Gray-green eyes. Hair color. What hair color suits green-eyed girls? (photo)

The true green color that nature has given to a woman's gaze is almost impossible to meet. This is a very rare shade. The most common are mixed eye colors, such as grey-green. This tone is very capricious, and in order to emphasize its unusual beauty, you need to choose the right hair color.
Owners of a light gray-green look are very easy to confuse with gray-eyed beauties. The fact is that the green pigment is located very close to the center and is practically not visible at all in daylight. But at night, this riddle that sleeps during the day appears in all its glory, giving the eye a rich green color. What hair color to choose for such unusual eyes?

Gray-green color goes well with the color "blond". Such an unusual union gives the girls a completely angelic look. Look at the photo and see for yourself. Such a combination would also be good: gray-green and rich red. By the way, the redhead is now very popular.

Many girls with gray-green eyes simply dream of such beautiful color nuances as milk chocolate, caramel, copper. These unusual tones give a woman a brightness that is not so easy to forget, so do not be afraid to experiment (look at the photo).

This shade of the eyes is in perfect harmony with the sandy, warm blonde or wheaten hair tone. Light gray-green eyes and blond hair are perfectly emphasized. Stylists advise the owners of such beautiful eyes to pay attention to the ash-blond shade.

Malachite beauty of dark grey-green eyes

Dark gray-green eyes look quite unusual when the sun's rays make them shimmer with all sorts of emerald notes. This shade is much more common. The owner of this look, as a rule, is light-skinned and with red or brown hair, which nature gave her.

Sometimes dark green eyes with a hint of gray can be found on the face of a girl with an olive skin tone and natural light brown hair color. It looks very unusual, look at the photo below.

Bright bows from stylists

Girls dream of being bright and individual, so stylists create unforgettable looks that will help you impress the person you need.

Nevertheless, one should not forget about harmony: the gray-green look is absolutely incompatible with the red tones of colors. But copper variations are a great choice. They only emphasize this unusual green sparkle in the eyes. The saturation of the copper color is exactly what will make the dark gray-green color of the eyes completely unforgettable, like Milla Jovovich in the photo.

Chocolate head

This season, the most trendy are chocolate tones of hair dyes. If you rely on the rules of style, then this hair tone is more suitable for brown or blue eyes. But fashion is a capricious lady and does not recognize conventions, so gray-green eyes can increasingly be seen framed by chestnut-colored shocks. It looks very impressive (photo below). Stylists also recognize this and recommend paying attention to light chestnut tones.

Highlighted hair will also look great. This modern dyeing technology makes it possible not to change the color of the hair, but only slightly lighten it, giving the strands a spectacular shine. But there is one very important nuance here: the main tone should be exactly brown. Only in this case will the necessary contrast be obtained, which will give the eyes depth and expressiveness.

Why is there a photo of kittens, you ask? And this we want to say once again the great truth of life - nature does not make mistakes. Everything is harmonious and interconnected in it. Look at the eyes of these cute creatures (you can hardly call them gray-green) and the color of the coat. This is exactly what we talked about above: greenish shades ideally “make friends” with cold ashy ones. Do you still need proof?

To “fix the past”, look at the proposed master class on applying a very beautiful make-up. Try to make one for yourself, our green-eyed readers!

Many women dye their hair, trying to make their image more attractive and charming. However, not everyone knows certain rules for choosing a new tone for curls, which, to put it mildly, does not lead to the result that the lady was striving for. In particular, it is necessary to take into account the shade of the eyes, skin. And today we want to tell you which hair color to choose for gray eyes.

After all, this is one of the most mysterious, bewitching tones of the eyes. We are sure that our original instruction on the correct selection of a shade for curls will be useful, both for those who color their hair at home with their own hands, and for novice hairdressers.

Basic selection rules

So, let's figure out what hair color will suit gray eyes. In fact, the selection rules are not as complicated as they might seem at first glance, and you will see this now.

general information

It must be said right away that ladies with eyes of this color have certain advantages over other women and girls.

Well, if only because gray is:

  • in the most pure, natural tone;
  • it is completely neutral;
  • almost all colors are harmoniously combined with it.

That is, almost any hair color is suitable for gray eyes - you can safely go to different experiments, not particularly fearing for the result.

Although, of course, you should not go to extremes:

  • rich white or blond will end up looking unnatural;
  • a rich, intense black shade will make a lady several years older.

Note. The black shade of curls adds a few years to any woman. Therefore, it must be used very carefully, unless we are talking about a young girl who wants to look a couple of years older.

Depending on color type

When choosing a hair color for gray-green eyes or just gray, you must definitely take into account the color type, which is determined by skin tone. For golden skin tone, it is best to use a brown-gold shade of paint.

In particular, the following colors are suitable for such a lady:

  • honey and close shades;
  • copper;
  • coffee;
  • chocolate.

Such tones as will look very good:

  • bog oak;
  • mahogany;
  • walnut.

But if the face is slightly pale or even too light, has a marble tone, then in this case, extremely bright shades are not recommended - give up bright colors in favor of shades of cold colors.

For example, among those, the following are ideal:

  • pearl;
  • ash blonde and the like.

Note. If your face is pale, then in this case, pay attention to the paint of a light blond color. It will allow you to smooth out the pallor, and also give you a special aristocracy and exquisite sophistication.

Do you know what hair color goes with gray eyes if you have dark skin? Everything is quite simple here - it is necessary to focus on saturated tones. They will help you create the perfect image.

In particular, we are talking about paints of the following shades:

  • cognac;
  • walnut;
  • chestnut;
  • cherry;
  • titian;
  • chocolate.

As a result of staining in such tones, the eyes will acquire special expressiveness, they will be emphasized, striking with their beauty and depth.

What if there are inclusions?

Many women are interested in how to match the hair color to gray-green eyes or eyes that have other color blotches. After all, such situations occur quite often, which creates certain difficulties in the formation of a new, attractive image.

For example, if golden blotches are pronounced on the iris, then stylists recommend choosing colors:

  • wheat;
  • honey;
  • coffee.

Note. In addition to them, paints of chocolate or nut tones may also be suitable, but they can only be used if the shade is warm, pleasant and delicate. This will make it possible to further emphasize the beauty of the eyes.

But if blotches of green are noticeable, then it is recommended to opt for the following tones:

  • pearl;
  • or ashen.

By the way, a light blond color will also be an excellent option, since it will give the girl’s image special:

  • charm;
  • elegance;
  • elegance;
  • femininity.

It is quite rare, but quite realistic to meet the so-called chameleon eyes, which can change their shade depending on the lighting:

  • from extremely dark;
  • to transparent.

If you are a happy owner of such unusual eyes, we recommend coloring the curls in shades:

  • neutral;
  • or cold colors, which will emphasize the incredible beauty of this type of eyes.

By the way, consider the fact that women with gray eyes have incredible dignity. So, when the first gray hair begins to appear, it makes no sense to mask it. Since the nobility of a light silvery tone does not indicate the age of the lady, but gives her appearance a certain nobility and originality.

In the event that you still haven’t decided on a specific color, initially try experimenting with one or another tint balm - if you don’t like the result, you can immediately get rid of the new color.

When choosing a paint, focus on mixtures that do not contain ammonia, although their price is slightly higher than that of ordinary ones, but they do not injure curls so much, but act more gently and gently.

But the use of conventional coloring compositions can lead to:

  • brittle hair;
  • dryness;
  • hair weakness.

So in this case it is better not to save money, but to use really safe mixtures.

In conclusion

Now you know what principles should be followed when choosing a hair color for gray eyes. By adhering to the above recommendations, you can create an amazing and bewitching image that drives everyone crazy.

A detailed video in this article will help you better understand all the information presented.

Hair color for green eyes

Green eyes at all times caused a whole storm of various emotions. Alluring, bewitching, magical - such a diamond requires a special cut! Do you want to emphasize the charm of green eyes? Take care of a good shade of hair!

Does skin tone matter?

When thinking about what hair color suits green eyes, you need to remember about skin tone:

  • Light porcelain skin and green eyes. With this combination, both dark and light blond looks great;
  • Slightly tanned skin and emerald eyes. Give preference to a dark blond, classic or light brown;
  • Bronze skin and green eyes. Any shades of brown will suit you.

Do not forget also about the right makeup:

As you can see, with the help of hair color alone, you can achieve an interesting game of green eyes and delight everyone with their beauty.

Choosing a hair color for eye color (photo)

When coloring your hair, you should always consider your color type. Often, the hair color you like on the packaging of the paint tube may not suit us. But I want to be bright and attractive. In order not to make a fashionable mistake, you can choose the color of your hair to match the color of your eyes. Successful hair coloring will certainly emphasize the beauty of the eyes and give them expressiveness. To do this, you just need to follow the following recommendations of stylists.

Hair color depends on eye color

Hair color for green eyes

When coloring hair, owners of green eyes need to pay attention to warm shades: rich chestnut, chocolate brown, copper, red. When choosing a hair color, pay attention to the shade of the eyes. Green is a very versatile color and you need to be careful with it.

Hair coloring: choose a hair color for green eyes

  • If green eyes with yellow or orange patches, then feel free to choose bright colors for dyeing your hair, such as red, red, golden.
  • For light green or bright green eyes, all orange-red hair colors will work. In addition, you can experiment with chestnut and gold paints.
  • But for the green eyes of a marsh shade, the above hair colors are simply contraindicated. In this case, you should choose calmer shades, for example, brown, chestnut and dark blond.

Hair color for blue eyes

All light hair colors are well suited for blue eyes: wheat, blond, ashy, etc. However, as with green eyes, there are varieties of blue eyes to consider.

Hair coloring: choose a hair color for blue eyes

  • If blue eyes with brown or red patches, then their owners, when dyeing their hair, need to pay attention to colors of light red, caramel and golden hues.
  • If you have gray-blue eyes with a cold tint, then dye your hair in light blond and ashy colors.
  • Bright blue or blue eyes harmonize perfectly with rich brown hair colors: light chestnut or dark caramel.

Hair color for brown eyes

For brown eyes of various types hair color may be radically different.

Hair coloring: choose a hair color for brown eyes

  • If the eyes are dark brown and the skin is dark, then when dyeing your hair, use only dark colors: chocolate, chestnut, black tulip. In this case, it is contraindicated to lighten the hair, we can "get lost" in the light color of the hair.
  • If you have brown eyes and fair skin, copper, caramel, red, and light chocolate shades are perfect for you.
  • Light brown eyes are favorably emphasized by the following hair colors: light amber, caramel, golden.

Hair color for gray eyes

Gray eyes are recognized as universal for any hair color, however, if you do not want to look older than your years, avoid black tones.

Hair coloring: choose a hair color for gray eyes

Poems and songs have been written about the owners of beautiful green eyes from time immemorial. A woman with this eye color attracts, fascinates, enchants ... like a sorceress.

Green eyes

It is green eyes that are attributed to witchcraft properties. And there are even special horoscopes that give an interpretation of the nature of the color of the eyes. Green-eyed beauties are characterized by a principled, stubborn character. They are popular and authoritative among their acquaintances and friends. Easily achieve their goals and are able to withstand difficulties. They have good intuition and there is a mystery in them.

But how to choose a hair color for such eyes? This issue needs to be taken seriously. Nature initially rewarded you with a shade of hair that suits your eyes. Most often, green-eyed beauties have black, brown or blond hair. There are also rare representatives with red hair. If you have any of these flowers, then you are very lucky. They all look great with your eye color. But what if your hair isn't bright enough? Or do you want to change your image and decided to paint? Then you should, first of all, imagine - what hair color would you like to see yourself with, and does it suit your face shape, skin tone and eye color?

natural color

You should also pay attention to your natural hair color. Not every paint can, for example, repaint a brunette into a redhead or, especially, into a blonde. If you are not sure about the final result of painting in a particular color, then it is better to seek advice from a beauty salon or your personal hairdresser.

As for complexion, there is a rule - if the skin is pale, it is better to use warm tones. For women with fair skin and green eyes, all warm shades of golden, light brown, red and red are well suited. It is better not to choose blond, platinum and ashy shades for pale skin. If you have a dark skin tone, then cold shades will go better. Owners of age spots and freckles on the face will suit golden shades. If your skin tends to get very reddened in the wind, covered with reddish spots, then you should not use red colors.

What color is better?

Women with green eyes should pay attention to the following colors: light chestnut, red, honey, golden blond and light brown. If the eyes are a cold shade of green, without inclusions, then cold shades of paint will suit you: silver, pearl, light blond and ashy. If there are golden or brown blotches in the iris of the eyes, then you are better off choosing warm shades, such as: wheaten, brown and red. However, remember that dark shades of hair are better than light shades and emphasize the green color of the eyes.

What hair color do you think will go with light-blonde skin and grey-green eyes? :)


Agnidevi Agnidevi

The best color is the one that nature gave you!

Svetlana Sarycheva

Golden blond, in my opinion

Sergei Magic

Such a golden... Scandinavian:)

Dina Obraztsova


rather, cold blond or highlights on dark blond hair. but nothing red or chestnut. black is also impossible - it will "kill" natural colors


This season, it is fashionable to wear dark skin with a bluish tint and golden eyes - such is the impact of the film Avatar on the dominant trends of the modern fashion industry.
Therefore, if you want to look stylish, I recommend doing a light continuous skin tattoo to achieve a bluish tint and recolor the cornea.

Assem Oguzbayeva

definitely red, not the same as freckled, but a fiery shade.

Libussa Lasombra

black - I like contrasts


post a photo

Natasha Bakhvalova

definitely red. in any case, I have fair skin and green eyes, everyone claimed that the redhead was to my face



Julia Vlady

And it seems to me dark blond =) or highlighting, or blond, only ashen =)) I had these hair colors =)) now I'm in my color-dark blond =)) beauty =))

Alena Burakova

Shaw I can answer yesho, of course rrryzhy!

Nafranovich Anatoly

ash blonde.)
You will be great!)

love anime

I believe black


R-r-r... ...

Tinochka =)

Black or ash white.
Redhead could be if there were freckles)

Which hair color is more suitable (light or dark) for a girl with green-brown eyes and fair skin, ashy hair?



my color matches!

Yuliya Timofeyeva

eh! I deliberately dye myself ashen, and you decided to repaint, having an ashen color by nature ...

Burikhudzhaev Gabit Sabitovich

I think blonde hair suits you better.

Marianna Demirova

Every woman has her own color palette. In order to correctly choose the colors around you, you need to be clear about which color type you belong to. The choice of clothes and, consequently, your beauty and irresistibility largely depend on this.
For a long time, focusing on hair color, five color types of appearance have been distinguished: blondes, brown-haired women, brunettes, redheads, gray-haired.
Taking into account the color features of the skin and eyes led to the allocation of smaller subtypes. Due to the active use of hair dyes, as well as blush, powder and foundation, it is difficult to determine the exact color type of a particular woman. If you really want to, then you can turn from a blonde into a brunette, change not only the color of your hair, but also the color of your skin.
The most constant, stable color sign of our appearance is the color of the eyes (if we do not take into account the existence of colored optical lenses).
The most plausible division of people in appearance into groups with poetic names: "spring", "summer", "autumn" and "winter".
The most common type of appearance in Russia. These are women with blond hair: from light to dark blond, from light ash to dark.
Eyes: blue-gray, blue-green, blue, green-gray, hazel.
The skin can be quite light, slightly pinkish, and may be olive.
Most of all, pink and gray-violet colors are suitable for people of this color type. Blue tones will not hurt either: from sky blue to aquamarine and sea waves.
The lilac palette goes very well from light purple to intense lilac, plum. From the red range - raspberry, ripe (not dark) cherries. From achromatic colors - gray (different shades). Goes pearl gray.
Black, white, orange, green, beige, gold are not suitable for summer women.
In general, pastel or medium-intense colors are suitable for the “summer” color type, corresponding to the colors of the July sky, fields, land near the horizon, greenery of plants and water.
The main ones in the summer wardrobe should be muted blue, gray, pale pink and lilac colors and jewelry in delicate shades of silver.
The type "autumn" is necessarily a woman with reddish hair (of any intensity). Skin with a yellowish tint, may be freckled, reddish brown, apricot or peach.
The eyes are brown, green, bluish-greenish, turquoise and gray-blue with golden flecks on the iris.
The colors of golden autumn are suitable for people of this color type. Beige to brown, apricot to bright orange and brick rusty. Mustard, marsh, fading green, khaki, pink-brown and gold, green turquoise are the colors in the palette of this color type.
Gray, white (except ivory), black, blue, light blue and silver do not fit the autumn color type.
In general, autumn wardrobe is best completed in warm tan (from golden to red-brown) shades and shades of fading greens. And wear jewelry made of warm-colored metals: gold, copper and bronze.
This is the most striking type of female appearance, most common among women in the East. Brunettes with dark hair. From blue-black to softened dark hair options. The skin is milky grayish or swarthy, less often white or olive. The eyes are often dark, but can be anything but very light.
Winter women are cool bright colors of medium and maximum saturation. Blue colors look good from silver-blue, turquoise to blue-violet.
This is the only color type that is not clogged with black and dazzling white. All variants of pink: from luminescent to cyclamen, ruby, cherry and burgundy.
The color of coffee, gray, from yellow - only lemon is suitable.
The "winter" type does not go well with warm colors, orange, gold, red-brown and warm green.
The easiest way to dress "winter" in white and black. It is good to take dark blue as a basis.
Jewelry in cold tones, bright and silvery.

It is believed that it is not so easy to harmoniously choose the right shade for fair skin, but in fact, almost any color of the strands goes with this tone of the face. The main thing is that the hair color itself for fair skin should be with a cold tint and be in harmony with the color of the iris.

What hair color suits fair skin?

From time immemorial, people have considered a whitish-pale skin color as a sign of aristocracy and noble birth. A light skin tone effectively distinguishes its owners from carriers of other skin tones. Among the variety of color palettes in nature, many colors are suitable for the aristocratic skin color.

The main thing is to choose the right shade correctly.

Ash hair color

Although this shade is considered one of the universal ones, it is far from being combined with all types of appearance. However, for fair skin, this color is quite suitable, and ash-colored hair looks beautiful and harmonious.

Gray shades of hair should be chosen very carefully with fair skin so that it does not look too pale.

There are several shades of this color, each of which is combined with a certain texture of a person's appearance. So, ash-blond is suitable for white-skinned people with a delicate eye color, however, like light blond. The dark shade of this smoky color behaves a little more capriciously than all the others and will look good only with a cold color type of appearance.

If a person has brown eyes by nature, then he should choose a brown-ash shade of hair for himself.

It will advantageously emphasize the whiteness of dull skin and give the image of nobility. The ash shade is especially relevant in the presence of gray hair, as it masks this flaw well.

Brown hair color

This natural hair color will suit almost any color type of appearance. The main thing when choosing it for your hairstyle is to correctly choose the very shade of light brown tone. Many people are afraid to dye their hair in this shade, believing that the hair color turns out to be nondescript and faded in the end, which is not entirely suitable for fair skin and merges with it, but this opinion is erroneous.

Today, a wide variety of shades of light brown paint is presented on the market, each of which fits a certain appearance of a person and harmoniously complements it, completing the image as a whole.

Dark blond hair color

Despite all the richness of the color, the dark blond color has cold notes. By itself, this is a rather moody shade, despite the fact that it seems to suit almost all people. Still, the ideal appearance for this color is gray or sky-colored eyes in combination with pale skin.

A dark blond shade will ennoble and make such an appearance even more spectacular.

Light blond hair color

This is a truly luxurious and rich in iridescence shade from the entire presented variety of the light brown palette. Light blond shade harmonizes well with a typical Slavic appearance: pale skin color and light eyes.

Those who have inherited such a shade of hair from nature rarely try to get rid of it by dyeing their hair in a different color, because the fair-haired shade on the head looks attractive and beautiful.

Brown hair color

Chestnut color is an ideal corrector for hairline. The shade is ideal for its owner in the case when the hair is not in very good physical condition, since it masks all the imperfections quite well.

If you have a fair complexion, it is better to choose a chestnut gray, light or coffee and hazel shade of hair color.

Such a color scheme will favorably emphasize the aristocratic complexion and make it more textured.

red hair color

This shade should be chosen for daily wear only if the skin of the face is in perfect condition, as it is able to highlight every pimple, flaw or unevenness on the face.

The reddish tint emphasizes the pinkish undertone of the skin of its owner.

If there is such a problem as blood vessels close to the surface of the skin, then a red tint on the hair is a taboo.

The right choice in this case is dark and saturated colors, such as cold chocolate.

Chocolate hair color

This variation of the brownish hue advantageously sets off the natural whiteness of the face, captivating with its warmth and depth. Hairdressers and stylists recommend a chocolate shade for girls with pale skin and light pigmentation of the iris of the eyeball to add brightness and liveliness to a faded image, and emphasize the beauty of the eyes.

Visually, this shade gives volume to the hairline and makes the hair more shiny, especially under the light of sunlight or under artificial lighting. The color scheme of chocolate shades today is diverse and is represented by different subspecies: chocolate caramel, milk chocolate, chestnut chocolate, dark chocolate, etc. Everyone can choose for themselves exactly the shade that is more to their liking.

caramel hair color

This hair color for fair skin differs from all the above colors in the absence of a cold undertone. The color itself evokes thoughts of the scorching sun, hot summer and playful mood, and it is for this reason that many people choose it to color their hair in the cold season.

The caramel shade looks especially harmonious on curls or a cascade-type hairstyle. For a person with fair skin, both dark and light shades of caramel color are suitable;

copper hair color

Copper color is similar to the caramel described above. It also comes in various shades, as do other colors, of which dark copper shades are most suitable for those with pale skin. The copper color of the hairline will look especially impressive on carriers of bright green eyes, but it also looks good in combination with blue lenses.

Of all the undertones, perhaps only the light shade of red should be treated with caution, since this chosen hair color for fair skin can even paler the skin, which will look extremely ugly.

Copper-red tint to hair can be given without the use of professional hair dye, but with the help of onions or henna.

So the choice of this color is also one of the safest for the hairline itself.

Eye color matching for fair skin

When you like a lot of shades different from each other and it is difficult to make a choice in favor of a particular color, you can use the method of selecting hair color according to the shade of the iris of the eyeball.

Hair color if blue eyes and fair skin

Girls with such Slavic external data belong to the “soft summer” color type. When choosing a hair color for this kind of appearance, you should pay attention to cold, calm and muted shades that favorably shade and emphasize the beauty of the iris and the natural pallor of the skin.

Dark hair color for light skin is a good contrast to complete a noble look

So, if you choose a blond hair color for coloring, then let it be platinum, ash or silver shades of blond, which will add radiance to the image, but at the same time will not make fair skin look painful.

If more preference is given to dark shades of the hairline, then it is better to look at the cold tone of brown or any other dark color with a cold tint. At the same time, red, reddish, golden colors, as well as blue-black color, are undesirable in use.

Hair color if gray eyes and fair skin

The choice of shades of the scalp for a person with gray eyes and fair skin is similar to the color schemes for the above-described type of people with blue eyes. Any pastel shades of light and dark colors are also appropriate here.

If you really want to experiment with bright dark colors, then if you have gray eyes, you should give preference to shades with lilac or blue reflections. And if you want to add reddish highlights to your hair, then you can pay attention to a delicate pastel pinkish range, since natural red can only spoil the image, making it too rough and sharp.

Hair color if green eyes and fair skin

Girls with pale skin and a greenish tint are best suited for dark chestnut shades. Those who want to stand out should pay attention to colors such as: burgundy, eggplant or red. They will give the image brightness and juiciness.

A red palette of colors and a bluish-black shade of hair will also look impressive, which will make the overall look mysterious and brutal. But it should be remembered that such a bold image must be consistent not only externally, but also internally.

Hair color if - brown eyes and fair skin

Such people, whose face combines fair skin and dark eyes, will be decorated with any warm shades of chocolate, caramel, bronze and crimson colors. Those who want to try themselves in the image of a blonde should choose a golden hair color for themselves, but do not forget that a hairstyle in this color often looks unnatural and quickly gets boring.

The choice of warm colors makes the final image bright and memorable. Hair color for people with fair skin should not have cold shades. so as not to spoil the overall appearance with unsuccessful painting.

If the color of brown eyes is closer to a black tint, then you can experiment with red shades. But owners of overly dark brown eyes should avoid golden hues, as they visually add age to their wearer.

Light skin with freckles - what is the best hair color?

Freckles adorn the skin of many people, and often they make it difficult for their owners to choose the color scheme of their hair before dyeing. Many people are afraid to dye their hair, not knowing which shade to choose for the procedure from the whole variety, so as not to spoil the overall appearance.

In fact, if you have freckles on fair skin, you can choose almost any color, you just need to take into account some features of the skin of the face. For example, saturated dark or light shades do not harmonize very well with freckles and other flaws of the face, due to the fact that the same colors highlight all the flaws on the skin of the face.

The red palette of colors should also be avoided, because the skin of the face, strewn with freckles, often has a reddish undertone, and the overall picture as a result of painting in this color will look dirty. In addition, this color combination automatically adds age.

For a pale face strewn with a scattering of freckles, such shades as, for example, dark purple, dark coffee or greyish-smoky color are preferable.

If you do not want to focus on freckles, then you should pay attention to such cold shades of colors, such as, for example, ash blonde. Such shades will hide the small imperfections of the skin of the face caused by the sun's rays. But even here you should not forget to pay attention to the color of the iris of the eyeball.

So, for green or brown eyes, instead of delicate shades, it would be preferable to choose dark colors.

It is believed that red and its shades are the best color for carriers of freckles. But even here, considering the palette of red shades, the owners of such skin features should adhere to those shades of red that are closest to the tint base of the natural shade of hair and eyes. Or, on the contrary, you can play in contrast, which will look colorful and bold, and will definitely distinguish the owner of such a hairstyle from others.

Choosing a hair color for fair skin is quite simple. The main thing is to take into account the above factors and know what result you want to get on your hair as a result of painting.

Videos on how to choose a hair color for fair skin

The video shows hair color variations for fair skin. Choose the right option for you.

Below you can see howchoose the shade of hair according to the color type of the face:

If you find the appropriate hair color for fair skin, you can transform your appearance beyond recognition for the better and feel much more confident.

The green tint of the eyes of the beautiful half of humanity has always been considered mysterious. In ancient times, green-eyed women were burned at the stake, believing them to be sorceresses. These days, this eye color is always in trend and very popular. The main task of a lady is to correctly present natural beauty. Perfectly matched hair colors for green eyes make the image complete, hide flaws and emphasize the dignity of appearance.

How to choose hair color for green eyes

It is advisable to choose hair colors for green eyes carefully, taking into account many nuances. The wrong tone can spoil the whole image. The traditional solution for all green-eyed fashionistas is chestnut, honey, mahogany and red. Do not rush to resort to a specific solution, experiment. Several ways to choose a hair color:

  • find out the color type of the face;
  • the spectrum of green is great - take a look at what you have;
  • determine the natural color of the skin - pale, marbled, pinkish, light, olive or swarthy;
  • the iris has a color different from the color of the pupil: this can be successfully played;
  • natural color will affect the final result when painting;
  • the shape of the face will have to be taken into account when choosing a haircut and hairstyles, think over this point in advance.

What to do first:

  1. View photos of models and celebrities.
  2. If you prefer bright makeup, allow yourself a brighter palette. Natural Makeup will require a muted hair tone.
  3. Do not go from blonde to brown-haired, then to a burning brunette and back - you will burn curls and suffer from growing roots. It is better to stick to a natural tone.
  4. Before taking action, consult with a specialist.
  5. A computer program for changing style and appearance will help coordinate every step.

For green eyes and fair skin

Choosing which hair color is suitable for them is easy for women with a light type of appearance and bright green eyes. The combinations are countless. The generally accepted option is all shades of red, blond. Porcelain exteriors pair well with reds such as chestnut and mahogany. Dark blond looks original and non-standard. The color of the raven wing is preferable for the young - in combination with fair skin, several years will be added. When using dark paint, you need to do defiant makeup every day, otherwise your face will be lost against the background of the hairstyle.

For grey-green eyes

The choice of paint for owners of gray-green irises should fall on rich, saturated tones. Golden, amber, ashy categorically will not suit you. Shades of honey, chestnut, caramel, mahogany will fit. If mother nature has rewarded you with a light color of curls, you should not go against it. By making the hair too dark, you can get problems with growing roots. A good solution would be coloring or highlighting a natural tone. It is better to choose paint within two or three shades from your own.

For brown-green eyes

Autumn color scheme is perfect for the gentle sex with hazel-green eyes and fair skin. For example, chestnut or red, dark brown or copper. A particularly beautiful hair color is mahogany. Lovely ladies with olive skin will suit any dark tones plus cognac, bright black. Lightened shades are not recommended for owners of brown-green eyes, especially blonds. Curly streaked natural strands will look gorgeous.

For dark skin

Deep dark tones look amazing with green eyes and dark skin. Black will give an amazing bewitching effect. For lovers of bold experiments, you can try burgundy. A beautiful option would be bright chestnut, bronze, chocolate. Natural tones in makeup will give the face a natural look. Coloring will be inappropriate. Straight hair looks better.

What hair color goes with green eyes

The palette of green colors is diverse - from transparent grassy to dark marsh. The type of face, its features are of great importance when choosing paint for curls. A girl with freckles cannot afford dark shades. Dark skin will not tolerate light colors. Bright saturated tones in combination with problematic skin will draw undue attention to the flaws in appearance. Choosing the right hair color for your face is not an easy task. Particular attention should be paid to matching the shade of the eyes and skin type.

Palette table:

Skin color / Eye tone

light green

dark green



Porcelain (milk)

strawberry blonde

blond, peach

any shade of red




light blond, ash, red

dark blond, ash



light brown, platinum blonde, beige

dark brown, chestnut, chocolate

black, intense red

copper, bronze

brown, coffee with milk

A few centuries ago, green-eyed women were afraid, they were considered sorceresses and witches. Today, these eyes are very relevant. To focus on the originality and mystery of such an image, to pay maximum attention to natural beauty, you can choose the right hair color for green eyes.

How to choose the right hair color?

Owners of green eyes should not rush when choosing hair dye. What nuances should be considered before changing the color of curls?

  • Decide on the color type of the face.
  • Since there are many colors of green eyes, decide on the one under which you will need to choose a color.
  • Set the tone of the skin (from pale to swarthy).
  • Determine how much, how the iris differs from the pupil.
  • Consider your own natural color of curls. It will drastically appear when stained.
  • If you plan not only to change the color of the curls, but also hairstyles or haircuts, it is important to consider the shape of the face.
  • If you are not sure about the chosen paint, give preference to a composition that is quickly washed off. In case of unsuccessful staining, this will allow you to quickly get rid of it.

For those who are not ready to drastically change their style, experiment repeatedly, consult with a stylist in advance, view all kinds of photos of celebrities and not only that have similar parameters.

Do not experiment with a radical change in the colors of curls.

This will not only spoil the image, but also harm the curls.

If you wish, use special computer programs that will help you choose the right color for curls, a haircut for green-eyed ladies without unnecessary experience.

Choosing the color of curls to match the color of green eyes

To successfully choose a hair color for different shades of green eyes, you need to pay attention to their shade. It depends on him the features of the selection. The most fashionable hair colors for green eyes.

  1. Hair color for brown-green eyes. Brown-green in the sun can shimmer with a dark green tint. For such eyes, all shades of light brown hair, black, dark brown are harmoniously suitable. Too clarified do not choose. Highlighted large strands will also be a suitable variation.
  2. Hair color for grey-green eyes. Gray-green eyes have always been considered magical. Hair of copper, ashy, chocolate color will go well with them. They are more suitable for women with a "cold" type of skin. For owners of a “warm” type, strands of golden, honey or copper hue will be the best option.

Green eyes are called very "capricious", because you need to be careful when choosing a foundation for the skin. Stylists do not recommend owners of gray-green eyes to choose hair dye that differs by more than 3 tones from the natural color.

  1. Light greens are the most common. Their owner has light golden, olive skin. Actual options for strands for this type of women will be light blond, rye. You can experiment with reddish, brown, caramel.
  2. Green eyes with a blue tint. They are characterized by a simultaneous combination of gray, yellow and brown on the shell of the eye. The tone changes from different angles. Green-blue eyes can perfectly complement the curls of wheat, light brown, chocolate, milk, black color. Some stylists recommend trying red or red colors.
  3. Emerald includes shades of blue or blue. When choosing a paint, be sure to take into account the tone of the skin. With a pale skin tone, you can color the curls in red, caramel, copper. It is not recommended to paint in a bright saturated red or too light tone. For more tanned skin, there will be topical dark, chocolate, dark brown, copper.
  4. Green with marsh. Blue, brown, yellow, green colors can be combined at the same time. For fair-skinned women, golden, chestnut, caramel, beige shade of strands will be suitable. With tanned skin, swamp-colored eyes will be in harmony with dark brown, red, chocolate curls.

How to emphasize green eyes with a haircut?

To complement the image, to emphasize the individuality of the girl, not only the right hair dye will help, but also a hairstyle or haircut. The whole image can change dramatically depending on the density of the curls, the length and how they are laid.

  • If the owner of green eyes has long or medium-length strands, it is better if they are golden or chestnut. This type of women should focus on the lips.
  • Green curls, a short haircut can harmoniously complement the coloring with several colors. This will help emphasize facial features and make the eyes more expressive.
  • Complement an asymmetrical haircut with discreet makeup.
  • If the haircut is a bob, then the emphasis is on the cheekbones. In this case, the curls are best painted in dark colors.

What shade of hair is better to choose according to the color type of the skin?

These factors are interrelated and the final image of the girl will depend on their combination.

Curl color and light skin type

Making a choice is not so difficult, since there are a huge number of options. All red and light colors will be fashionable and relevant. Girls with a beautiful perfect appearance can experiment with chestnut and red colors of the strands. Dark blond will look very original. But fair-skinned beauties should not use too dark tones of paint.

Light skin type has several shades. The palette of colors also depends on the shade of the eyes. What hair color to choose for green eyes?

  • Pale complexion - rye, golden, saffron colors will be suitable.
  • Milky skin tone - blond, shades of cream, light brown, red (not too dark).
  • Pink tone - from light honey to hazel.

These features will help you choose a hair color for fair skin and green eyes.

Curl color and dark skin type

Darker tones of the strands will be relevant for owners of dark skin, beautiful green eyes. Those who like to experiment can try burgundy or black paints. Chestnut, chocolate, bronze tones will also look very beautiful and impressive. The image of a woman with green eyes and swarthy skin is complemented with natural makeup. Coloring in this case can only spoil the image. Alternatively, you can experiment with ombre. At the same time, the roots can be made chestnut, and the tips golden.

Women with dark skin, slightly olive hue, give preference to rye, beige, dark, fashionable shades of brown, chocolate, coffee. Dark red, black will also be relevant.

The correctness and harmony of the choice of a fashionable hair tone under the shade of the skin is very important. It must be remembered that girls who have freckles can spoil their image with dark tones. Light hair color for green eyes is not suitable for ladies who are too dark. If there are problem areas on the face, some flaws in appearance, then bright shades can only aggravate the situation.