Games for the development of articulation. Clicking your tongue with your mouth wide open

Yulia Fesenko
Classes for the development of mobility of the articulatory apparatus. Exercises for the development of articulatory motor skills in children

Exercises for the development of articulatory motor skills in children.

Classes for the development of mobility of the articulatory apparatus and motor skills of the hands should be imitative.

Offer your child some "monkey". The adult will show the movements, and the child must repeat the movements after you.

Show how the wolf howls (Pull your lips forward and make a sound woo). The child should be taught to stretch his lips with a tube.

Teach your child to puff out his cheeks and sharply "tear" bow of lips.

Ask a child "to drink", like a kitten, quickly throwing out and retracting the tongue.

Click your tongue, click like horses (preparation for sound articulation -p-) .

Let's close - open the house.

To teach the child to close and open bare lips (preparatory sound articulation exercises, h, c, w, h, w).

To make it interesting to do all these exercises, can be converted classes into telling an entertaining story. You can use small poems.

We'll go to the forest

Let's get mushrooms.

Let's call dad out loud

Ay - ay - ay - ay.

Ay doo - doo - doo - doo - doo - doo - doo,

A raven sits on an oak tree.

Ay kachi - kachi - kachi,

Under the pillow kalachi.

Get up baby one more time. One more time.

Take a small step. Top, top, top, top.

Geese, geese ga-ga-ga. Do you want to drink? Yes Yes Yes.

Geese, geese! Here is the water. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

Chicks, chicks, chicks,

Vanya rides on a stick, and Dunya on a cart, cracks nuts.

Ku-ka-re-ku! I guard chickens.

Kud - kudakh, drifted in the bushes.

Our ducks in the morning, quack - quack - quack - quack.

Our geese by the pond, ha-ha-ha.

And the turkey in the middle of the yard, ball - ball - ball - ball.

Our chickens in the window, ko-ko-ko-ko.

And like Petya - a cockerel, in the early morning in the morning.

We will sing, ku-ka-ke-ku!

Yes, it is necessary develop in children voice-respiratory exercises.

Such exercises help children at the preparatory stage for the formation of hissing and whistling sounds in him. There are many games for development of breathing. Here are some of them:

Blow on dandelion, cotton wool, fluff, small pieces of paper.

Pour a basin of water and teach the child to blow on small objects that can float in the basin (boats, fish, ducks).

Blowing soap bubbles.

Playing musical instruments.

Inflating balloons.

Along with games development breathing, it is necessary to teach the child to use the voice correctly and intonation:

Stretch out various vowel sounds, a - y - e - o - u - I, while unwinding the rope. At the same time, the rope can be long or short, depending on the rhythm of the speech exhalation in the child. With a long exhalation, the voice sounds long and the rope will turn out to be long. With a short one, the voice quickly breaks off, and it turns out to be short.

This game with a child can be continued in combination with vowel sounds. A game "Who Says More", ha - ha - ha - ha, kitty - kitty - kitty - kitty, du - du - du - du, mu - mu - mu - mu, etc.

Development in children imitative side goes well with visibility. Games such as "Who says what", the child not only learns to speak like animals, but also remembers their appearance, names, and in the future their variety (domestic or wild).repeating words and phrases after an adult, the child strengthens his articulation apparatus.

These classes are necessary for young children, which develop not only speech comprehension, but also pronunciation capabilities. Over time, your child will learn to pronounce correctly not only syllables, short words, but also complex ones, which include two or more syllables, and thus, you will help your children reproduce the syllabic structure of a word correctly, excluding shortening of words, omissions of sounds in words. If speech disorders do not improve before a certain age, then in such cases it is necessary to consult a speech therapist.

Snowflake in the palm of your hand

Put a piece of cotton wool on the child's palm, ask the child to imagine that it is a snowflake, ask him to blow it off. To complicate the task, put a few pieces of cotton wool, scraps of paper, a small button, etc. The game contributes to the development of the articulatory apparatus, imagination.

water bubbles

You will need: a straw for a cocktail, a container of water. Teach your child to blow into a straw with one end placed in water. The resulting bubbles can be caught by hand or with a strainer. Offer to change the intensity of blowing: blow strongly, weakly, very weakly. Fix the baby's attention on what kind of bubbles are obtained in this case. The game contributes to the development of the articulatory apparatus, introduces the properties of matter.

Make an arch (gate) on the table from cubes or a designer. Put in front
baby a cotton ball or feather, offer to “blow” it into the gate. The game contributes to the development of the articulatory apparatus.

The rustle of the wind

Hang paper strips in the interior opening. Ask the baby to be the wind and blow on them. "Strong wind! The wind is quiet. Weak wind. And now a hurricane!

From the clatter of hooves...

Teach your child to click his tongue, imitating the clatter of hooves. Ask to show how a small foal gallops (clatter quickly and weakly), an adult horse (clearly and slowly). The game contributes to the development of the articulatory apparatus.

Motorcycle or KamAZ

Invite the child to depict how the engine of a motorcycle works, then a car, a truck. Paying attention to how the volume, timbre, intonation of the voice changes. The game contributes to the development of the articulatory apparatus.

Charging for the language

Tell the kid a fairy tale, repeat with him all the described actions: “Once upon a time there was a small tongue. What was the name of his house? That's right, mouth. As in any house, there was a ceiling, floor and walls. Check with your tongue if everything is in place in your mouth (touch the upper palate, cheeks with your tongue). And the doors in his house were strong, strong, guess what those doors are. Of course, teeth. Show me the doors of your house. When the tongue wanted to go outside, it opened its doors slightly, leaned out a little, then hid again, and so on several times. Emboldened, he went outside, looked to the right, to the left, up, down, then did it faster, even faster. Once the tongue saw a saucer with milk, and he was very fond of milk, licked his lips and decided to drink it. At first he drank from a saucer, as if from a cup (making your lips a tube, draw in the air), but it was inconvenient. Then he began to drink like cats do. After drinking all the milk, he again licked his lips and went home, but before that he washed his doors (run your tongue over the outside and inside of your teeth). The game contributes to the development of the articulatory apparatus.

house tour

Show the baby the doll. Tell that the doll Lyuba is tired of living
in her dollhouse, she wants to go on a trip
throughout the apartment. Invite the child to show Luba everything that
you have at home, name each thing and tell why
she needs. Doll Lyuba, of course, will be curious
girl and will ask a lot of questions. The game can
spread over several days.

near, in front of, around

You will need: A few toys.
Invite your child to take the bus. Let him choose
comfortable spot. Place toys around the child. Go.
“The one who sits behind you is interested in what will be now
stop? Look who's asking this? Together with the little one
come up with names for stops or remember familiar ones.
“The one who sits next to you wants to know where this
bus? And who is sitting next to you? etc.
objects in space, the development of speech, imagination.

We accommodate guests

The doll has a birthday. She invited guests, cooked
treat. Now we need to think about how to place
invited to the festive table. Discuss with
child: “A bunny cannot be planted next to a wolf, he will
offend the bunny, let's put him next to the cockerel, they are
are friends, do you remember the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut", where the rooster saved
a hare from a fox? And we will place the wolf between the fox and the bear,
they are all predators. The chicken will sit next to his mother -
hens, and the hen is next to the rooster. One side of the rooster
there will be a hare, and on the other - a hen, etc.” Repeat again
placement order. When guests arrive, instruct the baby
plant them correctly.
The game contributes to the development of ideas about the location
objects in space, speech, attention.

The doll is sleeping

You will need: a doll or soft toy. Lay down the doll
sleep. Let your baby rock her in her arms, sing
lullaby, lay in bed and cover with a blanket. explain
child that while the doll is sleeping, you will speak in a whisper,
not to wake her up. Talk to your little one about something
ask him questions, ask him to tell something (all
this is done in a whisper). Do not drag out the game, baby can
quickly get bored with this type of communication. Announce it's time for the doll
get up. "Now we can talk loudly!"
The game contributes to the development of speech, hearing.

What does our doll love?

You will need: a doll or soft toy. "Let's ask
our doll, what she likes to do." "Doll, what do you love
do?". In the voice of the doll, tell in short sentences about
her favorite activities: “I love to play. I like running. I love
eat". Now it's the doll's turn to ask what she likes to do.
your child. Help him with the same simple sentences
talk about your work. In the future, ask the baby
talk about what mom, dad, grandma and
The game contributes to the development of speech, imagination.

finish the word

Ask your child to complete the word you give him.
For example: doro-(ha), store-(zin), colo-(side), etc. If
it is difficult for the child to orient himself, point to the subject,
which you name. Picking up a doll, say: "Kuk-(la)",
cube - “Ku-(bik), etc.
The game contributes to the development of speech, memory, attention.
Repeat after me
Invite your child to repeat the rhyming lines after you:
The bird flew in, sang a song to me. The girl woke up
stretched sweetly.
The sun sets, Masha goes to bed, etc. After
repeated, pause before the last word,
even when you read new rhymes:
The little bunny does not read ... (books).

Apple or plate?

Ask your baby questions, warning him that you can
make mistakes.
Are apple and pear vegetables?
Spoon and plate are dishes?
Are shorts and a T-shirt furniture?
Are chamomile and dandelion trees? Make tasks harder
naming objects from different thematic groups:
Tomato and orange are vegetables?
Spoon and wood are dishes? Etc.
The game contributes to the development of speech, attention.

My phone rang

Play "Talk on the Phone" with your baby. Phone Role
can perform any objects: cubes, sticks, parts from
constructor, etc. Take turns pretending to ring the phone.
Talk to your child on your behalf, asking him simple
Questions: What is your name? How old are you? What is your name
favorite toy? What do you play?" etc. Change roles:
you are a child, a baby is a father or mother. Speak on behalf
toys, animals. Structure the dialogue in such a way that the answer
the child was not limited to the words "Yes" and "No". Describe
various items, things, products, etc.
The game contributes to the development of speech, replenishment of vocabulary

What do we see in the yard?

Look out the window with your child. Play the Who
will see more." Take turns listing what you see
your window. Describe in detail what you see. For example me
I see a tree. It has green leaves, so it's summer.
It is tall and thick, it has many branches and twigs, etc.”
If the child finds it difficult to describe the object, help him
leading questions. "Did you see the house? Is he tall or short?
Does it have many or few windows? Is it brick or wood? AND
etc.” The game contributes to the development of observation,
attention, vocabulary building. What did we see yesterday?
Remember with your baby where you were yesterday, what you did,
who they met, what they talked about. Fix your attention on
details. “Did you play with Sasha? What did you play? What colour
did Sasha have a bucket? And the owl?" The game promotes development
memory, attention, observation, vocabulary replenishment
stock. What are we going to do tomorrow?
Encourage your child to come up with something important
tomorrow: count the benches in the park, go to visit,
come up with a fairy tale for Masha's doll, etc. The next morning
ask: does the baby remember what you wanted
do today. Try to think of things like this
the execution of which cannot be delayed or cancelled. Or
discuss in advance the circumstances that may violate
your plans, for example: “We will go to the sandbox if there is no
The game develops planning skills, memory, speech of the child.

Who was who

You will need: pictures of adult animals and
their cubs. Does your baby know what baby names are
often differ from the names of adult animals. Consider
pictures, asking the baby questions about who is depicted on them.
Read the poem by A. Shibaev:
Who becomes who
There was a little puppy.
He grew up, however,
And now he's not a puppy -
Adult ... (dog).
Foal - every day
He grew up and became ... (horse).
Bull, mighty giant,
As a child, I was ... (a calf).
Fat goof ram -
plump ... (lamb).
This important cat fluff -
Little ... (kitten).
And the brave cockerel -
Cro-o-hot ... (chicken).
And from the little goslings
Grow up ... ducks -
Especially for the guys
Those who love jokes.
The game contributes to the development of speech.

Invite the child to play the game "Who came?". Marry
door, knock: “Knock-knock-knock”, - “Who is there?”. picture
some animal. For example:
“It's me, cow. Mu-u-u. "Come on, cow. Hello cow.
Where are you going, cow? Change roles with your child
alternately imagine various animals, people, fabulous
characters. Try to have a dialogue with simple questions and
The game contributes to the development of imagination, speech skills.
Hedgehog - father, hedgehog - mother
Depict various animals, while humming or
If dad is a gray elephant,
mother is an elephant!
And the child, and the child -
Little elephant!
If dad is a prickly hedgehog,
Mom is a hedgehog.
And the prickly little boy
They call everyone a hedgehog.
If dad is a horse,
The mother will be a horse.
Do you know that their child -
A fast foal.
Everyone knows for sure
Almost from diapers:
Son of a cow and a bull -
Little calf.
The game promotes the development of speech, introduces the basics
formation of nouns.

hedgehog walking

Come up with short funny poems with your baby,
which will expand his knowledge, for example:
The hedgehog walked through the forest
And I found one fungus.
sat down, ate
And went on.
This lists everything that can be found in the forest, in the garden, on
vegetable garden, as well as any other items that can be named
Baby. You can insert the name of the crumbs into the rhyme - for children it is very
Misha walked, walked, walked,
TV found.
sat down and looked
And went on.
Nastya walked, walked, walked,
I found the scallop.
combed her hair
And then she went on, etc.
The game contributes to the development of speech, introduces the functional
assignment of items.

Everything is so different!

Ask your child questions, encouraging him to answer:
The pillow is soft, and the table ... (hard);
The snow is white, and the earth ... (black);
The elephant is big, and the mouse ... (small), etc.
The game contributes to the development of speech, attention.

Articulation games

To speak correctly, a child needs to be able to control his organs of articulation: the lower jaw, soft palate, lips, cheeks and tongue.

Self-massage is the performance by the child of certain articulatory movements that cause an effect similar to massage, that is, they contribute to the activation of blood circulation in the area of ​​the lips and tongue. You need to do it from the age of 2, sitting in front of a mirror, so that the baby sees his face and the face of an adult and can compare the movements that are shown to him and his own.

Passive gymnastics, as a rule, is recommended for young children who are not able to perform active articulation exercises themselves due to a decrease in the mobility of the lips and tongue. Movements should be performed slowly and rhythmically, repeating 3-4 times, preferably 2-3 times a day.

Articulation exercises are performed at a slow pace, in front of a mirror. Static exercises involve holding the organs of articulation in a certain position for 3-10 seconds (3-5 seconds are enough for a two-year-old baby). Dynamic exercises require repeated repetition of the same movement. Thanks to them, the baby will develop the ability to quickly switch from one articulation position to another.

Remember: a child may refuse to complete the exercise, not because he does not want to, but because he cannot. So be patient!

Face and lips massage

Direction of movement- from the middle of the forehead to the auricles.

Type of movement - in order of their execution: stroking, rubbing, stroking, kneading, stroking, vibration, stroking.

Direction of movement- from the eyebrows to the scalp.

Types of movements

Direction of movement- from the nose to the temples (on the cheeks).

Types of movements- in the order of their execution: stroking, rubbing, stroking, kneading, stroking, vibration, stroking.

Direction of movement- from the middle of the upper lip to the auricles (on the cheeks).

Types of movements- in the order of their execution: stroking, rubbing, stroking, kneading, stroking, vibration, stroking.

Direction of movement- from the middle of the upper lip, around the mouth, to the chin.

Types of movements- in the order of their execution: stroking, rubbing, stroking, kneading, stroking, vibration, stroking.

Direction of movement- from the wings of the nose to the corners of the lips (nasolabial folds).

Type of movement - stroking.

Direction of movement- from the middle of the chin to the ears.

Types of movements- in the order of their execution: stroking, rubbing, stroking, kneading, stroking, vibration, stroking.

Direction of movement- on the upper lip from the corners of the mouth to the middle of the lip.

Types of movements- in the order of their execution: stroking, kneading, stroking, vibration, stroking.

Direction of movement- on the lower lip from the corners of the mouth to the middle of the lip.

Types of movements - stroking, kneading, stroking, vibration, stroking.

author Olga Novikovskaya

From the book 1000 games, tasks and exercises for the development of speech author Olga Novikovskaya

From the book 1000 games, tasks and exercises for the development of speech author Olga Novikovskaya

From the book 1000 games, tasks and exercises for the development of speech author Olga Novikovskaya

From the book 1000 games, tasks and exercises for the development of speech author Olga Novikovskaya

From the book Propaedeutics of childhood diseases: lecture notes author O. V. Osipova

From the book Games with an autistic child author Elena Yanushko

author Elena Yanushko

From the book Help the baby to speak! Speech development of children 1.5-3 years old author Elena Yanushko

From the book Help the baby to speak! Speech development of children 1.5-3 years old author Elena Yanushko

From the book Help the baby to speak! Speech development of children 1.5-3 years old author Elena Yanushko

From the book My baby will be born happy author Anastasia Takki


Pipe and bell

The teacher shows the children the instruments - a pipe and a bell - and says: “The pipe blows like this: “Doo-doo-doo!”, The bell rings like this: “Ding-ding-ding!”.

Then the teacher shows the children one or another instrument, and the children depict how the instrument sounds.

Through the repetition of combinations of “doo-doo” and “ding-ding”, the pronunciation of hard and soft sounds is fixed.

"Guess What Sounds"

"Tell me who screams how"

These games can be played with toys. The teacher shows a toy-animal, the children depict how they "shout":

How does a frog (goose, duck, cockerel) scream?

It is also possible vice versa: the teacher depicts the “cry” of the animal, and the children find this animal in a row of toys:

Who shouts ku-ka-re-ku (qua-qua, quack-quack)?

"Who's stomping?"

In this game, children first look at the big Mishka and the little bear cub Mishutka. Then the teacher invites the children to say loudly: “TOP-TOP-TOP!”. This is how an adult bear stomps. And if you say quietly: “top-top-top”, then Mishutka is stomping.

First, the teacher pronounces the words at different volumes and pitches of voice, and the children guess "who is coming." Then you can invite the children (in turn) to “guess” a Mishka or Mishutka.

By this principle, you can come up with many similar games. For example, a teacher hides toys in a screen, pronounces different words for them, and the children guess who is talking to them.

"On the drum - they drum, on the pipe - they blow"

The teacher examines musical instruments with the children and says: “On the drum they drum, on the pipe they blow.”

Then the children close their eyes, and the teacher hits the drum with drumsticks:

What does the drum do?


How does he drum?


How is he drumming now?


Then the teacher takes a pipe and blows.

What is the flute doing?


How does she blow?


And now how is it blowing?


The game is repeated several times. Then you can invite two children: one is given a drum and sticks, the other is given a pipe. The rest of the children close their eyes. At the signal of the teacher, the drummer drums.

What does it sound like?


What is the drum doing?


How does the drum drum - loud or soft?


Then the sound of the flute is discussed in exactly the same way.

For this game you will need toys: a mouse and a mouse, a duck and a duckling, a frog and a frog, a cow and a calf, a cat and a kitten. If the selection of toys causes difficulties, you can pick up pictures or sculpt toys from plasticine, involving children in joint activities.

Animals come to visit children (they come by car, by train), they want to play. Children must guess whose voice they will hear.

Meow meow. Who is meowing? (Cat)

The mother cat has a baby. How does he meow? (Meow meow)

Moo-o-o - who is mooing like that? (cow)

Who doesn't have a baby? (Calf)

Now listen again and guess who is mooing, a cow or a calf.

And who croaks thinly? (Frog)

The frog is large and croaks in a rough voice, while its baby croaks thinly. Who is the frog's baby?

Other toys are played in the same way.

You can invite the children to call the toy correctly, then you can play with it: "Frog, come to us." "Duckling, play with me"

Game "Find the sound"

This game requires a car and various toys, but among them, an elephant and a dog are a must. An adult invites the child to name all the toys and ride in the car those animals whose name begins with a sound with (elephant, dog). If a child calls a word that does not have a sound with, then an adult pronounces this word, highlighting each sound, for example, kooshkaa.

The cat cannot ride in the car. In the word "cat" there is no sound with.

The child chooses a goose. An adult puts a goose in the car, the car does not go.

The car will not go, because in the word goose the sound is heard, not with.

The game "Loudly - in a whisper", "Fast - slowly"

The adult says that a wasp flew to visit the kitten. First, you can say the phrase with the children:

"Sa-sa-sa - a wasp flew to us."

Then this rhyme is repeated with different sound strengths: loudly - quietly - in a whisper (together with an adult and without his help, in chorus and individually).

"Su-su-su - the cat drove the wasp away." (The text is spoken quickly and slowly.)

You can invite children to complete the phrase on their own:

“Sa-sa-sa - ...” (“a wasp flies there”).

“Su-su-su - ...” (“how to drive the wasp away?”, “I'm afraid of the wasp”).

How does a kitten meow?

The adult takes the doll and begins to tell: “This is Tanya. She is walking home from a walk and hears: someone meows plaintively. Like this: “Meow meow!” (mournfully intonation). How did the kitten meow?

Children (or one of the children) repeat the words “Meow-meow!” After the teacher.

Tanya took the kitten in her arms, brought it home, poured him milk in a saucer. The kitten meowed happily. Like this: “Meow meow!” (joyful tone).

Then the dog came running and began to bark loudly at the kitten. The kitten got angry and began to meow angrily. Like this: “Meow meow!” (angry tone). But Tanya quickly reconciled them. The kitten and the puppy began to meow and bark cheerfully.

Then one of the children tells the story on their own, conveying the intonations required by the content of the text. An adult, if necessary, helps with a single word or sentence.

Apparatus and speech

Snowflake in the palm of your hand

Put a piece of cotton wool on the child's palm, ask the child to imagine that it is a snowflake, ask him to blow it off. Complicating the task, put a few pieces of cotton wool, scraps of paper, a small button, etc. The game contributes to the development of the articulatory apparatus, imagination.

water bubbles

You will need: a straw for a cocktail, a container of water. Teach your child to blow into a straw with one end placed in water. The resulting bubbles can be caught by hand or with a strainer. Offer to change the intensity of blowing: blow strongly, weakly, very weakly. Fix the baby's attention on what kind of bubbles are obtained in this case. The game contributes to the development of the articulatory apparatus, introduces the properties of matter.


Make an arch (gate) on the table from cubes or a designer. Put in front
baby a cotton ball or feather, offer to “blow” it into the gate. The game contributes to the development of the articulatory apparatus.

The rustle of the wind

Hang paper strips in the interior opening. Ask the baby to be the wind and blow on them. "Strong wind! The wind is quiet. Weak wind. And now a hurricane!

From the clatter of hooves...

Teach your child to click his tongue, imitating the clatter of hooves. Ask to show how a small foal gallops (clatter quickly and weakly), an adult horse (clearly and slowly). The game contributes to the development of the articulatory apparatus.

Motorcycle or KamAZ

Invite the child to depict how the engine of a motorcycle works, then a car, a truck. Paying attention to how the volume, timbre, intonation of the voice changes. The game contributes to the development of the articulatory apparatus.

Charging for the language

Tell the kid a fairy tale, repeat with him all the described actions: “Once upon a time there was a small tongue. What was the name of his house? That's right, mouth. As in any house, there was a ceiling, floor and walls. Check with your tongue if everything is in place in your mouth (touch the upper palate, cheeks with your tongue). And the doors in his house were strong, strong, guess what those doors are. Of course, teeth. Show me the doors of your house. When the tongue wanted to go outside, it opened its doors slightly, leaned out a little, then hid again, and so on several times. Emboldened, he went outside, looked to the right, to the left, up, down, then did it faster, even faster. Once the tongue saw a saucer with milk, and he was very fond of milk, licked his lips and decided to drink it. At first he drank from a saucer, as if from a cup (making your lips a tube, draw in the air), but it was inconvenient. Then he began to drink like cats do. After drinking all the milk, he again licked his lips and went home, but before that he washed his doors (run your tongue over the outside and inside of your teeth). The game contributes to the development of the articulatory apparatus.

house tour

Show the baby the doll. Tell that the doll Lyuba is tired of living
in her dollhouse, she wants to go on a trip
throughout the apartment. Invite the child to show Luba everything that
you have at home, name each thing and tell why
she needs. Doll Lyuba, of course, will be curious
girl and will ask a lot of questions. The game can
spread over several days.

near, in front of, around

You will need: A few toys.
Invite your child to take the bus. Let him choose
comfortable spot. Place toys around the child. Go.
“The one who sits behind you is interested in what will be now
stop? Look who's asking this? Together with the little one
come up with names for stops or remember familiar ones.
“The one who sits next to you wants to know where this
bus? And who is sitting next to you? etc.

objects in space, the development of speech, imagination.

We accommodate guests

The doll has a birthday. She invited guests, cooked
treat. Now we need to think about how to place
invited to the festive table. Discuss with
child: “A bunny cannot be planted next to a wolf, he will
offend the bunny, let's put him next to the cockerel, they are
are friends, do you remember the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut", where the rooster saved
a hare from a fox? And we will place the wolf between the fox and the bear,
they are all predators. The chicken will sit next to his mother -
hens, and the hen is next to the rooster. One side of the rooster
there will be a hare, and on the other - a chicken, etc. Repeat again
placement order. When guests arrive, instruct the baby
plant them correctly.
The game contributes to the development of ideas about the location
objects in space, speech, attention.

The doll is sleeping

You will need: a doll or soft toy. Lay down the doll
sleep. Let your baby rock her in her arms, sing
lullaby, lay in bed and cover with a blanket. explain
child that while the doll is sleeping, you will speak in a whisper,
not to wake her up. Talk to your little one about something
ask him questions, ask him to tell something (all
this is done in a whisper). Do not drag out the game, baby can
quickly get bored with this type of communication. Announce it's time for the doll
get up. "Now we can talk loudly!"
The game contributes to the development of speech, hearing.

What does our doll love?

You will need: a doll or soft toy. "Let's ask
our doll, what she likes to do." "Doll, what do you love
do?". In the voice of the doll, tell in short sentences about
her favorite activities: “I love to play. I like running. I love
eat". Now it's the doll's turn to ask what she likes to do.
your child. Help him with the same simple sentences
talk about your work. In the future, ask the baby
talk about what mom, dad, grandma and
The game contributes to the development of speech, imagination.

finish the word

Ask your child to complete the word you give him.
For example: expensive-(ha), store-(zin), colo-(side), etc. If
it is difficult for the child to orient himself, point to the subject,
which you name. Picking up a doll, say: "Kuk-(la)",
cube - “Ku-(bik), etc.
The game contributes to the development of speech, memory, attention.
Repeat after me
Invite your child to repeat the rhyming lines after you:
The bird flew in, sang a song to me. The girl woke up
stretched sweetly.
The sun sets, Masha goes to bed, etc. After
repeated, pause before the last word,
even when you read new rhymes:
The little bunny does not read ... (books).

Apple or plate?

Ask your baby questions, warning him that you can
make mistakes.
Are apple and pear vegetables?
Spoon and plate are dishes?
Are shorts and a T-shirt furniture?
Are chamomile and dandelion trees? Make tasks harder
naming objects from different thematic groups:
Tomato and orange are vegetables?
Spoon and wood are dishes? Etc.

My phone rang

Play "Talk on the Phone" with your baby. Phone Role
can perform any objects: cubes, sticks, parts from
constructor, etc. Take turns portraying a phone call.
Talk to your child on your behalf, asking him simple
Questions: What is your name? How old are you? What is your name
favorite toy? What do you play?" etc. Change roles:
you are a child, a baby is a father or mother. Speak on behalf
toys, animals. Structure the dialogue in such a way that the answer
the child was not limited to the words "Yes" and "No". Describe
various items, things, products, etc.
The game contributes to the development of speech, replenishment of vocabulary

What do we see in the yard?

Look out the window with your child. Play the Who
will see more." Take turns listing what you see
your window. Describe in detail what you see. For example me
I see a tree. It has green leaves, so it's summer.
It is tall and thick, it has many branches and twigs, etc.”
If the child finds it difficult to describe the object, help him
leading questions. "Did you see the house? Is he tall or short?
Does it have many or few windows? Is it brick or wood? AND
etc.” The game contributes to the development of observation,
attention, vocabulary building. What did we see yesterday?
Remember with your baby where you were yesterday, what you did,
who they met, what they talked about. Fix your attention on
details. “Did you play with Sasha? What did you play? What colour
did Sasha have a bucket? And the owl?" The game promotes development
memory, attention, observation, vocabulary replenishment
stock. What are we going to do tomorrow?
Encourage your child to come up with something important
tomorrow: count the benches in the park, go to visit,
come up with a fairy tale for Masha's doll, etc. In the morning of the next day
ask: does the baby remember what you wanted
do today. Try to think of such things,
the execution of which cannot be delayed or cancelled. Or
discuss in advance the circumstances that may violate
your plans, for example: “We will go to the sandbox if there is no
The game develops planning skills, memory, speech of the child.

Who was who

You will need: pictures of adult animals and
their cubs. Does your baby know what baby names are
often differ from the names of adult animals. Consider
pictures, asking the baby questions about who is depicted on them.
Read the poem by A. Shibaev:
Who becomes who
There was a little puppy.
He grew up, however,
And now he's not a puppy -
Adult ... (dog).
Foal - every day
He grew up and became ... (horse).
Bull, mighty giant,
As a child, I was ... (a calf).
Fat goof ram -
plump ... (lamb).
This important cat fluff -
Little ... (kitten).
And the brave cockerel -
Cro-o-hot ... (chicken).
And from the little goslings
Grow up ... ducks -
Especially for the guys
Those who love jokes.
The game contributes to the development of speech.

Who's there?

Invite the child to play the game "Who came?". Marry
door, knock: “Knock-knock-knock”, - “Who is there?”. picture
some animal. For example:
“It's me, cow. Mu-u-u. "Come on, cow. Hello cow.
Where are you going, cow? Change roles with your child
alternately imagine various animals, people, fabulous
characters. Try to have a dialogue with simple questions and
The game contributes to the development of imagination, speech skills.
Hedgehog - father, hedgehog - mother
Depict various animals, while humming or
If dad is a gray elephant,
mother is an elephant!
And the child, and the child -
Little elephant!
If dad is a prickly hedgehog,
Mom is a hedgehog.
And the prickly little boy
They call everyone a hedgehog.
If dad is a horse,
The mother will be a horse.
Do you know that their child -
A fast foal.
Everyone knows for sure
Almost from diapers:
Son of a cow and a bull -
Little calf.
The game promotes the development of speech, introduces the basics
formation of nouns.

hedgehog walking

Come up with short funny poems with your baby,
which will expand his knowledge, for example:
The hedgehog walked through the forest
And I found one fungus.
sat down, ate
And went on.
This lists everything that can be found in the forest, in the garden, on
vegetable garden, as well as any other items that can be named
Baby. You can insert the name of the crumbs into the rhyme - for children it is very
Misha walked, walked, walked,
TV found.
sat down and looked
And went on.
Nastya walked, walked, walked,
I found the scallop.
combed her hair
And then she went on, etc.
The game contributes to the development of speech, introduces the functional
assignment of items.

Everything is so different!

Ask your child questions, encouraging him to answer:
The pillow is soft, and the table ... (hard);
The snow is white, and the earth ... (black);
The elephant is big, and the mouse ... (small), etc.
The game contributes to the development of speech, attention.