Unusual New Year's paper snowflakes with your own hands. Snowflakes from wooden corks. Beautiful volumetric snowflakes - balls: diagrams, photos

18.09.2017 by baby-malavki

On New Year's Eve, most families try to decorate their home with original DIY crafts. Therefore, they look for suitable ideas that can be repeated from improvised items, looking at the step-by-step instructions.

That is why in today's article we decided to make the task of our readers easier by talking about the most important decor, directly related to winter and the New Year's fairy tale - snowflakes. Below are examples of manufacturing in various techniques and materials, differing in complexity and size.

Paper snowflakes for the New Year 2018, 20 New Year ideas

Not only children, but also adults love to make paper crafts. Therefore, a good and simple idea would be to cut out small, medium and large snowflakes to decorate your apartment and house. They will serve as the basis for creating hanging garlands or become a beautiful decoration for window glass or curtains. Well, in order for the masterpiece to look skillful, it is important to print out the template in advance, prepare scissors and paper in white, silver, blue or gold.

The stencils proposed below can also be made by a child, as homework for kindergarten or labor lessons in primary school.

Snowflakes from pasta, a master class in the photo

In order to decorate a beautiful Christmas tree, it is not necessary to spend money on buying expensive Christmas tree decorations. It is enough to turn on the creative imagination to make a masterpiece with your own hands, which no one else will have. For example, from the same pasta that is sold in any store in the cereal department.

  • pasta of various shapes: horns, vermicelli, spiral, snails, fusilli, spaghetti, ravioli, farfalle, etc.;
  • glue;
  • fine or sea salt (you can also use glitter);
  • acrylic paint.

Step-by-step instruction:

1) To make a pasta snowflake, it is enough to connect all the elements on a flat surface so that a beautiful work is obtained.

2) After all the elements are connected, they must be glued together so that the shape remains even and beautiful, as it was originally.

3) If the product is well glued, then it can be painted with white paint and sprinkled with sparkles to give them extra shine.

4) After drying, the finished product remains to be hung on a satin ribbon and hung on a green beauty - a Christmas tree.

New Year's snowflakes from toothpaste and brushes, a master class in the photo

A snowflake on the window will give any room an atmosphere of comfort and warmth. However, in order not to spoil the glass and after the holidays it is easy to wash it, it is better to use proven techniques, such as vytynanki or toothpaste. But if the first allows you to reproduce even pictures, the second - exclusively individual objects, such as snowflakes.

Items needed for crafting:

  • stationery scissors;
  • A4 paper;
  • a simple pencil or black pen;
  • 1/2 sponge for washing dishes;
  • toothpaste (you can use the cheapest);
  • convenient plate;
  • old toothbrush.

Step-by-step instruction:

1) On a white sheet, draw a snowflake with a pencil and cut it out with scissors.

2) Wet a sponge with warm water and wipe the surface of the glass with it, where the snowflake will be applied.

3) Apply the finished template to this place and moisten it with gentle movements with a sponge so that it sticks.

4) Dilute a small amount of tooth. paste with warm water so that the finished mass is not too thick and liquid.

5) Using a toothbrush, spray the induced solution along the contours of the snowflake and inside.

6) Let it dry a little, and then remove the paper snowflake.

Glue snowflake, photo tutorial

Oddly enough, but New Year's crafts can be made not only from improvised means, but also from glue. To do this, it is enough to allocate 30-40 minutes of free time, having prepared the following items for the start of work: hot glue and PVA, a thick bag, stationery scissors, sparkles, a satin ribbon or rope, a brush.

Step-by-step instruction:

1) On a package that will definitely not melt, draw a snowflake with hot glue.

2) After the glue dries, remove it with running water.

3) With your own hands, cut off all the bumps and give the crafts an artful appearance.

4) Cover the snowflake with PVA glue and glitter.

5) Hang the finished product on a Christmas tree or decorate a window with it.

DIY beaded snowflake

On the eve of the New Year 2018, with the help of beads you can make not only a snowflake, but also the symbol of the Chinese horoscope - the Dog. However, if even a child can reproduce the first, the master will not always repeat the second craft. So let's start off easy...


  • white and blue beads;
  • thin wire;
  • wire cutters;

Step-by-step instruction:

1) Cut the wire into even 10 pieces, making a hook on each to hold the beads.

2) String beads and glass beads on each part, repeating the pattern of the snowflake proposed in the photo below.

3) Leave 0.5 mm blank at the end, connect all the pieces together and twist.

4) Cut off the excess wire with wire cutters, and hang the finished product on a satin ribbon or string.

Do-it-yourself 3D paper snowflake

You can hang a voluminous snowflake from the ceiling, which will give the interior airiness and lightness. And thanks to the 3D effect, it will seem more multifaceted and interesting.


  • ruler;
  • black pen;
  • 6-8 sheets of A4 white paper;
  • stationery scissors;
  • stapler.

Step-by-step instruction:

1) Cut all the sheets into even squares, and then bend each one so that you get a triangle.

2) Make several cuts at a distance of 2 cm, long - up to 3 cm.

3) Connect the cut incisions to each other by connecting with a stapler.

4) Do the same with the rest of the petals, and then connect them together.

What snowflakes can still be made for the New Year 2018?

There are many variations of snowflakes, the main thing is to choose the option that will bring only benefit, and not torment. Therefore, if none of the above crafts is suitable, you can try to make a snowflake with your own hands from other materials:

  • rubber bands;
  • felt;
  • plasticine;
  • cotton wool;
  • satin ribbons;
  • balls;
  • thread;
  • napkins;
  • polystyrene;
  • gypsum;
  • newspapers;
  • newspaper tubes;
  • bottles;
  • bushings;
  • glaze;
  • salt dough;
  • disk;
  • rain;
  • isolon;
  • origami;
  • ear sticks;
  • foil;
  • plywood.

Beautiful paper snowflakes for the New Year 2018, a master class on the photo:

Without what it is difficult to imagine the New Year? That's right, without the corresponding decorative elements, the main of which are snowflakes. And our collection of paper snowflakes is constantly updated! Surely all of you have already seen and know how to make such easy ones:

Winter is the most creative time of the year! Yes, don't be surprised. If you count how many postcards, various crafts, decorations, gifts and snowflakes are made in the world (this is not counting the production of snow in clouds), then this whole huge set will more than cover other pre-holiday preparations! And every year I want to do something new, original and pleasing to the eye. If you are looking for such an idea, then you are on the right track. Moreover, 2018 is coming to an end.

We propose to make new voluminous paper snowflakes - many step by step tutorials, step by step, diagrams and different photos of ideas for the New Year 2019! If you have your own original snowflake ideas - send to!

Snowflake from openwork napkins

To begin with, we propose to make a convex round snowflake from openwork napkins according to the new 2018 master class. Very light and beautiful, suitable for children, see detailed instructions.

To create such a snowflake, we prepared:

    • openwork napkins (6 pieces are enough);
    • scissors;
    • glue;
    • decorative rhinestone for the middle.

We will make the snowflake itself from peculiar little bags. To create them, we first need to bend the openwork napkin in half. After that, cut it with scissors along the fold line.

Then fold each half in half again and cut. As a result, from one napkin we get 4 blanks.

Now we will use glue and connect the edges of this blank so that we get a bag.

In total, our snowflake will require 12 such bags.

We take another napkin, it will serve as the basis for our snowflake. On it we first glue 2 bags opposite each other.

Then we fix 2 more blanks in the other direction.

After that, we evenly distribute the remaining bags and glue them on an openwork napkin.

For the middle of the snowflake, we will use other blanks. To create them, it is enough to cut the napkin in half.

After that, we immediately make bags from the halves of openwork napkins.

In total, we make 4 such blanks.

We begin to glue them in the middle of the snowflake.

We evenly fix all 4 bags.

And we decorate the middle with a decorative rhinestone. Our snowflake from openwork napkins is ready.

"Snowflakes in the Snow"

The master class was prepared by Solodovnik Anya Valerievna.

Snowflakes made from paper can be beautiful additions to your Christmas tree or to decorate a room.

To make it, we need:

  • colored or white paper;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • glue stick;
  • skewer for twisting curls.

For a snowflake, you need to make 6 pieces of rectangles with sides of 7.5 x 14 cm.

On each side we measure 2.5 cm, as shown in the figure.

We bend along these strips. We glue the bent strips.

The resulting strip is bent in half and glued.

Draw and cut out the template as shown. Outline the rest of the details and cut out.

We glue all the details together.

We make blanks for curls. To do this, cut into three parts, as shown in the figure.

We take a skewer or ampoule and make curls. Here's what should happen:

Volumetric paper snowflake No. 1

To create this craft, you need to take:

  • - 2 square sheets of blue paper;
  • - scissors;
  • - glue.

Our snowflake will consist of two identical parts, giving it volume on both sides. Let's start creating one of them. To do this, fold the square diagonally.

Then add the resulting triangle twice more.

On one side of the workpiece, you can pre-draw the lines along which the cuts will pass. At the same time, we pay attention to which side the fold is located on (in our case, it is on the left side). It is at the place of the fold that you do not need to cut through to the end, this will be the center of the snowflake.

We take scissors and cut along the lines outlined earlier.

At the very bottom of the workpiece, you can make additional slots that will add delicacy to our snowflake.

We unfold the first piece.

The central strips of all 4 rays should be folded into the center and glued.

By the same principle, we make a second blank for a snowflake.

Now it remains to glue them together, slightly shifting to the sides so that all the rays are evenly spaced.

As a decoration, a rhinestone can be glued to the center.

A new three-dimensional blue paper snowflake is ready.

Simple but spectacular 3D snowflake:

To create a New Year's atmosphere, you need not only to put up and decorate a Christmas tree, but also to create an appropriate decor in the room. And the easiest way to do this is with the help of a variety of snowflakes. We offer a simple master class showing how to make a three-dimensional snowflake from plain white paper. Photo 1.

For work you will need to take:

Let's start by folding the accordion. In order for it to turn out even, first fold a sheet of paper several times in half in the transverse direction. So we will outline the lines for the future harmonica. Photo 3.

Now we fold the accordion along the marked lines. Photo 4.

We outline with a pencil the middle of the resulting accordion and, focusing on it, draw the places where you want to cut. In the photo they are indicated by hatching. Photo 5.

Take scissors and cut. Photo 6.

From the second sheet we add the same accordion, marking and cutting out elements on it, as on the first accordion. Photo 7.

Now we take white threads and tie two accordions together in the middle, securing the end of the thread. Photo 8.

We straighten two accordions in the form of a circle and see the places that need to be connected. Photo 9.

In these places, carefully glue the snowflake in its lower part. Our voluminous paper snowflake is ready. Photo 10.

Beautiful fluffy snowflake:

Creative paper snowflake number 3

The feeling of a New Year's holiday comes long before December 31st. And this happens largely due to the creation of a festive atmosphere. The use of a variety of Christmas decorations will help in this, many of which can be made by hand. In our master class, it is proposed to make a simple snowflake from separate modules Green colour. Photo 1.

For work you will need to take:

  • - 6 square sheets of green paper (we used the size 8x8 cm);
  • - scissors;
  • - pencil;
  • - glue.

Let's start making a snowflake from one of the modules. To do this, we fold one sheet of paper in the transverse direction in half and draw lines with a pencil for subsequent cutting. In this case, the Christmas tree will be the central element of each ray of the snowflake, so it is her contour that needs to be drawn in the center. Photo 3.

Using scissors, carefully cut through all the lines, removing the excess that was completely painted over with a pencil in the previous step. Photo 4.

We expand our blank, this is how one of the modules of the future snowflake looks like at this stage. Photo 5.

But it still needs to be improved. To do this, take the central strip, bend it over and fix it with glue. Now one of the modules is completely ready. Photo 6.

By the same principle, we make 5 more elements. Photo 7.

Now let's start assembling our snowflake. To do this, using glue, we connect 2 elements together with a slight overlap on each other. Photo 8.

So we continue to glue all 6 modules. Photo 9.

Our snowflake is ready. To decorate its middle, you can add some decorative element, we used a rhinestone. Photo 10.

White-blue snowflake from modules

Modular origami is available to everyone, using this technique you can create a variety of crafts, including New Year's ones. Snowflakes made from separate modules look especially interesting. We offer to make one of these snowflakes according to our master class.

To create such a snowflake you will need:

  • 6 blue square sheets of paper;
  • 6 white sheets;
  • a small circle of blue paper;
  • PVA glue. Photo 2.

First, we will make modules from blue paper. To do this, take a square and fold it diagonally. Photo 3.

We unfold the square and fold its sides in the direction of the central fold. Photo 4.

Flip the module over to the other side. Photo 5.

Again we will make the folds of the sides. At this stage, the module has the shape of a diamond. Photo 6.

Flip it over to the other side. Photo 7.

The layers located on top need to be bent to the sides. Photo 8.

By the same principle, we make 5 more blue modules. Photo 9.

Now let's start creating white modules, they will be located on the inside of our snowflake. To do this, we fold the white square along two diagonals and unfold it. Photo 10.

The corners of the square need to be bent towards the center. Photo 11.

Flip the module over to the other side. Photo 12.

Let's make the folds of the sides of our workpiece. Photo 13.

On the reverse side of the module, unscrew the sides. Photo 14.

And now we bend them in the direction of the central vertical line. Photo 15.

For our snowflake, you need to add 6 such white modules. Photo 16.

Let's start building snowflakes. We take a circle and glue two blue modules on it, placing them opposite. Photo 17.

Glue the remaining 4 modules evenly in a circle. Photo 18.

Between the fixed blue rays of the snowflakes, we fix the white modules with glue. Our snowflake is almost ready. Photo 19.

It remains to decorate its core as desired. Photo 20.

Volumetric snowflake from modules:

Master classes were prepared by Marina.

Blue snowflake from modules

Using the modular origami technique, you can perform not only voluminous crafts, but also simpler figures. For example, in this master class, we propose to make a snowflake from separate modules.

To create such a snowflake, we took:

  • blue paper;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • scissors.

How to make a snowflake using the modular origami technique

We note right away that we will make our snowflake without glue. It is based on 6 identical modules that are simply connected to each other. For the blanks of the future snowflake, we will prepare 6 rectangles measuring 12x6 cm. You can also take blanks of a different size, but it is important that their sides have a 2:1 ratio. Photo 3.

Now we will fold each rectangle in a certain way. First, we perform a longitudinal fold in half. Photo4

Then fold the workpiece in half in the other direction. Photo 5.

Now let's straighten our rectangle and see that in the middle there is a fold line just made. Photo 6.

Focusing on it, we bend the sides down at a right angle. Photo 7.

Now we need to fully expand our blue rectangle, and change the diagonal folds so that they are directed upwards. Photo 8.

Bend the lower part on the right side up at an angle. Photo 10.

On the left side we make the same fold. Photo 11.

In place of these folds, we perform internal folds. Photo 12.

Now we bend the lower triangles on one side up. Photo 13.

Turning the blue blank to the other side, we also bend the lower corners up. Photo 14.

Now we bend these triangles again so that small triangles are formed. Photo 15.

On the other hand, we will do the same. Photo 16.

We fill these triangles from above and below. Photo 18.

We straighten our blue blank and see that we have received the first ray of the future snowflake. Photo 19.

By the same principle, we make 5 more elements from the blue rectangles. Photo 20.

Now it remains to connect these rays together. We do not need glue, but it will be enough to insert one part of the ray into the same part of the other ray. Photo 21.

We completely combine these triangular parts, as a result of which we connected two elements. Photo 22.

After connecting 6 elements, our modular snowflake is ready. Photo 23.

It remains to decorate the middle with a blue rhinestone. Photo 24.

More snowflakes from modules:

Unusual openwork snowflake:

Openwork snowflake in the technique of false quilling

Our master class on creating an openwork snowflake using the “false quilling” technique will help you make a decoration from paper strips with a minimum of time and materials.

For the creative process, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • a sheet of white (or double-sided blue, silver) A4 paper;
  • simple pencil;
  • ruler;
  • eraser;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

How to make an openwork snowflake using the unusual technique of "false quilling"

The snowflake will consist of three types of elements, for the creation of which you will need strips 1 cm wide. Each type of element must consist of six parts, so we need to draw a sheet of 18 stripes. The first 6 strips should take the length of the entire sheet. Draw the next 6 strips perpendicular to the first. Draw the third type of stripes under the long ones, starting from perpendicular stripes.

Cut out strips of paper and fold them into three rows, depending on their length. In places where lines from a simple pencil are very visible, use an eraser.

To make it more convenient to work with the strips - wind them around the pencil and remove. Unlike the "" technique, our task is somewhat simplified, since we will not work with dense curls, but with their likeness.

Take a strip from the "short" row. To wrap the strip in a ring, wind it around your finger, close the edges and glue. Make the next turn a little weaker and glue again at the base. Do the third turn in this way. Cut off excess paper with scissors.

Do this with the other five short strips, making sure they are the same size.

Make exactly the same curls-rings with stripes from the middle row.

Bend the longest of the strips in half.

Wrap each end tightly onto a pencil and carefully remove the ring - you will get such double curls.

Press the smallest curl rings on both sides with your fingers, giving them an almond shape.

Press the middle ring-curls from the ends to the center to get a figure of a four-pointed star (rhombus).

Let's start collecting snowflakes. Connect the six almond-shaped parts together with glue. You will get a semblance of a flower.

Glue double curls between the "petals".

For convenience, glue double curls through one petal.

Then glue the remaining double curls.

Glue the "stars" at the junction of the double curls.

That's all, the voluminous openwork snowflake is ready!

Look how twisted, like lace!
Thanks to the three-dimensional elements, it is easier to fold such a snowflake than when creating a quilling figure. Small children can also cope with such creative work, if they are shown everything and help, if necessary. Older children will figure out the intricacies of work on their own. You can also come up with other elements and make a few snowflakes to decorate a festive spruce or interior. The main thing is desire, and everything will work out for you!

Snowflake from paper squares

What to prepare to create a snowflake from paper squares:

  • squares 8 * 8 cm, cut out of decorative double-sided colored paper (scrape paper);
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • glue;
  • rhinestones, sequins, sequins.

How to fold unusual snowflakes from ordinary paper squares

To work, you need two squares of the same size. If you want to make small snowflakes use small squares and vice versa.

Cut out squares of the desired size from decorative paper. It is best to use paper that has a pattern on one side and a base color on the other, then the snowflake will look original.

Fold the squares in half twice.

Straighten the squares, the main lines will appear on them.

Bend the edges to the midline, pressing the folds with your finger.

Do exactly the same on the other side. When you straighten the squares, you will see that a marking of small squares has appeared on them.

Cut with scissors along the central folds to the length of one square.

Bend the corners at each end as shown.

Glue the corners so that the patterned side is on top.

Glue one part of the snowflake to the other so that the rays do not overlap each other.

Decorate the resulting snowflake with self-adhesive rhinestones, or stick glitter with glue.

A beautiful curly snowflake made of squares is ready!

So, with very little effort, we got an unusual snowflake. Such beauty was created from two squares, which is unbelievable! You made sure that children can cope with such work, which means you can make many wonderful snowflakes and decorate them with rooms, gifts for loved ones and relatives, a festive fir tree or a Christmas wreath. And if you connect several snowflakes, you can make a garland, pendants or crown decoration for the holiday.

Volumetric snowflake from foamiran

How to make a brilliant volumetric snowflake, our regular author Marina will show in her new master class.

Snowflakes can be made from various materials. In this master class, we propose to make such a craft for the New Year 2019 from shiny foamiran. But you can also choose colored paper, there is only one folding technology.

To make such a snowflake, we prepared:

  • shiny (glitter) foamiran blue and silver;
  • scissors;
  • toothpick;
  • sharp knife;
  • ruler;
  • glue gun.

Step-by-step instruction

We decided that our snowflake would be two-color, so we use foamiran in two colors - blue and silver. If desired, this craft can be done in any one color. The snowflake will consist of separate elements - rectangles. First, we cut out 3 rectangles 2.5x14 cm in size from blue foamiran.

New Year is the most fabulous and beautiful holiday of the year, which is expected by both children and adults. He personifies not only changes in life, but also gives a little magic to such a cruel world of reality.

On New Year's holidays, everything around is decorated with bright garlands and lanterns, Christmas trees are decorated with colorful balls, houses are decorated with incredible snowflakes. It is snowflakes that have always been associated with the winter holidays the most. In a burst of creativity and in order to save money, you can make snowflakes yourself.

I offer several ways to make snowflakes of incredible beauty, and how to decorate a house with them for the holidays.

simple paper snowflake

The easiest way to cut out a snowflake has been known to us since childhood - this is cutting out different figures and curlicues on the sides of a multi-layered sector.
It is very easy to create such paper snowflakes. For this unpretentious business, all you need is fantasy, paper, white or any other, colors, scissors and a pencil.

Step 1

It is necessary to lay out a sheet of white or colored paper A4-A5 in size on a hard, flat surface. Then attach a round plate or saucer to it, circle the circle with a pencil and cut it out.

Step 2

The resulting circle must be folded three, if possible four, times in half. We will get a sector in six or eight layers.

Step 3

Now comes the most interesting step - to create a beautiful pattern. To do this, you can use your imagination, or use ready-made schemes. The pattern just needs to be drawn on your workpiece with a pencil. Then we take sharp thin scissors, you can use manicure scissors, and carefully cut out the drawn patterns.

Step 4

We unfold the workpiece into its original shape. It turns out a little crumpled, for this you can iron the snowflake with an iron, only necessarily through the fabric and without steam. Or put the workpiece in a book for a while, but this process is much longer than the previous one.

Step 5

To make an original snowflake, it can be smeared with glue and sprinkled with sparkles. Or paint with watercolors in the ombre style - make the transition from one color to another. Or draw bright dots on a snowflake. But at the same time, we must not forget that the paint will significantly soften the paper, so you need to work very carefully. You can cut out a snowflake from foil. Then it will immediately turn out to be a beautiful silver or gold color.

Step 6

The last thing is to hang a ready-made snowflake with a string, a regular thread or wire. Such a decoration can be placed on a Christmas tree, you can create a whole garland of snowflakes, and decorate a window with it, imitating snowfall, attach it to the ceiling, furniture, wherever your imagination is enough.

Simplified quilling

The latest popular novelty in the manufacture of snowflakes is quilling technology. This method is much more difficult than regular paper cutting, and requires certain skills and time.

I will tell you how to make a three-dimensional snowflake out of paper, but in a slightly asked system than quilling.
To make a snowflake, we need a newspaper or an old unnecessary book, or a stack of paper, but always soft so that it easily succumbs to deformation. As well as scissors, thread, glue and glitter.

Step 1

From paper, you need to cut strips measuring 2 cm X 20 cm on average. You can choose the size yourself, depending on the size of the snowflake you want to get as a result. To start, you should have seven stacks, each with 6-10 strips. Adjust the number of strips depending on the thickness of the paper: the strips should bend easily, but keep their shape.

Step 2

Fold the strips in half and bring them together. Make sure that the middle stripe is longer than the others, the side stripes are slightly smaller, as in the image. You can cut off the excess length. Tie such a petal with a thread and place it under some heavy object, be it a book or a table lamp.

In the original, you must make eight of these petals.

Step 3

Cut another stack of 15 strips of the same length. Twist the stack into a small ring and tie with a thread. For strength and reliability, you can lubricate the strips with glue so that they do not unwind.

Step 4

Lubricate the end of the petal with plenty of glue and attach to the ringlet. Hold for a while so that the petal adheres securely.
Repeat the same process for all petals.

Step 5

When the snowflake has dried and is completely ready, its edges can be lightly greased with glue and sprinkled with sparkles, or you can decorate it with the color you like.

Step 6

Attach with glue or simply thread a thread through the petal. You will get an original and beautiful volumetric toy for the Christmas tree or an element of New Year's decor for the house.

Children's snowflake

Doing crafts with children is a very useful activity that not only develops creative imagination, but also instills perseverance and accuracy in the child. For the New Year, you can make fun snowflakes to decorate a child's room.

To do this, you will need cardboard, scissors, glue, scraps of fabric, glitter, colored pencils and eyes, which are sold in stationery stores, although you can simply draw them.

Step 1

You need to print a diagram or, if you draw well and come up with your own snowflake, you need to draw it on cardboard. When the diagram is ready, cut it out.

Step 2

Glue the eyes or draw them, as you prefer. We finish the mouth, nose, eyebrows. We color the snowflake with pencils in the color that you like.

Step 3

From fabric or colored paper, cut out a snowflake hat, belt and other details that you came up with. We glue them to the snowflakes and decorate them with sequins, beads, beads, or whatever is at hand.

Step 4

The finished snowflake does not have to be hung on a Christmas tree or window. It can be attached with double-sided tape to the wall near the child's bed, and the New Year's atmosphere is provided.

These are just the basic ideas of how you can decorate your house for the New Year holidays. The rest is up to your imagination!

Happy needlework!

The most beloved holiday of the population of the whole world is approaching - the New Year! There is very little time left to thoroughly prepare for it - to buy gifts, come up with "cute pranks", decorate the interior properly ...

The case is unrelenting! We will put aside pranks and gifts for later, and let's deal with interior decorations - after all, you all know that, first of all, the New Year is felt thanks to all sorts of snowflakes, sparkles, garlands, balls, YOLKA - the indispensable attributes of this fun world holiday.

Let's make snowflakes today! Yes, yes, yes - today our hands will learn how to make snowflakes of various sizes and shapes, voluminous and flat, and EVEN - dancing baleina snowflakes!

Do-it-yourself voluminous snowflakes, photo

Let's first look at these with you, tune in the right way ...

Did you like these holiday decorations? Now we will learn how to make all kinds of snowflakes with our own hands.

Let's start with simple options, and then move on to more complex ones, especially since there are such voluminous snowflakes that consist of many segments of flat snowflakes.

Simple paper snowflakes, templates

For flat snowflakes, we need tools and materials such as plain paper (white or blue) and scissors!

Simple paper snowflake template

Snowflake cutting patterns

Considered? Have you chosen your snowflake? You might as well get creative and come up with your own exclusive version! Connect your children to this fun and festive activity - you are guaranteed great pleasure!

Paper snowflake templates

As for snowflakes, just fold a square sheet of paper several times to make a triangle. Draw one of your favorite snow patterns on it and carefully cut out your snowflake with scissors! ALL! Even a toddler can do it, right?

How to make a voluminous snowflake - a paper ballerina?

We have already learned how to cut snowflakes out of paper, now we will complicate our task a little and move on to making a voluminous, dancing snowflake. Attention - a dancing ballerina in a chic patterned tutu is at your service:

To make this beauty we need:

  • Paper;
  • White cardboard;
  • Templates-blanks of figures of ballerinas;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Scissors;
  • Needle with thread.

Plant your kids for making snowflakes, which in this case will play the role of openwork ballet tutus, and at this time take care of the blanks!

If you have a printer, just print out the templates that we bring to your attention, or select the silhouette you like from various ballet photographs on the Internet:

Carefully, so as not to cut off the outline of the figure, cut out the blank and transfer it to plain white paper (it is possible, however, to thin cardboard). Attach the finished base to a sheet of white cardboard and circle the outline of the figure.

While you were "revitalizing" paper ballerinas, your talented and diligent child successfully created a great variety of all kinds of patterned snowflakes! It's time for our dancing beauties to try on new ballet tutus!

We put a “pack” on the dancing figurine - a snowflake - the ballerina is ready!

We make volumetric snowflakes from paper with our own hands

Let's make it a little more difficult! Since you and I have already learned how to make flat snowflakes very well, now we can easily make two three-dimensional snowflakes consisting of several flat elements! Take a look at these photos and you will immediately understand:

To make these snowflakes we need:

  • Patience;
  • Already cut out the same type of snowflakes;
  • Glue.

The more segments, the fuller and rounder the snowflake will be.

We fold each segment in half and glue one half of one segment with the second half of the other segment. Yes, IMPORTANT - do not forget to coat the segments with glue and very accurately combine all the reliefs! The more accurately you can do this, the more accurate the snowflake will turn out, which means more beautiful!

Embossed 3D paper snowflake

Let's look at another interesting version of a snowflake made from ten small individual flat snowflakes:

Prepare the following materials and tools:

  • stapler;
  • 10 sheets of white paper (moreover, the larger the snowflake is planned, the thicker sheets of paper you will need);
  • Simple pencil;
  • Ribbon or thread;
  • Scissors.

So, first we cut out such squares from ordinary white sheets of A4 format, 10x10 cm in size:

I hope you have not forgotten what kind of pattern was drawn on the first snowflake? You will need to cut out 10 identical snowflakes! The task is not easy 🙂

When all the details are ready, we move on to the next step!

So, we take five snowflakes, lay them out in a circle on the table and use a stapler to fasten the corners together. You should get something like a snow wreath:

Repeat the whole procedure one more time with the remaining five snowflakes.

And now we proceed to the main procedure - giving volume to our snowflake by connecting the outer contours of the snow wreaths to each other. Please note that the snowflakes are combined, but only the outer parts of the snow wreath are connected with a stapler! Internal - straightened out!

Look at what a wonderful voluminous snowflake we made with our own hands from paper - a feast for the eyes! So it asks for an exhibition!

Let's also make such a snowflake - it will replenish your snow collection and fit perfectly into the New Year's interior:

To make it, one single sheet of white paper will be enough!

Get ready for work:

  • Sheet of white A4 paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Eraser.

To begin with: from a rectangular sheet of white paper, we will form a white square according to all the rules. For those who do not yet know how this is done, we offer to view the photos without further ado and learn everything right away:

The square is ready - fold it in half diagonally. Repeat this action again. As a result, you should get a triangle like this:

Draw with a simple pencil on the resulting triangle such petals. Cut them out and gently erase all traces of the pencil with an eraser:

We turn all our attention to the middle parts of the petals of our workpiece. We need to carefully bend each middle part of the petal, grease the tip with glue and glue it to the center of the future snowflake.

The snowflake is ready, but you can improve it even more and give it even more volume. To do this, make another such beauty, go through all the manufacturing steps again. Glue the finished snowflake with the back sides in this way:

Did you like the result?

Having considered a large number of options for snowflakes and, having familiarized myself with the master classes for making them, I think that you can quickly and confidently prepare your home for the celebration! Don't forget to involve your family and close friends in this fun and creative activity! Remembering this adventure, you will laugh more than once on New Year's Eve - which means that the mood for the whole year will be provided!

Greetings to all! Today is November 12, and there is still no snow in our city. What's the weather like for you? We are all already in anticipation of winter fun and the snow-white attire of nature. I really want to go outside and feel how slowly and gracefully snowflakes fall on you.

As a matter of fact, we will talk about them, about these white cut-out beauties! Probably, these fluffies are an indispensable attribute of decorating houses, streets, school and kindergarten premises in the winter. There are different ways to make this craft. The main difference is the material from which it is made and the cutting methods. We will talk about how to make paper snowflakes using different patterns and cutting patterns.

Do not forget that such blanks can be used as crafts for the upcoming New Year. Ideas of interesting and beautiful things that you can do with your own hands, you can get ready for the holidays in advance.

You know, I want to advise you to introduce such a tradition in your family: to get together on cold evenings and create with the children, making and cutting out these simple designs, and then sticking them on the windows. And let passers-by envy your beauty!!

The easiest way to make a snowflake is to fold the sheet 5 times. We fold the first four times in half, and the fifth diagonally. From the resulting workpiece, cut out any patterns and unfold. Our New Year's beauty is ready!!

But this is a very simple and not very interesting way. To complicate it, you can perform a tetrahedral version:

Or pentagonal:

Here is another simple and easy way to cut our product:

And to make it even clearer to you, let's now take a step-by-step look at the manufacturing process:

  • We will make snowflakes from square paper. If you have a standard A4 sheet, then bring it to the desired shape. Now fold it so that you get a triangle. We cut off the excess part and get a perfect square.
  • We add the square diagonally, we get a triangle.

  • Fold the triangle to the far corners, getting another smaller triangle.
  • We have a preparation. Apply any pattern on it and carefully cut it out.
  • You just have to straighten the finished product, so as not to hook it and tear it.

On a note!! This is the easiest way to make a snowflake. Here the result depends on the selected pattern. The more complex the pattern, the more unusual and interesting the result will be.

Beautiful do-it-yourself snowflakes (we make from paper)

I would also like to note that the more complex the decoration pattern, the more difficult it will be for you to cut it out, so calculate your strength.

For you, another photo instruction for making New Year's crafts:

  • Make a diagonal fold. If you do not have a square sheet, then do not forget to cut off the excess part. Next, fold the workpiece diagonally again.
  • The widest part of the triangle, that is, its base, is divided into 3 equal segments. We bend one corner so that the edge ends at the level of the mark. It will be below the base, but strictly below the mark. Now fold the second part and cut off the uneven ends.
  • Draw or cut out a snowflake right away.

I think, in general, you already have an idea of ​​​​how to carry out these simple designs and there should no longer be any difficulties in their manufacture. For you, there is another video story on our topic, and we move on to more complex options.

Volumetric snowflake. Cutting templates

To make a three-dimensional structure, you need to master the techniques of kirigami and quilling. Let's take a closer look at these two methods.

  • Kirigami paper snowflake

We will need: bright colored paper (the reverse side should be white or colored); scissors; pencil with ruler.

Manufacturing process:

1. Cut out a square from colored paper of any size.

2. Fold it four times to make the part a quarter.

3. We make a diagonal fold.

4. Cut off the beveled corner from above.

5. Cut out symmetrical triangles at the outer side of the figure.

6. With scissors from bottom to top, we make two cuts on both sides of the sharp corner, as well as one more cut on the right or left.

7. Unfold the paper and gently smooth it out.

8. Now arbitrarily bend the formed corners up or down.

9. Having folded all the corners, iron the craft with an iron.

10. When you place the product, then turn it as desired with the front or wrong side towards you.

When you are familiar with this technique, I offer you templates of more original types:

  • like this for example

  • or such

  • maybe you will like this option

  • Snowflake in quilling technique

And this is a very painstaking work, but the result is the envy of everyone. Although, if you figure it out, everything is done very simply.

  • We take a regular sheet of paper and draw the same lines using a ruler with a pencil. Cut the sheet into strips.
  • Take an awl and attach the edge of the paper strip to its end. Now we wind the strip on the tool.
  • We glue the end of the strip to the resulting coil and remove the roll from the awl. Make another such coil, but lightly squeeze it with your fingers on one side. Make five more of these droplet coils.

  • Take the first blank and glue six "droplets" to it.
  • Again we roll six coils and squeeze with our fingers on both sides. Glue new details between the snowflake petals.
  • Take three strips and bend them in half, then cut them. You should have six short strips. Of these, twist six coils. Glue a new coil to each end of the part.
  • From long strips we make six more coils, only slightly larger than the first. To do this, do not tighten the paper too much. Glue them on top between small rolls.
  • You need to make six more large coils and bend their sides with your fingers so that you get a square. We glue them with the top to large coils.
  • We take a pencil and wind a paper strip around it, glue the end of the strip and remove the coil. We glue this part to one of the tops of the snowflake and thread a ribbon or rope into the ring.

Here is a diagram of how you can still glue the parts:

  • And you can also make such a three-dimensional 3D figure.

We will need: paper, scissors and a clerical knife; scotch; glue; stapler.

Cooking process:

1. Make six identical squares out of paper.

2. Bend each square diagonally and make 3 cuts to the middle on both sides. The cuts should not touch, leave 0.5-1 cm between them.

3. Unfold the sheet and lay it so that the uncut edges are vertical. From the inside, you need to twist the two nearest edges into a tube. Glue with glue or tape.

4. Expand the workpiece and connect the next two strips. Again, turn the part over and connect the 3rd row of strips. Glue the last strips too, turning the workpiece upside down.

5. We do the same with six squares. Then fasten them in three elements, deployed in one direction. Then we fix both parts into a three-dimensional figure.

6. If necessary, fix the sides of the product with a stapler or glue.

And another master class on making winter beauties:

How to make a snowflake from a toilet paper roll?

It turns out that in order to make such crafts, it is not necessary to use plain paper, you can also take toilet paper rolls. And the work process is very simple, you need to take only one roll, PVA glue and paints, you can use acrylic, or gouache. For decor, take glitter, sequins or confetti.

Now just cut the toilet paper roll into equal parts, flatten it and glue it. Top with your choice of material.

Here are a couple more design ideas for roll structures:

  • use small and large pieces

  • From above you can take different elements of decoration

  • Or you can just cover it with gold paint

Schemes of paper snowflakes for the New Year

Now that you are familiar with the different techniques for making this type of jewelry, I want to offer you diagrams and ready-made templates. Take, save, cut and create! May the holiday always reign in your house.

  • scheme 1;

  • scheme 2;

  • scheme 3;

  • scheme 4;

  • scheme 5;

  • scheme for beading;

  • pasta beauty.

That's all for me. I look forward to your comments. All excellent mood! Bye bye!