How to make New Year's crafts the easiest. Fluffy Christmas tree with sweets. Gift wrapping - everything unusual is nice

You can do.


For example, cone candlestick it is very simple to do: cut off the top of the cone, grease each remaining flake with PVA glue and sprinkle it with sparkles, after drying, brush off the excess sparkles with a brush and put a small candle inside the cone. You can make an arrangement of candlesticks on a tray.

From ordinary glass transparent jars left over from pickles (not 3-liter ones, of course), you can make candlesticks of stunning beauty.

You can paint them acrylic paints, paste over with tinsel and beads, cinnamon sticks or knit a “sweater” for them. In any case, the candlestick will turn out to be very beautiful, cozy, homely. There will be no warmth from him, as such, but there will be warmth of the soul.


Glass jars can be used not only for a candlestick, but also for a classic snow globe inside which you can put whatever your heart desires. We will tell you about the classic New Year's ball.

To create it you will need: jar with lid, glycerin, artificial snow, sequins, stars, sequins, tinsel, polystyrene foam, various figurines and glue.

The first step is to decorate the lid: glue the figures to it, creating New Year's composition(figures can be anything - Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Elves, deer, sleigh, house, Christmas trees, Rooster, snowman, bunnies, wolves, bears and other animals. Pour artificial snow into the jar, created from foam, sparkles, stars and other shiny nonsense.

Pour glycerin diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 into a jar, tightly close the lid and turn over. Your Christmas ball is ready. Put it in a visible place and enjoy.


Such a miracle can be done on your own, just scrape through the bottom of the barrel and find a small piece of paper, a decorative grid, threads, beads, ribbons, small toys.

Roll a sheet of paper into a cone, glue it well, cut out holes (for example, in the form of stars or circles) and decorate to your liking. You can wrap thread around the cone, decorative mesh, stick beads, paint it with paints, hang toys, etc. Put a flashlight or LED lamp inside the cone. Simple, beautiful, unusual and New Year's.

Rest cool crafts for home decoration, you can draw from our pictures.

With the onset of winter cold, the need to contemplate something beautiful is much more acute, especially what is built with one's own hands. You did not notice that all possible exhibitions of handicrafts are starting to be held immediately in kindergartens and schools. For which the guys, together with their parents, sometimes make unbelievable things.

And if you also decorate the decoration of a house, apartment, yard or office. Since, in my opinion, the use of New Year's paraphernalia in the interior greatly enhances the expectation of the holiday itself and some magical miracle. And who, if not we, will create this magical mood for ourselves.

So read the article below, take note of the examples you like and be sure to involve your children, this will raise your New Year's mood at times. And it will make the holiday atmosphere incredibly wonderful, with elements of magic and anticipation of a miracle.

When I first saw these cute toys, I could not believe that they were made from a sock. And of course, itching to make them together with the children, it turns out to be very simple. To celebrate, we made a lot of snowmen and decorated almost the entire house with them.

What you need to prepare them:

  • Two socks (white and colored) - 4 pieces;
  • Buttons - 10 pieces;
  • Black marker - 1 piece;
  • Rubber bands - 10 pieces;
  • Glue gun - 1 piece;
  • Filler (any cereal) - 300 grams.

What we do:

We cut each sock into three pieces, thus getting rid of the heel. We tie the edge where the elastic was with an elastic band.

We fill every detail with any prepared cereal.

After that, we divide them into two or three balls. As you like.

Now we make clothes from a colored sock. Cut off half and put on crafts. Sew buttons on top, use different ones, it will look more interesting. Use the glue gun to decorate the craft to your liking.

It remains to sew on the eyes and nose and the snowman is ready.

I construct hands from toothpicks, after dividing them in half.

This is what beauty turned out with minimal effort.

Christmas tree made of pasta

Original product from improvised means. The main thing is to adapt to sticking each pasta with a glue gun and you will definitely succeed.

What will be required:

  • Pasta - 1 kilogram;
  • Plastic cup - 1 piece;
  • Glue gun - 1 piece;
  • Paint - 1 can;
  • Beads - optional.

Let's start cooking:

If you do not have a glue gun, then you can simply smear the plastic blank with plasticine and glue the pasta on top of it. But such a design, unfortunately, will not please you for a long time.

Start gluing blanks from the very bottom edge round. Then comes the second layer and applying glue drops gradually move from the top of the structure.

Then we make a leg, for this we fasten together the two bases of plastic glasses, and attach it to the pasta Christmas tree.

You can paint each pasta separately with a brush, but I like to use spray paint. Fast and convenient.

Then, after drying the colorful coating, we decorate our beauty to our taste.

Souvenir snow fairy tale

It's just magic, that's all. The souvenir turns out to be so incredibly beautiful that one cannot believe in the simplicity of its manufacture. But believe me, cooking it yourself is as easy as shelling pears, which I will show you. My children and I have prepared them for school for exhibitions more than once, and there have never been indifferent people, only admiration.

What is required for cooking:

  • Jar with a lid - 1 piece;
  • Rubber glove - 1 piece;
  • Scissors - 1 piece;
  • Water - as needed;
  • Glycerin - 150 grams;
  • Decor is up to you.

We start manufacturing:

First, decide what, in addition to the main composition, will be in your craft. Since the more interesting the details are selected, the more colorful the craft will be.

We wash the necessary capacity together with the lid and dry it.

We glue the prepared decor on the lid.

Be sure to make sure that it does not dissolve in water.

We cut plastic snow into a jar. I made it out of candy plastic.

Pour glycerin into the container and then water. For a tighter closure, I cut off part of the medical glove and put it on the jar.

You can add more glitter if you like.

Lubricate the lid with glue and screw tightly. We decorate it with a beautiful ribbon and “veils” - the craft is ready !!!

DIY Christmas tree star

A classic in the manufacture of a star on top of the Christmas tree, of course, is the red color. But today it is very fashionable to dress up a green beauty in a decoration of one color, so you can easily build yourself an asterisk of absolutely any color.

What is required for its preparation:

  • Paper desired color- 2 sheets;
  • Glue - pencil - 1 piece;
  • Stencil - 1 piece;
  • Scissors - 1 piece.

Let's get started:

I present to your attention the wonderful stencils that have helped me more than once to decorate not only the beautiful Christmas tree, but also the decoration of rooms and the decoration of various holidays.

This is one side of the star.

It remains only to download the templates of the size you need and collect beautiful stars together with the children.

And now for more details about this:

It is necessary to cut out two blanks from paper of the desired color according to the template. Fold them in the center of each side and along the edges.

Lubricate the ends with glue and connect both parts. Let the product dry. The star for the New Year's beauty is ready!

Step-by-step video tutorial for making a snowflake with your own hands

No one would say that such beauty can be built from an ordinary plastic bottle. But it is possible. Be sure to involve children and grandchildren in joint creativity.

Yes, and it turns out quite economically for your wallet.

With such snowflakes you can decorate the trees in the yard, give as a souvenir to friends and neighbors. Their main plus is strength and durability, they are not afraid of rain and snow, and any frost.

Funny plasticine octopus

A great option for joint creativity with a child of elementary grades or kindergarten age. Children growing in abundance of attention and communication with their parents become more independent, decisive and achieve more in life. So don't miss out precious time and dedicate it to your children.

What will be required:

  • Plasticine of different colors - 1 pack;
  • Stick - 1 piece;
  • Plastic knife - 1 piece.

Let's get started:

First, roll up two balls of the same color, but of different sizes. This will be the torso with legs and head.

From a small one, we form a small droplet, and squeeze the second one into a layer.

Cut into strips using a plastic knife.

It turns out something like a flower, from each petal we make long tubes.

The result should be such a star.

Of more bright color We form small balls and attach them to the legs.

Make a tube of balls like suction cups.

Now we bend the legs with suction cups in any shape.

We do the head like this: a plastic case from chocolate egg cover completely with plasticine and attach eyes. Attach the head to the body.

Pour liquid into a glass container and put an octopus in it, tighten the lid. We turn the jar over and decorate the top with algae and colorful fish.

Snowman from disposable cups

Every year, millions of people try to decorate their home new year symbols. Some people buy them, while others make their own. Recently, a fashion has appeared for making crafts from plastic dishes, so I decided to tell you about making a snowman from glasses. It is simple and fast, the main thing is to select the necessary materials in advance.

Required tools:

  • Plastic dishes - 300 pieces;
  • Stapler - 1 piece;
  • Decoration is optional.

Let's start making a snowman:

For the first row, you will need exactly twenty-five cups, we lay them on the floor in an even circle and fasten them with a stapler.

The second row will go a little shifted, like the colors on a chessboard.

Fasten each glass in several places, so the construction will be more stable and durable to the touch.

Move each row a little deeper to get a spherical shape. We don’t finish it to the end, seven rows are enough.

We form the head from eighteen pieces in each row and close completely.

We cut out eyes and a sharp nose from paper, decorate the head.

We connect both parts and fasten as tightly as possible with a stapler.

Add decorative elements as you wish. At home, we put a light bulb inside and it turns out just fabulous in appearance.

Original Christmas tree made of threads

I make such beauty every year for the kitchen and other rooms in which a living beauty will not stand. It also looks great in offices, or you can give it to friends.

What will be required:

  • Thread - 1 pack;
  • Glue - 1 tube;
  • Decor - at the discretion;
  • Scotch tape - 1 piece;
  • Scissors - 1 piece;
  • Brush - 1 piece.

Let's start cooking:

To begin with, draw a circle from paper and collect a cone from it. It is better to glue it with tape, so the threads do not stick. Then we begin to wind the thread around the cone. The tighter you wind it, the less airy the Christmas tree will be.

Lubricate the threads with a thick layer of glue after you wind the entire thread. And set aside to dry completely. After the product has dried, it remains only to remove the blank from the cone and decorate with decorative elements.

Christmas tree toy "Gentle angel"

The simplest decoration that even a child can make.

What will be required:

  • Tape with a hard edge - 55 centimeters;
  • Bead - 1 piece;
  • Glue gun - 1 piece;
  • Stapler - 1 piece.

What we do:

We cut off the tape 30 centimeters long and indenting two centimeters, we fold it like an accordion fur. Cut off one hard side and fix with a stapler. From the rest of the tape we make the same accordion, only we fasten it in the middle.

We fasten both blanks together, fasten a bead with a thread from above and gently straighten the edges. A wonderful craft is ready.

Master class - Christmas tree made of cones

Of course, you can build a small Christmas tree from cones and a paper cone, but I decided to go ahead and tell you how to make a big beauty that even looks great on the street.

What will be required:

  • Wooden sticks and wire - for the frame;
  • Sheet - cardboard;
  • Glue gun - 1 piece;
  • Spray paint - optional;
  • Decor - to choose from;
  • Cones - a lot.

Let's get started:

First of all, we build a frame of sticks and wire. Make it as strong as possible. Make a base out of cardboard and glue it to the bottom of the frame.

That's all my friends, I hope this article has become at least a little useful to you, and you have found interesting ways to make crafts for yourself. Write your opinion in the comments, it is very important to me. And now I say goodbye and write only until we meet again.

How do you want to plunge into the festive atmosphere as soon as possible, ask Christmas mood, touch the magic when winter comes. You can give a fairy tale to your children if you engage in amazing and interesting creativity with them. In this tutorial, I will show you how to make DIY crafts for the New Year with unique step-by-step photos. Such crafts, made with love, will be a wonderful gift for the New Year 2019.

In winter, it is so cold and uncomfortable outside that you want to sit warm by the fireplace, wrapped in a blanket, and make cute trinkets with your hands. In past centuries, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers always occupied themselves with embroidery and lace making. But modern ladies also have something to do, they help various master classes, detailed instructions for needlewomen on making toys, souvenirs and jewelry.

How to make crafts for the New Year with your own hands


Before the New Year, we all need to make a small symbol with our own hands, which will bring good luck to the whole family. There is work to be done to create a yellow pig, since it is she who will patronize us throughout 2019.

From what to make such a talisman? You can use absolutely any materials if you are modeling crafts with your children. For example, plasticine, which is in the arsenal of every baby, is suitable.

It is easy to mold a pig with your own hands from soft yellow bars. The pig must be yellow because next year considered a year yellow pig. But we will make it truly New Year's with a few bright accessories.

It will be a red Santa Claus hat with a white trim and a red scarf that will decorate the figure. The resulting pig can be planted under the Christmas tree, she will meet the new year 2019 with you.

To sculpt a pig, you need to prepare:

  • 1 or 2 bars of yellow plasticine;
  • pink plasticine;
  • white and red plasticine;
  • a drop of blue plasticine;
  • match or toothpick.

How to mold a plasticine pig with your own hands in stages

Prepare children's plasticine for work. Surely, you will find in it a convenient stack for dividing and processing bars. Pigs are usually depicted as pink, but we will make them yellow. Therefore, prepare plasticine of just that color. If you only have one yellow bar, then you can mix it with orange or white to make more mass to create a larger pig.

Knead the plasticine in your hands and roll up a fairly large ball.

Divide this ball into pieces to create the head and ears, torso and legs of the animal. For the head, make a smaller ball and squeeze it on one side. Also prepare small yellow balls for the ears and for the nose. To shade all the details, make a patch, roll up small beads from pink plasticine.

Turn 2 small yellow balls into flat droplets and stick pink beads on top. Thus, you will get hanging pig ears. Turn the pink ball into a round cake, stick a pink bead on top and pierce 2 holes with the head of matches. Thus, you will receive a piglet. Glue eyes with blue pupils and pink eyebrows on the head.

Glue the patch in the center of the head, from below lower lip, and also on top - 2 ears. The head of the pig is ready. You can put it aside for now, in the future we will put it on top Christmas hat.

Spend the bulk of the yellow plasticine on sculpting the body - a large weighty drop. Insert a match or a toothpick into the sharp part of the drop.

Attach the head and torso. Prepare a long red ribbon with white tips and slash with a stack. This will be a scarf for the pig. Also prepare a red cone for the hat. Add a white bead to the upper tip of the cone, stick a white stripe on the bottom. Turn them into fur parts.

Put a New Year's hat on the head of the pig, and a scarf around the neck. Also make arms and legs from the remains of yellow plasticine. To the end of each detail of gluing pink hooves.

Completely assemble the figurine, you can make the pig sit, then you will need to prepare a stand for it, or stand.

Crochet a pink sausage ponytail and glue it on the back to complete the look of the pig.

Put your figurine on a pedestal and place it under the Christmas tree.

Beautiful plasticine snowflake

Plasticine modeling is always fabulous, and snow patterns can also be modeled from this soft and pliable material. Snowflakes are popular and well-known Christmas crafts. There are never many of them if the task is to decorate the interior before the New Year.

This tutorial shows how to make a snowflake from plasticine with your own hands. Even small, weightless details are obtained using a soft mass. The product will turn out light and elegant, like a real natural object, even from a large amount of plasticine.

To make a snowflake, prepare:

  • blue and white plasticine;
  • mother-of-pearl half-bead;
  • tool and toothpick.

How to make a beautiful plasticine snowflake

Prepare all suitable materials for creativity. Blue and white are the standard shades that frosty patterns are always painted with.

Choose a piece right size to create a foundation. Warm up and knead in your hands, form a lump. This stage always accompanies the sculpting process.

Now crush the soft mass into a flat round cake, which will become the basis of the craft. It is convenient to use a flat board. Press down hard surface from above with the palm of your hand, applying it to the plasticine. Pre-moisten the part with water so that it does not stick to the surface of the plasticine. Thus, with the same pressure, you press on the entire surface of the mass, the cake will turn out to be uniform.

Divide the blue circle into 6 segments. These segments will later become the rays of the snowflake. Grab the clay on each piece with your fingers and pull it out while it's still soft. Do the work intuitively, your task is to make a figure that looks like a six-pointed star as much as possible.

Sharpen 6 rays in the same way. This is a beautiful winter snowflake, but the work is not over yet.

Now think about how you would like to decorate your interesting craft. The base is already done. Make small oval petals from white plasticine and glue them symmetrically on each of the 6 rays.

Duplicate the white parts again with blue, but smaller, to give the craft volume.

Press each ray on top with a spatula or toothpick to leave a longitudinal ditch. Make small white eyelashes for each corner. Glue them to the ledges.

Glue white threads in the form of a thin snowflake in the center to the free space.

Glue a white cake in the middle and decorate with a half-bead.

You can also fill the empty space with small balls by piercing each with a toothpick.

Plasticine snowflake is ready. Shown here is just an example that you can use as a guide to show your kids an amazing winter themed creative lesson.

Now you do not need to look for a microscope to examine a snowflake, an amazing specimen lies in front of you on the table.

New Year's decoupage bottles of champagne

A bottle of champagne in itself is a good gift for the New Year. Such a gift is traditional, inexpensive and will never be superfluous, given that the New Year holiday lasts a long time.

And if the bottle has not quite normal view, if it is also an author's work? That such a gift will doubly please the one to whom it is intended.

The simplest thing that can be done on such a bottle is decoupage. It is better to do this work on two bottles. Save time and be more productive. While one bottle dries up at each stage, there is an opportunity to do another.

For work I took the following materials and fixtures:

  • bottle 2 pcs.;
  • cotton pads;
  • degreaser (nail polish remover);
  • napkins with New Year's motives 4 things.;
  • white paint for ground;
  • acrylic color paints;
  • flat synthetic brushes;
  • file;
  • spray bottle with water;
  • thin stick (you can use chopsticks for sushi);
  • PVA glue;
  • acrylic varnish;
  • contour for glass gold;
  • golden silk threads.

Before I started decorating the bottles, I removed all the stickers. Then she carefully lifted the foil on the neck of the bottle with a thin stick. Took it off.

Then cut the foil a little.

The surface of the bottle was degreased with a manicure liquid.

I primed the surface of the bottle, painting it with white paint. I dried it, and then covered the bottom of the bottle, dried it again.

I separated the lower layers from the napkin. I put the picture fragment on the file with the picture down. Moistened the fragment with water, leveled.

I applied a file with a fragment to the surface of the bottle, pressed it. Gently bending the corner of the file, and then the entire file, while not allowing the napkin to rise.

I glued the main fragment, waited for the glue to dry.

I glued the background fragment on the other side of the bottle. Covered with varnish.

In some places, I performed a contour drawing.

The bottle was varnished.

I put foil on the neck. The junction of the foil and the neck of the bottle was decorated with threads.

I made the second bottle in exactly the same way, only I took other napkins. Such elegant bottles are good both for gifts and for the New Year's table.

DIY snowflake and snowman

In this modeling lesson, we suggest you combine two winter images - a snowflake and a snowman. Why not have some fun with the kids and experiment by making something with your own hands from safe and affordable materials. Plasticine can rightfully be classified as such. Perhaps even babies from the most early years intuitively feel and understand how to handle it.

We invite everyone interested in winter needlework to join this unusual master class. Here is how to make a snowflake with a picture of a snowman from plasticine. Usually children in the yard make figures out of snow, but here we make a snowflake and decorate it with a unique muzzle.

For work it is necessary to prepare:

  • plasticine bars in the set;
  • stack
  • any dense material - cardboard or plastic cap;
  • pencil or pen;
  • scissors;
  • toothpick.

How to do unusual snowflake plasticine

Cardboard, scissors and a pen (pencil) will be needed in order to make a dense base for future crafts. Since the snowflake will be made of plasticine, you need to take care of the strength of the entire structure. There is no point in pulling out each thin ray separately and attaching them together, since such a craft will be unreliable, it will bend with any pressure. It is best to use cardboard or a plastic cap.

Draw on the cardboard beautiful carved outlines of the frosty ornament. The rays of a snowflake can be of different shapes. Cut out the part along the outline. And also prepare white plasticine to completely cover thin layer base surface.

Knead a small piece of white in your hands, put it on cardboard and spread it with your finger over the entire surface of the paper or plastic. Remove all excess by removing plasticine from the edge of the cardboard. Make small yellow petals to attach 3 to each ray.

Start attaching the yellow petals in the form of a trefoil to each ray, adjoining the resulting structures with a small red ball and pressing down with a toothpick on top.

Dress up all the rays. Press each yellow small petal along, and pierce the red ball with a toothpick.

When the base of the snowflake is ready, start modeling blanks for the snowman, which will become the central element. Blind a blue ball, pressing it on top with your palm, make a red carrot-nose and a purple scarf with white polka dots.

Glue a blue ball-head with a carrot-nose to the center of the snowflake. Attach a scarf with a bow from below. And at the top there will be a place for a festive hat.

Create a pretty face. It is necessary, in addition to the nose, to make eyes, pink cheeks and a mouth.

Put on a bright hat with a spruce branch on your head, symbolizing the New Year holidays. No other accessories are needed. The entire interior of the craft is filled, there is no more space left.

Now you can admire the fruit of your creativity, this master class cannot be called the easiest. The snowman looks like a kind wizard, and the whole snowflake, in general, looks elegant and unusual.

Mini crafts - pin and felt skates

Ice skating has become an increasingly popular winter pastime. Both adults and children can be found at city skating rinks both on weekends and on weekdays. Skates, like skiing, have already become a symbol of winter outdoor activities.

Well, in a few minutes, you can make a souvenir depicting these cute bladed shoes from simple materials. You can wear a toy instead of a keychain on your bag or decorate a Christmas tree with miniature skates - the choice is yours.

You will need:

  • sheets or scraps of felt: white, cream, blue or black;
  • pins (two pieces for each pair of skates);
  • glue gun and consumables for it;
  • scissors;
  • floss threads for laces;
  • Lurex threads for the loop;
  • small sequins, rhinestones, beads can come in handy.

You will get a pair of skates, the size of which will depend on the size of the pin. I got such souvenirs: 2 cm along the sole, 2.5 cm high ..

You can cut a stencil out of paper or cardboard, but neither material will give you an idea of ​​exactly how wide the blank should be cut out of felt. I advise you to do this: cut a rectangle out of a sheet of felt about the width of the pin. It is better if it is longer than necessary.

Scratch the fold line with scissors. Bend the workpiece and try on a pin to the fold.

If you liked everything, then with sharp scissors, give the felt the shape of a skate boot. Heat the glue gun (about 5 minutes), carefully glue the felt so that the two parts are tightly connected to each other. In the place where the laces will be, you can not tightly attach the parts to each other so that the skates look realistic.

Thread the needle with three strands of floss of the chosen color. Sew the felt crosswise to give the impression that the skates are tied with laces.

Three crosses for each shoe is the best option. Tie the "laces" on the bow.

In the same way, make the second skate, make sure that it is almost identical in size to the first.

Fasten the skates with lurex thread. That's all! The cute bauble is ready. You can decorate with it not only a Christmas tree or a bag, but also an album, a mirror, a panel on winter themes etc. Also, mini-skates will perfectly cope with the role of corporate gifts, if you want to congratulate colleagues or many friends and acquaintances.

Before the New Year, you must definitely buy and decorate a Christmas tree, so fluffy, so fragrant and so festive. This favorite hobby children. For this we use balls, tinsel and serpentine. And kids are attracted by winter creativity. To mold a small Christmas tree, you will need a little plasticine and an additional bright mass for decoration. An extremely simple model is shown in this lesson.

Materials for making New Year's crafts:

  • plasticine green and additionally a couple of bright colors;
  • brown plasticine;
  • match.

How to make a souvenir Christmas tree with your own hands

How many interesting ways to create miniature Christmas trees with your own hands exist. But perhaps the easiest of them is modeling from plasticine. Yes, it's the easiest one. And if you are smart, you don’t even need to make each branch separately and show sharp needles. Plasticine is sold in any store, it costs a penny, as soon as the children see the bars, they immediately pick them up, begin to knead and make something intuitively.

Think with the children about what shape the Christmas tree can be, of course, cone-shaped. And such a green figurine will completely pass for a souvenir tree. And so that no one doubts that it is a New Year's craft in front of him, the crown can be supplemented with balls and serpentine. Light details can do everything.

Initially, create the trunk itself (aka the crown) - a green oblong cone. Knead the plasticine of the desired color in your hands, form a ball.

Press it down with your palm, apply pressure and begin to swing the workpiece with oscillatory movements. It is necessary to ensure that the ball stretches, but becomes not just a cylinder, but a cone. Also make a small brown stump.

Insert a piece of a match into the top of the hemp for further secure fastening of the parts. Smooth the surface immediately with your fingers, without waiting until it hardens and becomes hard.

Fasten the green and brown components to each other.

The cone tree itself is ready. Move on to decor. Christmas decorations can be ordinary bright-colored plasticine peas. And also pull out thin threads, which will later become a serpentine.

Make a Christmas tree top right away - the famous red star. When dressing up a live or artificial spruce at home, they must use such a bright top. An asterisk can glow from electricity or just sparkle and shimmer.

Randomly stick thin threads of serpentine on the green cone, filling the space evenly. On a green background, yellow or Orange color immediately noticeable, the colors are contrasting and expressive.

Glue the balls to the free places, at the top - an asterisk. New Year's plasticine beauty is ready. She is slim and well-dressed.

Children will dance in a matinee around a real Christmas tree, and toys can have fun around such a small copy. If you like this idea, then you can make a whole forest of brightly decorated Christmas trees, involving all family members, using not only green, but also other colors of plasticine.

Snowflakes only at first glance seem the same, written like a carbon paper. We look out the window or go out into the street, white islands rush before us, which lie on the ground, turn into snowdrifts or immediately melt. However, each of these ice grains is unique and very beautiful. Therefore, the image of snowflakes is very often used on the eve of new year holidays for decoration Christmas decorations, for modeling carnival costumes and also performing unusual children's crafts.

It is by modeling beautiful snowflake we will do in this lesson. And it will not be simple, not gold, but plasticine. It doesn't have to be pure white either. we are talking about children's crafts. The New Year's fantasy flow will not run out if you experiment with colors, patterns and additional decorative elements.

What to prepare for repeating snowflakes:

  • brown and white plasticine;
  • a button or a shiny stone;
  • stack spatula;
  • toothpick.

How to make an unusual snowflake with your own hands

In order not to repeat yourself, to make something unique, use brown plasticine as a base. And it will complement it, it will look beautiful against a given background, white plasticine. If you can find a beautiful chocolate color, That ready product will look like a delicious candy or gingerbread. In general, even brown, which would seem to be a completely unsuitable color for a snowflake, will look very nice.

Knead brown plasticine, first form a ball.

Place the ball on a hard surface. Press down around the circumference with your fingers, evenly distributing the pressure. You should get a round cake, but not very thin. A snowflake will be cut out of it in the future.

It is advisable to moisten the surface of the board before work so that the mass does not stick to it. Even on plasticine boxes they give advice that it is better to work with the material with wet hands.

After the cuts on the cake, petal segments will remain. Press down each of them with your fingers and smooth out so that you get triangular rays.

Try to smooth the brown surface with your fingers to a perfect result. Pull the white pieces into very thin threads.

With the help of white threads, apply a cobweb to the six-pointed surface, interlacing longer and shorter segments. Connect the opposite corners.

Additionally, make small villi from white plasticine, they will be needed to decorate the rays. Glue a button to the center.

Symmetrically fill all the rays with villi to additionally decorate your New Year's product.

Add white balls to the recesses between the rays and push each of them with a toothpick, this decoration method is also suitable.

A magical New Year's plasticine craft is ready. Now you need to remember the poems and riddles about winter, snow and snowflakes.

How to make original craft gifts for the New Year 2019 with your own hands

Master classes - how to do.

Good afternoon. Today I prepared an article filled with children's crafts in New Year theme. This magical holiday is coming soon - they will announce at school and kindergarten about competitions of New Year's crafts with their own hands. This circumstance will force you to surf the Internet in search of the right idea for your future school masterpiece - and here my article will give you Family Bunch of New Year Ideas for 2019.

And we will have a lot of crafts - enough for kindergarten, school, and as a gift for mom, dad, grandparents . For your convenience, I have divided all the crafts into groups according to the materials from which they are made. That is, I introduce the material and technique - and then show how this technique looks on real New Year's children's crafts in bright photo ideas.

In our article you will find...

  • Crafts-characters from cardboard cone
  • crafts from paper strips in the New Year theme
  • crafts for the New Year - from disposable plates
  • Christmas toys made of cardboard egg cassettes,
  • toys from rolls of toilet paper
  • voluminous New Year's applications from paper fans

And also on our site there are crafts-drawings for a competition in school or kindergarten
- in the article

So let's start our New Year's Boom-2019 with your own hands.

Idea Pack #1

New Year's crafts from CONES.

Here is a simple paper craft for children for the New Year - Santa Claus from a cardboard cone. It is very easy to do it yourself if an adult helps you twist and staple a cardboard bag.

Paper cone rolls up from the usual SEMI-CIRCLE from cardboard- or even not from half of the circle, but from its third ( the smaller part of the circle we take under our bag-cone, the thinner and more elongated the silhouette of the cone is).

On the finished red cardboard cone is glued white paper overlay in the form of a beard (triangular shape- right photo, or oval with a long fringe cut - left photo). After pasting the beard on top, paste face oval(on top of the face, if necessary, add the application of the mustache) - draw the eyes, nose, cheeks. You can glue the legs of Santa Claus to the cone.

It is convenient to do such New Year's crafts with children in kindergarten - if you prepare in advance red cones linked with a stapler. Give the kids decor options, details, glue scissors and let them turn red cardboard cone in Santa Claus.

Here are a few more design options for the same paper craft for the new year. In the first case, the beard is one semicircular piece of paper. And in the second case, the beard is several oval layers of paper ( and each oval is shorter than the previous one) and the edges of each oval are cut into a fringe-straw. Come up with your design - with your mind and imagination - and bring it to life with your own hands.

And here is a do-it-yourself version of Santa Claus, which can be folded immediately from three cones.

FIRST bottom red cone(this is the coat of Santa Claus) - on the sides of this lower red cone we glue the applications of the hands of Santa Claus.

SECOND medium white cone(this is the beard of Santa Claus) - we paste the face and mustache on it.

THIRD top red cone(This is Santa's hat)

From the same THREE cones of different sizes, you can make a New Year's children's CRAFTS-Christmas tree.

And here is Santa Claus, made of two cones - the lower COAT and the upper FACE WITH A HAT.

craft template You can copy directly from the screen of your monitor, if you put a sheet of paper directly on the screen and circle the translucent picture with a pencil. To enlarge an image screen - you need to press the Ctrl button on your keyboard, and with your other hand, roll the mouse wheel forward.

And if you like the theme of Santa Claus and his Reindeer, then on our website there are just such soulful articles-lessons with master classes and templates

Well, we will continue, about the topic of cone crafts. In such crafts the cone can only be the BODY of the future character- and his FACE can be inserted into the slot on the top of the cone - as is done on the New Year's snowman craft in the photo below. A good and simple craft for classes in kindergarten (for middle and senior group- children 4-6 years old).

And here original craft where a New Year's festive couple is made of cones - Ded Moroz and Snegurochka. This craft was made by our mothers on the forum with their own hands. Very talented and skillful.

Idea Pack #3

New Year's crafts from cardboard

You can use regular school cardboard. Cut out the details of the Christmas characters from different colors of cardboard and glue them together. At the back, make a SUPPORT so that the figures stand vertically. Or instead of a prop you can glue a box (for tea or cookies) to the back wall, glue it with colored paper, and fill it with sweets if you wish.

The craft in the photo below has a bag of sweets glued to the back of the snowman. Due to this, the figure does not fall.

You can use patterned paper in the craft - in which gifts are wrapped. So your craft will be even smarter - with polka dots or flower patterns, like the New Year's penguin in the photo below.

Here, such a compact Santa Claus made of red cardboard. You can use formiam or hard thick felt instead of cardboard.

Here interesting way make Santa Claus out of cardboard - an easy-to-make children's craft

You will find many more ideas with the application in the form of Frosty Santa in a special article.

You can make a voluminous cardboard pendant for the Christmas tree using other techniques. From cardboard and colored paper we form a New Year's character. And then we glue a belly to it, which, in turn, we decorate with rhinestones. A semi-circular tummy-tummy can be made by cutting a foam ball in half, or make salt dough then bake or dry.

You will find a template for such silhouette crafts in our special article.

And here is a beautiful craft for the New Year in the kindergarten - a Christmas tree made of coated white cardboard. Two sheets of cardboard - glossy coated glued together. IMPORTANT!!! - glue sheets of cardboard with dry glue (glue stick, double-sided tape), without wet PVA glue, otherwise the cardboard will rear up and go in waves.
You can glue two sheets, you can even three.

As a result, we get a solid white plate. We transfer the Christmas tree template to it. Trace the template with a pencil and cut it out. We sew on the edge of the Christmas tree with threads or put a fluffy green garland on the glue. We attach Christmas balls to the paws of the Christmas tree, hang glass beads and satin ribbons, you can decorate in different ways, at your discretion. We fix the Christmas tree in the stand. To make the Christmas tree stand well, we weight the stand with plasticine, a wooden board, a book.

Idea Pack #4

New Year's crafts FROM TAPE.

But crafts from textile ribbons. You can use stiff ribbons made of rough dense material and make the craft hold its shape (as done with the flower craft in the left photo below). There, solid red beads also act as a rigid frame and hold the ribbon petals in a clear shape.

You can use a soft ribbon and string it on a thin wooden skewer - you get the silhouette of a Christmas tree. Very simple and quick craft with your own hands for the new year.

The same idea of ​​a Christmas tree made of ribbons can be developed and transferred to other New Year's characters - as is done on children's crafts from the photo below. You yourself can create new versions of this idea with your own mind and with your own hands - and use any creative idea from this site only as a STARTING START POINT for your own AUTHOR'S IDEA.

Idea Pack #5

New Year crafts


And here are the ideas of New Year's crafts, where the basis for creative thought is the base in the form of a ball folded from strips of paper of the same length. The balls stick together with each other - we get the base in the form of a HEAD and a BODY. And then the work continues - on gluing the face, hands and other elements of personalizing the craft.

Here, in the example below, we see that Santa Claus is obtained from two balls, if we glue an application of a beard with a face and a mustache on the front ball, glue hands in mittens and with fur cuffs on the sides of the body, and crown the top of the craft with a white cotton pom-pom.

And here is an example of a do-it-yourself children's craft from strips of paper where two balls turn into a snowman due to the eyes and nose of a carrot. Two round hands and applications of a broom and a shovel.

And a cheerful New Year's deer can be made from ONE ball. Please note that there are flat stars next to the deer - they are made according to the same principle - the strips are folded into a ball - and then flattened along the equatorial line of the ball.

Here is the master class showing how to make such a New Year from strips of paper volumetric sphere. Stripes are cut. On each of them we find the MIDDLE POINT. We thread the thread into the needle - we attach a bead to the end of the threaded thread and pierce the MIDDLE POINTS of each strip with a needle.

We push the pierced strips apart with rays in different sides- and then we pierce the ends of each strip again with a needle already at a height - at the top of the ball. We fix all this with a bead at the top and then it remains to decorate the ball for the character we need or a craft toy.

By a similar principle, we can create such a children's Christmas tree toy from strips of paper (as in the photo below).

And here are alternative stripe technique designs. You see penguins, which are made up of stripes but are already connected into a ball according to a different principle.

And in the example with a polar bear in the photo below, we see that a ping-pong ball or a foam ball can serve as the head part of the craft. And in the middle, beads can be strung on a thread (so the craft will look more elegant). Think with your head, dream with your soul - and do it with your own hands.

A beautiful New Year's team for a competition in a kindergarten or school.

Idea Pack #6

New Year crafts


You can make a lot of beautiful Christmas crafts from toilet paper rolls. You can make dressed-up Santa Clauses as in the left photo below. Please note that the beard on this craft is made of white lace. And the cap on the head is sewn from fabric (you can use colored crepe crumpled paper).

But the snowmen (in the right photo below) - you can make headphones from fluffy wire brushes. Scarves from pieces of fabric, and stick real buttons.

But the craft is an angel. Very soft and easy to make. We cover the roll in paint of two colors - pink gouache at the top, white at the bottom. For the wing we take lace paper napkin(for lack of such, you can simply cut out an openwork snowflake from paper) fold it in half and glue it to the back of the angel.

The most interesting thing is the angel hairstyle - it just looks complicated, but in fact - the upper part of the hairstyle is ordinary. yellow paper circle, which are around the circumference cut into fringe- these fringes fall to the side of the roll in the form of a circular bang. And then On the sides add strips of paper, beforehand we wind the lower part of each strip on a pencil (or run a scissors blade over them so that they themselves twist into a tight curl). You will find a lot of paper angel ideas in our article.

From toilet rolls, you can also make elegant Christmas tree crafts.

Here is an interesting idea for a round Christmas tree cut from a roll. We take a roll, flatten it into a plane, draw the legs of a Christmas tree on the sides of this plane, cut them out, and then flatten the roll back into a circle again. We glue rhinestones and an asterisk.

Or the roll can only be used as a stand for a flat cardboard Christmas tree.

Rollo also makes excellent penguins. - rolls must be covered with thick black gouache before crafting. And so that during the application children's hands do not get dirty with black paint and do not contaminate other details of the craft, we must COVER our BLACK ROLLS with HAIR SPRAY - so the paint will shine and stop staining our hands with black soot.

You can draw on the rolls the familiar features of your favorite cartoon character (as is done with the snowmen from the Frozen cartoon).

And you can decorate the craft additional elements cutouts - as is done on the example of deer from the right photo below. Here we cut out the crotch between the legs of the deer (in order for these legs to actually appear). And we also cut off the upper part of the roll - leaving the tail-neck - on this bent tail we will glue the silhouette of the head.

We can come up with our own designs of familiar New Year characters. It's so interesting to pick up a gray unremarkable external roll-sleeve and turn it into a piece of the New Year's holiday.

And here is a children's craft made also from rolls but already cut into segments. This can be done from the usual flat cardboard, if you roll it into a tube with a stapler and cut it into the segments we need. A simple and interesting voluminous craft for children for the New Year.

And from rolls - you can fold here such a beauty - a big Christmas tree. It will look good both in the office and in the kindergarten group. True, the rolls must be collected in advance and then painted for quite some time. Gouache is not enough - it is better to buy a liter can of facade white paint and a bottle of green color. Pour color into white acrylic, stir and paint with a wide brush or sponge.

Idea Pack #7

New Year crafts


But New Year's crafts, which are made of cheap and very comfortable in texture material - ROUGH SACKING.

Dense burlap is well starched - and takes on a rigid shape. It can be painted in any color and folded into a rigid shape of craft details.

From starched dyed burlap, you can cut out the petals and fold the flower. Burlap can be glued onto cardboard and cut out the silhouette of an owl - add applications of wings and eyes with a beak.

From an inconspicuous-looking burlap, you can make very gentle beautiful crafts for the new year. For example, this mitten purchased new year chic thanks to lace, beads, bells and sprigs of pine needles.

A simple piece of gray fabric can play in the rays of your imagination. And turn into a deer with branch antlers or a cute New Year's bird.

You can cut stars out of rough canvas by simply pasting them onto cardboard (as in the left photo below).

Or folding diamond-shaped rays from burlap modules and folding them into a star (as in the right photo below).

You can glue a regular toilet paper roll with a piece of burlap and decorate it with a red cardboard edging and colored paper appliqué. And we will get a cute Christmas tree basket craft. Simple and interesting job for a kindergarten competition.

You can stretch the burlap like a canvas on a picture frame and draw a New Year's picture on it. Such a New Year's children's craft can be safely carried to a competition in a school or kindergarten. It will decorate any exhibition of New Year's children's works.

And also more idea for New Year's paintings painted on canvas or paper, I collected in a special article

Idea Pack #8

New Year crafts


But crafts from ordinary boxes. SMALL boxes of tea, cookies, toothpaste, cream, medicine are suitable. Suitable for large crafts BIG boxes from juice, shoe boxes or office paper.

A nose, a shaggy Christmas tree, ears made of colored paper, horns made of thick tree branches - and here we have a New Year's craft deer. Or stick a nose, eyes, buttons on a box pasted over with white paper, tie it with a scarf and put on a hat - we get a simple snowman craft.

By the same principle, any rectangular surface of the box can be decorated as Santa Claus, a penguin, and any New Year's character.

You can turn the box into a toy snow-covered house.

Idea Pack #9

New Year crafts CAPS.

And here is the simplest idea for a New Year's mask-hat. Deer, snowman, Santa Claus - any holiday character can be embodied from ordinary colored paper.

Idea Pack #10

New Year crafts APPLICATIONS.

And here are crafts-appliques for the New Year. You can make small curly applications on cardboard rolled into a roll - as toys for Christmas tree pendants.

Most simple applications for school or kindergarten - this is a snowman. But it does not have to be performed in the traditional technique. You can show your imagination and make a snowman from non-standard materials - gypsum plaster diluted in water, or from finely chopped crumpled paper.

Children's New Year crafts-applique can be multi-layered. And it doesn't have to be done rectangular sheet paper. On the contrary, a children's craft will look more elegant if it is done on a round sheet of cardboard. And glue the edges of the sheet with paper lace, cut off from a large paper snowflake.

And here are more examples of voluminous convex crafts. Any character that has a muzzle or face can be made in the form of a voluminous application if a triangular TRUCK is provided on the silhouette of the face. You can see these darts on the templates below.

We simply cut them with scissors (we make an incision only on one side of the tuck) - and then glue the side of the tuck under the notch (hiding the tuck in the gluing).

Idea Pack #11

New Year's crafts napkin holders.

But New Year's crafts that can decorate your holiday table. The fact is that Santa Clauses, which we see below, are nozzles for table napkins.

In the first case (on the left photo below), we make a bag out of red paper, paste a beige face, white mustache, white cap trim on it (but don’t make a beard). Next we take white napkin we fold it like a beard and put it inside the bag - part of the white napkin sticks out of the bag, reminiscent of the beard of Santa Claus.

In the second case (in the right photo below) - we cut out a white circle from thick white paper (or cardboard). On the upper side of the circle, draw a face, a nose, and glue on a mustache. AND MAKE A CUT over the straight line of the face. We fold a large red table napkin into a sharp triangle and put the sharp end of the triangle into the slot - stretch it and get ... at the top (above the slot) part of the napkin looks like a red cap ... below under the beard part of the red napkin looks like Santa Claus's fur coat.

A simple craft that your children will really like. Moreover, you can make several such crafts for all the guests invited to the festive New Year's table.

And here are the napkin holders, which are made from cardboard toilet paper rolls. Also a simple solution and a fun children's craft - for a garden or school on New Year's Eve.

Idea Pack #12


But the ideas of children's simple crafts, where a cardboard silhouette is wrapped with colored threads or thin ribbons of bright colors. So you can wrap a triangle with threads, sew a couple of rhinestones or beads on it and we will get an elegant Christmas tree craft.

You can pull the threads through the holes (punctures with a hole punch) - as in the snowflake craft from the left photo.

Or thread the threads through the slots - as on round Christmas tree decorations from the right photo below.

Any new year idea connect with the reception of the thread winding. And get original and simple crafts for children. For example, this is implemented on crafts with a NEW YEAR'S DEER in the photo below.

The brighter and juicier the color of the threads, the brighter and more festive your children's craft will be. Bright ribbons, glue rhinestones and stars cut out of thick foil will only complete the thread craft.

And if a mother or grandmother in your family loves to crochet, then you can make knitted New Year's crafts - small or even large.


Idea Pack #13

Christmas crafts PENDANTS.

For a competition in a garden or school, you can make a craft on a larger scale. For example, a beautiful Christmas pendant.

The general meaning of such crafts is that there should be a large part-holder at the top and smaller elements of the general ornamental design should come from it on strings.

You can hang a variety of pendant crafts on a lamp or on a window ledge. Make them from openwork paper napkin for confectionery (as in the photo below) - very simple and fast.

Even from the pages of scrap paper you can make bright New Year crafts-pendants. It would be a desire, and a little time. Everything is really easy. And even from the photo it is clear how these are made paper modules and how they are assembled into one central round - just for glue.

DIY package #14


And here is one of my favorite themes of children's New Year's crafts. Children just jump with pleasure when you offer them such a serious craft. They like the donut-shaped format and like that as a result their work can be used as a real Christmas decoration, which is hung on the door in their family year after year.

In this article I will give only a few ideas for seeding. But in the future I plan to make a separate article on children's wreath crafts for the New Year, and then the link will work here.

In the meantime, let's see the basic ideas for creating the basis for New Year's wreaths. We will make the base in the form of a donut. A standard A4 cardboard sheet will be small in circumference. Therefore, the base for such a wreath can be cut out of a large sheet of corrugated cardboard packaging - a pizza box is ideal.

If there are no large cardboard sheets (especially if you are preparing such a craft for a whole group of a kindergarten), then you can cut out SEMI-CIRCLES separately from cardboard, and then connect them with tape into one single ring. So that in the place of gluing-docking of the semirings did not get a flimsy fold we must strengthen the gluing place by slipping pieces of hard cardboard under it.

And we are already giving such a finished, wrapped blank to the child, and let him figure out how to decorate his wreath. You can offer him templates or ready-made cutouts, and decoration options.

Or you can make pretty wreaths out of double-sided green cardboard like these with a bright red paper bow.

You can leave out the donut base if it is completely covered with a finishing application, as is done on the Christmas children's wreath in the photo below.

Or you can not glue the wreath ring, do not wrap it, but paint it over with gouache. Dry and paste over already with applications - for example, such snowmen-snowflakes.

Also, an ordinary paper or plastic plate can serve as the basis for a Christmas wreath ring. We cut out the bottom from it and then decorate it according to our design plan.

The winding of the wreath can be done quickly with thick woolen threads. Or knitted threads (from knitted fabric cut into strips. You can decorate such a wreath natural material, figurines made of dense felt, cardboard applications.

Idea Pack #15

New Year crafts from felt.

(beautiful and fast).

From dense felt, you can make quick bright crafts. Here is a snowflake candlestick, it is created from a flat sheet of felt. Just the diagram below I adjusted to the size of a felt sheet of 30 by 30 cm. But you can reduce the picture to a size that is convenient for you by copying it onto a Word sheet and pulling the corners of the image.

If you buy green felt of two or three shades of green, then you will quickly make this one with your own hands. Christmas tree- a craft consisting of flat pancakes, which are slightly pulled together with a needle in the center (to get a wavy surface of the disk).

That is, in the center of the felt circle, we draw a small circle with chalk, we go along it with thread stitches - and then we tighten these circular stitches (to make a bulge along the center (like a hat with large margins). We make discs with a screed in the center - of different sizes , alternating shades of green... And we collect our Christmas tree like a pyramid.

Idea Pack #16

New Year's crafts from PLATES.

From plastic plates you can make not only the bases for Christmas wreaths, but also any New Year characters. The round shape of the plate easily turns into the face of a snowman, deer, Santa Claus, penguin.

You can cut the plate as you like - for any of your ideas. If round form not created in your imagination New Year's crafts, change this shape. Make a semicircle - and now the face of Santa Claus appears with a relief beard.

Cut the circle of the plate into quarters - and here they unobtrusively folded into a herringbone. It remains to take green paint and colored beads.

You can cut a truncated trapezoid from the circle of the plate and turn it into the head of a Christmas deer.

Idea Pack #17

New Year crafts

from the CASSETTE from eggs.

And here are the ideas of the most inexpensive crafts for the New Year. Ordinary paper cassettes from eggs. Their convex rows of cells will help give birth to many New Year's crafts. Your imagination will breathe life into these cardboard honeycombs - and bright colors will give new life old packaging.

If you work as a kindergarten teacher, then you can find this material on the first floor of the kindergarten, several large egg cassettes are thrown out in the kitchen every day. Chefs will be happy to become your regular suppliers of this creative material.

You can cut several rows of cells from the cassette holder at once - and turn them into a bright New Year's tree and drink a convex snowman.

You can cut out the individual bottoms of the cells and fold the pyramid of the snowman out of them.

You can not cut the cassette at all and make a team of New Year's deer with a sleigh for Santa Claus from a whole one.

Even one small cell can become a nice little Christmas craft - a tiny minguin or a small deer.

And to make the crumbs look like a solid children's work, they can be surrounded by decorations - a winter entourage. Christmas trees or ice floes, as is the case with penguins. Pieces of ice floes can be cut out of foam plastic - these liners are in your winter boots, or they are used as gaskets when transporting fragile goods or technical devices. Or you can just go to the hardware store (or to the construction department of the market
a) and buy a meter of thick wall insulation there - it also has such a structure.

Idea Pack #18

New Year crafts


And we can also make crafts from a material that is convenient in designing - round fans folded from paper. The simplest design is a Christmas tree. Here we stack the fans on top of each other in a festive pyramid - we get a Christmas tree, with our own hands.

Here is a visual tutorial showing the general principle of creating all-round fans. The main thing is to take a VERY LONG strip - so that its length in the folded accordion form is enough for rounding.

If you don't have one long strip- you can fold 2 separate strips, and then glue them into one common long accordion-snake.

And by the way, if on such an accordion on its ribs - and on its tips we make a pattern - then when the fan is turned into a circle, we will get an openwork snowflake. Also an independent New Year's craft with your own hands is obtained.

Paper fans can be used as decorative elements in the design of multi-layer Christmas toys-appliqués made of paper.

And also you can turn on your imagination and invent original New Year's voluminous applications from such paper fans.

The simplest thing that is quick and easy to do with your own hands is a Christmas wreath craft. Just a base-ring made of cardboard and a bunch of decorative fans to decorate the donut-base of the wreath.

These are the ideas you found today for yourself and your children. Now the matter is small. Evaluate the material available at home. And get to work.

Make your own piece magical holiday It's already a small miracle. And the New Year's spirit of happiness consists of small miracles.

May your hands create happiness. Happiness for the next New Year.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""
If you like our site, you can support the enthusiasm of those who work for you.
Happy New Year to the author of this article, Olga Klishevskaya.

Put a candle inside and light it. The light will fall as if from the windows of magical snow-covered houses.

What do you need

  • light paper;
  • pencil;
  • black marker;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • glass jar;
  • sponge;
  • White paint.

How to do

Place a sheet of paper horizontally and draw on it the outlines of a winter city: snowdrifts, trees, houses with windows, a lantern. Fill in the shapes with a black marker and cut them out along the outline. Make the windows of the houses.

Now glue the paper along the bottom edge of the can. Using a sponge, lightly cover the glass and the outlines of the city with white paint, imitating snow.

2. Tree from a magazine

Two in one: decorate the house and get rid of old prints.

What do you need

  • magazine;
  • glue gun;
  • gold spray paint;
  • red and gold foamiran with sparkles or red and golden paper with sequins;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • beads.

How to do

Lay the magazine so that the spine is on the left. Fold the first sheet, connecting the top edge with the left. Bend the lower right corner to the middle.

Deal with the rest of the sheets in the same way. Open the magazine approximately in the middle and go over the fold with a glue gun. Fold the right sheet, sticking its edge to the middle of the magazine.

Flip over the glued part, cover the center of the magazine again with glue and glue the next sheet. Do the same with the rest of the sheets. You will have a cone. Cover it with spray paint.

On the reverse side of foamiran or paper, draw two identical large gold stars and several smaller red and gold stars. Cut them out carefully.

Connect two large stars with sequins outward and glue to the top of the Christmas tree. Post on new year tree other stars and beads.

3. Santa Claus from a tin can

What do you need

  • double sided tape;
  • can;
  • beige foamiran;
  • scissors;
  • colored fabric;
  • glue gun;
  • white faux fur;
  • blush;
  • wide brush;
  • white felt;
  • black paint;
  • White paint;
  • tassel;
  • golden ribbon.

How to do

Apply tape to the bottom, top, and middle of the jar. Wrap the cylinder with foamiran and cut off the excess. Glue the edges of the foamiran with double-sided tape.

Wrap around the top of the jar colored fabric and glue it with a gun. Wrap the edges of a narrow strip of fur inside and glue. Place the resulting strip along the top of the jar.

Draw the cheeks of Santa Claus with blush. Cut out a mustache from white felt, and a round nose from the remains of beige foamiran. Glue them to the bank.

Draw the eyes with black and white paint. Glue white felt eyebrows on top. Wrap the gold ribbon around the colored fabric and tie into a pretty bow.

4. A wreath of paper napkins

This beauty can be put on the table or attached to the wall.

What do you need

  • 5 round openwork paper napkins;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • cardboard;
  • White paper;
  • glue gun;
  • small artificial spruce twigs with cones;
  • red artificial berries;
  • White paint;
  • tassel;
  • red bow.

How to do

Cut each of the three napkins into four equal parts and roll them into cones, smearing the edges with glue.

Cut out a circle with a diameter of 10 cm from cardboard. Coat it with glue on one side and glue it to white paper. Cut out a circle from it, retreating from the edges of the cardboard 1–2 cm.

Make vertical cuts on the paper. Lubricate the edges of the cardboard circle with glue on the reverse side and glue the cut paper to it.

Glue whole napkins to the circle on both sides. Mark the middle on the one that turned out to be on the front of the workpiece. Using a glue gun, arrange the prepared napkin cones in a circle.

Glue spruce twigs and berries to the center of the wreath. Lightly cover them with white paint, imitating snow. Place a bow under the composition.

5. Christmas vase

This craft can be used as a stand for stationery or cosmetics, as a candlestick or just a beautiful decorative element.

What do you need

  • notebook sheets of paper;
  • glue;
  • glass cup;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • gold spray paint;
  • twine;
  • wooden decorative elements.

How to do

Roll the sheet diagonally into a thin tube, periodically lubricating the paper with glue. Attach the workpiece vertically to the glass and cut it approximately to its height.

Make enough tubes to cover the entire glass. It is better if they are slightly different in length.

Attach them to the glass with a glue gun. Cover the future vase with paint inside and out. Wrap the bottom and top with pieces of twine and glue the wooden decor in the middle.

6. Christmas gnome made of fabric

Cozy decor element in Scandinavian style.

What do you need

  • colored fabric;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • white faux fur;
  • wire;
  • gray fleece;
  • black felt;
  • wooden ball;
  • Christmas decoration.

How to do

Wrap the cone with a cloth, cut off the excess and glue it with a glue gun. From the fur, cut out a beard in the shape of an elongated rhombus and a long mustache, similar to the letter "L".

Glue the beard to the cone. It should take up most of it. At the top, part the fur and place the mustache so that the beard hangs slightly on them. So the figure will be more voluminous.

Cut a piece of wire about the length of the cone and insert it into the top of the workpiece. Wrap the fleece around the wire so that it extends slightly over the beard. Cut off the excess, connect the fleece to the cone and fasten the edges of the fabric with glue.

Cut out eyes from felt and glue them under the hat. Below, place the nose of the gnome - a wooden ball, and glue the Christmas decoration on the hat.

Cute gnomes can also be made from improvised materials. This video shows how to make them from socks:

7. Bottle toy

When looking at this decoration, one can hardly guess what it is made of.

What do you need

  • stationery knife;
  • 2 plastic bottles of 1.5 l;
  • yellow paint;
  • tassel;
  • wire;
  • 6 Christmas balls;
  • PVA glue or acrylic glue;
  • gold glitter;
  • glue gun;
  • red narrow ribbon;
  • 3 red bows;
  • decorative flower with sequins.

How to do

Cut the bottles a little above the middle. Poke a hole in the center of each lid with a utility knife. Cover the caps with yellow paint and close the bottles with them.

Pass a piece of wire through the lids so that its ends are in the bottles, and a loop forms on top. Put three balls on each end and twist with wire. The balls must be inside the bottles.

Lubricate the outside of the bottles with glue and cover with glitter, leaving a small strip along the bottom edge. Attach a red narrow tape to it using a glue gun.

Glue the bows together. Twist the top of the wire slightly over the bottle caps. Use a glue gun to close the twist with a bow, on which glue a decorative flower.

8. Volumetric snowman made of threads

If you insert a garland into this cute snowman, he will decorate the room even at night.

What do you need

  • 2 balloons;
  • scotch;
  • white yarn;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • water;
  • needle;
  • 2 thin wooden branches;
  • glue gun;
  • black double-sided paper or cardboard;
  • colored tape;
  • colored fabric;
  • 2 black buttons;
  • cardboard;
  • orange paint;
  • tassel.

How to do

Inflate the balloons and tie off the ends. One ball should be slightly smaller than the other. Tape them together to form a snowman. Tie the gluing place with yarn so that the balls are still located closer friend to friend. Cut off the rest of the thread.

In a wide plate, combine glue and water in equal proportions. Wet the yarn well with the resulting mixture and wrap the balls tightly. The thread should cover most of their surface. Leave the workpiece to dry completely. To speed up the process a little, you can use a hair dryer.

Pierce the balls in several places with a needle and carefully remove the rubber through the holes. Cut some string at the bottom of the snowman so he can stand up. Insert branches on the sides - these will be his hands - and secure with a glue gun.

To make a hat, cut a rectangle out of black paper and glue its edges together. You can also take a toilet paper roll and paint it black.

Cut out two circles from paper: according to the diameter of the resulting tube and larger. Glue the smaller one on top. Cut the larger one in the middle and connect with bottom hats. Wrap the tulle with colored ribbon.

Lubricate the brim of the hat with glue and attach to the snowman's head. Wrap a rectangular piece of fabric around the neck, glue its edges to each other and to the bottom ball. Place buttons next to it.

Make a small cone out of cardboard, paint it orange and glue it in the middle of the top ball. From black paper, cut out a mouth and eyes and place them next to the snowman's nose.

9. Volume Christmas tree made of threads

Such a Christmas tree is made according to the same principle as volumetric snowman. But there are a couple of important nuances.

What do you need

  • a foam blank in the shape of a cone;
  • stationery pins;
  • PVA glue;
  • water;
  • white yarn;
  • beads;
  • glue gun.

How to do

Wrap the styrofoam with cling film and pierce it in several places with pins. Thanks to the film, the workpiece will be easier to remove, and the pins will help the thread stay in place.

Combine glue and water in equal proportions and thoroughly moisten the yarn in the mixture. Wrap the workpiece with threads, catching them on the pins. Leave overnight to dry completely.

Remove the needles and carefully remove the workpiece. Place the beads on top with a glue gun.

10. New Year's Crescent

An unusual version of the usual New Year's wreath.

What do you need

  • jigsaw and / or scissors;
  • plywood or cardboard;
  • twine;
  • PVA glue;
  • sponge;
  • White paint;
  • 2 bumps;
  • wooden decorative snowflake;
  • glue gun;
  • small artificial spruce branches;
  • silver Christmas ball;
  • white decorative braid with pom-poms;
  • silver artificial berries;
  • tassel;
  • wooden bead.

How to do

Using a jigsaw or scissors, cut out a crescent-shaped blank from plywood or cardboard. Make a small hole on top and insert a piece of twine there - the future loop.

Gradually lubricating the workpiece with glue, tightly wrap it with twine. With a sponge, apply a little white paint to the rope and cones, imitating frost. wooden snowflake paint completely.

Using a hot glue gun, attach the snowflake to the bottom of the crescent moon so that most of it sticks out of the edge.

Glue spruce branches nearby, and on them - cones and a ball. Arrange the ribbon with pom-poms and berries.

Using a brush, lightly tint the branches with white paint. Insert a wooden bead into the string, which is threaded into the upper hole, and tie the thread with knots from above and below.

11. Christmas tree from ribbons

What do you need

  • pencil;
  • White paper;
  • scissors;
  • green cardboard;
  • stapler;
  • red narrow ribbon;
  • green narrow ribbon;
  • white narrow ribbon;
  • glue gun;
  • pink foamiran with sparkles or pink paper with sequins;
  • golden glitter.

How to do

Make a template out of white paper, as shown in the video. Attach it to the green cardboard, circle and cut it out. Fold the workpiece in half and fasten at the bottom with a stapler.

Cut strips 12 cm long from the ribbons and glue the edges of each of them. Attach them to the workpiece in a circle: the bottom row is red, the next is green, then red, green, red and white.

Cut out two identical stars from foamiran or paper, glue them and place them on top of the Christmas tree. Sprinkle the Christmas craft with glitter.