Interesting certificates for men. Gift certificate for a man: tips for choosing

When thinking about how to effectively and originally congratulate a man, feel free to opt for buying a gift certificate. Such a gift opens up a lot of possibilities for a person in the field of choosing services and goods, and therefore he will be able to choose exactly what he has long dreamed of.

Choosing gifts for men is not as easy as it seems: the gift must harmoniously combine presentability, necessity and suit its future owner in all respects.

Bought a gift certificate can be a truly ingenious solution to this problem.

What is a gift certificate?

Gift certificates for men have come to life modern people recently. They represent one of the forms of non-cash payments, thereby resembling credit card. The document can only be used in the establishments strictly indicated on it - in others they are simply invalid.

What should you pay special attention to?

There are several types of gift coupons. Some are designed so that their owner can receive goods/services for a fixed amount of money that was paid during the purchase. Other types are designed for a specific range of services, from which you can choose the ones you like best.

Each coupon, coupon or other document contains useful information, which clients need to understand. For example, all information about an establishment that is ready to provide its services can be easily found on outside document. In addition, gift coupons indicate:

  • Name, address, contact phone numbers
  • Amount/type of services that can be received
  • Validity
  • Serial number (to simplify use or to use the card several times)

Where can you buy and how to choose a really good coupon

Finding gift certificates in St. Petersburg is not difficult at all - this is due to the growing popularity of this type of gift. Usually coupons are sold in departments household appliances, beauty salons and specialized stores, but there are also online stores that directly sell and distribute all kinds of certificates.

Self-respecting and confidently standing companies in the market produce coupons in the form of plastic cards, which are very similar in appearance to credit cards. The material used to create them is chosen to be thin so that the finished card is compact.

You may also come across certificates made from pentaprint. This material resembles a piece of ice and looks very attractive. Most often, such coupons are issued during the New Year holidays.

The simplest type is paper. To create them, they use high-quality paper, stylized taking into account all the advice of designers and marketers. Such coupons are usually one-time use.

What is the advantage of such a gift?

By presenting a gift certificate for a birthday (another holiday can also serve as an occasion), you solve several problems at once. First of all, you demonstrate to the birthday boy that it is very important for you to please him. At the same time, you give the person freedom of choice - he gets the opportunity to independently decide how to use the gift you presented.

When choosing between an envelope with money and a gift certificate, it is wiser to choose the latter option. Etiquette rules do not always allow giving money. Most often this concerns employees who want to congratulate their immediate boss. It is also incorrect to give money to your husband's/wife's parents.

Who is it appropriate to present to?

If the person is really close to you, then as an extravagant experiment you can make a gift certificate with your own hands. Of course, such a coupon cannot be used in stores and salons, but its scope may be limited to the home.

For example, it will give you the opportunity to get a massage or refuse to wash dishes. Such small “everyday privileges” will certainly please the birthday boy and lift his spirits.

For business partners, bosses and colleagues, it is more appropriate to present classic gift vouchers, which provide the opportunity to use services and purchase goods in the best establishments of the city. Such a gift will definitely not lie idle for long.

What gift certificates are preferable to present to men?

Which gift certificates should be chosen as a present must be decided depending on the circumstances and taste preferences the person for whom they are purchased. Fortunately, the abundance of coupons allows you to satisfy almost any request.

We donate electronics and household appliances

Most often, men are presented with gift vouchers for the purchase of household appliances and electronics. This is easy to explain: electronics are never superfluous, and are also versatile (suitable for both home and office use). Usually coupons give you the opportunity to choose any equipment that suits the price.

Sporting goods and clothing

You can also please with a gift by choosing a gift certificate for the purchase of high-quality branded clothing or sports equipment/food. Even if a person does not need such things at the moment, the validity period of the document allows you to make a purchase later.

Let's go to the salon

We must not forget that men also use the services of hairdressers, cosmetologists and manicures, and therefore a gift certificate to the salon will be an excellent present. There he will be able to use the coupon at his discretion, and good specialists and the appropriate atmosphere will certainly leave pleasant memories in your memory.

Appropriate and gift subscription for a massage, which will allow you to relax, take a break from the hustle and bustle and organize all your thoughts. Such a gift will be received especially positively busy people who engage in mental activity and spend a lot of time sitting. It is best if the document gives the opportunity to undergo a massage course (from five sessions). This will have a positive effect on both health and psycho-emotional state person.

It is better to approach the choice of men's gifts outside the box

Naturally, a gift certificate to a beauty salon or for a purchase sports nutrition cannot be called a neutral present. To definitely please, it is better to be guided by the interests and hobbies of the person you want to congratulate.

For example, a boss who knows a lot about wines and other elite alcohol will be happy to visit an exhibition/tasting/excursion to the plant. This rule applies to avid lovers of fishing and hunting. They will certainly appreciate gift vouchers that allow them to buy the necessary equipment and weapons. This purchase will make the hobby even more entertaining.

When choosing gift certificates as a birthday gift for a man, give preference only to trusted firms and companies in order to be confident in the quality of the services/products provided.

If your goal is to surprise a man, give him a coupon for extreme entertainment. It's about about hang gliding, scuba diving or surfing lessons. Vivid emotions He will also leave a certificate for a parachute jump.

Remember that not every person likes such entertainment. Typically, the price includes training with an instructor - this will protect the person from possible injuries. A gift will be appropriate only if you are sure that they will want to use it.

Gift certificate for a man: video

A gift subscription is a practical present for any male representative. The videos we presented demonstrate several extraordinary ideas with which you can surprise a man.

A certificate as a gift to a man for his birthday is perfect option make anyone happy. It could be a husband, a brother, a father, a boss, a friend or just a work colleague, “EMPRANA” offers something special for everyone. Gift Certificate For a man's birthday, he will definitely like it if it is selected individually. A representative of the stronger half of humanity will especially appreciate it if you find out what kind of surprise he wants and give it exactly. You can buy a certificate as a gift for a man’s birthday related to different areas:

  • Fishing is great way relax and unwind. Gift cards for the birthday of a man who spends all his money on a spinning rod should take this into account
  • Original solutions in the form of parachute jumping, extreme paragliding and other equipment will be appreciated by young and brave men
  • Speed ​​lovers who pay maximum attention to cars will be happy with karting, buggies and other similar entertainment
  • Eat universal options, for example, paintball, shooting. Weapons have always attracted the stronger sex
  • Suitable especially for gentle and romantic SPA for men , massage certificate for a man, dinner for two

Finally there is always gift bank cards for a certain amount, giving the right to choose to the hero of the occasion.

Birthday Gift Cards for Men

Modern gift cards It is for gifts and impressions that they are valued much more than a typical envelope with money. This is an opportunity to immediately hint that you would like to fulfill a man’s desire, but at the same time, the card gives him the opportunity to decide for himself what dream he wants to realize.

It’s quite difficult to choose the right gift to make a man’s birthday special. Many women rack their brains for a long time, and then settle on a typical razor or other banality. Some people shell out their entire nest egg to buy expensive watches or an elite wallet. Of course, any attention pleases the hero of the occasion, but men value much more individual approach. "EMPRANA" guarantees that gifts of impressions will simply not be forgotten. Among all the certificates, it’s easy to choose those that make your dreams come true. Men, like children, really want magic and celebration, so contact “EMPRANA” and don’t put off making your dreams come true until later.

It's very difficult to choose unusual gifts for men? For example, for an anniversary? That is why they are usually given ties or cologne. While (we’ll tell you a secret) men don’t need all these things at all. Men need something completely different, something truly original.

A real man looking for thrills. Extreme and bright, ones that will be remembered for a long time. And that's exactly the experience we offer you at Bodo.

To make a gift for a representative of the stronger sex especially suitable, we have collected in one set all the most suitable impressions for men. Flying on an airplane, parachute jumping, trophy raid on SUVs - even the calmest and most homely men secretly dream about this. It's in their DNA, they just don't want to admit it.

Moreover, the main advantage of this men's set from Bodo is that the birthday person can choose what he likes best. You don't have to guess whether he likes helicopters or cars. You can buy exclusive and Original gifts for men, taking our certificate, and he himself chooses the impression he wants to experience. These are truly original gifts for men. This is an excellent choice for an anniversary.

Take a look at what's included in our kit. This is very cool gift impression for men. Best. All the men in our company unanimously confirm that this is exactly what men should buy.