Interesting vulgar riddles. Vulgar riddles

IN Lately people are increasingly complaining that everything that happens is vulgarized, the topics are translated to sex. Do you want to play a little prank on your friends, point out to them how they still think vulgarly? To do this, there are several vulgar riddles with non-vulgar answers. Well, and so that even the most enlightened do not immediately see the chip, tell such riddles with a slight half-smile on your face.

Interesting fact, almost all riddles are taken from the Soviet magazine "Murzilka", which was once very popular not only among young people, but also among children.

Let's start with the first, rather interesting one:

"The hairy head goes over the cheek deftly."

Immediately, the most indecent thoughts begin to crawl into my head, but the answer is quite simple: an ordinary toothbrush.

In vulgar riddles with a catch, one can also include this:

"To stroke the front, you need to lick the back."

Absolutely indecent associations climb into my head, don't they? But the answer is far from any vulgarity: a postage stamp.

To really excite your imagination:

“Above the knee, but below the navel, and the hole is such that an arm will fit in!”

Taxi, what do you think? This regular pocket trousers, and everything converges 100%.

And now a mystery for those who like to engage in intense sports and sweat well.

“I take it in two hands, put it between my legs, sweat for five minutes, but then I go crazy.”

Do you enjoy this kind of hobby? Moreover, two-thirds of the world's population is engaged in such sports. It's cycling, and the answer to the riddle is cycling.

And now another riddle:

"Without arms and without legs, a lope on a woman."

Who in your environment so famously conquers any woman? The answer is simple: it simply has no competitors, every person needs a blanket, not only women.

Well, completely overturn your fantasy into the arms of an erotic nature:

“You take it in your hands - it grows, you pass between the breasts - it grows, you insert it into the right hole - it stops growing”?

You immediately thought of something vulgar, something that any man has. In fact, you are right, only this is in every car, it is a seat belt.

Classic Soviet vulgar jokes:

“Quietly approached from behind, put it in twice and went.”

What did you immediately remember? That's right about your favorite slippers.

One of the most mysterious jokes of the time. With it, you can definitely make fun of your friends:

"It happens cold, sometimes hot, sometimes hanging, sometimes standing."

Let's give them a little hint: the word consists of three letters, and in the middle is the letter y. Intrigued? Shower, of course, what did you think?

And now a riddle for the older generation. You can play a trick on your grandparents, and when they give you a slap on the back of the head for vulgarity, look offended. You didn't mean anything obscene.

“If it weren’t for grandma’s shaggy, grandpa’s beaters would freeze.”

And the answer is simple: mittens.

Let's talk a little about the Bible. Even if you are not a Christian, you still at least roughly understand who Adam and Eve are. Now answer a simple question:

What does Adam have in front and beautiful Eve in the back?

This is not just a funny riddle, but also a simple test of your logic. So, drum roll, attention, answer! The letter a".

Let's joke a little on another topic. 100% of your acquaintances will answer incorrectly, I assure you.

“Hair grows around, and a sausage in the middle.”

Even you are now thinking clearly the wrong thing about a man. But no, it's delicious and healthy vegetable- corn.

Men will know for sure who it is, only they will answer incorrectly. So:

“It starts with the letter “x”, rises with the letter “P”.

Hint: associated with one instinct. The answer is related to the cutest elephant whose trunk rises to food. And what did you think?

“Which young man is dripping from the end in the morning”?

In general, 50% of the planet, but this riddle is not at all about the vulgar. In past centuries there was a miracle teapot, it was called a samovar. Here it is the answer.

And now interesting riddle to which there are several answers:

"More than half of humanity is doing THIS at night."

What occupation do you mean? The first option: sit on the Internet. Second option: eat. Well, they sleep. What else could you think of? Everything is innocent enough.

And another one:

"A woman is standing on the floor, opening her hole."

Answer: oven. Previously, other stoves were popular, which were made of bricks and fired with wood.

"The red head works deftly while standing."

I wonder how it works while sitting? No way, because woodpeckers hollow out a tree, mostly standing up, in other positions it is inconvenient for them to do this.

"Take it in your hands ... Squeeze it tightly ... It will become elastic and hard as a turnip ...".

Try to play a joke on a girl you know and look at her reaction. If she didn't slap you, then she knows you mean snowball. Risky, but interesting.

Well, let's finish one of the most popular mysteries of the last century:

"What are you looking at me for? Undress, I'm yours!

No that's not easily accessible woman, This is a bed. Make fun of your friends and enjoy their reaction.

25/07/2017 05/06/2018 TanyaVU 30690

Vulgar riddles are riddles with a "certain" content. However, in fact, they can be made under the motto: “Everyone thinks to the extent of his own licentiousness,” because the answers to them turn out to be quite decent. The main task of such riddles is no different from the main tasks of ordinary riddles. Therefore, discard all extraneous thoughts and “turn on” the convolutions.

Vulgar riddles with answers

Black on top and red on the inside.
And shove - so beautiful!

Answer: galoshes

Consists of three letters
When it works, it's worth it.
Starts with "X"
When he finishes, he bows

Answer: choir

And this young man is dripping from the end in the morning.

Answer: samovar or faucet

A pear hangs, but you can’t eat it.

Answer: someone else's pear

2 turtles (female and male) walked along the shore, holding each other's paws. Only the male returned 1 hour ago? Where did the female go?

Answer: the female stayed there, she turned over, and the male forgot to turn her over.

On a white sheet, in a dark room, 2 hours of pleasure.

Answer: movie show

Eve has it in the back, and Adam has it in the front.

Answer: the letter "A".

Dirty riddles with normal answers

Back and forth, we are pleased with you.

Answer: swing

What is the difference between a tomato and a tractor?

Answer: the tractor door opens outward, and the tomato is red.

He sits at the window and speaks French.

Answer: French

How is a needle different from a horse?

Answer: first you jump on a horse, and only then you sit down, and you sit on a needle, and then you jump.

Pet, begins with the letter "T".

Answer: cockroach

A pet begins with the letter "d".

Answer: two cockroaches

Pet, starts with the letter "Y"

Answer: One cockroach

Is it possible to kill a person with cotton wool?

Answer: you can, if you wrap a brick in it.

What is: has green color and flies

Answer: flying green tomato

What is black and crawling on the ground?

Answer: this is the shadow of a green tomato

What can't you do in space?

Answer: don't hang yourself

Vulgar funny riddles

Bald and green and jumping?

Answer: disco soldier

A grain that has passed water, fire and copper pipes?

Answer: moonshine

Riddles with a trick are vulgar

What do a cook and a diver have in common?

Answer: both have to dip their eggs into the water.

What is common between a coffin and money?

Answer: both are first nailed down, and then they are lowered

Small, black, wrinkled. Does any representative of the fair sex have one?

Answer: highlight

What has a head but no brains?

Answer: garlic, onion, cheese

What it is: 7 cm wide, 15 cm long and women like it

Answer: hundred dollar bill

Two wings, three heads, eight legs. What it is?

Answer: Vasily Ivanovich rides a horse and takes a chicken for lunch.

Vulgar riddles with non-vulgar answers

Why don't chickens have breasts?

Answer: Because roosters don't have arms.

What should you do when you see a green man?

Answer: cross the street

A girl and a boy were sitting in the grass doing something with the letter "E".

Answer: if strawberries

Riddles vulgar with funny answers.

There is a woman on the floor, she opened her hole.

Answer: stove

As soon as she gets up, she will reach the sky.

Answer: rainbow

What can't be eaten for breakfast?

Answer: dinner and lunch

Without arms and without legs, but lope on a woman!

Answer: rocker

Jumps deftly, eats carrots

Answer: Bubka is on a diet

Tell me what it is: the hard itself, but inserted into the soft. There are only balls hanging around.

Answer: earrings

Long, red, 21?

Answer: tram

What do a pregnant woman, burnt bread, and a drowned man have in common?

Answer: didn't manage to pull out...

What is the difference between a pedophile and a teacher?

Answer: The pedophile truly loves children.

Which country is the most armed?

Answer: Israel - everyone in it walks with sawn-off shotguns.

What 3-letter word is any man afraid of?

Answer: still

How good it is for you and me ... You are on me, I am under you ...

Answer: hedgehog carries an apple

The arithmetic mean between a motorcycle and a bicycle?

It stinks, yells, dangles between the legs?

Answer: motorcycle

Why are they wearing a hat?

Answer: because she does not walk herself

Yellow, small, poking around in the ground

Answer: Vietnamese looking for a wife

What needs to be done so that 4 guys stay in one boot?

Answer: remove them one at a time

If a woman lifts her leg, what can be seen that ends with A and begins with P?

Answer: heel

Stop looking at me - undress, I'm yours!

Answer: bed

May be standing, may be hanging. Both cold and hot...

Answer: shower

Just remember it a little, it will become hard like a potato

Answer: snowball

He does not bark or bite, but he does not let him into the house.

Answer: the wife who decided not to let her drunken husband go home

Why do we buy hats?

Answer: because no one will give them to us for free

The red head works smartly.

Answer: woodpecker

What is the difference between an old and a young bachelor?

Answer: a young bachelor cleans his apartment in order to invite a woman, and the old one, on the contrary, invites a woman to clean from him

The guys are daring climbing into the crevices of the genitals.

Answer: cockroaches

Hair on hair and body on body. This is where the dark stuff begins...

Answer: Close your eyes.

Any of these vulgar riddles can be made at a birthday or wedding. In between, competitions for adults can be held.

Funny contests for adults.

Bite or kiss?

Anyone can participate in this competition. Participants line up or stay at the table - it's convenient. The first participant voices what he likes or dislikes in his neighbor. All other players do the same. If you like something, then the participant must kiss this part, and if you don’t like it, then bite.

Lemon slices.

As participants, a couple will be needed: a guy and a girl. The girl lies down, lemon slices are laid out on her. The guy needs to be blindfolded and offered to find and eat all the slices on the girl's body. One of the slices can be put on the lips. If the couple coped with the task in the allotted time for this, then they receive a prize.

Teddy bear.

Participants sit in a circle. After that, the leader takes out into the hall Teddy bear or any other toy. Each of the participants must kiss him in any place he likes. After that, the host offers to kiss the participants of his neighbor exactly in the place where he kissed the toy.

Read other people's minds.

One of the participants is covered with a blanket, and the rest - think of any thing on it and write it down on a piece of paper. The participant, who is sitting in a blanket, must guess what the participants have guessed. If he guessed, then the game continues on, and if not, then he must remove this thing from himself.

At any celebration for adults, you can guess funny riddles for blondes. Great mood you are guaranteed!

Have a drink.

A drink is poured into the glasses, after which they are put on the table. The number of glasses in this case should be one less than the number of players. At the signal of the leader, the participants begin to walk in a circle, and as soon as they hear a clap, they stop and drink a drink from the glass that he got. The participant who is left without a glass is eliminated. The glasses are filled with drink again. Their number must also be one less than the number of players.

Who is washing the dishes?

Divide the room in half with sheets. Guys should be in one part of the room and guys in the other. Their task is to undress and form a rope out of clothes. The team with the longest rope wins. But the team that was playing will wash the dishes!

Circle the girl.

The host distributes rubber bands of various colors to the guys. They are faced with the task of ringing as many girls as possible. This is done as follows: the guys must put elastic bands on the ankles of the girls. The winner is the one who rings the most girls.


Pick a few guys, duct tape them big bellies air balloons. Place a box of matches on the floor. Participants must collect matches from the floor, mindful of their "position".

And these contests are perfect for a birthday.

Paper Cut Contest.

Each guest must cut out of paper the gift that he would like to give to the birthday man. Like a new dress, car keys, banknote. Attach all the "gifts" on a string with threads. Pull the rope at chest level. Blindfold the birthday man, hand him the scissors. He must approach the rope and cut the "souvenir" without looking. It is this thing that will appear before the end of the year.

Competition "Draw a birthday boy".

Take a large piece of paper, make two slits on it for hands. Each participant will take his own sheet, put two hands through the slits, and draw a wipe of the birthday man without looking. The prize is given to the one whose portrait will be the most similar to the original.

We hope that you liked our selection of vulgar riddles and contests for adults!

1. There, here, back
I'm crazy happy
I want again and again
Adrenaline in the blood
I love this business
Try it if you're brave.

(swing ride)

2. They take it in two hands
They put it between his legs
Then they sweat a little
Well, in the end - baldeyut.


3. When he gets up, he reaches the sky

4. She stands on the floor
She's got a hole on fire

5. Every man has it: one is longer, the other is shorter. Men give it to their wives after marriage


6. He will start, get up, finish, bow. There are 3 letters in the word, the first X, what is it?

7. If you pick it up, it will become longer. It is stretched near the chest and thrust into the hole.

(safety belt)

8. Two women hang on the fence: one was glued, the other was sewn on. What should be done with them?

(tear off one, tear off the other)

9. Why do women scratch their eyes when they wake up?

(they don't have eggs)

10. I am a head with hairs
I caress my teeth and tongue
I take her back and forth
Mouth full of white mass


11. I wait for you every evening
Lie down on me soon
But before we meet
Get undressed, don't be lazy.


12. What is it? length - 15 cm, width - 7 cm, women love it.

(100 dollar bill)

13. What is the difference between a diver and a cook?

(diver dips his balls in cold water, and the cook in boiling water)

14. What can be dropped from a naked secretary?

(naked boss)

15. social group who has critical days twice a year?


16. Rattles between legs
It stinks and squeals.


17. What unites a drowned man, burnt bread and a pregnant woman?

(did not get out in time)

18. Koch's wand is the causative agent ...

(1 - tuberculosis, 2 - Koch's wives)

19. It comes in dry, comes out wet, gives warmth and pleasure.

(tea bag)

20. Snow-white sheet, dark room, two hours of pleasure.

(movie show)

21. What do they have in common female breast and a toy railroad?

(made for a child, but dad plays with it)

22. A woman and a man move to the beat
Work actively until they finish the act
And they breathe loudly, changing position again
From all these movements the blood plays in the veins

23. The guy recently met a girl (she is 19 years old). They haven't had sex yet. He asks her: - Have you had sex with anyone before me?
The girl answers: - Yes. The first time was at seventeen. Then at eighteen. Well, in last time - …
After these words, the guy got angry and left. What did the girl say about the last time?

(the last time - somewhere at 19.30)

24. In the evening I run to the bed, lie down under it and enjoy. What is it about?

25. In honey. institute, the teacher begins the lecture by telling one story: - “A long time ago, my friend and I fell in love with one beautiful girl. Of the two of us, she eventually chose him. I was left with a nose, and he was left without ... Write a topic ... "
What was the topic of the lecture?

(syphilis and its consequences)

26. Long red thirty-sixth. What is this?


27. Before inserting, you need to lick it, because otherwise it won’t get up and insert.

(needle with thread)

28. One man walks along a thin log, located at a great height. The second man is given a blowjob by a 79-year-old old woman. Their thoughts are the same, what are they thinking?

(do not look down)

29. A few years ago, an unusual exhibit was put up for auction in England. He was represented by a girl from Holland. This exhibit attracted attention and shocked the local authorities, and subsequently its sale was declared a criminal offense. What was sold by the young girl?

(her virginity)

30. First it lies down, then it gets up. First it's white, then it's red.


31. Not a clown, but joking. Not grandfather, but sleeping with grandmother. Who is this?

(Maksim Galkin)

32. Approximately 40 million people do IT at night.

33. What does a man have 3 letters, and a woman has 5 letters?

(for men - forelock, for women - bangs)

34. Schwarzenegger has it long, Johnny Depa has it short, Cher doesn’t have it at all, the singer Usher has it, but he hasn’t used it for a long time.


35. One man wanted to make love to three women in one night. But he only had 2 condoms. The man did not know if these women were healthy and if he himself was healthy. Question: How can he have sex with every woman without infecting each other, if a man has only 2 condoms?

(1 woman - puts on two condoms at once, 2 woman - the second (upper) takes off and remains in one, 3 woman - the second turns inside out and puts on the first one without taking it off)

36. This can be seen if a woman lifts her leg. A 5-letter word starts with P. What is this?

37. Dachshund ran across the lawn and laughed. Why?

(grass tickled pussy)

38. Dachshund ran across the lawn and cried. Why did you cry?

(grass cut)

38. White, cold, but not snow. What is this?

39. Raspberry bushes are shaking and audible strange noises. Who is there and what are they doing?

(bear eats raspberries)

40. Long, red, wriggling. What is this?

(the snake got into a can of paint)

41. What is it? White cold eggs a long tail, burning eyes, many voices.

(line in the store for eggs)

42. He gives to everyone, but one left and didn’t get it.

(husband went on a business trip)

43. What is it: peeps - hides, peeps - hides?

(lame behind the fence)

44. What is: sharp, hard, should be in every man?

(male rod)

45. Two turtles (male and female) walked in the park, looked at each other lovingly and held on to their paws. Half an hour later, only the male returned. Where did the female go?

(remained in the park - the male forgot to turn it over)

46. ​​Cheburashka, Pinocchio, an honest millionaire and a filthy cop are on the train. They play cards for money that are on the table. After the train passed through a dark tunnel, the money was gone. Who stole them?

(Dirty cop, because the rest of the trinity does not exist in nature)

47. If not for my mother's shaggy, then my father's beaters would freeze. What is it about?

(about mittens)

48. A dead man lies on a wasteland. On his shoulders is a bag, in his pockets is a piece of bread and a flask of water. There is no one around for several kilometers. Because of what the man died and what is in his bag?

(He died from hitting the ground, there was an unopened parachute in the bag)

49. What can be called blue gold or blue sun?

(drunk beloved wife)

50. What three letters are now often written by modern schoolchildren on the walls of toilets and entrances?

vulgar riddles, vulgar riddles

Mysteries are a favorite genre since ancient times. folklore. It is difficult to say exactly when exactly they first appeared in the everyday life of Russian speech. Helping to develop such qualities as prudence, logic, thinking and ingenuity, riddles are an integral part of raising a child. They may also contain a hidden meaning or hint. This type includes vulgar riddles.
From time immemorial, riddles have been very popular in Rus'. According to some reports, it was in them that mythical plots and stories were reflected, through allegorical expression. Not a single festival in Rus' was complete without all sorts of riddles and charades. Weddings, name days, Maslenitsa - all Russian holidays were decorated with these wonderful funny sayings.

Vulgar riddles, of course, far from children's version of this genre. Such riddles are more suitable for adults. It's easy to understand vulgar riddles or not. This follows from a series of associations evoked by riddles. It is not worth remembering Freud here and saying that your associations are only a problem of your personality. To riddles, psychoanalysis cannot be applied, since the meaning embedded in them implies a specific, specific answer.

Especially popular vulgar riddles among people of equal age, for example:

Colleagues or just good friends. The rule of bad taste will be the use of vulgar riddles in the family circle, or surrounded by little-known people. Riddles vulgar are used by young people to hint at certain circumstances or feelings, without talking about it directly, to establish, so to speak, “freelance” relationships.

Between colleagues vulgar riddles used to take a little break from work and cheer up. Or, for example, if a newcomer to the team wants to show emancipation and a sense of humor in order to be accepted into a close friendly circle of colleagues. Vulgar riddles, used by the boss, are an attempt to establish relationships on the same level, more friendly than as with subordinates.

Young people often use vulgar riddles when communicating with girls. After one or two riddles of vulgar content, relations, naturally, in the presence of mutual sympathy, become closer and more accommodating. There is an opinion that vulgar riddles help, in a more simplified way, to go to intimate relationships, especially since in case of refusal, the offer can be interpreted as a joke.

Vulgar riddles are actively spread at school.

According to some psychologists, such riddles negatively affect children's intelligence, causing a premature interest in sexuality. But mostly they are considered harmless. Moreover, in conditions of fragile teenage psyche vulgar riddles are considered taboo, and are perceived repulsively, or even blocked by a subconscious unwillingness to enter into close relationships.

not perceived vulgar riddles and infantile natures. The control blocks set in the subconscious of such a person do not allow not only to evaluate the “joke”, but also cause an unpleasant opinion about the carrier of this kind of riddles. Mostly the same people with good developed sense humor and appropriate vulgar riddles perceived well, and sometimes even with pleasure.

The presence between people of the opportunity to pronounce vulgar riddles speaks of the closeness of their natures and close communication. Sometimes, vulgar riddles used in the circle of unfamiliar people. In this case, through riddles of this type, people can very quickly move on to the second, denser phase of communication. And sometimes, even become lovers or good friends.

By the number of so-called "likes" on the page, which marked vulgar riddles, you can determine how much and what kind of riddles you like certain person. This is the easiest way to determine the topic of the next communication. After all, knowing which vulgar riddles like and delight, you can pick up more similar puzzles, and replenish your arsenal.

At present, it is becoming fashionable and a return to the old Russian traditions of our ancestors is universally welcomed. Thereby, vulgar riddles can be applied to various celebrations such as: weddings, birthdays, corporate parties, or name days. Vulgar riddles will help dilute the general fun and give the holiday a special, friendly flavor.

What unites burnt bread, a drowned man and a pregnant woman?
ANSWER: We did not have time to pull out ...

What is: Two ends, two rings?
ANSWER: Gay wedding.

What young man is dripping from the end in the morning?
ANSWER: Samovar.

Is it possible to kill a mother-in-law with cotton wool?
ANSWER: Yes, if you wrap an iron in it.

What is a happy ending?
ANSWER: Member after sex.

Who is this: He does not shoot himself and does not give to others?
ANSWER: Alexander Matrosov.

In a dark room, on a white sheet - two hours of pleasure.
ANSWER: Movie show.

What is Adam in front and Eve in back?
ANSWER: The letter "A".

There-here-back: It's nice for you and me.
ANSWER: Swings.

A boy and a girl in the grass were doing something on "E".
ANSWER: Eat strawberries.

About 40 million people do THIS at night. What it is?
ANSWER: Internet.

There is a woman on the floor, opening her hole.
ANSWER: Stove.

There is a plaque in the teeth, longing in the eyes.
ANSWER: A man fell into a village push.

Without arms, without legs on a woman lope!
ANSWER: Rocker.

Jumping smartly and eating carrots?
ANSWER: Bubka is on a diet.

Not a rooster, but singing, not a grandfather, but a grandmother, who is this?
ANSWER: Philip Kirkorov.

One wheel thousand wings - what is it?
ANSWER: Wheelbarrow with manure.

What is it: a hard one is inserted into a soft one, and the balls dangle nearby?
ANSWER: Earrings.

What is excited by Koch's wand?
ANSWER: 1. tuberculosis; 2. Koch's wife.

Two rings, two ends...
ANSWER: Very fancy New Russian.

What does a woman have on her body, a Jew has in mind, is used in hockey and on a chessboard?
ANSWER: Combination.

How can you walk while sitting?
ANSWER: In the toilet - on the toilet.

He left his grandfather, and he left his grandmother ...

Wrinkled Titus amuses the whole village.
ANSWER: Lack of youth in the countryside.

How many eggs can a woman hold in one hand?

What can you throw off a naked secretary?
ANSWER: A naked boss.

I take it in two hands, put it between my legs, sweat for five minutes, and then go crazy.
ANSWER: Exercise bike.

The hairy head flies deftly over the cheek.
ANSWER: Toothbrush.

Black around, red in the middle.
Answer: a radish in the ass of a black man.

With claws, not a bird, flies and swears.
ANSWER: Electrician.

Either hanging, then standing, then cold, then hot.
ANSWER: Shower.

Four brothers stand under one roof.
ANSWER: Mafia.

White, not sugar. Cold, not ice.
ANSWER: Corpse.

What is it: small, black, beating against glass?
ANSWER: The baby is in the oven.

How many babies will fit in a double stroller?
ANSWER: And this, depending on how to chop ...

Red head - works smartly.
ANSWER: Woodpecker.

Without windows, without doors, and inside there is a Jew? What is this?
ANSWER: Sarah is pregnant.

Hair, hair...and a sausage in the middle.

A little shriveled, there is in every woman.
ANSWER: Highlight.

With onions and eggs, but not a pie?
ANSWER: Robin Hood.

Which country is the most armed?
ANSWER: Israel - there everyone walks with sawn-off shotguns.

What is it: the eyes are afraid - the hands are doing.
ANSWER: Phone sex.

A three-letter word that any man fears?

Hanging between the legs, stinks and yells?
ANSWER: Motorcycle.

There is only one in the sky, There is none in the earth, And the woman has two of them.

We guys are daring, we climb into the gaps in the genitals.
ANSWER: Cockroaches.

What is it - a small, white blood sucks?
ANSWER: Tampon.

Quietly came up behind, Twice put it in and went.
ANSWER: Slippers.

Hair on hair, body on body - a dark affair begins.
ANSWER: The eye is closed.

Why do you need an orgasm?
ANSWER: In order not to get fucked to death.

What is 60-90-60?
ANSWER: This is a pregnant eleven-year-old girl.

Grain that has passed through fire, water and copper pipes.
ANSWER: Moonshine

Klyauznik, writer of anonymous letters.
ANSWER: Onanist

New name for love musical instrument American President.
ANSWER: Sexophone

What do a diver and a cook have in common?
ANSWER: Both of them have to dip their eggs into the water from time to time.

What do money and a coffin have in common?
ANSWER: Both are first nailed down, and then lowered.

Why do women scratch their eyes in the morning?
ANSWER: Because they don't have eggs