Where in the world are diamonds mined. Where diamonds are mined in Russia: the largest deposits. Diamond mining in Yakutia

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, as a result of an open auction for the sale on the domestic market of diamonds of special sizes weighing 10.8 carats or more, held on the territory of the Gokhran of Russia, sold stones with a total weight of 3.4 thousand carats for a total amount of about $12.8 million, RIA reported. News in Gokhran.

The first "C" is carat weight (weight). At this stage, the exact weight of the stone is determined by weighing on the scales or by calculating by formulas if the diamond is fixed in the product. The weight of a diamond is expressed in carats.

The second "C" is color (color). Completely colorless diamonds are quite rare, and almost all stones have shades of various colors and intensities. The task of an expert is to accurately determine the intensity and color of a diamond under standard lighting using color standards.

The third "C" is clarity (purity). At this stage, all internal imperfections (defects) of the stone are revealed.

The fourth "C" is cut (cutting quality). At this stage, the characteristics of the shape of the diamond, the quality of the cut and the finish are given.
Based on these parameters, one can judge how this diamond stands out among other diamonds, on the basis of which it can be more expensive, or, conversely, cheaper.

The world leaders in diamond mining are Africa and Russia. The main African diamond mining countries are Botswana, the Republic of South Africa and the Congo (Democratic Republic), Angola and Namibia.

According to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the volume of diamond production in Russia in 2008 amounted to 36.925 million carats with a total value of $2.509 billion. The average cost of one carat of diamonds mined in Russia was $67.95.

According to the materials of the Kimberley Process (within the framework of the Kimberley Process, the world community is fighting against illegally mined diamonds in conflict zones, Botswana became the world leader in diamond mining in value terms in 2008. Diamonds worth $ 3.273 billion were mined in this country. Russia in mining in value terms, it ranked 2nd in the world.In the world ranking in carat production (36.925 million), Russia ranked first in the world.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Diamonds are cut diamonds - valuable stones, the extraction of which can support the economy of any country. This is especially worth emphasizing against the background of experts' forecasts that in the long and medium term, the demand for this product will exceed supply by almost several times. The only pity is that not every state can afford to "show off" the deposits of this gem.

Industrial diamond deposits today are mostly associated with kimberlite and lamproite pipes, which are confined directly to ancient cratons.

As for the main deposits of the presented type, they are known in Africa, Russia, Australia, and Canada.

According to the materials of the Kimberley Process, in 2008 world diamond production in its value terms amounted to 12.732 billion (which means that it increased by as much as 6.7% compared to the previous year).

In this article, we will talk about the "five" countries that can boast of the widest opportunities for diamond mining. It should be said right away that in world practice, diamond mining is measured not in quantitative terms (kilograms, tons), but in value terms.

Fifth place. Angola. $1.2 billion

The economy of Angola today is based on the production and export of oil. It is this sector that accounts for 85% of the entire country. Due to its economy, the economy of this country is the fastest growing among all the states located in Africa somewhat south of the Sahara. By the way, in 2008, the GDP growth of this state was as much as 15%, while the countries of Black Africa at that time showed only 5% growth. In 2008, per capita GNP amounted to $5020. The reported figure is actually the highest achievement for the represented region of the world.

Fourth place. South African Republic (South Africa). $1.3 billion

South Africa today has the status of the most developed on the African continent and at the same time the only country that does not belong to the third world. As of 2009, the GDP of this country amounted to $505 billion (which is 26th in the world). At the same time, in 2009 GDP growth was noted at the level of 5%, and in 2008 the figure was 3%. So far, the country has not been able to enter the number, even despite the fact that the state market is expanding incredibly actively. According to such an indicator as purchasing power parity, the country ranks 78th in the world (IMF data), 65th (according to the World Bank) and 85th according to the CIA. The country boasts a huge stock of various natural resources, including diamonds.

Third place. Canada - $1.4 billion

Canada has won the honorary title of one of the richest countries in the world. The state also has a high per capita income, and at the same time can boast of membership in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (it is also abbreviated as the OECD), the G8. Canada is one of the ten most traded countries in the world. As of 2008, the GNP totaled 1,510 billion, while the per capita share was $47,066. At the same time, GDP reaches an indicator of 1303 billion rubles.

Second place. Russian Federation - $2 billion

Kimberlite pipe "Mir", Yakutia, Russia

The economy still continues to maintain its dependence on the prices of all energy resources. Many experts are sure that Russia is having a hard time with the "Dutch disease", that is, the strong dependence of the economy directly on the export of several types of raw materials. For 1999-2008, GDP growth amounted to 93.8%, industrial growth stopped at 79.1%. The Russian economy today ranks seventh in the world in terms of its PPP GDP (according to 2009 data).

Russia is the owner of truly the world's largest proven reserves of natural gas. The country is rich in iron ore, nickel, tin, gold, diamonds, platinum, lead, zinc. Many of the presented resources are located in Siberia. The state's GDP reaches 1.884 trillion in the country, with a per capita of $13,236.

First place. Botswana, a republic that produces diamonds of $2.9 billion, boasts the largest diamond production.

The represented state is located on the territory of South Africa. The country borders on South Africa in the south (the fourth place in diamond mining in the presented list), in the west and north its neighbor is Namibia, in the northeast it borders on Zambia. Geographically, more than 70% of the entire territory of this country is occupied by a desert called the Kalahari.

Diamond mining has become the basis and foundation of the entire economy. In 2000, it accounted for 33% of GDP, as well as 45% of budget revenues and as much as 75% of the country's export share. The country is one of the most famous, leading diamond producers in the world. She also ranks first not only in our list, but also in the world in terms of the value of all mined diamonds. The country has the largest diamond quarry called Jwaneng. The extraction of precious stones in the country began in 1971. Then a cooperation contract was signed with De Beers. As of 2006, the total production of precious stones in the country amounted to 34,293 thousand carats. Botswana is a state that also produces coal, copper-nickel ores, and soda. There are also rich reserves of platinum, gold and silver. The gross national product is 10,991 million dollars (as of 2007), 5840 dollars. The revenue side of the budget in 2005-2006 is 21,697,300,000 pools. The main share of exports in the state falls on countries such as the United States and Western Europe. With neighbors, exports are rather poorly established, mainly in the food industry.

Our article on how to find diamonds. We will not load you and explain that the extraction of natural resources is a matter for professionals. Our task is to tell where they come from on the planet, and how to distinguish a mineral if you meet it in nature. Also, you can find out where the stone is mined, and what methods of obtaining it exist. There are many beautiful legends about how people found diamonds. But many of them are beautiful stories. If you are seriously interested in the topic, then we will help you figure it out.

Types and methods of education

According to the method of formation, there are two types of diamonds. The first appeared on earth as part of stone meteorites. The earliest find was recorded by Russian scientists Erofeev and Lachinov in 1888. Later, in 1896, precious crystals were found in an iron "guest from outer space".

In nature, they are formed in the bowels of the earth. Many theories have been put forward in this regard. In the end, scientists came to a common denominator: diamonds were formed in the mantle of the earth 100 million-2.5 billion years ago.

What a diamond looks like in nature and why it's easy to miss

A big disappointment awaits the novice treasure hunter. Usually, he wants to find a diamond, but finds an unattractive pebble. The fact is that a diamond becomes a real (noticeable) jewel only after it has been cut. Until then, the mineral has a rough surface covered with cracks.

A diamond usually has no color. Sometimes, you can find brown, yellow, green and pink pebbles of a slightly saturated color. Black minerals are even rarer, but they have the highest cost.

Often prospectors come across a bead - one of the varieties of diamond. According to chemical properties, this is one mineral. But, the difference is that the diamond has a crystal lattice, and the bead has a polycrystalline structure. Due to this, it turns out to be more solid.

Sometimes, a bead is called technical diamonds that have an ugly color, low transparency, or a defective structure. They are not used in jewelry.

It is authentically known that the history of diamonds began in India. But scientists cannot determine the exact date of discovery of this mineral. The first mention of it dates back to the third millennium BC.

Diamonds, on the other hand, entered people's lives only 500 years ago, when craftsmen discovered cutting technology. For a long time India was the only source of diamonds. But the unusual has always attracted adventurers.

In the XIII century, thanks to the expedition of Alexander the Great, the stones came to Europe. In Russia, the fashion for love of jewelry was introduced by Catherine II - making the diamond a symbol of wealth and luxury.

But diamonds gained popularity only in the 14th century, when ways were found to turn it into a sparkling diamond - before that, the technology was classified. The love of stones has taken over the world. The 16th century became "diamond", as the demand for stone increased to unprecedented heights. This led to the depletion of Indian reserves and the search for new deposits.

Development locations: where, how much and for how long

About where to find diamonds, the description of already developed deposits will most eloquently tell. In Russia, there is the largest quarry with precious stones in the world - Yubileiny. It was opened in 1986, on the territory of Yakutia. Its reserve is 153 million carats.

Other countries have also found their "diamond deposits", however, not as successful as in Russia. In Australia, it was possible to discover the strangest deposits of minerals. The fact is that most of the stones mined are boards.

The formation of diamonds occurs at great depths over many years. Looking for them there is a waste of time and money. But nature arranged it so that over time, precious crystals appear on the surface, where they can be found in the composition of various rocks. Sometimes their density is great. Sometimes there is less than 1 carat per ton of "garbage".

They are found in the following breeds:

  • kimberlite pipe;
  • lamproite tubes;
  • eclogites;
  • basalts.

How diamonds are formed in a kimberlite pipe, as well as the fact that this is the most popular deposit of precious stones, we have already said. Lampproite dikes are the second most popular mineral accumulation. But, they are mainly composed of calcium, aluminum and sodium.

Eclogites are formed from omphacite, garnet, quartz and rutile. Diamond is rare and in small quantities. Finding sparkling pebbles in igneous rock basalt is a great success.

How to find diamonds by smelting

To search for diamonds in reservoirs, the method of schlich sampling is used. On the bank of a river or stream, a sloping area of ​​sand and pebble type is found. A layer of 20 cm deep is removed from it and transferred to a sieve tray. The container is placed in water, where its contents are sifted with oscillatory-rotational movements.

Do not expect to immediately discover gems - this is a long painstaking work. They begin to study the river from mouth to source, collecting samples every 800-1000 m. If the number and size of associated minerals grows, you are on the right track. If they abruptly cease to appear, the kimberlite pipe is located between one of the sections, but to the side.

Diamond deposits can be determined by associated minerals. Among the washed rock, you will find blood red pyrope, black ilmenite and emerald green pyroxene. True, some stones can be located at a distance of up to 10 km from the kimberlite pipe.

Tech helpers

The search for diamonds can begin with the study of magnetic fields. The fact is that a tense impulse appears above the kimberlite pipes. But in order to be able to detect a mineral, you need a high-quality magnetometer. Reconnaissance is recommended to be carried out at the maximum relief height.

When exploring deposits at depth, some difficulties are obtained. To clarify the source of radiation, excavations are required. Problems can also arise in the study of wetlands - young silt can cause magnetic radiation, similar to the reaction of the device to diamonds.

A metal detector is suitable for detecting deposits. But the device must operate at a high frequency. The "search engine" does not react to the carbon formations themselves. But it perfectly calculates the rocks surrounding it. We talked about them above.

From jewelry to the latest technology

How are diamonds mined?

Diamond is considered to be the hardest natural mineral of all known, molecularly being a form of carbon. Among precious stones, diamond firmly occupies one of the most important places, and cut diamonds, or diamonds, are considered the most important jewelry. How are diamonds mined?

Nature and deposits of diamonds

By its nature, diamond is a very hard dielectric, which has high wear resistance and elasticity, as well as the ability to luminesce. The vast majority of diamonds are yellow or brown, but pink, green, blue and even red diamonds are also found in nature (there are about 10 such diamonds in the world). Diamonds are used in the manufacture of drills and cutters, in the nuclear industry, as well as in the production of microelectronics for computers and watches.

Before understanding how a diamond is obtained, one must know the nature of the formation of these gems. Modern scientists adhere to the mantle theory of the origin of diamonds, according to which carbon atoms are formed into a diamond crystal lattice under high pressure underground at a depth of more than 200 km. Subsequently, such diamond rocks are pushed out by volcanic magma to the earth's surface in the so-called "explosion pipes". In addition, these gems are found in river placers, so in the mining industry, such diamond deposits are considered to be a secondary type of diamond deposit.

Initially, diamonds were mined for many centuries from placers in India in the legendary mines of Golconda, but by the 18th century Indian diamond deposits were depleted. Since 1725, Brazil has become the main diamond-mining country, supplying high-quality diamond crystals from an extensive network of river placers. But after 150 years, diamond mining has changed dramatically due to the fact that in 1867 in South Africa, in the town of Kimberley, the first “explosion pipe” was found. That is why in the future diamond deposits began to be called kimberlite pipes, and the modern diamond mining industry is entirely built on the extraction of diamonds from kimberlite and lamproite pipes.

Now there are about 35 diamond-mining countries in the world, among which Botswana, Russia, Canada, South Africa are considered to be the leaders. Angola and Namibia. In Russia, the richest diamond deposits are in Yakutia, the Arkhangelsk region and the Perm region.

Stages of diamond mining

Diamond mining is considered to be a very costly and complex process that initially requires large financial investments. In order to understand how diamonds are mined, it is necessary to consider all stages of the organization of diamond mining from start to finish:

  • Exploration stage. It takes more than one year, and sometimes even a decade, to first find a diamond deposit and extract its first copy, confirming the deposits of the precious stone in this particular area.
  • infrastructure stage. After confirming the diamond reserves, a site is being prepared where the stone will be mined, machinery and all the necessary equipment are purchased, a residential infrastructure is created for people who will be engaged in the extraction and processing of stone. So, to prepare the site, use the following methods:
    • if the kimberlite pipe lies at the bottom of the ocean, then subsequent diamond mining will be carried out with the help of special robots equipped with electronic control, which, when extracting the rock, immediately find gems and pack them in closed containers;
    • if the kimberlite pipe is deep underground, then diamond mining is carried out using closed underground mines, which is considered an extremely dangerous and difficult diamond production, which requires even more investment.
  • factory stage. As soon as all the necessary infrastructure is created, the construction of a processing plant begins, where diamonds will be extracted from the rock. In addition, the management is engaged in the selection of personnel who will serve all stages of the diamond mining process.
  • Extractive stage. This stage is considered both the final and the beginning, because it is here that all production is launched from mining to processing of diamonds. How are diamonds mined at this stage? According to the common technology of diamond mining and processing, the whole process consists of the following steps:
    • primary crushing of ore to volumes of 50-150 mm, screening and sorting of ore into diamond kimberlite and associated rock (this stage is carried out at the mine itself using special mobile units);
    • secondary crushing of ore to volumes of 1-32 mm, screening, sorting of ore into 4 categories of pure diamond kimberlite (1-4 mm, 4-8 mm, 8-16 mm, 16-32 mm) and separating it from associated rocks (this stage done at the factory)
    • sending to the sorting shop, where, with the help of special technology, the final inspection and selection of diamonds by diameter, class and weight takes place.
  • As a rule, after the completion of the sorting process, diamonds extracted using various technologies become the subject of trade.

Diamond mining technologies

  • How is a diamond obtained? Among modern technologies for separating and sorting diamonds, the following are especially popular:
  • Use of fat installations. Fat installations are considered quite primitive, since when sorting diamonds, tables covered with a layer of fat are used, on which diamond kimberlite mixed with water is allowed. As a result, the rock is carried along with the water, and the diamonds stuck to the fatty surface are collected by hand.
  • Use of x-ray machines. X-ray machines are considered more advanced, since when the ore is irradiated, the diamonds begin to glow with blue light, which activates a pneumatic pusher that automatically cuts off the gems.
  • The use of electromagnetic installations. Since the diamond is practically not attracted by magnets, and the rock in which it is found, on the contrary, has a significant degree of magnetic radiation, then with the help of electromagnetic installations, precious stones are easily separated from rock ore.
  • The use of suspension plants. This method is used in the extraction of precious stones from diamond placers by placing the diamond-bearing rock in a high-density liquid (ferrosicilium). At the same time, heavy stones go to the bottom, while light ones remain on the surface and subsequently go through the enrichment stage.
  • Use of froth skimmers. This method is used in the production of diamond dust, when diamond-bearing rock is processed in workshops with millstones. Since kimberlite has a lower hardness, the resulting diamond dust is removed using a froth skimmer.