Imperial jade stone. Who suits jade stone and what are its magical properties

Stones have long been used by people to make jewelry, as well as talismans and amulets. To have an amulet with a stone endowed with extraordinary abilities to protect, attract good luck, drive away evil spirit, was considered obligatory and commonplace. From the article you will learn what features a jade stone has. The magical properties and who the stone is suitable for are issues that will also be given special attention.

Description of jade stone

Mineral strength

Jade is semiprecious stone With unusual properties due to the special interweaving of crystalline fibers. One of them is its extraordinary strength, in which jade is 4 times superior to granite, and even steel is 2 times. This property of it was also known to the ancient people, who not only skillfully made crafts from it, but also made hammers.

jade colors

As a rule, jade of green shades is found, although in fact it can be yellow, blue, and black. In addition, there are many shades in each color. In China, red jade is revered.

Types of jade

Types of semi-precious jade are distinguished depending on the color and its saturation:

  1. homogeneous is used in jewelry, has translucency and bright color;
  2. spotted has inclusions of foreign minerals, the patterns on its surface due to spots are interesting and bizarre, it is used for making crafts and as a facing material;
  3. spotted-disseminated has the same characteristics as spotted.
helps to bring harmony into relationships with others, gives longevity and vitality

The history of jade stone

In ancient times, some civilizations not only treated jade with reverence, but also worshiped it. This is explained by the unusual strength of the stone, the possibility of rough processing and durability.

Many peoples and tribes have long used stone in everyday life. American Indians, for example, valued it so highly that during the invasion of the conquistadors they could not understand their indifference to jade. For them, it was more valuable than precious metals.

In ancient times, jewelry resembling piercings was made from the mineral. Such decoration of the lips served as a sign of readiness to serve the spirits.

The Maori people carved statuettes in the form of a human figure from stone. Such amulets were inherited and buried along with the one on whom the family ended. Because of jade, real bloody wars often began.

In Turkey, jade was used to decorate clothes and weapons for good luck in battle.

Jade gained the greatest popularity in China, where at one time it was a monetary unit, a material for plates that certify state documents, and for the manufacture of musical lithophones. For example, Confucius liked to play the lithophone.

The magical properties of jade depending on the color

Jade has always been endowed with special properties. Red was especially revered in China, where it was even called the "divine stone". He was equated in his qualities with best qualities person. It was believed that the mineral is capable of compassion, showing kindness, courage, being self-possessed and patient and sharing this with people.

It has long been known that jade is able to make the relationship between man and the world around him harmonious. In addition, it has a good effect on the soul and mind, relieves evil thoughts, base desires, helps to think without fuss.

Jade has always been considered a guide to the world of spirits. The mineral could protect against natural disasters, epidemics, the evil eye. It was always given to women in labor for easy childbirth, couples- for well-being.

The mineral has always been a symbol of money. It is believed that it helps to win in gambling, to successfully conduct business, to benefit from all financial transactions.

For a man, jade is a stone good health, for long years, life force. It protects from the evil eye and damage, evil spirits.

The mineral is able to help those who are at an impasse. It changes the worldview of the owner, helps to find a way in life.

white jade magic

Nephritis white color not only beautiful, but also has the ability to warm the soul and body of its owner. It clears the mind of negative thoughts, helps to believe more strongly, strengthens the spirit.

The wearer of white jade is peaceful and calm, as if he rises above the hustle and bustle of life. At the same time, the mineral contributes logical thinking improves mental abilities.

green jade magic

If the stone has an intricate pattern, you need to look at it for a long time. In this case, he will share his harmony with a person, making him balanced and calm. The mineral is able to reveal talents, help in finding a purpose in life.

symbolizes money, multiplies family well-being, facilitates childbirth, relieves the fuss

black jade magic

Black jade is very mysterious and mysterious. He gives the owner wisdom, harmony in himself and with the outside world, the ability to think philosophically. Jewelry decorated with it attracts the eye and fascinates.

Jade for zodiac signs

Jade suits all signs of the zodiac without exception. However, it is important that the one who chooses this mineral be ready for drastic major changes in life.

White jade, according to some astrologers, is meant for Libra.

Red jade will give Virgo family well-being, success in starting a new business.

Blue and black jade are ideal for Cancers and Pisces.

A green mineral will bring good luck to Capricorn.

It cannot be argued that jade is contraindicated for Sagittarius and Taurus, but there is an opinion that it is undesirable for these signs of the zodiac to wear it.


The semi-precious stone jade got its properties due to the fine interweaving of crystalline fibers. It is twice as strong as steel and five times as strong as granite. This stone is almost impossible to split or break, so it is not surprising that jade is the oldest mineral discovered by mankind. It was his primitive people used to make axes and hammers.

History of the stone

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Jade was widely used in ancient civilizations. Its significance in cults different peoples cannot be overestimated. Before this stone literally bowed. Not least of all, this was played by the durability of the stone and the fact that, for all its strength, it was remarkably amenable to carving.

The American Indians have used jade for their needs for more than three millennia. When they met with the conquistadors, they were struck by the indifference of the Spaniards to this stone. Some historians claim that the Aztec ruler Montezuma, after communicating with Cortes, told his courtiers that the Spaniards wanted only silver and gold and knew nothing about jade.

In South America, lip jewelry was made from it, which resembles a modern piercing. Wearing a jade cylinder in the lip was a sign that the person was ready to serve the spirits. And among some tribes of the continent, the number of such pendants spoke of the place occupied in the hierarchy of the clan.

New Zealand Maori used jade to make hei-tiki, a protective amulet that looks like a figurine or portrait of a person. They were inherited, and when the lineage was interrupted, hei-tiki were buried along with the last deceased. Jade was so highly valued by the Maori that due to its possession, wars broke out among the tribes.

The Turks believed in the ability of jade to bring good luck to warriors. Therefore, they decorated with them the handles of weapons, belts and rings.

The Chinese dedicated a hundred-volume treatise to this stone. In the Celestial Empire itself, jade plaques for a long time were in use on a par with metallic money. And gold was weighed exclusively with the help of jade weights. Plates of this stone were used as credentials for ambassadors. And the winner in the competition was awarded not with gold, but with jade. Widespread popularity in China had and musical instruments from this stone - lithophones. The famous philosopher Confucius was considered a very great connoisseur of "stone" music and a good player on the lithophone. The Chinese even made pillows from jade. True, only members of the imperial families could afford such a luxury.

Variety and colors

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The most common color of jade in nature is green. More rare and more valuable are such species as yellow, red, white, gray and black. And the most precious and expensive is blue.

mystical properties

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Different peoples attribute jade to various magical properties. The Chinese believed that white jade could secrete a special nectar, which only kings were allowed to drink.

Green jade was a traditional talisman for travelers and sailors. He was credited magical abilities bring success in ventures and gambling.

Jade was also widely used in the rites of the soul's transition to another world. They decorated sarcophagi and put amulets together with the deceased.

The tombs of Tamerlane and Alexander II were carved from jade.

There was a belief that if a jade plate was placed at the corner of a building, it would never be struck by lightning. And it doesn't make sense, because given stone has high insulating properties. Jade is considered a stone of people with a pure soul. Therefore, in order to wear such a mineral all the time, you need to have high moral character, otherwise, if you believe the beliefs, he will "leave" the owner and take his strength with him. By the way, how correct image life is led by the owner of jade, you can recognize it by changing its color. From bad deeds, the stone darkens and loses its luster.

Also, the magical properties of jade help its owner to radically change his life and fight loneliness.

Many nations spread the healing properties of jade to the entire body. In any case, it was used as a talisman to drive away diseases.

Jade pebbles are widely used as a heating pad for pain in the stomach and kidneys. The stone stores heat longer than other minerals, and even if it is lowered into ice water, it will not cool down below its temperature.

Jade massagers are very popular nowadays. They are used for the body and face. Such devices are considered especially effective in the treatment of bruises and sprains. It is believed that this stone treats inflammatory processes well.

In some cultures, white jade was used to treat stomach pains. Also, white jade improves eyesight and hearing.

Since ancient times, magical properties have been attributed to stones, but jade is rightfully considered the most mysterious and energetically strong stone. Possessing unique strength characteristics, it also has a comprehensive positive effect on a person, both on a physical and spiritual level.

Jade in history

Jade in Greek "lapis nephriticus" literally means " kidney stone". That is how it was called for a long time in European countries, but later it received its modern name. Some scientists believe that the name is associated with a therapeutic effect on the kidneys, others believe that it appeared due to the external resemblance to the kidney. You can also hear the names jade, Maori stone, kidney stone, ax stone.

Having a viscous structure and being the most durable stone in nature, jade has been used since ancient times to create durable and beautiful tools, sculptures, jewelry, precious stones. Surpassing even steel and granite in strength, it has long been used as a material for making hammers, weapons and tools, although in modern world it is mainly used for making jewelry and figurines.

Jade from ancient times to the present is considered the national stone of China. Nyu-shi or "divine stone" is so revered that it is endowed with human qualities, such as:

  • softness (due to its soft, pleasant sheen);
  • durability (due to its strength and resistance);
  • knowledge of science (the stone has a lingering sound);
  • courage (the stone delivers from evil spirits);
  • purity (has high transparency).

Jade stone is very durable, it is practically not erased, which is why it was the main material for coins in ancient China for a long time.

The Chinese loved it so much sky stone”, which even made original musical instruments from it - long records, which, depending on the thickness, produced different notes.

All mystical rites, entry into the afterlife were associated with jade, entire statues were made from jade. One of the most famous and largest jade Buddha statues (almost human-sized) is installed in Shanghai. The famous statue is made of uniform white jade with a gray tint.

Another confirmation of the majesty of jadeite is in Samarkand, in the famous Gur-Emir mausoleum, which is also the tomb of Tamerlane. Here you can see a beautiful green jade monument polished to a shine, crowning the grave of the famous commander.

Where and how is jade mined?

Burma and China are traditionally considered the main centers for the extraction of this valuable mineral. Jade is mined in Central Asia, European countries - Germany, Italy, India, the Pamirs, the islands of Polynesia, as well as in British Columbia, where it is called "British jade". There are also small deposits of jade in the South Urals, in Russia.

It is characteristic that, depending on the area, the color of the stone may vary. For example, jade mined from the area of ​​Lake Baikal has a greenish-spinach color and a high degree of transparency. Stones mined in Poland, the town of Jordanowa, have a whole range of shades - from ivory to transparent green. The main deposits of jade are found in mountain streams and, since the pebbles are very smooth and slippery, they are usually searched for with bare feet.

The main processing centers are located in the PRC and China, where many Chinese cutters still use the ancient method of using hollow bamboo lathes to work the stone with sand and water.

Pieces of the mineral are used to make most jewelry, although ancient craftsmen carved pieces from huge stones.

very close to jade rock is jadeite. These two minerals are formed under the influence of almost the same natural and chemical conditions. The difference is that jadeite is formed at a great depth and under great pressure, while jade is formed at a shallower depth, which is sufficient for a faster crystallization process.

The color of the stone depends on the excess or deficiency of the substance "highly ferrous amphiboles". If there are a lot of them, the stone turns out to be almost black, and, accordingly, the smaller it is, the greener and lighter it will be. The presence of chromium in the composition will give the stone a bright emerald color. If the sedimentary rock is rich in magnesium and contains no iron at all, the jade will be white.

Jade is found in various forms. It can be whole multi-ton boulders, blocks, or maybe ordinary pebbles near mountain rivers. A fact is known when a jade 5-ton boulder was discovered in Northern Burma in 1071, and the weight of the largest block found in the same place in 1978 was about 30 tons.

The main characteristics of jade, its healing and magical properties

Three most important qualities jade in order of their influence on the value in the world market - color, transparency and texture, let's look at them in more detail:

In addition to their unique physical characteristics, "kidney stone" has a huge impact on the emotional and spiritual state of a person, on his health. This noble and valuable mineral has the following properties:

  • has magical powers able to protect against negative energy, evil eye (from the evil eye it is recommended to wear a jade bracelet);
  • conveys kindness, love, energy to the wearer, makes its owner a kind and sympathetic person;
  • has medicinal properties. It will help not only strengthen, but also restore the body after a long illness, helps with kidney and liver diseases, migraines, dizziness;
  • widely used in cosmetology to smooth out wrinkles and give the face fresh look; Chinese jade pads are used to massage the whole body. Jade helps to strengthen the skin, hair, nails.

The magical power of jade is confirmed unique properties that no other stone possesses:

Natural green jade is officially recognized by medicine as a healing stone.

How to wear a stone and combination with zodiac signs

Possessing powerful energy and strength, jadeite is most suitable for energetic people with a strong core. As for the color, green jade will suit green-eyed girls. stones light shades suitable for girls blue eyes. It is better for brown-eyed brunettes to choose saturated bright colors. For the stone to have maximum impact, it is best worn in a silver or platinum setting.

Jade is traditionally associated with the 4 elements. Green corresponds to the elements of the Earth, white and blue to the elements of Air, yellow jade is associated with the element of Water, and the fire element obeys red jade. The mineral is considered very strong, as it combines the forces of the Moon, Venus and Proserpine. Accordingly, people who are strong, authoritative, striving for constant change should wear it.

Each color has its own influence on the fate of a person, depending on his zodiac sign:

  • blue is the most magical mineral, suitable for all who seek to achieve spiritual balance. Does not correspond 100% with any sign, but is most in harmony with Aquarius and Gemini;
  • green stone fit Capricorn, it is the strongest biostimulant that affects the physical body of a person and is used more in lithotherapy, and not, as is commonly believed, for the treatment of kidneys;
  • white stone is ideal for Libra, it pacifies their spirit, helps relationships with loved ones;
  • jade red and brown well suited to the energy of Dev;
  • yellow and black colors are suitable for all water signs, but are contraindicated for Sagittarius and Taurus.

It is not recommended for children to wear jade because of the strong earthly energy, although peace and tranquility come to those who wear jade, the stone relieves tension, excitement, and relieves unnecessary fuss.

The stone can be called "alive", as it has the properties of a chameleon. If the stone on a person has darkened, this is a signal that a lot of negative energy has accumulated in it.

Jade stone is classified as semi-precious ornamental minerals. Its name comes from the Greek word "νεφρό", that is, "kidney", supposedly its appearance resembles this organ. This mineral has been a subject of admiration since ancient times, it is credited with the properties of a sacred stone. He has other names: jade, Maori.

Description of the stone

Translucent semi-precious jade is composed of intertwining crystalline fibers, giving it a unique look among other stones.

It is durable, surpasses granite in this characteristic. They make the most miscellaneous products with details of unusual precision. Jade is popular for its durability and also because it is well crafted.

Historical information

Archaeologists find jade, which can be attributed to the Neolithic era. These are figurines, amulets, tools, hunting items. All things have a special strength. Ancient Egypt extensively used jade to create women's and any other jewelry, including household items. Clothes were strewn with small green stones, and they also made slabs of structures and columns for them.


In the course of history, jade stone was often used to make symbols of power.

Moreover, the people liked it, because the shades of the green mineral were attractive to him. From ancient times to today it sacred stone for China. They believe in its ability to change the habits and behavior of a person.

The properties of the stone were compared with human qualities, the nobility of people. In the East, it is a symbol of harmony, getting rid of the fuss. In Europe and many other countries it was used for magical purposes.

Physical Properties

The chemical composition of jade includes impurities of iron, magnesium, vanadium and chromium. Also, it contains silica or silicon oxide. At the same time, the rock is distinguished by the toughness and strength of steel.

From physical properties the following can be listed:

  1. The color of the stone varies from gray and white to green and blue. There is also black jade. Color brightness is variable depending on chemical composition sample, the presence of FeO - iron oxides. The most valuable samples are pale, with significant transparency (translucent), having a greasy sheen.
  2. Hardness ranges from 2.90 to 3.02.
  3. Density - 3.5.
  4. The hardness of jade can be compared to glass, but it is softer than quartz.
  5. Transparency comes in different levels. Often it is completely absent in the stone, unless it is cut into thin plates.
  6. Due to the high heat capacity, jade is used to treat the areas of the stomach and kidneys, warming these organs for a long time (as a heating pad).

Place of Birth

Jade-like minerals form as a result of magma intrusion into sedimentary rocks. Many explored deposits were formed in this way. And also through the invasion of intrusions (magma) into serpentinites.

Jade is found among marble and shale. It is mined in rivers and streams in the form of placers, as well as in quarries. Jade deposits have been discovered on every continent. Industrial sources are the Ospinskoye deposit (of the East Sayan group), the developed Ulan-Khodinskoye deposit, in the Polar Urals, in Kazakhstan and Tuva.

Outside the Russian Federation, New Zealand can be called with a high (first-class) quality of minerals found, beautiful coloration, transparency. As well as Canada and the USA, the states of California, Washington, Montana and Alaska. The mountainous areas of China (Pamir, Kuen-Lun) also have deposits where mining is carried out.

Varieties, colors

Popular opinion is that jade is only green. In fact, his palette is quite extensive. These are light, saturated and marsh shades of green, and there is also red (fiery), black and white jade. Some stones have impurities in blue or yellowish colors.

We list the typical varieties of color:

white jade

It cannot be in the form of a stone of pure color, it has light yellow, greenish and gray shades.


He is credited with the most powerful mystical properties. When contemplating it, a person can reveal his abilities, gaining peace, a peaceful state.

black jade

Basis for original jewelry. For women, it is suitable for special occasions.

In addition to differences in color, there are types of jade that differ in the type of color:

  • homogeneous, which are bright and transparent, are highly valued;
  • spotted;
  • with patches.

This texture is possible due to the presence of carbonates, iron and other substances in the composition of the stone. Sometimes patterns are visible on the surface of jade, which is successfully used by jewelers.

Medicinal properties

Since ancient times, jade has been used to heal various diseases. For diseases Bladder and his kidneys were considered excellent tool. A good effect is also noticed on the area of ​​​​digestion. Jade relieves insomnia, nightmares during sleep, various anxieties.

The high heat capacity of the stone allows healers to make warm compresses for the kidneys and stomach of a person. Jade is constantly warm to the touch, so it is used as a heating pad in the back area, preheated.

Many healers use jade balls for massage, including cosmetic. State skin is improving.

magical properties

Jade is very often used in magical rituals. A number of his valuable abilities stand out. It is a symbol of the Earth and Sky, as well as Wisdom and Eternity. The philosopher Confucius argued: the stone helps to show prudence and humanity, reveals mental abilities.

The East considered the stone to be holy, able to save the owner from evil intentions, to show respect for people. In many peoples of the world, jade was used to communicate with other worlds during magical rituals. Some people think that this mineral can stop hurricanes and other natural disasters, acting on a global scale.

The stone protects the wearer from bad company and enemies. Family relationships will fit well.

Who suits jade according to the zodiac sign?

In fact, jade can suit any sign of the zodiac. But at the same time, the condition must be met: readiness for drastic changes against the backdrop of everyday life. It is most favorable for Libra. In this case, it is good if the color is white.

Virgins red varieties will bring happiness in the family and love. And also fiery jade will help any initiatives in the profession.

Crayfish, Pisces choose black or blue, as the most favorable, giving energy, strength. Capricorn recommended green color, most common for jade. Then the stone will moderate impulsiveness, reduce aggression, and can also lead to the realization of goals.

It is better for Sagittarius and Taurus not to use jade as their zodiac talisman.

Talismans and amulets

Jade stone protects the owner from any misfortunes, failures. Single people are advised to wear white amulets, which bring changes in life in search of well-being in and marriage unions.

For a child, the image of a padlock carved on jade, which is worn around his neck, is considered successful. It symbolized the connection with life.

A good talisman is a ring, a ring with an insert of white jade. They help in professional activities, optimally combining it with family well-being.

This mineral can enhance the beneficial effects of other amulets. It is good as a symbol of military courage, mind. If the jade jewelry is small, the person will quickly achieve his goals, overtaking others. For warriors, this is quite suitable.

Blood-red varieties of stone protect housing from the elements of nature.


Mankind throughout history has made the most various decorations from jade. These are cult, household, jewelry crafts. As well as talismans and symbols of power. Beautiful little figurines. Copies of the stone look good with rings, in the form of beads and pendants, bracelets.

Other uses of the stone

Jade is used in medical purposes(for example, healers) for massage, warming up. Heating stones keep heat for a long time, in connection with which they treat sciatica, kidneys. From it you can make parts of furniture and the furniture itself, many household items.


How much is jade worth? It depends on the quality of the stone, color, structure. The frame of the jewelry can be made of various metals which determines the price of the product. For example, the cost of rings with green jade starts from 600 rubles.

jade care

Due to the durability of jade, it does not need special care. This is a shock-resistant material, it is not too afraid of scratches. However, it is recommended to store it in a separate box, finished inside soft cloth. Or use a cloth bag.

Cleaning is done with soapy water, rinsing well with running water at the end of the procedure. You can simply wipe the jade with a soft damp cloth or even rub it.

How to distinguish a natural stone from a fake?

In addition to natural jade, there is also pressed jade and its plastic fake.

There are several ways to distinguish it:

  1. Due to the great hardness of natural stone, it will not be damaged by a needle test. A pressed copy will leave a scratch, but not a natural one (except for low-grade copies).
  2. If you apply real stone to the face, initially it should be cold. And having absorbed heat, he keeps it for a long time.
  3. Sound check. If you hit the beads against each other, the effect should be melodic.
  4. When looking at the lumen, intertwining fibers should be visible.

What stones go with jade?

Good combinations of jade with rock crystal, moonstone() And . It is better not to combine it with malachite and sardonyx. And also its combination with is doubtful, which is also sometimes advisable to exclude.

artificial jade

As already mentioned, jade is made by pressing crumbs, shavings and dust left over from stone processing. Artificial plastic is added to this mass, so magical and medicinal properties, similar natural stone, from such crafts most likely will not.

Since ancient times, people have used jade to treat diseases. Massage with balls, rods can be done at home. This will improve blood circulation, promote regeneration, relieve fatigue. Wearing green beads normalizes the rhythm of the heart. Jade balls are also used for exercises that develop an injured hand.

Each precious or semi-precious stone has its own magical properties. This also applies to jade. He has special powers that help to achieve success in different areas life.

Jade is a semi-precious stone that is often used in jewelry making. He has a green saturated color and special energy. Taken together, all the virtues of this stone make it an excellent choice for both those who follow beauty and those who wish to take something more. A brief description of the most famous magical stones will help you quickly navigate the types of minerals, their purpose and properties.

jade properties

The main characteristics of this stone: green color, unsurpassed strength among minerals, vitreous brilliance and strength.

These properties are determined by the presence of iron, calcium and magnesium in the structure of the stone. Depending on the presence of impurities, jade can sometimes be red or blue in color. This is very rare stones which are highly prized among collectors.

It is used as jewelry, although due to its durability in antiquity it was usually the main part of edged weapons. Nephrite is best stored carefully due to its vulnerability to contamination. It is easy to wash - a must hot water and soap.

Jade and Zodiac Signs

Jade loves the elements water and air. But despite his preferences, he will not interfere with any of the Zodiac Signs. His presence will only improve the mood and stabilize the exchange of energy with the cosmos. Air and Water Signs simply get more out of jade than the rest. In addition to stability, jade also brings luck in the lives of these Signs in relationships with loved ones. Jade for these people is a sign of harmony and good mood.

Our other article will help you choose a piece of jewelry according to your Zodiac Sign. Each person will be able to find a worthy talisman and a talisman from problems and misfortune.

Oriental sages about jade

The very first "capital" of Nephrite was China. There it was valued so highly that it overshadowed any precious metals. Chinese sages and great minds of other nationalities believed that jade represents right choice and help you find your way.

Now jade thanks ancient China has great respect both among the manufacturers of talismans and among those who use them. Chinese legends say that jade has the power to "correct the wrong." It is a stone of longevity and prosperity, as well as a talisman of knowledge. Confucius wrote about jade: “He is like the power of knowledge, for he is smooth and shiny. It is like justice, for it has sharp edges, but they do not cut.<...>He is like truthfulness, for he does not hide flaws that only enhance his beauty.

Jade and esotericism

Psychics argue that jade must be worn by those who want to change their lives for the better. When you put on a positive program or try to remove a negative one, when you remove damage or the evil eye, when you try new job or find new love- in any of these situations, jade will be most welcome.

Most experts in the field of magic say that the properties of jade help those who doubt themselves. It gives hope, strength, energy and firmness when it is so lacking.

For jade to help, program your energy for success. How to do this is described in detail in one of our articles. After that, purchase jade and put it at home as close to your bed as possible or carry it with you as a talisman. Jade is a great helper to any conspiracy, any other talisman, as well as a positive program. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

12.05.2016 05:06

Each sign of the Zodiac has its own amulets that attract good luck, money and strength. Sagittarius is patronized by such ...