If a person has his own stone. Talismans for different signs of the zodiac. The magical properties of stones for men and women

Any person is able to choose a stone that suits him perfectly. Sometimes your talisman is felt immediately after touching. This method does not always work, so you should turn to the magic of numbers.

Its magical properties are precious or semiprecious stone It manifests itself to the maximum when one believes in its power. It is important to select stones with responsibility. There are many ways to search for a talisman, but the surest way is to determine by date of birth. Amulets selected by this method will be able to:

  1. Protect from negativity.
  2. Improve health.
  3. Bring success in life and career.
  4. Reward with strength and energy.
  5. Help in personal life.

The main thing is not only a competent choice, but careful care for the mineral. With improper use, it loses its strength and cracks. The easiest way is to feed the amulet with the energy of the earth. To do this, you need to put it in a flower pot for a couple of days.

Date of Birth

Numbers are playing human life big role, so people are dependent on them. This feature concerns the question of how to choose a talisman stone.

Numerology experts say that a birthday carries important information. Years of research have shown that certain character traits can be recognized from it. Data can help in the formation of personal qualities.

A stone by date of birth is chosen based on certain calculations, during which the essence of the number is clarified. It can be calculated as follows:

  1. Date of birth November 29, 1991. The month in the calendar is 11th in a row. It turns out 11/29/1991.
  2. The sum of the components is calculated: 2+9+1+1+1+9+9+1=33.
  3. We need to get a result in the range from 1 to 9, so we additionally add 3+3=6.
  4. According to the calculations, it is clear that the essence is the number 6. You need to find it in the memo and, in accordance with it, choose your talisman.


  • Number 1 rewards energy and determination. Obsidian is a talisman in love affairs.
  • Number 2. Sapphire and citrine will clear the mind and direct you in the right direction on any life path.
  • Number 3. Coral and obsidian will restore peace of mind and maintain good health.
  • Number 4. will protect from the evil eye and create powerful protection from bad thoughts from the side.
  • Number 5. Turquoise will soften harsh character and help set up harmonious relationship with those around you.
  • Number 6 promotes disclosure creativity and implementation in the professional field.
  • Number 7. will attract good luck, which will accompany everywhere.
  • The number 8 will help build successful friendships and professional relationships.
  • The number 9 will clear the mind of unnecessary thoughts and set you up for solving current problems.
RepresentativedateamuletDangerous Talismans
AriesMarch 21 - April 20TopazLibra sign
TaurusApril 21 - May 21Beryl, onyx, turquoiseScorpio sign
TwinsMay 22 - June 21JasperSagittarius sign
CancerJune 22 - July 22Emerald, tourmalineCapricorn sign
a lionJuly 23 - August 23Chrysoprase, onyxAquarius sign
VirgoAugust 24 - September 23TurquoisePisces sign
ScalesSeptember 24 - October 23Obsidian, sapphireAries sign
ScorpionOctober 24 - November 22Chalcedony, carnelianTaurus sign
SagittariusNovember 23 - December 21diamond, opalGemini sign
CapricornDecember 22 - January 20amber, topazCancer sign
AquariusJanuary 21 - February 18Citrine, sapphireLeo sign
FishFebruary 19 - March 20Coral, bloodstoneVirgo sign

Day of the week

The day of the week on which a person was born also carries special meaning. If the previous methods did not help determine your talisman, you can consider this option by choosing your stone by day from the table.

People have used stones as amulets since ancient times. It was believed that they protected a person from various misfortunes and troubles. Many people are not serious about choosing their talisman. Choosing the right stone according to the date of your birth, it will become a real talisman for you.

Talismans by date of birth are able to protect their owner from many troubles. Stones can positively affect the energy of the person who wears them.

There is a huge variety various kinds stones. Stones - mascots are selected according to the following selection criteria:

  1. According to your zodiac sign;
  2. By the color of your eyes;
  3. By your date of birth

Deciding which of the above criteria is right for you the best way, or by comparing them with each other, you can choose the "correct" stone.

How to choose a stone according to your zodiac sign

To choose a talisman, therefore, you need to find out in which decade you were born, and only after that use the stone as your talisman.


Hot-tempered and impulsive Aries are well suited for stones such as sapphires, Tiger's Eye, pomegranate and rhinestone. They help strengthen positive sides rams and smooth sharp corners from its negative qualities.

Eye of the Tiger Pomegranate Pomegranate Rhinestone Rhinestone Rhinestone


Taurus will feel great with emeralds, turquoise, rose quartz and aventurine. They will push the representative of this zodiac sign to change their personal life in better side, will add romance and thrill to it.

Emerald Emerald rose quartz rose quartz Aventurine Aventurine


The alexandrite stone will provide good support to the twins. It will help to moderate the aggression and cruelty that is so inherent in this sign. Also good friends for representatives of this sign are jade, malachite and obsidian.

Alexandrite Nephritis Nephritis Malachite Malachite Obsidian Obsidian


Cancerians, touchy by nature, will cope with their negative quality with pearls and jasper. These stones will heal all sick wounds in crayfish. rubies, moon rocks and carnelians.

Pearl Jasper Jasper Ruby Ruby Moon rock Cornelian Cornelian

a lion

Lions are suitable for those pebbles that have red shades in their range. Great Options there will be minerals such as topaz, sardonyx, cat's eyes and amber. To soften the complex nature of the lion, you can use diamonds, alexandrites and aquamarines.

Topaz Topaz Sardonyx Sardonyx Cat's eye Tiger's eye Amber Amber Diamond Diamond Diamond Alexandrite Aquamarine Aquamarine


A warm family hearth, love and mutual understanding - that's what Virgos need. The following stones will perfectly cope with the task: carnelians, topazes, lapis lazuli and, of course, chrysolites. The pendant with jasper, beads from natural pearls and jade earrings.

Cornelian Cornelian Cornelian Topaz Topaz Lapis lazuli Lapis lazuli Chrysolite Jasper Jasper Pearl Jade Nephritis


Libra is such a zodiac sign that contradicts itself. Thus, he creates a whole bunch of problems for himself. Lapis lazuli and opals are perfect for him. Under their influence, Libra will feel much more confident. But topazes and aquamarines will restore Libra's energy field and attract success to them.

lapis lazuli lapis lazuli Opal Opal Topaz Topaz Aquamarine Aquamarine


The most difficult thing is the choice of a stone - a talisman for Scorpios. Possessing very powerful energy, they sometimes influence themselves in a negative way. To help them overcome excessive energy in themselves, you can use carnelian, coral beads or a bracelet, or the mineral hematite.


Naturally inclined, gullible Sagittarius should definitely use turquoise, sapphires and chrysolites. They will fill the life of a representative of such a sign with positive, and protect from negativity. But using obsidian or amethyst, luck will accompany them in all endeavors in their careers and not only.

Chrysolite obsidian obsidian Amethyst Amethyst Amethyst


by the most the best choice talisman for Capricorns will be opal. He will attract to them a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bgood luck, success and fill life with warmth and comfort.

Opal Opal


Boost life potential Aquarius will help grenades and sapphires. They will saturate the life of Aquarius with energy and repel boredom and despondency from him. The mineral amethyst and aquamarine will balance life and help to cope with personal egoism.

pomegranate pomegranate Amethyst Amethyst Amethyst Aquamarine Aquamarine


Excellent positive properties the following stones will serve for Pisces: moonstones, opals, amethysts and, of course, pearls. They will add more confidence, strength and energy to Pisces, which they lack so much.

Moonstone Opal Opal Amethyst Amethyst Amethyst Pearl

Flower - talisman

According to your day on which you were born, you can find yourself not only a stone - a talisman, but a flower - a talisman.

  • If you were born 1st,10th,19th or 28th day of the month, your mascot is the Sunflower.

Such people are always highly valued in the circle of friends, loved by others and relatives. They are an authority for many people. They are irreplaceable and unique, even in a hopeless situation they will make the right decision. "Sunflowers" are gifted with the ability to self-actualize.

  • People are peonies, born 2nd,11th,20th or 29th numbers.

They are loyal, constant and persistent. Sometimes for the people around them they look a little stubborn. From the "peonies" breathes warmth and comfort. Such people are very reliable and succeed in many areas of their lives.

  • 3rd, 12th,21st And 30th people are born with a flower as a talisman, which is served by sweet peas.

Such people are very sociable and inquisitive. It is not difficult for them to get carried away with something new. Despondency and sadness are not inherent in them. They are charming, very dynamic and active. There are few such people with whom it is difficult to find mutual language. They are inherent gambling, so you should beware of this.

  • "Cornflowers" are born 4th,13th,22nd And 31st day of the month.

They are reliable, straightforward and unsophisticated people. Very loyal and hospitable friends. From the outside, they sometimes look like eccentrics. "Cornflowers" do not like to participate in dubious experiments.

  • "Lilies" are born 5th,14th And 23rd date of each month

They are refined and aesthetic, refined and romantic. Such people love extreme in life. Often offended and afraid to take risks. "Lilies" definitely need to develop modesty and restraint in themselves, as well as take less offense at others.

  • "Red poppies" are born in 6th,15th And 24th numbers.

“Poppies” make good healers, they are able to predict the feelings and emotions of other people. They are often disappointed in people, as they accept hasty conclusions.

  • "Orchids" are those people who are born according to 7th,16th And 25th numbers

Such people are very friendly and sensitive. The most important values ​​in the life of "orchids" are home, comfort and stylish clothes. They highly value cultural events.

  • "Daisies" are born 8th,17th And 26th numbers

They are modest, courageous and impatient. Having caught fire with a new idea, they are able to get carried away with it seriously. Their circle of friends is often limited to a certain number. Stability in everything - that's the motto of "daisies".

  • Roses are born 9th,18th And 27th days

Such people are often romantics, they are noble and often do not live their own lives. Having set a goal, they often achieve success. For the sake of love, they are capable of many reckless acts.

Having chosen the right talisman for yourself, believe in its miraculous power, and it will surely thank you with care, protect you from enemies and give you more confidence.

Talismans occupy important place in the lives of many people. When choosing amulets, astrologers advise, first of all, to pay attention to the signs of the zodiac, by the way, Jewelry and stones can also be a kind of amulets.

A stone according to the sign of the zodiac favorably affects human health. According to esotericists, minerals have incredible energy, which makes them excellent talismans.

Charm stones that suit people according to the signs of the zodiac are able to attract good luck. In addition, they have various magical properties. A properly selected amulet helps the one who wears it to achieve their goals.

Rules for choosing a talisman crystal

The answer to the question of how to recognize your stone is quite simple. When choosing talismans, you must take into account your zodiac sign and personal preferences regarding the shape and size of the crystal. When purchasing an amulet, you can also choose stones by date of birth.

It is recommended to have several crystals. One is to attract good luck, the other is to achieve success on the personal front, and so on. Precious, ornamental and semi-precious stones are used as amulets.

Often, crystals donated by someone or inherited can act as talismans. In this case it doesn't have of great importance whether the mineral is suitable for a person. If he believes in the magical powers of the stone, then they really work. Many esotericists are inclined to believe that we choose amulets intuitively. However, not everyone is able to determine their own stone.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of an amulet, you should pay attention to the words of astrologers. They have long talked about which stone is suitable certain sign zodiac.

Before purchasing a talisman stone, you should familiarize yourself with all the properties and features of each mineral. At the same time, it is not enough just to know which stones according to the horoscope suit you. In order for the crystal to manifest all its magical properties, it is necessary to select correct form. This will strengthen positive traits inherent in your zodiac sign and will weaken the negative ones.

While the talismans lie idle, they accumulate energy, if necessary, the stones give it away. Astrologers advise taking amulets for negotiations or for some other important events. Jewelry can also act as amulets. You should pay attention not only to the stone, but also to the features of metals. Some crystals show their magical powers best in combination with gold, others with silver.

Amulet crystals do not lose their popularity today. Talisman stones are chosen according to the sign of the zodiac, taking into account exact date birth. If you still do not know how to choose a stone that could suit you, refer to the advice of astrologers and esotericists - they say that each person has his own specific amulet.

Talismans for different signs of the zodiac

The choice of a particular mascot should be based on personal preferences. This primarily concerns color, size and shape. We must not forget about magical meaning stones, by which you can understand whether the mineral is suitable for one or another sign of the zodiac:

  • Charm for Aries. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. People of this zodiac sign have strong energy, however, it can be difficult for them to concentrate on anything. The following options are more suitable as an amulet:

    • diamond - will help Aries to concentrate their energy and achieve the desired goal. He is also able to instill confidence and determination in a person;
    • amethyst - has a relaxing effect, helps to get rid of excess negativity;
    • ruby - able to pacify the temper of Aries. He makes them kinder and more generous;
    • sapphire - awakens wisdom and prudence.
  • Amulets for Taurus. Taurus tend to be decisive, straightforward, and very reliable. When choosing talismans for themselves, it is better for them to focus on such stones:

    • emerald - gives wisdom, relieves depression;
    • chrysoprase - helps to get rid of fears and doubts;
    • agate - gives a good mood.
  • Amulets suitable for Gemini. Gemini are creative people who know how to make important decisions at the right time. This sign needs communication. Focusing on the distribution of stones according to the sign of the zodiac, Gemini is suitable for:

    • agate - will help control emotions, will become a source of additional energy for the twins;
    • alexandrite - eliminates excess negative energy and depression;
    • beryl - inspires strength and self-confidence, which are necessary to achieve any goal;
    • prehnite - enhances the concentration of energy, helping to overcome difficulties.
  • Talismans for Cancers. When asked which crystals are more suitable for this unusual sign, there are several possible answers:

    • apatite - crayfish are very sensitive. Any carelessly spoken word can offend them. Apatite helps to get rid of unnecessary unreasonable grievances;
    • emerald - allows you to better control your emotions;
    • moonstone - helps Cancers behave more confidently in the process of communication;
    • sodalite - will give a flight of fancy and help you quickly find a way out of a difficult situation.
  • Talisman for Lions. Lions are very confident people capable of achieving the goal. match them strong energy and will have a beneficial effect on it:

    • citrine - sun stone gives Lions peace;
    • chrysolite - can help in the process of communication. He slightly smoothes the pressure of the Lions, forcing them to listen to the opinions of others;
    • ruby - helps to maintain health.
  • Helper stones for Dev. Virgos love attention and are pretty self-confident. The horoscope advises them to choose one of the following stones:

    • chrysolite - reveals natural beauty Dev;
    • jasper - helps to establish friendly contacts;
    • rhodochrosite - reveals the organizational abilities of the Virgin, given to them by nature itself;
    • jade - protects against negative environmental influences.
  • Charm for Libra. Libras are unpredictable people, they are characterized by frequent change moods. Stones suitable for those who are Libra according to the zodiac sign can help drown out excessive emotions:

    • aquamarine - brings harmony and a sense of balance to life;
    • opal - helps Libra to concentrate on a specific goal;
    • tourmaline - gives impetus to creativity, promotes the development of creative thinking;
    • diamond. If we talk about which gems are suitable for Libra according to the signs of the zodiac, one of the best options- diamond. It helps to consolidate the status in society.
  • Stones suitable for Scorpions. Scorpios are complex natures. They have an extraordinary mind. Speaking about which natural stones according to the signs of the zodiac will correspond to them, it is impossible not to highlight:

    • pomegranate - enhances the positive qualities of Scorpios, helping them to show their perseverance and willpower;
    • aquamarine - softens irascibility, helping to establish interpersonal relationships;
    • Opal is another stone that Scorpio needs. It helps to make the right, thoughtful decisions and concentrate on what is really important;
    • aventurine - relieves anger, irritation and negativity, improves mood.
  • Amulets for Sagittarius. Usually Sagittarians are not prone to conflicts, they have a very active life position, they easily make contact with people. At the same time, they often succumb to laziness and have a strong temperament. Given all these qualities, it is worthwhile to select talisman stones for them with special care. According to the distribution according to the signs of the zodiac, the following stones are suitable for Sagittarius:

    • chrysolite - sometimes conflict-freeness can do harm. Helps to avoid the troubles associated with this character trait of chrysolite;
    • topaz - struggles with another negative character trait - excessive perseverance;
    • turquoise - is the main amulet for Sagittarius. She attracts good luck to them, helps to go to her goal.
  • Talismans for Capricorns. Capricorns know how to work, even if the goal seems far away to them. As amulets, Capricorn is best to choose:

    • ruby - adds self-confidence, enhances best qualities Capricorns;
    • onyx - adds courage to Capricorns;
    • opal - helps to get rid of the negative accumulated in the process of communication, relieves depression. Opal also saves a person from trouble.
  • Charms for Aquarius. Aquarians get along well with others, but the circle of their close acquaintances is very narrow. Suitable for Aquarius:

    • amethyst - this crystal helps to overcome isolation, restores energy force, relieving fatigue;
    • sapphire - returns Aquarius the meaning of life, encourages them to act;
    • zircon;
    • citrine - the main amulet of Aquarius, activates all the positive qualities of this sign.
  • Talismans for Pisces. Pisces combine two contradictory qualities: they are independent, but at the same time compliant. Easily adapt to the environment. They are best suited for:

    • aquamarine is main stone for those who are on the sign of the zodiac Pisces. It helps in the fight against impermanence;
    • amethyst - attracts luck and harmony in all aspects of life;
    • aventurine - muffles the excessive complaisance characteristic of Pisces.

The table will help you not to make a mistake with the choice of stones. In it, the answer to the question of how to pick up a stone is presented in a concise form:

Aries diamond; amethyst; ruby; sapphire
Taurus emerald; chrysoprase; agate
Twins agate; alexandrite; beryl; prehnite
Cancer apatite; emerald; Moonstone; sodalite
a lion citrine; chrysolite; ruby
Virgo chrysolite; jasper; rhodochrosite; nephritis
Scales aquamarine; opal; tourmaline; diamond
Scorpion pomegranate; opal; aventurine
Sagittarius chrysolite; topaz; turquoise
Capricorn ruby; onyx; opal
Aquarius amethyst; sapphire; zircon
Fish aquamarine; amethyst; aventurine

Each mineral that exists in nature has a unique energy. One and the same crystal, for some people it can be useful, for others it can be destructive. Therefore, it is so important to choose a stone that is right for you.

Few know how to determine whether a particular crystal suits them. However, everything is quite simple: you need to choose stones according to the signs of the zodiac, and even better - by date of birth.

The mineral must also correspond to the year of birth and personal preferences of the person. From right choice colors and shapes also depend a lot. For the signs of all the zodiacs there is a talisman. Almost everyone will be able to choose a suitable amulet for themselves.

Magical talismans and amulets were used in antiquity, and their relevance remains in our time, many stones can not only decorate the owner’s necklace or ring, but also become for him a faithful companion and a talisman that protects from diseases or the evil eye.

But there are several rules, thanks to which you can choose exactly your stone, because when choosing the “wrong” one, the magical power may simply not work. For example, the most reliable is a talisman given to a person from pure heart. If you entered the shop with natural stones and bought the one that you liked only outwardly, then it is unlikely that it will be useful, because the stone must be chosen intuitively, without using visual evaluation. by the most simple method will hold the mineral in the palm of your hand and just listen to your inner voice, which will give you right advice. In order for the stone to become truly “yours”, you need to accept it only with positive emotions.

You can also choose a stone according to the time of birth, for example, stones of warm and red shades are suitable for summer people, while cold tones should be paid attention to winter people. But it is believed that the most effective way it is considered a comparison of one or another stone with the sign of the zodiac.

How to recognize your stone - Aries

Aries is the most fiery sign. People born in March-April are endowed with activity and determination to accept even difficult decisions. They are also complex in character and like to argue even when they are wrong.
Rubies, sapphires, amethysts and diamonds are perfect for Aries. Ruby will help you become respected person in society, and a diamond will help smooth out sharp features character. Sapphire should be chosen by Aries, who work in the intellectual field, and amethyst will help win any business.

How to recognize your stone - Taurus

Taurus is a leisurely and able-bodied sign. An emerald will be an ideal amulet for Taurus, this stone will dilute everyday life and bring a feeling of happiness and joy. Turquoise and sapphire are also suitable as a talisman.

How to recognize your stone - Gemini

Gemini is inquisitive and witty, agate is perfect for this zodiac sign, which will give the owner good intuition and help convince people. Chrysoprase will get rid of bad mood, and beryl will help you find true love.

How to recognize your stone - Cancer

Cancer is a mysterious and sensitive sign, which is suitable for such stones as the moon and emerald. The moonstone will be an excellent ally to the sign, which is patronized by the moon and will help to avoid adversity and difficulties, and the emerald will relieve depression.

How to recognize your stone - Leo

Leo is a bright and independent sign of the zodiac, which suits amber, alexandrite, ruby, topaz, and also chrysolite. Chrysolite will help restore peace of mind, and the ruby ​​will help people in power.

How to recognize your stone Virgo

Virgo is a picky and hardworking sign. For Virgo, carnelian, jasper, olivine, jade will be excellent companions. Last stone recommended for people involved in sports - it will help to avoid injuries, and carnelian will help to avoid betrayal by loved ones. Jasper will help to attract health and money.

How to recognize your stone - Libra

Libra is a harmonious and artistic sign. People born between September 24th and October 23rd are best suited for stones such as diamond, lapis lazuli, aquamarine and opal. Beryl and diamond will bring success in business and work, while lapis lazuli will make the owner more harmonious and calmer, and opal will make the owner lucky.

How to recognize your stone - Scorpio

Scorpio is a mysterious and emotional sign. For Scorpios, amulets with the following stones will become excellent allies: corals, topazes, aquamarines and garnets. Coral will protect against bad mood and negative impact. Aquamarine will help you become luckier, and you can raise capital with the help of a pomegranate.

How to recognize your stone - Sagittarius

Sagittarius is optimistic and freedom-loving, the best stones for this zodiac sign will be sapphire, turquoise, amethyst and chrysolite. Turquoise will help you find family happiness, as well as provide career growth, and chrysolite will help strengthen immunity and protect against nightmares in a dream.

How to recognize your stone - Capricorn

Capricorn is a reliable and patient zodiac sign. Capricorn stones are ruby, garnet, onyx, malachite, opal. If Capricorn is not enough vital energy, then opal will come to the rescue, while onyx will endow the owner with excellent insight and wisdom in all matters.

How to recognize your stone - Aquarius

Aquarius is friendly and outgoing. The following stones are suitable for Aquarius: garnet, amethyst, zircon and sapphire. Pomegranate will help restore harmony in the family and in relationships with a loved one, as well as help restore health. Zircon will help improve memory, and sapphire will help attract money.

How to recognize your stone - Pisces

Pisces is an impressionable and changeable sign. For fish will be great helpers stones such as amethyst, pearls, chrysolite and jasper. Pearls will bring stability in love to fish, and amethyst will protect them from addictions. Jasper will become a keeper from poverty, shame and depression.

Choosing your stone is not difficult, the main thing is to follow your heart, listen inner voice. If you think that without this or that stone you simply cannot imagine your life - then it is truly yours!

Astrologers (ancient and modern) argue that the influence of stones on the health and fate of a person is predetermined by the position of the planets and constellations of the zodiac. The most favorable for a person are those stones that are associated with the sign under which he was born.

In 1912, the convention of the National Association of Jewelers unified the List of stones of the month of birth in accordance with the sign of the zodiac. Below is this list.

Aries (03/21 - 04/19)

Aries corresponds to a diamond - the most expensive and beautiful of precious minerals. The belief has come down to our days that he brought his owner good luck in business, protected him from illnesses, injuries and wounds, and gave courage in battle. Astrologers advised wearing a diamond as a talisman on the left hand or neck, and the setting should not prevent the stone from touching the skin. There was a belief that the stone brings happiness only if the Aries owner got it in an honest way. However, the beauty of diamonds awakened greed in a person. The history of famous diamonds is often a detective story with murders, kidnappings, tragedies, and unsolved mysteries.
Aries also brings happiness and good luck to the red garnet stone.

List of all stones corresponding to the zodiac sign Aries: diamond (brilliant), amazonite, amethyst, beryl, turquoise, garnet, pearl, coral, quartz, flint, hematite, Labrador, lapis lazuli, jade, onyx, obsidian, rhodonite, ruby, sardonyx, selenite, carnelian, serpentine, hawk's eye, chrysoprase, chrysolite, crystal, amber, green and red jasper.

Taurus (20.04 - 20.05)

For Taurus the most suitable stone- sapphire, one of the most beautiful stones, a talisman of lovers and newlyweds, protecting from slander, strengthening memory, promoting prudence. It is believed that sapphire helps with heart disease, asthma and neuralgia.

Also good for Taurus blue turquoise. It has long been considered a talisman that helps in love affairs. Turquoise rings should be given to a Taurus woman as a sign of heartfelt attraction. In the East it was customary to put turquoise in the cradle of a newborn girl.

List of all stones corresponding to the zodiac sign Taurus: agate, aventurine, amazonite, beryl, turquoise, bull's eye, jet, emerald, rose quartz, cacholong, white coral, flint, lapis lazuli, malachite, jade, onyx, rhodonite, ruby, sapphire, selenite, carnelian, tiger's eye, topaz, chrysoprase, zircon, bluespar, jasper.

Gemini (21.05 - 20.06)

Semi-precious agate of various colors, green chrysoprase and bluish beryl is best stones for Gemini.

Green chrysoprase was the talisman of business people, protecting them from deceit and material losses. Its medicinal properties were associated with nervous diseases.

Bluish beryl should bring Gemini happiness in love.

Agate in ancient times was considered a stone dedicated to the goddess of gardens, vegetable gardens and harvests. This stone was widely used for making jewelry, figurines, buckles. In the Middle Ages, doctors advised wearing agate beads for sore throats.

List of all stones corresponding to the Gemini zodiac sign: agate, alexandrite, amethyst, beryl, turquoise, hyacinth, pearl, emerald, flint, coral, jade, rhodonite, sardonyx, sapphire, selenite, carnelian, tiger's eye, topaz, uvarovite, fluorite, chrysoprase, chrysolite, crystal, citrine, jasper.

Cancer (21.06 - 22.07)

Most lucky stones for Cancer - emerald, moonstone and chrysoberyl, often called "cat's eye".

Moonstone, or Selenite symbolized magical power moon rays. Moonstone rings helped lovers overcome obstacles on the path to happiness.

Emerald in Ancient Egypt was precious stone goddess Isis, hence the belief that he helps women and protects the hearth. The emerald was also considered the talisman of fishermen and sailors.

Chrysoberyl, called the cat's eye, was customary to wear during mourning in past centuries. It was considered an amulet gambling helped children with diphtheria.

List of all stones corresponding to the zodiac sign Cancer: agate, aventurine, adularia, aquamarine, amazonite, amethyst, belomorite, beryl, turquoise, jet, heliotrope, hematite, pearl, emerald, coral, cat eye, moonstones, morion, jade, obsidian, onyx, opal, rhodonite, ruby, rosterite, carnelian, hawk's eye, topaz, chrysoberyl, chrysolite, euclase.

Leo (23.07 - 22.08)

Leo is most suited to stones yellow color: amber, chrysolite, olivine, topaz.
Amber, which has been used as an ornament and an amulet since ancient times, was attributed miraculous properties cure skin diseases and rheumatism, protect from spells and anger.

The semi-precious yellowish-green chrysolite, set in gold, was believed to give the ability to foresee the future. Chrysolite rings were worn by astrologers and soothsayers.

Olivine, according to our ancestors, provided its owner with the sympathy of others and good luck in business.
Topaz was an amulet for people going to long way, was considered a good remedy for insomnia, asthma and gout.

List of all stones corresponding to the zodiac sign Leo: aventurine, beryl, bull's eye, heliodor, heliotrope, hyacinth, garnet, demantoid, emerald, golden quartz, flint, jade, onyx, olivine, rhodonite, ruby, sardonyx, carnelian, topaz, chrysoprase , chrysolite, crystal, zircon, citrine, amber, jasper.

Virgo (23.08 - 22.09)

For those born under the sign of Virgo, jade and carnelian bring happiness. For these talisman stones to possess great strength, they must be set in gold. In ancient times, jade was considered the stone of leaders, emperors, monarchs, and then acquired the symbolic name of the stone of life. In the Middle Ages, jade beads were worn by people suffering from migraine, kidney disease, visual impairment.

Carnelian - an opaque semi-precious stone of red, reddish-brown, greenish or white color - was the favorite stone of the Greek women. They believed that it gives shine and freshness to the skin. In the Middle Ages, carnelian jewelry was very popular, as people believed that it defeats black magic and helps keep secrets.

List of all stones corresponding to the Virgo zodiac sign: agate, diamond, beryl, turquoise, garnet, emerald, flint, coral, cat's eye, jade, onyx, opal, rhodonite, sapphire, selenite, carnelian, tiger's eye, chrysolite, chrysoprase, crystal , citrine, jasper.

Libra (23.09 - 22.10)

Libra astrologers have long recommended opal and lapis lazuli. Iridescent, with iridescent radiance, opal guarantees success in business for people with noble aspirations. The ancients believed that this stone would protect even from the plague.

From blue lapis lazuli gems were once made - oval plates with drawings engraved on them. Roman art lovers were proud of their collections of gems. This stone was also considered to have medicinal properties. Medieval doctors recommended wearing lapis lazuli necklaces to anemic, suffering skin diseases, epilepsy and rheumatism.

List of all stones corresponding to the sign of the zodiac Libra: agate, diamond, amethyst, beryl, turquoise, jet, demantoid, emerald, smoky and rose quartz, cacholong, coral, flint, lapis lazuli, malachite, morion, jade, opal, olivine, rhodonite, selenite, carnelian, hawk's eye, tourmaline, phenactite, fluorite, chrysolite, chrysoprase, chrysoberyl, crystal, zircon, citrine, jasper.

Scorpio (23.10 -21.11)

The main stones of Scorpio are aquamarine and carbuncle. As amulets, they are used in rings or bracelets made in the shape of a snake.

Aquamarine is a transparent greenish-blue stone. Lovers exchanged jewelry from it before a forced separation, because. he was considered an amulet of happy marital unions. The stone of the color of the sea was supposed to cure diseases of the throat and teeth.

Carbuncle is the old name for a deep red ruby. There were legends about his mysterious power. IN Ancient Rome The carbuncle was a talisman for pregnant women, as it was thought to ensure a happy birth. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that the carbuncle protected from injury, so warriors loved to wear it.

Another purpose of the carbuncle is to awaken friendly feelings in people, to drive away black thoughts.
Red pomegranate is also suitable for Scorpio.

List of all stones corresponding to the zodiac sign Scorpio: adularia, aquamarine, alexandrite, amazonite, amethyst, belomorite, beryl, turquoise, jet, hematite, garnet, smoky and dark opaque quartz, coral, cat's eye, malachite, morion, opal, ruby, sapphire, selenite, carnelian, serpentine, topaz, tourmaline, chrysoprase, jasper.

Sagittarius (22.11-21.12)

The main stone of Sagittarius is considered to be amethyst, otherwise the stone of love. They say that he is able to cause love for the giver, even if the one who received it as a gift is in love with another. "Amethyst - the stone of love - old love turns into indifference. Beware of his betrothed or married women…” These words were written by a Sumerian priest on a clay tablet three thousand years ago. As you can see, the personal problems that bothered people then are not much different from the problems of our day. Amethyst also brings good luck in games, protects against drunkenness.

Sagittarius, like Leo, is also very suitable for topaz and chrysolite.

List of all stones corresponding to the zodiac sign Sagittarius: amethyst, beryl, turquoise, hyacinth, garnet, demantoid, emerald, blue quartz, flint, coral, Labrador, lapis lazuli, jade, sapphire, sardonyx, selenite, carnelian, hawk's eye, obsidian, olivine , onyx, tiger's eye, topaz, chrysoprase, chrysolite, amber, jasper.

Capricorn (22.12 - 19.01)

For those born under the sign of Capricorn, happiness in love brings a ruby ​​- a red stone with a purple tint. “If you want to achieve reciprocity, give the one or the one to whom your heart is inclined, a flame-colored ruby ​​- and you will kindle love in him,” the ancient astrologer advised. Rings with rubies were worn by people who were afraid of poison. They believed that a ruby ​​immersed in a poisoned drink would change color.

Another Capricorn stone is a semi-precious stone of brown or even blackish color called onyx. The ancients highly valued it for its magical and healing properties.
People of this sign are also recommended an amulet with dark green malachite, which enhances the spiritual strength of a person.

List of all stones corresponding to the Capricorn zodiac sign: alexandrite, amethyst, beryl, turquoise, jet, garnet, cat's eye, flint, coral, malachite, morion, jade, obsidian, olivine, opal, onyx, ruby, selenite, carnelian, hawk's eye , tiger eye, tourmaline, chrysoprase, zircon, jasper.

Aquarius (20.01 - 19.02)

Those born under the sign of Aquarius should bring happiness to garnet and zircon. There are several varieties of semi-precious garnet - from dark red to yellowish. This stone is considered a symbol of love and friendship. It was customary to give rings with garnet as a proof of friendship, memory, and gratitude. Lovers exchanged this stone most willingly. Red stones were highly valued by the inhabitants of the East, who believed that pomegranate had healing properties.

Zircon is a rare transparent stone, which in the East was called younger brother diamond. It was believed that this stone improves mental abilities.

List of all stones corresponding to the Aquarius zodiac sign: agate, aquamarine, amethyst, beryl, turquoise, hyacinth, garnet, demantoid, pearl, emerald, rose quartz, flint, coral, lapis lazuli, jade, obsidian, opal, sapphire, sardonyx, carnelian, hawk's eye, fluorite, crystal, citrine, zircon, jasper.

Pisces (20.02 - 20.03)

Pisces astrologers recommend pearls. Pearl jewelry has been known since time immemorial. Rich Greek women willingly wore threads with pearls, which was supposed to give shine to the eyes and keep its owner from torment. unrequited love. In the Middle Ages, dresses embroidered with pearls served as a bride's wedding dress - it was believed that pearls strengthened family ties. In the era of romanticism, it was fashionable to give the object of love a ring with pearls. The inhabitants of the East also highly valued pearls. Indian merchants, for example, believed that a pearl ring protected them from thieves.

List of all stones corresponding to the zodiac sign Pisces: adularia, amazonite, amethyst, aquamarine, alexandrite, belomorite, beryl, turquoise, jet, demantoid, pearl, coral, lapis lazuli, morion, jade, olivine, opal, sapphire, selenite, carnelian, falcon eye, tiger eye, chrysolite, chrysoprase, euclase.