Form of the act of living conditions of the family. Act of inspection of housing conditions (sample) download

An act of examination of living conditions is a form that details the living conditions of a family or a child. The content of the form affects not only the technical condition of housing, but the provision of the family with the appropriate income and food.

The inspection has the right to initiate the bodies of education, guardianship. The procedure will be needed in order to recognize a family as poor, in need of better housing conditions and state support.

An act of inspection of living conditions must be distinguished from a document on checking the technical condition of a dwelling. The latter will be required when revealing illegal redevelopment or the degree of deterioration of the living space. Verification is required when public housing is recognized as emergency and unsuitable for family living. The procedure for conducting the survey is regulated by local regulations. The status of the dwelling is indicated by Art. 15 LCD RF.

The need for an act of inspection of housing and living conditions

The document is drawn up if there is reason to believe that the child is brought up in a bad environment, is subjected to violence and adverse emotional effects in the family. The form is subject to mandatory completion when adopting a child - in accordance with Sec. 19 RF IC.

An examination will be required when a child is removed from the family and his transfer to custody is required. A check will be needed when a minor applies to medical institutions - in order to find out the nature of the injuries received.

The family is usually warned about the visit of officials in advance. But in case of a complaint against parents by neighbors, teachers, a study of the premises and the characteristics of the child's residence can be carried out at the initiative of the social protection authorities.

Sample design

The act of checking housing conditions is filled out depending on the purpose of the survey. If a family needs to be recognized as poor, then the actual size of the living space for each person is indicated.

The document contains the name, date of completion. The following points mean:

  • Full name, date of birth of the minor;
  • the educational institution where the child is studying;
  • the address at which the inspection of housing is carried out;
  • composition of the minor's family, including the number of people who actually live with the child - their personal data and occupation.

The building material of the house is established (stone, wood, etc.). The degree of improvement of residential premises is determined (complete / incomplete). If the housing arrangement is incomplete, then they indicate the absence of communications, a bathroom, a bathroom. The number of rooms in the apartment (private) house is indicated. A line is filled in on the compliance of the temperature in the room with the established standards.

The sample act should contain information about whether the child has his own room or corner with furniture, including a bed. Specialists also pay attention to the provision of the child with books, toys and other things for study and proper leisure.

The housing inspection report contains a brief description of the home environment. The conclusion of a specialist is provided in the form of a conclusion on the compliance of living conditions with the established requirements.

The possibility / impossibility of the child living in the family and at home is revealed. The act serves as written evidence in the courts - in case of deprivation of parental rights or restriction in them. The document is filled out by authorized specialists and does not require the signature of the parents.

The act is issued within 3 days after the actual examination. Parents are sent a copy of the document, certified by the signature and seal of the official.

The conclusions of experts can be recognized as biased only in a judicial proceeding. The reverse situation is possible, when seemingly unfavorable living conditions are deliberately recognized as acceptable, in order not to provide the family with the necessary social support. Such conflicts should also be resolved in court.

Do you have any questions? Write your question in the form below and get detailed legal advice:

There are many families that are unable for a number of reasons to provide a minor child with everything necessary for a normal life and education. The act of examining the student's living conditions, filled out in accordance with all generally accepted standards, is designed to control such families, and parents are responsible for fulfilling their obligations to the child.

Checking the material living conditions of the family is carried out in order to reduce the likelihood of delinquency in relation to the minor. It helps guide parents on the path of a healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits, improving material conditions and the sanitary condition of the apartment.

A completed Family Housing Survey is required to clearly determine the parent's ability to meet the student's basic needs.

On the basis of this document, a decision is made on the need to improve the living conditions of the family, deprivation or restoration of parental rights, determining the place of residence or during the adoption procedure.

Important! The reason for the procedure can be not only the financial disadvantage of the family, but also the likelihood of a negative impact on the emotional and mental state of the student (frequent quarrels, prohibitions that do not allow the minor to develop and contribute to the manifestation of aggression), which are also observed in wealthy families.

The basis for the audit may be:

  • inconsistency of the student's behavior with generally accepted norms;
  • the use of alcohol, narcotic and other substances by minors;
  • registering the child with law enforcement agencies;
  • appeal of third parties with a complaint about the improper fulfillment of their obligations by parents;
  • moving, which could affect the deterioration of the living conditions of the family;
  • the appearance of a child with injuries, in a depressed physical or emotional state.

With the help of a check, all the circumstances that led to the appearance of one or more of the above cases are identified.

In addition, it defines:

  1. the state of the apartment and other place of residence of the minor;
  2. the number of residents;
  3. actual financial condition;
  4. the state of health of all people living with the child, as well as compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards;
  5. the state of places reserved for games, study and recreation for the student.

Important! Often, an act is drawn up during the procedure for adoption or deprivation of parental rights, as well as their restoration in order to obtain reliable information about the efforts made for this by the parents.

Who is involved in the drafting of the act

Verification with the subsequent drawing up of an act is carried out as part of a special commission. It may vary depending on the purpose for which the verification is carried out.

It may contain:

  • law enforcement officer, if the child was brought to administrative responsibility or registered;
  • representative of guardianship and guardianship authorities;
  • a school teacher, usually the child's class teacher;
  • BTI employee.

The composition is approved without the consent of parents or guardians. The check is carried out without prior warning, most often in the evening, when the child's relatives are at home.

Important! If the check is carried out in a dysfunctional family or the child's relatives prevent it from being carried out, the teacher or other member of the commission may turn to the district police officer for help.

Features of the examination procedure

Among the features of the procedure, there are several nuances that must be taken into account when checking. The nuances include not only the basic check of living space, but also the actual provision of the child. That is, the whole rhythm of the child's life is seen in the aggregate.

The sleeping place of the child must be checked, as well as the availability of household chemicals and other substances for him. The presence of animals and their impact on the sanitary situation are being checked.

The whole procedure is carried out by a group of inspectors jointly.

An act of examination of the living conditions of a minor, a sample of which is filled in in free form, is signed by all participants only after the completion of the entire process.

The act of surveying the living conditions of the family, the form of which is drawn up in free form, must necessarily include the following items:

  • the date of the audit, which may or may not be the same as the date of the audit;
  • title of the act, date and full address of the place where it was drawn up;
  • surnames and initials of all members of the commission;
  • the purpose of the audit;
  • address of residence of the family, indicating the full characteristics of the occupied living space;
  • signatures of members of the commission and one of the parents.

When conducting an audit, the members of the commission must pay attention to and record:

  1. who is engaged in the actual upbringing and supervision of the child, the presence of relatives living nearby who provide assistance in the maintenance and development of the child;
  2. the financial condition of the family, the provision of the child with all the necessary things, food, educational supplies and toys;
  3. the presence of a minor's own place to sleep and rest;
  4. the health status of the student, the presence of chronic diseases, the need for assistance in conducting a medical examination or treatment, the general psychological state;
  5. the availability of all necessary personal hygiene products, the general appearance of all family members, the condition of clothing, its compliance with the season and the parameters of the child;
  6. the behavior of family members, the nature of communication with members of the commission, the attitude towards the child;
  7. the general level of development of the child, visiting additional sections or circles that contribute to the development of mental, physical condition, leisure activities;
  8. availability for the child of means and medicines that can harm his health (medicines, chemicals, electrical appliances, bare wires);
  9. the presence of pets and their condition;
  10. a way to spend time together with the family, the presence of family values ​​​​or traditions.

At the end of the document, general conclusions can be drawn about the inspection carried out and the state of living conditions in which the minor lives. After complete filling, the act is transferred for storage to the teacher or other person, on whose initiative the check was carried out.

Sample completed act

A sample act of examination of the living conditions of a minor can be found on our website. A sample of the completed type must also be stored at the BTI.

Despite the fact that the document is filled out in free form, it must have several prerequisites for obtaining legal force. Signatures of the head and the familiar person are obligatory. The date and all factors identified during the audit are also affixed. These points are considered mandatory.

For the person being checked, it will be necessary to provide additional documentation in the form of characteristics from the place of residence and work. Such information influences the final decision of the commission.

If you wish to receive additional subsidies from the state, you can also independently ask for a commission that will identify the need to improve the housing situation. In this case, you will need to immediately collect a full package of documents for all residents.


The examination certificate is filled out during the commission, which reveals all the negative aspects of the life of a minor. The main focus of the commission will be on housing conditions, but will also check the presence of asociality in relations with parents and their characteristics.

The audit is carried out by a specially assembled group of people. It is she who will carry out the further procedure.

Today, a mother of many children from the Omsk region wrote to me:

“Today they came to us again with a check. They didn’t even knock, they came in with a question why my daughter was not at school for 2 days, but she got sick and we didn’t warn, another question: why do children eat at school on credit? I explained that not yet money. We went and looked that everything was in order, they were in shoe covers, everything was as it should, ... they didn’t write anything and I didn’t sign, .. Firefighters will arrive on Monday and they will check the conditions of the stove, is everything in order. everyone with many children will be checked ... I thought they had already forgotten about us and would leave us alone, but no, they arrived.

So it turns out that every day our personal-private-family life more and more, against our will, falls under the magnifying glass of the attention of state bodies.

And most of all they are interested in our children. We are assured that controls are being stepped up solely to protect their rights and best interests.

In general, it turned out that the parents, unexpectedly for themselves, have now become unwitting participants in some kind of creepy game in the dark, where their children are at stake. And only the one who sets them himself knows the rules of this game. Parents, however, did not bother to inform both the existence of the new rules and their content.

The problem of interference in the private life of the family through inspections of the dwelling where the family with children lives is becoming more and more urgent. Every day, the number of reasons for the penetration of unauthorized persons into our apartments is growing. Teachers need to give reports on the social status of their students, the police are forced to go to families after they call an ambulance for a child, guardianship authorities conduct “preventive” examinations of large families, which, against their will, have been equated with dysfunctional ones, and so on. Until quite recently, this was not the case. And this is our new unpleasant reality.

We parents are never told what exactly these uninvited visitors and other invaders are checking in our apartments and houses. From experience I can say that they check this:

smells in the apartment / house - mustiness, dampness, rotting
appearance of all household members
state of repair
degree of cleanliness and order
domestic insects - flies, cockroaches, bugs
availability of separate sleeping places for all children
the presence of bed linen, including in closets
the degree of freshness of bed linen
availability of clothing and footwear according to the season and size
availability of a stock of food in the refrigerator, in kitchen cabinets
availability of baby food if younger children
the presence of a cooked hot dish, soup
the presence of a play and / or training place
availability of toys, books, educational games, stationery
availability of diapers, bath hygiene items
children's access to dangerous objects, dangerous places
heating status, if stove
wiring condition
availability of water supply / sewerage
serviceability and cleanliness of plumbing / refrigerator
family composition
family income
living together with a sick/drinking/old person
contact of children
the state of health of children at the time of examination
conflict in the family
the presence of bottles or cans of alcohol
the presence of pets

This is from life experience.

And here is a small document of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, which tells about what exactly we must check according to the law.

The document is called Order conducting a survey of the living conditions of minors and their families
(approved by order Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of September 14, 2009 N 334). I made his points not in order, but according to the degree of practical value for each of us.

Of course, this is not an exciting reading, everything is rather boring, but do not blame me, tediousness and dryness of the language is an ordinary property of normative acts.

The whole order can be viewed

6. During the survey, the following are revealed:

6.1 The level of provision of the basic needs of the child.

6.1.1. Health status: general visual assessment of the level of physical development and its correspondence to the age of the child, the presence of diseases, special needs for medical care, drug provision; the presence of signs of physical and (or) mental abuse of the child.

6.1.2. Appearance: observance of the norms of personal hygiene of the child, the availability, quality and condition of clothes and shoes, their compliance with the season, as well as the age and gender of the child, and so on.

6.1.3. Social adaptation: the presence of communication skills with others, self-service skills in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of the child's development, the adequacy of the child's behavior in different situations, and so on.

6.1.4. Upbringing and education: a form of development of educational programs, visits to educational institutions, including institutions of additional education for children; successes and problems in the development of educational programs in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of the development of the child; the regimen of the child's day (sleep, nutrition, their age and individual characteristics), the organization of free time and rest of the child; the presence of a developing and learning environment;

6.1.5. Ensuring safety: lack of access to dangerous household items, medicines, electrical appliances, gas, etc., the risk of harm to the child both at home and outside the home.

6.1.6. Meeting the emotional needs of the child.

6.2. The child's family environment.

6.2.1. Composition of the family who actually provides care and supervision for the child; the presence and place of residence of close relatives of the child, the degree of participation of parents and other persons living together, relatives in the upbringing and maintenance of the child; the degree of attachment and relationship of the child with parents and family members.

6.2.2. Relationships between family members, their nature; features of communication with children, children among themselves; family values, traditions, family history, family way of life, distribution of roles in the family, parents' social circle; social connections of the child and his family with neighbors, acquaintances, contacts of the child with peers, teachers, educators.

6.3. Housing and property conditions.

6.3.1. Living conditions in which the child lives: the presence and ownership of the dwelling, its total and living area, the number of rooms, landscaping and sanitary and hygienic condition; the child has a separate equipped place (room, corner) for sleeping, games, activities, and so on.

6.3.2. Family income structure: main sources of income (income of parents and other family members, alimony, pensions, allowances, other social payments); average monthly and per capita family income; information about the property and property rights of the child; sufficiency of family income to meet the basic needs of the child (food, clothing and footwear, medical care, toys and games, printed and audiovisual products, school supplies and stationery, and so on).

6.4. The presence of circumstances that endanger the life and health of the child, his physical and moral development or violate his rights and legally protected interests; facts of neglect, cruel, rude, degrading treatment, insult or exploitation of a child, physical or mental abuse of a child, encroachment on his sexual inviolability.

7. During the survey, such forms of obtaining information are used as a conversation with the child, his parents and other family members, interviewing persons who have data on the relationship between parents and the child, their behavior in everyday life, observation, studying documents, educational and creative work of the child and other.

During the survey, the confidentiality of personal data of citizens is ensured.

8. Based on the results of the examination, an act of examination of the living conditions of a minor citizen and his family (hereinafter referred to as the examination certificate) is drawn up in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated "____" _________ 2009 N ______, containing:

Assessment of the circumstances identified during the survey, specified in paragraph 6 of this Procedure;

Conclusions about the presence of conditions that pose a threat to the life or health of the child or impede his normal upbringing and development;

Conclusions on the existence of circumstances indicating the absence of parental care over the child;

You need to know and remember that you must get this act in your hands. And you also need to know that this act of inspection can be challenged in court. And this can only be done by getting it in your hands and reading what gentlemen the visitors wrote there:

9. The examination report is drawn up within 3 days from the date of the examination, signed by the authorized specialist of the guardianship and guardianship body or organization that conducted the examination, and approved by the head of the guardianship and guardianship body or organization.

The act of the survey conducted by the organization is drawn up in 2 copies, one of which is sent to the appropriate guardianship and guardianship authority within 1 day following the day of its approval, the second is stored in the organization.

A copy of the examination certificate, certified by the head of the guardianship and guardianship body or the organization that conducted the examination, is sent to the parents (legal representatives) of the child within 3 days from the date of approval of the examination certificate if there is information about the place of residence or place of stay of the parents (legal representatives) of the child.

The examination report may be challenged by the parents (legal representatives) of the child in court.

10. If, based on the results of the survey, circumstances are revealed that indicate the absence of parental care over the child, the organization is obliged, within 1 day following the day of the survey, to report this to the guardianship and guardianship authority at the actual location of the child.

This explains why a survey can be carried out:

2. The examination is carried out in order to identify circumstances indicating the absence of parental care over a minor citizen (hereinafter referred to as a child, children) in cases of death of parents, deprivation of their parental rights, restriction of their parental rights, recognition of parents as incapacitated, illness of parents, prolonged absence of parents evasion of parents from raising children or from protecting their rights and interests, including when parents refuse to take their children from educational organizations, medical organizations, organizations providing social services, or similar organizations, when the actions or inaction of parents create conditions that pose a threat life or health of children or hindering their normal upbringing and development, as well as in other cases of lack of parental care.

Who has the authority to conduct such inspections:

3. The examination is carried out by the body of guardianship and guardianship or an educational organization, a medical organization, an organization providing social services, or another organization, including an organization for orphans and children left without parental care (hereinafter referred to as the organization), which, in the prescribed manner the authority of the guardianship and guardianship body to identify minor citizens who need to establish guardianship or guardianship over them, including an examination of the living conditions of such minor citizens and their families, has been transferred.

Here is the additional beauty of the document - about the benefits of denunciation:

4. The grounds for conducting the survey are the oral and written appeals of legal entities and individuals received by the guardianship and guardianship authority or the organization at the actual location of the children, containing information about the children specified in paragraph 2 of this Procedure (hereinafter referred to as information).

Well, who is this mysterious "authorized specialist", how many classes of school he graduated from, whether he himself has a family, children, we, of course, will never know. We only learn that he has only three days after the denunciation:

5. The examination is carried out by an authorized specialist (specialists) of the guardianship and guardianship body or organization within three days from the date of receipt of the information.

And we have no other choice but to improve our legal literacy in such a situation. And although occasionally there are dysfunctional families, and all sorts in general, but now it’s primarily about the fact that ordinary people are not touched by possible excesses and that elementary ignorance of the laws by government officials does not become the cause of someone’s misfortune.

PS The guardianship authorities are not used to handing out the act of inspection. The law is not always written for them, as you know.

Here is the approximate text of the application, which can be submitted to the office of the local administration, social security agency or others, having prepared it in duplicate and be sure to receive an incoming registration number for one of them. It is also advisable to write down the date of submission of the application as a keepsake in order to demand a response on time. Giving answers, including in writing, is also not always held in high esteem by officials:

Head of Administration or
OSZN or Committee on Education
(depending on who you have custody of)
from full name
Name of the child. Date of Birth
Contact phone



According to paragraph 9 of the "Procedure for conducting a survey of the living conditions of underage citizens and their families", approved by order No. 334 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of September 14, 2009:

“A copy of the act of examining the living conditions of minor citizens and their families, certified by the head of the guardianship and guardianship body or the organization that conducted the survey, is sent to the parents (legal representatives) of the child within 3 days from the date of approval of the survey report if there is information about the place of residence or place of stay of the parents child."

Therefore, I ask:

- provide me with copies of all examination certificates conducted by representatives of prevention subjects in my house at the address: ...

These copies, duly certified, please send to the postal address:

Here is your address

Full name
City or town

An examination of living conditions is carried out at the request of the guardianship authorities or to receive state support. In any case, the inspection is documented according to the legally established form. How is the act of checking housing conditions filled out?

Control over housing conditions is carried out by authorized officials. In this case, the results of the inspection are recorded in a special form. How to fill out the form of the certificate of examination of housing conditions?

What you need to know

In the process of studying housing conditions, an act is drawn up. The need for it arises when it is required to analyze the circumstances of the minor's residence or there is an intention to receive a state subsidy.

They draw up an act taking into account the quality of life of the subject of the check, which deteriorates due to inadequate living conditions. A certificate (act) on checking housing conditions can be created in different situations.

For example, when:

The audit can be carried out at the request of various structures (medical, health, law enforcement). An examination can be initiated by a statement from teachers, neighbors, etc.

Citizens themselves can apply for an inspection. Based on the specific situation, the act of checking housing conditions is drawn up by a commission, which may include representatives of various bodies.

Basic concepts

An act of examination of housing conditions is a document that describes the living conditions of the direct applicant or another person.

The act displays information such as:

  • the general condition of the whole house and the checked apartment;
  • type of layout;
  • the quality of the existing repair;
  • availability of communications and their list;
  • type of heating, etc.

In some cases, data about the family itself, internal relationships, and the psychological situation are entered into the act. The document can reflect any parameters that are relevant to the current situation.

The grounds for drawing up an act are a statement of a citizen or a requirement of authorities / another institution.

The drafting of the act has some nuances:

Draws up an act after checking the housing conditions by a special commission. All identified shortcomings and comments are recorded in the document. The finished act is certified by the members of the commission, the applicant and interested parties.

If the application is incorrectly drawn up, the commission may refuse to conduct an audit and draw up an act. Refusal causes both mistreatment and lack of legal grounds for the applicant.

Purpose of the document

Where is the completed act submitted? The document can be submitted to:

The main purpose of the act of inspection of housing conditions is a statement of the fact whether the living conditions are appropriate or not.

Currently, the legislation does not define the norms of housing conditions. The check is carried out according to the values ​​set within the region.

At the same time, priority is given to one or another parameter depending on who the finished act is addressed to. So representatives of guardianship pay considerable attention to the moral situation in the family.

Compliance with building codes is more important for obtaining state support. Sanitary and epidemiological services are interested in compliance with hygiene and sanitary standards.

The legislative framework

A few years ago, changes appeared in the legislation, thanks to which poor citizens were able to improve their living conditions at the expense of the state.

The Housing Code of the Russian Federation defines the list of citizens who are entitled to receive a free housing subsidy.

It includes persons forced to live in premises unsuitable for normal living and at the same time not subject to repair. Assistance is also provided to citizens with serious illnesses, orphans.

Also, the document can be sent by mail, registered mail with notification. When an employee of the housing inspectorate issues an act, he can proceed to draw up a certificate of verification of housing conditions, issued at the place of demand.

The second copy of the act is stored in the housing inspection, where it is filed in the appropriate nomenclature folder.

Sample Fill

The act of checking housing conditions is drawn up according to the following scheme:

Title of the document
Date and place of compilation
Applicant's details (full name) Or the child being tested
Address Inspected object
Composition of the review committee With indication of F.I.O.
Main characteristics of housing Location, number of living rooms, footage
Owner data FULL NAME. an individual or a property owner who provided an apartment for use by
Characteristics of living conditions Condition at the time of inspection, home improvement
Enumeration All citizens living in the apartment
Indicators affecting the deterioration of housing conditions Illness of the applicant, illnesses of neighbors, etc.
Other significant parameters
Signatures Commission and interested attendees

On the basis of the act, the final verdict on the condition of a particular housing is displayed in the certificate of verification of housing conditions.

Housing conditions may be recognized:

  • relevant regulations;
  • corresponding in general, but with some remarks;
  • not meeting housing, sanitary or other requirements;
  • unsuitable;
  • categorically unsuitable.

Features of the procedure

Effective from 1.03.2005. He made changes to the Housing Code of the RSFSR that was in force earlier and led to the adoption of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

The provisions of the new Code differ significantly from the previous norms.

So there are no articles similar to those that define the general requirements for the improvement of housing and that forbid the settlement of one room by people of different sexes over nine years old, with the exception of spouses.

Also, the new Code does not contain the concept of “living space norms”. Instead, it determines the "norm for the provision of housing" and only in the case of social hiring.

Clause 2 of the same article determines that the norm for the provision of housing is established by the local government.

That is, at the federal level, restrictions on the quality and size of housing are not defined, guardianship authorities and other structures are guided by the norms of regional legislation. Regions have the right to approve their own rules.

In the absence of such norms, the court may independently resolve the issue of compliance of housing conditions with technical and sanitary requirements, taking into account the recommendations of the inspection bodies.

In some cases, it may be necessary to allocate a separate room to the child, regardless of the availability of the required footage.

For example, when or establishing guardianship of a disabled child or an HIV-infected child.

The calculation of the footage per capita occurs by dividing the total footage of housing by the number of registered citizens, including children.

Under the living area in the examination of housing conditions is understood the total area of ​​housing, including the kitchen, bathroom, utility rooms and other common areas, with the exception of non-residential premises and separate outbuildings.

The concepts of "total area" and "living area", adopted in the real estate market, are not legalized.

Nuances in compiling for the Ministry of Internal Affairs

An act on checking the living conditions of a minor for the provision of a document to the Ministry of Internal Affairs is drawn up in cases where:

Examination of housing conditions with the participation of a police officer makes it possible to identify asocial factors at an early stage.

In turn, this helps to identify dysfunctional families and strengthen work with them. Checking the living conditions of minors is aimed primarily at protecting the interests, rights and freedoms of children.

The presence of an act on housing conditions allows you to determine the list of measures necessary for taking measures aimed at comprehensive protection of the child.

Checking living conditions at the initiative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can be carried out in agreement with the parents. But if one or both parents are considered dysfunctional, and even more so are on special records, then the check is carried out suddenly.

At the same time, parents have the right to familiarize themselves with the contents of the verification act, but as such their signature is not required. Direct inspection is aimed at assessing:

  • determination of family wealth and material security of the child;
  • the technical condition of the house as a whole and a specific room;
  • sanitary condition of the premises;
  • the child's personal space.

Based on the results of the inspection, the completed act is attached to the personal file of the minor.

The act of checking the living conditions of the guardian

The act of checking living conditions is an integral part of the package of documents in the event of a decision to establish custody of a minor child.

The inspection conducted by the guardianship authorities should reveal:

  • the actual condition of the dwelling;
  • the number of people living;
  • material security of the guardian;
  • sanitary conditions of housing;
  • the availability of a place for the child to live;
  • the possibility of providing the child with normal conditions.

If, as a result of the audit, disputable situations arise, it is possible to involve Sanepidemnadzor, Gostekhnadzor, Gosstroynadzor, BTI.

In this case, third-party structures are involved at the expense of the guardian himself. When drawing up the act, the form of the act c70pa can be used.

If the owner of dysfunctional housing does not agree with the verdict of the commission, he must put his signature under the act, but first indicate "I do not agree with the results of the check."

In the event of an appeal in court, such a document has great legal force. In the case of verification of housing conditions by the guardianship authorities, the signature of the parents is not required.

Registration of the child with the police or the commission on juvenile affairs.

The child is adopted. In this case, the living conditions of the potential family of the child are checked.

The family changes its place of residence (it is necessary to find out and protect the child from the deterioration of the child's living conditions in the new apartment).

Complaint about parents from neighbors, teachers, etc. about mistreatment of a child, cruel behavior, etc.

Appeal of a child (including parents) for medical assistance in case of domestic injuries. In this case, checking the conditions can help you understand if the injury was accidental or the result of parental abuse or child neglect.

Free legal advice:

The child has been reported to the police or the child is under investigation.

Representative of guardianship and guardianship authorities;

Doctor, representative of a medical institution;

Employees of Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision (SES), Bureau of Technical Expertise (BTI);

And other persons, depending on the purpose of examining the living conditions of the child.

Free legal advice:

The condition of the dwelling (house, apartment);

The number of people living together in the house;

Sanitary condition of housing;

The presence of a separate place for the child (for a good sleep, games, pastime);

Free legal advice:

Free legal advice:

The object of the survey (family ... living at the address ...);

Characteristics of the dwelling (type of housing: house, apartment, area, number of rooms, availability of amenities (electricity, gas, heating, water supply, telephone, internet, elevator, etc.);

Family composition, persons living together with the child (mother, father, other children and relatives - full name, place of work, sometimes income, presence of diseases, etc.);

Free legal advice:

The presence of pets;

Other information on the list "What to look for when checking the zhbu" - in free form;

Signatures of all members of the commission;

Date of the survey.

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Act of inspection of housing conditions

In the field of protection of the rights of minor children, it is possible to inspect the place of his residence and draw up an act of examination of housing conditions. Such a document is also drawn up when a child is adopted, a complaint is received by a state body, law enforcement agencies, registration of guardianship and guardianship, etc. One of the duties of the class teacher in educational institutions is to check the conditions in which his students grow and educate. By the way, an act of inspection of living conditions can also be drawn up in relation to employees of the organization, if necessary.

An example of an act of inspection of housing conditions

Survey report

living conditions

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Why is an act of inspection of housing conditions drawn up?

The content of the act of inspection of housing conditions

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Act of examination (check) of housing conditions. Sample 2018 and correct compilation

This Act is drawn up in the form indicated below. But the goals of its compilation may be slightly different: this may be as a basis for the subsequent improvement of living conditions in your family (due to the fact that they are recognized as poor, do not meet the standards of living, footage, the state of the housing stock, recognizing your family as poor or in the family has serious illnesses of the providers), and to clarify the moral situation in the family where the minor or pensioner lives.

A residence survey report is a document that describes the living conditions of an applicant or other person.

It contains information:

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  • type of layout;
  • general condition of the house and apartment;
  • repair quality;
  • availability and list of communications;
  • type of heating, etc.

Also, the document may contain information about the family itself, about the psychological situation in the apartment, the relationship between parents and children.

An example of an act of inspection of living conditions

Sample Acts relevant in 2018 (can be downloaded):

Commission consisting of: teacher of MBOU "Secondary School No. 125" Zhukovsky Solarova Anna Viktorovna, social teacher of MBOU "Secondary School No. 125" Zhukovsky Lazarev Igor Aleksandrovich, member of the parent committee 7 "B" class Kolosov Petr Valerievich,

On April 20, 2017, she checked the living conditions of a student of class 7 "B" of the MBOU "Secondary School No. 125" Zhukovsky Shcherbinin Bogdan Dmitrievich.

Family composition: complete. Mother - Shcherbinina Anna Romanovna, father - Shcherbinin Dmitry Timurovich, younger sister - Shcherbinina Alisa Dmitrievna.

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All family members live together in apartment No. 48 at the address: Moscow Region, Zhukovsky, Lenina Avenue, 205. The apartment is located on the 6th floor of a 12-storey brick building, the total area is 56 sq. m.

Student Shcherbinin B.D. lives in a living room with an area of ​​25 sq. m., together with her younger sister (attends a preschool institution). Part of the room is divided into separate sleeping areas. Equipped with 2 separate workplaces, provided with stationery and school supplies. Equipped with a horizontal bar for sports, a joint play area. The child is provided with conditions for proper rest, sleep and study.

Violations of sanitary and hygienic standards during the inspection were not established. The apartment is clean, warm, things are laid out neatly. All family members look neat.

Mother and father work at a permanent place of work, the family income is average. Children are provided with clothes, good nutrition, attend additional sections and circles. Family relatives (grandmother, grandfather) live separately. Visit them weekly.

The conclusion of the commission: no obvious signs of trouble were found when visiting the family. There are good friendly relations between family members. The child is provided with everything necessary according to age.

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Purpose and reason for drawing up the Survey Report

The purpose of compiling the document is to fix the living conditions and prepare a conclusion: whether the basic needs of the child are provided by the persons with whom he lives, or whether they are ready to accept the child (when parental rights are restored, etc.). Or whether a citizen needs to improve living conditions, etc. In case of damage to an apartment, it would be correct to draw up an Apartment Inspection Act.

An act of examination of housing conditions is necessary when considering claims for deprivation of parental rights, their restoration, determining the place of residence of a child, adopting a child, etc. The obligation to draw up such a document is assigned when the child is registered in the children's room of the police, in cases where a minor is brought to administrative or criminal liability.

The composition of the commission depends on the purpose of drawing up the act of examining housing conditions. This can be police officers (as a rule, district commissioners), employees of guardianship and guardianship authorities, school teachers, employees of the BTI, a housing maintenance organization, etc. They can conduct a survey of housing conditions on the basis of a complaint from neighbors, a doctor's appeal.

ACT survey of living conditions

The commission consisting of: ________________________________________ checked the living conditions of a citizen _________________________________.

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working in __________________________________ in the position of __________________________, living in the house No. _________________________________ apartment No. _____ on the street __________________________________________ on the residential area __________________________.

The house belongs to _________________________________.

living area, where _________________________________ lives, consists of rooms _____ sq. m, size of each room: _____ sq. m, _____sq. m on the _____ floor in the _____ storey building.

The quality of the house (brick, panel, wooden, etc. in good condition, dilapidated, emergency rooms are dry, bright, walk-through, the number of windows, etc.) __________.

Improvement of the house and this living space (water supply, sewerage, what kind of heating, gas, bath, elevator, telephone, etc.) ____________________.

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The act of examining the living conditions of living in the presence of minor children in the family who attend any educational institutions.

Date of examination: _____________________

FULL NAME. position of the specialists who conducted the survey:

An examination of the living conditions of a minor was carried out:

Full name, date of birth, student of class ____ MB (A) OU "Secondary School No. ___"

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1. Information about parents (guardians)

Mother: Full name date of birth, place of work

Father: full name date of birth, place of work

2. Information about minors

2.1 State of health: the physical development of children corresponds to their age, no external signs of the presence of the disease have been identified (detected). There are no signs of physical or mental abuse of children (they are present).

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2.2 Appearance: children are clean, well-groomed, have the necessary clothes and shoes for home, visiting an educational institution, walking. All things are in good condition, correspond to the age of children, there is outerwear according to the season and season.

2.3 Social adaptation: during the visit, the children (child) are calm, friendly, interested (indifferent) to the visit of a stranger. During the conversation, they make contact (are shy), the answers to questions are complete (monosyllabic). Relations with family members are good, friendly (tense, conflict). The nature of the relationship is built on trust or on resentment, isolation. Whether I help or not in household chores, I have a responsible attitude to the instructions of the parents, they show initiative (the performance of duties is formal, without initiative).

2.4 Upbringing and education: academic performance is good (if low, what explains it: ped. neglect, lack of conditions, lack of development of cognitive processes or other disorders). What are the difficulties, what is being done to correct and correct. Dealing with the difficulties of other family members.

3.1 The family lives in a ____ apartment with an improved layout (Khrushchev, "gostinka"), privatized or not, total area ____ sq.m

3.2 The house in which minors live is in good condition, the entrance is clean, renovated (repairs were carried out a long time ago, the entrance is not cleaned).

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3.3 The apartment is clean, comfortable, there are no unpleasant odors (dirty, not cleaned, smoky, the smell of alcohol, acetone, etc.) schoolchild, repair in the apartment and in the children's room, a wardrobe for storing clothes).

4. Approximate family income, whether material assistance is required, in what form.

1. Living conditions are satisfactory (unsatisfactory)

2. Who cares and supervises the children, fulfillment of parental duties is carried out in full (partially, parental duties are not performed)

3. Shortcomings of family education and training were noted (conflicts in the family between parents, conflicts with the child, styles of parenting, control over the implementation of home tasks, parents' awareness of the child's success in school, extracurricular activities of the child, family holidays, traditions).

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1. Provide child care

2. Cleaning the apartment, the child's room

3. Assistance in preparing homework

What should the Act contain?

The act of examining housing conditions is drawn up in a free form, and its structure is determined by the purpose. The general requirement for such documents (in order to have the force of evidence in a civil case or have legal significance) is:

  1. Availability of the date of the inspection of housing conditions. It may coincide with the date of drawing up the act, or it may differ (the act must be drawn up no later than 3 days after visiting the housing)
  2. Name of the document (act), date and place of its publication
  3. Members of the commission and the purpose of the check (we check the student, in connection with a complaint from neighbors, etc.)
  4. The object of study (address) and characteristics of housing (house, apartment, area, how many rooms, who owns it, in which house it is located, livability, etc.)
  5. Who lives in the apartment - family composition, other relatives or other persons living together, sometimes their place of work and income, behavior, appearance
  6. The presence of pets, cleanliness, facilities, etc.

The document may contain conclusions and an opinion on the compliance of housing and sanitary conditions with standards. The act of examining housing conditions is signed only by members of the commission, but the persons whose housing conditions were checked and their legal representatives have the right to familiarize themselves with the document.

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If the child is a minor and the purposes of the Examination Act

It is required to examine the living conditions of a minor child in several cases:

  • The child constantly violates discipline at school: participates in fights, insults peers and teachers), he receives complaints from teachers, students, parents, comes drunk or in a state of drug intoxication. A minor talks about suicide, makes attempts to commit suicide, threatens adults and children.
  • The child broke the law. And they start a case against him in the police, register him in the children's room.
  • The minor is removed from the family. And at the moment, the question of his future place of residence is being decided.
  • The family adopts a child. Why is it necessary to assess the housing conditions where the minor will live?
  • The family is relocating. And the juvenile affairs authorities are required to assess the condition of the new apartment (whether the living conditions are deteriorating and whether the rights of the child will be infringed)
  • The parents received a complaint about child abuse.
  • The child went to a medical institution: after receiving a domestic injury. An examination of living conditions is required to determine the cause of the injury.

Where do I need to submit this Certificate?

The survey report is available upon request to several organizations:

  1. In social security: to be recognized as in need of better housing conditions
  2. To the Housing Inspectorate: to apply for a subsidy for improving housing conditions
  3. To the guardianship authorities: for the adoption of a child from an orphanage and in case of systematic violations of the rights of the child
  4. To school, guardianship authorities and juvenile representatives: in case of unsatisfactory social behavior of the child

It will not work to get on the waiting list to receive a subsidy and improve living conditions without drawing up this act.

Therefore, a request for the creation of a commission must be made in advance.

  1. To participate in the state program to improve housing conditions. A certificate of verification of living conditions is required. The act is one of the options for issuing a document of this type, therefore it has equal force. The difference lies in the fact that the act contains more detailed information about the condition of the apartment or private house. The document can also be entered on the existing debt on utility bills, if necessary.
  2. An inspection of housing conditions can be carried out both by prior agreement on the time of the arrival of the commission, and by a sudden one. The second option is common when studying the place of residence of a minor, when it is necessary to study the standard of living and the typical family environment.
  3. If the homeowner does not agree with the act drawn up, then he can appeal the document to the Housing Inspectorate. If the requirement is satisfied, a re-inspection will be organized.
  4. The act of housing inspection has a limited validity period. After 30 days, the document will have to be redone.

Current programs

The completed act of surveying the housing conditions of a needy family allows you to take part in state programs:

  • "Affordable housing for a young family";
  • "Affordable housing for young teachers";
  • Military Mortgage.

To participate in the state program, you must need to improve your living conditions:

  1. Live in a house: in disrepair
  2. Rent an apartment: and not own a home
  3. Living with children: in a small apartment

Regulatory Laws

A few years ago, changes appeared in the legislation, thanks to which poor citizens were able to improve their living conditions at the expense of the state.

The Housing Code of the Russian Federation defines the list of citizens who are entitled to receive a free housing subsidy. It includes persons forced to live in premises unsuitable for normal living and at the same time not subject to repair. Assistance is also provided to citizens with serious illnesses, orphans.

Article 52 of the LC RF says that in order to receive state support, a citizen is obliged to collect a package of documents. It is mandatory to include a certificate of verification of housing conditions. The collected papers are submitted to the social authorities at the place of residence. The act of checking housing conditions is an integral part of the package of documents in the judicial resolution of issues related to the living conditions of the child.

When compiling for the Ministry of Internal Affairs

An act on checking the living conditions of a minor for the provision of a document to the Ministry of Internal Affairs is drawn up in cases where:

  • The family is considered dysfunctional. And is registered with the district inspector
  • There is reason to believe that the child is involved in illegal acts. What is due to the unfavorable atmosphere in the family
  • Repeatedly received statements from neighbors. Or concerned citizens about the violation of the rights of the child (lack of supervision, beatings, financial insecurity, etc.)

If, as a result of the audit, disputable situations arise, it is possible to involve Sanepidemnadzor, Gostekhnadzor, Gosstroynadzor, BTI.

An example of a completed Act from the Department of Social Protection

Inventory Act - Sample 2018

Checking act. Sample 2018. Correct filling and content

What is the act of acceptance and transfer of property. +Sample and Compilation Instructions

Declaration 3-NDFL (for 3 years, for 2016)

About the author

Lawyer in civil law specialization with more than 12 years of experience in the specialty, of which more than 11 years of independent legal practice in the media, advertising, construction, energy, manufacturing, property management, wholesale trade.

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Living conditions of a child's life what to write

1. When compiling a report, confidentiality must be observed.

2. In case of adoption (adoption) by foreign citizens, citizens of the Russian Federation permanently residing outside the Russian Federation, stateless persons, of a child who is a citizen of the Russian Federation, the report is prepared on the letterhead of the competent authority that has assumed the relevant obligations. Photos of the child at the time of the report are attached to the report.

Examination of the living conditions of the child's family: what to look for and how to draw up an examination report?

Why is it necessary to conduct a survey of the living conditions of the child's family?

The survey of living conditions is designed to assess:

  • financial situation of the family
  • condition of the dwelling (house, apartment)
  • number of people living together in the house
  • sanitary condition of housing
  • the presence of a separate place for the child (for a good sleep, games, pastime)
  • in the case of a child being accepted into a family, the readiness of the parents for this and the possibility of a full-fledged residence of the child in the house.

What time is the inspection of the JBU?

6.1. The level of provision of the basic needs of the child.

6.1.1. Health status: general visual assessment of the level of physical development and its correspondence to the age of the child, the presence of diseases, special needs for medical care, drug provision; the presence of signs of physical and (or) mental abuse of the child.

6.1.2. Appearance: observance of the norms of personal hygiene of the child, the availability, quality and condition of clothes and shoes, their compliance with the season, as well as the age and gender of the child, and so on.

6.1.3. Social adaptation: the presence of communication skills with others, self-service skills in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of the child's development, the adequacy of the child's behavior in different situations, and so on.

6.1.4. Upbringing and education: a form of development of educational programs, visits to educational institutions, including institutions of additional education for children; successes and problems in the development of educational programs in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of the development of the child; the regimen of the child's day (sleep, nutrition, their age and individual characteristics), the organization of free time and rest of the child; the presence of a developing and learning environment;

6.1.5. Ensuring safety: lack of access to dangerous household items, medicines, electrical appliances, gas, etc., the risk of harm to the child both at home and outside the home.

6.1.6. Meeting the emotional needs of the child.

6.2. The child's family environment.

6.2.1. Composition of the family who actually provides care and supervision for the child; the presence and place of residence of close relatives of the child, the degree of participation of parents and other persons living together, relatives in the upbringing and maintenance of the child; the degree of attachment and relationship of the child with parents and family members.

6.2.2. Relationships between family members, their nature; features of communication with children, children among themselves; family values, traditions, family history, family way of life, distribution of roles in the family, parents' social circle; social connections of the child and his family with neighbors, acquaintances, contacts of the child with peers, teachers, educators.

6.3. Housing and property conditions.

6.3.2. Family income structure: main sources of income (income of parents and other family members, alimony, pensions, allowances, other social payments); average monthly and per capita family income; information about the property and property rights of the child; sufficiency of family income to meet the basic needs of the child (food, clothing and footwear, medical care, toys and games, printed and audiovisual products, school supplies and stationery, and so on).

6.4. The presence of circumstances that endanger the life and health of the child, his physical and moral development or violate his rights and legally protected interests; facts of neglect, cruel, rude, degrading treatment, insult or exploitation of a child, physical or mental abuse of a child, encroachment on his sexual inviolability.

"On the implementation of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation

What should I pay attention to when checking the JBU?

  • The general condition of the apartment (floor, ceiling, walls, heating, ventilation, etc.).
  • Having your own "corner" of the child: a place to sleep, prepare lessons, games, free time.
  • Availability of food and nutritious food for the child.
  • The presence of toys (even the simplest ones), school supplies, personal hygiene products (deodorant, soap).
  • Bathroom (cleanliness).
  • The presence of clothing (both warm and light, for different seasons).
  • The presence of pets, the cleanliness of their content (aquarium, terrarium, cage, etc. - everything must be clean and tidy), safety for the child.
  • Free entrance and exit from the apartment.
  • Condition, appearance of parents and cohabiting relatives.
  • Ensuring safety: lack of access to dangerous household items, medicines, electrical appliances, gas, etc., the risk of harm to the child both at home and outside the home.

The act of inspection of the living conditions of the family

The act states:

  • Composition of the commission (name, position)
  • Object of the survey (family ... living at the address ...)
  • Characteristics of the residential premises (type of housing: house, apartment, area, number of rooms, availability of amenities (electricity, gas, heating, water supply, telephone, internet, elevator, etc.)
  • Family composition, persons living together with the child (mother, father, other children and relatives - full name, place of work, sometimes income, presence of diseases, etc.)
  • Presence of pets
  • Other information on the list "What to look for when checking the zhbu" - in free form.
  • Commission conclusion.
  • Signatures of all members of the commission.
  • Date of the survey.

Parents of the child do not have to sign the act (this is not necessary).

But it would be nice if it were just bureaucratic stupidity. This is a direct wrecking of our education.

I just don’t understand why our teachers are silent and meekly hasten to carry out these orders?

Really no civic position at all?

Colleagues, please tell me, what are you holding on to so much that you are afraid to refuse to perform these examinations? If it is still not clear to you why this is all being done, then read at least this little explanation:

Thank you for the information about the signatures of all parties.

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