Children's crafts from plasticine instructions. Interesting plasticine crafts for children

Properly organized workplace plays key role, opens the door to the world of creativity for the child and helps him learn accuracy. It is important to carry out all actions in the presence of children. Let them, for example, prepare a table for work by covering it with newspaper with their own hands. In general, it is necessary that kids are actively involved in the process.

To get started you will need:

  1. Plasticine. It is better to use several types. For modeling lessons, you need special soft plasticine, which is suitable for very young children, and regular plasticine. And what pleasure will a child get from getting to know and play with material that does not sink in water?
  2. Modeling board. You can also spread a newspaper or an unnecessary oilcloth tablecloth on the desktop;
  3. Plastic knife for even cutting of plasticine;
  4. Parts for specific crafts. For example, cones, colored cardboard, nut shells, etc.

After all preparatory work You can safely begin the creative process.

Examples of plasticine crafts for little ones

The most important principle conducting modeling lessons is a follow-up from completely simple crafts to more complex ones and must necessarily take place in the form of a game. The first plasticine works made by children are designed to teach them how to handle the material itself and learn its properties.

Whose trace?

Necessary: ​​a piece of soft plasticine, cardboard and any objects whose traces we will determine. You can buy special molds, or you can use any household item(pencil, comb, etc.).

You need to smear plasticine on the cardboard with your fingers and leave marks there various items in any form, or in the form of some kind of drawing. You can start with the little hands of children.


Required: plasticine different colors and white cardboard.

We roll out the sausages, which we then connect together and arrange them in the shape of a rainbow.

Drawing with plasticine

Required: plasticine of different colors and a drawing of any simple shape (square, circle, house) or Blank sheet paper.

We make small balls, roll out sausages, and then fill the drawings with blanks. Children, in this way, can make many variations of the same design, filling it only with balls, or only with sausages. You can also combine.

Vegetables and fruits

Required: plasticine of different colors.

With our own hands we make all the vegetables and fruits familiar to children. With these crafts you can play cook or feed your favorite toy.

Ideas for plasticine masterpieces for older children

The lessons of introducing the child to the modeling material are over. Now he can make basic crafts with his own hands and come up with new games with them.
It's time to move on to complex work and create interesting figures.

We sculpt figures of our favorite heroes. With them, children's games will be more interesting, since the heroes are made with their own hands. We use plasticine mass of different colors.

Let's make Mushroom detectives. You will need plasticine in brown, orange, white and green colors, as well as toothpicks.

To make our character we need light green color. It will be right if the child creates it with his own hands by pinching off a little from the orange, green and white pieces.

We mold the body, head and legs from green plasticine. We make the hat from a light brown piece in the form of a flat cake round shape. We connect the parts together. Since our animal’s head is large and heavy, we strengthen its figure with a toothpick. We sculpt the eyes - small white balls with blue pupils. You can add an orange mouth with a thin sausage and a black nose. We attach it to the face and our animal is ready.

Craft “Visiting a fairy tale”

In this type of work, children create a composition for further play. Fragments from your favorite fairy tales. You can also come up with your own fairy tale and your own hero.

Let's make Kolobok. We will need green, brown, orange and white flowers, a piece of cardboard on which the composition will be attached. Children can cope with such work without the help of adults.

First you need to make the grass by smearing green plasticine onto the cardboard with your hands. Then make a path from brown plasticine. All children can make a bun with their own hands, because it is very easy to sculpt. We place it in our composition.

We end this modeling lesson by telling a fairy tale or watching this cartoon.

Examples of plasticine crafts using natural materials

Hedgehog on a quiet hunt

Required: a cone, 3 black beads, brown and white plasticine.

From brown plasticine we sculpt the face and legs of a hedgehog, as well as a mushroom cap. And in order to make its leg we use white. The finishing touch is the eyes and nose of the hedgehog made of beads.

Snow woman

Required: half a shell from walnut, a thin birch twig, white, black, orange or red plasticine.

By analogy with the present snow woman, we make three balls of different sizes, as well as two very small ones (future hands). We put all the parts together and get a figure, in whose hands we give a birch twig, and on top we put on a hat made of shells.

We make eyes, buttons and a mouth with black plasticine and attach them to our woman, with whom a snowball fight will come in handy later.

Gifts of nature

Required: plasticine, acorns, chestnuts, dried rowan leaves, maple seeds “spouts”, etc.

The craft begins with modeling a figurine of a dish or basket from plasticine. It will be easy for a child to mold such figures with his own hands. There we place all your gifts of nature.

For creative works plasticine children are suitable for rice, pasta, beans, empty jars baby puree and much more. This list is endless. As well as a list of games that you can come up with using these crafts.

Exciting modeling lessons lift children's spirits and help them develop properly. It is very good to conduct them accompanied by children's songs or audio fairy tales. Modeling is a vivid example of how, in the form of play, a child develops fine motor skills and mental capacity. A touching panel made by a child’s hands is the most valuable gift. Successful pictures can be placed in a prominent place, stimulating children's desire to pick up plasticine again and create.

We all sculpted from plasticine. Some with pleasure, others because that’s what the mother and teacher wanted. In our time, plasticine was hard, the color palette was the same, and heating it on a radiator was considered a crime.

Today, plasticine is so diverse that even a 2 or 3 year old child can sculpt from it; for him it will be an exciting fun and educational game. Is this activity useful, how to engage a little one in it, what can be sculpted from plasticine with children 1, 2 and 3 years old, what templates to choose, how to organize a place for classes - we’ll figure it out now.

The benefits of plasticine modeling for children

Many young mothers have heard about the benefits of exercising with plasticine. Here's how they're useful:

  • Development of fine motor skills. The fine motor center in the cerebral cortex is located near the speech center. By stimulating the first one with modeling, you develop the second one. Children who put on a lot of stuff before the age of 5 never see a speech therapist.
  • Development of tactile sensitivity. Plasticine has its own texture, which can be easily changed. The baby will learn to recreate the textures of different objects by feeling.
  • Developing mindfulness. The baby will sculpt what you show him in the picture or make yourself. Starting with simple things like a ball, you can move on to more complex ones. The baby will convey the shape and texture of the sample object, and attention to detail will appear.
  • Perseverance. During active growth It is difficult to sit a child down for 5-10 minutes, he wants movement. However, changing the shape of plasticine will easily occupy him during this time and instill in the baby the concept of perseverance.

  • Hard work. By kneading plasticine, the baby gets used to the fact that to get results you have to work hard.
  • The ability to find a way out of a situation. When something doesn't work out, the baby will complain to you. You need to show him that problems can be solved different ways. Can't hold up the snowman's head? Put her on a match. This way, from an early age, the child will get used to looking for a way out of the situation.
  • Creative thinking. Modeling – creative process. And let the snail have one antennae, and the ball looks more like a potato. According to the teachings of Mrs. Montessori, just help the baby do everything himself.

When doing modeling, you should take into account the age and wishes of the baby, since children at 1, 2 or 3 years old have different interests and capabilities, and in order for the child to be happy, you need to properly prepare to create children's masterpieces.


Here's what you need to start the sculpting process:

  • wish;
  • plasticine;
  • tools;
  • ideas;
  • workplace.

The desire to crush plasticine and create appears in a child almost immediately as soon as he sees that an object can change its shape at his request. Before that, his toys didn’t change shape. And here - such a miracle! And you can make whatever you want out of it. In the future, modeling from plasticine with children 3-4 years old turns into the creation of objects that are missing for play.

With plasticine, everything is not so simple, there is a lot of it now, of different hardness and color. Let's figure it out in order:

  • Ordinary. This plasticine has been familiar to you since childhood. It is unsuitable for children from 1 to 3 years old - it is too hard.
  • Waxy. This one will be softer, have a larger palette of colors, and even a two-year-old sculptor can easily handle it.
  • Plant based. This is modeling paste. There are a lot of colors, soft, pliable, even the colors mix almost perfectly. But the parts do not attach well to each other, take this into account when purchasing.
  • Ball. Easy to mold, parts attach well to each other. But the jars with it must be kept closed - within 24 hours in the air it becomes hard and it will no longer be possible to mold it.

There are many other types of plasticine, but for a child 1-3 years old this assortment is enough.

When choosing plasticine, take natural shades, make sure that it does not smell of chemicals - this is a sign of poor quality.

Important! A one-and-a-half-year-old baby will immediately drag new toy in the mouth. With such small children it is better to start by sculpting from dough, it is softer, more pliable, and if the child swallows a piece, it is not scary.

For a 2 year old child, plasticine and a modeling board are enough. But at 3 years old, a sculptor needs a tool. For example, a knife for plasticine, stack, molds. These items are worth stocking up on; they are safer than small matches and sharp toothpicks.

Choose schemes according to complexity: from elementary to plot-based. This way the baby won’t get bored with what he’s doing. You can ask your child about samples: what do you want to make today? What do you need for a tea party with dolls or playing with cars?

Workplace plays huge role V nervous system moms. Because plasticine is invincible. You will not remove it from the carpet and upholstered furniture, this is unrealistic, especially if the baby has thoroughly rubbed it into the surface. Organize a creative corner for your child in a place where there is no upholstered furniture or carpeting. Or at least cover the floor with oilcloth.

Make sure that there is good lighting in the workplace - we don’t need vision problems. With time and your help, the baby will learn to put his “office” in order himself.

Modeling with children from 1 to 2-3 years old

It’s not easy to get one-year-old children to sit down and sculpt. If he shows interest and wants to mash a piece of dough, that’s good. No - try repeating the experiment in a week or month. By the age of two, following your example, the child should learn simple manipulations:

  • knead a piece of plasticine into a cake;
  • roll a ball with your palms;
  • roll out columns and sausages on the board;
  • make indentations by pressing with your finger;
  • pinch the edges with two fingers;
  • flatten the ball with your fingers or palms;
  • smear plasticine on cardboard or inside the outline of a simple design.

Having mastered such simple skills, you can start real work.

For modeling from plasticine with kids, you can take the following as a basis: step by step photos:

  • apple;

  • lollipop;

  • snail;

  • ladybug.

First, show your baby how you do it and let him repeat. Help him, correct him, if anything - the main thing is that the child likes the result and thinks that he did everything himself.

Ideas for drawing with plasticine using template pictures

For modeling from plasticine with children aged 2 years, a drawing exercise on cardboard is well suited. Start by simply spreading a piece of plasticine into the sun or ball. Later you can use templates for drawing.

With a 2-year-old child, you can combine modeling and drawing. This will teach the baby to think what to do in different situations.

For example, you need to mold the feathers in the tail of a peacock:

You can make an applique in the form of an aquarium with fish:

By playing in this way, the child will eventually be able to draw according to real patterns. For example:

  • leaf;

  • flower;

  • bunny;

  • fruits.

Show your child how to stretch the plasticine to fill in the contours. At first, he will crawl out of them, or not fill them completely, but do not demand that your child complete the task perfectly the first time. Having gained experience, he will learn to create real paintings.

How to store plasticine crafts

Plasticine drawings can be glazed in frames and hung on the walls in the nursery - the child will be pleased that you value his creativity so highly. Plasticine figures can be displayed on glass shelves, and if you want to keep them for 10 years, put them in small boxes, each separately, and hide them in a cool, dark place.

It will be pleasant and interesting for an adult guy or girl to look at their children's crafts.

Modeling technique for children from 1 to 2-3 years old - video

This video talks about the very first manipulations that a baby should master. The information is relevant not only for children 2-3 years old who have recently begun to sculpt from plasticine with the help of their mother, but also for children who have been doing this for a long time.

While practicing, you should understand that this is useful and necessary for the further development of various baby skills. Proper preparation to the modeling process will make the activity interesting for the child and parents, safe for furniture and pets.

At what age did you start sculpting with your child? Do you sculpt from dough or have you already switched to plasticine? If you are familiar with different sculpting exercises, or you have original ideas for drawing with plasticine - share them with us in the comments!

In this article you will learn about various materials for sculpting, how to teach your child to sculpt and some simple ideas for sculpting with your child.

What useful things can you do with your child that will not only bring pleasure, but also help with development? Of course, creativity! One of the most common and favorite types of creativity for children is modeling.

The importance of modeling for the development of a child

The benefits of modeling for children are enormous. These activities have a good effect on the child’s nervous system, fine motor skills of the hands are trained, spatial thinking is formed, the child learns the shape of objects and their colors. It has a beneficial effect on emotional and mental condition child. With the help of modeling, a child can create his own world as he sees and feels it.

Modeling is one of the most popular types of creativity, in which the child uses his sense of touch to the maximum. He creates something of his own, and not only sees it, but also touches it, holds it in his hands, and can change it if necessary.

Thanks to modeling, it happens mental development child, it affects the health and emotional condition baby, helps personality development.

Modeling has the following effects on the development of a child:

Modeling and spatial thinking

  • increases sensitivity, helps to sensory perceive shape, weight, texture, color
  • forms spatial, figurative and abstract thinking, stimulates imagination
  • the child learns to feel, evaluate correctly, see the objects around him and the living world from a different angle, and find solutions in hopeless situations

Modeling and the development of fine motor skills and speech in children

trains fine motor skills, which in turn takes Active participation in speech development, affects coordination of movements, trains memory and helps the child think logically

Modeling and synchronizing the child's brain

helps synchronize actions with both hands

leads to strengthening the connection between the hemispheres of the brain, due to which attention develops

Developing creativity through sculpting

  • the child learns perseverance and patience, to be careful
  • children learn to concentrate, make plans and carry out what is planned, compare what is planned with the result obtained, and make changes if necessary
  • aesthetic taste develops
  • develops the baby's sense of self-importance, gives confidence in one's abilities
  • the child learns to experiment and make new discoveries
  • through modeling, a child can express, in a way accessible to him, his emotions, both positive and negative

In addition, constant practice of such calm games as modeling normalizes sleep and helps to calm down too much stress. active baby, reduce excitability, the child becomes calmer and less likely to be irritated.

Materials for modeling

There are several materials with different properties, which are suitable for modeling. They are all good in their own way and they all have their shortcomings.

Children's plasticine

Plasticine for modeling needs to be chosen correctly, because a very hard child will not be able to knead it and it will fall apart in his hands, and a very soft one will stick to everything and it will be very difficult to make anything out of it.

Do not buy plasticine with a fruity smell for your kids, otherwise the child will try to taste it instead of modeling it.

From imported companies we can recommend JOVI plasticine, it is quite soft and made from a natural plant base. In this plasticine you will find rice and wheat flour, starch and natural dyes. Everything this company produces is safe and meets international standards. ISO 9002. Plasticine from KOH-I-NOOR and Crayola is also good for children.

Wax plasticine

This the new kind plasticine, which is suitable for small children because it is softer and more flexible. It is made on a wax base, so it is safe for children. Its pieces stick well to each other and it is easy to work with small, fragile hands.

This plasticine is great for plasticineography, read about it below.

Modeling clay

Clay has been used for modeling for many years and children work with it with pleasure, although they have to wash their hands thoroughly afterwards.

Clay is sold in powder form and can be diluted with water at home. If you don't want to bother with this, there is clay already available.

This material is good because of its low cost and you can give a child a lot of it, let him build a big castle or bridge, such entertainment will not put a dent in the parents’ pockets.

Clay can also be used for drawing, especially with young children. Just dilute it with more water and pour it onto some flat surface. That's it, now you can draw with your fingers or a stick, or whatever you want.

There are also ready-made kits for creativity with clay, for example, for making dishes, they also contain a pottery wheel.

If you want to leave a clay craft as a souvenir, it needs to be fired at a temperature of 900°C for a couple of hours. If you don’t do this, then the craft will, of course, dry out, but it will be fragile and crumble at the first opportunity. You can also coat it with PVA glue, it will give the craft a little strength.

Modeling paste

It's something like a mixture of plasticine and clay, something like natural clay. This paste is pleasant to knead in your hand; it is plastic, soft, and very similar to clay when working. But it has one advantage - it does not need to be baked, it hardens on its own. Because It is available only in white or terracotta color; it can be painted after hardening and opened with a clear varnish.

The modeling paste is intended for use with children aged 3 years and older.

Play dough

Salted play dough can be bought ready-made in the store or made yourself. See the recipe for this test below.

This material is great for very young children because it is very easy to work with. A child can sculpt from unpainted dough and then paint it with paints. There is dough already with dyes, but there are not so many colors, although for kids 4 colors are enough so that the variety of colors does not distract the baby from modeling. If you want to save the craft, just leave it for a while and it will dry and harden on its own.

Play dough recipe

This recipe produces a dough very similar to famous brand"Play Doh" It is very soft, does not stick to your hands, it can be stored and used for a long time, and it only takes a few minutes to prepare it.

For the test you will need:

  • 1 tbsp. white flour
  • 1/2 tbsp. fine salt
  • 1 tbsp. any vegetable oil
  • 2 tsp citric acid
  • a little water, up to 1/2 cup
  • any food coloring

Pour all dry ingredients into the pan and mix thoroughly, then add vegetable oil. Place the pan on the stove over medium heat, add dye to the water and pour it into the pan in a slow stream, stir constantly until thickened, the mass should become homogeneous. When you stir, the mass will pull away from the walls and bottom of the pan and turn into one lump. When this happens, take the dough out and place it on a floured surface.

This amount of ingredients will make a ball of play dough the size of a large fist.

You can store it in the refrigerator, after wrapping it in cling film, or in plastic container with lid. Before working with the dough, you need to knead it a little in your hands and it will be ready.

Modeling mass

This material is very pleasant to the touch, with a velvety texture, light and soft. This mass stretches well, but does not stick. If you mix pieces of different colors, you get new color or shade. It does not require baking and dries itself in 6-8 hours in the air.

She also has interesting property recover if it has not dried completely. It can be moistened with water, for example, by spraying it from a spray bottle or wrapping it in a wet piece of cloth, and then seal it hermetically for a while. Thanks to this, a craft made from this material can be corrected or some changes made.

However, the modeling compound has a serious drawback - its price; it is not rational to buy it for children; it is good just for smaller and more detailed work.

How to sculpt with a baby?

When working with plasticine or other materials for modeling, you must be close to the child, and not only monitor his work, but also sculpt with him.

You shouldn’t expect much from the baby; he is just beginning his acquaintance with new material. Choose activities according to the child's age.

Choosing the color of plasticine

Let your child choose a color, just don’t offer many options, two are enough.

Do not impose your opinion on him; it may not coincide with the child’s preferences.

How to knead plasticine?

Start kneading the material, you are your piece, the child is yours, let him see what you are doing and try to repeat it himself. When the plasticine is ready, you can start sculpting.

Where to start sculpting?

Simple tasks, to begin with, will be enough for the child to become interested in this type of creativity. Let him pinch off a piece and show him how to make a cake out of it. Simple ideas There are plenty of things you can do with plasticine, and some of them are described below.

How to learn to sculpt from plasticine, dough or clay?

  • You don’t think that when you give a child plasticine, he will immediately create something specific? He will probably taste it first, knock it on the table, and put it among his toys. You need to teach your baby how to use plasticine for its intended purpose.
  • First of all you need interest child. There is no need to persuade him or force him, he must want it himself. To do this, start working with plasticine yourself and your child will become interested.
  • Buy to get started soft plasticine or dough for modeling, or you can make it yourself, see the recipe above. WITH soft material the child will work more willingly because he will succeed
  • Pieces. This is the first thing you need to show your baby how to tear off a piece and stick it back. You can turn everything into a game: feed the cow by tearing pieces from green plasticine. You can sculpt a torn piece onto cardboard, or, for example, onto a drawing of a Christmas tree, as if decorating it

Making balls and sausages

Balls and sausages. Show your child how to make balls from plasticine, and then you can have fun crushing them or making a snowman out of them. Make sausages between your palms or by running your palm across the table, you can then make a ring out of it or twist it into a spiral

Flat modeling from plasticine

Flattening - Very exciting activity, because with its help you can make a roof for a house, ears for a dog. You can stick the flattened pieces to the paper, thus complementing the design

Smearing plasticine

Smudging. This is also a very necessary technique. Do this first on a board for working with plasticine, then you can “draw” like this on paper.

Prints on plasticine

Prints. Children will definitely enjoy this entertainment. Print something on flattened plasticine, for example, with a figurine from a sorter, or walk with the legs of a toy animal

Plasticine vase

Sticking. Show your child how to cover some container, such as a glass, with plasticine, and press beads on top. You will get a beautiful vase. For the little ones, you can make animal figures from cardboard and offer to sculpt plasticine on them.

These simple tips will help you introduce your child to plasticine. But the main thing in such classes is good mood. Modeling should first and foremost be fun.

Plasticine and modeling dough for little ones

  • Salt dough or play dough is great for making imprints of various objects. To do this, roll out the dough on the table and try running a hair comb over it, poking it with a felt-tip pen cap, imprinting parts from a construction set, or running a machine over it. You can try to combine several prints in one picture.

  • When walking with your child, look for leaves that are suitable for prints so that they have large veins. Place the back side of the leaf on the plasticine and run a rolling pin over it, carefully remove the leaf and watch how surprised the child is. You can make the dough in different colors, for example, mix red and yellow, then the leaves will look like autumn leaves.
  • You can also print a piece of lace in the same way. Then you can cut out figures from this dough, they will be completely embossed with lace

  • Get out your cookie cutter kits and stamp them on the dough. You can make a whole picture, for example, print a sun circle on top, add rays to it with imprints of a pen, plant a Christmas tree at the bottom, a bunny under it, etc. You can not print the figures, but cut them out entirely
  • Modeling kits come with rolling pins of different textures that leave interesting imprints. But you can make these rolling pins yourself. To do this, take cardboard cylinder from under napkins or foil, apply a pattern on it with a pencil, and go over the pattern with a glue gun on top. When the glue hardens, it will harden and you will have your own rolling pin, leaving unique patterns

Ideas for modeling with dough and plasticine

There are a lot of possible ideas for modeling and you can always come up with your own, give free rein to your imagination and that of your child. We offer you some simple ideas.

Plasticine caterpillar

Make a lot of balls, maybe multi-colored ones, connect them in descending order by size, make eyes and horns first - you got it caterpillar. Do ladybug and a bee as shown in the picture

Steam locomotive made of plasticine

From balls, sausages and cubes you can make locomotive

Plasticine fruits

Very simple and funny “live” fruits

Modeling a flower from plasticine

Flatten the balls and sausages, it will turn out beautiful flower

Plasticine snails

You can make cute ones out of long sausages snails

Invite your child to fill up the holes in the pictures. Pictures can be taped or laminated so they can be used more than once.

Plasticine butterfly

You can do something like this butterfly or other drawings

You will find more ideas with step-by-step instructions in the article


Plasticineography is unconventional technique drawing. Paintings made using this technique contain convex objects made from plasticine.

Using plasticineography and combining it with other creative techniques, original and unique works are created.

The benefits of this type of creativity for a child’s development include the benefits of drawing and modeling. In addition, when a child creates a picture from plasticine, he rolls out and smears the plasticine, thanks to which he learns to feel his hands better and control them more confidently.

Modeling from plasticine for children 3-4 years old

For children under 4 years old, you can offer simple tasks:

  • do Sun, for this on cardboard blue color stick a yellow round cake, and smear small pieces of plasticine, making rays
  • do weed, smearing green pieces of dough, plant flowers, crushing multi-colored balls in the form of flowers on cardboard
  • make on an already drawn hedgehog needles, also smearing plasticine
  • make it colorful firework in the sky (on dark blue cardboard)
  • decorate Christmas tree hanging on it balloons And garland
  • make autumn leaves on the tree and show how they fall
  • do snowflakes in heaven or rain

  • Older children can create more complex works, mix techniques, for example, add natural material, can work on details, tweak or create something using the stack
  • They can do story paintings, depict animals and plants in detail, add several characters. How older child, the more opportunities and skills he has that he uses in creativity, the more difficult work he can be offered
  • After such work, it is important to support the child and invite him to come up with a story together about what he drew. This will help the development of speech and facilitate the child’s communication with peers.
  • Encourage your child for any successes and encourage them if they fail. It is important to select tasks according to age. If he copes with the task, this will instill self-confidence in the child, bring pleasure from creativity, and he will be happy with his results. Such work will bring maximum benefit and satisfaction to both the child and the parents.

How to order plasticine in the Aliexpress online store? 25D0%25B4%25D0%25B5%25D1%2582%25D1%2581%25D0%25BA%25D0%25B8%25D0%25B9.html?ltype=wholesale&d=y&origin=n&isViewCP=y&catId=0&initiative_id=SB_20160227091419 &SearchText=%D0%BF%D0 %BB%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%BD+%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%81%D0%BA %D0%B8%D0%B9

Video: Sculpting with kids

In this article you will find many ideas for modeling from plasticine with step-by-step instructions and photos, as well as what crafts you can do with a child at different ages.

Working with plasticine has a beneficial effect on a child's development. These activities improve memory, attention, have a good effect on thinking, develop fine motor skills of the hands, which in turn contributes to the development of speech, form the imagination, open up Creative skills, force you to use your imagination. You will learn more about the benefits of practicing with plasticine and other materials in the article

Is plasticine necessary for children under one year old?

It is recommended that children engage in modeling from the age of 1; until the child is one year old, the child will most likely show no other interest in plasticine other than trying it out. But children are all different, so you can try modeling with your child earlier. Show your baby plasticine of one color, tear off a piece of it, roll the ball, let him hold it in his hands. If the child is not interested, put it aside and try again after a while.

Modeling from plasticine for children 2 and 3 years old

At the age of 2 to 3 years, a child still cannot cope with ordinary plasticine, so it is worth choosing special soft plasticine for small children.

Children are still learning to control their hands and it is difficult for them to practice modeling. Choose tasks that are not difficult for your child so that he can cope with them, this will inspire him, give him self-confidence and he will want to continue doing it useful look creativity.

By the age of three, a child will already be able to:

  • tear off pieces from plasticine
  • make balls out of them
  • flatten them
  • stick plasticine to paper and smear it
  • crush the balls with your palms
  • make sausages
  • twist them into rings
  • combine all the components into one craft.

The parents' task is to teach their child this.

Show your child

  • how to cut a sausage and get rings
  • how to cut out figures from flat cake
  • how to cut dough into squares, triangles and other shapes
  • how to stick plasticine onto cardboard smeared various items, for example, seeds, beads, cereals, pasta

The duration of a modeling lesson at the age of 1-3 years is 5-15 minutes and depends on the child’s mood and desire to work with plasticine.

For this age, it is recommended to use plasticine only in primary colors, so as not to overload the child with a large variety and not distract from the modeling activity itself. In addition, if desired, colors can be mixed and new shades can be obtained.

Modeling from plasticine for children 4 and 5 years old

At the age of 4-5 years, a child already skillfully handles a modeling knife, his hands are already stronger and he can work with ordinary plasticine.

Children of this age know how to roll balls and sausages, and now it will be more interesting for them to make more complex and interesting crafts themselves.

Invite your child to do mushroom meadow or a forest lawn with bushes and trees around. Maybe the child will want to make something of his own, don’t interfere with this. On the contrary, this is good and fosters independence.

Also, the mother can sculpt one part of the composition, and the child another, then combine everything into one craft. This way the child will feel responsible for his part of the work.

A child at this age can sculpt simple figures of animals, plants, birds, and food for dolls.

You can begin to master the technique of plasticine printing with your child and make simple plasticine paintings and panels. Invite your child to add natural and waste materials to such paintings.

The time of working with plasticine is 10-20 minutes; if the child is very enthusiastic, it can be extended a little, depending on the child’s perseverance.

Modeling from plasticine for children 6 and 7 years old

You can use regular plasticine or buy it different sets, for example, for modeling confectionery products from the Play Doh company. There are also kits with mass for modeling; they harden well in air and are preserved in the future.

In junior school age Children already know how to fantasize on their own and bring their ideas to life. They sculpt more complex figures following step-by-step instructions.

Help your child make a picture from plasticine, he can already make more intricate drawings with the mass small parts, transition of colors and different textures.

There is no need to limit the time for modeling at this age; let the child do as much as he wants and as much imagination and perseverance as he has.

How to make food for dolls from plasticine?

Soft plasticine is good for creating toy food. It will be boring for the baby to just make balls, but if they are used as decoration for a toy cake, it will be more interesting. You can make various cakes, pasta, sandwiches, pastries and much more with your child, as long as your imagination is enough. You don’t have to throw away the candy boxes, but make your own for them toy candy. Be sure to fit your doll food to the container they will eat it from.

For older children, you can combine the lesson with mathematics, divide the cake into equal parts and study fractions, feed guests and count how many cakes you need to prepare for them.

Below we give you a few step-by-step instructions how to make some food for dolls from plasticine.

Broccoli made from plasticine

Take plasticine in three different shades of green. From the lightest one, make a sausage leg for cabbage, divide it in a stack into several small branches. Take three pieces of plasticine different shades and press through a kitchen strainer and you have broccoli florets. Connect these parts together.

Modeling sausages from plasticine

Prepare sausage-colored plasticine. Make a flat cake out of it, put white stripes on top. Roll the cake, roll it like a sausage between your palms and put it in the refrigerator for a while. You need to cut the sausage using sawing movements, not pushing.

Making ice cream from plasticine

Take a piece of sand-colored plasticine and stamp cells on it, like on waffles. Now make a cone and one or three balls, the same color as you want to make ice cream, you can take different colors. We stick the balls onto the cone to its base, and wrap it with our wafer cake. You can add jam on top by smearing two or three sausages crosswise on the balls, stick small multi-colored pieces and sprinkle with crumbs.

Modeling cheese from plasticine

We make cheese from plasticine yellow color with a little orange added. Make a flat cake, cut out a triangle and press holes in it, large holes are easy to make reverse side the rod from a pen, and small ones - with a writing tip or pencil.

Making a cake from plasticine

Make several plasticine balls of different colors, it is better to take two brown ones for the chocolate layers of the sponge cake, two different berry colors and one of whatever color you want for the icing.

We make chocolate and berry cakes very simply, flatten the ball a little and roll it out into barrels to even them out.

We combine all the cakes into one cake and roll it sideways again to even out all the layers.

We take our icing ball and roll it out as thin as possible, wrap our entire cake in it, cut off the excess edges and smooth it out.

Now we make the cream: roll out the plasticine into a thin and long sausage, fold it in half and twist it. We spread it around the perimeter of our cake.

We cut the cake into pieces and use a toothpick or toothbrush to add porosity to our chocolate layers of the sponge cake. Each piece can also be decorated with fruit beads and topped with glaze.

Bread can be sculpted using sand-colored plasticine. To make a loaf, add toothpick prints to it diagonally.

How to make a watermelon from plasticine?

We take black plasticine and roll several thin sausages. We roll out the red plasticine into a not very thin oval-shaped cake. Place one sausage in the middle and fold the flatbread in half.

Add a couple more sausages and fold them again and repeat this several times. Finally, give it a round shape.

We wrap our watermelon in a white cake, and then in a green one, thus making a peel.

Add lighter colored green stripes.

And cut it. Look how ripe our watermelon turned out!

VIDEO: Modeling from plasticine. How to make a hot dog?

We sculpt animals from plasticine

Having step-by-step instructions, it is very easy to sculpt animals and insects from plasticine.

Making a giraffe from plasticine

  • For the giraffe figurine, take yellow, black, orange, white plasticine and a toothpick
  • You need to make a voluminous oval from yellow plasticine, this will be the body of a giraffe
  • Add 4 cones to it, which will be its legs.
  • Roll a long sausage, this will be the neck of a giraffe, but so that it holds its shape well, pierce it in the middle along with a toothpick
  • Make the head and ears

  • Connect everything into one figure, smooth out the joints.
  • Add a tail to the giraffe, also made of yellow plasticine, and make an orange tassel at the tip.
  • Make orange spots for the giraffe using small balls of plasticine.
  • Add eyes, orange horns and pierce the nostrils with a toothpick.

The giraffe is ready!

You can make such a cheerful cow from plasticine.

A simple idea on how to make a frog from plasticine.

Like this interesting dog made of plasticine with step-by-step photos.

Making a ladybug from plasticine

  • Prepare plasticine in red, black and white colors, you will also need thin wire, black beads and a toothpick
  • If you want to put a ladybug on a leaf, make it from green plasticine, press the veins on it with a toothpick, and cut off the excess
  • Make the body out of red plasticine in the shape of an oval, press it down a little on one side where the head will be

  • For the head, roll a ball of black plasticine
  • Add black spots from flattened balls
  • Make eyes from white plasticine and beads
  • Press the cut of the wings with a toothpick
  • Make paws and antennae from pieces of wire

How to sculpt smeshariki from plasticine?

Let's make together the children's favorite cartoon characters from the cartoon "Smeshariki".

Sovunya made of plasticine

  1. Take purple plasticine, make a ball out of it - this will be the basis of our figure
  2. Make triangular ears and stick them to the ball
  3. Flatten two small white balls for the eyes and make a “visor” over the eyelids. Pupils can be made from small pieces of black plasticine, black beads or peppercorns
  4. Now take an orange or red piece of plasticine and mold it into a cone - this will be the beak. Press it down as shown in the picture so that the beak is slightly open and secure it under the eyes
  5. Make legs from black sausages and stick them to the figure
  6. Make wings for Sovunya, press stripes on them, imitating plumage
  7. Complete the look by making a bubo hat from crushed red and orange cakes.

Plasticine lamb

  1. Take plasticine Pink colour and roll it into a ball - the basis of our figure
  2. To imitate wool, make several pink small balls and stick them in the body
  3. Make ears, legs and arms for Barash from pink sausages
  4. Blind your eyes just like for Sovunya
  5. Use brown plasticine to make the horns, add it to the paws of our figure and don’t forget about the eyebrows
  6. Make a mouth out of thin red stripes

Hedgehog made of plasticine

  1. Roll out the base for the figure from red plasticine
  2. Cover half of the ball with black, slightly flattened plasticine cones, which will act as needles.
  3. Blind your eyes and add black glasses to them, attach them to the base
  4. Add paws and ears from red sausages of different sizes
  5. Don't forget about your nose and mouth

Plasticine elk

  1. Roll a yellow base ball
  2. Give him eyes and eyelids like Sovunya’s
  3. Blind a big nose made of a flattened cone and an edge of thin brown sausages
  4. Make the paws as shown in the picture
  5. All that remains is to add horns to him, which can be easily made from brown plasticine sausages

Plasticine crumbs

  1. The base will be a blue plasticine ball, if you find or mix the plasticine yourself turquoise color, it will be just wonderful
  2. Make his eyes like the other characters, and add a red balloon nose right below them
  3. Make large ears and paws for Krosha from plasticine of the main color
  4. Now we make a smile: with a plasticine stack or knife you need to make an incision in the place where his mouth will be, and push the plasticine apart, add a red sausage inside, and stick two white teeth on top of it

Nyusha made of plasticine

  1. Our Nyusha will be pink, make a pink ball for her.
  2. Make her eyes the usual way
  3. Make a nose out of a red flattened ball, press two holes on it
  4. Make eyebrows and eyelashes for Nyusha from thin red sausages as shown in the picture

  1. Attach two red cakes to the back of the base; in the middle of them are four slightly flattened balls; this will be a pigtail. Make a ponytail for it as shown in the picture and attach it to the pigtail
  2. Decorate your ponytail with a white plasticine flower
  3. Make the paws from pink sausages and add red hooves to their tips.

Plasticine pin

  1. The base of this figure will be made of black plasticine. Make a ball
  2. Make a tummy out of a piece of white plasticine
  3. Add eyes from white and black plasticine
  4. Immediately under the eyes, stick a beak, make it from a red cone, you need to flatten it slightly and push it with a knife, opening the beak
  5. Make a hat for Pin from a piece of brown plasticine, add blue balls to it, imitating glasses glasses
  6. Make red legs and black wings for our figurine

Modeling a bird from plasticine

Let's blind a parrot. Follow step by step instructions, given below, and you will get a beautiful and talkative bird.

  • Take red, yellow, blue, white and black plasticine
  • Make an oval body for a parrot from yellow plasticine
  • Add a smaller red circle - this will be the head of our bird

  • The wings will be blue, to do this, stick two droplets on the sides of the body
  • Add a white breast to your parrot
  • Make a yellow beak, stick on the eyes and make a crest from the cones

  • Let's add another tail and use a stack to push through the grooves on the bird's chest and wings that resemble plumage
  • All that remains is to attach the paws and the parrot is ready

This kind of cockerel can be made from plasticine.

This is how a penguin is made from plasticine.

How to sculpt dinosaurs from plasticine?

  • Take plasticine of any color, because you can make a dinosaur whatever you want
  • Divide a piece of plasticine into three parts, one will go to the head, from the second we will sculpt the body, and the third will be divided into all other parts
  • Divide one piece into three more parts, and one of them also into three
  • From the two largest pieces we make the body and the head, to do this we roll them into sausages and stretch them out, connect them to each other and align the junction. What you should get is shown in diagram number 3

  • Roll the two middle pieces into cylinders and stretch them out a little, flatten them from the bottom and top, leaving a thin “waist” - form the legs as shown in diagram 4
  • Make sausages from small pieces - front legs
  • Now assemble the figure from what is already ready and smooth out all the joints
  • Roll a lot of small balls from the remaining piece of plasticine and stick them, pressing them on the sides, onto the dinosaur's crest.
  • Make his eyes and don't forget about his eyelids
  • Use a plasticine knife to cut the dinosaur's mouth and open it. Push down the nostrils with a toothpick, trim the paws a little
  • Make teeth and claws for our figurine from white plasticine

You can also make such a dinosaur from a pine cone.

And here is another dinosaur - stegosaurus, one of the most popular among children.

If a child wants to make a predator dinosaur, invite him to make a Dimetrodon.

How to sculpt a pony from plasticine?

After watching the cartoon My little pony, your daughter will probably want to make the same pony. Let us help her with this.

  • Take plasticine desired color, pink, purple, red and blue shades are perfect
  • Roll a sausage of the chosen color - this will be the body of the pony

  • Pull one side of the sausage up into a cone - this will be the neck

  • Roll the ball and stretch it out a little, forming the face of a small horse
  • Make droplets out of two small pieces and stick them to the top of the muzzle - these will be the ears
  • Use a toothpick to press down the pony's nostrils and mouth.

  • Roll four cones from plasticine of the main color, cut off a little plasticine diagonally from the narrow side with a special knife, this is where the legs will be attached to the body
  • Tap the wide part of the cones on the board to create horse hooves

  • Assemble your figurine. Smooth out the joints
  • To make the mane and tail, roll several thin multi-colored sausages, connect them together and cut them, stick them to our pony, bend them a little, imitating the curves
  • Don’t forget about the eyes, make them not round, but elongated, in the shape of a leaf

Our pony is ready! You can make several small horses of different colors and you will have many cartoon characters to play with.

You can make a pony in another way, see step-by-step photos below.

Crafts from plasticine

Show your imagination and combine natural materials and plasticine in one craft. It will be unusual and interesting for the child.

Making a boat from plasticine and nutshells

  • Prepare nut shell, plasticine, leaves from trees, small sticks
  • Stick a ball of plasticine into a cleaned shell and place a mast on it - a small stick

  • Place leaf sails on the mast and attach another plasticine ball on top
  • Launch your boats into the water

Making a caterpillar from plasticine and chestnuts

  1. Cook some chestnuts
  2. Roll several colorful plasticine balls
  3. Connect the chestnuts, alternating them with plasticine, press them down so that they stick firmly
  4. Make eyes from white and black plasticine
  5. Add a red balloon nose and a sausage mouth
  6. Don’t forget about the horns, they can be made from pieces of a match, combined with plasticine with chestnuts

You can also make a hedgehog like this from chestnut peel and plasticine.

These are such cheerful multi-colored snails made of plasticine and chestnuts.

VIDEO: Video for children. Crafts made from plasticine. Ksyusha and the cars are making a bunny

Plasticine is a material for modeling. It is made from purified and crushed clay powder with the addition of wax, fat and other substances that prevent drying. Painted in various colors.

Plasticine remains soft and practically does not harden or dry out. It has wide range flowers, does not stick to hands. Plasticine acquires different degrees of softness depending on the temperature, which allows you to work with it after any period of time. If the plasticine is hard, you need to knead it in your hands until it becomes softer.

The purpose of plasticine modeling classes:

■ Arouse a child’s interest in modeling.

■ Introduce the child to the properties of plasticine. Plasticine has the properties of crumpling, rolling, flattening, tearing, and acquiring varying degrees of softness depending on the temperature. Rolling a ball from plasticine is more difficult than from dough.

■ Teach your child to sculpt different figures, combine them into compositions, etc.

■ Develop fine motor skills.

■ Stimulate the child's imagination and imagination.

■ Develop finger coordination.

■ Teach your child to work with plasticine independently, without constant adult supervision.

■ Teach accuracy in working with plasticine.

Materials and tools that will be useful in the work: modeling board, stack (stick for working with plasticine), plasticine.

You can, if desired, put armbands and an apron on your child.

Where to begin?

Since working with plasticine is a little more difficult than with salt dough, the tasks for working with plasticine will be slightly different.


Lesson 1. “Strawberry meadow” (flat crafts)

You will need: album sheet, plasticine, modeling board, green felt-tip pen, stack, pictures of berries.

Stages of the lesson:

■ Draw strawberry branches on album sheet, but don’t draw a berry at the end of the branch. This is what you will sculpt with your baby. Try not to place the branches too close to each other.

■ Show your child a picture of strawberries or wild strawberries.


Just as with dough modeling, tell your child a story that fits the theme.

In the forest, in a large clearing, a small berry grows. It's called strawberry. All forest animals love it because it is sweet and tasty.

■ Then the adult asks questions. Tell me: “What color is this berry?” (Red.) And the leaves? (Green.) What shape does a strawberry look like? Where does this berry grow? What is it called? What other berry do you know?”

■ Place a prepared sheet with twigs and plasticine in front of the child. Let him choose the right color himself.

■ Cut a narrow strip of plasticine - it’s convenient to pinch off small pieces from such a piece. Show him how to do it correctly and how to roll a ball correctly on his palm.

■ The child glues the resulting ball to the drawn twig, pressing lightly. No glue is needed - the plasticine will stick perfectly to the paper. Don't forget to praise your child for the work done. Attach the craft in a visible place so that the child knows he likes his work. So he's great!

This is the kind of strawberry meadow you can get

Lesson 2. “Butterfly”

You will need: cardboard, plasticine, modeling board, pencil, scissors, stack.

Prepare a butterfly template in advance by cutting out a figure from cardboard (approximately 10x10 cm).

Show your child a picture of a butterfly, tell him why the butterfly is so beautiful, and pay attention to the fact that thanks to its elegant wings, it manages to hide from birds among the flowers (fig.).

Stages of work:

■ Cut thin strips of plasticine in different colors. Invite your child to roll out flagella from each color of plasticine and cut them into small pieces using a stack.

■ The child chooses the piece he likes and smears it over the butterfly pattern, “painting” it with plasticine.

■ The butterfly is ready.

Lesson 3. “Painting”

You will need: half a cardboard sheet, plasticine, modeling board, stack, pencil.

Stages of work:

■ Together with your child, come up with the composition of your painting. It could be a chamomile, a house, a fish, a tree, or just an abstract composition.

■ Draw a sketch of the future painting with a pencil.

■ Help your child cut small pieces of plasticine desired color and roll out long flagella.

■ Now, flagellum by flagellum, lay out the composition. Flagella can be rolled up like a snail, laid out like a snake, made into petal loops, etc.

■ Make a frame using plasticine strands and apply a pattern to it using a stack.

■ Help your child experiment by showing individual elements and explaining what can come of it.

Lesson 4. “New Year tree” (craft decorated with beads)

You will need: cardboard, pencil, scissors, plasticine, modeling board, multi-colored beads, stack.

This activity is best done immediately before New Year holidays. Prepare a Christmas tree template by cutting it out of cardboard in advance.

Sing a New Year's song about the Christmas tree with your child and read the poem. Now you can get to work.

Stages of work:

■ Cover the Christmas tree green plasticine, applying it in small pieces to the template and lightly smearing it.

■ Then decorate your Christmas tree with beads by pressing the beads into the plasticine with your finger.

You can hang beaded “toys” in a chaotic order throughout the Christmas tree or lay out patterns: snowflakes and diamonds. Small buttons, sequins, and bugles are suitable for decorating your Christmas tree.

Lesson 5. “Printing” drawings on a plasticine base

You will need: cardboard or board for plasticine (you can use metal or plastic lids with raised edges), plasticine, different shapes pencils, felt-tip pens, rods, caps from various bottles and toothpaste, toothpicks (in general, any objects that can leave an imprint on plasticine).

Stages of work:

■ Apply to the base thin layer plasticine.

■ Create your own drawing and complete it using “typing”.

It is easier to make impressions on plasticine than on dough.

Lesson 6. “Cup for pencils”

You will need: low glass jar or a plastic cup from under the soup instant cooking(wash the glass in warm water with soap to wash off all remaining fat), plasticine, modeling board, various cereals (peas, rice, buckwheat, millet), a stack for working with plasticine, a board.

First way.

Stages of work:

■ Knead the plasticine before work, help your child roll out several ropes (8-9) about half a centimeter thick.

■ Show your child how to glue the ropes onto the jar, encircling it with rings, starting from the bottom. (A similar technique is described in the lesson “Pyramid”.)

Second way.

Stages of work:

■ Cut thin strips of different colors.

■ Help your child roll out multi-colored flagella from plasticine and cut them into small pieces in a stack.

■ Now the child will only have to “paint over” the pencil holder with plasticine, lightly smearing it over the surface of the jar.

When the base is ready, you can start decorating. This is where the child will need your help. Take the cereals and stick them on so that you get some kind of ornament: for example, lay out flowers, circles, diamonds.

The pencil holder is ready.

Lesson 7. “Caterpillar” (modeling from individual forms)

Purpose of the task: concept of form. Ball.

You will need: plasticine of different colors, modeling board, stack.

Stages of work:

■ Decide what kind of caterpillar you will have. Ask your child what shapes it can be made from?

■ Roll into balls different sizes and connect them, sticking to each other. Collect the caterpillar.

■ Make horns and eyes from small balls, and use a stack to make a mouth.

The plasticine caterpillar is ready.

The following lessons of this type can be devoted to the cube, cone, and cylinder. You can make a bird from cones, a funny cat from cubes of different sizes, etc.

Lesson 8. “Picking mushrooms” (volume crafts)

Purpose of the lesson: in addition to the main purposes of plasticine modeling, this activity introduces the child to mushrooms and their types: White mushroom, little fox, don’t forget to tell us about the insidious fly agaric. Explain to your child what edible and inedible mushrooms are.

You will need: plasticine, modeling board, stack, cards with images of mushrooms.

Stages of work:

■ Show your child cards with pictures of mushrooms.

■ Let the child choose which mushroom to make.

■ Teach your child how to make mushrooms.

Lesson 9. “Pyramid”

You will need: modeling board, plasticine different color and a stack (a stick for working with plasticine).

Stages of work:

■ First, sculpt the rod - the base of the pyramid. Mash about half a block of plasticine of any color and roll it out into a cylinder or cone for the rod.

■ Then make the rings. Take plasticine bright color, cut a piece from the block and knead it. Show your child how to roll a ball: in the palm of your hand and on a board. Then roll out the ball to the desired thickness.

■ Prepare five or six strands of different colors.

■ Place the rod on the board. Secure it by wrapping the first tourniquet at the base of the rod (help your child by showing how this is done). The first ring was made.

■ The child turns the rest of the strands into rings on his own.

■ Ask your child what is missing from your pyramid? That's right, we need to make another top. Decide with your child what shape it will be. It could be a ball, a cone, a cockerel's head, etc.

■ Help your child make the top of the pyramid correctly.

Do not limit the child’s imagination, allow him to sculpt what he wants, just for the soul. You will be surprised how developed your child's imagination is.

Based on materials from the book by N.V. Aleshina “Mommy’s Work”