How Anna Lorak does makeup. The choice of Ani Lorak cosmetics and the secret of evening makeup from the star. Lilac eye shadow

In my opinion, Ani Lorak is very beautiful, I am a Woman and an excellent pop singer. Her image is always bright and gives off an oriental train.

Of course, without the hands of the master's deeds, it could not have done here. So we will try again Ani Lorak and give the image a certain peculiarity!

What is characteristic of the image of Ani Lorak?

  • diversity
  • clean matte face using bronzer
  • cheekbones
  • dark shadows on the outer corners of the eyes
  • white shadows on the inside of the eyelid
  • gloss, neutral lipstick

These are common features characteristic of Ani Lorak's makeup. However, she is not afraid to experiment with color and her main principles can also include green, purple, purple and blue. One thing remains unchanged - a darkened outer corner and a light inner one.

How to make Ani Lorak makeup

  • Making skin even

We remove all imperfections, cleanse, moisturize, apply a tonal remedy. and under the eyes of a light shade corrector. It is ideal to apply this corrector on the chin and on the bridge of the nose to refresh the face.

  • Set foundation with powder
  • Correct the oval of the face with a bronzer

It should be applied on the cheekbones and on part of the forehead, de three quarters. Blend! Do it carefully and so that the tone of the bronzer is slightly darker than the base. Do this on both sides.

  • A little blush the most natural and neutral
  • Now eye makeup

As a base, apply a natural tone of shadows as a base, apply dark purple shades to the outer corner of the eye, apply brown matte shadows to the middle, you can slightly go for purple.

Then, using dark shadows, darken the outer corner of the eye, and with the darkest black color at the very corner close to the growth of the eyelashes. Then blend lightly to blend all the colors.

Add a light shade to the outer corner.

  • Arrows

They can be drawn with a pencil with a thin line, draw the inner corner without going to the outside and make a short clear line at the bottom of the outer corner. On the outer corner, draw the thickest line without going to the middle.

  • Mascara
  • Glitter or neutral and juicy lipstick

Instead of purple, you can take dark blue, green, sometimes turquoise, depending on the color of your eyes and your preference, and sometimes the outfit!

W this is suitable for an evening or festive occasion. Beauty! And now a video where Elena will show us the basic and understandable steps.

Ani Lorak is not just a popular singer, but a girl who has always attracted and attracts admiring glances. Of course, the singer owes her attractiveness to nature for the most part, but she can also emphasize the dignity of her face, her figure, disguise flaws, so her image can be safely called ideal.

Ani Lorak's makeup secrets

Ani Lorak pays special attention to the care of her skin. The singer will never buy cheap cosmetics, believing that expensive cosmetics are a kind of investment in the future. We are of the same opinion, and we advise you to buy one, but an expensive cream, rather than force the shelves with many inexpensive and not very high-quality creams. Often, Ani Lorak, in the life of Carolina, also visits beauty salons, especially appreciating wax wraps and masks.

Well, of course, Ani Lorak pays special attention to make-up, thanks to which she always manages to look fresh and attractive.

In makeup, Ani Lorak adheres to the well-known rule of "one accent": that is, you can emphasize one thing - eyes or lips. Ani prefers to emphasize the beauty of her eyes, the depth of her gaze. Lipstick, respectively, is chosen in neutral shades.

So, if you want to do the same makeup as Ani Lorak, you need to follow certain rules.

Eye makeup

Firstly, special attention should be paid to your eyebrows: you need to remove excess hairs, shape your eyebrows with a special brush, and color with a pencil.

In her eye make-up, Anya uses two sharply contrasting eyeshadow colors: a light base for the eyes and rich eyeshadow colors that are applied to the outer corner of the eye. By the way, on the area under the eyebrows and on the inner corner of the eye, Ani applies light pearlescent shadows that contain reflective particles, which allows you to make your eyes look more open, your eyes more attractive.

Often Ani Lorak uses dark eyeliner applied along the upper lash line. In addition, Ani Lorak's constant assistant in creating an attractive make-up is black mascara. When it comes to filming, concerts, Ani often also uses false eyelashes to make her eyes more expressive and bright. You can use false eyelashes if you plan to do evening makeup.

If you are a happy owner of green eyes, like Ani Lorak, you can paint over the contour of the lower eyelid with an emerald pencil. However, this option is not suitable if you have gray or blue eyes, in this case it is better to prefer the classic "smoky eyes", especially since Ani Lorak often chooses this option.

Lip makeup

As for lipstick, the singer uses only lipstick in light shades, as close as possible to the natural color of the girl's lips. Ani Lorak is sure that such lipstick colors as wine, red, burgundy are not the best option, as they age.

So, first you should draw the contour of the lips with a pencil, the color of which almost coincides with the natural color of the lips. After that, lipstick of a brown-beige or light pink shade is applied to the lips. You can add some glitter on top if you like. And you can do without lipstick at all, emphasize the natural beauty of the lips only with gloss.


And finally, blush. The singer uses a blush of dark, pink-brown shades, thanks to which she manages to sculpt her cheekbones. If you want to focus on the “apples” of your cheeks, then it is better to take a blush of soft coral shades.

And lastly, remember that perfect makeup can only be achieved on perfect skin, so do not be lazy to take care of yourself, your skin, your hair, and you will attract attention no less than Ani Lorak.

Makeup in the style of Ani Lorak, as a rule, is applied under the motto: all at once. The singer prefers bright eyes, glossy lipstick, neat eyebrows and intense blush. A large number of sparkles and lush false eyelashes are also integral elements of her makeup. But with all this, Ani never violates the principle of "one accent", that is, emphasizing either the eyes or the lips.

By and large, it is the eyes of Ani Lorak that occupy a central place in her image. Ani Lorak's natural eye color is a soft combination of green and gray shades, so her make-up most often uses colors that can favorably emphasize the captivating look. Ani Lorak's eye makeup is a contrast, which manifests itself in the simultaneous application of light pearlescent shadows under the eyebrows and on the inner corner of the eyes and saturated bright ones on the outer. Turquoise, blue and green shades are makeup favorites, because they blend perfectly with Ani Lorak's eye color.

Makeup Ani Lorak (step by step instructions):

Recently, the stars are increasingly publishing photos without makeup on blogs, emphasizing their natural beauty in this way. But "in people" our domestic celebrities go out only in "full war paint" - the status obliges. Yes, personal stylists and make-up artists work with them, whose help ordinary girls often cannot afford. But there is a way out - to borrow the idea of ​​​​a fashionable make-up and implement it yourself.

For example, we paid attention to the famous Ukrainian singer - the beauty Ani Lorak. If you follow a certain algorithm, then doing makeup like hers is not at all difficult. This option is ideal for special occasions for young ladies with green and blue eyes. Well, shall we try?

How to make Ani Lorak makeup

Before applying any makeup, you need to spend 10-15 minutes to prepare the skin. The simplest steps will help:

  • create a protective layer between skin and cosmetics;
  • "refresh" the look;
  • "Insure" yourself from smearing and premature shedding of shadows.

Required funds - milk and tonic cream. Do not forget to also correct the shape of the eyebrows by pulling out excess hairs. Only after such thorough preparation can you start applying cosmetics.

1) To begin with, on the entire upper eyelid, including the area under the eyebrow, apply a thin, barely noticeable layer of matte beige shadows. This step is needed to facilitate further shading of the remaining shades. Then, with a flat brush, draw a rounded checkmark in dark brown in the area of ​​​​the outer corner of the eyelid, as shown in the photo. This element is a guide to the shape we need.

3) We lighten the inner corner and all the remaining space with white mother-of-pearl shadows.

4) We proceed to the design of the lower eyelid. First, darken it slightly with the same brown tint that was used earlier.

5) We make a bright accent: we emphasize the middle with bright blue shadows (we choose shiny, iridescent). It is important not to paint over the eyelid completely, to clearly observe the proportions, following the photo instructions.

6) Lighten the remaining inner edge with white shadows. Then, with a soft black pencil, we draw the corners of the lower eyelid along the contour. Color the middle blue.

7) Now we need a liquid eyeliner to draw an elegant thin arrow on the upper movable eyelid. We act as carefully as possible, trying to draw a perfectly straight line. After the eyeliner dries, apply dark-colored shadows on top of it (quite a bit, removing excess shine in this way).

8) The final stage is framing. Have you noticed how thick eyelashes Ani Lorak has? To achieve a similar effect will help increase the volume of black mascara. Although there is another win-win option - the use of false eyelashes.

Ani Lorak's makeup has never been simple and monotonous. Fans of experimenting with modeling appearance or professionally repeating Ani Lorak's makeup should take into account that the singer always brightly paints for performing on stage. For the concert make-up, bright colors and dense textures of foundation and concealer are used. The singer has a standard set of cosmetics in her arsenal, but everything is thought out to the smallest detail, given the outfit, skin color and hair at the moment. Like any celebrity, Ani Lorak tends to change, her stage image is always impeccable and unique.

Bright makeup perfectly emphasizes her external data, and does not make her unrecognizable. The secret of her charm lies in the right choice of colors and the professional work of stylists.

The secret of Anni Lorak's piercing gaze

Unlike everyday life, Ani Lorak's makeup for the stage always emphasizes the expressiveness of her eyes. The effect of a charming and piercing look is obtained due to mother-of-pearl shadows. It is impossible to specifically point out the singer's favorite colors, but most often these are dark shades of shadows smoothly turning into each other from the inner corner of the eyes to the outer to the edge of the eyebrows. All the shadows contain mother-of-pearl and glitter, emphasizing her dark hair and slightly swarthy complexion. The contour of the eyes is outlined with thinly applied shadows of dark, close to black, or is brought up with a black pencil or liquid liner.

It happens that there are no shadows at all, but then the black arrow should visually make the eyes bigger. Arrows for the eyes are very suitable for Carolina with her charismatic appearance and large features. Eyebrows also have clear contours and are painted in shades that suit brown-haired women and brunettes. Mascara in makeup is used only black and lengthening. Carefully tinted with a bold layer of eyelashes, they become more expressive and voluminous. Sometimes, instead of mascara, make-up artists use false eyelashes for make-up. A celebrity with a puppet look most often appears at the Golden Gramophone music award ceremony in various categories or where there is a very large stage of the concert hall.

Ani Lorak's brilliant makeup rule

Despite the large amount of cosmetics, the singer's skin always has a healthy look, natural color and moisturized texture. The only thing that creates additional brightness for a stage image or a clip is a bronzer applied in the optimal amount in some areas. The tonal base is applied in beige-brown tones, it is in warm colors that it is easier to play with fragments of cold shades in eye makeup and choose an outfit that will contrast within the framework of balance. If we analyze her manner of using cosmetics, we can see a general trend: the skin of the face always has a slight sheen.

Foundation with a golden texture or powder with reflective particles is applied to the cheekbones, chin and forehead. A slight shimmer of the skin is always combined with rich mother-of-pearl shadows, bright lipstick and shiny elements of Ani Lorak's entire elegant look. Pearlescent blush is applied in brown-bronze tones, emphasizing the singer's winter color type. Under chestnut shades of hair, it is convenient to create a tan effect, or vice versa, to put accents on a light natural complexion. The main thing is not to miss the stage with shading through the applicator. The borders of the blush should not be clear, they flow very smoothly in the gradient, leaving no highlighted areas on the skin.

Evening and everyday lip makeup Ani Lorak

In the videos, Ani Lorak's makeup is always different, a lot depends on the style, theme of the song and the nature of the production. From the image of a sad and thoughtful girl to a strong-willed woman, the star reincarnates easily with the right makeup in the right color scheme. Her lips are accentuated with either rich crimson lipstick or pale mauve matte shades.

In everyday life, the singer paints her lips in natural shades. Light pink glosses of fine texture or beige lipsticks only make a slight accent on the freshness of the daytime make-up. Red and cherry shades are used for evening and special occasions. A clear lip contour of dark or bright saturated shades is applied under long ballroom or puffy cocktail dresses, this makes the image richer and more aristocratic.

In everyday makeup, Ani Lorak chooses lipstick in natural shades.

Under tanned skin, almost the entire color palette of lip cosmetics is suitable.. It is very difficult to predict what a celebrity will look like tomorrow. Made-up lips from light golden to blood red shades of lipstick or gloss are always appropriate and designed for a specific style of going on stage or filming for the next clip. Under light hair styling or simple curls, Ani Lorak's makeup always looks natural and spectacular at the same time, in harmony with her stage image and natural charm.

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