Small handmade gift. Unusual Christmas gifts that you can make yourself

You always want to give your family and loved ones a special birthday present, and what could be nicer than receiving DIY birthday gift, in which the donor has invested a piece of his soul. Let's look at several options that are suitable for gifting relatives, colleagues or friends.

DIY birthday gift master class

First, let's learn how to make a sweet corrugated paper bouquet, this is the most versatile option, it can be presented as a birthday present to a colleague, school teacher or beloved friend. Making it is not at all difficult, but it looks very attractive, besides, who does not like sweets.

For work, we need the following: chocolates, preferably round or truffles, it is easier to form the correct shape of a bud from them, bamboo sticks, corrugation of coffee beige, cream flowers, a film for packaging bouquets or a corrugation of a suitable color, ribbons, thin adhesive tape, stationery glue.

If you want to make the bouquet brighter, you can take paper of any matching colors. To make a flower, you need to prepare the petals, for this we cut out the same rectangles measuring 5.5 cm by 7.5 cm of all colors. We round the upper edges, it is easier to do this with a pencil or other cylindrical object. We stretch the middle of each petal a little so that it becomes convex. Candies need to be fixed on bamboo sticks. Now you can start assembling the flower: wrap the candy with prepared petals, go from light to dark, or you can vary the position of the petals from flower to flower. We fix the bud with adhesive tape, decorate the impromptu stems with a thin strip of corrugation, grease the end of the strip with glue, start wrapping each skewer from the bud down. It remains only to decorate the bouquet with wrapping film or corrugation, tie the finished bouquet with ribbons. As you can see, there is nothing complicated, and the result will really please the birthday girl. If you want to congratulate a grandmother, invite your child to make a greeting card, ideas on how to arrange it.

Now let's see how to format . We will need almost the same materials as in the first version, we will make a gift heart with sweet tulips. It is important to choose a beautiful box with a lid for crafts, it is not at all necessary that it be in the shape of a heart, you can take a round one or any other shape. We cut out the foam in the shape of a box, lay it inside, we will insert skewers with tulips into it.

To collect one tulip, you need to make 3 petals, for this we cut out three identical strips measuring three cm by 14 cm from scarlet corrugations. Twist each strip in the middle and fold in half. We slightly stretch the middle of the future petal so that it becomes convex. We will use sweets as the basis for the bud, it is better to take large ones. We place the petals around the candy to fix the wire or thin tape. To make the flower look neat, cut off unnecessary edges. How many tulips you need to prepare, look at the size of your box, they should be located tightly to each other.

Before filling the heart, you need to decorate the sides, for this, cut off a strip of contrasting corrugated paper so that it is enough to wrap the entire perimeter of the box. Fold the strip lengthwise so that its width is equal to the width of the side of the box. The fold will serve as the top edge, to make it look prettier you need to slightly stretch the paper along the fold. Using a glue gun, we fix the paper on the walls of the box from the inside. Agree, this way the box looks much more elegant.

We put each tulip on a skewer or toothpick and then stick it into the foam. Try to place the flowers as close to each other as possible so that the foam does not shine through. We decorate the composition with leaves either from artificial flowers, or you can cut them out of paper. You can finish the decor by gluing a butterfly or dragonfly to one of the tulips. On the inside of the lid, you can stick a card with congratulations for the hero of the occasion. The finished heart looks very cute and touching, you can give it to your beloved mother or vice versa to your daughter. If the idea with sweets does not suit you, you can arrange a beautiful money tree as a gift, see how to do it in ours.

Now let's do sweet DIY birthday gift for a child, the bouquet will not be so interesting for a little sweet tooth. Therefore, we will make a candy topiary. I just want to immediately note that you should not leave the child unattended so that he does not overeat sweets. Such topiaries are perfect for decorating a sweet table on a birthday party.

To prepare a topiary, the following ingredients are needed: chupa-chups or other candies on a stick, sugar mastic, colored sugar sprinkles, ribbons and a base in which we will fix the stick, these can be thimbles and walnut shells, perhaps you will come up with your own version.

First of all, you need to fix the lollipop in the base, if you have a thimble, then fill it with plasticine and just stick the stick into the plasticine. If you have nutshells, you will have to ask your dad to drill a hole in them with a diameter about the thickness of a stick. Then we fill the shell with the same plasticine, turn it over and stick the candy into the drilled hole.

Now you can start decorating the topiary itself, you need to remove the wrapper from the candy. We roll the mastic thinly, cut off a small piece, wrap the whole candy with it. Pour the colored sugar powder into a plate and carefully roll the resulting mastic ball in it, it remains only to decorate the lollipop stick with a beautiful ribbon and the topiary is ready. By the same principle, you can make not a ball, but fashion funny animals from mastic, it is also very simple to do this, you will greatly delight the little birthday boy with such original crafts.

Agree that a colleague or beloved man also wants to present unusual birthday gift with your own hands. I want to present you some original options. It would be untrue to say that men do not like sweets, but giving a cake is too banal, but if you arrange a gift based on the recipient's hobbies, this is a completely different matter. Among modern men, the computer game "Tanks" is very popular, let's surprise your man with a gift in the form of a tank. For work, we will need: A couple of unnecessary boxes of different sizes, various wrapped candies, a bottle of alcohol (cognac, rum or whiskey, the choice is yours), scissors, double-sided tape, toothpicks or bamboo skewers, wrapping paper green or other suitable color.

Boxes can be taken from under anything, the main thing is that in the end one should be a little larger than the other. They are needed in order to make the basis of our tank - tracks and a turret. I had a shoe box and a blood pressure monitor, so I cut the shoe box into two halves and inserted one into the other so that it turned out to be a square. On one side, you need to cut a semicircular hole, where, later, we will insert a bottle - the barrel of our tank. Boxes need to be pasted over with paper on all sides. Now on double-sided tape we glue the armor on the tank - sweets. We wrap the bottle with decorative paper and install it on the tower, as a banner on the tank, using skewers, you can place real or souvenir banknotes. I am sure that with such an unusual gift you will pleasantly surprise any man, even the boss.

If the birthday boy is fond of music or plays the guitar himself, we have another great option. Let's make an unusual chocolate guitar. In addition to chocolate (I used Kinder), you will need thick cardboard and thick threads. Depending on what size cardboard you managed to get, you may need a different amount of chocolate, ideally it is better to make a guitar in natural size. On a sheet of cardboard we draw a silhouette of the future guitar, we will need two such details. The guitar should be voluminous, so we cut out a strip for the end from the remaining cardboard. You can make the entire guitar the same thickness, it’s much easier, but in general it’s right to make the neck of the guitar thinner than the rest, if you do everything according to the rules, then one blank needs to be made longer in the neck area.

We glue the guitar box with adhesive tape. We glue the entire surface with wrappers from chocolates. The base is ready. Now we glue the chocolates themselves on top of the wrappers, it is not necessary to use a kinder, you can take any sweets with a flat base. It is necessary to pave as tightly as possible, but even if gaps remain, this is not critical, due to the fact that we previously glued the surface with wrappers, they will be almost invisible. For greater resemblance to a real instrument, we stretch strings from thick threads. Having mastered such a simple technique, you can make a layout of any instrument and design it individually for your sweet tooth.

How to make a birthday present with your own hands

We're done with sweets for today. Now let's look at how to arrange beautiful handmade birthday present for parents of a newborn. I think that a bottle of champagne would be quite appropriate, and if it is decorated appropriately for the event, it will become an excellent souvenir. There are many ways to decorate, you can sew an outfit, or wrap it in beautiful paper, but we use the decoupage technique for decoration.

Before working with the bottle, you need to remove the labels, for this, soak it in cold water for a while. Then remove the labels, the top can be left, and the adhesive residue can be easily removed with a cotton swab and alcohol.

Now the entire glass surface of the bottle is tightly covered with acrylic white paint. It is convenient to work with a piece of sponge. When the paint is completely dry, apply another one or two coats so that the bottle does not show through. Choose a picture that matches the occasion, I have a napkin with a stork, but you can choose any other, the main thing is that the picture is suitable for congratulating a newborn. We do not need the whole napkin, cut out the necessary fragment. Next, we proceed directly to decoupage - there are several ways to stick a napkin to the surface. With the “dry method”, the place where the napkin will later be glued is smeared with acrylic varnish, left to dry a little, but not completely. On top of the semi-dry varnish, we apply a fragment of a napkin and gently, slowly, smooth it in the direction from the center to the edges. On top we apply another layer of varnish. In order not to see the edges of the napkin, the remaining unglued surface of the bottle needs to be decorated in tone, I have it pink, so I add a drop of red color to the white acrylic paint. With a piece of sponge, apply paint on all surfaces, going a little to the edges of the napkin. When the paint is dry, fix everything with a layer of varnish. If, after the varnish has dried, wrinkles or roughness have formed on the bottle, they can be easily removed with fine sandpaper. I have white circles on the napkin, so that the background is the same, using a white acrylic outline, I draw droplets on the surface of the bottle.

To highlight the drawing, circle it around the contour with acrylic paint with a pearl effect. The drawing will be beautifully framed, for this, take openwork lace, smear the bottle with a layer of varnish along the contour, do the same with lace. The varnish is enough to keep the lace firmly, the main thing is to let it dry thoroughly. When the lace dries, you can tint it with paint. We put dots along the contour of the foil with a pearl contour or draw a pattern, and finally cover the whole composition again with a layer of varnish. Instead of a regular postcard, we cut out a small label from scrap paper with curly scissors, write all the wishes and congratulations on it, and attach it to the neck of the bottle with a satin ribbon.

Thus, we designed a gift for the parents of a newborn, if you want to decorate the bottle for another occasion, the decoupage technique is perfect, the only nuance is in the motif of the picture. In any case, making gifts with your own hands, you put a piece of your soul into the present. A gift must be not only beautiful, but also useful, so we often give money, you can learn how to arrange a gift envelope from ours.

In modern stores, buying a gift for every taste is not difficult. However, do-it-yourself birthday crafts can be an original and sincere gift to a loved one. In addition, making homemade gifts is exciting and interesting. Beautiful crafts as a gift can be made from different materials. It is worth considering the age of the addressee and his personal preferences. After all, a gift to an older person should be significantly different from a gift to a peer. What can you make yourself and what do you need to prepare for this?

The article has selected the best gift ideas for family members and friends.

What can be donated

There are a lot of ideas for gifts and their design, and sometimes it’s easier to show imagination in creating a present than to decide what to give. Among the most popular gifts that you can make yourself, it is worth noting:

  • author's postcards in various techniques;
  • Photo frame;
  • original notebooks;
  • caskets;
  • candles and candlesticks;
  • interior vases;
  • unusual pillows and decorative toys;
  • mugs.

A postcard is the simplest gift, which at the same time gives a large field for creativity. Everyone likes to receive cards with pleasant words, regardless of age and status. The only thing to consider is that the design of the card should match the birthday person. For example, if this is a card for a man, then it can be designed as a shirt, tuxedo or decorated with ties. If this is a postcard for a woman, then it can be decorated with flowers and other "female" items - a hat, dress, beads, lipstick.

A postcard can be decorated with various materials and objects - fabric, lace, leather, accessories, dry flowers, etc.

In addition to a postcard, you can make many other gifts from paper, for example, in the origami style or using the quilling technique. Even a beginner can fold a flower out of paper or decorate a box with twisted strips of paper.

You can also experiment with a photo frame. To do this, it is enough to stock up on a finished wooden frame (cut it out of cardboard), a glue gun and the necessary materials for decoration. The frame can be painted and painted with paints, decorated with decoupage or glued with shells or buttons.

You can also decorate boxes, candlesticks, vases and mugs. Needlewomen who love to sew can easily make textile interior items. The main thing is to use ideas and show a little imagination and skill.

To each his own

Each family member should have their own gift. Let's try to figure out which birthday people will like what.

Dad with a mathematical mindset will love the unusual Rubik's Cube, which will remind you of pleasant family moments.

For crafts, you need to prepare:

  • Rubik's Cube;
  • any photos (6 pcs.);
  • scissors;
  • glue.

How to do:

  1. Remove colored stickers from the puzzle (the colored cube can be left untreated);

  1. Pick up photographs according to the size of the cube and cut them into 9 squares, matching the size of the squares on the faces;

  1. Gently smearing the edges with glue (you can use a brush), glue all the squares on all the edges.

After drying, the cube can be used for its intended purpose.

From a son or daughter, dad can get a pen holder made from the Lego constructor. The kids will practice assembling figures from the designer, and dad will always remember whose gift it is.

If you plan to present a bottle of alcohol as a gift, then you should take care of its design. For example, you can use sleeves from old shirts.

Mom can give a case for an iPad or an iPhone made of genuine or artificial leather. Such covers will not only protect equipment from damage and scratches, but also emphasize the status of a business mother.

You can take the skin from an old bag or briefcase. According to the size of the gadget, taking into account the allowances, cut a rectangular piece of material so that the gadget can be wrapped in it twice. It remains to make holes along the edges at equal distances with an awl or a clerical knife and sew the cover over them with a cord or twine. To close the cover, sew a button with a loop-lace on top. The gift is ready!

A beautiful floral card will complement the case. It can be presented to other women, for example, as a gift to a friend or sister.

It is necessary to prepare:

  • double-sided colored paper;
  • scissors (can be curly);
  • skewer, toothpick or quilling awl;
  • PVA glue;
  • the basis for the postcard (cardboard or thick paper);
  • double sided tape;
  • ribbons and beads.


  1. Cut out circles of different sizes from colored paper;
  1. Starting from the edge and moving towards the center, cut a spiral from each circle (you can make the edges wavy);

  1. Using an awl, toothpick or skewer, twist the resulting spirals into flower corollas;

  1. Cut out a trapezoid from dark paper - a vase;

5. Glue a background to the card, and a vase and flowers on it;

  1. Decorate the card with beads, ribbon, inscription.

Grandma will certainly like the box in which you can collect various little things. You can buy a blank and decorate it to your liking, or you can make a box yourself. For this you will need:

  • thick cardboard or other base;
  • toothpicks;
  • yarn;
  • PVA glue;
  • heart pattern;
  • glue gun;
  • beads or other embellishments.


  1. Cut out the bottom of the box from cardboard according to the template;
  1. Stick toothpicks into the cardboard along the perimeter, use glue for better fixing;
  1. Start wrapping the toothpicks with yarn, alternately going around them from the outside and from the inside;

  1. Weave to the end, tie the tip on the last toothpick and hide it inside;
  1. Put a small bead in the tone of the yarn on the tip of each toothpick (to secure the weave);
  1. Decorate the box with beads.

Gift from granddaughter is ready!

If desired, you can make a cap by also cutting it out of cardboard and wrapping it with thread.

Grandpa will most likely like practical things that he can use every day. A good idea is a glasses case made from an old tie or neckerchief. To do this, you will need threads with a needle, Velcro, fabric glue, scissors and a tie. The main thing is to correctly determine the length of the case so that the glasses fit in it and at the same time it can be freely closed. The finished case can be decorated with buttons.

The older generation can also be given a common gift - a family tree, on which photos of all family members will be placed. There are a lot of options for "family trees". Various techniques will come in handy here, including quilling, appliqué, dot painting.

The younger generation can make fun and cool crafts with their own hands. It can be original decorations, toy pillows, sweet topiary or just unusual packaging.

A brother who loves Star Wars will surely love a watch with characters from the movie. To do this, it is enough to prepare a base for a clock with a hole in the middle (you can make a plate of clay or plaster), a clock mechanism with arrows, a glue gun and Lego figures from the corresponding Star Wars set.

First you need to paint the base, and then fix the clockwork. Using a gun, glue flat Lego parts as a dial. After drying, fix the figures on them.

Video on the topic of the article

Gift ideas can also be found in the video.

Birthday- the time when dreams and desires come true, loved ones gather to give gifts and make surprises. What surprises can you make for your beloved friend so that she does not remain indifferent? Original and creative gifts that will always be in place, today in our article.

The main thing in the article

How to choose the perfect birthday present for a friend?

  • An ideal birthday present should be given from the heart and with love.
  • The one that she had been waiting for a long time, but did not dare to purchase herself.
  • A gift that will exceed all expectations.
  • If you give even an ordinary thing, but it will be interesting to present.
  • You need to choose from a list of favorite preferences and hobbies.
  • Sometimes you need to be interested in specific desires.

How to arrange and present a gift to your beloved girlfriend?

The design of a gift depends on the preferences of both the giver and the recipient.

  • Bright, flashy paper colors - for energetic and cheerful people;
  • Pastel and calm shades of packaging- for calm and gentle personalities;
  • Thematic packages - for fans and admirers of a certain direction;
  • Matryoshka packaging - for lovers of mysteries;
  • discreet packaging — for business and serious people;
  • creative design- for creative individuals;
  • Design Ideas- for connoisseurs of certain styles.

You can also give a gift in different ways:

  • With poems or stormy wishes;
  • Just hand over;
  • Quest;
  • Surprise;
  • By courier;
  • On the holiday;
  • Alone;
  • Company.

Ideas for the best and easiest DIY gifts for a friend

  1. Lip balm;
  2. bath bombs;
  3. Frame;
  4. Plaid;
  5. Mittens or;
  6. Designer kitchen board;
  7. Pillow anti-stress;
  8. Rug;
  9. Lamp;

Drawing-portrait of a girlfriend for her birthday

  • Looking at old portraits of beauties, some of us would like to see ourselves depicted on a large canvas. You can give a portrait to your beloved girlfriend even today. You can even try to draw it yourself, this is written in more detail. You can depict not only a personal portrait, but also you together.
  • The drawing technique can be very diverse, for example, pencil, watercolor, acrylic paint or gouache.
  • Styles are selected according to preference. You can choose absolutely any, which in your opinion will be the most suitable. Happens satirical, humorous, pictorial, mythological, pair, caricature, costume, individual, historical, genre.
  • Genre can also be selected based on your preferences: cartoon, fantasy, geometric, photo-portrait, grunge, pop art, pin-up, comics, background, digital art, object.

DIY jewelry for a friend's birthday

Bijouterie- these are the very trinkets, which are never enough. They are needed always and everywhere, for a holiday, a party, a walk, a photo shoot or just a visit. From jewelry, you can give both individual items and a set:

  1. Bracelets;
  2. Rings;
  3. Earrings;
  4. Clips;
  5. Necklace;
  6. Hairpins;
  7. Body chains;
  8. Beads;
  9. necklaces.

All of the above can be made independently by purchasing the necessary tools and components.

Paper topiary - a beautiful gift for a girlfriend with your own hands

paper topiary- craft in the shape of a tree made of paper. Topiary is a landscape gardening art of figured cutting of trees. And paper is a miniature version of the most ancient craftsmanship.


  • Monetary;
  • From napkins;
  • corrugation;
  • Musical;
  • Origami;
  • In the technique of facing;
  • Crepe paper;
  • In the technique of quilling;
  • without leg;
  • From cotton pads;
  • From paper.

Origami - a gift in 5 minutes for a friend on dr

  • Origami is a Japanese paper folding technique. From paper you can make interesting figures and memorable souvenirs. It is enough to stock up on paper, spend a little time and find instructions for making what you are going to make, of which there are many on the Internet, including.
  • In the origami technique, you can make figures of animals, people, birds, insects, tanks and other equipment. From paper, you can create a beautiful bouquet of flowers, unusual crafts, or entire collections of stunning figurines.

A gift-poster on a drawing paper for a friend's birthday

gift poster- one of the most interesting ideas, because you can depict anything on whatman paper. The main rule is that there are no rules. Depict what you can think of or wish. Here are some poster options for you:

  • Photo collage;
  • Poster-portrait;
  • Wish poster;
  • "Draw it yourself";
  • travel poster;
  • "Chronicle" of memorable events;
  • Poster of the best and favorite sayings;
  • Sketches of favorite places.

You can make a poster using any tools. These can be clippings from old magazines, your photos, paints, felt-tip pens and other items for decoration.

Sweet homemade birthday present: ideas with photos

Most girls love sweets, so not every friend can resist a gift prepared with love, and even sweet. Therefore, here is a list of the most tempting sweets that you can cook with your own hands and proudly present to your beloved friend:

  1. Pie
  2. Donuts
  3. Candies
  4. Cookie
  5. Marmalade
  6. Zephyr
  7. lollipops
  8. Cake
  9. Muffins
  10. cupcakes

  11. Cake

  12. Macarons

And remember, even the simplest sweets can be prepared in a special way, with a soul and a creative approach.

A gift-joke with humor for a cheerful girlfriend on her birthday

A joke gift is suitable for that part of her friends who likes to joke and laugh heartily.

  1. Navel cleaning brush- a person who has everything;
  2. Brick- for the foundation of the future house;
  3. book with sweets- to set the mood;
  4. Origami from banknotes- for a fun pastime;
  5. Homemade Certificates- for the next fun days.

A memorable birthday gift for a friend

A memorable gift leaves pleasant memories. It is not always possible to purchase something truly expensive and memorable for your girlfriend. But to make a surprise that she will remember with warmth all her life is in your power. These are the gift options we will consider below.

Quest for a friend's birthday

Quest is one of the most popular gift ideas in the last few years. Now there are many thematic and other methods of conducting quests. A quest is a chain of tasks connected with each other, upon completion of which you receive the main prize.

Quests can be arranged in different places:

  • At home;
  • On the street;
  • All over the city;
  • in a certain area;
  • At one place.

Assignments can be thematic, practical, fun and adventurous. After all, the very essence of the quest is an exciting adventure. Give your friend a day of adventure by making a gift in the form of a quest.

Handmade birthday cards for girlfriend

Handmade broke into our lives relatively recently, and literally became the most popular hobby for most admirers of needlework. Postcards in this direction will be not only original, but also one of a kind. And you can read about how to make different postcards in ours.

Musical and creative gifts for girlfriend on dr

Musical gifts will always please a friend when she is sad. We offer you options for the most touching creative and memorable gifts that will not leave indifferent any female person.

Videos birthday gift for girlfriend

A video gift is quite laborious in terms of its creation and editing. But on the other hand, your girlfriend will definitely be satisfied on this memorable day for her. Video can be shot in the style:

  • Congratulations;
  • Stories;
  • Trips;
  • story;
  • jokes;
  • Fun.

Birthday gift song for a friend

  • Surely, many of you like to sing at home, in the shower or in karaoke. Then why not dedicate a song to your beloved friend? You can even write your own. You can also use the services of a specialist.
  • You can record your song in a recording studio, and then give your friend a CD with a dedicated track. There is also the option to put the song on the radio for the whole country to hear. True, this service is not cheap.
  • Or you can do everything yourself by performing the track live with guests and the birthday girl. Your girlfriend will be delighted with such a gift. After all, not every person will decide on such a feat.

Birthday gift for best friend

  • In the time of poets, poems were constantly dedicated to loved ones. They were composed by themselves, ordered or asked in a friendly way from creative personalities. Now few people can boast of poetic inclinations. Although, if you find inspiration, it can turn from a gift into a hobby.
  • You can dedicate one poem or a whole cycle of poems. You can make it into a book. And if you want, you can read it at the celebration or record it on audio media.

Anniversary gift for a friend

Gift-impression- this is a kind of gift that includes any service of one or more areas. In recent years, the trend is gaining momentum and becoming one of the most popular gift ideas. Varieties:

  • Quest;
  • Sport;
  • Extreme;
  • Beauty and Spa;
  • Romance;
  • Hobby.

Also, gifts are divided into: for her, for him, for children, for two, for a birthday, New Year, wedding, March 8, February 23 and February 14.

Surprise your friend with a gift “Open when…”

  • - an amazing surprise, because the main idea is humor. Such a gift will warm you when it's cold, cheer you up when you're sad, and even feed you when you want something tasty.
  • You can create a whole set of gifts with the caption "open when ..." and then write a response, or put an object that characterizes it. These can be nice letters, things, food, praise, words of encouragement, love notes, uplifting quotes, and other forms of nice words.

Symbolic inexpensive birthday gifts for a girlfriend: 29 ideas

  1. Keychain;
  2. Painting;
  3. Ball;
  4. Favorite star's autograph;
  5. Pen Parker;
  6. T-shirt;
  7. Living picture;
  8. Collector's editions of magazines;

    It will not be difficult to make a birthday present for your beloved girlfriend, especially with our advice. And the most important advice - keep heading for the dreams and desires of your girlfriend. After all, great joy comes from their performance.

Every year, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdoing a birthday is becoming more and more popular. Exclusive and original things, made in a single copy, become a worthy decoration of the birthday man's apartment and a source of his pride.

We bring to your attention interesting ideas of original gifts that can be presented for a birthday to a hero of the occasion of any age and gender.

The most handmade is a postcard. It is quick and easy to make, but the effect of it will be stunning.

The times of the same type of images on a sheet of paper are long gone. Modern postcards become a real creative masterpiece, thanks to new performance techniques and non-standard materials.

We list what types of postcards are used as an original gift:

  1. Book;
  2. Leaflet;
  3. curly;
  4. Closing with drawstrings;
  5. Small;
  6. Large;
  7. Square, round or rectangular;
  8. Enclosed in an envelope.

There are many materials for such gifts. Their choice is limited only by your imagination:

  • Kraft cardboard;
  • Woolen threads;
  • Beads and rhinestones;
  • Buttons;
  • Lace;
  • Ribbons;
  • Artificial flowers;
  • Colored cardboard.

To make postcards with your own hands, use one of the popular techniques:

  1. Volume application;
  2. Quilling;
  3. Volumetric decor;
  4. scrapbooking;
  5. outdoor application;
  6. Embroidery ribbons;
  7. Silhouette cutting;
  8. Volumetric decoupage;
  9. Lace embroidery;
  10. Embossing.

The inscription on a homemade postcard can also be done in an unusual way, for this you will need the following elements:

  • Volumetric letters;
  • Text arranged in a circle of a beautiful heart;
  • Embroidered ribbons of recognition;
  • "Pop-up" congratulations.

Any handmade birthday card will give a lot of emotions with its originality and beauty.

A cool video instruction on how to make an original postcard with your own hands:

Knitted gifts

Knitted accessories are practical and popular gifts. Women especially like these gifts. They are given to a sister, mother, girlfriend or wife.

We list what gifts can be associated with the birthday of a loved one or loved one.

Cup cover

A beautiful, stylish gift will decorate the kitchen, keep the warmth of your favorite drink for a long time. Additional decor is added to the finished product: beads or lace.

Stand for hot

Make functional kitchen utensils elegant by adding coziness and immediacy to the atmosphere of the "heart" of the apartment.

fridge magnet

Such a funny souvenir is often given to children. However, adults with a great sense of humor will appreciate a cheerful monkey or a graceful cat that reaches for the refrigerator door.

Crocheted picture

For the birthday of a friend or loved one, you can associate a work of art by copying its image. True, it is better for needlewomen “with experience” to take on such work: the picture will require skill. A knitted picture is a great gift for lovers of decorative things.

Case for laptop or phone

Knitted covers are no longer associated with grandmothers. These fashion accessories make great birthday gifts for girls.

Heating pad for teapot and glasses

A beautiful tea "set" is a useful and stylish gift. It will decorate the long autumn and winter evenings with a reminder of a past birthday.

"Chess" pillow

Great surprise for a friend's birthday. Knitted board looks unusual, but it is comfortable and practical.


A symbol of home comfort - light beautiful slippers will come in handy in any home. And if they are presented on a holiday, they will remain a pleasant memory of a birthday for a long time.

Decorative pillows

Beautiful, bright little things scattered on the sofa in the living room or nursery are a great idea how you can use thread to make a gift with your own hands.

color rug

It will become a worthy decoration of any room, keeping the comfort, warmth of sensations in the house.

Wicker rug - an original and simple gift

There are a lot of handmade birthday gift ideas. Depending on the preferences or age of your birthday person, choose "tied" pencil jars or fun key rings, curtain tiebacks or bracelets.

Sweet surprises

Cooking is an ideal opportunity to create masterpieces from sweets in quality. Anyone can make such a sweet gift with their own hands. To make goodies, it is not at all necessary to stand at the stove for several hours, baking cakes and kneading a special cream.

Consider what ideas will become an alternative to homemade pies and will delight the birthday man and holiday guests.

Classic buttercream cake

Choose drawings, the inscriptions you need, corresponding to the interests of the hero of the occasion.

Sweets set

Decorate a beautiful box filled with favorite sweets of the hero of the occasion.

Sweet candy figure

Lay out a guitar, a tank or a bouquet of flowers from sweets. The choice of figurine depends on the preferences of the birthday man.

candy fan

This would be a perfect birthday present for your mom, sister or friend. Make it with your own hands quickly, and in terms of effectiveness, such a fan will not yield to store copies.

candy butterflies

The gift idea will appeal to little girls and adult women. "Funny" tasty gizmos will decorate any holiday.

sweet trees

Lollipops of different "colors" form the "crown" of trees. And the trunk is “planted” in a beautiful pot, also decorated with sweets.

sweet poster

An original birthday present is a homemade poster, on which, in addition to wishes, sweets are pasted. Choose those goodies that the birthday boy loves. Cookies, chocolate or lollipops - don't limit yourself to just one.

Cupcakes with a surprise

In which yummy there will be a surprise, the birthday boy must guess by trial and error.

Cake pops

Beautiful balls located on sticks will be appreciated even by gourmets. If the gift is intended for an adult, present unusual sweets filled with alcohol.

edible cup

An interesting tasty gift will delight the hero of the occasion at any age. Additionally, you can make cakes with wishes or predictions.

Sweet gifts will please the birthday boy and guests. Therefore, such surprises will always be in demand at a birthday party.

DIY photo gifts

A gift from photographs is a surprise that you can make with your own hands so that it becomes the personification of the past and present birthday. Decorate it in an unusual frame so that it becomes a worthy decoration of the interior.

Here are some ideas on how to use photos as a birthday gift:

  1. family tree with a photo of relatives of the hero of the day;
  2. Modular picture, assembled from "pieces" of the best photo of the birthday man;
  3. Wall mural made from a family photo of the hero of the occasion;
  4. Number from photographs reflect the most pleasant moments of a person's life;
  5. The wall newspaper allows you to use wishes, inscriptions and drawings along with photographs;
  6. Glowing photo collage looks unusual and stylish;
  7. Watches with a photo order or do it yourself, using small blanks;
  8. Photo souvenirs use any: T-shirts, mugs, cushions;
  9. Glossy magazine from a birthday photo will make him feel like a real star "from the cover";
  10. A photo book is an occasion for the hero of the occasion to collect new photographs, supplementing an existing collection.

This birthday present is easy to make. The main thing in this matter is to be patient and take pictures.

Paper flowers - origami

What holiday is complete without flowers? Especially if it's female? As a handmade present, use an original bouquet of paper flowers.

Any flowers are made from plain paper. You can give this beautiful gift for your birthday in this version:

  • garland;
  • Bouquet;
  • Composition in a pot;
  • A basket filled with delicate roses or wildflowers.

Original and stylish flowers will not wither, decorating the room for a long time, delighting their owner no less than a natural bouquet.

Detailed instructions - how to make paper flowers with your own hands:

Mom is a special person, so she wants to make unusual gifts for her birthday with her own hands. One of these surprises will be a rug, the direct purpose of which is massage. To make it, you will need sea pebbles, patience and a little time.

For the main "component" of a handmade gift, it is not necessary to urgently go on a sea voyage: use river pebbles. It remains to choose a suitable size rubber base and fix the pebbles on it using glue. Wait for the glue to dry. It remains to present an original and very healthy gift.

When choosing flowers as a homemade surprise, do not forget that they need to be placed somewhere. The original vase will be a great gift addition. It is possible to make it with your own hands from any materials:

  1. colored pencils;
  2. plastic bottles;
  3. Toilet paper roll;
  4. Glass jar or bottle.

Remember that all components of the decor must be well attached to the base with glue. In this case, you need to act carefully so that its traces do not spoil a simple, but very original gift.

If you have not yet decided what to give a friend on a significant day, turn your attention to a decorative pillow. This cute little thing will become a worthy gift and interior decoration, reminding of the giver for a long time.

To make the surprise original, you need to come up with a creative shape for the pillow. Sew it in the form of a donut, a piece of watermelon, a cactus or a cookie.

We will show you how to make a "delicious" donut pillow. To make it you will need:

  • Beige felt;
  • Pink felt;
  • Threads that do not differ in fabric tone;
  • Batting or other filler;
  • Small pieces of fabric (felt is also better) of different colors;
  • Pins for fastening parts;
  • Scissors;
  • Chalk for drawing the contours of the part;
  • Sewing machine.

Let's get to work.

Such a cute pillow will be a nice gift and decorate the room where adults and children live.

DIY flower vase decor

Speaking about making homemade gifts, one cannot help but dwell on the design of original vases. Or rather, on their decoration. Such a stylish gift will decorate the room, add exclusivity and sophistication to it. It will not work to make exactly the same thing with your own hands, so the birthday man can be convinced of the uniqueness of his gift.

Consider ideas on how to make a birthday present with your own hands using an ordinary glass vase.

Geometric style

To make stylish geometric shapes on a vase, you will need:

  • masking tape;
  • Paint the desired color in the form of a spray;
  • Brush;
  • Degreaser;
  • Cotton pads;
  • Several cotton buds;
  • Glass vase.

Let's get to work.

  1. In order for the decor to adhere well to the glass, the vase must be treated with a degreaser. It is applied to a cotton pad and the vase is thoroughly wiped. Wait until the glass surface is completely dry.
  2. We take adhesive tape and glue the vase in random order.
  3. We paint over the remaining “transparent” places from adhesive tape with paint, spraying the spray over the entire surface of the glass.
  4. Once the paint is dry, carefully peel off the tape. A beautiful and stylish vase with a geometric pattern is ready!

Use different versions of the geometric pattern. Use very narrow tape or decorate only the bottom of the vase. In the latter case, use a plastic bag to keep the top of the vessel clean.

Pay special attention to the choice of colors. It must be in harmony with the general tone of the room, complement, and not contradict it. Use pastel colors, gold, silver shades. Black and white colors are always relevant.

Another original technique for painting a glass vase. It will create a real exclusive. To complete it, you will need:

  • Acetone;
  • Cotton buds;
  • Cotton pads;
  • Contour paints;
  • Synthetic toothpick or brush.

Rinse the vase with alcohol to completely remove grease and dirt particles. Wait for it to dry completely. If you do not yet have experience with this technique, it is better to print a sketch on which you will apply points. Masters also recommend pre-training on a piece of paper. So you will learn how to put points of the same density and size.

After all the preparations and training are completed, you can begin to be creative. When finished, leave the vase to dry. If you want the drawing to be better "sealed", put it in the oven. What temperature and “baking” time to use will be prompted by the instructions on the paint used.

Even a child can handle this technique. All you need to complete the work is to choose the right tone of paint that matches the style of the birthday room. Then, using spray paint, carefully and evenly spread the new color over the glass surface.

Don't want to mess around with paint? Decorate the vase in a different way. Tie it with a beautiful wide bow or lace and tie it in a beautiful knot. This decoration is quickly replaced, which will give the vase a new look every time.

Naturalness is always in fashion. Therefore, modern designers prefer to use natural ingredients to decorate the interior. The birthday boy will definitely like a vase decorated with twigs, saw cuts of trees or leaves. A vase looks even more original, in which selected eco-friendly “details” are combined with beautiful lace or beads.

To create such a gift with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

  • Alcohol or acetone;
  • Contour paints;
  • Brush with natural bristles;
  • Cotton pads;
  • Cotton buds;
  • Thumbnail of the selected drawing.

When buying paints, pay attention to an important point: they must bake well.

Let's get to work.

  1. Degrease the glass surface with acetone or alcohol and wait until it is completely dry;
  2. Carefully and very carefully fix the pattern inside the vase;
  3. With a thin brush we outline the contours of the picture;
  4. We leave the vase for 2 hours until the paints dry completely;
  5. Carefully fill the space of the outlined contours with paint;
  6. We send the vase to the oven for 30 minutes, setting the temperature to 150 degrees.

A beautiful vase for a birthday boy with a stained glass pattern is ready.

Original panel: patterns of threads and nails

A creative picture is a great handmade gift for dad on his birthday. Such a little thing will be interesting for younger birthdays. To make it, you do not need to use your artistic abilities: this picture is created without paints.

The choice of pattern depends on the preferences of the birthday man. You can “knock out” a heart, a house, cacti, a car, and even cats in love.

Let's take a closer look at how to make a panel in the shape of a heart. You will need:

  • wood base;
  • Nails;
  • Threads of the desired color;
  • Hammer;
  • Paper with the selected pattern.

Let's get to work.

  1. We put the selected drawing on a wooden board;
  2. We mark its contour with the help of nails, which are nailed at a distance of 2 cm from each other;
  3. We remove paper;
  4. We attach the end of the thread to any nail;
  5. In a free order, we “conduct” the threads from one nail to another until the entire space is covered with them;
  6. Carefully fasten the remaining thread to the nearest nail.

Such a picture is an exclusive thing that will become a bright “spot” in a room of any style.

beautiful bracelet

All women love jewelry. Therefore, when preparing for a significant day for a sister or girlfriend, pay attention to bracelets. They are easy to make with your own hands, giving a lot of positive emotions for your birthday.

You will need:

  • Bracelet blank (fine decoration without decoration);
  • Beads;
  • Super glue;
  • Threads that match the color of the beads.

Let's get to work.

Using superglue, attach the beads to the frame of the bracelet. Then we carefully wrap all the beads one by one with threads in several layers. The remaining tip is carefully fixed with glue.

Please the birthday girl with 3-4 bracelets, which you need to make from different beads.

The onset of spring for women is a serious reason to start preparing for the beach season. And if this time coincided with your birthday, then you can safely proceed to the manufacture of a bag for the beach. You can make such a gift with your own hands for your daughter, girlfriend, mother.

To make a beach bitch you will need:

  • Finished solid color cotton bag;
  • Acrylic paints;
  • Iron;
  • Stencil with the desired inscription or pattern.

If you want to completely make an exclusive gift with your own hands, sew the bag yourself. It's simple, just use any ready-made pattern. Printing can also be done in 2 ways:

  1. A stencil on which paints are applied (an imprint on the bag is left with an iron);
  2. Make a drawing directly on the bag (this option is only suitable for those who can draw well).

Decor on a tourist theme

If you have to attend the birthday of an avid traveler, prepare an appropriate gift for him. Surely, the birthday boy is hatching plans to visit another country. Please him with a creative gift that will stimulate him to quickly turn his dream into reality.

Here are a few ways to please a birthday boy who loves to travel.

Tourist art gallery

You will need:

  • Photo frame;
  • Photos of the most beautiful cities of those countries that the birthday man wants to visit;
  • White cardboard, suitable for the format of the frame;
  • Glue.

Carefully attach the photo to the cardboard with glue. Insert into a frame. You can print the name of the city and attach to the picture.

You can combine all the “unknown” countries for the birthday man into one picture. For this you need a geographic map. From it cut out the "places" you need. Make it better in the form of hearts. Then they are glued to white cardboard in random order and placed in a beautiful frame.

Do-it-yourself volumetric letters from the map

Another way to stimulate the birthday boy to travel far and decorate his room is to make an inscription of the country where he wants to visit using three-dimensional letters.

To do this, you will need cardboard or wood. If you can’t make the necessary volumetric figures on your own, you can buy them to order. It remains to cut the geographical map into the necessary details and paste over the letters.

What will help you quickly achieve your dreams? A decent amount of money. So that the birthday boy can collect it faster, give him an unusual piggy bank.

To make a piggy bank with your own hands, you will need:

  1. A little time;
  2. Beautiful glass jar with a lid;
  3. A small souvenir is a symbol of some country.

It remains to securely attach the souvenir with glue to the lid and put the "initial capital" in the piggy bank. This completes the creation of the gift and you can safely give it for your birthday.

Very romantic gifts that can be given not only for a birthday, but also for any women's holiday. And it's very easy to make them.

You will need:

  • Glass glasses;
  • Thin tape;
  • Scotch medium width;
  • A can of paint.

  1. Tape the glass in random order;
  2. You can use geometric shapes, vertical or horizontal stripes;
  3. Cover the "free" places with spray paint;
  4. Wait for complete drying;
  5. Place a candle in a homemade candlestick.

A creative and cute gift is ready!

Cool do-it-yourself rug

Handmade gifts will delight birthday people of any age. But they are especially popular with older women. Therefore, if your grandmother is planning a significant event, use our recommendations for making a wicker rug.

You will need the following materials:

  • Dense rubberized fabric, which will become the basis of the future rug;
  • Trimmings of bright colored matter from which the rug will be woven;
  • Black threads;
  • Scissors;
  • Adhesive tape;
  • Glue used for fabric;
  • Spray that protects against moisture and water (you can use a shoe spray).

Let's get to work:

  1. From the base, cut the rug of the desired size;
  2. Cut pieces of multi-colored fabric into strips;
  3. Make sure that their length exceeds the length of the base by 8-10 cm;
  4. Weave braids from cut fabric;
  5. In each pigtail, secure the ends with duct tape;
  6. Glue the finished "braids" to the rubber base;
  7. Sew the edge of the rug with black thread (make sure to capture each pigtail);
  8. Remove the adhesive tape that is no longer needed and carefully trim the fringe.

The last step in the manufacture of the rug is its treatment with a water-repellent spray.

Convenient headphone storage case

This useful thing will appeal to the representatives of the stronger sex and will be a great birthday present. With the help of such covers, headphones, flash drives, cables and players will always be neatly folded.

Source materials for creating a cover with your own hands:

  • Genuine or artificial leather - 20 cm;
  • Scissors;
  • Buttons;
  • Pencil.


We get an unusual functional case for storing headphones, which can be enjoyed not only by a boy, but also by a girl.

A cup that you can write on with chalk

An original gift that everyone will love. To make it you will need:

  • Porcelain cup;
  • Masking tape;
  • Paint used for ceramics and porcelain;
  • Paint brush with soft bristles.

Let's get to work.

  1. Rinse and dry the cup thoroughly.
  2. If you want only a part of it to be "artistic", cover with tape what does not need to be painted.
  3. Using a brush, carefully apply paint around the perimeter of the future masterpiece.
  4. If you used adhesive tape, remove it immediately after painting, without waiting for the paint to dry completely.
  5. After a day (this is how long it takes for the paint to dry completely), put the cup in the oven for 30-40 minutes. Then turn off the stove, but remove the product when the oven has completely cooled down.

Homemade gifts are always original. They require a lot of time, effort and energy to create them. But as a result, you will give a real exclusive, which will stand out among other surprises with its unusualness.

2018-05-03 pvipadmin

As you know, the best gift is a handmade gift. Small souvenirs always bring a lot of joy. To engage in their manufacture, you do not need to have special talent or skills. Do-it-yourself souvenirs can be made from any improvised materials.

DIY souvenirs: master class

A coffee tree

You will need:

  1. Coffee beans;
  2. Whitewash brush;
  3. Cup;
  4. Non-spill;
  5. Transparent super glue and PVA;
  6. Brown threads;
  7. Small flower pot;
  8. Sand or small pebbles;
  9. Pencil;
  10. Satin ribbon;
  11. Coffee grounds;
  12. Gypsum;
  13. Styrofoam ball, 7 cm in diameter;


  • Wrap the ball with brown thread. This is necessary so that the coffee beans stick better. Attach the ends of the threads with glue. Leave a free circle on the ball, 1 cm in diameter.
  • Cover the balloon with coffee beans using PVA. It is better to apply glue to a small area, and then fix the grains. When you have pasted over the entire ball, set it aside - let it dry. After, you can start gluing the 2nd layer. It is recommended to glue the grains of this layer in those places where there are gaps from the first.
  • When the workpiece is ready, leave the coffee ball to dry. Then insert the pencil into the previously marked place. This will be the trunk of the tree. The gaps remaining around the trunk, cover with coffee beans.
  • Dilute the plaster, add some coffee grounds to it. Pour the finished gypsum into the prepared flower pot, insert the tree into it. Leave the tree overnight for the plaster to dry. In the morning, fill the pot with sand or small pebbles, and wrap the trunk with a satin ribbon.

Fridge magnets

You will need:

  1. Polymer clay;
  2. Stamps;
  3. Magnetic base;
  4. Acrylic paints;
  5. Glue gun;
  6. Sandpaper.


  • Roll out the polymer clay in a thin layer as you would normally roll out dough for dumplings. Using stamps, make prints on the rolled out layer. To get a color drawing, first dip the stamps in the paint of the desired color. If you don't have stamps, you can draw your favorite design on clay using a knife.
  • Using a glass or jar, cut out the resulting magnets. Let them dry. Then, using a glue gun, glue the magnetic base, and polish the roughness and irregularities of the magnet with sandpaper. After finishing work, cover the magnet with a transparent varnish.
  • It is easy to make magnets of any size, color and shape. If desired, you can mold a figurine from polymer clay, paint it and attach a magnetic base.

Mug of coffee beans

You will need:

  1. Any mug;
  2. Cotton pads;
  3. Coffee beans;
  4. Lace and Ribbon;
  5. Threads;
  6. Acrylic paint brown;
  7. Brush;
  8. Glue.


  • Cover the mug with cotton pads, not forgetting the handle. Tie the cotton mug tightly with thread.
  • Paint it brown and let it dry. Then glue coffee beans in 2 layers over the entire surface of the mug. Decorate the finished coffee mug with a ribbon and lace.

Do-it-yourself souvenirs for March 8

Fork fan

You will need:

  1. Disposable forks - 22 pcs.
  2. Super glue;
  3. Lace ribbon;
  4. Satin ribbon;
  5. Artificial flowers;
  6. Double sided tape;
  7. Pencil;
  8. Compass;
  9. Cardboard;
  10. Scissors;
  11. Flower ribbon;
  12. Beads.


  • Draw a circle on the cardboard using a compass. Cut it out and divide it into 2 equal parts. Cut out again. Glue the handles of the forks to one of the parts, keeping the same indent and the same length. The distance between the forks should not be large. Glue the 2nd piece of cardboard on top of the handles.
  • Insert the band between the teeth as you wish. It is best to thread the tape so that the first and last prongs are captured when changing from fork to fork. When threading the tape, do not forget to lubricate it with a small amount of glue.
  • Glue a ribbon of flowers on the head of the forks. Through the forks near the cardboard, thread and fasten the lace ribbon. Decorate the top of the cardboard oval with artificial flowers using double-sided tape and beads. At the base of the fan, attach a satin ribbon tied with a bow. At the very end, you can decorate the sharp part of the forks with beads.
  • Veer is ready! It will be a wonderful gift for March 8 for any girl and woman.

DIY souvenirs: photo