Choosing the right hair color. How to choose hair color: basic rules

I was prompted by an interesting idea - to illustrate what hair colors are and schematically note which one suits what color type =) I think this topic deserves to be covered in LiveJournal =) especially not everyone has access to VK.

Typically, hair color is judged by the level of darkness (there is a hairdresser's hair darkness scale from 1 (black) to 10 (platinum)), and by tone. In color types, we are more interested in undertones - what highlights in the hair in the sun.

Undertone usually comes in three shades - grayish, gray-golden and reddish. A grayish undertone should not be confused with gray hair (this is important!). Most people have gray-brown or gray-beige hair of varying darkness in one way or another. This is a color. And the undertone, as I said, is what highlights in the sun. If you have an ashy undertone - in the sun, your hair highlights a transparent gray. If gray-gold - then this is a neutral undertone, the most common.

And in Russian

On this plate it is convenient to show which color type what suits.

The natural hair color of dark color types is from level 5 to 1, when dyed it can be 6.

The natural hair color of light color types is from level 6 to platinum, when dyed it can be 5. Platinum occurs only in bright light summers, soft light summers do not.

Soft color types avoid extremes of light and dark, as well as too bright, strongly pronounced colors (too bluish-gray or too red). Soft - the golden mean.

Bright color types can theoretically have any hair color, the main thing is that the exterior colors are bright. An exception - platinum and black can be in winter, they cannot be in spring. And the red of a bright spring is very saturated, not softened.

In warm color types, the hair color is somewhere in the middle, neutral and lukewarm, it coincides in the dark in spring and autumn, but in autumn there is more gray in color.

A cold winter can have any cold and neutral hair color, a cold summer can also have neutral and cold shades, excluding black and platinum.

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Trends in the world of hair coloring are constantly changing: new directions appear, old ones are modernized. Today, the editors of the NineTrends portal would like to draw attention to the increasingly popular coloring technique - melting. In the list of services of US stylists, it has already become familiar this year (this is not surprising, because it was they who invented it), while our masters are introducing a new hit of hair coloring in 2017 not so long ago. Translated into Russian, the new beauty chip sounds like “melting color”. The name sounds intriguing, doesn't it?

So, if you are tired of the old hair color, you want to try something new, then the new trend is what you need. It can already be noted that the “melting color” is a fundamentally new look at ombre coloring. Its main feature is that the color transition looks more flawless, while there is no need to use only shades of beige. It's no secret that pastel shades were overwhelmingly popular last year (fashionistas flooded Instagram with them). The new hair coloring allows you to go from dark to light color without losing naturalness.

This method of staining includes, first of all, not a technique (in which, by the way, foil is not used), but a competent combination of very similar shades, usually two or three. The new trend is relevant for blondes, and for brunettes, and for redheads, the main thing is to maintain a smooth gradation from a light tone to a more saturated one. Thus, it creates the feeling that the color is melting.

As noted by foreign stylists, Melting fashion coloring is designed to emphasize the natural hair color with lightening elements so as to avoid hard lines. Of course, to create the desired effect, you will have to spend more time in the stylist's chair, it takes time to form ideal transitions, but the result is worth it! To achieve more complex transitions and increase the number of shades, it is necessary to achieve very smooth gradation - like successive frames in an animated cartoon.

To create a melting hair color means to get an absolutely unique image, because for this they can use many color combinations, each time absolutely unique. Any shades can be mixed so that the perfect complement to the natural tone is obtained. However, it is not at all necessary to stick to pastel colors, you can try to create coloring in the style of a melting colored cloud. Any variation will make you look stunning!

Tip from the editors of NineTrends: If you want to color with the effect of a melting color, be sure to call the stylist in advance so that he can prepare in advance, as in our country a new technique is only gaining popularity.

gray hair color can rightfully be called one of the most fashionable, extravagant and intriguing shades. In clothes, gray has always been considered special: versatile, trendy, elegant and somehow attractive. On the hair, this color looks especially impressive.

Forget platinum blonde! The effect of gray hair, wet asphalt, ash or silver are the most trendy shades of the year.

The fashion for gray (gray, ash or silver) hair began a few years ago, since about 2013, models with gray hair began to appear at fashion shows. Now gray hair color is at the peak of its popularity.

For adult ladies, the natural shade of gray hair gives refinement to become; on young girls, he plays in contrast, once again emphasizing youth and freshness!

All variations of gray are in fashion, ranging from a slightly shaded blond to the dark color of wet asphalt. Shades can also be anything: with blue, slightly lilac, ash, silver, warm or cold.

At the same time, the hair coloring technique is performed for every taste and color: monochromatic coloring, with an effect or coloring, in combination with bright or contrasting colors. As you like.

How to get gray hair

To get a gray color, the hair is usually lightened, after which it is already tinted in the shade of your choice. We recommend watching 2 videos of a gray hair coloring master class

1. Ash blonde hair coloring. It describes in great detail how to lighten hair correctly.

2. How to get the shade you want.

Gray (ash, silver, gray) hair color. Photo

Gray hair looks a little strange and unusual, but no doubt spectacular and insanely beautiful. As in clothing, gray hair is very versatile and multifaceted. It allows you to create different images in any style. And today our site has selected for you a photo with gray hair for every taste and color. Get inspired, choose, be creative, change. In general, be the most fashionable and beautiful!


How to choose hair color: basic rules

From time to time, any woman thinks about how to change the appearance. And most often, hair undergoes changes - if not their length, then color. In order for coloring to give a positive result and decorate you, it is important to follow not only changeable fashion, but also follow some rules that will help you choose your hair color.

The positive aspects of staining

Psychologists say that a radical change in image can be beneficial. An example of this is the many stars for whom changing hair color has become life-changing:

  • If Norma Jean Baker had not dyed her hair from brown to blonde, the world would never have known about Marilyn Monroe.
  • The same goes for Madonna: Maria Luisa Ciccone remained little known until she said goodbye to blond curls and turned into a blonde.
  • Dita Von Teese could not build a career while she was blonde, but choosing raven hair, she became a burlesque star.
  • Polina Gagarina turned from a plump with chestnut hair into a slender platinum blonde, and took second place in Eurovision 2015.

natural color

The natural hair color is determined by a professional color palette - a special card with strands located on it. To determine the natural tone, the colorist selects a control strand in the back of the client's head. It is in this area in the root zone that the hair retains its natural color, while in other areas they burn out from the sun's rays. Color is determined on dry and clean hair, as wet and dirty hair appears darker.

To accurately determine the natural color, the colorist lifts the control strand so that light passes through it. It is advisable to do this in daylight, because artificial is able to give the hair both warm and cold notes.

Learning to choose the perfect hair color

When choosing a shade that best suits your appearance, you need to pay attention to the natural color of the curls, skin tone, your color type, color, the presence or absence of gray hair, and only after that select the optimal hair dye.

Color of the skin

There are seven basic skin tones. These include:

  • Very pale.
  • Pale.
  • Average.
  • Olive.
  • Swarthy.
  • Dark.

All of them are divided into three possible subtones (or undertones) - warm, cold and neutral.

A warm undertone has a yellowish tint, a cold undertone is bluish or pinkish. Neutral is less common, and is characterized by having both warm and cold notes. And at the same time, it doesn’t matter who we are talking about - a resident of Spain, Africa or Sweden, since African-American women can have cold skin, and Scandinavians can have warm skin.

It is impossible to say with absolute certainty that girls of the Scandinavian type of appearance cannot be painted in dark colors, and dark-skinned and swarthy - in light ones. An example of this is the change in the image of Kim Kardashian: a socialite with brown eyes and natural black hair turned into a blonde. The same goes for Rihanna, who, despite her chocolate skin, isn't afraid to experiment with cool undertones.

To determine whether you belong to a warm or cold undertone, you need to look at the shade of the veins on the inside of the wrist: the "southerners" are greenish or brownish, and the "northerners" are blue.

  • Attach a sheet of white paper or a snow-white fabric of a smooth texture to an unpainted, well-lit face. Cold skin will look bluish against such a background, and warm skin will look yellowish.
  • Experiment with colored materials. Saturated bright fabrics to face a cold subtype, while pastel colors are warm.
  • If gold jewelry makes you more beautiful, you belong to the warm subtype, and if silver jewelry, you belong to the cold subtype.

Skin tone can change with age. It also depends on the state of health and the time of year.

eye color

Brown. They are combined with brown shades of hair - chestnut, chocolate, cognac. They also look beautiful with reddish hair - red and copper. In some cases, brown-eyed girls can lighten their hair up to blond, but then you need to choose only warm shades of paint.

Black. Black eyes are rare, and most often belong to the inhabitants of Asia, Africa and sometimes the Mediterranean. Black or dark chocolate hair color is ideal for this type of appearance. If you want to add extravagance to the look, you can dye some strands in accent shades - copper, caramel or red.

Walnut. They are a mixture of light brown, green, yellow and golden colors. As in the case of brown eyes, brown and reddish colors will be the ideal solution. It is not recommended to lighten the curls too much, as this can lead to the fact that the eyes will look dull.

Grey. When dyeing hair, gray-eyed girls with warm skin should give up black paints - it is likely that they will visually age you. Use softer shades instead, from wheat blonde to milk chocolate. If the skin is cold, choose contrasting tones - platinum or ash blond, black, dark chestnut.

Blue, blue, purple. Hair color for blue and blue eyes depends on skin tone. "Southern" blue-eyed girls look great with wheat, honey, caramel, reddish hair, while "winter" girls are better to turn to cold blond or black. Very light eyes cannot be combined with rich shades of hair - the look will lose depth and become faded.

Lilac eyes are extremely rare in nature. For example, the actress Elizabeth Taylor had lilac, and the Targaryen family from the George Martin saga had purple. Best of all, cold hair colors are combined with such a shade of eyes - silver, ashen, black wing.

Greens. Warm shades of red, caramel, wheat, milk chocolate, gold, copper - that's what green-eyed girls should look at. In this case, it is better to abandon too catchy ash or black colors.

Determining the color type of appearance

The appearance of people can be divided into four categories, which are conventionally named seasons.


The skin of "spring" women is light - porcelain, ivory or yellowish. At the same time, she is often decorated with freckles, quickly blushes in the sun. Natural hair color is blond. The eyes are light - from gray and blue to bright blue.

When choosing hair dye, give up black, dark chestnut, cognac and chocolate. Choose gentle light shades - honey, sandalwood, caramel and walnut. But if you have very pale skin, you should not paint in golden shades, as they will merge with the skin - choose cool ashy tones.


Skin of a cold shade - milky white, pale or slightly olive. When tanned, it becomes a cool brown, but not a golden bronze. Hair is blond, ashy or light brown in color. The eyes of "summer" young ladies are gray, steel, blue, light green, sometimes hazel. The whites of the eyes and the iris rarely contrast.

To choose a hair color, analyze your type in detail: wheaten is suitable for fair girls, and a black tulip can be advised for a more “contrasting summer”.


In the autumn type of girls, the skin can be olive, golden or have a bronze tint. Often there are freckles and moles. From the sun, the skin acquires a golden tan. The natural color of the hair and eyebrows can be warm shades of brown, as well as red, copper, sometimes warm blond. The eyes are usually brown, hazel, green with golden yellow patches. At the same time, their proteins contrast with the bright iris.

The ideal paint option is red, copper, milk chocolate, cognac, reddish, chestnut. Avoid black and cold white shades.


The skin usually has a porcelain whiteness. Sometimes olive skin is also found, but at the same time it has a cold pink or blue undertone. Hair is naturally dark brown or black. It is extremely rare to meet owners of ash-light curls. The eyes are steely, gray, dark brown, cool blue, have bright whites and a contrasting iris.

The winter color type looks perfect with cold shades of hair - it can be ebony, forest beech, black tulip, white platinum. But it is better to refuse to dye your hair in red, honey, wheaten shades.

Determine the type of color

One color will help you look younger and brighter, while the other will change beyond recognition, emphasizing all the flaws. To learn how to choose the right one, you need to determine what color of appearance you belong to.

  • Light. Your appearance is dominated by soft pastel colors: most likely, you are a "spring" or "summer" woman. In choosing clothes, cosmetics and accessories, stick to light tones of medium brightness.
  • Muted. The average saturation of the skin, eyes and hair is found among all four color types, but among the winter - the most rare. The use of muted, soft shades of clothing will be ideal.
  • Bright. If you have dark skin, rich hair color and contrasting eyes (which are most common in autumn and winter), you are a bright color. Bright and expressive colors of clothes always suit you.
  • Contrasting. Contrasting combinations can be represented by light skin and dark hair or dark eyes and light hair. The ideal solution in clothing will be contrasting combinations - black and white or black and bright. But it is better to get rid of pastel combinations.

Express test:

If you could not decide what type of color you belong to, then take a short test. Take a few pieces of fabric or clothing - pastel, muted, bright and contrasting colors (if you have pale skin, take black or dark brown; if dark, then white). Pull your hair into a ponytail and wash off all makeup from your face. When everything is ready, you can start the test.

Apply individually each piece of colored fabric to your face and see if it suits you. If several fit, then attach them again and choose the most suitable one. This way you can determine your type of color.

We select hair color by color:

  • Light - all shades of blond will do, except: platinum, pearl and light brown.
  • Muted - from light blond to blond.
  • Bright colors - chestnut and chocolate shades.
  • Contrast - intense colors, dark hair (clear contrast between skin, eyes and hair) will do.

The presence of gray hair

The right color will help hide the presence of gray hair. When choosing, listen to the advice of the colorist, and also consider which color type you belong to.

  • Women of Scandinavian appearance with green, blue or gray eyes look perfect with blond or reddish curls. But do not forget that too pale skin can merge with golden hair.
  • Women with a southern appearance (dark complexion and brown or black eyes) are advised to choose a hair color that is darker than their skin. Dark chestnut, chocolate, and sometimes black are tones that look perfect next to olive brown skin.
  • Remember that dark tones visually give the hairstyle more density and volume.
  • Red hair is good because it suits almost any color type, if you choose their shade correctly.
  • If you have freckles that you would like to accentuate, use dark chestnut or gold paint. And if you want to hide them, then red or reddish dyes are suitable for you - they will draw attention to the hair, distracting it from freckles.
  • Couperose or pimples will be less noticeable if red shades are abandoned. Instead, it is better to look at golden, light brown and chestnut.
  • Remember that blue-black or platinum hair is only suitable for those women who have perfect facial skin without wrinkles, redness and rashes.
  • If you like a bright make-up, it is better to choose dark shades. Blondes with rich makeup run the risk of looking more vulgar than brunettes.

Paint selection

If you are dyeing your hair for the first time, start with tinted or unstable products, and if the result suits you, then you can color with permanent dye.

When choosing a paint, consider your belonging to a particular color type and color. Do not ignore your natural skin color, eyes and hair - and then it will be much easier to choose the best paint!

A real woman is always in search of herself and the cold shades of hair, photos of which have been on the front pages of glossy magazines for the last few seasons, have become a real discovery for fashionistas. Considering that not only the haircut affects the mood, it is important to choose the right hair color. It can attract attention, repel, enchant, beckon. Cold shades are considered to be all discreet colors from dark blond to blond, with frosty notes. In 2018, cool shades of hair have become a real trend. The owners of such hair show impeccable taste, style and progressiveness.

Cold shades of hair have become a real trend

Types of cold shades

What cold shades to choose to look stylish and harmonious? Given that the main feature of hair color is the lack of a warm shine, not flashiness and restraint, then a blonde, brunette and redhead can become a stylish fashionista.

  • Cold blonde is extremely relevant among natural blondes. The main difference in color is the absence of yellowness. Achieved by bleaching natural hair pigment.

  • Chocolate color rightfully belongs to the warm palette. But you can get an amazing tone with silvery notes if you mix it with ashen. Proper mixing and application of paint eliminates redness. To make the image memorable, hairdressers recommend tinting chocolate with silvery notes. In this case, the strands will shimmer in different shades depending on the lighting.
  • Cold chestnut allows you to shade the skin, makes the look more expressive, emphasizing the eyes, a blush appears on the skin. The shade is remotely similar to red, but looks nobler and more interesting.
  • Please note that stylists do not recommend red shades for too pale-skinned girls. In this case, the contrast of hair and skin will emphasize the imperfections of the face and visually age it. If, nevertheless, the desire to repaint in red is stronger, then it is better to choose shades of beige or sand. They will smooth out the sharp color transition.

All natural shades of blonde are in trend: sandy, light golden, platinum, strawberry and champagne

Advice! In 2018, all natural shades of blonde are in trend: sandy, light golden, platinum, strawberry and champagne.

How to get to pick up a cool shade on your own

In order not to spoil the image and not walk until the next coloring in a hat, you need to take into account the individual characteristics of the appearance. Of course, it is risky to try to get a cool shade on your own, but brave fashionistas can cope with this difficult task to save money on going to a beauty salon.

Be sure to consider the characteristics of the skin. If she is fair and cannot tan evenly, is prone to redness, a cool shade of hair is ideal. Swarthy girls, as well as owners of warm skin tone, stylists do not recommend experimenting.

When choosing paint, forget about the supermarket near the house. Only specialized stores and beauty salons offer a truly high-quality product. In addition to guarantees of stability, you will receive the necessary information from a consultant. Paints from professional lines are somewhat more expensive than conventional ones, but the mixture is more stable and easy to apply to hair. In profile series, sparing components are used that can protect curls from brittleness and other negative consequences.

To make the hairstyle original, stylish and lively, you need to color your hair using a gradient. To do this, the roots should be darker, and the tips lighter.

How to get rid of yellow hair?

Blondes always attract the attention of men. And, regardless of fashion, cool blonde was extremely relevant decades ago.

Today, self-coloring has become more complicated. Artificial dyes are harder to wash off or recolor. Therefore, to get a cold shade, stylists recommend contacting a beauty salon, where a professional master will save you from unwanted yellowness of curls.

Turn to an experienced master. Some professionals feel the proportions so much that, by adding a blackcurrant or red saffron color corrector to the paint, they get a deep noble cold blond.
Turn to an experienced master. Some professionals feel the proportions so much that, by adding a blackcurrant or red saffron color corrector to the paint, they get a deep, noble cold blond.

Application of special Shampoo for the care of light-colored hair allows you to improve the structure of the strands and keep the color in its original form for a long time.

From the features listed above, we can conclude: it is not enough to paint in a cold shade, you need to regularly care for the strands. Then you will get rid of not only unwanted yellowness, but also retain the attractiveness of your hair for a long time.

Advice! Do not use tinted shampoos and conditioners. After them, it is difficult to evenly color the hair with professional paints. If you overexpose the tonic, you can get an unexpected result: bright indigo, dirty purple, green.