Evening make-up is different. What needs to be done to make evening makeup special? Evening makeup for black eyes

In order to create a beautiful evening make-up, you will have to make some effort. Indeed, in terms of its implementation, it is much more difficult than any daytime one, which means that it will take an order of magnitude more time to complete it. Some argue that having learned how to do evening makeup, you will still have to acquire special skills. But it's not. In general, to create any make-up, you only need practice and practice again.

In no case do not think that if you are going to do makeup for going out to a nightclub or other place with subdued lights, you can do it without really straining. After all, it seems that when the lighting is not so hot, few people will be able to notice any flaws in how you make up. This is the biggest mistake you can make. A well-applied make-up can not only hide almost any flaws in a girl's appearance, but also highlight her virtues.

Any makeup, in this case evening, should be applied in the following sequence:

  • thorough cleaning of the skin;
  • moisturizing it and applying foundation under foundation. You can do without it, but then you need to buy a non-greasy, but quite moisturizing day cream. And sometimes this can be quite difficult to do;
  • masking existing shortcomings;
  • applying tonal means;
  • fixing it with powder;
  • adding a small amount of blush and bronzer (if you like, of course);
  • eye makeup;
  • eyebrow shaping;
  • lip makeup.

To make makeup as successful as possible, you need to figure out in advance what tools and tools will be required for it. It will also be useful to search for your perfect makeup on the Internet. When you have the end result that you are so striving for in front of your eyes, it will be much easier to achieve it. The main thing in any make-up is to know the measure. Otherwise, nothing good will be created on your face.

A very good result in the "science" of creating beautiful evening makeup is provided by instructive videos, of which there are just a huge number on the Internet. In them you can very clearly see how to perform each step of your makeup.

Skin preparation

If you do not correctly prepare your skin for applying cosmetics in advance, the whole effect can simply come to naught. If there is a make-up left in the morning, be sure to carefully remove it. And for this, wet wipes are not suitable (unless there is another one at hand), you must definitely wash yourself with a special tool. Only in this way can you be sure that all the dust and dirt that has accumulated during the day has been removed from the skin.

The next step in preparing the skin can be called the application of a cream. Of course, ideally, it should be replaced with a makeup base and it is better if it has reflective particles. This will give the skin extra radiance and even out its tone.

This stage can be compared to how artists prepare a canvas for subsequent work.

There are several points of view regarding what should be applied first: foundation or corrector. Here you can choose the sequence that is convenient for you, because there is not much difference. Of course, this applies only to those cases when you have chosen products that are ideal for you in terms of shade.

The main thing is to shade any boundaries well, because otherwise you will end up with not a beautiful evening make-up, but some kind of unpleasant mask. To prevent this from happening, apply a small amount of product on the neck and décolleté.

If there are flaws on the skin, they should be hidden under a layer of special correctors. It is better if you have at least two of them: for the area under the eyes and for point imperfections.

The application of a suitable powder completes the work with the face. This will not only fix the result, but also prevent the appearance of oily sheen.

To create a beautiful and regular eyebrow line, you need to use one of the two usual means: an eyebrow pencil or matte shadows that match the shade.

If you are not completely satisfied with the color of your eyebrows, you can color them. To do this, you should purchase a special paint and follow the recommendations on the package. A large number of girls do an excellent job with such a very simple procedure on their own, but it’s still better if you paint your eyebrows in a beauty salon.

Eye makeup

So we come to the most important and crucial step in applying evening makeup.

The first thing you should remember is that you should never focus on both the lips and the eyes at the same time. Always pick one. That is, if you decide to make a dark smokey eye, the lips should be as neutral as possible, and vice versa.

When choosing a shade of shadows, be guided not by what you most often wear, but by your color type.

Few important points:

  • to visually make your eyes a little larger, a small amount of light shadows under the eyebrow will be enough;
  • Do you want the eyeliner or pencil line on the upper eyelid to be more expressive and clear? Then always draw them after you completely complete the eye makeup;
  • it helps very well to make the eyes more expressive eyeliner of the inner part of the upper eyelid with a white pencil;
  • before applying your favorite mascara, curl them with special tweezers. This will make your look more expressive and captivating;
  • when you color your eyelashes, pay the most attention to their outer edge. For greater effect, you can even stick a few bunches of false eyelashes there.

And now the final stage of evening makeup. To emphasize your beautiful lips, be sure to apply your favorite gloss or long-lasting lipstick on them. Also, if desired, you can add a little blush on the cheeks.

That's it, you are ready to conquer men with your unsurpassed beauty. As you can see, evening makeup is not as difficult as it seemed from the very beginning. Moreover, there is a huge amount of information about this procedure.

How to make an evening make-up photo:

Evening makeup is very different from daytime makeup. It can be bright and defiant, emphasizing the lips or eyes. Let's figure out how to do it right at home.


The tonal foundation is an important component of evening makeup. It will help hide facial defects, even out complexion and keep freshness for the whole evening. In order for the foundation to lie evenly, it is necessary to apply it pointwise, shading to the edges of the face - it is better to do this with a sponge.

The shade of foundation depends on the type of event. If you are going to a party - apply a darker tone, if you are planning a candlelit dinner - a lighter one.

Set foundation with loose mineral powder using a brush.


Line your brows with an eyebrow pencil or eye shadow. The shade of the product used should match the color of the hair roots.


In the evening eye makeup, you can use all the bright shades. The most important thing is that they are combined with your image for the evening. At home, shadows can be replaced with blush of light shades.

Apply a light shade to the moving eyelid. Then add a darker saturated shade to the crease of the upper eyelid. Blend well. Apply mascara in two layers with smooth movements: from the root to the tips. For best results, powder your lashes before applying mascara.


If your eye makeup turned out to be too intense, do not focus on the lips. Before applying lipstick, lips should be powdered. If you decide to focus on the lips, then all shades of red or bright pink are perfect for this. After applying lipstick, lips should be wet with a napkin.

High-quality and beautiful makeup can transform any girl - and not only externally, but also internally. Makeup gives you confidence. The hands of professional makeup artists work wonders. But, unfortunately, there is often neither time nor opportunity to constantly go to beauty salons. Therefore, modern girls often wonder how to do makeup at home, so that it practically does not differ from a professional one.

Everyone can learn how to make a perfect make-up at home. The main thing is diligence and practice. However, an equally important factor is the quality of cosmetics. You certainly can't skimp on this. It is on the quality factor of cosmetics that depends on how your make-up looks and how long it will last.

For makeup at home you will need:

  • brushes of different sizes and different cuts;
  • cotton buds and discs;
  • foundation and foundation;
  • pencils for eyes, lips and eyebrows;
  • ink;
  • shadows;
  • lipstick, gloss;
  • powder;
  • blush.

Basic rules for applying cosmetics

In order to understand how to do makeup at home, you need to know some rules and tricks. Regardless of how it will be (simple or complex, daytime or evening, festive or everyday), you need to go through the same stages of applying cosmetics. These are skin toning and color alignment, eyebrow and eye liner, blush application and lip application. The order of the steps may vary depending on the type of make-up and the emphasis on the lips or eyes.

Preparation for applying cosmetics

Preparation for makeup occurs in two stages.

  1. Facial cleansing.

If the skin is flaky, you need to use a facial scrub. If it is not a problem, you can simply wash your face with foam or soap.

  1. Hydration.

Use regular face cream or other moisturizers.

In order to make yourself an excellent and high-quality make-up on your own in the future, for the first time we advise you to use the service of a stylist-make-up artist. The specialist will tell you what colors suit you, what to look for, and also advise good cosmetics.

Eyebrow shaping

Before that or a pencil, you must complete. Remove excess hairs, cut too long.

Eye makeup

The sequence of actions and the cosmetics used depend on the type of makeup. For make-up using shadows, it is very important to choose their shade correctly. Consider your skin color and eye color. Brown is considered a universal shade.

Rules for applying lipstick

  1. Along the contour of the lips - a pencil in the tone of lipstick or a little darker. This is necessary so that the lipstick or gloss does not flow and does not lubricate, but evens out the counters of the lips. Blend the pencil a little with the brush.
  2. Apply gloss or lipstick to your lips. If it is justified, you can apply lipstick first, and then a little gloss.

Step by step guide to daily makeup at home

Beautiful makeup at home can be done daily, it does not take much effort. It is enough to follow the instructions exactly.

  1. Cleanse your face and décolleté.
  2. Apply moisturizer to your face. Wait a few minutes until the cream is absorbed, and remove the excess with a napkin.
  3. Apply foundation to your face. Use concealer to even out your complexion. Then - tonal cream.
  4. The base for the shadows is placed on the upper eyelid. As a base, use shades of beige.
  5. Apply light shadows from the inner corner of the eye. Blend.
  6. From the outer corner of the eye, apply brown shadow. Rub with a brush.
  7. Blend the transition well in the middle of the eyelid, make it smooth.
  8. Apply dark brown shadow on the lower eyelid. Blend.
  9. On the upper eyelid, make a thin arrow with a brown pencil. Lift the end of the arrow slightly up.
  10. Cover your lashes with mascara.
  11. Eyebrows - brown shadows.
  12. Apply light texture powder on your face.
  13. Highlight the cheekbone area with light blush.
  14. Apply a transparent gloss to your lips.

How to do classic evening makeup at home?

  1. Cleanse your face with a scrub or foam.
  2. Apply moisturizer to the décolleté and face. On the lips - a moisturizing balm. After a few minutes, remove the remaining moisturizer with a tissue.
  3. Apply foundation to your face. The concealer evens out the complexion, removes swelling, redness and circles under the eyes.
  4. Using a special brush along the lines of the face. From the contours to the center of the face.
  5. Put a base on the upper eyelid (for example, beige shadows). Next, on the part of the eyelid, which is closer to the inner corner of the eye, apply white shadows, blend. Apply dark eye shadow to the area near the outer corner of the eye. Paint over the area near the eyebrows with white shadows. Then, shading, make smooth transitions.
  6. Put dark shadows on the lower part, carefully blending.
  7. With liquid eyeliner, make an arrow on the upper eyelid. Lengthen the arrow and lift it up a little.
  8. Cover your lashes with mascara.
  9. Eyebrows - with a brown pencil, blend well with a brush and comb.
  10. Dust your face with light powder. If necessary, you can use a bronzer.
  11. Blush will help highlight the cheekbones.
  12. Slightly shading, apply a pencil along the contour of the lips, and then lipstick.

10 common mistakes

Incorrectly applied foundation

The most common mistake is too thick a layer of foundation on the face. This leads to a weighting of the image, the creation of negligence and sloppiness. Such an error is most often allowed by those who have problem areas of the skin (redness, acne, dark). Problem areas are best hidden dotted with a corrector or pigment.

Wrong foundation

The color of the foundation plays an extremely important role. An inappropriate shade visually creates a mask on the face. It is important to remember that in the summer, due to tanning, the skin changes color, so it is necessary to purchase different tonal foundations for the summer and winter periods. Often problems with choosing the right tone arise due to the yellowish tint on the face. In this case, a little yellow pigment can be added to the foundation. This will help create the desired color.

Applying foundation to areas that are flaky

For peeling problems, it is first necessary to use a facial scrub, then apply a moisturizer to the skin. Only then can you start applying the foundation.

The wrong blush or bronzer

Instead of blush, many girls use a bronzer. However, brown blush does not exist in nature. Blush can be pink, red, coral. The ideal option is if their color matches the color of lipstick.

Untidy eyebrows

Many people underestimate the importance of eyebrows in general makeup. Remember: they should always be in perfect order, even if you are not wearing makeup. Untidy eyebrows are the first thing that catches the eye.

glued eyelashes

Eyelashes stick together most often due to excessively applied mascara. It must have a comfortable brush. It is advisable to comb them with a special brush after applying mascara. A light and neat layer is better than a thickly made-up and sticky row of eyelashes.

Pale lips

To focus on the eyes, it is not necessary to paint the lips with a very pale color or cover them with a tonal base. The natural color of lipstick or transparent gloss will look ideal.

Rich application of powder

Powder is used for the durability of makeup, to fix it, and not as a separate element.

Poorly matched shadows

The choice of shadows must be approached very carefully. Not all shades are compatible with different skin types and eye colors.

Too dark lips

The lip liner should be the same color as the lipstick or one shade darker.

We are sure: it is not so difficult to learn how to make an exceptional professional make-up yourself! The main thing is to have high-quality cosmetics in your arsenal, ideally matched specifically to your skin type, eyes, hair. Further - the matter is small: frequent practice will help you achieve brilliant success!

view all 60 photo "Evening make-up"

In order to look charming at any events or parties, you need to choose not only the right clothes, but also make-up, as it plays a significant role in your image. Evening make-up is distinguished by its brightness, expressiveness and attractiveness, in which you can fulfill all your fantasies. But if you have never encountered the technique of applying such makeup, then you should practice in advance so that you will be at your best this evening. To do this, you need to know some secrets that will help you realize your plan.

Gorgeous evening Greek makeup

Such makeup will help you to visit antiquity, but do not think that it is old-fashioned. On the contrary, this is a great way to emphasize the beauty of the eyes. Before you start doing makeup, make sure that your cosmetic bag has all the necessary tools, namely:

  • makeup base,
  • the powder that best suits your complexion,
  • corrector, with which you will remove all the imperfections or irregularities of the skin, making it smooth and beautiful,
  • blush to help make your face brighter,
  • eye shadow,
  • black eyeliner, with which you can emphasize the eyes,
  • mascara (preferably black)
  • lipstick (for brunettes and brown-haired women it is better to choose red shades, for blondes - pink),
  • additional funds (all kinds of brushes for blush, shadows, eyeliners and lipsticks).

Rules for applying Greek makeup:

1. Smooth even skin. In order to make the perfect makeup, you need to start with the skin of the face. She must be amazing. Soften it with special creams or lotions, then remove imperfections with a corrector. Makeup in the Greek style should be neat, so do not overdo it with foundation. Even out skin tone with powder. For dark girls, bronze shades are suitable, for blondes with fair skin - lighter ones.

2. Eyebrows must be perfectly shaped. If your eyebrows are not naturally thick or uneven, then this can be easily corrected with a pencil. Choose a pencil that matches the color of your hair and skin. It is not necessary to make eyebrows too big, they should attract with their shape, and not repel.

3. Highlight your cheekbones with blush. You need to be very careful with this tool, as a very large amount of blush will make you look like a nesting doll. You need to lightly highlight the cheekbones with a few strokes of the brush to the temples. It is best to choose bronze shades of blush.

4. Highlighting the eyes is the main highlight of this makeup. Choose shades of golden and brown colors. On the entire eyelid, you need to apply shadows that are not too dark in color, but highlight the outer corner of the eye with a darker shade. An integral part of the Greek makeup is bold and beautiful arrows. Finish off your eye makeup with black mascara.

5. Lips. To make lipstick last longer on your lips, apply a little tonal foundation on them. If you want to make them more sensual, use a transparent gloss over lipstick.

This makeup will perfectly highlight the lovely eyes and lips. With it, you will become mysterious and attractive. In order to perform the perfect makeup, you need to follow some rules:

1. Whiteness of the face. A distinctive feature of this makeup is the face, like a porcelain doll.

2. Expressive arrows are the key to a chic make-up. Arrows made with black eyeliner or pencil will make the eyes bigger and emphasize all their beauty.

3. Thin eyebrows. A doll-like appearance is important for retro makeup, and wide thick eyebrows will not give such an effect.

4. Scarlet lips. The emphasis of makeup is on the lips, so they should be catchy. Choose the most possible options for red lipsticks.

5. Bright blush. Use pink and peach shades. Well-defined cheekbones are the key to a chic make-up.

The second name for this makeup is smokey ice. This technique of applying shadows is very popular, as it is suitable for absolutely all girls. This is a universal way to emphasize all the benefits of the eyes.


1. Align the skin of the face with the help of a corrector and foundation. Particular attention should be paid to the skin of the eyelids. Use a special eyeshadow base that will help the shadows stay on for a long time and not crumble.

2. For smoky makeup, use pencils with a greasy texture. Draw a line along the lash growth. Blend well any gaps between the lashes.

3. On the moving eyelid, apply the darkest color of the shadows with driving movements. So the shade will be more saturated.

4. Apply less dark shadows on the mobile eyelid and the outer corner of the eye. Apply shadows only with open eyes, as with closed eyes all proportions can be violated. Do not forget to carefully blend the shadows.

5. Apply the lightest shade of shadows to the inner corner of the eye and to the area under the eyebrows. Again, do not forget to shade.

6. Color the lower eyelid with a pencil. Duplicate the drawn line with less dark colors. Remember that the lower and upper eyelids must be connected.

7. Maximize your lashes with black mascara.

8. Apply brown or red shades of lipstick to your lips.

Evening make-up "cat's eye"

This makeup makes the eyes bigger and more expressive. Your look will attract many fans and you will be the most gorgeous girl at the party. The main advantage of makeup is that it is suitable for all eyes.

The first step is to apply a foundation for the face, which will make makeup more resistant. You can also use tonal means, but not in large quantities. Start your makeup by applying the darkest shadows along the growth of the cilia. It can be black, brown or blue. Blend them thoroughly. Apply a lighter shade of eyeshadow to the area from the middle of the eye to the outer corner and even a little further. Thus, the eye is visually lengthened and a delightful cut is obtained. Apply the darkest shadows to the middle of the eyelid. Remember that you must blend the shadows so that the transitions are not visible. The main focus of this makeup is on the arrows. They must be effective and catchy. It is best to use black or blue eyeliners. Highlight your lashes with black mascara. Choose the lipstick of your choice. It can be both brown and pink shades.

Properly performed Arabic makeup can make you a real oriental girl who will charm everyone with her attractive look. The main difference between Arabic makeup is its brightness and catchiness. Here you can not be afraid to experiment.

Makeup step by step instructions:

1. The first step is to make the skin near the eyelids smooth and even. To do this, use concealers, foundation and foundation.

2. Apply a primer to your eyelids, thanks to which your makeup will last a long time.

3. Dip a thick eyeshadow brush into light pink eye shadow, then evenly apply the eye shadow to the entire moving eyelid from the inner corner to the outer.

4. Apply a purple tint to the outer corner of the eye. Extend the line of shadows beyond the line of the eyes, thereby creating the visual effect of wings.

5. A brightening highlighter should be applied under the eyebrow and on the inner corner of the eye, which will make a clear and bright accent on the eyes.

6. Using gel eyeliner, draw a line along the outer eyelid along the growth of the cilia.

7. Underline the lashes with lengthening mascara, if desired, use false eyelashes.

Evening dark makeup

With the help of dark shadows, you can make your look sexy and attractive. This makeup is perfect for the image of a fatal beauty.

Dark makeup technique:

1. As always, the first thing to do is face skin. Since such makeup attracts everyone's attention, your face should be perfect, without any errors. Use corrector and foundation to smooth the skin.

2. Then proceed to the make-up of the eyelids. Cover the entire moving eyelid with a special eyelid base. Then take light shadows and apply them in the same way as the base was applied. With a black pencil, draw a line along the cilia. Cover the upper eyelid with dark, preferably matte shadows.

3. Highlight the crease of the eyelid with a thin brush. Choose a tone in accordance with the color of the eyes, but it should be intermediate. You can also emphasize the lower eyelid, but this is not suitable for all eye types. For girls with narrow small eyes, it is better not to apply the tone on the lower eyelid.

4. Lastly, paint the cilia with black mascara in several layers. If your lashes are not long or thick enough, you can use false lashes.