got its name in honor of the mountain where it was mined.

The history of the origin of spinel

For the first time about spinel, as a jewelry gem, it became known from the famous traveler M. Polo, who visited the Pamir Mountains in the 13th century. It was here, in one of the regions of the Pamirs, in the little-known field of Kukhilale, that this stone was mined since the 9th century. True, at that time it was constantly confused with rubies and corundum, so Marco Polo also called the current spinel stone deposit “ruby mines”. Many years later, as a result of the development of science, it was found that spinel is a separate group of minerals with special physical properties.

Regardless of the name of the gem, spinel has been loved since ancient times, because many peoples considered this stone the most beautiful, expensive, luxurious and, most importantly, rare mineral.

It is worth noting the fact that it was with this gem of a unique dark red color that the imperial crown of Catherine II was inlaid in 1762. The spinel also adorned the famous Monomakh's Cap.

For several centuries of its existence, this stone has been endowed with several names, the most famous of which are: lal, rubicel, celonite, picotite and noble spinel.

In Rus', this stone was also appreciated and rightfully equated with emeralds, sapphires and amethysts. Today it can be found in jewelry along with pearls and diamonds.

Types and colors of gemstone

Due to the content of various impurities in spinel, this mineral can easily acquire any shades - from colorless to black. It is important to note that given stone it can also vary in transparency: it ranges from transparent to cloudy.

Today, during the extraction of stone, spinel is found in the form of crystals. different sizes, which are often combined into druze.

Now a considerable number of varieties of the gem are known, which differ in color and degree of transparency. Spinel stone can be either colorless or blue, purple, blue, orange, pink, yellow, green, red and even black.

But natural version spinels are quite difficult to find today. Although many mineral deposits are known in the world, the color of the stone mined in them "leaves much to be desired." If, however, a gem-quality red spinel falls into the hands of a master, he will make every effort to show this stone in all its glory.

It is known that not all varieties of spinel in our time are precious stones and bear the title of jewelry. Minerologists have now identified a large number of natural varieties of stone, while its shades of dark color (black, brown) belong to ordinary spinels and are not used in jewelry production.

The most valuable among specialists is red spinel and orange shades, in their color strongly reminiscent of a modern ruby, as well as neon and dark blue gems. Unfortunately, today large and natural specimens of this gem are quite rare, so their cost, you guessed it, is considerable.

Lab-created spinel comes in a variety of colors, the most popular of which is blue. In my own way appearance this stone is very similar to sapphire or aquamarine.

Mineral deposits

Large-scale and well-known mineral deposits are located in Thailand, Kampuchea, and Vietnam. Less famous deposits are found in Australia, India and Madagascar.

The most expensive types of red spinel are located in Myanmar, and the blue ones are in Sri Lanka.

Spinel price

Since this stone is a rather expensive mineral, therefore it low price should immediately alert, so as not to acquire a fake. For example, the cost of 1 carat of the most inexpensive spinel model (gray-blue shade) is approximately $25. The price of purple spinels often reaches up to $200. Spinel pink and blue color costs from 100 to 300 dollars. The price of the rarest and most famous red spinel reaches more than 600 dollars per 1 carat.

Scientific research on the synthesis of spinel was quickly crowned with success, although the first result obtained was truly accidental. But it was he who served as an impetus for the work on the production of synthetic spinel, the study of its properties and practical application.

At present, this synthetic mineral is widely used in various devices as an optical and dielectric material.

Synthetic spinel is not widely used as a jewelry raw material. For these purposes, most often used spinels, painted in bright colors using chromium, manganese, iron, copper and cobalt.

Spinel stone and its magical properties

Spinel is considered to be a stone with strong magical properties. It can easily change a person's life in better side, and even revive a person who has given up on himself. However, he helps only sincere people with the best intentions. It is to them that he is able to bring love and good luck, help develop the gift of foresight, predict the future and fulfill the intended goals.

Then, as greedy and evil people it is better not to even touch this stone, as it can even destroy them.

Energetically spinel is tied to three celestial bodies- Jupiter, Venus and the Sun, so the mineral can work both in full power and in part, its effect on a person is changeable.

The magical properties of the stone are best manifested when it is in a gold frame. In the East, spinel has been widely used to attract the sexual energy of both partners, as well as to restore male power. For unmarried women, the stone helped to attract love and passion into their lives.

The healing properties of the gem

miraculous medicinal properties stones have been known to the people since ancient times. They were first described by the famous healer and occultist Paracelsus, who widely used the powder of this stone to treat a variety of diseases.

According to modern experts, spinel perfectly helps to cope with many problems of our health. It has general strengthening properties, activates blood circulation, helps to treat various skin diseases, has a positive effect on myopia, relieves joint and muscle pain. At the same time, different colors of spinel have different medicinal properties:

  • A red stone improves and promotes blood circulation, strengthens the immune system and supports the body during paralysis. In the East, in ancient times, red spinel was considered an excellent sexual stimulant and was used by men to attract women. Ancient sorcerers used this red-colored stone to make amulets, which were used to increase sexual activity. It is for this reason that it is not recommended to give a red stone to children and adolescents, so as not to strengthen their temperament at such a vulnerable age.
  • A green-colored stone relieves headache and joint pain, will help people suffering from heart problems, and also normalizes blood pressure and restores metabolism. Also, green spinel helps with eye problems.
  • Pink spinel has a sedative effect, helps to cure skin diseases and relieve insomnia.
  • A blue stone will help with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as with diseases of the lungs, kidneys, endocrine system and liver.
  • A black gem will remove pain with wounds and bruises, increase blood pressure, improve well-being and reduce all types of bleeding.

Spinel and zodiac signs

Wear spinel in jewelry best of all in earrings and a ring worn on the index or ring finger of the left hand. Most of all, it will suit all the fire signs of the Zodiac (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), as well as Aquarius and Capricorn. He is able to improve their physical, intellectual and strong-willed qualities, as well as add energy and a surge of strength.

It is important to note that spinel jewelry is also useful for signs such as Libra and Taurus. And for Pisces, it will be the best of all they offer. For representatives of these signs, spinel will give additional strength. This will be especially necessary for those whose work is associated with constant traveling and the need to quickly make the right decisions.

Diamond - description and properties of the stone Pomegranate - a stone of love and fidelity

Spinel is a very beautiful stone. Its name is from the Latin "spinelle", or "spina", which translates as "like a small thorn". Another version of the origin of the name is from the Greek "spinos", which means "spark". In Rus', the mineral had its own unique name - lal, given by the name of the mountain where it was mined.

Spinel in history

Marco Polo wrote about the ancient "ruby mines" of spinel in the 13th century. It was this stone that adorned the famous Monomakh's hat. The no less eminent “Ruby of the Black Prince” and “Ruby of Timur”, which belonged to Tamerlane, are encrusted in the British crown. A unique dark red spinel stone adorns the crown of Catherine II. There was another priceless spinel in the pages of our history - the "White Spinel of Kandy", which was presented by the Indian king to the captain of the British army. Needing money, the captain sold the stone, and it disappeared from sight forever. In Rus', the beauty of the stone was appreciated and equated to amethysts, sapphires , emeralds. Today, spinel in expensive jewelry is combined with pearl stone and various diamonds.

The first pink spinel stone was found in the Pamirs in 1985 by Tajik geologists. His weight was over five kilograms. Here is located the most large deposit mineral. Spinel stone emerald color found in the Southern Urals, and blue-violet - not far from Lake Baikal. Occurring since ancient times, the stone was often confused with rubies And carbuncles. The colorless stone resembles corundum. Although it is generally accepted that basically the spinel is very much like a ruby, in fact, the stone has a whole range of colors. Light pink is called bale ruby, orange is called rubicelle, blue is sapphire spinel, purple is oriental amethyst, bright green is oriental emerald, dark green and black is ceylonite or pleonast.

Spinel, born in the laboratory, has a very different color. The most popular stone is blue. He is very reminiscent aquamarine stone or sapphire. A red stone has recently been obtained.

Medicinal properties of spinel

The healing properties of spinel stone are described by the famous healer and occultist Paracelsus, who used stone powder for treatment various diseases, to improve complexion and digestion. Added to the ointment, it strengthened eyesight and helped with myopia.

Modern lithotherapists believe that:

  • Red stone stimulates the immune system and improves blood circulation, supports paralysis. In the East, red spinel has always been considered a sexual stimulant and was used by the male population to attract female attention and increase sexual activity. Magicians used red spinel to make amulets against male impotence. For the same reason, the stone should not be given to children and adolescents, so as not to increase temperament at such a young age.
  • Pink will heal the nerves skin diseases will bring harmony and peace to sleep.
  • A green stone will become a friend for those who have a weak heart, help restore metabolism and blood pressure, relieve headache and joint pain, and help with eye problems.
  • Blue stone spinel will be required for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the liver, lungs, kidneys and endocrine system.
  • The black spinel stone is designed to relieve pain from bruises, reduce different kind bleeding and increase blood pressure.

The magical properties of spinel

It will not be superfluous to recall the magical properties of spinel. Having a strong positive energy, the stone brings happiness to its owner. However, it should not be worn all the time. The fact that he is patronized by three planets at once - the Sun, Jupiter and Venus, makes the character of the stone changeable. Therefore, its owner, along with today's work and dedication, may well be inactive tomorrow.

The magical properties of spinel are best manifested when the stone is worn in a gold setting. It is a symbol of love and fidelity, devotion and purity. The stone will help the owner to change fate for the better, to rise from an insignificant state or to revive the one who has given up on himself. The stone does not welcome communication with evil and bilious people and does not even forgive them for touching, having the ability to harm irreparably. It can help the owner develop the gift of foresight, but spinel is not recommended for people with excessive impulsiveness.

Who and how should wear spinel, zodiac signs

It is best to wear a stone in earrings and a ring on the index or ring finger of the left hand. Most of all, the spinel stone is suitable for the fiery signs of the zodiac, namely Leo. Not superfluous will be Capricorn and Aquarius. For Pisces, this is generally the most best stone of all they offer. It will give owners additional vital energy, feeding it from space. Spinel stone is in great need of people whose work is associated with constant traveling and the ability to make decisions quickly. However, with the constant wearing of a stone, there is a threat not only to feed cosmic energy but also give yours. In newfangled Europe, stone products were worn as an amulet, designed to rejuvenate the owner and prolong the years of his life.

What kind of stone is spinel? It is an original and very rare metal. gemstone has a rich color and memorable shine. It has a lot of properties, so it can hardly be called ordinary. The stone is able to bring the owner happiness and good mood. But there is one condition - the owner himself must be kind to the spinel.

The history of the origin of the stone

The famous traveler Marco Polo, who visited the Pamirs in the 13th century, first mentioned spinel as a jewelry stone. Spinel began to be mined in the 9th century in the southwest of the Pamirs in the Kuhilale deposit. The stone was then often confused with and, so Marco Polo called the spinel deposit "ruby mines."

With the development of science, the stone was identified as a separate group of minerals with unique physical properties. Despite this, spinel was often used in ancient times. It has always been one of the rarest and most expensive minerals.

The stone served as an ornament and a symbol of power for representatives of Germany, Great Britain, Russia, France:

  1. The famous “Monomakh's Hat” is decorated with spinel, and not with rubies, as was previously believed;
  2. The crown of Catherine the Great is inlaid with this stone;
  3. The Wittelbach crown was decorated in 1830 with drop-shaped spinels. Previously it was assumed that these were rubies.

The stone had different names over the centuries of its existence: celonite, noble spinel, picotite, lal, rubicel.

Description and meaning

Spinel is independent group minerals. It includes transparent and opaque shiny stones of various shades.

It comes in colorless, blue, gray, blue, pink, green, purple, yellow, black, red and orange. The red stone represents the highest value for jewelers, it is very similar to the ruby. Blue spinel is also valued. Larger stones are extremely rare, but the score will be correspondingly high.

Spinel has powerful magical properties. He is able to save his owner from loneliness, and bring happiness. The stone has a complex and capricious character, which must be taken into account. Spinels are best found in earrings or a ring. The ring should be worn on the index and ring fingers of the left hand.

red spinel

Physical properties:

  • density - 3.72 g / cm;
  • class - Oxides;
  • refraction - 1.76;
  • has a glassy sheen;
  • hardness - 8 on the Moss scale;
  • fracture - conchoidal;

The stone contains aluminum and magnesium ions. It is very fragile, easily damaged when in contact with a hard surface.


The most famous and large-scale deposits are located in Kampuchea, Vietnam and Thailand. They are also located in India, Madagascar and Australia. The most expensive types of red spinel are in Myanmar, and blue - in Sri Lanka.

Colors and types

There are a lot of varieties of spinel, they differ in the degree of transparency and color. But not all of them are considered precious and belong to jewelry stones.

The most valuable types of spinel are as follows:

  • Ruby spinel has bright red hues;
  • The color of the bale ruby ​​is pink-red;
  • Almandine spinel purple-scarlet;
  • Ribicell red, has an orange-red or yellowish tinge;
  • Chlorospinel has a bright green color;
  • Sapphire spinel has a blue and blue tint;
  • Pleonast - a dirty green stone with a brown tint;
  • Ceylonite has a dark green hue;
  • Ganospinel blue, there is a slight purple tint.

magical properties

Whether precious or semi-precious, almost any stone has magical properties. Wearing a spinel brings the owner the gift of foresight. The stone takes energy from space and transfers it to the owner.

Spinel creates a positive background - for this you do not need to do anything, just wearing it. One of the magical properties is to attract sympathy.

Red or pink spinel will give a public figure the recognition of the people and a positive image. A stone in love will help to have a love effect.

Spinel gives happiness only good people It is better for the greedy and immoral to bypass it. The more careful the attitude to the stone, the more luck it will bring. It can even warn of impending troubles.

Too much active people you should not wear it either, it will only worsen their well-being and will not bring anything useful.

Medicinal properties

For the first time, medicinal properties were described by the ancient occultist and healer Paracelsus. He used stone powder to cure many diseases.

Modern experts also do not deny useful properties. Spinel activates blood circulation, copes with skin diseases, helps with myopia, relieves pain in muscles and joints, and has a general strengthening effect.

The properties of a stone depend on its color:

  1. Red stone helps to improve blood circulation, strengthen the immune system, provide support for paralysis. In ancient times in the East, spinel was considered a sexual stimulant, it was used by men to attract women. Wizards used the stone to make amulets to increase sexual activity. Therefore, you should not give it in childhood and adolescence.
  2. green stone helps to get rid of pain in the joints and head, is useful for heart, eye diseases and hypertension. Spinel helps to normalize metabolism.
  3. pink stone soothes, relieves sleep problems, eliminates skin diseases.
  4. blue spinel useful in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, endocrine system, liver and lungs.
  5. black spinel relieves pain from bruises and wounds, reduces bleeding, improves well-being. The stone is useful for hypotension.

Talismans and amulets

Spinel is best worn in a gold frame - this helps the stone to fully open up. Talismans possess strong energy- get rid of apathy, helping to move further towards your goal. It is good to take it to training, study or work. Spinel helps to concentrate, it is easier to perceive information and further provide practical application.

At social events, the stone must be worn. In this case, communication with a large number of people will not cause difficulties, shyness will disappear. The pleasure of the holiday will be guaranteed!

For romantic setting and the first date, the amulet must be used necessarily - spinel will help create a strong and happy family will provide love. Those who are already married should keep jewelry made from this stone in the house.

will return past passion, will add variety to the relationship.

Influence on the signs of the zodiac

The stone's zodiac sign is Leo, but other fire signs (Sagittarius, Aries) can also wear it. It improves intelligence physical qualities, increases energy and strength.

To improve health, spinel should be worn by Libra, Taurus and Pisces. He will add strength, especially to people who are constantly on business trips or often make responsible decisions. Gemini stone will give peace of mind, and Capricorn - lightness and optimism. He will give the virgins a lot of additional energy.

For Aquarius, Scorpio and Cancer, spinel is not quite suitable. Aquarius may have laziness, apathy. Scorpions will no longer distinguish truth from lies, which is very dangerous. Cancers will acquire relaxation, serenity.

Application and decoration

Red stone is usually used for rings and necklaces. Large rubies on royal attire, crowns, treasuries turned out to be fake, since they rarely come in such sizes. It was spinel that helped to emphasize the status and wealth of high-ranking people.

Blue spinel is similar to, green - with emeralds. Black stones are sometimes sold as diamonds, so the quality certificate should always be checked. Among jewelers, a transparent bright spinel is usually called "noble". Common natural synthetic stone because the differences are hard to see.


Real spinel cannot be cheap - a low price should alert the buyer. 1 carat of the cheapest model blue gray about 25 dollars. A purple spinel costs about $200. Pink and blue stone - 100-300 dollars. The most famous and rarest red spinel is over $600 per carat.


Spinel is a very fragile stone that requires careful handling and care.

It needs:

  1. Store separately in a box (preferably with a soft inner lining).
  2. Remove during physical work and household chores.
  3. Avoid falls and bumps.
  4. Avoid contact with aggressive chemical media.
  5. Clean with a soft brush and mild soap solution once every 3-5 months.

How to distinguish from a fake?

When choosing a stone, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Price. If the value of the stone is below $25, it is most likely a fake.
  2. Natural spinel can't look perfect– various defects and inclusions confirm the authenticity of the stone.
  3. Quality certificate. Only the best jewelers can provide it, so it is better to buy a stone from them.

Synthetic spinel

Synthetic production of the material for the first time happened by accident. The goal was to obtain a hexagonal sapphire, but instead, a cubic spinel was extracted from the Verneuil apparatus. Since then, metal began to be created artificially.

Synthetic blue spinel

Synthesis began to gain momentum, and research was also conducted to study the properties of the mineral. They discovered its use for industrial purposes - spinel began to be used as an optical and dielectric material.

Among jewelers, the stone is more popular, but has a subordinate value. For example, it is used for cutting. Synthetic spinel has a bright color.

  1. For creative people- musicians and artists are recommended to wear spinel rings on the ring or index finger of the left hand, wear earrings with a stone. It will give inspiration, new ideas, help create a unique masterpiece.
  2. It is necessary to become a sincere and kind owner for the stone - then it will reveal everything positive traits. It is dangerous to deceive and hide the truth from the spinel.
  3. You should not wear a stone every day - you can go into a fantasy world.
  4. If a person has a nervous job, you can say all the problems to the spinel or just think about them while looking at the stone. Calm will come, thoughts will be put in order and there will be a way out of any situation.
  5. You do not need to wear spinel with other stones, otherwise the mineral can be harmful.