Treatment of kidney stones depending on their size. Treatment methods for kidney stones

For the successful treatment of urolithiasis, it is important to know what types of kidney stones are and how they differ from each other. These data will help to choose an adequate treatment regimen, choose a special diet, which will make it possible to avoid the re-formation of pathological stones.

Composition classification

Stones in the kidneys are formed as a result of impaired functionality and metabolism in the organ. There is such a classification of kidney stones by composition:

  1. Phosphate and in the diagnosis are most common. Calcium salts are the basis of the calculus.
  2. Urates are formed in violation of the kidneys, when uric acid accumulates in excess in the tissues of the organ. Another cause of urate neoplasms is diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Phosphate-ammonium-magnesium and struvite calculi are formed in chronic infectious lesions of the kidneys and urinary tract.
  4. Cystine and xanthine inclusions are formed in people who were born with a kidney pathology caused by a genetic failure.

Classification of stones according to their composition.

Depending on the number, single and multiple stones are distinguished, they are located both in one and in both kidneys. In shape, there are flat, coral-shaped, round, sharp with spikes. The size can be up to 3 mm, and large, occupying the entire cavity of the kidney. Depending on the location, neoplasms are localized in the kidneys, ureters and urea.

When diagnosing, mixed types of calculi are most often encountered, therefore, therapy is prescribed only by a doctor who will select complex drugs that complement each other.

Inclusion sizes

Calculi in a paired organ can have different sizes. Small stones can be from 5 mm to a maximum of 10 mm. They get rid of them with the help of medications, surgical treatment is not used. Medium stones reach sizes from 10 mm, drug therapy is initially used in the treatment, but if this method failed to dissolve the calculus, laser crushing is prescribed. Large kidney stones reach sizes in diameter of 5 cm or more, they are life-threatening.

Oxalates and their features

The appearance of oxalates provokes poor metabolism in the body.

Oxalates are called stone inclusions of the kidneys, which look like crystals. They are formed in the body in case of metabolic disorders, with excessive consumption of foods containing large amounts of vitamin C, with advanced pyelonephritis. Oxalates are dark in color, they can be black, often dark red or. Red stones are formed due to hemorrhages that occur as a result of trauma to the kidney tissues. In the presence of oxalates in the urine, blood and pus can occur, since the stone is sharp, because of which the walls of the organ are injured. To remove an oxalate stone from the kidney, drug therapy, heavy drinking and a special diet are prescribed. If these measures did not help dissolve the calculus and the disease progresses, surgical intervention is prescribed.


Carbonate neoplasms are based on carbonic acid, which is deposited in the kidneys as a calcium precipitate. The advantage of stones of this type is that they are easy to treat, dissolve quickly and are painlessly removed from the body. It is important to adhere to proper nutrition, exclude fatty foods and bad habits. To maintain and follow the diet, together with the doctor, a menu table is drawn up for the period of therapy with the names of allowed dishes and products, and a description of the method of cooking should also be discussed.

Phosphate inclusions

With the help of urography, you can clearly see the outlines of the calculi.

The main reasons for the formation of phosphate types of kidney stones are chronic inflammation of the kidney tissues with the addition of a bacterial infection. It is easy to determine the type of this type of stones - they have a porous loose structure, a smooth, even surface, which prevents injury to the delicate tissues of the organ. Neoplasms are white in color, the chemical composition includes the calcium salt of phosphoric acid. You can find out that phosphate stones are present in the kidneys with the help of an X-ray examination, which will clearly show the correct outlines of the stones.

The main danger of this type of neoplasm is their rapid growth, if therapy is not started on time, the stones become larger and occupy almost the entire cavity of the organ.

urate stones

Urate stones are formed in the human body when drinking poor quality water, due to a sedentary lifestyle, metabolic disorders, and the abuse of harmful and fatty foods. The stones are soft in consistency, loose structure, the color of kidney stones varies from light yellow to brown. In young children and the elderly, these types of stones are localized in the ureter, middle-aged people suffer from the occurrence of neoplasms in the kidney tissues and ureters.

Since the density of urates is low, they are quite easily dissolved with the help of medicines and heavy drinking. Also, during therapy, it is necessary to exclude harmful, heavy foods from the diet and connect physical therapy classes. If you follow these rules, it will be possible to prevent the re-formation of kidney stones of this variety.


Stones of this type are removed only by laser crushing.

Struvite stones are a type of kidney stones that belong to the phosphate species. The pebbles are composed of ammonium phosphate, magnesium and carbonate apatite. A neoplasm called struvite is formed as a result of the spread of a bacterial infection in the organs of the genitourinary system, therefore the main causes of occurrence are chronic diseases of the kidneys, bladder, urinary tract, and the alkaline composition of urine. This type of calculus is dangerous, as it quickly increases in size, and you can get rid of it only with the help of laser crushing. If the stone is large, it is worth making sure that the crushed particles completely leave the body, otherwise small stones will linger and begin to grow back. Struvite stones are much more common in women than in men.

Kidney stone 5 mm, what to do in this situation is a frequently asked question among patients. In the modern world, there are many different methods of treating urolithiasis, both conservative and surgical. The choice of method depends on the size of the stones, also called calculi. What are the varieties, and how are they diagnosed?

Types of formations

Stones formed in the kidneys are diverse and differ in their structure, chemical composition, size and shape.

Both one and both kidneys are affected. The sizes of stones vary from a few millimeters to tens of centimeters. If we are talking about calculi with a diameter of up to 3 mm, then they are defined not as stones, but.

The classification of renal solid foreign bodies according to various criteria is the main criterion for choosing further tactics for treating the disease. Calculi are formed from a mixture of minerals and organic substances. There are the following main groups of foreign bodies formed in the kidneys:

  • belong to the most common category of formations. They are dense bodies of small size with sharp edges, spines and processes.
  • Phosphate are smooth formations that can grow to a significant size. Composed of calcium salts of phosphoric acid.
  • are formed from salts of uric acid against the background of an increase in their concentration. They have a rounded shape and a smooth surface.
  • Xanthine stones are rare. They are the result of a complex genetic defect in which amino acid metabolism is disturbed.
  • Cystine stones are rare types of formations. Often formed as a result of impaired absorption of amino acids during digestion.

Renal staghorn foreign bodies were singled out as a separate group. These deposits occupy the entire space of the pelvis, unlike other types of formations, and then they pass to the region of the renal calyx.

Diagnostic method

The most informative and accurate methods for diagnosing the presence of kidney stones are hardware research methods, since it is impossible to do this by other means. These types of visualizations include:

  • Ultrasound of a characteristic organ, ureter and;
  • x-ray study.

With the help of ultrasound, it is possible to establish the features of the physiological renal structure, the position and size of the formation. This method allows you to exclude diseases that have similar symptoms. However, when moving the calculus into the ureter, ultrasound will give little information, since this area is poorly viewed by the mentioned apparatus.

A more informative way is an X-ray examination. In disputable situations, computed tomography (CT) is performed, which allows you to get a clearer picture - not only to determine the location, size, shape, boundaries of the stone, but also to assess the general condition and performance of the kidney.

To assess the damage to a characteristic organ, neighboring tissues, and to clarify the chemical composition of deposits, it is used. This method is considered the most accurate.

Treatment of urolithiasis is carried out in three ways:

  • conservative therapy;
  • prompt removal;
  • stone crushing.

Conservative treatment

In most cases, a 5 mm kidney stone is not accompanied by any symptoms. Only sometimes there are sensations of discomfort during urination: itching, burning or pain. Often detected by chance during a routine medical examination.

This kind of formation, the size of which is from 4 mm to 6 mm, can independently exit the pelvis, pass through the ureter and be excreted in the urine. For these purposes, diuretic and antispasmodic drugs are prescribed to promote the release of stones.

If a 5 mm stone does not come out on its own, medications are used to help reduce the size of the foreign body and then remove it from the body.

The choice of a drug depends on the identified chemical composition of the formation, since individual salt compounds are poorly cleaved. Do not forget that stone-dissolving agents are used exclusively for the purpose of the attending specialist.

Self-medication can cause a deterioration in health and the need for a surgical operation.


Surgery is indicated if the patient experiences intense pain during the removal of the calculus, which could not be stopped. If the passage is blocked, a decision is also made to promptly remove the foreign body from the urinary tract.

Therapy is performed endoscopically or. After such manipulations, the patient recovers quickly, and all kinds of complications are minimized. The operation is performed without incision of the kidney and violation of the integrity of the epidermis. The instrument is introduced through natural pathways:

  • ureter;
  • bladder cavity;
  • lumen of the urethra.

Abdominal surgery is performed if a doctor detects a staghorn calculus, blockade of a characteristic organ, a significant foreign body, or severe bleeding. In modern medicine, this technique is used less and less due to the development of minimally invasive surgery.

crushing stones

Kidney stone crushing is one of the modern methods of stone removal. It allows you to split and education data. In order to avoid violations of the integrity of the tissue, the doctor may recommend that the patient, instead of performing a surgical operation, undergo crushing of stones. There are two types of this procedure: shock wave and laser lithotripsy.

shock wave lithotripsy

With the help of shock wave lithotripsy, you can get rid of kidney stones up to 2 cm in size. Most often, such manipulations are prescribed by a doctor if a solid formation exceeds 1.5 cm in size. Multiple sound shocks, without harming soft tissues, affect calculi and destroy their structure to the state of sand. Subsequently, it is excreted from the body.

Ultrasonic waves can cause pain to the patient, since there is minimal effect on soft tissues, so the procedure is carried out under local anesthesia. There is a risk that during the procedure the foreign body will break into sharp fragments that can provoke renal colic. Therefore, shock-wave destruction of stones of solid formations is performed several times.

Laser lithotripsy

Treatment with laser lithotripsy is designed to destroy small stones. The laser is directed pointwise to the localization zone of the calculus. This manipulation is performed using an endoscope, which is inserted under the skin through a small incision. The solid body under the influence of the laser is crushed to a state, and then excreted along with the urine. Experts recommend doing it exactly, since such a procedure allows you to get rid of any stones in one session.

If a patient has formed kidney stones of 5 mm, only a qualified specialist can decide what to do and how to treat this disease. Therefore, at the first symptoms of urolithiasis, you should not delay a visit to the doctor. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

The formation of kidney stones is one of the manifestations of urolithiasis. In their structure, chemical composition, shape and size, kidney stones, or as they are also called stones, can differ dramatically from each other. It is on the totality of these data that the intensity of the manifestation of the clinical picture and the choice of treatment method depend.

The first thing to do with kidney stones is to contact a urologist. The fact is that the lack of medical care in an acute condition can result in serious kidney damage or even death. And consultation with a specialist without the presence of acute pain (in case of accidental detection of stones during a planned ultrasound or X-ray examination) is necessary to adjust the lifestyle or prescribe conservative methods of treatment. This approach will allow you to choose the most gentle method of getting rid of kidney stones.

general information

Kidney stones can have a different structure, chemical composition, size and shape. In this case, both kidneys can be affected at once, or only one of them (according to statistics, most often this is the right kidney).

The size of the calculi can vary from a few millimeters to 5 cm or more.

The chemical composition of the stones depends on the combination of salts that caused their appearance:

  • urate (salts of uric acid);
  • phosphate (calcium compounds of phosphoric acid);
  • oxalate (calcium compounds of oxalic acid);
  • carbonate (calcium salts in carbonate acid).

In addition to these types, there are also cholesterol, protein or cystine stones. But this happens very rarely.

Coral-like stones are singled out as a separate group. According to their chemical composition, they belong to carbonate compounds. But unlike ordinary calculi, they occupy the entire space of the renal pelvis, later moving to the region of the renal calyx.

The shape of a coral-like stone, especially with its large size, often completely repeats the outline of the renal pelvis

It is coral stones that are often found in both kidneys at once. Their structure and position lead to the emergence and development of renal failure, which is a life-threatening condition.


The most informative and accurate methods for diagnosing kidney stones are hardware research methods, since it is almost impossible to determine kidney stones in other ways.

These visualization methods include:

  • Ultrasound of the kidneys, ureters and bladder;
  • x-ray examination methods;

Ultrasound examination allows you to determine the features of the physiological structure of the kidney, the position and size of the calculi, as well as to exclude diseases similar in symptoms, especially if the pain is localized on the right side (for example, appendicitis or cholecystitis). But this diagnostic method is uninformative when the stone moves into the ureter, since this area is poorly visible using an ultrasound machine.

The use of examinations using x-rays is more informative.

First of all, an overview picture is taken, on which you can determine the number, size and location of calculi.

Computed tomography (CT) with contrast may be required if results are questionable. In this case, the contrast agent is injected through a vein or directly through the urogenital catheter. Then a series of pictures is taken. This approach not only helps to identify all stones and more clearly consider their shape and determine the boundaries, but also to assess the function of the kidneys and ureters.

MRI is mainly used to assess damage to the kidney and adjacent tissues, as well as to determine the chemical composition of the stone, based on its density values.

Differences in the images obtained when using different methods for detecting kidney stones make it possible to determine the composition and nature of their origin.

For example, protein, cystine and urate stones are not visible on x-rays, but are determined by ultrasound.

Laboratory methods for examining urine can only provide additional information with an already diagnosed diagnosis.

In this case, an important role is played by the determination of the level of acidity and the detection of additional inclusions in the urine. A shift in the acid balance to the alkaline side indicates that the kidney stone most likely has a phosphate composition, and to the acidic one, that the calculus is urate. The presence of bacteria or leukocytes indicates an inflammatory process of the urinary system.

At the initial examination, before the start of all studies, the doctor must collect a complete history (the nature and localization of pain, how abruptly it begins and subsides, the presence of problems with urination, etc.).

All this information is necessary to select the most effective and complete treatment.


Therapy for nephrolithiasis is aimed at removing stones from the kidney by any available means.

Conventionally, treatment methods can be divided into:

  • conservative (the use of drugs that help the stones come out naturally);
  • non-invasive (grinding stones to small particles with their subsequent release);
  • minimally invasive (use of endoscopic, laparoscopic manipulations);
  • open surgery.

One or another method is chosen individually and depends on the position, size and other parameters of the stone.

The use of a conservative method of treatment is possible if the kidney stone is 5 mm or less. The general principle of this type of therapy is the appointment of an increased volume of fluid intake and dietary adjustments. For greater efficiency, it is recommended to take drugs with a diuretic, antispasmodic, and, if necessary, analgesic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action. At the same time, the appointment of specific drugs that dissolve stones depends on the identified chemical composition of the calculus, since some salt compounds are difficult to dissolve.

A non-invasive technique () is used if the stone is small and provided that this type of calculus lends itself to non-contact crushing. To do this, a special device under the control of an X-ray installation is used to influence the stones (most often with ultrasound) in order to reduce their diameter for a safe exit through the ureters.

Remote lithotripsy is considered the most preferable among the others, since there are no risks of complications inherent in any surgical intervention.

With a low efficiency of this method, crushing of stones by the contact method through a skin puncture (nephrolithotripsy) can be recommended. To do this, an incision is made on the skin in the kidney area with a diameter of not more than 1 cm, through which a nephroscope is inserted. Next, the stone is crushed and all fragments are removed, after which the entire intrarenal space is examined and drainage is established. Usually the drainage system is removed already on the second day after the operation.

Endoscopy and laparoscopy are a few more methods that have found their place in the treatment of kidney stones. They allow you to perform all the actions available during a conventional operation, but at the same time avoid the associated complications and consequences. Instruments are inserted through small incisions and all manipulations are performed with additional instruments brought through an endoscope or laparoscope.

At the time of the operation, the surgeon removes the stones, and if necessary, can install a stent or ureteral catheter

Open surgery is indicated if doctors find staghorn formations, kidney blockage, a large stone, or significant bleeding. Currently, this method is used less and less due to the development of minimally invasive surgery.

Diet and drinking regimen for kidney stones

With small sizes (sand and calculi less than 3 millimeters) and without signs of stone movement, observation in dynamics can be assigned.
Then the doctors recommended compliance with a certain regimen of drinking and eating, which will stop the growth of the calculus, and also help to remove it in a physiological way.

Drinking water must go through several stages of purification, which significantly reduces the risk of accelerated growth of calculi

The basic principles of lifestyle when detecting kidney stones:

  • the daily volume of liquid should not be less than 2 liters;
  • with oxalate stones, greens (especially sorrel and spinach), chocolate, dairy products, strawberries, figs, tea should be excluded from your menu and the consumption of vegetables and broths should be limited;
  • if urate stones are found in the kidneys, then products containing protein (legumes, meat), as well as grapes, coffee and cocoa are excluded. The lack of protein can be filled with seafood;
  • with phosphate stones, it is forbidden to eat fish and seafood, as well as dairy and sour-milk products;
  • the daily amount of food should be divided into 5-6 meals;
  • the use of certain herbal infusions is allowed, but their composition must be agreed with the doctor;
  • a prerequisite for the drinking regimen is the use of 200-300 ml of water before bedtime and each time after nighttime urination to reduce the concentration of salts in the urine.

The use of alternative methods of dissolving or removing stones (including uncontrolled intake of diuretics) without proper diagnosis and contrary to the prescribed treatment can result in acute renal failure, blockage or rupture of the ureter, internal bleeding or deep injuries of the mucous membrane of the ureter and urethra.

Kidney stones are a serious pathology that requires treatment and constant monitoring. Lack of attention to this problem can be fraught with disability or even death.

After visiting a urologist, many people have a question: “The doctor found a 5 mm kidney stone, what should I do?”. Currently, urolithiasis is a very common phenomenon, and can occur not only in adults, but also in children. Calculi are formed due to an improper lifestyle, so preventive measures should be taken to prevent such a condition.

But what if the formation of stones has already occurred? They themselves will not be able to resolve, and a neglected disease can lead to dangerous complications, up to kidney failure.

Why can stones form?

Often this pathology occurs due to lack of water. Insufficient fluid intake can lead to dehydration, which contributes to the formation of stones in the kidneys. You should also focus on the climate, since in hot regions the amount of water drunk per day must be increased.

Kidney disease becomes chronic after a while. It can be cystitis and pyelonephritis. Also, quite often stones are formed due to congenital pathologies of the kidneys. For example, salts in this organ after some time form into stones, especially urate salts. In addition, the formation of stones occurs due to too much calcium in the body, as well as with gout.

The pathological condition is often caused by malnutrition. You should limit the intake of foods containing calcium, as well as remove fatty foods, animal proteins and large amounts of salt from the diet.

Sedentary work leads to the formation of kidney stones. This is explained by the fact that if a person is in one position for a long time, then congestion occurs in the small pelvis, provoking the occurrence of urolithiasis.

Stone sizes

What size kidney stones can form? It can be one, but often there are several calculi. Their sizes can be different - from 1 mm to 10 cm. Some stones can exist in the body for a long time, practically without showing themselves, while others can grow to gigantic sizes in a fairly short time and fill the cups in the kidney and the entire pelvis.


If a 5 mm kidney stone has arisen, what should I do and how can it manifest itself? Ways to deal with this calculus will be discussed later, but its symptoms are manifested as follows:

  • blood and sand in the urine;
  • dirty color of urine.

A person constantly wants to go to the toilet, and when urinating there is a strong and cutting pain. The body temperature rises, nausea and vomiting appear, the stomach and lower back begin to hurt badly, the patient throws it into the cold, then into the heat.

How to get rid of stones?

If there are kidney stones of 5 mm, how to remove these stones? There are several ways to do this. The most popular methods of getting rid of this ailment will be listed below.

Removing kidney stones with pills

If the kidney stone is 5 mm, what should I do? Modern methods of treatment most often involve non-surgical methods of removing stones, for example, tablets. If kidney stones have formed, treatment with tablets (the drugs that break the stones will be selected by the doctor) is a very effective method of getting rid of them. To dissolve phosphate stones, an extract of Madder Dye is used, but only in tablets. Their side effect is redness of the urine and you should not be afraid of this.

Antispasmodics such as "No-shpa", "Baralgin", "Spazmalgon" and others help to remove stones from the kidneys, and quickly enough. For this purpose, herbal remedies and various diuretic preparations are also prescribed, for example, Urolesan and Fitolit.

Asparkam and Blemaren tablets help fight kidney stones. The last drug is white effervescent tablets that help alkalinize the urine. Another effective means of getting rid of kidney stones is Cyston.

But you should know that if the patient has kidney stones, treatment with tablets (it is not recommended to choose drugs that break stones on their own) should be carried out only after visiting a doctor who should prescribe them.

crushing stones

This is another effective non-surgical treatment method. How to crush kidney stones? For this purpose, laser or ultrasonic crushing is carried out. The method is chosen only by the attending physician, focusing on the size of the stones and their number.

The use of ultrasound

Ultrasonic stone crushing is a modern and very functional method. With its help, usually the largest and hardest stones are crushed. Ultrasonic waves destroy the stone into smaller fragments, so there is a risk that an exacerbation of the inflammatory disease of the kidney will occur due to fragments entering the pelvis, renal calyces, and the lower part of the ureter.

Crushing of calculi in the kidneys is carried out if they are 1-2 cm in size. This procedure is carried out only in a hospital, because there is a high probability of complications and thanks to resuscitation equipment, a person's life can be saved if bleeding occurs from the urinary tract.

The essence of the procedure is that after establishing the exact location of the stones, an ultrasonic sensor is installed above them. High-intensity rays begin their impact within 10-15 minutes, and a nephroscope inserted into the kidney area removes small fragments of the stone. A few days after the procedure, it is necessary to conduct an x-ray examination, in which a contrast agent is injected into the radial vein. It begins to fill the renal pelvic system, so that the picture clearly shows whether there are stones in the kidneys.

Laser crushing

Relatively recently, such a method as laser crushing of kidney stones has appeared. Its essence lies in the fact that the stones are exposed to a beam of light. To do this, an endoscope is inserted into the ureter and urinary canal, and when it is placed near the stone, the laser is turned on. Due to the action of a thin beam of concentrated light, water begins to evaporate from the formation, while the surrounding tissues are not damaged. The laser does not penetrate deeper than 0.5 mm. The greatest effect is achieved if the stones are no larger than 1 cm in diameter.

What to do if there is a large stone in the kidney?

A large kidney stone is removed through a small incision made in the back. This method is resorted to if it is not possible to crush it in other ways. The patient recovers after this in one to two days.

How to remove stones in a conservative way?

If the kidney stone is 5 mm, what should I do? Fluid intake helps dilute urine concentration and reduces the number of crystallization nuclei in urine. To prevent kidney stones from growing, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water every day. Due to kidney disease, the amount of toxins in the blood serum begins to increase. When drinking water, toxic substances are able to dissolve.

To get rid of kidney stones, you need to drink purified water, as well as drinks made from lingonberries or cranberries. Compotes from dried fruits and apples also do a great job with concretions, but still they are inferior in efficiency to lingonberry fruit drinks.

The use of a large amount of liquid helps the stones to pass through the urinary tract on their own, but only if their size is not more than 6 mm. If they are greater than this value, then only surgical intervention is required to extract them.

Proper nutrition

Everyone knows that the growth of kidney stones causes malnutrition, so it is best to follow a therapeutic diet that will help reduce high levels of acids in the body, provide good urodynamics, and restore the acidity of the urine to soften the stones.

In addition, you need:

  • drink 8-10 glasses of water every day;
  • refuse heavy fatty foods;
  • limit salt intake;
  • in case of excess body weight, bring weight back to normal with the help of physical activity and proper nutrition;
  • give up alcohol;
  • take decoctions of diuretic herbs.

Prevention of stone formation

If the kidney stone is 5 mm, what should I do? In this case, only treatment will help. To prevent the formation of kidney stones, it is necessary to take preventive measures:

  • it is advisable to follow a special diet;
  • drink plenty of water every day;
  • exercise;
  • regularly undergo preventive examinations with the delivery of the necessary tests;
  • timely treat inflammatory and infectious diseases, especially of the genitourinary system;
  • control chronic diseases;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • do not overcool;
  • in case of any complaints, consult a doctor in a timely manner.


Thus, if stones have formed in the kidneys, you should not be upset. There are many non-surgical ways to get rid of them, including folk remedies. But in no case should you self-medicate, since the movement of a stone along the urinary tract without the supervision of a doctor can lead to serious complications. It is necessary to be treated only in a hospital setting.

Causes of pathology

  1. Water scarcity. If you do not drink enough water or other liquids per day, dehydration may occur, as a result of which there is a greater likelihood of kidney stones. Do not exclude climatic conditions - in especially hot countries, the amount of fluid consumed per day should increase.
  2. Kidney diseases. Often, kidney disease becomes chronic over time. Such diseases may include cystitis and pyelonephritis. Congenital kidney diseases can also play a significant role in the formation of stones. Kidney salts are among such diseases. Over time, salts turn into stones - mainly urate salts. Too much calcium in the human body can also lead to the formation of kidney stones. Often, a disease such as gout leads to the formation of stones.

  3. Very often, malnutrition becomes one of the reasons for the formation of kidney stones. Excessive consumption of foods containing calcium can lead to the disease. Fatty foods, large amounts of salt and animal protein can also affect the formation of kidney stones.
  4. Sedentary work also leads to kidney stones. This is due to the fact that a sedentary lifestyle and a long stay of a person in one position can lead to congestion in the pelvis, and this, in turn, leads to the formation of urolithiasis.

Symptoms of kidney stones

The main symptoms of kidney stones include the following: dirty urine, sand and blood in the urine. With kidney stones, the patient, as a rule, often goes to the toilet, urination is accompanied by very strong and cutting pain. Often, patients experience acute pain in the abdomen and lower back, along with this, there is an increase in temperature, nausea and vomiting, the patient is thrown into heat, then into cold.

Treatment Methods

With abundant fluid intake, many stones can pass on their own through the urinary tract. These stones include stones ranging in size from 4 mm to 6 mm. If the kidney stone is 7 mm or more, then the intervention of doctors is required to extract it. Often, doctors prescribe the drug Biliurin to remove stones from the kidneys. With this tool, the stone is reduced in size and gradually excreted from the body. Surgery is often required to remove a kidney stone.

An operation is required if the stone is too large - from 10 mm or more, and at the same time its growth does not stop, but continues to grow. In the event that the patient experiences very severe pain during the removal of stones and this pain cannot be stopped by anything, a decision is made to remove the stone surgically. The operation is also prescribed in case of obstruction of urine from the urinary tract, when the passage is blocked by a stone.

There are several types of operations to crush and extract stones from the kidneys:

  1. Treatment with laser lithotripsy. This type of operation is designed to crush small stones, for example, with a diameter of 6 mm. The stone is crushed using a laser or ultrasound and then, in the form of sand, it is independently excreted from the body along with urine.
  2. Percutaneous nephrolithotomy. Such surgery is performed with large stones. The patient is made a small incision through which an endoscope is inserted, and with its help the stone is removed from the kidney.
  3. Urethroscopy. This operation is prescribed if the stone has left the kidney and is stuck in the urinary tract. The intervention is performed with a ureteroscope. With this device, you can not only conduct a thorough examination, but also perform the necessary operations.

Folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies. Such remedies will be effective if kidney stones do not exceed 6 mm:

  1. Geranium infusion. Dried and crushed leaves and geranium flowers should be infused for 9-10 hours in 2 cups of boiled and cooled water. Then the finished infusion should be filtered and drunk in small sips throughout the day. This remedy can not only dissolve kidney stones - it is also very effective in other kidney diseases, diarrhea, gout and rheumatism.
  2. Treatment with syrup from rowan juice. To prepare such juice, you need to take one kilogram of fresh mountain ash, rinse and dry it thoroughly and squeeze out the juice. Then it is necessary to boil all the juice obtained with 500 g of sugar until it is completely dissolved.
  3. Herbal infusion. Dill, burdock and blueberry leaves, chicory herb take in the same amount, dry, chop and mix well. Take 1.5-2 tablespoons of the resulting collection and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist for 8-9 hours and drink one quarter cup several times a day. The course of treatment with this infusion is not less than 2-3 months.
  4. Herbal infusion. Take the same amount of lingonberry leaves, St. In half a liter of boiling water, put two tablespoons of the collection and insist all night, wrapping it in something warm beforehand. Take 0.5 cup 2-3 times a day.
  5. Collection of herbs. Take equally the herbs of the meadowsweet, knotweed, immortelle leaves and bearberry. Dry it all, finely chop and mix. Then put 3-4 teaspoons of the finished collection in half a liter of boiling water and leave for 8-10 hours. Drink half a glass several times a day.
  6. Treatment with a decoction of medicinal herbs and wine. Grate 150 grams of horseradish root, add 3 tablespoons of dried and finely chopped knotweed grass, put 6-7 tablespoons of honey, pour red wine over the resulting mixture and insist in a dark, cool place for 3-4 days. After that, cook over low heat until it boils, cool, strain and consume 50-100 ml. before eating.

special diet

If a patient has calcium phosphorus stones in the kidneys, then he should take at least 2.5-3 liters of fluid per day. At the same time, do not forget that you can not consume milk, dairy products and fish dishes. In the case of oxalates, the amount of fluid you drink should be two or three liters per day. The following products should be excluded from the diet: dairy products, chocolate, berries, strong tea.

With urate stones, the amount of fluid consumed per day is 2-3 liters per day. From food, you can not eat all types of fried and smoked meat, fatty meat broths, seafood, seasonings and any and alcoholic products.

It is not necessary to drink only mineral or filtered water - it can be replaced with cranberry or lingonberry fruit drinks.

Preventive actions

It is known that urolithiasis is mainly chronic, and there is a high probability of recurrence of kidney stones. In order to avoid this, you need to follow all the instructions of the attending physician: follow a diet, use all prescribed medications on time, observing the exact dosage. In addition, in no case do not forget about drinking plenty of water - a day a person should drink at least 17 glasses of water. It is important to remember at the same time that the water must be either filtered or mineral without gas, since in ordinary water there can be a large accumulation of salts and sand: if the water is not purified, all this can settle in the kidneys.

A good prevention can be the regular intake of decoctions of diuretic herbs: corn stigmas and St. John's wort. Rose hips have a very good diuretic effect, which must be infused in boiled water for several hours. This infusion can be used instead of tea.

Why do kidney stones form?

The kidneys process fluids and remove toxins. Urine formation begins in the renal system. And if the urine is saturated with acids that can precipitate, urate-type stones will form. If the environment is alkaline, phosphate stones and uralites begin to accumulate. The most common stones are oxalate.

Why does the composition of the race change, its acid-base balance and the formation of stones begins? Doctors identify several main reasons:

Remember! You can't stand it if you want to go to the toilet. This is dangerous for your health. It's better to go around the corner to pee than to treat kidney disease later.

  • genetic predisposition. The accumulation of salts in the urine provokes gout.
  • Insufficient fluid intake. If a person drinks less than two liters of liquid per day, there is simply not enough water to remove salts.
  • Taking certain drugs.

Another type of stones is coral. These formations are rare, but it is very difficult to get rid of them, since they contain not only salts, but also other particles - red blood cells, dead kidney tissues, mucus.

What to do if a kidney stone 4 - 10 mm is found? First of all, you need to determine its type and establish what led to the accumulation of salts. By eliminating the cause of the development of pathology, the appearance of new stones can be avoided.

Signs of pathology

Lower back pain - when moving or at rest can indicate kidney disease. Stones may not be noticed if they do not move and do not provoke inflammatory processes. The movement of stones leads to the fact that a person feels acute pain - renal colic. It gives to the side, to the lower abdomen, under the shoulder blade, it can even be felt in the region of the heart.

Patients also complain of aching, cramping, dull pain. They are not as intense as when the stone moves, but they are distinguished by constancy. Other signs of pathology:

  • Temperature increase. The longer a person suffers pain, the more likely it is to develop an inflammatory process.
  • Chills and goosebumps all over the body.
  • Characteristic puffiness of the face in the morning, as if the person had slept upside down all night.
  • Monotonous headache, dull, not expressed localization.
  • General weakness, lethargy, low concentration.
  • Nausea, rolling along with the appearance and intensification of pain in the side.

Focusing on the symptoms, the doctor can determine how dangerous kidney stones are for the patient, determine exactly which kidney has formations, and whether there is a need for complex surgical treatment.

How to eliminate stones?

To get rid of the pathology, the patient first needs to undergo an examination to determine what stones are in the kidneys, how many of them, what size, how dangerous the formations are for the renal system. The urologist usually recommends that the patient undergo a comprehensive diagnosis:

  • Take a urine test for pH several times to determine the level of acidity.
  • Do an ultrasound of the kidneys.
  • Get a pelvic x-ray.
  • Undergo computed tomography (CT) of the kidneys.

It is with the help of CT that a urologist can accurately diagnose, excluding cystic formations, cancerous tumors. After the patient has been examined, complex treatment is prescribed.

Diet to Help Dissolve Stones

Nutrition is of great importance in treatment. If the patient, in whose kidneys urate stones have formed, still continues to eat only meat, drug therapy will not work.

Medical stone removal

If the movement of stones provokes renal colic, therapy will be aimed at eliminating the pain syndrome. The patient is prescribed:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Diclofenac, Ibufen.
  • Antispasmodics - Papaverine, Drotaverine.

Urinary stasis caused by stone blockage can be removed surgically by inserting a catheter through the ureter or through an incision in the kidney.

If kidney stones have not reached a size of 5 mm, they may not be removed, but only observed, adjusting the patient's diet. Your doctor may recommend taking special medications to help dissolve the stones. You need to take them for a long period of time, at least three months, regularly doing ultrasound to monitor the condition.

Attention! When you find out that you have kidney stones, do not try to get rid of them with diuretic herbs! This can cause the stone to move and block the ducts, which leads to the development of renal colic and acute urinary retention.

Tablets for pain in the kidneys;

List of effective drugs for kidney stones;

How to understand that it is the kidneys that hurt.

Operations to remove stones

If a person has large kidney stones (from 5 mm or more), potentially dangerous to the body, the patient is offered surgical treatment. There are several types of operations:

  1. Traditional cavity. The kidney is incised and the stone is removed. The operation is the simplest in terms of performance, but after it it is the most difficult for the patient to recover, in addition, given the possible appearance of repeated stones, large-scale abdominal operations are not rational. Usually staghorn stones are surgically removed.
  2. Laparoscopy and endoscopy. It is used to remove small stones. Fractions are removed through minimal incisions. The surgeon gets access to the calculus through the urethra or after performing a puncture in the renal pelvis. This allows you to significantly reduce the recovery period and accelerate tissue healing.
  3. ureteroscopy. Produced in the event that the salt formation came out of the kidney, hitting the ureter, stuck in the urethra, interfering with the outflow of urine. The stone is removed using a ureteroscope. If it is impossible to remove the calculus, it is crushed and removed in parts.

After surgery, medication may be required, as well as a low-salt diet to restore normal kidney function.

Related article - how to remove stones in the ureter at home.

crushing stones

To avoid tissue incisions, which in any case are accompanied by a recovery period, the urologist may recommend that the patient undergo stone crushing instead of surgery. This method of treatment is more gentle, there are several types of manipulations:

shock wave lithotripsy

Using this method, stones up to 2 cm in size can be removed. Usually, urologists prescribe the procedure only if the solid fractions exceed 1.5 cm in size. Ultrasonic waves passing through the soft tissues of the pelvic organs do not harm them. But the stones under the influence of multiple sonic shocks are destroyed to the state of sand and washed out with urine.

Ultrasound can cause pain in the patient, since there is a minimal effect on soft tissues, so the procedure is performed under local anesthesia. There is also a danger that the calculus will break into small sharp parts that can provoke renal colic. Therefore, crushing by ultrasound is carried out several times (2-3 sessions).

There are contraindications to the procedure:

  • Poor blood clotting.
  • Overweight (more than 100 kg or obesity).
  • Urolithiasis of the ureter. Solid fractions below the area of ​​the large stone.
  • Infectious disease of the genitourinary system.

The operation is effective at 90%.

Laser lithotripsy

It is used if the stone has not reached a size of more than 6 mm and is not amenable to drug dissolution. It is possible to crush a stone from 4 mm in diameter to 2.5 cm. The laser is directed pointwise to the area where the stone is located, the procedure is performed using an endoscope, which is inserted subcutaneously through the incision. After exposure to a laser, only dust remains from the stone, which dissolves in the urine and exits the ureter.

Laser crushing is performed under general anesthesia. Moreover, the patient needs to be prepared for the procedure, drink a course of special antibacterial drugs to avoid inflammation.

Urologists, offering crushing of kidney stones, often recommend that patients choose a procedure with a laser, since this method allows you to remove any stones in one procedure.

Types of stones and general principles of therapy

The kidneys have an important role to play in removing toxins from the body. If they do not cope with it, then toxic substances crystallize, after which they are deposited in the organ. Thus, the formation of stones occurs, which most often consist of calcium, sometimes they contain proteins, uric acid.

Usually, the first symptoms after the formation of a calculus appear within a month. If you do not pay attention to proper therapy and preventive measures, then kidney stones can quickly increase their size. Also, this trend is influenced by factors such as the amount of water drunk per day, adherence to dietary nutrition. Initially, the calculus can be no larger than a grain of sand, which then tends to increase and reach a size of 3 mm to 1.5 cm. If no action is taken, then there is a risk of losing the organ.

Calculi can have a variety of sizes, on which therapeutic tactics depend in the future. Medicine distinguishes the following classification according to the size of the stones:

  1. Small kidney stones range in size from 1 mm to 3 mm.
  2. Small sizes up to 6 mm.
  3. Medium sizes - up to 10 mm.
  4. Larger sizes reach 16 mm.
  5. Giant stones are larger than 16 mm.

The size of kidney stones is a decisive factor that has a direct impact on further treatment tactics.

If a kidney stone of about 5 mm is found, then only a doctor will tell you what to do, who, depending on the size of the calculi, the age of the patient, the presence of concomitant diseases, will choose ways to help cure KSD. These include:

The therapy is carried out not only by eliminating inclusions, but also by further restoring the kidneys and the body as a whole, as well as preventing the formation of stones further.

Therapy for small stones

Drug therapy allows you to remove a stone of a small size. She is more gentle for the patient. Most often, doctors prescribe:

  • Kanefron, which has an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effect. With regular use, it improves the excretion of stones;
  • Urolesan, which helps dissolve urinary stones, relieves spasms;
  • Asparkam - helps to dissolve stones that have a calcium, phosphate, uric acid composition;
  • Ksidifon - helps to dissolve small oxalate, phosphate inclusions;
  • Madder extract helps to dissolve phosphate stones. This extract is not recommended for use while taking Cyston;
  • Cystone - promotes the dissolution of oxalates;
  • Allopurinol reduces the concentration of uric acid in the urine;
  • Blemaren eliminates stones that have a mixed chemical composition.

Important! Medicines are prescribed only by the attending physician, based on the patient's condition. Self-administration can cause stones to get stuck in the ureter, and kidney disease can be fatal.

If a patient is diagnosed with small calculi, less than five millimeters, then often traditional medicine methods are prescribed with medications that contribute to their removal. However, it must be remembered that any folk methods are allowed to be used only after consulting a specialist and only in combination with the main therapy. The most effective folk methods to help get rid of a kidney stone up to 4 mm include the following:

  1. Take 200 g of honey, ½ liter of vodka, a little lemon juice, olive oil. Then you should mix everything, insist for 10 days. Drink 1 tbsp. l. three times a day for 2 weeks. This is followed by a 7-day break.
  2. Pass 10 lemons through a meat grinder, put in a jar, pour 2 liters of warm water, which must first be boiled. Then add 2 tbsp. l. medical glycerin. Infuse for 30 minutes, drink the resulting mixture for 2 hours. After 10 minutes, you need to drink 1 tbsp. solution. Then it is recommended to apply a warm heating pad to the diseased organ. An increase in pain is possible, as sand and small fragments begin to come out.
  3. 1 st. dried pears, pour ½ liter of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, then insist for at least 2 hours. Drink ½ tbsp. Four times a day.


Surgical intervention is carried out in different ways, which depend on the size of the inclusions. The operation is performed when conservative therapy does not bring the expected results or a kidney stone of 7 mm or more. The choice of surgical methods for extracting the stone remains with the surgeon:

The procedure for crushing calculi is shown with medium sizes of inclusions. This method is carried out by puncture or contact method. If destruction is carried out by the operative method, then the inclusions are removed with a nephroscope - a small metal tube that is inserted by puncturing the lumbar region. Also, this tube allows you to enter the necessary medical instruments that help crush and remove stones. This method is most effective with a single stone that is large.

Contact destruction is carried out using an instrument inserted into the urethra. As soon as the medical instrument has reached inclusion, the crushing procedure takes place, which is performed with medium or small inclusions.

Important! When the calculi are large, this procedure cannot be performed, as it can contribute to the overlapping of the kidney lumen by fragments.

The procedure carried out by means of wave shocks is also effective. It is carried out when the stone in the kidney is from 5 mm to 20 mm. This method is considered the most sparing, since it does not require punctures, which eliminates the possibility of a secondary infection. Inclusions in this case are destroyed under the influence of radio waves.

If stones are found in the kidney of 8 mm, then crushing is carried out using ultrasound. Its essence lies in the installation of an ultrasonic sensor after the examination. Then, with the help of high-intensity rays, the crushing procedure takes place. After that, fragments of stones are removed with a nephroscope. This procedure is carried out in a hospital, after which, after 2-3 days, an x-ray examination with a contrast agent should be done to determine the presence of stones.

Laser crushing is carried out for stones that have a size of 8 mm, but not more than 1 cm in diameter, since the laser does not penetrate deeper than 0.5 mm. The inclusions are affected by a beam, which leads to the evaporation of the calculus, while not damaging neighboring tissues.

It is worth remembering that, regardless of the size of the stone, urolithiasis should be treated exclusively under the supervision of a specialist who will select the safest and most effective method based on the patient's condition.

After visiting a urologist, many people have a question: "The doctor found a 5 mm kidney stone, what should I do?". Currently, urolithiasis is a very common phenomenon, and can occur not only in adults, but also in children. Calculi are formed due to an improper lifestyle, so preventive measures should be taken to prevent such a condition.

But what if the formation of stones has already occurred? They themselves will not be able to resolve, and a neglected disease can lead to dangerous complications, up to kidney failure.

Why can stones form?

Often this pathology occurs due to lack of water. An insufficient amount of fluid you drink can lead to dehydration, which contributes to the formation. You should also focus on the climate, since in hot regions the amount of water you drink per day must be increased.

Kidney disease becomes chronic after a while. It can be cystitis and pyelonephritis. Also, quite often stones are formed due to congenital pathologies of the kidneys. For example, salts in this organ after some time form into stones, especially urate salts. In addition, the formation of stones occurs due to too much calcium in the body, as well as with gout.

The pathological condition is often caused by malnutrition. You should limit the intake of foods containing calcium, as well as remove fatty foods, animal proteins and large amounts of salt from the diet.

Sedentary work leads to education. This is explained by the fact that if a person is in one position for a long time, then congestion occurs in the small pelvis, provoking the occurrence of urolithiasis.

Stone sizes

What size can be formed? It can be one, but often there are several calculi. Their sizes can be different - from 1 mm to 10 cm. Some stones can exist in the body for a long time, practically without showing themselves, while others can grow to gigantic sizes in a fairly short time and fill the cups in the kidney and the entire pelvis.


If a 5 mm kidney stone has arisen, what should I do and how can it manifest itself? Ways to deal with this calculus will be discussed later, but its symptoms are manifested as follows:

  • blood and sand in the urine;
  • dirty color of urine.

A person constantly wants to go to the toilet, and when urinating there is a strong and cutting pain. The body temperature rises, nausea and vomiting appear, the stomach and lower back begin to hurt badly, the patient throws it into the cold, then into the heat.

How to get rid of stones?

If there are kidney stones of 5 mm, how to remove these stones? There are several ways to do this. The most popular methods of getting rid of this ailment will be listed below.

Removing kidney stones with pills

If the kidney stone is 5 mm, what should I do? Modern methods of treatment most often involve non-surgical methods of removing stones, for example, tablets. If formed by pills (drugs that break stones will be selected by the doctor) is a very effective method of getting rid of them. To dissolve phosphate stones, an extract of Madder Dye is used, but only in tablets. Their side effect is redness of the urine and you should not be afraid of this.

Antispasmodics such as "No-shpa", "Baralgin", "Spazmalgon" and others help to remove stones from the kidneys, and quickly enough. For this purpose, herbal remedies and various diuretic preparations are also prescribed, for example, Urolesan and Fitolit.

Asparkam and Blemaren tablets help fight kidney stones. The last drug is white effervescent tablets that help alkalinize the urine. Another effective means of getting rid of kidney stones is Cyston.

But you should know that if the patient has kidney stones, treatment with tablets (it is not recommended to choose drugs that break stones on their own) should be carried out only after visiting a doctor who should prescribe them.

crushing stones

This is another effective non-surgical treatment method. How to crush kidney stones? For this purpose, laser or ultrasonic crushing is carried out. The method is chosen only by the attending physician, focusing on the size of the stones and their number.

The use of ultrasound

Ultrasonic stone crushing is a modern and very functional method. With its help, usually the largest and hardest stones are crushed. Ultrasonic waves destroy the stone into smaller fragments, so there is a risk that an exacerbation of the inflammatory disease of the kidney will occur due to fragments entering the pelvis, renal calyces, and the lower part of the ureter.

Crushing of calculi in the kidneys is carried out if they are 1-2 cm in size. This procedure is carried out only in a hospital, because there is a high probability of complications and thanks to resuscitation equipment, a person's life can be saved if bleeding occurs from the urinary tract.

The essence of the procedure is that after establishing the exact location of the stones, high-intensity rays are installed above them for 10-15 minutes, and the nephroscope inserted into the kidney area removes small fragments of the stone. A few days after the procedure, it is necessary to conduct an x-ray examination, in which a contrast agent is injected into the radial vein. It begins to fill the renal pelvic system, so that the picture clearly shows whether there are stones in the kidneys.

Laser crushing

Relatively recently, a method such as laser appeared. Its essence lies in the fact that stones are exposed to a beam of light. To do this, an endoscope is inserted into the ureter and urinary canal, and when it is placed near the stone, the laser is turned on. Due to the action of a thin beam of concentrated light, water begins to evaporate from the formation, while the surrounding tissues are not damaged. The laser does not penetrate deeper than 0.5 mm. The greatest effect is achieved if the stones are no larger than 1 cm in diameter.

What to do if there is a large stone in the kidney?

Large stone in through a small incision made in the back. This method is resorted to if it is not possible to crush it in other ways. The patient recovers after this in one to two days.

How to remove stones in a conservative way?

If the kidney stone is 5 mm, what should I do? Fluid intake helps dilute urine concentration and reduces the number of crystallization nuclei in urine. To prevent kidney stones from growing, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water every day. Due to kidney disease, the amount of toxins in the blood serum begins to increase. When drinking water, toxic substances are able to dissolve.

To get rid of kidney stones, you need to drink purified water, as well as drinks made from lingonberries or cranberries. Compotes from dried fruits and apples also do a great job with concretions, but still they are inferior in efficiency to lingonberry fruit drinks.

The use of a large amount of liquid helps the stones to pass through the urinary tract on their own, but only if their size is not more than 6 mm. If they are greater than this value, then only surgical intervention is required to extract them.

Proper nutrition

Everyone knows that the growth of kidney stones causes malnutrition, so it is best to follow a therapeutic diet that will help reduce high levels of acids in the body, provide good urodynamics, and restore the acidity of the urine to soften the stones.

In addition, you need:

  • drink 8-10 glasses of water every day;
  • refuse heavy fatty foods;
  • limit salt intake;
  • in case of excess body weight, bring weight back to normal with the help of physical activity and proper nutrition;
  • give up alcohol;
  • take decoctions of diuretic herbs.

Prevention of stone formation

If the kidney stone is 5 mm, what should I do? In this case, only treatment will help. To prevent the formation of kidney stones, it is necessary to take preventive measures:

  • it is advisable to follow a special diet;
  • drink plenty of water every day;
  • exercise;
  • regularly undergo preventive examinations with the delivery of the necessary tests;
  • timely treat inflammatory and infectious diseases, especially of the genitourinary system;
  • control chronic diseases;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • do not overcool;
  • in case of any complaints, consult a doctor in a timely manner.


Thus, if stones have formed in the kidneys, you should not be upset. There are many non-surgical ways to get rid of them, including folk remedies. But in no case should you self-medicate, since the movement of a stone along the urinary tract without the supervision of a doctor can lead to serious complications. It is necessary to be treated only in a hospital setting.