How to develop the sixth sense intuition of meditation. About rational intuition. Mantras for intuition


Intuition for me has always stood on a par with teleportation and levitation - not in terms of word formation, but in terms of unreality and far-fetchedness. No, of course, I tried to look for this very sixth sense in myself and even follow it, but it never ended well. In a word, I was convinced that intuition is a myth, although life stubbornly proved the opposite. Classmates, always pulling out the desired ticket - "he was the warmest." Friends who unmistakably guess how a new acquaintance will behave - “well, behind him it’s like such a white screen on which everything is drawn.” It is difficult to suspect them of collusion with dark forces - apparently, they just have a very developed skill.

I began to study materiel and found out that in intuition, in fact, there is nothing mystical. The American neuropsychologist Robert Sperry received the Nobel Prize in 1981 precisely for finding out that intuition should not be considered a supernatural gift. This is a normal function of the right hemisphere of the brain, which can perceive and process information in the form of images, while the left hemisphere is responsible for logic and abstract thinking. In other words, intuition is a subconscious alternative mind that each of us has. So, it can really be strengthened like any natural ability.

Alas, most trainings for the development of intuition are designed either for potential clairvoyants or complete idiots. Classic exercises look like this: “Look closely at the belly of your pregnant girlfriend. Try to see the gender of her unborn child." Or: "Guess who's calling you without looking at caller ID." Tried. Did not guess. But I found among the heaps of crazy and useless techniques some really interesting and effective ones. Their authors, the Russian sociopsychologist Sergey Dzhagdish and the American Thomas Condon (, suggest not to trust crystal balls, but to develop the “subconscious mind” in very reasonable ways. I share with you:

How to develop intuition

1. Make friends with your intuition.“Each person has his own “style of intuition”, that is, associated with it physical sensations, explains Condon in his book The Power of Insights. - Someone feels warm in the stomach, someone flashes a picture in their head or, for example, their eyes begin to twitch. These are normal chaotic signals of the subconscious.” Left alone with yourself, remember in detail the cases when you successfully acted on a hunch. Write down absolutely all the sensations that you had in those moments: tinnitus, Strange feeling chest, palpitations. And also how the information came in: was it a sudden clear decision or a blurry image that you interpreted the right way. You will understand how the subconscious sends signals specifically to you. For example, it starts to reduce for me right hand, and the "message" comes in the form of individual words.

2. Learn to turn it on at the right time. Once you figure out how your intuition is born, try to use it consciously. Ask yourself a clear, simple question and focus on the part of your body where your sixth sense occurs. When familiar sensations appear - and they appear, although not the first time - squeeze your hands tightly. Repeat this exercise daily, and pretty soon this simple gesture will be enough for you to start the mechanism of intuition.

3. Let your intuition go free. Make as many wild guesses as you can throughout the day. Try to guess everything: the name of the waiter in the cafe, what your friend will wear, what task you will be the first to receive at work. Never take it seriously and sincerely laugh at yourself when your guesses are wrong. And they will be wrong in most cases. The purpose of this exercise is to relax and learn to turn off the logic. After a while, you will be surprised to find that more and more assumptions turn out to be correct. For example, I began to predict phone calls no worse than caller ID.

4. Interpret the signals of intuition. Take 10-15 minutes in the morning, relax and close your eyes. Put a pen and notepad in front of you and start writing down, or rather drawing, all the images that pass in front of your mind's eye. It will be a heap of nonsense, as in the memorable sketch of KVN - "Herring, revolution, what to cook for dinner." In the evening, review this list and try to compare it with the past day. A strange thing will turn up: much of what was written down in the morning was connected with future events. Repeat this daily and the stream of consciousness will become more and more clear and clear. For example, for some reason I wrote in a notebook “my leg hurts” and literally half an hour later I sprained it.

5. Get rid of the logic filter. This exercise is a bit similar to the previous one and complements it perfectly. Write down in a notebook different words (no more than five for one session) and your first associations with them. Most likely, it will be a very boring list: "home - comfort", "hospital - doctor", "work - money" and so on. When finished, immediately repeat the exercise with the same words. Perhaps you will run into logical pairs again. Repeat a few more times. At some point, you will begin to write down the most unexpected combinations that are worth carefully analyzing. On the day when I intuitively wrote "house - water", my pipe burst.

6. Don't try to rely on your intuition for everything.“This is a wonderful auxiliary tool for comprehending the world, do not neglect it,” says Sergey Jagdish. “But do not forget that logic and intuition should act in pairs: having received an internal prompt, think carefully about how exactly it should be used.”

Be that as it may, these exercises really work, and it is worth trying them: of course, not for the sake of identifying phone calls, but in order to better understand the signs that your body and subconscious sends you. And, in the end, to avoid a broken pipe.

Developed intuition is the ability of a person to instantly solve many life tasks and problems, easily find a way out of difficult situations and find mutual language both in the family and at work, in society.

Today, on the site site, you will learn how to develop intuition and hidden abilities using the exercises and psychological trainings below.

What is intuition and hidden abilities

Intuition- this is, in fact, the inner voice of a person, which, as it were, automatically prompts, not based on the awareness here and now of objective facts, experience and knowledge, what needs to be done in one or another, often critical or stressful situation.

Most likely, many of you, dear readers, had dead ends in life when you didn’t know what to do, what choice to make, when you were at a fork in the road, and you heard a barely perceptible voice of intuition in your head that prompted you (or directly said, admonished) to do or not to do something ...

But, as often happens with people with developed intuition(more precisely, those who do not know how to hear and manage it), you chose something opposite, and when you “burned yourself” (realized that you had done wrong, suffering at the same time), you said to yourself why I did it, because I had an idea to do it differently , then everything would be fine - this thought was your intuition, which you did not obey and harmed yourself with the wrong choice.

Hidden Abilities(or hidden knowledge) - almost every person has, but they need not only to be understood and realized in oneself (they are usually not realized) in order to be able to use and manage them, but they need to be developed, like your intuition.

Before you understand how to develop your intuition and latent abilities and start the exercises, you need to clearly understand how much it is already developed in you, for this you should take an intuition test

So, how to develop intuition - exercises

The exercises for the development of intuition are quite simple, but their essence is not in complexity or simplicity, their essence is in practice and repetition (daily training).

As mentioned above, every adult has intuition and hidden abilities ... even teenagers already have intuitive, hidden knowledge. And in order to develop your intuition, you need to learn to distinguish, listen and, most importantly, hear your inner voice, distinguishing it from other, sometimes negative, stereotypical thoughts, beliefs and beliefs.

In fact, any mentally healthy person different, usually little conscious voices may arise in the head ( automatic thoughts, attitudes, expectations, representations and images). And if your intuition is not developed, i.e. if you do not know how to distinguish her voice from other thoughts and ideas, then you will easily make a mistake, sometimes critical, when choosing your actions and behavior in certain stressful, critical or dangerous situations in life.

Also, dear readers, you should clearly understand that your intuition and hidden abilities are not mysticism, miracles, esotericism ... and other nonsense. This is your real hidden knowledge, based on your own life experience (starting from birth) and real knowledge and skills.

Probably, many who use, for example, modern gadgets: computers, smartphones ... programs and services for communication (messengers, social networks, etc.), have heard such a concept - "Intuitive interface" (or something similar with the keyword "Intuitive" … This is the work of your intuition, based on past knowledge and experience.

For example, by switching from Windows XP to version 7 or 10, with the help of your intuition (without particularly studying the user manual), you can quite easily understand the new interface and other troubles, unlike the one who sat down for the first time in his life computer - he does not have such experience and knowledge, so intuition will not help him much here, here you need to study the manual.

Thus, the more experience, knowledge and skills you have in a particular area .., the higher your abilities and talent for a particular type of life activity are developed, the more brilliant you are in your topic, the steeper your intuition and inner, hidden abilities that will always come to your aid in solving problems, in times of stress, increased emotionality ..., in a critical situation - from passing an exam and choosing a life path, to a job interview, choosing a business partner, buying a thing, or building interpersonal, love and family relationships.

Trainings and exercises for the development of intuition and latent abilities

Can you always trust your intuition? It is possible, it is always, but on the condition that after completing a set of exercises for the development of intuition and hidden abilities, you will clearly distinguish your inner voices, when you will clearly know where intuition is turned on, and where fantasies, daydreaming, imagination or negative, provocative, dysfunctional automatic thoughts.

We begin exercises to develop our intuition and hidden abilities:

Before starting the exercises, it is worth reading this article again in order to better understand what intuition is and how to develop it.

Exercise every day, starting with the little things. For example, during ordinary shopping trips, in communication with friends, with loved ones, in the family, society and at work (study).

  1. Begin, today, to catch the voices (thoughts and ideas) in your head, in moments when a choice is required.
    For example, you went to the grocery store - as you know in modern stores marketing is in full effect, i.e.
    hidden impact to your subconscious so that you make a purchase, often which you do not need. Attention! Here,
    most likely, you will have two voices, almost unconscious - one is intuition, the other is provocative, like instead of this sausage, buy the one in beautiful packaging, with the inscription "From pure meat".

    Try to realize that you reached out or already put this sausage (or something else) in the basket, but something seems to tell you, they say, don’t take it, take the product you came for - this is intuition, i.e. e. your knowledge about
    that "All that glitters is not gold."

    And if you hear your intuition and obey it, then you will not take this product, which you were not originally going to take. But even if you do realize later, for example at home, that you didn’t buy what you wanted, then remember and re-live in your imagination the very situation in the store when you reached for something you didn’t need, and in this fantasy-memory , try to catch the voice of intuition and do not take the product. This will be an experience for future work your intuition into reality.

    Use for exercises on the development of intuition even such trifles as a prompt from the inner voice to look at the expiration date, and provocation - like yes, figs with it ...

    Work on various small situations, capturing and developing your intuition for at least a week daily, preferably several times a day, so that it becomes a habit ...

  2. The next week, after you begin to clearly understand, realize and distinguish intuition from provocative thoughts in small things, start working and practicing in more difficult situations.

    For example, try to predict what to wear, whether to take an umbrella, etc. without listening to the weather forecast. Or, try to determine the behavior of familiar people by appearance, words, emotions, while listening to their voices and choosing intuition from them.

    Constantly catch and distinguish inner voices before any business, action or deed.

  3. Further, when you already begin to distinguish well in practice the development of your intuition, begin, for at least a week, to listen to your hidden knowledge when making more serious decisions. For example, expensive purchases, starting or continuing a relationship, starting a business, getting a job, going to school…

    In more serious situations, there may be more voices besides the intuition itself, so you need to listen better ...

  4. Then, after 3-4 weeks of hard work on the development of intuition, you will understand it more easily and make many decisions with the help of it, but at the same time, in no case do not forget about the mind and common sense.
    intuition - good helper, But global solutions must be taken with reason, consciously and verified ...
  5. And the last, most difficult and reinforcing exercise, in order to develop your intuition and hidden abilities, will take place in stressful, and sometimes even somewhat critical situations.

    In order not to risk it, first work with these exercises in your head, in your fantasies, imagination, visualizations and ideas ...

Many today live like in a dream: home-work-home. But in order to achieve something in life and climb up, you must have certain traits, such as intuition. But not everyone has these qualities. Therefore, the question arises: how to develop intuition and latent abilities? Let's find out together.

What are we talking about?

Before finding out, and hidden abilities, let's find out what is meant by this expression? What are these qualities that should help and make our lives easier?

So, hidden abilities are understood not so much as extrasensory perception, but as a skillful possession of psychology, hypnosis and suggestion. These three qualities will help, with the proper level of development, to achieve any goal and convince people of your point of view (up to the fact that the sky above your head is green). For some people, this is given by nature, but for the majority, all these traits have to be developed in themselves.

So let's find out how to develop intuition and hidden abilities in yourself? We will immediately stipulate that, like any science, this practice requires a certain amount of time and patience. The exercises must be regular in order to develop a habit, and the practice must be carried out in life. After all, theory is theory, and without skills you won’t get far on the text.

How to develop intuition?

Strictly speaking, what is intuition and what does it "eat" with? This quality is also called the sixth sense, which helps to predict or, if you like, anticipate events and people's reactions to one or another factor. Everyone has this trait from birth, like sight, smell or touch. But because of the "settled" and insipid life, we suppress it for years, stop listening to the inner voice. Therefore, it is necessary to develop not intuition itself, but the ability to listen to it. Start small, not big. With a well-developed intuition, its responses can be manifested in tactile, olfactory, visualized, auditory effects. For those who are just starting to work with it, these may be signals from outside, such as the words of a bystander, news from the media, and so on - all that people usually call "signs".

There are several rules that will show you how to develop intuition and latent abilities. The first is an unshakable belief in the existence of the subconscious and everything connected with it. The second rule is that self-confidence must be at the proper level. Without it, you probably won't be able to do anything. The third rule - in order for intuition to give you an answer, you need to ask a question to the subconscious, your inner self, and of such a nature that the answer is either "yes" or "no". The fourth rule is that any sensation sent by intuition cannot be ignored. Fifth - the vital importance of questions to intuition: "Should I go to the shower?" - you don't even have to think about it. Sixth - do not set the path for solving the problem, but listen to yourself and your feelings. Seventh - at first, you should do it alone. Any practice for early stages should be accompanied by a calm environment. When receiving an answer, do not "turn on" logic, but simply listen to yourself. When you fail, don't give up. On the contrary, they should encourage you to move forward. But if the answers of the subconscious are unclear or did not coincide with reality, you should understand what could interfere with the process. Maybe the same logic intervened in the process?

How to develop hidden abilities?

Conscious and subconscious are two different things. And radically different. Consciousness belongs to the realm of reflection. All the thoughts that have ever been born in your head have been produced by consciousness. The subconscious is the area of ​​unconscious, unclear feelings. It is in it that an individual understanding of the world around is born.

Hidden abilities are also referred to as the subconscious. Specialists singled them out into separate concepts: telepathy, foresight, clairvoyance, retrocognitivism, psychometry.

Each of these abilities can be developed, but to be frank, it is very difficult and will require much more time than the development of intuition, which is given to us by nature. There are a number of exercises that will help you test one or another side of extrasensory perception, allowing you to identify exactly your data. And there are a number of exercises to work with. And believe me, it will be very difficult. You will give up more than once. Some people take years to move plastic cup for a couple of millimeters. Therefore, if you firmly decided and believed that you need these abilities, you need to practice a lot of exercises, about which many books have been written.

So, for example, quite a lot of exercises are given in the book "Parapsychology" by the author C. Litbeater. Moreover, not only theoretical knowledge is given, but also exercises, additional information about preparation before the start of training. We hope that the article "How to develop intuition and

The sixth sense is present in everyone, but not everyone is able to feel it and recognize the signals of the inner voice. To learn how to use intuition, it must be developed and trained, like any other human ability. If you want to figure out how to develop intuition, you need to clearly understand how it works.

What is intuition

Our brain is divided into two hemispheres:

  • The left is responsible for logic and analytical thinking, by which the majority lives ordinary people. They do not listen to signs, but follow the voice of reason, often making the wrong decisions, ignoring the sixth sense.
  • The right hemisphere is responsible for inspiration, makes you do illogical things and is well developed in creative people. The subconscious mind is hidden in it, in which everything that happened in our life, all feelings and thoughts is collected. The subconscious mind is able to capture a million pieces of information per second and store this knowledge in order to use it to make the right decisions.

Intuition is a kind of channel for communication with the subconscious. Through it, from the right hemisphere of the brain, the insights necessary for non-standard solutions problems and answers to important questions.

A person reveals hidden abilities and develops psychological skills when he is able to use the two hemispheres of the brain equally. According to the observations of scientists, many successful people are distinguished by this feature.

What is needed to develop intuition

To develop intuition, you need to learn to listen to your subconscious. First of all, boost your self-esteem.

People who do not believe in themselves cannot use intuition, because if they hear its advice, they will be afraid to follow it.

A person with low self-esteem tends to do what stronger, more confident people tell him to do.

After you build your confidence, trust that intuition exists. Without this faith, it will not be possible to use the channel, because it works only for those who believe.

It is important to learn how to ask the right questions. They need to be spoken clearly and clearly, preferably in an affirmative form.

For example, if you want to know if you will get a job, you need to mentally voice: “I will get a job.” And listen to the sensations that will appear in the soul. Phrases built in the form of a statement do not affect logical thinking and are not able to spoil the answers sent by the channel of intuition.

How to learn to listen to intuition

If you expect a direct answer to a question, you will be disappointed. The subconscious sends signals in the form of images, vivid impressions, sensations and smells.

For example, there are widely known cases when passengers canceled plane tickets at the last moment, because on a subconscious level they felt impending misfortune and thus saved their lives. Such people have a well-developed sixth sense, and they know how to listen to its warnings.

Signals of intuition are manifested in a rapid heartbeat, you can be thrown into a fever or cold. Some people feel tingling in the balls of their fingers.

Listen to your feelings before making an important decision. If they are joyful, the subconscious sends you a positive response. When the chest is squeezed by an unpleasant foreboding and a feeling of anxiety appears, the answer is no.

In rare cases, the subconscious sends answers through intuition, expressed different smells. There were cases when people before an important joyful event smelled oranges, and before troubles, the aroma of rotten fruit.

Sometimes a person is not able to subtly feel the signals of the subconscious, and then he can receive signs from the outside. For example, when you suffer for a long time and cannot accept correct solution, an article comes across that indicates Right way or a bird will knock on the window. In order to push you to the right decision, different events can happen.

How to tune in to the right channel

Meditation helps to develop intuition. Find a secluded place and immerse yourself in your thoughts. Completely relaxed, ask your subconscious mind a question that concerns you and wait for an answer. The sixth sense does not always answer right away, but the answer will definitely come, you just need to not miss it.

When inspiration strikes you and appears new idea, turn off the logic, follow your intuition and see what happens.

How to use intuition

In order not to be mistaken in people, turn on intuition. Everyone had a case in their life when, during an acquaintance, they didn’t like a person, despite decent clothes and manners. An inner voice whispered, "Be careful not to trust him."

Your subconscious has caught negative energy emanating from this person and sent a warning through the channel of intuition. If at the first meeting with a person there was a feeling of anxiety, restlessness, a spasm in the stomach or headache, do not ignore the warning, but listen to your feelings and try to trust them.

  • The subconscious gives us the ability to distinguish lies from the truth, using intuition.

When a person tells a story in all sincerity, their energy vibrations are picked up by your sixth sense. If he is lying, intuition speaks of this with internal resistance and anxiety.

  • Learn to recognize these signals, they will help you avoid many mistakes.

The development of intuition begins when you listen more to feelings rather than thoughts. Pay attention to your instincts and the world trying to catch what the inner voice is saying.

Technique for developing intuition

The technique of the American psychologist, which he called the "Glass of Water", helps to develop intuition well.

  • For its implementation, before going to bed, pour a full glass pure water, tune in to the problem you want to know the solution to and drink half the water with the words: "I know the answer to the question I'm thinking about."
  • After this phrase, go to bed, and in the morning finish drinking water, repeating the same words.
  • In a few days, the subconscious will reach out to you and send a dream with an answer to a question or give a sign to solve the problem.

The main rule for getting answers from the subconscious is the specific wording of the question in a positive way. Do not forget that you can ask one question at a time and not use the “not” particle in it.

Practical lessons

Developed intuition has many possibilities. Try signaling your loved ones with your sixth sense.

To do this, all day and before going to bed, think about relatives or friends who are far away. Imagine them in your imagination as clearly as possible and do not stop doing this for several days. Energy waves will reach these people and they will contact you. Call, write a letter or come to visit.

  • Find the lost

With the help of intuition, you can find a lost thing, you just need to tune in to the right channel and free up energy for the search. If you have lost your keys or phone in the apartment, close your eyes, relax and allow the energy waves coming from the subconscious mind to fill the whole house.

Listen carefully to the inner voice, and you will feel where the loss is. It may not work out the first time, but if you constantly train, you will be surprised at the accuracy of your sensations.

  • Maps and cards

The development of intuition improves the usual deck of cards. Lay 4 cards face down on the table and try to guess what suit they are.

To do this, begin to slowly move your hand over each card and listen to your feelings. You may feel warm or cold from a particular card suit. Trust the first impression, turn the shirts over and check how many card suits you have guessed. With each new training, intuition will increase, and soon you will accurately determine the suit of each card.

  • blind reading

The correct answer to the question can be obtained with the help of blind reading. This method is easy to use and quickly develops intuition.

When you are worried about a certain situation or question, focus on thinking about it, prepare 3 sheets of cardboard, sit down at the table, take a pen and write on the cardboard possible options resolving the issue. Lay the cards face down, mix thoroughly, relax and hold your hands over the cardboard.

Tune in to receive information, and soon the palms will feel a slight warmth or tingling. That card, over which the feeling will be the strongest, carries the correct answer.

  • Mantras

In addition to meditation, mantras can be used to develop intuition. These are verses written in Sanskrit that have a mystical meaning. Many believe that with the help of mantras, you can fulfill any desire and greatly improve your life.

There are special verses for the development of the sixth sense, which must be read on the growing moon and combined with meditation. This technique releases the latent abilities of a person, allowing him to see the future and heal diseases with his biofield.

It is very difficult to achieve this; constant training of intuition and spiritual development. Such a gift requires great responsibility in the use of knowledge.

A person with a developed intuition opens extrasensory perception, and he can heal diseases with the help of the subconscious. To do this, you need to concentrate and hold your hands over the body of a sick person, listening to sensations and signs. The energy of the biofield will quickly find pain points and will let you know the palms of heat or cold. Engaging healing is more difficult than making a diagnosis, it requires special training and a lot of intuitive experience.

To develop intuition, you need to understand that it is not a unique feature inherited by a select few. This is a gift of nature, available to anyone who wants to master this skill and use it to help themselves and loved ones.

Wish you had a friend close friend who would provide you with everything you need, suggest perfectly correct solutions, discover brilliant opportunities, tell you how to use them, come to the rescue whenever you need it?

You may not know that we already have such a satellite - this is our intuition. Knowing how to develop intuition and hidden abilities, you can learn to make only the right decisions, use them to fulfill your desires.

Believe the opinion of great people

Almost 100% of artists, politicians, influential financiers and statesmen would not be at the top they have reached if they did not have such abilities. Mozart called his inspiration inner voice, Socrates convinced that he obeys only the voice coming from within.

This list includes Marconi, Edison, Marie Curie, Henry Ford, and many people who directly linked their successes only with intuition. CNN founder Ted Turner believed that intuition and insight always work in the same harness. MacDonald owner Ray Kroes became a multimillionaire after he "felt in his spinal cord" that a few hamburger stands would bring him huge profits.

Source of information for intuition - how to get an answer from it

Our brain does not contain all the wisdom of the world, there is only our life experience and knowledge gained during this life. Intuition receives its hints through the subconscious from the universal super-field of information, where there is absolutely everything: what was, is, and will ever be. You can get an answer to any question from there if you train these abilities according to a certain algorithm proposed by John Kehoe:
  1. Identify a problem for yourself that needs to be addressed.
  2. Persistently collect all the facts available to you and any information on the issue that interests you. Even if they are contradictory and incomparable with each other.
  3. Move on to the process of maturing the answer - relax, walk, travel. Let the subconscious mind work for you, and it works best when left alone.

This method was used by Steven Spielberg, Dmitri Mendeleev, and Albert Einstein. No need to constantly think about how to get the right solution, it will come by itself.

This process is somewhat similar to the process of preparing athletes for a responsible competition. They know perfectly well that to win you need to be not tense, but collected, otherwise mistakes cannot be avoided. To use intuition, to let it work, you need to be in a relaxed state.

Daily exercises to awaken intuition

In order to learn to listen to your intuition, you need to perform daily simple exercises. It is best to do this before going to bed, during the onset of a light nap. It is at this time that it is easiest for us to listen to the quiet voice of the subconscious. It takes a few minutes to complete them.
  1. Try to create with your thoughts a joyful confidence that you have a subconscious mind, such a powerful super-helper. It will definitely find the right answers, suggest the right solutions.
  2. Formulate a problem that you need to solve, a question. Do not try, straining, to imagine options for possible answers. Confidently repeat in the present tense: "My subconscious tells ...". To enhance the effect, you need to repeat this exercise at least ten times.
  3. Tell yourself that you are sure of getting the right answer. The energy fluctuations of certainty will attract the correct answer in the same way that metal is attracted to a magnet.
This method can be used whenever there is a need for a wise adviser. Here it is important to withstand the maturation period of the answer, not thinking about it day and night.

How to know if your intuition worked

The ability to listen to the answer from intuition needs regular training, just like the ability to develop a certain muscle group while exercising in the gym. No need to be disappointed, if at first nothing works out, the skill will definitely come. The answers might well be:
  • In the form of a thought that suddenly appeared, not connected in meaning with the situation or with your previous thoughts;
  • In the form of a quiet voice that sounded from within and tells you where to go, whom to call, what to do;
  • The plot that I dreamed about at night.
Exactly the last way most often insights come to those who have been working on a problem for a long time. Insulin formula, periodic table, needle shape for sewing machine- these discoveries were dreamed of by their inventors. Steven Spielberg gets the plots of his masterpieces when he has breakfast.

The main thing is to keep absolute faith that you can hear the hint of intuition, turn to it, believe that it exists. To learn how to listen to it, you need to be attentive to the processes taking place inside your consciousness, to practice more often in getting answers. Only then will you be able to determine your, and only your, way of receiving outside help.

The development of clairvoyance

By practicing more often how to develop intuition and latent abilities, one can reach the next level of their development and try oneself in such a subtle matter as clairvoyance. Of course, not everyone, but many would like to know their future at least in the most important areas of human life. Clairvoyance, like an ear for music, cannot be uniformly developed in absolutely everyone.

There are people who understand that they have a special feel for the upcoming events. It is they who first need to improve their ability to know the future. But just like musical ability, clairvoyance can be developed in anyone who plans to devote their time to it. If you are able to imagine mentally the simplest geometric figure, then you have the beginnings of clairvoyance.

This phenomenon is explained as simply as the ability to listen to your intuition in order to receive intuitive prompts. In the space of the universal super-field of information, there are all options for what was, is and will be. If the subconscious of an individual has the ability to connect to this field, then he receives such an ability as clairvoyance. Errors in forecasts are explained by the fact that perhaps the clairvoyant saw an option that was not destined to come true for a particular person.

This ability is expressed in receiving with the help of extrasensory means and decoding visible (visual) information in the form of images. Just like using intuition, you put aside logic and let pictures, mental images into your consciousness. The same mechanism is involved here, the same part of the brain that directs the human imagination, is responsible for the ability to dream.

Exercises to develop clairvoyance:

  • Getting rid of the fear of knowing the future. If a person is afraid to know upcoming events, this can become a real obstacle. We need to let go of this fear by repeating the affirmative affirmation: “As I develop these abilities, I find peace and real satisfaction.”
  • Visualization exercises are very important for the development of such abilities. Here is one of them: you need to imagine how seven multi-colored balls fly into the sky one after another. Their movement must be traced from beginning to end.
  • Photo review. You need to start with the image of a familiar person, look at his photo carefully, but at the same time relaxed, not intently. Then you need to present it with eyes closed. Seeing this image in front of you, ask a question about him, about his life. The question should be one-word answer "yes" or "no". You can practice this exercise for a week for 20-30 minutes. Having met this person, you need to ask him about what happened to him for Lately and compare his answer with the information you received.
  • Through vision. This exercise will take about an hour. It is necessary to sit down in front of some plane at a distance outstretched hand, and look at a specific point on that plane just above eye level. It is a projection of "your third eye". Then look at the plane as if abstractly, not intently. And for the last 20 minutes, you should try to see this point from the back of the plane, as if you are looking through it. Seeing through should be practiced daily.
  • How to learn to see the aura. At the first stage, you need to be in a relaxed state, with your eyes closed, consider reverse side their eyelids for 10 minutes. Best time for this exercise - the time after waking up and before falling asleep. After 7-10 days, the turn of the second stage comes. With half-closed eyelids, in a state of relaxation, you need to look at some object in the twilight. After a while, your gaze will begin to discern the aura around this object. By constantly practicing, you can ensure that you see the aura of people, distinguish its colors.
By constantly working on self-improvement, you can develop your clairvoyant abilities, learn to get answers to the most important questions through intuition, and find a way out of the most confusing situations.