Moldavite is a stone of extraterrestrial origin. Moldavite - celestial fragments on the banks of the Vltava

Arriving in the Czech Republic, which is famous for its floor precious stones, many tourists tend to buy the famous Czech pomegranates. But not many people know that in this beautiful country you can buy another no less beautiful stone. This is the Vltavin stone, a mineral with a truly Czech name.

Description of the mineral

Vltavin is a glassy stone. The intensity of its color can be different - from pale green and emerald green to dark green. Its structure can be either homogeneous or non-homogeneous.

In the mass of light stone there are dark veins and overflows, which makes it really mysterious and attractive. Very rare are brown and even black stones, which are valued the most.

The texture of the raw stone is not uniform. She is bristly, covered with small tubercles and dotted with beards. Inside the mineral itself, small air bubbles can be seen. In my own way chemical composition this stone is 80% silicon dioxide, 10% aluminum and other inclusions.

The history of this stone is covered with many ancient legends and rumors. Scientists believe that this mineral was formed as a result of the explosion of a large meteorite many millions of years ago.

They also call vltavin natural glass of extraterrestrial origin. According to their assumptions, the meteorite exploded near the mouth of the Vltava River. On this moment there stands the city of Stuttgart and this land belongs to Germany. The Germans at one time called this river not the Vltava, but Moldau. Therefore, they called this stone Moldavite. Later, the Czechs renamed the name of the mineral into the modern "vltavin" and scientists still use it, considering it more correct.

There are such stones, as a rule, only in the Czech Republic, in its southern regions. Minerals are often found in estuaries. They also come to the surface after agricultural work in the fields. Good intact specimens are very often found in sand pits. Locals know that finding these stones is a good way to earn money.

That is why in areas where vltavin is most often found, there are many trenches and funnels. People who understand this issue claim that these minerals are much more common in the fields than in sand pits. But it is sand that allows the stone to retain its original luster and shape.

This stone is highly valued as its supply is limited. The question is, how long will we have enough stocks of this mysterious stone, remains open. Manufacturers and sellers of jewelry and souvenirs claim that the deposits will soon be depleted. But scientists are sure that we have not yet spent 1% of all Vltavins, which the Czech Republic is famous for.

This mineral is found in the form of separate fragments. Therefore, in jewelry they are most often inlaid raw. Their original texture is best emphasized by classic silver. But they are also processed, polished, cut, and even various figures are cut out of them. Vltavins look great with almost any other stones.

The most valuable specimens are also considered to be stones more traditional for us. round shape. Having at the same time the original textured surface. Such gems can be easily processed and inlaid into the desired setting.

A little curious fact: one of the varieties of cheese is named after this mineral. The similarity of cheese with Vltavin lies in the fact that the outside of the cheese has white mold, and the inside is greenish.

The magical and healing properties of the stone

People dealing with stones (lithotherapists) claim that this mineral has a rejuvenating effect. It is also able to strengthen the body and restore strength. It is also used as an assistant in the fight against stress, with night fears and sleep disorders. It is believed that it improves vision and helps with headaches. The green color of the stone helps to relax the muscles of the eyes and stabilize the heart rate.

It is also useful to insist water on this mineral. Keep Vltavin in water for several hours and it will recharge life energy. In addition to the function of "energy replenishment" of your body, such water also helps to cleanse it of harmful substances.

As for mystical properties, since ancient times people have believed that this stone can be used as a talisman. It's all about the special color and texture of the mineral. Esotericists believe that green mineral products help open the "third eye". Vltavin is used by fortune tellers to see the future. And magicians use the magical properties of this stone to establish contact with extraterrestrial energies.

It is believed that this stone should be worn in cases where a special concentration of attention is needed. Or it is necessary to restore the aura destroyed by severe stress. Since vltavin is an excellent natural accumulator of vital energy.

According to belief Czech stone vltavin - an amulet and a protective stone for women with the name Maria. It was also given by young people before the wedding to their future bride. After some time, this custom has lost its relevance. But you can always remember this tradition and look for your bride suitable decoration with vltavin.

This mineral is considered universal and is suitable for all zodiac signs without exception. The only difference is the effect it has on the representatives of a particular sign.

Where to buy natural mineral?

If you want to buy natural Vltavin, for this you will need to go to the Czech Republic. Thus, you will save yourself from overpayments and be sure that you have not been sold a fake.

It is best to purchase a stone in jewelry stores and boutiques specializing in luxury jewelry. Most of them are in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. In particular, there are two stores of the Granat chain. They are located at: Dlouha, 28 and Panska, 1.

You can also purchase products from Vltavin in the well-known jewelry store"CeletnaCrystal", located on Celetnaya street, 15.

At the Karlštejn Castle souvenir shop, which also sells jewelry and souvenirs from Vltavin. It is best to buy products from this mineral in large stores. Since there you can ask for a certificate for the sale of a gem and be sure that they will definitely not sell you a fake there.

Stone Moldavite is already from the history of its appearance on our planet, shrouded in mysticism and mystery. Amazing breed endowed unusual properties and according to many, still has a connection with space. Outer spaces, like many years ago, remain a mystery to humans, with which all sorts of legends, mysteries and many mystical events are associated.

Description of the stone Moldavite

The mineral has a structured shape, the surface is slightly scratched. Moldavite, completely unlike the others semiprecious stones. Pebbles are always small and with an unusual shape. They rarely reach sizes of more than 50 mm. The mysterious mineral shines through in the sun, like glass from a green bottle. Outwardly, it resembles chrysolite formed on seabed. It is distinguished by a glassy structure, while being siliceous, dense and hard. Has a very high temperature melting, but at the same time remains very fragile.

Deposit and mining of the mineral

It is believed that the mineral owes its origin to an unknown cosmic force. Scientists refer to the fact that almost 15 million years ago, a huge meteorite at a speed of 22 km / s fell in the region of modern Czech Republic. The blow fell on the rocks, which immediately melted, and under the action kinetic energy they were ejected to the surface.

The force was so great that the crushed rock flew a long distance into different sides from the collision site. It is believed that it was the remains of that meteorite that gradually formed the mineral Moldavite. Therefore, often, jokingly, the stone is called a space alien.

It has been proven that terrestrial particles in this mineral no, many scientists are convinced that each such piece became a fragment of a crashed comet. unusual shape, the structure is attributed to the impact of natural disasters that occurred during this time. There are also those who confidently declare that this particular mineral is an unusual glass that was smelted by other civilizations that once lived on our planet. The first find was recorded on the Vltavin River, Moldau, which in German means Moldavit. Today, you can find something similar only in the Czech Republic, Bohemia, the Nerdlinger Ris crater, other corners of our planet are not distinguished by the presence of such a treasure.

Medicinal properties

Since the semi-precious find was first found, its medicinal properties on human body. Today, the mineral is widely used in the treatment of diseases. nervous system, it is believed that it can help:

  • restore lost sleep, eliminate insomnia and nightmares;
  • allows you to quickly survive stress, without consequences for health;
  • drive away fear, inner feelings, depression.
  • migraine;
  • eye pathologies;
  • hypertension;
  • obesity;
  • headaches;
  • dysfunction of the sacral spine.

Along with this, scientists stipulate that the improper use of the mineral can lead to a negative impact on the functioning of the body, for example, contribute to the accumulation of a large amount of bile.

The magical properties of the stone

Differing in unearthly origin, the semi-precious breed has some magical influences per person. It is believed that a space alien is still able to attract powerful foreign forces that protect a person from various negative influences. When using such a magical "helper", you can:

  • get rid of the negative aura;
  • become a philosopher;
  • develop a sense of tolerance, calmness, to everything that happens around a person;
  • rejuvenate by increasing the flow of vital energy;
  • become kinder, more restrained, more merciful;
  • get satisfaction from their endeavors and life.

People, for a long time those who use such gifts gradually begin to show in themselves the gift of foresight, their intuition develops more than usual. With the right disposal of your gifts, you can find a way to connect with the higher mind, God, and other civilizations. studying mystical properties remains of a meteorite, scientists have identified amazing fact- the stone is able to change its shade based on what kind of aura a person has. The stone is filled with the energy of the person next to whom it is located.

The meaning of the signs of the zodiac

Wandering long years through outer space, the miracle stone managed to absorb incredible powers forbidden world, inexplicable to mankind. Astrologers assure that for ladies whose name is Mary, such a find will become a real talisman, an incredible helper in any endeavors.

Along with this, astrologers say that wearing such magic stone You can absolutely all the signs of the zodiac. There is nothing wrong with a space stone. Each sign of the zodiac, depending on temperament, character traits, lifestyle, the mineral will give its knowledge, a certain strength, will the support you need and help. Such a little thing is able to enhance the zodiac possibility of a person. Given the mystery of origin, magical, mystical properties most affect the signs of Air, Earth, Water.

Also, experts make several warnings about the fact that Scorpions, Pisces, in no case should they use such an assistant when performing secret rites, divination, witchcraft. The inept use of higher energies can lead to an unexpected course of events.

Application area

Knowing about the mystical magical influences unusual unearthly mineral, experienced magicians, sorcerers, sorceresses, psychics, constantly use the stone when performing rituals, great mysteries. By inserting a stone into gold, silver frames, the strongest amulets, amulets, talismans are prepared on its basis. It is believed that such little things can protect against evil forces, protect and prevent all the bad things that can happen to their owner.

Such amulets were first made already in the Paleolithic era, they can be found in private collections, seen in major museums. Jewelers also could not remain indifferent to semi-precious mineral. Today you can find on sale earrings, pendants, bracelets, rings, pendants from Moldavite. Of course, such interest can be fully explained by the unusually beautiful emerald view of unearthly glass, the beauty, the value of which was noticed by ancient jewelers already in the 18th century.

The production of each piece of jewelry where Moldavite is present makes the piece unique. The reason is that similar stone can not found. The structure, pattern of each mineral is unique, which is why such works are considered single. Many use other gemstones in their making, but more often than not, a jeweler tries to keep natural beauty mineral, preserving its unique natural shade as much as possible.

The works of modern jewelers, in which you can find the Moldavite stone, can be easily found on sale in the market. jewelry. Such a luxurious little thing will decorate any woman, inspire self-confidence, help raise self-esteem and become truly irresistible to others.

Moldavite stone attracts connoisseurs precious jewelry, lovers of esotericism and magic. He has many interesting properties And unusual view. The uniqueness of the stone lies in the absence of negative qualities affecting the wearer.

According to scientists, the stone was formed after a large meteorite collided with the Earth. They believe that he fell into German territory near the Vltava River. In our time, this place is called "Nerdlinger-Ries Crater". The Germans call this river Moldau, thanks to which the stone is called Moldavit. The meteorite had a high speed and temperature, which led to the melting of the rock and the scattering of fragments for many kilometers.

Other scientists believe that the material is fragments of an unburned comet. In its composition, it differs from similar materials of volcanic origin.

The stone can only be found in the area of ​​the Vltava (Moldau) river.

Physical properties of stone

The material has following characteristic. In appearance, it resembles bottle glass. An ignorant person can easily confuse him with him. But unlike glass, the surface of moldavite is not smooth, but has a porous structure.

The main color is green. But the stone has different shades. Each shade gives the mineral its own beauty and makes it special. Among the shades stand out:

  • dark green;
  • brown;
  • black.

Small stones are found in nature. Their size rarely exceeds 3 cm with a weight of several grams. The largest is considered to be a mineral found near the town of Slavica. Its weight was about 300 grams.

According to its structure, moldavite stone, which is tektite. This is entirely melted glass of extraterrestrial origin. It consists of silicon dioxide SiO2 and aluminum oxide Al2O3. On the Mohs scale, its hardness is 6 units. This makes it difficult to process and vltavin can easily scratch the glass. The mineral can be melted only in special furnaces. Its melting point reaches 1300 °C. Density 2.3 g/cm³.

Medicinal properties

Like other stones, moldavite is able to improve health and eliminate some diseases.

He can handle or recover:

  • Dream. The stone helps with insomnia, nightmares.
  • Fights fears.
  • Gets out of depression.
  • Relieves headaches.

Who gets in trouble excess weight and low blood pressure ethnoscience advises to carry a stone with you. During eye diseases, you need to look at it for several minutes a day. His green color soothes irritation and restores vision.

From side effects an increase in bile in the body. This property occurs at a constant and misuse mineral.

Application in magic

Moldavite has magical properties that are widely used by oracles and magicians. They advise carrying the stone with you as much as possible.

It is believed that Vltavin is capable of:

  • improve intuition;
  • endow the wearer with the gift of foresight;
  • if you put a stone near the bed, you may have a prophetic dream at night;
  • protect from damage and the evil eye;
  • the color of the stone may vary depending on the state of the chakras;
  • rejuvenate the body;
  • its carrier becomes kinder;
  • people with creative professions will become more talented.

This mineral is magical and can fill a person with vital energy and establish a connection with cosmic energy and open supernatural abilities. Often the stone is used during communication with otherworldly power and at seances.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

It is one of the few minerals that is compatible with most of the zodiac signs. Restrictions apply only to Pisces and Scorpions for which it does not fit. They are not recommended to use moldavite during magical rituals. It will bring positive qualities to the rest of the signs. For example, lions increase the impact on people Aquarius and Libra happy to acquire new abilities, Virgo, Capricorn and Gemini will receive a "bonus" when starting new cases, Taurus with Aries improve intuition.

Beware: scammers

There are many fakes in the gemstone market. Vltavin was no exception. Observing simple measures precautions, you can avoid unnecessary spending on buying fakes.

Before buying, you can pay attention to the following parameters:

  • The color of the mineral should be green shades. Its color is dark green with various shades. If this color is completely absent, then it is a fake.
  • Transparency. A completely transparent mineral does not exist in nature. It contains impurities of various minerals, which makes it slightly cloudy.
  • Many materials are crystalline in structure, but moldavite has no structure. His body is formless.
  • The complexity of processing makes its texture unusual. A smooth polished surface, like glass, immediately gives out a fake.
  • If the seller claims that the stone was found elsewhere, then it is a fake. It is mined only near the Vltava River.
  • When the material matches the description, but there are doubts about the authenticity, you can take the stone to a specialist for analysis.

Video on the topic: mineral moldavite


The mineral is popular among jewelry makers. It is inserted into a frame for rings, bracelets, earrings, pendants and pendants. But you should take a closer look at the jewelry, fakes can often be found. To be completely sure of the authenticity of the jewelry, you will have to go to the birthplace of the stone in the Czech Republic or Germany. Only in local stores can you buy the original with confidence.

Here ends the story unique stone Moldavite or Vltavin. This material has been used for jewelry for many centuries. His magical and healing properties allow it to be used in esotericism and medicine. They make it popular with fortune tellers and healers. You should visit his homeland to buy a natural mineral. It's worth it. You can argue about its properties for a long time, but within the framework of one article it is impossible to tell everything. Best wishes.

Moldavite is a stone that took its name from the Czech river

Many millions of years ago, an unknown space object fell on the territory of modern Europe. According to one version, it was a small meteorite, according to another, a comet. As a result, under the influence of high temperatures and high pressure rock melted at the point of impact and formed moldavite.

Name of this unusual stone comes from the name of the Czech river near which it was first discovered. The locals called the river in the old manner - Moldau, and this is how the name of the mineral was born. Nowadays the river is called Vltava. That is why the second name of this stone is Vltavin.

Main characteristics

Moldavite is often called bottle stone or water chrysolite. If you see moldavite in the photo, then it can be mistaken for a fragment glass bottle, because in its structure it resembles molten glass. The surface of moldavite is covered with small depressions, but this only gives the stone a peculiar charm. The crystal size rarely exceeds 3 cm. Hardness corresponds to 5-6 on the Mohs scale.

Modavite stone belongs to tektites. The basis of its composition is silicon oxide. Chemical formula- SiO2. In its structure, the stone is heterogeneous: bubbles and cavities are filled with gas, the pressure and concentration of which differ from those of the earth.

The color of the stone is grassy green, green-brown, dirty brown, black. Luster - glass.

Place of Birth

In the world, the number of moldavite deposits is limited. The deposits of this mineral are found only in places where meteorites fall. The most famous place where moldavite is mined is the Vltava river basin. It is there, in the Czech Republic, that placers of this mineral can be found. Also, small amounts of moldavite are found in Moldova.


Moldavite is of no practical value for industry. However, due to its visual appeal, it is widely used for making jewelry. The stone lends itself well to cutting, but unusual appearance allows it to be used in in kind. Small crystals of uncut moldavite are hung on a chain in the form of pendants. And faceted stones act as inserts in a variety of jewelry.

Despite the fact that the stone has been mined since the ΧVΙΙΙ century, scientists are still arguing about its origin. Initially, there was a version that this mineral is pieces of glass that remained at the site of prehistoric glass factories. However, over time, this theory was refuted. There are suggestions that moldavite is a frozen comet nucleus, and not melted rock.

The only thing that scientists have proven for sure is that moldavite was used as protective amulets back in the Stone Age. True, from whom the ancient people defended themselves with its help, it is still not clear.

magical properties

While scientists are arguing about the origin of moldavite, magicians and oracles use it in their practices. TO magical properties moldavita attribute its ability to discover in a person the gift of a soothsayer. It promotes the development of intuition and helps to see a prophetic dream.

Mediums wear moldavite jewelry to protect them from otherworldly entities. A ordinary person he is able to protect from damage and the evil eye.

On energy level moldavite cleanses the human aura. It helps a person's energy to circulate properly and opens his chakras. The owner of the jewelry with moldavite comprehends divine essence being, becomes tolerant and merciful. He stops getting upset over trifles and begins to take what is happening to him for granted.

For people of creative professions, this mineral will help to keep the muse and reveal talents.

Application in astrology

Products with moldavite can be worn by all signs of the zodiac. Since this stone is an alien from outer space, it greatly enhances the exposure of each sign to its heavenly patrons. As a result, the development positive qualities each sign of the zodiac.

Medicinal properties

Jewelry with moldavite can balance state of mind person. They help ease stress and improve mood.

Moldavite stone must be worn when:

  • eye diseases
  • anemia
  • insomnia
  • heavy falling asleep
  • high blood pressure
  • depressive states

Throughout the entire period of human existence, the craving for everything new and unknown has always remained constant. Unusual and an interesting riddle remains to study solids from which they made magnificent ornaments. Slowly came into fashion natural stones which are essential in the life of every person. To date, there are thousands of different stones, natural origin grown synthetically. Let us consider in more detail one class of stones that can hit everyone.

Features of moldavite

Moldavite is the most unusual stone on our planet that exists. The name of this stone comes from the name of the river flowing in the Czech Republic, where it was first found, about 15 million years ago. Scientists agree that they took part in the appearance of moldovite in the very sense of the word. higher power. From heaven at a tremendous speed of 22 kilometers per second, a large messenger rushed and fell to the ground. Thus, the instantaneous heating of the rocks to the seething temperature revived a large number of green crystals.

This name is amazing stone received in honor of the name of the river - Moldau, which means "wild river" which is located in the south of the Czech Republic. Local residents began to call this name in their own language and later began to call this river - Vltava. In many sources, you can find two names for this stone - vltavit and moldavite. At first glance, this stone looks like fragments of bottle glass. Moldavite comes in a wide variety of shapes and shades, from light emerald to deep marsh. Moldovite has a wrinkled “corrugated” surface with depressions and bulges. Since ancient times, people began to treat it as a miracle of nature, and began to study it scientifically in more detail.

Moldavite Jewelry

The stone is very well cut, so it is widely used in jewelry. It is hung on chains in the form of pendants, inserted into rings and all kinds of pendants and necklaces are made, and this is not the whole list of its use. Products from Moldovite can be worn by all signs of the zodiac without exception. It makes it easy to transfer stressful situations, improves mood. Esoteric properties are also attributed to the stone: protection from the evil eye, the discovery of the gift of foresight and the development of intuitive abilities. Moldovite is considered a natural created miracle, unique and beautiful at the same time.

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