Vltavin (Moldavit): a powerful Czech stone that looks like glass. Moldavite stone

Name and origin

- formation of meteorite origin - a very unusual dark green stone of the tektite group.

The origin is associated with the fall of meteorites. It got its name from the German name Moldau) of the Vltava River, near which it was found. Under the influence of the enormous temperature released as a result of the transformation kinetic energy, the rock that took the impact of the meteorite (about 15-20 million years ago), melted and was thrown into the air. As a result, its frozen pieces were scattered over an area with a radius of several hundred kilometers. The surface of moldavite is structured, covered with scars, the size of the pieces rarely exceeds 3 cm.

The second version of the origin: Moldavite is not the transformation of earth particles after the fall of a meteorite, but the remains of fragments of a comet that did not burn out in the atmosphere 15 million years ago. If we study moldavite in detail, then its composition is very different from other glasses of volcanic origin, and the color is not quite similar to tektite (tektite is characterized by dark shades from red to black). On the surface of moldavite, you can see a huge number of irregularities, tubercles - this is due to the long-term and long-term influence of nature on this stone.

Physicochemical characteristics

Chemical formula - SiO2

Shine - glass

Color - green, "bottle" shade, to brown and black

Transparency - translucent to transparent

Hardness - 5-6on the Mohs scale

Density - 2,3g/cm3

Place of Birth

Moldavite is known only in South Bohemia between České Budějovice and Kaplice.

Application and use

Usually, moldavites are polished and used as inserts in pendants, pendants, and rings.

How to distinguish real from fake

Check the color of the stone. It should be dark, almost mossy green. If the stone has a brighter, more saturated green color, it may be an emerald, not moldavite. If the stone is not green at all, it is definitely not real moldavite.

Pay attention to the structure of the stone. While many gemstones have a crystalline structure, moldavite does not. Its structure is called "amorphous", which literally means "formless". This means that moldavite can form in different forms.

The texture of the stone should also be taken into account. Due to its amorphous structure, genuine moldavite is difficult to process to give it a completely smooth, lustrous surface. If the stone you have chosen correct color, but at the same time its surface is smooth and well polished, like bottle glass, it may be a fake.

- check the transparency of the stone. Just as it is difficult to polish moldavite to a smooth finish, it is also difficult to find completely transparent natural moldavite. Natural moldavite consists of silicon, but it often contains impurities of other elements, such as iron or magnesium, which is why it loses the transparency characteristic of many jewelry stones.

Ask the seller where this stone is from. Moldavite is a tektite that is found exclusively in the Vltava River valley, in the territory of modern Czech Republic. If the seller claims that the stone came from any other region, it is almost certainly a fake.

You can also check to see if moldavite scratches or serrates easily, but be aware that doing so can permanently damage the stone. Real moldavite is rated at 5.5 on the Mohs hardness scale. For comparison, a diamond has an index of 10, so it is almost impossible to scratch a diamond. A natural stone moldavite, on the other hand, is vulnerable to scratches and chips, so it must be handled with care.

If you doubt the authenticity of the selected stone, take this moldavite to a gemologist for verification. Only a professional can tell you with accuracy whether a stone is natural or fake.

Medicinal properties

Lithotherapists suggest that moldavite calms the nervous system. It is believed that this mineral removes Negative consequences stressful situations, normalizes sleep, relieves insomnia and nightmares. Some traditional healers It is recommended to wear moldavite beads or pendants to get rid of fears. Sometimes, due to its rich green color, moldavite is used to stabilize blood pressure, relief of headaches, prevention of eye diseases. Abuse of the healing properties of this stone can lead to the accumulation of bile.

magical properties

Having an unearthly origin, moldavite keeps the secrets of the Cosmos. It contains magical abilities of unprecedented power, laid down by the forces of the Universe. Experts recommend wearing a stone constantly. It rejuvenates the body, closes holes in the aura that are formed as a result of unrest and stress, gives its owner a philosophical view of things, makes him tolerant, merciful and satisfied with everything that happens to him.

Moldavite is believed to help open any of the chakras, especially the “third eye” chakra. It is not surprising that Moldavites help lovers of mysticism to establish ties with higher powers, because they are guests from the Cosmos on our planet.

Fortune-tellers and magicians use moldavite when performing rituals and recognizing the future, since moldavite protects them from possible impact evil forces.

Astrologers claim that wearing products with this stone will benefit all signs of the zodiac without restrictions. However, in magical rituals it should not be used by Pisces and Scorpions.

Talisman and amulets

As a talisman and amulet, moldavite protects its owner from the impact of any kind of negative from the outside (both natural and from people), protects him from natural disasters, helps to understand divine essence being.

Additional Information

Energy - harmonizing yin/yang

Element - Earth, Fire, Ether (Space)

Horoscope - not found

Influence on the chakras - positive effect on all chakras

planets - Uranus

Connection with names - not found

History and legends

Findings of numerous small pieces of glass in Czechoslovakia have been known for a very long time, since 1787. This glass was called moldavite. Due to the absence of signs of volcanic activity in this area, it became clear that its origin differs from obsidian. A fairly plausible theory has been put forward that moldavite is pieces of glass left over from prehistoric glassworks, but that theory was dismissed when similar pieces of glass were found a century later in areas far from the centers of ancient civilizations.

Moldavites are very rare greenish transparent stones, whose price is very high.

Best regards, Katerina (Napoleonka)

Moldavite is a semi-precious stone with a bottle glass luster ranging from green to black. Its surface is covered with scars, cavernous fractures and resembles small sculptures - this is the result of exposure to Earth conditions. The mineral is fragile, the size of found specimens rarely exceeds 5 centimeters.

Many millions of years ago, a meteorite fell to Earth. This probably happened after a collision with another cosmic body - the structure of moldavite, its properties, color, speak of the reactions that took place high above the earth's crust. Dust rose, particles of earth, plants, sand, stones melted together with the burning alien, forming a new breed.

In the 18th century, when jewelers began to use the stone, it was believed that this was a special type of glass, smelted by ancient people who lived many years ago on the banks of the Czech river. Scientists have been working on obtaining similar compounds in laboratories.

At present, this stone has been found only in one place - near the Vltava River, in the Czech Republic. Moldau is the German version of the name of the river. At a jewelry exhibition, a reporter called moldavite "vltavin". The Czechs liked it - they decided to link the name of the stone to the Czech name of the river. Dissonant options gave rise to confusion: experts in a conversation about stones called vltavin and moldavite different breeds, believing that moldavite was found in Moldavia.

Moldavite and its magical properties

Vltavin is a gift from the Universe, an alien who brought with him a particle of outer space. The breed was formed under the influence of four elements. The stone is prescribed magical properties:

  • protection from the evil eye;
  • energy recovery;
  • development of intuition;
  • strengthening the abilities of the gift of foresight.

Jewelry and amulets made of moldavite were considered a good amulet. The peasants believed that if there is moldavite in the house, then there will be a good harvest.

Moldavite is a plowman's stone, magical properties are associated with fertility, procreation.

The peasants had a ritual: before sowing, the land was plowed and left. After the first rain, they went out into the field and collected shiny pieces of glass. Then the land was sown. The more pebbles the peasant found, the better the harvest. From the collected stones they made jewelry that they gave to the girls. Wearing moldavite jewelry promised health, longevity and the birth of strong beautiful children.

Magicians and psychics say that the stone allows you to look into the future and see the past.

In the practice of yogis, moldavite helps to open the heart chakra. The chakra must be free for the unhindered movement of energy and the achievement of the highest goal. Through the heart, a person learns love for himself, people, the world. In the presence of blocks, a person experiences difficulties in communicating with people, seems dry and selfish. At the physiological level, this manifests itself in heart disease, nervous disorders.

Moldavite, having the ability to travel in time for energy level, gives the opportunity to return to the state unconditional love, familiar to man at birth.

The healing properties of the mineral

Lithotherapy (treatment with stones) implies several options for using moldavite for medicinal purposes.

  1. Touch. With nervous disorders, anxiety, stress, anxiety and insomnia. With headaches, neuralgia. The stone will help to cope with an excess of negative experience. It is enough to hold the stone in your hand for a while, or apply it to the temples (for headaches).
  2. visual contact. To improve vision, memory, attention. The vast majority of vltavins are green. This color is good for the eyes as it relaxes the eyesight. At the same time, contemplation of green stones improves heart rate. Look at Vltavin if you want to lose weight - the green color calms you down, you want to eat less.
  3. Charging water. You can charge water with Vltavin energy. To do this, put a stone in a container for several hours. Use energy water for washing. Water has the ability to purify, and vltavin has a restorative property.

Jewelry from moldavite and prices

Vltavin is a stone with an interesting structure that has long been used as jewelry. The stone was rustic, because it was found right in the field. The peasants of South Bohemia made jewelry with moldavite for girls.

Czech jewelery masters skillfully use what lies on the surface. By creating masterpieces, they increase the demand for semi gems and minerals.

Today you can find moldavite products in combination with precious and semi-precious metals and stones. Brooches, earrings, rings, pendants, bracelets, tiaras for every taste can be purchased in the Czech Republic.

Buyer demand is fueled by claims that the mineral will soon disappear. Data on depletion of the stock are causing a stir, although there is no exact data on the number of stones left in the ground.

Lovers of rarities can purchase jewelry from manufacturers, at exhibitions, or in an online store.

Prices for products range from 30 USD.

Zodiac signs

The stone is universal, suitable for all signs of the zodiac. With caution when conducting rituals, it must be used by Scorpions and Pisces. Representatives of these signs are endowed with the gift of foresight and transformation from birth, they do not need to use this stone to develop these abilities. The stone will benefit the intuitions of Aries and Taurus. For Capricorn, Gemini and Virgo, the stone is useful in undertakings. And Cancers and Sagittarius - to restore peace of mind. Aquarius and Libra will open up new abilities, and Leo will increase their influence on people.

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Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/moldavit-1.jpg" alt="moldavit stone" width="300" height="251">!} One of the features of the Czech Republic is the presence on its territory of various precious and semi-precious stones. This applies not only to world-famous garnets and amber, but also to such a mineral as vltavin. Moldavite stone, as it is also called, is one of the types volcanic glass. It is considered an ancient representative of the tectics, which are distinguished by their meteorite origin.

Description of moldavite

Vltavin stones are different emerald color and sparkling tint. The intensity of its color can be different. Specialists distinguish monophonic and heterogeneous stones, as well as those on the surface of which there are overflows. To date, there are instances various shades. Some of them are quite pale, while others are saturated and bright.

If Vltavin is not processed, its surface will be uneven and wrinkled. Depressions, cracks, tubercles and grooves will give it such a texture. Inside, if you look closely, you can even see small bubbles.

Png" alt="" width="80" height="68"> It is believed that Vltavins are found in nature only in the Czech Republic. At the same time, not all regions of the country can boast of such semi-precious stones. Mostly they are found in the south of Prague. This is quite easy to do, as they appear on the surface in riverbeds, in fields due to plowing the soil, and also in quarries.

Due to the fact that the Vltavins in nature limited quantity they are highly rated. It is believed that if they continue to be mined in the near future on Earth, these stones will not remain in the public domain in natural conditions. At the same time, some experts claim that today people have been able to detect only about 1 percent of all Vltavins on the planet. That is why these stones of the Czech Republic will not end for many centuries.

magical properties

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/moldavit-2.jpg" alt="vltavin stone" width="280" height="220">!}
It is believed that Czech stone called Vltavin is the Gift of the Universe. This is due to the fact that it is of meteorite origin, that is, it came to Earth from outer space. A precious rock was formed under the influence of all four elements - fire, water, air and earth. That is why many people attribute some magical properties to vltavin (moldavite), among which it is important to highlight the following:

  • protecting a person from various evil eye;
  • restoration of lost energy;
  • development of intuitive abilities;
  • strengthening the gift to foresee the future.

Thanks to the above magical abilities vltavina, jewelry from it was considered a pretty good amulet. It was believed that, having placed such an amulet in the house, it was worth waiting in next year good harvest.

Vltavin for a long time was considered the stone of those who plow the land. Its properties are primarily associated with fertility and the continuation of the human race.

In ancient times, peasants even performed rituals with the help of Vltavin. Before sowing, the land was plowed and left for some time in this state. As soon as the first rain fell, people went out into the open field to collect shiny glass. Only after that was it allowed to sow grain. It was believed that the more stones a peasant collects, the more significant his harvest from this crop will be. Subsequently, jewels were made from the collected stones, which were given to the girls. This improved their health, increased the number of years they lived, and also made it possible to give birth to strong and beautiful children.

Some healers, magicians, and psychics claim that Vltavin allows you to look into your future or see some moments from the past.

Jpg" alt=" moldavite pendant" width="120" height="301"> Йоги также используют молдавит в своей практике. Камень помогает им раскрыть чакру сердца. Это необходимо сделать для того, чтобы она была свободна для потоков энергии, что позволяет достичь человеку высших целей. Считается, что именно через сердце можно понять любовь к себе, людям и всему, что находится вокруг. Если в чакре находятся блоки, то это влияет на сухость в общении с другими, а также развитие собственного эгоизма. Нередко это отражается и на физиологии человека в виде проблем с сердцем или же нервных расстройств.!}

Some people believe that thanks to time travel at the energy level, moldavite allows you to achieve that state of unconditional love that a person feels in the very first days after his birth. Then he is the most pure and open to the world around him.

Medicinal properties

Treatment of diseases with stones is called lithotherapy. A Czech stone called vltavin is used in it in the following ways:

  1. Through touch. It mainly helps with various problems with the nervous system. First of all, this concerns neurological disorders, feelings of anxiety, stress, anxiety states, lack of proper sleep, the presence of headaches and neuralgia. It is believed that the semi-precious stone copes well with an overabundance of negative experiences. A person only needs to hold it in the palms of his hands or attach it to his own temples.
  2. Through visual contact. This method of treatment helps with problems with vision, memory and concentration. This is explained primarily by the green tint of the stone. This color has a good effect on a person, helping him to calm down and recover. In addition, it can affect the level of heart rate. It is believed that even people with overweight useful to look at vltavin. At this time, they dull the feeling of hunger and the desire to eat.
  3. For charging water. Like many other stones, moldavite has the ability to make liquid healing. To do this, just put a small piece of jewelry in a vessel with water. After that, it is worth washing with a charged liquid. It will help in cleansing the body and restoring internal strength.

The above properties have ensured its popularity in Vltavin, thanks to which many people choose jewelry with this semi-precious stone for themselves.

Buying moldavite jewelry

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/moldavit-4.jpg" alt="vltavin earrings" width="160" height="209">!} To date, moldavite can be purchased in many jewelry stores or shops throughout the Czech Republic. Most of them are located in the capital of the state - Prague. Some of the most popular shopping destinations include:

  • Celetna street 596/15 in Prague, where there is a shop called Celetna Crystal;
  • Panska street 1/892 in Prague, where the Czech Pomegranate Museum is located, called "Granat Turnov";
  • Panska 6 street in Prague, where the Czech Information Center is located, which allows you to issue a VAT refund on jewelry;
  • Latran street in Český Krumlov, where the Mozart Collection is located.

In addition to the above places, there are many others, but tourists from all over the world prefer these establishments. This is primarily due to the fact that they are located at the intersection of many tourist routes in the Czech Republic. That is why it is not difficult for a person, visiting any museums or sights, to visit a shop with precious and, more importantly, useful gems.

In order to win over the energy of the Universe, to gain health and a surge of inner strength, in no case can one ignore the purchase of an amulet or jewelry with a piece of moldavite. It is far from necessary that the stone be very large and massive, just a small insert made of it is enough.

Moldavite is a stone whose properties allow you to achieve quite a lot, but it is important to understand who this jewel of the Czech Republic is suitable for. That is why, before purchasing amulets based on it, you should read about all the conditions and features of their use. Do not forget that the incorrect use of stones can lead to rather adverse consequences.

Stone Moldavite appeared on Earth from unexplored space. The cosmos attracts people with its unknownness, a mystery that cannot be revealed. Stars have a special power of magic. The sight of a shooting star involuntarily makes a person make a wish, dream, believe in a fairy tale. Fragments of stars, comets, meteorites become precious stones endowed with the power of the Cosmos. A person does not cease to trust them with the most secret desires, hopes.

History and origins

The history of stone is millions of years old. According to scientists, more than 15 million years ago, a meteorite fell into the territory of today's Czech Republic. The appearance of the mineral is associated with it. But there are several versions.

First. The meteorite had an impact on rocks. As a result of the impact, it melted, converted into kinetic energy, under the influence of which it was thrown to the surface. The speed of a meteorite in a collision with the Earth is 22 km per second. Pieces of rock scattered over a vast territory. The remains of the crashed meteorite were called moldavites - aliens from the sky.

The version explains why the meteorite alien has a structured, and not a holistic, habitual ordinary stones shape. The collision and explosion led to the fact that the stones always have small size- 3 cm, and the surface is as if scratched. Some sources refer to them as explosion scars.

Second. Moldavite has no earth particles. These are all pieces of a comet that broke up after a collision with the earth. That is why it differs from tektites of terrestrial origin. Difference in color, physical properties. The version explains all the bumps and scratches on the stone by the action of natural disasters and natural phenomena.

The third version suggested that moldavite is glass that was produced by glassworks of prehistoric eras. But later they abandoned it, as they found novelties in the territory where the presence of civilization and industries was not confirmed.

Physical properties of moldavite

Moldavite stone has several names, each of which gives a certain characteristic.

  • bottle stone- translucent like glass from bottles;
  • Water - resembles crystals that have grown at the bottom of the sea;
  • Glass meteorite - translucent like bottle glass;
  • Vltavin is the name of the river where it was first discovered;
  • Moldavite - German translation the name of the river, the first location - Moldau.

The semi-precious stone has certain physical properties. It belongs to the group of impactites, the species is tektites. But even in his group he is unique.

  • vitreousness;
  • silicon content;
  • hardness - 5.0–6.0 on the Mohs scale;
  • density - 2.3 g / cm
  • melting point - 1300 degrees Celsius;
  • fragile;
  • small sizes (up to 5 cm).

Place of Birth

Water chrysolite is mined in Bohemia (Czech Republic). Nördlinger Rees Crater is believed to be the site of a meteorite impact. This is the place of a magical discovery from the Cosmos, the discovery of a cameo of good luck. There are no other locations for the natural body. Moldavites have not been found in any part of the Earth, except for the coast and valley of the Vltava River.

Medicinal properties of moldavite

The bottle stone has been studied by researchers for many centuries, it is considered to be healing minerals. Eat complete list positive properties. Basic properties are used for nervous system. Treatment with Vltavin:

  • relieves the effects of stress;
  • removes from depression;
  • restores sleep;
  • relieves fear.

Water chrysolite helps to treat other common diseases:

  1. Hypertension: decreased blood pressure;
  2. Migraine: reduction of headaches;
  3. Obesity: loss of appetite;
  4. Ophthalmology: prevention of eye infections.

Water chrysolite contributes to the accumulation of bile in the body, if its properties are not used correctly. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the effect on the parietal region of the head and the sacral part of the body.

The magical properties of moldavite

Water chrysolite does not have earthly qualities, its cosmic origin endows it with powerful magic. Experts advise to use as protection constantly. It will saturate the human body with the forces of the Universe:

  1. Rejuvenation of the body;
  2. Aura tightening;
  3. Expansion of philosophical knowledge;
  4. Increasing tolerance;
  5. Makes a person kinder and more merciful;
  6. Achieve a sense of satisfaction.

Legends endow Moldavite with powers close to mystical. It opens a person's unrealized closed chakras, the "third eye". Through it, communication with God, higher powers, Cosmos is possible. A person discovers the gift of foresight, intuition works. This assumption has a scientific basis. Numerous experiments have been carried out to determine the connection between a glass meteorite and the human aura. Scientists have proven that the bottle stone changes color in the color of the aura. The energy of stone and man are identical. We advise you to familiarize yourself with magical properties.

Healers, magicians, people involved in predictions perform rituals with Moldavite. They protect themselves from evil forces using the magical properties of the cosmic guest.

Talismans and amulets

Most often offer pendants and pendants. Archaeologists have found amulets dating back to the Paleolithic era. Products adorn women for millions of years; more than one generation of the Earth's population believed in their power. How many years the meteorite wandered through outer space is unknown to anyone, therefore it is impossible to count all the qualities that it absorbed into itself. Water chrysolite is of particular importance for women with the name Maria. In the 18th century, moldovite became one of the chosen materials for jewelers. Made from it unique jewelry single variant. It is impossible to repeat the product in full accuracy. The size of the material is very small, the pattern of each Vltavin found is individual.

Today, jewelry factories offer a variety of products:

  • earrings;
  • rings;
  • bracelets.

All jewelry items combine glass meteorite with other gemstones. Bottle stone is easy to process, but most craftsmen try to keep its rich green color. Therefore, pendants with various forms leaves and flower bouquets. Green sets off the brilliance of other metals, enhances their shades. The translucency of Vltavin attracts, makes you dream. It is possible to choose a talisman from the catalogs and offers of the store, it is better to order according to an individual project.

moldavite colors

Water chrysolite has a special color - green. Outwardly, it is often compared with the glass of a broken bottle. different shades make it unique and extraordinarily beautiful. The formations resemble glass interspersed with glitter.


  • bottle green;
  • greenish brown;
  • black-green;
  • black brown.

How to distinguish a fake

The advice of experts makes it possible not to be the owner of a fake. The best place to start is by learning appearance on the picture. It will help to have an idea about the features of the material. Jewelry is unique, single, especially attractive.

  1. Color. The processed metal has dark color green moss. It is saturated, but not bright. Green maybe, but it is brighter. If they offer to buy a product without shades of green, then this is definitely not moldavite.
  2. Structure. The meteorite formation is shapeless, amorphous.
  3. Texture. Genuine is difficult to process. Its shape is like a flower. A polished smooth copy is probably a fake.
  4. Translucency. Silicon and other impurities must be present inside. Natural Vltavin cannot be completely transparent.
  5. The place where it was mined. If the seller tells that the product is made from material found somewhere other than the Czech Republic, this is a fake. Natural can only be found in the Vltava river valley.
  6. Fragility. The mineral is not very strong in structure, it is easy to scratch and split it. Cutting can only be done by a skilled craftsman.
  7. In any case, if you need to check the product for authenticity, you can contact a specialist - a gemologist. He will give an exact answer, dispel all doubts.

Care of products with moldavite

Products require special care. This is due to its great magic power. Water chrysolite (moldavite) performs so many magical and healing tasks that without purification it will not be able to act with all the power inherent inside.

The care rules are as follows:

  • rinse under running water;
  • wrap in paper or cloth;
  • put in a container filled with salt;
  • leave overnight.

Cleaning should be done at least once a month.

Moldavite and the signs of the zodiac

Recognize magical power mineral astrologers, they recommend the stone to all zodiac signs. For each sign, he gives his strength and knowledge. Power enhances the capabilities of the zodiac symbols. Most strong help they give to the signs of Air, then to the signs of Earth, and last of all to the signs of Water. But any zodiac symbol will feel positive properties vltavina. Magic rituals it is not advised to conduct only Pisces and Scorpios.

Interesting video: Magic Moldavite - a precious stone

Moldavite - magical and medicinal properties stone, which signs of the zodiac will suit

5 (100%) 3 votes

Stone Moldavite is already from the history of its appearance on our planet, shrouded in mysticism and mystery. Amazing breed endowed unusual properties and according to many, still has a connection with space. Outer spaces, like many years ago, remain a mystery to humans, with which all sorts of legends, mysteries and many mystical events are associated.

Description of the stone Moldavite

The mineral has a structured shape, the surface is slightly scratched. Moldavite is completely different from other semi-precious stones. Pebbles are always small and with an unusual shape. They rarely reach sizes of more than 50 mm. The mysterious mineral shines through in the sun, like glass from a green bottle. Outwardly, it resembles chrysolite formed on seabed. It is distinguished by a glassy structure, while being siliceous, dense and hard. Has a very high temperature melting, but at the same time remains very fragile.

Deposit and mining of the mineral

It is believed that the mineral owes its origin to an unknown cosmic force. Scientists refer to the fact that almost 15 million years ago, a huge meteorite at a speed of 22 km / s fell in the region of modern Czech Republic. The impact fell on the rocks, which immediately melted, and under the action of kinetic energy, they were ejected to the surface.

The force was so great that the crushed rock flew a long distance into different sides from the collision site. It is believed that it was the remains of that meteorite that gradually formed the mineral Moldavite. Therefore, often, jokingly, the stone is called a space alien.

It has been proven that terrestrial particles in this mineral no, many scientists are convinced that each such piece became a fragment of a crashed comet. unusual shape, the structure is attributed to the impact of natural disasters that occurred during this time. There are also those who confidently declare that this particular mineral is an unusual glass that was smelted by other civilizations that once lived on our planet. The first find was recorded on the Vltavin River, Moldau, which in German means Moldavit. Today, you can find something similar only in the Czech Republic, Bohemia, the Nerdlinger Ris crater, other corners of our planet are not distinguished by the presence of such a treasure.

Medicinal properties

Since the semi-precious find was first found, its medicinal properties were immediately noticed on human body. Today, the mineral is widely used in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, it is believed that it can help:

  • restore lost sleep, eliminate insomnia and nightmares;
  • allows you to quickly survive stress, without consequences for health;
  • drive away fear, inner feelings, depression.
  • migraine;
  • eye pathologies;
  • hypertension;
  • obesity;
  • headaches;
  • dysfunction of the sacral spine.

Along with this, scientists stipulate that misuse a mineral can lead to a negative effect on the functioning of the body, for example, contribute to the accumulation of a large amount of bile.

The magical properties of the stone

Differing in unearthly origin, the semi-precious breed has some magical effects on humans. It is believed that a space alien is still able to attract powerful foreign forces that protect a person from various negative influences. When using such a magical "helper", you can:

  • get rid of the negative aura;
  • become a philosopher;
  • develop a sense of tolerance, calmness, to everything that happens around a person;
  • rejuvenate by increasing inflow vital energy;
  • become kinder, more restrained, more merciful;
  • get satisfaction from their endeavors and life.

People who have been using such gifts for a long time gradually begin to show the gift of foresight, their intuition develops more than usual. With the right disposal of your gifts, you can find a way to connect with the higher mind, God, and other civilizations. studying mystical properties remains of a meteorite, scientists have identified amazing fact- the stone is able to change its shade based on what kind of aura a person has. The stone is filled with the energy of the person next to whom it is located.

The meaning of the signs of the zodiac

Wandering long years through outer space, the miracle stone managed to absorb incredible powers forbidden world, inexplicable to mankind. Astrologers assure that for ladies whose name is Mary, such a find will become a real talisman, an incredible helper in any endeavors.

Along with this, astrologers say that wearing such magic stone You can absolutely all the signs of the zodiac. The space stone does not carry anything bad. Each sign of the zodiac, depending on temperament, character traits, lifestyle, the mineral will give its knowledge, a certain strength, will the support you need and help. Such a little thing is able to enhance the zodiac possibility of a person. Given the mystery of origin, magical, mystical properties most affect the signs of Air, Earth, Water.

Also, experts make several warnings about the fact that Scorpions, Pisces, in no case should they use such an assistant when performing secret rites, divination, witchcraft. The inept use of higher energies can lead to an unexpected course of events.

Application area

Knowing about the mystical magical influences unusual unearthly mineral, experienced magicians, sorcerers, sorceresses, psychics, constantly use the stone in the performance of rituals, great mysteries. By inserting a stone into gold, silver frames, the strongest amulets, amulets, talismans are prepared on its basis. It is believed that such little things are able to protect against evil forces, protect and prevent all the bad things that can happen to their owner.

Such amulets were first made already in the Paleolithic era, they can be found in private collections, seen in major museums. Jewelers also could not remain indifferent to semi-precious mineral. Today you can find on sale earrings, pendants, bracelets, rings, pendants from Moldavite. Of course, such interest can be fully explained by the unusually beautiful emerald view of unearthly glass, the beauty, the value of which was noticed by ancient jewelers already in the 18th century.

The production of each piece of jewelry where Moldavite is present makes the piece unique. The reason is that similar stone can not found. The structure, pattern of each mineral is unique, which is why such works are considered single. Many use other gemstones in their making, but more often than not, a jeweler tries to keep natural beauty mineral, preserving its unique natural shade as much as possible.

The works of modern jewelers, in which you can find the Moldavite stone, can be easily found on sale in the market. jewelry. Such a luxurious little thing will decorate any woman, inspire self-confidence, help raise self-esteem and become truly irresistible to others.