35 weeks pregnant, belly clicks. Clicking in the abdomen during pregnancy, the source of strange sounds

My son just turned 18 a week ago. He is in 11th grade. I hope to enter the budget, studies well. BM does not want to pay child support anymore. Paid 30-35k. It has long been agreed that he will not reduce payments, since in his second marriage he also had a child. And I will save my son for school from alimony. But a couple of years ago, I bought an apartment with a new husband on a mortgage and we pay part of the payments from alimony. I also have a child of kindergarten age. That's why I don't work, I get sick often. The son wants to go to enter the city where BM lives. And bm against. Did you manage and how to negotiate with bm so that they help with money after 18 years.


Irina Krasavina

Girls. Help my sick brain. I'm in the process of losing my brother parental rights. Appealed to guardianship, collected papers from the hospital, the police, testimonials from the school and kindergarten, which the younger niece used to go to, from the last place of work of his brother. There is evidence from neighbors and his friend that he drinks and does not work. The guardianship authorities have assessed living conditions us and my brother. He is against the deprivation of rights, he said that he would stop drinking and take the children for himself. But ... one nuance turned out. My brother now lives with one lady, I knew this for a long time, they drink together, both do not work. And this lady is now pregnant and, as I understand it, they want to sign.
Apart from my shock at the situation and the lack of brains of both, I am interested in the question. If suddenly he stops drinking (which I highly doubt), can I be denied deprivation of his rights? Will he be able to take the children?

P.s. and another question. Is it possible to do something about this madam? Well, I don’t know, it can be forcibly treated or something else. She is pregnant and drinks ((((well, how is that?
In short, I will be glad to any advice and examples from life.



Good morning, my inquisitive and insightful friends, Wangs and Sherlock Holmes! I present to your attention a guessing game for a poetic competition that is festive in all respects. I propose to brainstorm and bring to clean water our cunning cryptographers-authors.
The field for scattering brains is here:

List of authors:
To live well
Sucker Punch
Quokka Smilebakka
Lena Tokareva
Brother Organization
Anonymous 1
Anonymous 2
Anonymous 3
Anonymous 4

So let's go!



Topics about trips during pregnancy regularly pop up on the forum, in the discussion there are a lot of stories with good ending. Today in Vesti there was a story about a similar regular madam, who seemed to be doing well and well, you can’t deprive yourself of your favorite vacation in Thailand. As a result - a baby of 700 grams, health problems both now and in the long term, huge bills from the clinic, fundraising. One such story crosses out thousands with a happy ending. Take care of your babies


Daria S

Hello everybody. We have a bad day today. The child got sick on Monday coughing to vomiting and so Ra. I yesterday, very high temp Ra.
Grandmother came to help us and shouted to me from the kitchen that my head was spinning, then she fell. I called an ambulance. They told me to put it on the bed, measure the pressure, (it was 150) give a capoten. And they said the call would be diverted to 911. Okay, I'm waiting. Mom's blood pressure is rising, it's already 180, she's red, 40 minutes have passed, I'm calling again, and as I understand it, urgent Care, this is a doctor from half ki. I called the regiment, they said, wait for two hours. What is this? What needs to happen for the ambulance to arrive? As a result, they called me back from the ki regiment and said that after my call they transferred the call back to the ambulance. The team arrived in half an hour. They did an ECG, an injection, pills and said to wait for the doctor.
But. In the regiment they told me that the call to us was canceled. I asked if I should wait for the doctor, high temperature? They said they would come to me.
Question. Mom is lying, she can’t become dizzy, when will she be able to get to the doctor? Holidays ahead, will she be left without help? This is fine? The neurologist comes on Tuesdays. Delivered a crisis and a breach cerebral circulation. The neurologist treats us, they did an uzdg in January, they dripped cerepro, then they pricked picamelon and like that. The tablets would be prescribed.
Has anyone contacted a paid ambulance? Phone, if I can find one. Does it make sense?
What should we do?


On different terms pregnancy, a woman may experience new sensations. They are not always pleasant. Sometimes it's just not clear, is this normal? This makes the woman in position even more uncomfortable. Many feel clicking in the abdomen during pregnancy. In this article, we will try to understand the causes of this phenomenon and find out whether it is a norm or a pathology.

What does clicking in the stomach mean?

Hearing incomprehensible sounds in the form of clicks, a pregnant woman begins to worry and worry that something is wrong with the baby. However, there is no cause for concern at all. This is the most safe symptom accompanying a woman's pregnancy. It usually does not portend any threats to the health of the baby and the course of pregnancy.

A woman may begin to feel clicks in her stomach from the 31st week of pregnancy. In the third trimester, the fetus becomes already quite large, taking up more and more space in the mother's stomach. At this time, this already relatively independent little man can make all kinds of sounds.

Usually except for clicks future mom can hear other sounds. For example, gurgling, rumbling, popping and other sounds. They are produced by the body of mother and child and are a normal physiological process.

Possible causes of clicks

There is still no unanimous opinion about the causes of clicks in the abdomen during pregnancy. Experts agree on only one thing: it is not dangerous.

It is likely that these sounds are due to the fact that the baby simply releases gas, burps or hiccups. If you observe such sounds rarely enough, then this may mean that your child, for example, bites his fist or sucks his finger.

Fetal mobility can cause gurgling in the abdomen. When the baby is active, bubbles with amniotic fluid burst. This causes such

Some pregnant women are faced with a kind of crackling in the stomach. It could be the child's joints. But do not panic, this is also a normal process. After all skeletal system the crumbs are not yet strong. By the way, you can hear such a crackle until the child is one year old.

It also happens that all these sounds have nothing to do with the child. They are produced by the mother's body, for example, accompanying the process of digestion. It may also be due to the divergence of the pelvic bones. In this case, clicking in the abdomen at the 39th week of pregnancy may already mean an approaching birth. And if they are accompanied by leakage of water or discharge of the mucous plug, then you need to urgently go to the hospital.

Is it worth doing something?

If you hear clicking in the abdomen at the 35th week of pregnancy, then this is not a reason to worry. Initially, it is recommended to calm down so as not to cause others unwanted symptoms who may already have Negative consequences. Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that this is absolutely normal phenomenon that every pregnant woman experiences.

However, if you are very concerned about these symptoms and are concerned about your baby's health, you may want to visit your gynecologist unscheduled. He will examine you and find out what caused these sounds and sensations. You can also have additional tests to make sure your little one is okay.

Click location

Clicking sounds can be heard anywhere in the abdomen. Often, clicks in the abdomen during pregnancy are localized in the navel. They are best heard there, because in this place the skin is much thinner.

Often, at the same time as the sound, you can feel the tremors of the baby. Since the baby is constantly moving, the place and nature of the sound will depend on what position he takes. A woman can hear him clearly or, on the contrary, as if from afar.

Some of the expectant mothers hear these sounds in the area chest, someone - in the navel, and someone completely from the uterus.

Bubbling or clicking?

These two sensations must be clearly separated. If clicks do not pose a threat, then gurgling can just mean pathology.

In the 8th week of pregnancy, clicking in the abdomen can be easily confused with gurgling. This is because the embryo at this time is still very tiny and cannot make such sounds.

At the beginning of pregnancy, a woman's body changes dramatically. This can cause the following conditions:

  • digestive disorders;
  • constipation;
  • bloating;
  • rumbling or gurgling;
  • increased gas production.

Such symptoms can appear in any person, and in order to get rid of them, it is enough to simply review your diet.

Often gurgling in the stomach means a violation of the intestinal microflora. In this case, there is also pain in the navel. Here it is recommended to contact your gynecologist and, if necessary, visit a gastroenterologist.

Possible deviations

Since the body of each woman is individual, clicks in the abdomen during pregnancy at 36 weeks or at any other time may also indicate the presence of a pathology. Therefore, it is recommended that you always report your feelings to your gynecologist.

Among possible deviations, which are signaled by clicks, are observed:

  • premature effusion amniotic fluid;
  • symphysiopathy;
  • high water;
  • umbilical hernia.

Premature rupture of amniotic fluid

This means that the fetal bladder has burst before the start labor activity. In such a situation, you should immediately call ambulance. Usually a woman experiences a sharp click, pop or crack at this moment, which indicates a rupture of the fetal bladder. There is also a simultaneous effusion a large number clear liquid or Pink colour. Or, on the contrary, slow leakage, which is aggravated lying down or when changing the position of the body. In addition, the stomach is reduced in size.


This is an increase in the distance between pubic bones. Normally, in the third trimester, there is a slight discrepancy. This indicates the preparation of the body for childbirth. However, if this process becomes pathological, then the woman experiences pain in the pubic region while sitting, walking or bending over. Also, her gait may change. She becomes like a duck - with small side steps. In addition, there is a crunch or crepitus when exposed to the symphysis.

The situation can be complicated by the large weight of the child or multiple pregnancy. Symphysiopathy - Enough serious pathology, which can lead to disability due to rupture of the pubic joint during childbirth. However, if it is detected in time, the situation can still be corrected.


This pathological condition can significantly complicate the course of pregnancy and the process of childbirth. In the presence of an increased amount of amniotic fluid, gurgling is observed, which is often confused with clicks. Associated symptoms are severity and pain in the abdomen, shortness of breath, swelling of the lower extremities and discrepancy between the abdominal circumference and gestational age. However, such a diagnosis as polyhydramnios is made only after an ultrasound scan.

Umbilical hernia

Since pressure on the abdominal cavity increases during pregnancy, women with weak umbilical ring muscles are at risk of developing an umbilical hernia. Its appearance can provoke a large fetal weight, polyhydramnios and excess weight at a woman. Visually, it looks like a "popped" navel or just a protrusion in its area. This phenomenon is painless, and when pressed, a characteristic click sound appears. General state women remains the same.

Expert opinion

Almost all doctors consider the presence of clicks in the abdomen during pregnancy to be absolutely normal. Pregnant women themselves say that in this way the baby allegedly communicates with them. In fact, "stomach sounds" are provoked by sounds that make ligaments, joints of the pelvic bones and muscles. This happens because the growing uterus constantly presses on the bones and ligaments, which leads to their stretching. Just the process of stretching the ligaments is accompanied by characteristic clicks.

In addition, such sounds can cause amniotic fluid to move when the baby is active. As a rule, "sounds of pregnancy" appear in the third trimester, closer to childbirth. In the absence of associated symptoms, there is no cause for concern. Therefore, the clicks that appeared in the abdomen at the 37th week of pregnancy can be considered a variant of the norm. This is how your body prepares for upcoming birth. This is inherent in nature, and you should not panic. On the contrary, it is recommended to communicate more with your baby, to prepare him for the moment of meeting with you. Also important is tactile contact. If you hear that the clicks have become frequent and are accompanied by movements from the baby, then stroke your stomach, thereby calming your Nutcracker.

Strange - what is it? ... after all, even doctors do not give an exact answer.

A pregnant woman is the guardian of a real little world, with its needs, tasks and structure. And she has no idea what and how is happening in this world, even if, thanks to high modern technologies the baby’s heartbeat is read, and you can see the “mother’s” or “dad’s” nose. But all the mysteries contained in this extraordinary process cannot be counted. For example, strange clicking in the abdomen during pregnancy

Starting from the third trimester of pregnancy, when the fetus has already formed and is just growing in the womb, future mother may begin to hear sounds that resemble clicks. Clear sounds come from the depths of her belly. Of course it is possible, clicking in the abdomen during pregnancy attributed to the consequences of impressionability and nervousness, characteristic of all pregnant women. Write off, for example, auditory nocturnal hallucinations, but when others begin to hear it, it is worth considering.

What does a woman usually do when she hears clicking in the abdomen during pregnancy?

The young mother has long been accustomed to the baby, has learned to clearly identify his turns, movements and other somersaults, understands when he suddenly starts to hiccup. And here on you - a new action, clicking. She is in a panic (after all, all pregnant women need only a reason to worry once again), first of all she calls her best friend who informs her that she had the same problem during pregnancy, but you are unlikely to tell something travelling.

One thing will definitely please her, that she is not alone in this. But still, at the next appointment with her gynecologist, a young mother will most likely ask exciting question. Moreover, the tummy from time to time continues to click strangely. The doctor, for sure, will be very surprised by this, will express his assumption that the work of the intestines may be to blame, after which he will definitely suggest not paying attention to this, arguing that all the tests are in order.

You can ask the question " clicking in the abdomen during pregnancy", in Internet. Indeed, you can find a lot of information there, but it will only be guesswork, not a single exact statement. But you will find various assumptions about the origin of strange sounds in full.

For example, there is an assumption that this baby smacks his lips like that when he sucks his fist, or clicks his tongue. Many mothers will argue that when the baby was already born, he made just such sounds. Others write that the baby’s joints crunch like that, and indeed newborns have rather weak joints that periodically make a crunch, which usually disappears by the first year of his life. Still others - that your bones click like that when the crumb inside you shows excessive activity. There will also be options amniotic fluid makes sounds of a “bubble bang” when the baby presses against the tummy, and then pushes away from it. And even that he farts like that.

After the information you have found is thought over and taken into account by you, calm down and understand that if your strange clicks are not accompanied by discomfort and pain, you don't have to worry. And even more so, you can not worry with excellent tests, ultrasound, CTG readings. True, you must remember that a resounding pop is often accompanied by a discharge of water and a rupture amniotic membrane. This moment is important not to miss. As for the rest, there is nothing to worry about. Of course, it is strange that doctors have not yet discovered the secret of what clicks there, but with wide open eyes watch when Once again expectant mothers ask them this question.

Expecting a child is a period of change and new discoveries for a pregnant woman. The development of the baby sometimes presents unexpected surprises: both pleasant and not so good. Feelings of the first stirring or heartbeat of the fetus certainly become joyful moments in this difficult period. But there are also not entirely clear signs that can alert, and sometimes become a cause for concern. It's about about such a phenomenon as clicks in the abdomen during pregnancy.


Why the stomach clicks while carrying a baby, even doctors cannot unambiguously answer. And the versions of what is happening that appear in the female environment are sometimes completely untenable from the position modern medicine. There are two points of view on this process. One reassures women, saying that clicks in the stomach are evidence of normal processes. The other warns against possible danger, which may be hiding behind a certain pathology. So, the alleged causes of sound phenomena are:

  1. Physiological changes.
  2. Premature discharge of amniotic fluid.
  3. Symphysiopathy.
  4. Polyhydramnios.
  5. Umbilical hernia.

Given all the conditions that can become a source of clicking in the stomach, you still need to ask your doctor about it. If there is no cause for concern, then you should not pay attention to such sounds. Otherwise, the specialist will advise how to avoid trouble.

The causes of clicks in the abdomen that occur during pregnancy can be various phenomena: both normal and pathological. And the doctor will help to establish the origin of such a symptom.


Each process that occurs in a woman's body has certain manifestations: clinical or laboratory. But it is precisely those symptoms that can be registered with the help of the senses that acquire the main significance. Not only to be assessed subjective feelings(complaints), but also those signs that are detected directly by the doctor. This includes sound phenomena that reflect the course of pregnancy. Like other symptoms, they also have certain features:

  1. Frequency of occurrence: occasionally or constantly.
  2. Intensity: pronounced or barely audible.
  3. Communication with external or internal factors: fetal movement, woman's movements.
  4. Association with other symptoms.

It should be noted that in most women clicks in the stomach on later dates pregnancy in the third trimester. Before, it was almost never seen. And to understand what caused these sounds, it is possible on the basis of a comprehensive assessment possible symptoms.

Physiological changes

In most cases, clicking in the abdomen is a consequence of the normal processes that occur during pregnancy. Some of them are related to the operation female body while others come from the fetus. The most reasonable medical point of vision, the following conditions are considered:

  • Stretching of ligaments and muscles.
  • Rumbling of the intestines.
  • Hiccups in a child.

It is known that in the third trimester the uterus and the fetus reach their maximum dimensions. This is accompanied by stretching of the internal ligaments of the small pelvis and the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. This is observed gradually and should not bring trouble. But sometimes it can be accompanied by some discomfort and pulling sensations in a stomach. There are also sound phenomena in the form of crunching, crackling or clicking, which are associated with motor activity fetus.

growth of the uterus and hormonal shifts(high concentration of progesterone) during pregnancy affect the function of surrounding organs, including the intestines. Its function may undergo some changes associated with increased relaxation and external pressure. At the same time, a woman often feels a rumbling in her stomach, which can sometimes be mistaken for clicks. And in most cases it is combined with constipation.

It is not uncommon for a child to begin to hiccup in utero. This is observed in the case of ingestion of amniotic fluid and is explained by reflex contraction of the diaphragm. A woman feels this by rhythmic and short jolts, which can take the form of clicks in the stomach.

There are other explanations for this phenomenon among expectant mothers. Some say that clicks appear due to the fact that the baby smacks his lips while sucking his finger. Others insist on the opinion about the crunch of the child's joints, and someone even undertakes to assume that this is how he releases gases from the intestines. But all such versions, even with a superficial examination, do not stand up to criticism. Therefore, they should not be taken into account.

If clicks suddenly began to be heard in the stomach, then you should not immediately worry - in most cases this is a normal phenomenon in late pregnancy.

Premature rupture of amniotic fluid

It happens that the fetal bladder bursts before the onset of labor. This cannot be called the norm, since it occurs before the onset of contractions and is associated with a number of complications. Among them are infectious processes, fetal hypoxia, prolonged or rapid labor, placental abruption. A woman can feel the following signs:

  • A sharp click, pop or crack, indicating a rupture of the fetal bladder.
  • Simultaneous outpouring of a large volume of liquid (clear or pink).
  • Slow discharge ("leakage"), aggravated lying down or when changing position.
  • Reducing the belly in size.

This suggests that you should immediately consult a doctor. After the examination, he will determine how to conduct the pregnancy in the future - to prolong or go for delivery.


Normally, a woman's body at the end of the third trimester of pregnancy prepares for childbirth. And in this aspect, there will certainly be a slight divergence of the pubic articulation - up to 0.5 cm. But the distance between the pubic bones may increase, which indicates symphysiopathy. Then the following symptoms appear:

  • Pain in the pubic region when sitting, bending over and walking.
  • Change in gait - small side steps ("duck").
  • Lying hips apart, and knees bent.
  • Cracking or crepitus on pressure on the symphysis.

The load on the joint increases with big weight child and also multiple pregnancy. Symphysiopathy can cause rupture of the pubic articulation during childbirth and even disability.

If a crunch is heard in the lower abdomen when pressing on the symphysis, this is sure sign discrepancies of the pubic articulation, requiring timely detection and correction.


With an increase in the amount of amniotic fluid, there may be a sensation of gurgling in the abdomen, which is sometimes mistaken for clicks. This is a pathological condition that complicates the course of pregnancy and childbirth. And the following signs make it possible to identify it:

  • Feeling of heaviness and pain in the abdomen.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Edema of the lower extremities.
  • Inconsistency of the circumference of the abdomen with the gestational age.

The last symptom is the defining clinical diagnostics polyhydramnios. But it can only be confirmed with additional methods(ultrasound).

Umbilical hernia

During pregnancy, blood pressure abdominal cavity rises. And if a woman has a weakness in the tissues of the umbilical ring, then the risk of a hernia is high. This is also supported large fruit, polyhydramnios, overweight the woman herself. A hernia can be seen visually - a protrusion appears in the umbilical region. It is painless, and when pressed, a characteristic click sound appears or a cavity is simply felt. The general condition of the woman is not disturbed, and infringement during pregnancy is extremely rare.

Clicking in the abdomen is felt by many women during childbearing. As a rule, this is a consequence of the physiological processes occurring in the third trimester, and should not inspire concern. But don't forget about pathological conditions which can complicate the course of pregnancy. Therefore, a specialist will help a woman find out the cause of clicks.

At different stages of pregnancy, a woman may experience new sensations. They are not always pleasant. Sometimes it's just not clear, is this normal? This makes the woman in position even more uncomfortable. Many feel clicking in the abdomen during pregnancy. In this article, we will try to understand the causes of this phenomenon and find out whether it is a norm or a pathology.

What does clicking in the stomach mean?

Hearing incomprehensible sounds in the form of clicks, a pregnant woman begins to worry and worry that something is wrong with the baby. However, there is no cause for concern at all. This is the safest symptom that accompanies a woman's pregnancy. It usually does not portend any threats to the health of the baby and the course of pregnancy.

A woman may begin to feel clicks in her stomach from the 31st week of pregnancy. In the third trimester, the fetus becomes already quite large, taking up more and more space in the mother's stomach. At this time, this already relatively independent little man can make all kinds of sounds.

Usually, in addition to clicks, the expectant mother can hear other sounds. For example, gurgling, rumbling, popping and other sounds. They are produced by the body of mother and child and are a normal physiological process.

Possible causes of clicks

There is still no unanimous opinion about the causes of clicks in the abdomen during pregnancy. Experts agree on only one thing: it is not dangerous.

It is likely that these sounds are due to the fact that the baby simply releases gas, burps or hiccups. If you observe such sounds rarely enough, then this may mean that your child, for example, bites his fist or sucks his finger.

Fetal mobility can cause gurgling in the abdomen. When the baby is active, bubbles with amniotic fluid burst. This is what causes the sound effects.

Some pregnant women are faced with a kind of crackling in the stomach. It could be the child's joints. But do not panic, this is also a normal process. After all, the skeletal system of the crumbs has not yet strengthened. By the way, you can hear such a crackle until the child is one year old.

It also happens that all these sounds have nothing to do with the child. They are produced by the mother's body, for example, accompanying the process of digestion. It may also be due to the divergence of the pelvic bones. In this case, clicking in the abdomen at the 39th week of pregnancy may already mean an approaching birth. And if they are accompanied by leakage of water or discharge of the mucous plug, then you need to urgently go to the hospital.

Is it worth doing something?

If you hear clicking in the abdomen at the 35th week of pregnancy, then this is not a reason to worry. Initially, it is recommended to calm down so as not to cause other unwanted symptoms that may already have negative consequences. Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that this is an absolutely normal phenomenon that every pregnant woman experiences.

However, if you are very concerned about these symptoms and are concerned about your baby's health, you may want to visit your gynecologist unscheduled. He will examine you and find out what caused these sounds and sensations. You can also have additional tests to make sure your little one is okay.

Click location

Clicking sounds can be heard anywhere in the abdomen. Often, clicks in the abdomen during pregnancy are localized in the navel. They are best heard there, because in this place the skin is much thinner.

Often, at the same time as the sound, you can feel the tremors of the baby. Since the baby is constantly moving, the place and nature of the sound will depend on what position he takes. A woman can hear him clearly or, on the contrary, as if from afar.

Some of the expectant mothers hear these sounds in the chest area, some in the navel, and some even from the uterus.

Bubbling or clicking?

These two sensations must be clearly separated. If clicks do not pose a threat, then gurgling can just mean pathology.

In the 8th week of pregnancy, clicking in the abdomen can be easily confused with gurgling. This is because the embryo at this time is still very tiny and cannot make such sounds.

At the beginning of pregnancy, a woman's body changes dramatically. This can cause the following conditions:

  • digestive disorders;
  • constipation;
  • bloating;
  • rumbling or gurgling;
  • increased gas production.

Such symptoms can appear in any person, and in order to get rid of them, it is enough to simply review your diet.

Often gurgling in the stomach means a violation of the intestinal microflora. In this case, there is also pain in the navel. Here it is recommended to contact your gynecologist and, if necessary, visit a gastroenterologist.

Possible deviations

Since the body of each woman is individual, clicks in the abdomen during pregnancy at 36 weeks or at any other time may also indicate the presence of a pathology. Therefore, it is recommended that you always report your feelings to your gynecologist.

Among the possible deviations that clicks signal, there are:

  • symphysiopathy;
  • high water;
  • umbilical hernia.

Premature rupture of amniotic fluid

This means that the fetal bladder burst before the onset of labor. In such a situation, you should immediately call an ambulance. Usually a woman experiences a sharp click, pop or crack at this moment, which indicates a rupture of the fetal bladder. There is also a simultaneous outpouring of a large amount of liquid of a transparent or pink color. Or, on the contrary, a slow leakage, which increases when lying down or when changing the position of the body. In addition, the stomach is reduced in size.


This is an increase in the distance between the pubic bones. Normally, in the third trimester, there is a slight divergence of the pubic articulation. This indicates the preparation of the body for childbirth. However, if this process becomes pathological, then the woman experiences pain in the pubic region while sitting, walking or bending over. Also, her gait may change. She becomes like a duck - with small side steps. In addition, there is a crunch or crepitus when exposed to the symphysis.

The situation can be complicated by the large weight of the child or multiple pregnancy. Symphysiopathy is a rather serious pathology that can lead to disability due to rupture of the pubic symphysis during childbirth. However, if it is detected in time, the situation can still be corrected.


This pathological condition can significantly complicate the course of pregnancy and the process of childbirth. In the presence of an increased amount of amniotic fluid, gurgling is observed, which is often confused with clicks. Concomitant symptoms are heaviness and pain in the abdomen, shortness of breath, swelling of the lower extremities, and discrepancy between the circumference of the abdomen and the timing of gestation. However, such a diagnosis as polyhydramnios is made only after an ultrasound scan.

Umbilical hernia

Since pressure on the abdominal cavity increases during pregnancy, women with weak umbilical ring muscles are at risk of developing an umbilical hernia. Its appearance can provoke a large fetal weight, polyhydramnios and excess weight in a woman. Visually, it looks like a "popped" navel or just a protrusion in its area. This phenomenon is painless, and when pressed, a characteristic click sound appears. The general condition of the woman remains the same.

Expert opinion

Almost all doctors consider the presence of clicks in the abdomen during pregnancy to be absolutely normal. Pregnant women themselves say that in this way the baby allegedly communicates with them. In fact, "stomach sounds" are provoked by sounds that make ligaments, joints of the pelvic bones and muscles. This happens because the growing uterus constantly presses on the bones and ligaments, which leads to their stretching. Just the process of stretching the ligaments is accompanied by characteristic clicks.

In addition, such sounds can cause amniotic fluid to move when the baby is active. As a rule, "sounds of pregnancy" appear in the third trimester, closer to childbirth. In the absence of associated symptoms, there is no cause for concern. Therefore, the clicks that appeared in the abdomen at the 37th week of pregnancy can be considered a variant of the norm. Thus, your body is preparing for the upcoming birth. This is inherent in nature, and you should not panic. On the contrary, it is recommended to communicate more with your baby, to prepare him for the moment of meeting with you. Tactile contact is also important. If you hear that the clicks have become frequent and are accompanied by movements from the baby, then stroke your stomach, thereby calming your Nutcracker.


Clicking in the stomach - Articles - Pregnancy

A pregnant woman carries within herself a real little world, with its tasks, needs and structure. And you don’t know exactly what and how is happening there in this world - even if with the help of modern technologies you can count the number of heartbeats of the crumbs, and make out “daddy’s” or “mother’s” nose. But mysteries are innumerable. Here, for example, .... clicks.

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The baby and I were already used to each other, I clearly identified his movements, rustlings and other somersaults, I understood when he suddenly began to hiccup. And then it clicks on you. In a panic (don’t feed us pregnant women with bread, let me find a reason to worry) I call my friend: “Katka, didn’t you accidentally click anything inside during pregnancy, somewhere above the navel?” The girlfriend laughed: “I didn’t tell anyone except my husband, but it was the case, except for the options, that the baby somehow dragged himself a piece of bubble wrap and sits there having fun, popping bubbles, we didn’t have.”

Hooray, I'm not alone, besides, Kat'kin's baby has grown into a completely healthy three-year-old boy, so the degree of excitement has decreased. But still, at the next meeting with my gynecologist, I could not resist the question. In addition, the belly continued to click from time to time. The doctor was terribly surprised, suggested that it was the intestines and offered to stop paying attention: “All the tests are normal, don’t look for difficulties for yourself.”

However, I did not calm down and went in search of clues to the Internet. Everyone knows there. They did know, but not sure. But I got a lot of suggestions about the source of my strange sounds. For example, they wrote that this child smacks his lips, sucking his fist, or clicks his tongue. Moms said that when the baby was already born, he made just such sounds. Others argued that these sounds are nothing more than the crunching of the joints of a child (in newborns, the joints really crunch, this is due to the weakness of the ligamentous apparatus, usually goes away by itself by the age of the child). Still others - that the bones of your pubic joint click when the baby shows excessive activity. And there were also options that the sounds were made by the amniotic fluid, that the bubble “bangs” there when the child presses and then pushes away from him, and even that with such a sound the baby “releases gas”.

The main thing that I understood is that if my strange clicks are not accompanied by pain or discomfort, there is no need to worry. Moreover, you don't have to worry about good readings CTG, doppler and ultrasound. True, in some, ringing cotton is accompanied by rupture of the amniotic membranes and discharge of water. This moment is extremely important not to miss. And the rest - what to worry about? Maybe there is a little musician growing inside you who has begun his first rehearsals. However, I hope one day the doctors will discover the secret, what is it that clicks there?


What are these strange clicks in the abdomen during pregnancy? Even doctors are not able to give an exact answer to this question.

A pregnant woman is the guardian of a real small world, with her own needs, structure and tasks. She has no idea what is going on and how. this world, even if high modern technologies allow you to count the heartbeat and you can consider "daddy's" or "mother's" nose. The number of mysteries that lie in this extraordinary process cannot be counted. For example, these strange clicks in the abdomen during pregnancy.

What does a woman usually do when she hears clicks in her stomach during pregnancy? The young mother has long been accustomed to her baby and has learned to identify all his turns, movements and other somersaults, realizes when he suddenly starts to hiccup. And suddenly a new action happens - clicks. Mom is in a panic (any pregnant woman needs only a reason for new unrest), first of all, she starts calling her best friend, who is glad to report that she had the same problem during pregnancy, but cannot advise anything on the road.

One thing will please mom for sure - she is not alone in this. However, at the next appointment with a gynecologist, a young mother will almost certainly ask this exciting question. In addition, the stomach continues to click from time to time. The doctor, of course, will be surprised by this and will express his own assumption that normal bowel function may be to blame and you should not pay attention to this, arguing that all tests are in in perfect order.

After reading this information and thinking about it, you need to calm down and understand that if your strange clicks are not accompanied by discomfort and pain, then you should not worry. At normal tests especially do not pay attention to these clicks. However, it is important to remember that a ringing pop usually accompanies the discharge of water, as well as rupture of the amniotic membrane, which is very important not to miss. In all other respects, there is nothing to worry about. Naturally, it is very strange that experts still do not know the answer to the question of what exactly clicks there. For now, they just stare wide-eyed and don't know what to say.



  1. Physiological changes.
  2. Symphysiopathy.
  3. Polyhydramnios.
  4. Umbilical hernia.


Physiological changes

  • Stretching of ligaments and muscles.
  • Rumbling of the intestines.
  • Hiccups in a child.

It is not uncommon for a child to begin to hiccup in utero. This is observed in the case of ingestion of amniotic fluid and is explained by reflex contraction of the diaphragm. A woman feels this by rhythmic and short jolts, which can take the form of clicks in the stomach.

Premature rupture of amniotic fluid

  • Reducing the belly in size.



  • Dyspnea.
  • Edema of the lower extremities.

Umbilical hernia

36-37 weeks of pregnancy: why does the stomach turn to stone?



Strange clicks in the abdomen during pregnancy - what is it? ... after all, even doctors do not give an exact answer.

A pregnant woman is the guardian of a real little world, with its needs, tasks and structure. And she has no idea what and how is happening in this world, even if, thanks to high modern technology, the baby’s heartbeat is read, and you can see “mother’s” or “dad’s” nose. But all the mysteries contained in this extraordinary process cannot be counted. For example, strange clicks in the abdomen during pregnancy ...

Starting from the third trimester of pregnancy, when the fetus has already formed and is just growing in the womb, the expectant mother may begin to hear sounds that resemble clicks. Clear sounds come from the depths of her belly. Of course, clicks in the abdomen during pregnancy can be attributed to the consequences of susceptibility and nervousness, which are common to all pregnant women. Write off, for example, auditory nocturnal hallucinations, but when others begin to hear it, it is worth considering.

What does a woman usually do when she hears clicks in her stomach during pregnancy?

The young mother has long been accustomed to the baby, has learned to clearly identify his turns, movements and other somersaults, understands when he suddenly starts to hiccup. And here on you - a new action, clicking. She is in a panic (because all pregnant women only need a reason to worry once again), first of all she calls up her best friend, who tells her that she had the same problem during pregnancy, but you are unlikely to tell something track.

One thing will definitely please her, that she is not alone in this. But still, at the next appointment with her gynecologist, a young mother is likely to ask an exciting question. Moreover, the tummy from time to time continues to click strangely. The doctor, for sure, will be very surprised by this, will express his assumption that the work of the intestines may be to blame, after which he will definitely suggest not paying attention to this, arguing that all the tests are in order.

You can ask the question "clicks in the abdomen during pregnancy" on the Internet. Indeed, you can find a lot of information there, but it will only be guesswork, not a single exact statement. But you will find various assumptions about the origin of strange sounds in full.

For example, there is an assumption that this baby smacks his lips like that when he sucks his fist, or clicks his tongue. Many mothers will argue that when the baby was already born, he made just such sounds. Others write that the baby’s joints crunch like that, and indeed newborns have rather weak joints that periodically make a crunch, which usually disappears by the first year of his life. Still others - that your bones click like that when the crumb inside you shows excessive activity. There will also be such options that the amniotic fluid makes the sounds of a “bubble bubble” when the baby is pressed against the tummy, and then repelled from it. And even that he farts like that.

After the information you have found is thought over and taken into account by you, calm down and understand that if your strange clicks are not accompanied by discomfort and pain, then you don’t have to worry. And even more so, you can not worry with excellent tests, ultrasound, CTG readings. True, you must remember that a loud pop is often accompanied by a discharge of water and a rupture of the amniotic membrane. This moment is important not to miss. As for the rest, there is nothing to worry about. Of course, it is strange that doctors have not yet discovered the secret of what clicks there, but they look with wide eyes when once again expectant mothers ask them this question.


Clicking in the stomach during pregnancy 36 weeks

For example, some people think that it's just the baby smacking his lips when he clicks his tongue or sucks on his fist. Many mothers will argue that after birth, the baby made just such sounds. Others say that it is the baby's joints that crunch. Indeed, newborns have rather weak joints, which crunch from time to time, and this disappears by the first year of a baby's life. Still others argue that it’s just the mother’s bones that click when the baby in the womb is too active. There is a theory that the amniotic fluid simply makes "popping bubble" sounds as the baby presses against the belly and then pushes away. There is even a version that the baby is blowing gas like this.

Considering the causes of clicks during pregnancy, it should be noted that in some cases such sounds can occur during the discharge of the mucous plug or when the bladder containing amniotic fluid ruptures. So do not leave them unattended - it may be time for you to go to the hospital. If, after you hear a click, at least a small amount of liquid has spilled out of the vagina, it is better to contact a specialist immediately. After all, this may indicate the beginning of labor activity.

What clicks in the stomach during pregnancy

It was 31 weeks, as at night I woke up from a strange sound similar to a click. As if someone snapped their fingers "Hey, sex!". But this clear sound definitely came from the depths of my voluminous belly. It could be attributed to nocturnal auditory hallucinations, if the next time the stomach did not click in the presence of her husband, he also heard.

Why does it click in the stomach during pregnancy

In most cases, clicking in the abdomen is a consequence of the normal processes that occur during pregnancy. Some of them are associated with the functioning of the female body, while others come from the fetus. The following conditions are considered the most reasonable from a medical point of view:

Clicking in the stomach

It clicked, a little water poured out, I got scared, I thought water, we went to the hospital, they did a test, they said the cork began to move away. In general, when she called the doctor before going to the maternity hospital, she immediately said that there was definitely a click when the water left. And she doesn’t know about the rest of the clicks 🙂

Clicking in the abdomen during pregnancy, the source of strange sounds

The answer to the question about clicking in the abdomen during pregnancy can be searched on the Internet. Of course, there is a lot of information here, but these are just guesses, there is not a single exact statement here, but there are plenty of various assumptions about the origin of these sounds.

Clicking in the abdomen during pregnancy: causes of unpleasant sounds

Clicks during pregnancy. strange sounds-clicks in the abdomen (pregnancy 31 weeks). Anastasia Vorobyova @Swan-s wrote in the topic Clicks during pregnancy. Strange clicks in the abdomen during pregnancy - what is it. After all, even doctors do not give an exact answer. And here on you - a new action, clicking. She is in a panic (after all, all pregnant women need only a reason to once again.

Gurgling and clicking in the abdomen during pregnancy

If you are very worried about this symptom, then you can come to the doctor to examine you and assure you that everything is in order with the fetus and you. If desired, you can undergo an additional examination to ensure a favorable course of pregnancy. Remember, the main thing is not to panic.

Clicking in the stomach during pregnancy

Somewhere in the third trimester of pregnancy, when the fetus is formed and is now just growing in the womb, the expectant mother begins to hear sounds in her stomach that resemble clicks. These clear sounds come directly from the depths of the abdomen. Naturally, clicks in the abdomen during pregnancy can be attributed to the consequences of nervousness and impressionability, which are common to all pregnant women. For example, to attribute it to nocturnal auditory hallucinations, however, when everyone around hears it, it is worth considering.

What clicks in the stomach during pregnancy 38 weeks

Increased arterial pressure and edema at 38 weeks of gestation. If it is related to late toxicosis, this is very serious and can even threaten the life of both you and your baby. if you have a headache, hypersensitivity to sharp sounds and to light and swelling - this is an occasion to immediately consult a doctor who can decide to terminate the pregnancy through labor induction.


why does my stomach click during pregnancy

Expecting a child is a period of change and new discoveries for a pregnant woman. The development of the baby sometimes presents unexpected surprises: both pleasant and not very. Feelings of the first stirring or heartbeat of the fetus certainly become joyful moments in this difficult period. But there are also not entirely clear signs that can alert, and sometimes become a cause for concern. We are talking about such a phenomenon as clicks in the abdomen during pregnancy.


Why the stomach clicks while carrying a baby, even doctors cannot unambiguously answer. And the versions of what is happening that appear in the female environment are sometimes completely untenable from the standpoint of modern medicine. There are two points of view on this process. One reassures women, saying that clicks in the stomach are evidence of normal processes. And the other warns against a possible danger that may be hidden behind a certain pathology. So, the alleged causes of sound phenomena are:

  1. Physiological changes.
  2. Premature discharge of amniotic fluid.
  3. Symphysiopathy.
  4. Polyhydramnios.
  5. Umbilical hernia.

Given all the conditions that can become a source of clicking in the stomach, you still need to ask your doctor about it. If there is no cause for concern, then you should not pay attention to such sounds. Otherwise, the specialist will advise how to avoid trouble.

The causes of clicks in the abdomen that occur during pregnancy can be various phenomena: both normal and pathological. And the doctor will help to establish the origin of such a symptom.


Each process that occurs in a woman's body has certain manifestations: clinical or laboratory. But it is precisely those symptoms that can be registered with the help of the senses that acquire the main significance. Subject to evaluation are not only subjective sensations (complaints), but also those signs that are detected directly by the doctor. This includes sound phenomena that reflect the course of pregnancy. Like other symptoms, they also have certain features:

  1. Frequency of occurrence: occasionally or constantly.
  2. Intensity: pronounced or barely audible.
  3. Communication with external or internal factors: the movement of the fetus, the movements of a woman.
  4. Association with other symptoms.

It should be noted that for most women, clicks in the abdomen in the late stages of pregnancy - in the third trimester. Before, it was almost never seen. And to understand what caused these sounds, it is possible on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of possible symptoms.

Physiological changes

In most cases, clicking in the abdomen is a consequence of the normal processes that occur during pregnancy. Some of them are associated with the functioning of the female body, while others come from the fetus. The following conditions are considered the most reasonable from a medical point of view:

  • Stretching of ligaments and muscles.
  • Rumbling of the intestines.
  • Hiccups in a child.

It is known that in the third trimester the uterus and fetus reach their maximum size. This is accompanied by stretching of the internal ligaments of the small pelvis and the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. This is observed gradually and should not bring trouble. But sometimes it can be accompanied by some discomfort and pulling sensations in the abdomen. There are also sound phenomena in the form of a crunch, cod or clicks, which are associated with the motor activity of the fetus.

The growth of the uterus and hormonal changes (high concentration of progesterone) during pregnancy affect the function of surrounding organs, including the intestines. Its function may undergo some changes associated with increased relaxation and external pressure. At the same time, a woman often feels a rumbling in her stomach, which can sometimes be mistaken for clicks. And in most cases it is combined with constipation.

It is not uncommon for a child to begin to hiccup in utero. This is observed in the case of ingestion of amniotic fluid and is explained by reflex

diaphragm contraction. A woman feels this by rhythmic and short jolts, which can take the form of clicks in the stomach.

There are other explanations for this phenomenon among expectant mothers. Some say that clicks appear due to the fact that the baby smacks his lips while sucking his finger. Others insist on the opinion about the crunch of the child's joints, and someone even undertakes to assume that this is how he releases gases from the intestines. But all such versions, even with a superficial examination, do not stand up to criticism. Therefore, they should not be taken into account.

If clicks suddenly began to be heard in the stomach, then you should not immediately worry - in most cases this is a normal phenomenon in late pregnancy.

Premature rupture of amniotic fluid

It happens that the fetal bladder bursts before the onset of labor. This cannot be called the norm, since it occurs before the onset of contractions and is associated with a number of complications. Among them are infectious processes, fetal hypoxia, prolonged or rapid labor, placental abruption. A woman may experience the following symptoms:

  • A sharp click, pop or crack, indicating a rupture of the fetal bladder.
  • Simultaneous outpouring of a large volume of liquid (clear or pink).
  • Slow discharge ("leakage"), aggravated lying down or when changing position.
  • Reducing the belly in size.

This suggests that you should immediately consult a doctor. After the examination, he will determine how to conduct the pregnancy in the future - to prolong or go for delivery.


Normally, a woman's body at the end of the third trimester of pregnancy prepares for childbirth. And in this aspect, there will certainly be a slight divergence of the pubic articulation - up to 0.5 cm. But the distance between the pubic bones may increase, which indicates symphysiopathy. Then the following symptoms appear:

  • Pain in the pubic region when sitting, bending over and walking.
  • Change in gait - small side steps ("duck").
  • Lying hips apart, and knees bent.
  • Cracking or crepitus on pressure on the symphysis.

The load on the joint increases with a large weight of the child, as well as multiple pregnancies. Symphysiopathy can cause rupture of the pubic articulation during childbirth and even disability.

If a crunch is heard in the lower abdomen when pressing on the symphysis, this is a sure sign of a divergence of the pubic joint, which requires timely identification and correction.


With an increase in the amount of amniotic fluid, there may be a sensation of gurgling in the abdomen, which is sometimes mistaken for clicks. This is a pathological condition that complicates the course of pregnancy and childbirth. And the following signs make it possible to identify it:

  • Feeling of heaviness and pain in the abdomen.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Edema of the lower extremities.
  • Inconsistency of the circumference of the abdomen with the gestational age.

The last symptom is decisive in the clinical diagnosis of polyhydramnios. But it can be confirmed only with the help of additional methods (ultrasound).

Umbilical hernia

During pregnancy, pressure in the abdominal cavity increases. And if a woman has a weakness in the tissues of the umbilical ring, then the risk of a hernia is high. This is also facilitated by a large fetus, polyhydramnios, overweight in the woman herself. A hernia can be seen visually - a protrusion appears in the umbilical region. It is painless, and when pressed, a characteristic click sound appears or a cavity is simply felt. The general condition of the woman is not disturbed, and infringement during pregnancy is extremely rare.

Clicking in the abdomen is felt by many women during childbearing. As a rule, this is a consequence of the physiological processes occurring in the third trimester, and should not inspire concern. But do not forget about the pathological conditions that can complicate the course of pregnancy. Therefore, a specialist will help a woman find out the cause of clicks.