Ready quest for children. Gift for my husband's birthday - quest

Every year we give children gifts with riddles - it’s a whole quest, moving from one riddle to another, the child eventually finds a gift.

I came up with this myself when Yaroslav was little. There were no names like “quest” back then. I just wanted to entertain the child and surprise him. From a reading book she took riddles about everyday things - a refrigerator, a closet, shoes, a bathroom, laid out notes there, and handed the first one to him. There was delight - it’s impossible to describe!

And now this happens to us every year. My imagination for riddles is already exhausted. And this time I asked Yaroslav to find interesting riddles and puzzles for his brother.

Yaroslav tried and found riddles that I didn’t even know. I spent an hour on the Internet :)

I am sharing with you the finished quest design:

1. We hand the first note to the child. We had her in the “hands” of an inflatable Mickey Mouse

2. The unit trembles,
There is a thaw and a cold in it,
He is very happy at work
If you turn it off, it will sit in a puddle. ( Fridge)

3. There is a note in the refrigerator about closet

He stands in the corner against the wall.
Oh, he looks huge
But he is not punished at all.
Mom keeps things in it.

There is another note in the closet. You just need to hide it somewhere in a visible place, otherwise the closet is big, you could spend a day looking for the note

4. I am neither a sea nor a river,
I am not a lake, not a pond,
But like morning or evening -
People are all running towards me. ( Bath)

It’s interesting that I inserted a note into a vase with shells on the mirror, it was directly visible. But the children searched together and couldn’t find it! Apparently, the mirror has magical properties to make objects invisible.

5. And one more puzzle had to be solved in order to get to the treasured gift


I tried to arrange the notes so that Gleb would have to run from one part of the apartment to the opposite: from the nursery to the kitchen, back to the nursery, to the bathroom, to the balcony.

And then Gleb asked me: “Mom, how do you manage to sneak in quietly and spread out all the notes without even waking me up?”

The answer suggests itself: “When you become a dad, you won’t be able to do anything like that” :)

Don’t know how to give an unusual birthday gift to your loved ones? Put your wits and wits to the test! Let the birthday boy not get the gift so easily. He must find the gift by following clever clues.

This quest (tasks) is suitable for both children from 8 years old and adults (for example, husband, wife, friend, young man, etc.).

Quest script for finding a gift

  1. You hand the birthday boy a beautifully packaged small box, and in it lies a crumpled note. (you can fill the box with straw, leaves, raffia, strips of paper, etc., so that you still have to find the note):

You didn't expect such a gift -

A piece of paper gathered into a ball?

But this is just the beginning of the marathon!

You'll have to work hard, my friend!

To get the first clue, solve the riddle:

Two bellies, four ears, what is this?

Answer: pillow.

The next riddle lies under the pillow where the birthday boy sleeps ( if according to the scenario of the quest to find a gift it is planned in the morning, then you can put it under the pillow on the sofa).

  1. Hint #2

Choose a book from your home library. Now you need to make up a word for the next hide and seek place from the numbers that will indicate the page, row and letter.

We write on a piece of paper by hand or print it out. We put the piece of paper in the book, and the book under the pillow. Encrypt the word PLATE (You can also add color or purpose for complexity, for example, GREEN PLATE, SOUP PLATE).

For example:

The note will look like this (“address” of each letter on a new line):

page row. letter (we don’t indicate this in the note, the detective must guess what these numbers are)

That is, the letter " T" is located in your book on page 150, row 10 from the top, and it is the 4th letter from the beginning of the line. It seems like it takes a long time, but in fact everything is easy and quick to do. It will be interesting for the quest participant, the main thing is to remember, well, or write down the letters.

P.S. Instead of a plate there can be: a flower pot, a favorite cup, the bottom of a lid. In general, anything, but the bottom of something is better. 🙂

3.Hint #3

Glue to the bottom of the plate QR code. You can download it here ->


  1. Take a mobile phone with a camera,
  2. Launch the program to scan the code,
  3. Point the camera lens at the code,
  4. Get the information!

You'll have to be well prepared. 🙂 If a detective looks at the code like you know who (there have been cases:), then don’t give up, let him think. Well, or give him the phone and let him try to call you.

The following is encoded: It's time to refresh yourself, my friend! Eat a delicious pie!

As an option: if it’s not possible, or you didn’t have time to print it, then tip #2 we encode the word not plate, but COMPUTER (laptop, tablet), because The code can also be read from the monitor or tablet screen. The quest participant must lift the lid of the laptop, or move the mouse on the PC, turn on the tablet, and there will be a picture with a code open.

  1. Hint #4

Prepare a separate pie (bun, muffin, cake, pancake) on a plate in advance (either bake it yourself and hide a note inside, or buy a pie and put the hint at the bottom of the plate in a small bag.)

In the hint: Get the word right and you'll get the next clue!

The letters are written randomly (preferably in different colors), or you can cut out each letter separately and put it in a small envelope and attach it to the note.

We write the letters of the next cache: OVEN

Alternatively: microwave, bottle, pan, coffee pot.

  1. Hint #5

We continue our home quest to find a gift.

In the oven (can be under pans and pots if they are stored in the oven) the following task:

A little more, a little more! And the difficult journey will end!

Solve the riddle and get the following clue:

In a fairy tale he can fly, At home he can become a decoration.

Answer: Carpet

  1. Hint #6

Let's hide the next message under the rug! It’s good if there are several carpets in the apartment, the search will take longer!))

There's a mystery under the carpet:

Round, smooth like a watermelon.

Any color, for different tastes.

If you let me off the leash,

It will fly away beyond the clouds.

Answer: balloon

Prepare a balloon.

  1. Hint #7

Place the following clue in the balloon and inflate it. The ball itself must be hidden somewhere, let the quest participant look carefully, it’s not so simple)).

Examples of hide and seek: on the closet, under the bed, on the balcony, in a box (if you don’t inflate it too much), in a bag.

As an option: you can inflate several opaque balloons so that you still need to determine which balloon contains the clue. You can also use a helium balloon.

To get the clue, you need to burst the ball.

The test participant finds a task in the ball where he must guess the place of hide and seek.

In the note: Next clue in white high-rise building!

Answer: closet.(replace with the color of your cabinet)

We hide the note on a shelf in the largest closet in the house, so that a piece of paper (an envelope, a tail of string tied to the note) sticks out.

  1. Hint #8

Hint found in the closet:

Just a little left! Well done!

The centipede will help you find the next clue,

who has a back, but never lies down!

Answer: chair

Hiding the next clue under the leg chair.

9. Hint #9

There is one last step left and the quest to find the gift will be completed!

In the last clue under the chair:

Looks like the whim was a success!

You were able to find the answer to everything!

And you can get your prize

Where does the sun's light come from!

Hiding the gift behind the curtains on the windowsill!

Cards for the quest

To save time during preparation, we suggest purchasing a set of ready-made cards for the quest (in electronic form) for only 65 rubles.

You will receive all materials immediately after payment (within 10 minutes) to the specified e-mail address. Click on the “Place an order” button. You will be taken to the product page, where you will need to fill out the fields and select a convenient payment method.

All you have to do is print it out and hide it around your apartment.
What is included:
1. Cards with tasks (the text of the cards is adapted separately for girls and boys)
2. Blank cards for your own corrections or assignments
3. Separate letters for task No. 4
4. QR code (encryption for this scenario)
5. Additionally - a stylish “happy birthday” card. It can be attached to a gift that the player finds.

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By placing an order (by clicking on the “place order” button), you consent to the processing of personal data and agree to the site.

The Wizard of Oz quest is intended for children aged 6-9 years. The goal is to find a gift/congratulation by following the clues in the notes. The passage time is about 30 minutes (maybe more or less). If children do not yet know letters/can’t read, then the leader helps them complete the tasks.

What is searching for a gift using notes?

The participant is given/finds a letter/message where he is invited to take part in a quest game and in the end find a cache with a gift. To do this, you have to consistently find and solve clues. Hints are cards with problems and various logic puzzles. Each such note encrypts the location of the next clue.

Quest according to notes- This is an interesting and unusual way to give a child a gift on his birthday (or any other occasion), and is also a great option for entertaining guests of this event at home. Also, by making some adjustments (replacing some hide-and-seek places), you can conduct this quest, for example, in a cafe. The treasure could be various treats, small souvenirs or a big cake for everyone! 🙂

The quest can be organized both for a group and for one child.

What you will need: balloon, feather (you can make a paper one), puzzles (for a small number of pieces), bottle, thread, envelope, box, decanter of water.

Quest topic: The Wizard of Oz

Quest tasks for children

Start: Give the children an envelope, saying that it was sent by the wizard from Oz. Or you can do it more creatively, for example, make a balloon (glue the balloon to a small basket/box using plastic cocktail straws) and put a letter in it. After all, the wizard flew in a hot air balloon :)

Letter: Dear Guys! Goodwin writes to you. I am a wizard from the wonderful land of Oz. I need your help! That night the winged monkeys stole my magical treasure chest. I can't handle the cunning monkeys alone. Help me find the chest and then all its contents will be yours. The monkeys left clues that you must find and solve. My friends will help you: Scarecrow, Dorothy, Woodcutter, and Toto. Step by step you will come to the treasured chest. Look for the first clue in this envelope.

I wish you a successful journey!

Your Goodwin - The Great Wizard of Oz.

  1. In an envelope riddle task from Totoshka:

There is a portrait in the room
Similar to you in everything.
Laugh - and in response
He will laugh too.

Answer: Mirror

For the presenter: You need to breathe on the mirror in advance so that it fogs up and write the word PILLOW!

For children to be able to see the word, they must guess to breathe on the mirror! If they don’t guess, the presenter can give you a hint.

  1. Under the pillow lies a deflated balloon with the inscription fool me!

For the presenter: There is a note with a task in the balloon. To get the note you need to inflate the balloon and burst it (or blow until it bursts).

There is a note in the balloon: The next clue will fall to you right out of the air, but to do this you need to push it (the air) with your hands and feet! To do this you will have to perform a fiery dance. Ready?

For the presenter: The presenter plays any funny track. All the children dance, and at this time the leader quietly throws a crumpled note on the floor (anywhere in the room, so you have to look for it)

  1. After the dance, the leader reads out the next clue. The clue contains a riddle:

Here's a riddle for you from the Scarecrow

It is easy to store liquid in it.

It is convenient to drink from it.

So that the water does not leak out,

Screw the lid on first!

Answer: bottle

Children are looking for a pre-prepared bottle with a ribbon.

  1. For the presenter: Prepare an empty bottle in advance, make a distinctive mark on it, for example, tie a festive ribbon to the neck. Place the bottle in the room so that it is visible, but not conspicuous (for example, on a closet, bookshelf, etc.). Roll the next tip into a tube and wrap it with colored thread, tying a knot. Place the note in the bottle, leaving the tail of the thread sticking out of the neck to make it easier for children to pull it out.

Hint in the bottle:

Here's a task from the Woodcutter!

To get the next clue, you have to correctly guess and complete the drawing of these animals. And then put together a word from the first letters that will indicate the location of further searches.

Answer: TO orova - ABOUT monkey - IN camel — Yo and- R fish: CARPET

Print out the picture and cut out individual animal pictures. Fold them together, roll them up, tie them and throw them into the bottle too.

For the presenter: We hide the next clue under the carpet. If there are several of them in the apartment, then even better.

  1. Note under the carpet:

Flying monkeys love bananas. Along the way they ate bananas and during the flight many of them fell to the ground. Find those fallen bananas that could be anywhere. Hint: there are only 7 of them (equal to the number of players).

For the presenter: Hide bananas around the apartment. Attach notes to each one using rubber bands or thread, folded so that the inscription is not visible. Warn the players that whoever finds the banana should not show anyone what is written on the note. When all the bananas have been found, the presenter gives the following task: You need to eat a banana and depict what is written on the note without words (a banana in your mouth), and the rest must guess who the player is depicting.

Prepare a box in advance in which to place the next clue. Tell participants that it will only open after completing the task.

In the notes :

  • Street cleaner
  • Singer
  • Juggler
  • Woodcutter
  • Hairdresser
  • Musician
  • Artist

For the presenter: When everything is guessed, the presenter opens the box with the next note and gives it to the children or reads it himself.

  1. In the box:Hint from Dorothy: You guys are great! But you have to hurry, as the monkeys can open the treasured chest at any moment and take out all the treasures. To get the next clue you need to find a feather that fell from the wing of one of the flying monkeys.

For the presenter: Prepare a feather and tie a long thread to it, and tie a note at the other end. Hide the feather so that it is slightly visible (the tip sticks out). When it is pulled, a note will follow. For example, you can hide it under a sofa, or under a closet, or in a shirt pocket.

If you don’t have a real feather, you can draw one.

  1. Note with a feather:

Complete the puzzles and you will be one step closer to your cherished goal!

For the presenter: Prepare puzzles in advance from a small number of pieces (according to age), assemble and write the following hint in large letters on the back side: Orchid (Name of the flower you have in your apartment (preferably the largest one). We hide another note under the pot of this flower or in the foliage.

Take the puzzles apart and put them in a beautiful box or bag (preferably not the one in which they were purchased) and hide them near the place where the feather was (we need something more complicated;), or tie them together with a note.

There is very little left to complete our quest for children to find a gift at home!

  1. Hint in the flower:

To sink to the bottom,

You need to drink some water first!

And, attention! - Don't get wet!

For the presenter: Prepare a jug of water (juice) and 1 glass (you can use a disposable one - to each his own). Fold the next note and put it in a bag so it doesn’t get wet and put it in a jug of water (J should sink). To retrieve the note, each participant in turn must pour and drink water from a glass until the jug is empty and the clue can be retrieved.

  1. Hint from the jug:

And now comes the final step,

And our enemy will be defeated!

Hurry up and open the chest

Until he suddenly froze! (oven)

Or Until he suddenly freezes! (fridge)

Or Until it suddenly gets wet! (washing machine)

For the presenter: We hide the box in the oven (or in the refrigerator, washing machine)! Much more convenient and depending on the treasure. This could be sweets, small souvenirs, cake, etc. What are you thinking! 🙂

As an option: If you have a private house with a yard, you can hide the treasure in a bag and hang it on a tree branch. Then the hint option will be:

Here are our thieves in a cage!

Now look for the treasure on the branch!

Here is a quest scenario for children to find a gift at home! It will take a little time to prepare for it, but it should be interesting!

We wish you a fun adventure! 😉 If you have any questions, leave them in the comments under the article! We will try to answer as soon as possible!

A set of blanks for conducting a quest

To save time during preparation, we suggest purchasing a ready-made set of designed task cards. You will receive all materials immediately after payment (within 10 min.) to the specified e-mail address. Click on the “Place an order” button. Then you will be taken to the product page, where you will need to fill out the fields and select a convenient payment method.

The cost of this set of blanks is 65 rubles.

It is included in the kit:

  1. Cards with tasks in pdf and jpg format
  2. 7 cards for the “picture” task
  3. Pictures with animals for task No. 4
  4. Goodwin's letter
  5. Bottle label
  6. Card "Inflate Me"
  7. Feather
  8. A complete set of blank cards (if you want to change them, add your own tasks)
  9. Cards with text for 1st participant

Attention! The order is sent automatically. If you have not received the material within 5 minutes, then write to us immediately at technical support (address listed below), we will resend it.

By placing an order (by clicking on the “place order” button), you consent to the processing of personal data and agree to the site.

The entertainment industry around the world is progressing incredibly quickly. Reality games are a prominent representative of this area. Why is one quest popular and the other not? One important feature is the riddles in the quest, which should depend on the plot.

Classification of tasks by goals

The game scenario and quest tasks can be completely different and depend on the author’s imagination. However, successful games have several mandatory elements: the boundaries of space, the rules announced before the start, the starting point and the necessary conditions for victory.

  • At the beginning of the game, when participants are just immersing themselves in another reality, it is important to make the tasks and puzzles not difficult in order to involve each participant in the process.
  • Later, when the plot begins, it is necessary to increase the complexity of the game, making it a team game so that not a single participant is left without something to do.
  • The third level is characterized by an acceleration of the pace of the game; here it is advisable to insert exciting “wow” effects, in which case everyone will have time to move away from them by the finish line. And finally, the final stage. It is the most important, because the emotions and impressions with which the participants will leave depend on it. It should be organically integrated into the plot and be its logical conclusion.

IRL gaming is a popular pastime for many reasons: it's fun, good for the brain, and suitable for a variety of people and spaces. It is absolutely clear that, for example, a children's quest is not suitable for holding in an office. Therefore, we can identify the main audience:

  • Corporate event
  • For girls
  • For guys
  • For children
  • For teenagers
  • For family

Types of quests

For office

    Suitable primarily for companies where employees are creative and have out-of-the-box thinking. A distinctive feature is that each company needs to select individual scenarios for the quest. Tasks should be team tasks, where you can move to the next level only by interacting with each other.

For girls

    This is a great opportunity to spend time with your beloved friends. You can celebrate both a bachelorette party and a birthday in an unusual way. For the fair sex, those quests are suitable where you do not need to exert force, and the tasks are intellectual and involve finding hidden objects.

For men

    Various options are suitable: these can be either intellectual games or games of endurance and dexterity; the “leave the room” genre is very suitable here. The tasks can also be very different: mechanized props, interactive riddles, decoding or searching for objects will arouse interest.


    IRL games can be just as fun as adults. Organizers often use their favorite characters from films and cartoons. Most often, children like tasks to find various objects and artifacts.

For teenagers

    Simple puzzles and tasks are no longer enough when it comes to entertainment for teenagers. More complex puzzles will be more exciting, but the game should remain dynamic and colorful; the best choice would be an interactive action game, with elements of interesting tasks and risk.

For family

    Family games actually involve adults and children. Therefore, it is necessary that all tasks are within the power of every player, be it a child or an adult.

Locations for quests

Of course, the choice of tasks for the quest also depends on where it will take place. Those tasks that are suitable for home may not be suitable for the office and certainly cannot be used in open spaces (parks, museums, streets, etc.). Locations may be as follows:

  • School, sports quest
  • City/nature
  • Kindergarten
  • Web quest

Types of quests


You can come up with a huge number of tasks for your home, all you need is your imagination! A great idea would be to use available equipment. For example, an old suitcase that is locked with a combination lock. Hide the main prize of the game in it, and the team must find the code by number while completing various tasks. You can also use a deck of cards, encrypted messages (the code can be made, for example, with wax), and various furnishings. It’s optimal for one person to do 5-7 tasks, but for a team it’s more. This kind of home entertainment is a great option to give a gift to the birthday boy or to amuse all the guests.


A quest at your workplace is a great option to surprise your boss or colleague who has a birthday. If your company has few employees, then each person can come up with one puzzle for the boss or another employee, and then enjoy how the participant moves around the building, solving the clues. Live quests are also perfect for the office. The main feature is interaction with other players. Each participant receives his own unique role and, based on it, solves problems to achieve his goal. The ending is often unpredictable, because the player may not behave according to the script, and there are no hints provided. This is where you can find out how your colleagues will behave in an unusual situation.


If you want to entertain your child in kindergarten or at home, then it will not be difficult for you to write a game script, including imagination and ingenuity! Only you, like no one else, can know what captivates your child and his friends. In warm weather, creating a maze is great for kindergarten. Remember your childhood! There were so many emotions when going through an obstacle course made of stretched ropes or branches. You can also make a labyrinth indoors, using tape or using a special tunnel for children.

On city streets and nature

City quest is an educational entertainment where the action is not limited to any room and takes place in open space - in parks, estates and city streets. In this type of quest, QR codes, maps and phone applications are actively used to build a route. There are many options for riddles; you need to build on the desires of all participants. It could be a detective story, then puzzles in the “encrypt the card” style are good. If you want to do a historical quest, then include monuments of political figures and kings in your route, and make up questions specifically about them. There are also many other locations for games. All of the above ideas and puzzles can be adapted to any desired location.

We recommend checking out these articles

Of course, it is impossible to list all possible puzzles and tasks, because there are not a single hundred of them. However, the QuestInfo website has made a selection of successful examples.

  • You can use invisible ink for tasks. Distribute the keys in hidden places and the clues throughout the room. To add complexity, the clues can be encrypted using invisible ink that appears under ultraviolet light.
  • Another option in the style of British spies is to write a clue with melted wax. To find the answer, you only need colored pencils to color over the inscription.
  • Also, to open a secret place, you can use details that begin to work when you guess a combination lock or cipher from numbers or letters.
  • Another fun option is to make a word from magazine or newspaper headlines and get a clue that way.
  • Or use photographs or paintings scattered around the room. For example, each one has a letter, you need to find them all and make a word.
  • You can also encrypt riddles using pictures, which are a symbol of the next step.
  • Currently, many organizers are resorting to using QR codes. They work most successfully during city quests. You can also use this idea.

Various quest scenarios: general patterns

The completion of tasks can be completely different, but there is a set of mandatory elements of any quest: clearly defined boundaries of space, announced rules, the beginning of the action and victory conditions. At the first stage, the participants are just beginning to immerse themselves in another world, so it is important to make the riddles quite simple in order to captivate the team in the process. The beginning of the plot is accompanied by more complex tasks aimed at team play. Players must interact with each other so that no one remains a passive observer. At the next level, the pace of the quest accelerates, and many companies prefer to insert unexpected “wow” effects at this very moment, so that guests can recover by the end. The final stage is the most important. The impression with which guests will leave depends on its quality, so the denouement cannot be blurred, unsaid or “raw”. A logically structured ending is the key to success.

How to choose a topic for a screenplay

Quests are popular entertainment, so they will appeal to any event and company. That is why there is a huge variety and a whole field for imagination on the topic of an interesting and catchy scenario for an quest. The choice depends on your target audience, as well as the location where the quest will be held.

  • Let's say that you have chosen the standard type - escape room. If your audience is mainly young people, then horror or fantasy options are perfect for such a room. “Escape from the Chamber of Secrets” based on the books about Harry Potter, “Home for Peculiar Children”, “Abandoned Hospital”, “Bank Robbery” - there can be many options.
  • In order to come up with original and interesting scenarios for quests based on TV series or films, it is necessary to take into account consumer demand. Simply put, you need to analyze what is most popular at the moment. For example, more visitors will come to you if the room is decorated in the style of the Marvel universe or the world of “Game of Thrones”
  • The game can take place not only in your location, but also in a cafe, school and even in the office! In this case, you need to adapt to the theme of the place itself. For example, if this is a game in a company office, then the tasks may be on knowledge in a professional field, on the use of technology, as well as secret places in the room.
  • The city quest can be carried out in the style of a detective story about Sherlock Holmes or as an exploration of local attractions.

Questinfo Offers ready-made quests with scripts for every taste

To make things easier, we've put together some helpful tips on how to organize a location and write a script. Distribute clues in hidden places, and distribute clues evenly throughout the room. Hints can be encrypted, use special ink that will be visible only under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, and to open the hiding place, actively use mechanisms that open under the influence of a combination of numbers, signals, or key combinations. A fantasy or science theme welcomes all sorts of chemical experiments to solve puzzles. First, players must look for clues to obtain the necessary ingredients, then they find the liquids themselves, and then mix them to create a potion or medicine. It is not at all necessary for team members to be in the same room to solve the quest: you can divide the participants into different closed rooms, from which it is possible only by interacting with each other through the walls.

It must be kept in mind that quests for a child and an adult can differ greatly both in level and content. Some tasks suitable for an adult player will not be given to children.

You can forever look at the fire, water and how a crowd of enthusiastic children complete the quest! Making an interesting quest is not as difficult as many parents think. Sometimes all it takes to create an unforgettable adventure is a piece of paper and a good idea.

For those preparing for the main school exam

Many people think that preparing a quest is always a difficult project to develop. Allegedly, you need to come up with a theme, distribute presenters among stations, and almost sew special costumes for them. All this, of course, is needed to create a mega-quest, but an entertaining “runner” can be launched in half an hour.

Here are four options for quests that are suitable for a group of children at the dacha, at a family camp, or on a hike.

Quest with notes

It's simple: at the beginning of the quest there is a clue that allows you to find a place with the next clue, and so on, until the final goal.

For kids, you can directly write the names of the following item: “maple tree in the yard” or “bench.” You can be creative by hiding the next clue. You can stick it with tape under a bench or hang it higher on a tree (but, of course, do not overestimate the capabilities of children).

For those who are older, the hint can hint at the next station in more detail, indicating some signs. For example, “iron, blue” (swing), “square, wooden” (sandbox).

For the smart ones, use riddle clues like this:

The stone was finely chopped
Placed in a flat box
Anton sits in the box
Poking around with a dustpan


Little trick: in sequential quests, it is better to start preparing from the final point, this way it’s easier not to get confused when laying out notes.

Quest with a map

You need a map or diagram of the area (apartment, yard, park), on which the places where “artifacts” are hidden are marked. The map should indicate clear landmarks by which these places can be found.

At each point, children must get an intermediate prize: collect stones of life (oranges) or 9 magic rings (milk or juice lids), 12 fairy-tale artifacts (walnuts or coins).

Use brightly colored, matching envelopes or wrapping paper to make it easy to see what the artifact is.

Only after collecting all the intermediate artifacts can you exchange them with the Senior Wizard (father/mother) in the Castle of the Elves (in the gazebo) for the Main Treasure of the Universe (waffle cake).

Photo quest

It is better to conduct such a quest at home or in a well-known area: in the yard or in the country.

For the quest you will need to take photographs of familiar objects from an unfamiliar angle. For example, a bench can be photographed from below, and a photo of a brick garage can be taken with high magnification so that the color and texture are recognizable. It is better to photograph the teapot from the inside, and the tree from the “hollow” angle. At the same time, the quality of the pictures does not play a big role: the more abstract the picture, the more interesting and difficult it is to guess.

Each new clue photo points to the next quest point, where the next photo can be found, and so on until the final point.

Quest "by arrows"

It has the simplest mechanics, so the quest can be carried out in a forest or park. Markers or arrows are placed along the quest route. The participants' task is to find them one by one until they reach the final destination.

Arrows can be laid out with sticks or stones on the ground, or drawn with chalk on the paths. Tags can be made by tying colored tape or strings to trees. For younger children, the tags should be placed so that when standing near one of them, the next one can be easily seen; for more experienced participants, the search for tags may not be so obvious.

Naturally, if the quest is held in a forest or large park, the team should be accompanied by an adult: driven by excitement, children can stray from the route and run away in search of markers in an unpredictable direction.

Quests can be educational, thematic, historical, team-building, can accompany an excursion route and solve many other problems. This summer we will be holding one for the first time, where we will teach teachers and active parents how to make quests and other games to solve different problems and have fun.