Being more expensive than gold is the main property of jadeite. Jadeite (stone): properties and description. Uses of jadeite stone

THE HISTORY OF JADE - THE JADIE TALISMAN Many guesses and conjectures go around about what kind of stone is actually inlaid into the frame of the Jade pendant, namely: jadeite or jade. After all, the nature of the origin of these stones is very similar. Jadeite is a silicate of sodium, aluminum and iron. Jade is a silicate of magnesium, calcium and iron. In ancient times, people did not distinguish between these two minerals and perceived them as the same stone. And until now, in many languages, jade and jadeite have the same name - jade. This is also where the name of the main character comes from - Zhadi. Let us remember the legend of the appearance of the Jadi pendant itself. Zhadi's mother, being pregnant, loved to relax in the shade of a large tree. One day a green reflection caught her attention. And as soon as Zhadi’s mother went to see what was shining so much there, she found a stone that attracted her curiosity - lightning struck the tree, burning it to the ground. So Zhadi’s mother and, accordingly, Zhadi herself miraculously survived thanks to the stone, which later became Zhadi’s talisman. Since ancient times, the extraction of jade has not been difficult - it is found and has been found not only in rocks, but also simply in placers. Jade is still often found along the banks of rivers and streams in the form of jade pebbles. And even on mountain spits, for example, in the taiga. River jade is often valued higher because it is already polished with water and can shine like a finished gem. As for jadeite, there are not so many of its deposits (no more than a dozen known throughout the world); Moreover, good quality raw materials (bright minerals) are mined only in Burma (Myanmar). But well-formed prismatic crystals can be found extremely rarely there, since jadeite is found in deposits where it occurs in the form of massive plates. Jade is a more than legendary stone. Like many others, initially it was a completely utilitarian material, but then, when people began to be interested in the beauty of the products, it gained even greater popularity. In China, jade was valued more than gold. In other countries they treated it more restrainedly, but still gladly used it to create both works of art and jewelry. When talking about the history of jade, it is necessary first of all to note its unique properties. It is not a very hard stone, but it has a fine-fiber structure, which makes its strength and toughness incredibly high. There is a legend that a block of jade was placed on an anvil and they wanted to split it by hitting it with a blacksmith's hammer. But the anvil itself cracked and fell into two parts. Unlike the same diamond or ruby ​​(materials that are incredibly hard, but fragile), it is impossible to split jade. During Neolithic times it was used to make primitive tools such as scrapers, axes, and knives. Similar tools are still found in many excavations at sites of primitive people. As for the use of jade for decorative purposes, its history also goes back many centuries. There are deposits of this stone on almost all continents, so many peoples used it, although it was more revered than others in China. According to one legend, in ancient China there lived an emperor known for his righteousness. The gods decided to encourage him by sending rain of unprecedented stone to the earth. When he touched the heavenly stone, he learned about all the amazing properties of this material - jade. Since then, the stone began to be valued in this country more than gold, since it personified everything good that you can imagine. It was one of the symbols of the emperor’s power, and some varieties, for example, milky white, “the color of mutton fat,” could only belong to him. There were many beliefs and traditions associated with jade. For example, special packages with stones were carried by the emperor's envoys as confirmation of their status. And in some periods, people turning directly to the emperor had to hold small plates of jade in front of their faces so that the breath of mere mortals would not offend the “son of heaven.” As for the use of jade for jewelry purposes, here the Chinese have reached the heights of skill. Anything was made from it, from massagers and healing plates of various sizes and shapes to real works of art. Vases, boxes and dishes were also found among other peoples, but the real miracle is Chinese jade carving. They learned to carve living, almost breathing, translucent sculptures from this stone, so delicate and weightless that it is difficult to imagine that they were once a piece of jade. The tradition of decorating funeral clothes and other attributes with this stone is interesting. It was believed to provide deceased people with the best place in the afterlife. Sometimes they even made a kind of armor from it, fastening jade plates with silver or gold wire. There are quite a few colors of jade. Translated from Greek, the name of this stone, jade, translates as “kidney” (meaning an organ of the body). The fact is that this mineral was often found in river beds. Rolled over the years, the pebbles became rounded, truly resembling this organ. Its outdated name is jade, which connects it with another stone - jadeite. They learned to distinguish between these two types of stone only in the nineteenth century. The most common type is green jade. It is this color that is most characteristic of it, and its shades can be different: from pale, yellow-green to dark marsh color. Malachite has a similar palette, but these stones are completely different in structure. Sometimes there are completely different variations. For example, white jade. It was valued in China more than gold, for a long time remaining one of the symbols of imperial power. Only members of the ruling family could have jewelry and products made from such jade. There may be another extreme - black jade. It was from this stone that the tombstone was made on the grave of the great Tamerlane. Rare blue and red jade are even more expensive and much rarer. The color of jade depends on the chemical composition. Magnesium, iron and manganese give it color, and depending on the ratio they determine the color. The price of jade depends not only on its color, but also on the pattern. The most expensive are stones of even color, without spots and transitions. There are two types of jade deposits. The first is traditional underground veins, the second is river placers, thanks to which it received its name. Of course, rivers carry only small stones, while very large formations are found underground. The heaviest single block of jade weighed 8 tons and was found about fifty years ago. The Chinese government spent a long time deciding what to make of this natural wonder, and, in the end, a Buddha statue about 6 meters high was carved out of it. The most highly valued jade is translucent jade, such that it can be seen through in thin sections. It is this combination of tenderness and incredible hardness even for a stone that has made jade one of the most valuable ornamental materials. It would be surprising if a stone like jade did not have magical properties in the eyes of people. For example, it is believed that he is able to help a person change his life for the better and begin the path to self-improvement. In addition, it gives good luck in business, so it is recommended to be worn by business people, in whose work much depends on a combination of circumstances. Also, he has always been considered the talisman of people of mental labor. It is believed that jade reacts not only to mood, but also to people’s actions. In dishonest and unkind, it can fade, become cloudy. For those who live the right life, it remains pure and translucent. In China, jade was considered the best remedy for treating almost all diseases - both physical and mental. It was applied, ground into powder and taken with food, carried with you. Traditional Chinese medicine actively uses the healing properties of jade. Jade is able to accumulate and retain heat well. If you hold it in your hands and then apply it to a sore spot, the stone will slowly release heat, relieving pain and inflammation. Jade is often used to treat diseases of the kidneys and the genitourinary system. To do this, you must carry it with you at all times. It can also be used to relieve attacks of cholecystitis and pancreatitis. Jade is considered an ornamental stone, so it is actively used to create a wide variety of products, from huge vases and bowls to small rings, earrings, and pendants. Many of them are unique and made by craftsmen in a single copy. But you can often find replicated products: glasses, glasses, tumblers. It is believed that water poured into them acquires special properties. Various tabletop figures and decorations (balls, pyramids), paperweights, tableware, watches and souvenirs are popular. Sometimes jade is used for finishing larger products: furniture, fireplaces, interior items. As for jade jewelry, they are also found, although not too often. Rings carved from solid stones, thin inserts into earrings, pendants and brooches look beautiful.

Tatiana Kulinich

Jadeite is a mineral partially related to jade, which is why they are often confused by people just starting to get involved in lithotherapy. Therefore, it is important to point out some key differences between these stones. First, this mineral typically has a richer, warmer green color than its close relative, jade. Secondly, these minerals have different structures: jadeite has a more shiny and granular surface, while jade is matte and, looking closely at the first stone, you can see the smallest fibers. Jadeite is a rather brittle mineral. It is not recommended to expose it to high temperatures; jadeite should also be protected from most detergents. Because of them, this mineral loses its rich hue.

General characteristics of jadeite

Some lithotherapists call this mineral the sister of jade, its female counterpart, and there is some truth in these words. Jadeite is saturated with the influences of the female elements of Water and Earth. It influences the emotional sphere of its owner, giving him harmony and prosperity. It is believed that this stone, like a sponge, is able to absorb the emotional message of its owner. This means that jadeite can be given a certain program, make a wish, and it will contribute in every possible way to its fulfillment. If jade is worn on a fine summer day when its owner is in a great mood or worn during some happy event (for example, a wedding), then it will capture this state. Jadeite is good to use to get rid of shyness, combat various complexes and insecurities. This mineral affects the subconscious, imperceptibly changing the character of its owner in the right direction. The main thing is to set a clear goal for him.

This stone is also closely related to nature. Therefore, lithotherapists recommend using it for those people whose profession or hobby is related to growing plants, landscape design, caring for animals, etc. Jadeite relieves seasonal depression in the gloomy autumn and winter. Helps to adapt to new nature and climate when moving or on vacation.

Like jade, jadeite is considered a talisman of excellent health, especially for women. It strengthens the immune system, helps get rid of chronic diseases, and inspires a healthy lifestyle. Jadeite is perfect as a talisman for doctors, trainers, and specialists in both traditional and alternative medicine.

Magical properties of jadeite

  • Develops practical ingenuity, a sense of money and profitable projects. Helps its owner to make the most of the available opportunities. One of the stones that lithotherapists advise beginning businessmen to purchase.
  • Establishes better contact with your roots in every sense of the word. Reconciles with parents, increases interest in studying the family tree, awakens love for the homeland. An excellent stone for those who want to have a large family. Jadeite promotes peace and understanding between different generations.
  • Relieves stiffness, tightness, gives naturalness. Lithotherapists advise wearing this stone more often for those who tend to constantly keep their feelings under control, suppress them, which sooner or later leads to a nervous breakdown.
  • Contributes to the successful resolution of confusing situations. Suggests the right decision, strengthens the voice of the heart. With it, a person begins to realize and follow his true desires, and not the attitudes that are imposed on him by others.
  • Esotericists claim that this is one of the stones that can deeply cleanse the energy of the person wearing it. Jadeite is recommended to be worn by those people who are often forced to visit energetically “polluted” places: city centers, hospitals, cemeteries, etc.

Healing properties of jadeite

  • It has a beneficial effect on all organs and systems of the human body, strengthening its strength.
  • This stone can be used to treat your beloved pets. In this case, it is recommended to place jadeite next to the place where the pet sleeps.
  • Cures various kidney diseases.
  • Helps cope with female diseases, accelerates the onset of desired pregnancy.

Jadeite stone for relationships

As mentioned above, jadeite helps to establish good relations between generations. Therefore, this mineral is indispensable for couples who are forced to live with their parents. Jadeite prevents conflicts between family members, teaches tact and patience. If your relationship with your husband’s or wife’s parents leaves much to be desired, lithotherapists recommend giving them a gift from this stone. After some time, peace will definitely be established between you.

Jadeite will also help in the case when one of the partners is inclined to manipulate the other, turning to health topics, for example, referring to a headache in order to avoid intimacy. This mineral returns healthy sexual desire to a couple, inspires a woman to become more seductive for her man, and the stronger sex begins to feel more masculine. If you have complexes about your appearance, you are embarrassed about your body in front of your partner, this mineral will help solve such problems. Jadeite is a good amulet for love and family in general; it protects against attempts by others to get into the relationship between two people, prevents various manipulations by ill-wishers, and attempts to take away a loved one.

Tatyana Kulinich for All rights reserved. Reprinting of the article is permitted only with the permission of the site administration and indicating the author and an active link to the site

Ancient excavations in different countries indicate that the gem was widely used by people thousands of years ago. Moreover, the main purpose of the rare mineral was considered to be a protective effect, protection from dark forces, imparting joy and confidence in the future.

Jadeite is not just a magical amulet, but a natural source of miraculous power.

History and origin

It is historically known that the gem, which looks like jade, became popular more than 40 centuries ago. The name jadeite comes from the word "jad", which means "lumbar stone". This definition was assigned to the mineral by the Spaniards, who used the amulet to heal kidney disease.

In ancient China, the green gem was widely known as a healing stone, with the help of which healers relieved many diseases. Jewelry with stones was popular at court and among the Chinese nobility.

The outfits of the emperor and his entourage were generously embroidered with jadeite. Buddha figurines were carved from a viscous mineral; unique examples have survived to this day and have historical value.

For many peoples, jadeite stone is a sacred artifact that was used for religious sacraments. The Aztecs, worshiping the Sun God, used the power of emerald-colored crystals. Idol figures and amulets were carved from jade. Today, many temples in Mexico preserve carved decorations from the mineral.

The French geologist A. Demur, in his research conducted in 1863, divided the green mineral ore called “jade” into two subspecies, which are now called jadeite.

Place of Birth

The rock-forming mineral also occurs as a monomineral rock. Formations of jadeite crystals are much less common. Natural stone from the pyroxene group has several primary locations. There are just over ten known deposits located around the world.

The most ancient jadeite products were discovered in China, Mexico and Burma. Indonesia, Japan and America also have reserves of the rare mineral. On the territory of Russia, the stone is found in Primorye, in the south of the Krasnodar Territory. There is a deposit of jadeite in the treasury of the Urals.

Physical properties

The mineral has a viscous structure, therefore it is popular as an ornamental material. Judging by the high physical characteristics of the gem, it is also used in jewelry. If the stone looks transparent, with a glassy shine, it means it is used for making jewelry.

FormulaNaAlSi2O6 or Na2O Al2O3 4SiO2
Hardness6,5 - 7
Density3.25 - 3.36 g/cm³
Refractive index1,654 - 1,667
KinkSplintered, viscous.
singoniaMonoclinic (planar).
TransparencyTranslucent or opaque.
ColorGreen, rare black, white, grayish-green.

Medicinal properties

In modern life, supporters of unconventional methods of treating diseases are increasingly found. In addition to drug treatment, there are many ancient methods. They make a choice according to personal preferences, some are cured with herbs, and others with the help of lithotherapy.

Eastern healers and healers from other countries, using ancient knowledge, use jadeite to relieve many diseases. The healing power of the stone helps solve the following problems in the body:

  • disorders in the genitourinary system. Helps treat kidney and bladder diseases;
  • relieves infertility. An amulet on a pregnant woman helps to bear a child and have a favorable birth;
  • relieves impotence;
  • normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system. Stabilizes heart function, relieves hypertension;
  • helps strengthen the immune system. Increases the body's resistance to infections, accelerates recovery and restoration of the body;
  • relieves irritation and has a calming effect after stress. It has a beneficial effect on sleep, so it is recommended to keep the amulet at the head of the bed or under the pillow;
  • Preferably used for preventive purposes. The mineral protects against infection with seasonal viral diseases;
  • the healing properties of the crystal help strengthen the nervous system;
  • the mineral has a healing effect in psychological and mental disorders. It has a beneficial effect on mood, gives a positive energy charge, relieves apathy and depression.

In Eastern practices, the gem is used to improve the circulation of energy flows. It is known that jewelry with stones not only helps to cleanse energy, but also provides a healing effect for the whole body. Jadeite is useful for cleansing the biofield, therefore it is useful for meditation.

Important! To achieve a positive result, systematic use of the gem is recommended.

Magic properties

The compatibility of the mineral with the owner of the artifact at the energy level helps to increase the strength of the effect several times. The amulet, which has a huge supply of energy, continuously influences the life of the owner of the stone.

The owner of the magical talisman miraculously manages to avoid troubles, smooth out " sharp corners" The energy of the mineral helps resolve conflicts at work, in the family, and avoid aggressive people on the street. Jadeite is an invaluable assistant in bringing happiness, joy and harmony into everyday life.

Green crystal is recommended for use by those who suffer from psychological complexes; it helps increase self-esteem. Strengthening self-confidence, the amulet helps the owner of the gem to broaden his horizons, awaken optimism, and revive the desire to make plans for a happy future.

A positive-minded person assesses the situation more objectively and chooses the most rational ways to solve life's issues.

The magic stone jadeite gives a positive charge, therefore it is completely useless in “black” rituals. For many peoples, the mineral is sacred, promoting the performance of virtuous, merciful deeds. It is not for nothing that the gem is kept with oneself during meditation. The crystal helps in spiritual development, puts good, sublime thoughts into your head.

A jadeite amulet helps to improve relationships after a breakup and helps restore fading feelings. A family talisman in the form of a figurine will protect the hearth from everyday troubles.

It prevents misunderstandings and discord from arising in marital relationships and protects against negative influence on the couple of “third parties”. Helps lovers get rid of jealousy and mistrust, maintain a tender feeling long years.

Family cohesion is of considerable importance to a person. Quite often, newlyweds and parents cannot get along under the roof of one home. A magical artifact unites several generations and has a calming effect on all family members.

The amulet helps to pacify the rebellious spirit that awakens in children during adolescence. The mineral helps to find a common language between fathers and children and helps adults find suitable educational methods.

Important! Jadeite helps to distinguish truth from lies, helps to expose a conspiracy, and bring the deceiver to the surface.

Jewelry with mineral

Gemstone jewelry is at the peak of popularity today. Many fashionistas have changed their image, preferring romantic necklaces or cabochons in ethnic style. Everyone wants to buy a green crystal as a talisman or make precious jewelry with their own hands. Since jadeite is combined with different metals, anyone can create jewelry on their own.

  • a tumbling jadeite from South Africa, size 1.5x2 cm, costs $1;
  • a fragment of a mineral from southern Africa, 2x3 cm in size, costs $1.2$;
  • a translucent crystal from Italy, size 3.2x1.6x0.2, costs $30;
  • a cabochon from deposits located in Russia costs $35;
  • a polished jadeite section brought from Khakassia, measuring 11.6×5.4×2, costs $52;
  • a ball made of Khakass jadeite, the diameter of which is 5.6 cm, costs $67;
  • a cabochon made of Yakut mineral costs $160;
  • a luxurious bracelet made of solid stone brought from Khakassia costs $730.

Judging by the proposed list, the market price of a gem depends on the deposit, type, color and size of the stone.


Gems come in different shades and are distinguished by their transparency and brilliance. Precious jewelry is made from high-grade gemstones, samples of which are found in Burma. In nature, there are three types of jewelry jadeite:

  • Imperial;
  • Utility.

Each of the varieties is interesting in its own way, but they have a big difference in cost. For example, specimens belonging to the “imperial” class are transparent and have a bright green tint. This stone is similar to emerald in color and price.

“Commercial” samples are not transparent and have a coarser grain size. The shade of the mineral ranges from pale green to . This type contains a small amount of transparent veins and spots.

Utility jadeite is not transparent, has an uneven color and a shiny surface. The gemstone is characterized by shades of gray, blue and green.

Chloromelanite is a type of rock that is dark green in color and has black inclusions. Albite jadeite is a bright green mineral with dark, almost black spots.

How to distinguish natural stone from fake?

Before buying a natural stone, sometimes you have to deal with some doubts regarding the originality of the product. In order not to be disappointed in the purchased jewelry, step-by-step instructions are offered on how to distinguish a real thing from a fake.

  • Find out more information about jadeite, study its appearance, manufacturers. Deposits of expensive samples are located in Burma.
  • Familiarize yourself with the types of synthetic imitations. Serpentine, aventurine quartz or sometimes passed off as jadeite.
  • View in bright light or with a magnifying device. Graininess, inclusions, and fibrous weaves indicate that the stone is of natural origin.
  • A high-density gem is somewhat heavier than it looks. By tapping the fragments against each other, you can determine the deep, resonant sound of natural stone.
  • The natural crystal, remaining in the palm, remains cold, creating a feeling of soft and slightly soapy material.

Important! Jadeite is a hard mineral that can leave a mark on a metal surface.

Caring for stone products

  • Storage conditions. It is better to store jadeite in special cases, cases or boxes. The stone is quite hard, which is why other gems are scratched.
  • Protect from sunlight, as minerals lose color when exposed to sunlight.
  • Avoid contact with chemical components. Aggressive components of detergents destroy the structure of the stone. It is recommended to wash jewelry with soap and running water.
  • Store away from heating devices, do not keep for a long time in a room with high humidity, which negatively affects the properties of the stone.

If the amulet is handled correctly, the positive energy charge will remain for a long time.

Compatible with names and signs

The astrological properties of the gem are replenished with cosmic energy sent from Venus, Saturn and the Moon. Every zodiac sign under the protection of the Earth element counts on the help of an amulet with jadeite.

(“++” - the stone fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is strictly contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+
  • Taurus, being under the tutelage of the mineral, receives support in love relationships, harmony among friends and co-workers, prosperity and health.
  • For Virgos, the energy of a magical artifact helps them feel “at ease” wherever they find themselves, in any company.
  • Capricorns, receiving a positive charge from the vibrations of the stone, are able to accomplish things, create and create.

Names with which jadeite is compatible:

  • With the help of the mineral, Anatoly gains courage, encouraging him to solve important problems.
  • The talisman helps Vadim fulfill difficult obligations.
  • Daria, who is building a sports career, receives many victories.
  • Diana receives the shortest path to spiritual enlightenment.
  • Zoya discovers the ability of clairvoyance.
  • Eleanor receives energy that develops creative activity.

Important! A special feature of the properties of jadeite is the ability to awaken empathy and a sense of compassion. Representatives of “water” signs are overly emotional, so using the mineral is not recommended.

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There are a huge number of different minerals in the world, and jadeite ranks quite high on this list. important place. They began to mine it long before our era; people initially made labor and hunting tools from it; later, the beauty and fragility of the stone contributed to the creation of jewelry from it. A special attitude towards jadeite has been preserved in China, where it is considered a truly sacred stone; a large statue of Buddha is made from it, which already indicates the special significance of the mineral for this people. .

The mineral jadeite is believed to impart good health and longevity.

If we talk about its qualities and properties, then it is worth knowing that:

  1. This type of mineral belongs to the class of silicates. It is a complex compound of aluminum and sodium.
  2. The mineral is very similar to jade, so until recently they were united under one common name - jade. But there are still differences between them, and significant ones. Jadeite is a rarer and therefore more valuable mineral, and it is also much harder and stronger than jade.
  3. The most valuable and expensive type of this stone is imperial jadeite. It has a rich emerald tone, sometimes lighter shades are found, but its density of color, a certain shine and even mother-of-pearl remain characteristic. This type can be transparent or translucent.
  4. This rock is formed under the influence of low temperatures and high pressure in the bowels of our planet. This species belongs to the igneous and metamorphic groups. In other words, there is a variety that includes not only 2 main components (sodium and aluminum), but also other impurities of minerals and gases that accumulate in certain layers of the soil. Often these impurities can be present in large quantities and even replace either aluminum or sodium. For example, sodium can be replaced by manganese and calcium. Iron, chromium and magnesium can be found instead of aluminum. The main component plays an important role and determines the type of mineral and, accordingly, its value.

Physical properties of the stone

So, jadeite stone is a dense granular rock, which typically contains small amounts of impurities. Its density is quite high, within 6.5-7 units on the Mohs scale. The shiny surface refers to glass, the density is in the range of 3-3.5 g/cm³, its structure can range from transparent to a dense background without translucency. In nature, the mineral is mainly found, the color palette of which varies from light green to dark emerald.

The color is directly influenced by the chemical properties of jadeite; the green color is provided by the presence of chromium, but lighter and more diluted tones are obtained due to the admixture of iron.

Properties of jadeite stone (video)

Mineral location

This species can safely be called rare. Its largest production sites today are in Myanmar, China, Kazakhstan, Japan, USA, Mexico and Russia.

In Russia, the richest place for the extraction of this precious stone is the Polar Urals, as well as the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Each location can produce different kinds mineral, but, as a rule, according to certain geological features of the area, the rock of this mineral will have a certain appearance and belong to a specific group. It is probably impossible to say that a more valuable and pure stone is mined in one place or another, since each of them has its own characteristics and properties, which are valued primarily by jewelers.

The mineral jadeite is believed to impart good health and longevity.

The main properties of jadeite

The main properties of jadeite are its density and viscosity, which is very important when finishing and processing stone. First of all, it is worth considering its main application in jewelry. Due to the unusual and bright color of this mineral, its diversity and good physical characteristics, it is used to make various types of jewelry. These can be bracelets, necklaces, beads, rings, earrings and even watches. These green stones are used to skillfully decorate products of extraordinary beauty that are in great demand. For example, in China, representatives of the upper class are required to wear jadeite jewelry on their bodies; rosaries and various figurines are made from it. Every home in the Land of the Rising Sun has miniature Buddha figurines made from this stone.

Gallery: jadeite stone (30 photos)

If you look at the use of minerals in jewelry from a professional point of view, it is useful to know that the most expensive and valuable is the transparent mineral. Jewelers have a specific table and requirements for the density, transparency, brilliance and shades of this stone.

There are 3 main, most popular types of this stone:

  1. Imperial, exclusively a jewelry stone. It is distinguished by its rich emerald color. The most common is a transparent or translucent specimen.
  2. Utility. This is an ornamental stone, transparency is either absent or very low. The color is most often grayish green or dark green.
  3. Cummercial. They can be used both for high-value crafts and for making jewelry. Its color palette ranges from dark gray to rich green.

The value of this material was discovered in ancient times. The Aztec tribes were the first to value it on a par with gold, exchanging it with the conquistadors.

The main properties of jadeite are its density and viscosity, which is very important when finishing and processing stone

Medicinal properties

It is impossible not to note the healing properties of the stone, since its name carries precisely this information. Falling from Central America into the hands of the Spaniards, it acquired its modern name. Literally translated from Spanish, it means “lumbar stone”, “colic stone”, “pain reliever”. Since ancient times, this stone has had a reputation for healing kidney diseases. Since renal colic is localized specifically in the lumbar region, hence the consonant names. It has been noted that wearing jade products has a great influence on kidney health.

  1. Blood pressure disorders.
  2. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Problems with the spine, salt deposits and arthritis.
  4. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Headaches and insomnia.

For various diseases, it is recommended to wear certain types of jewelry. For example, in order to get rid of a headache, it is best to wear earrings; for men, an amulet or a talisman around the neck is suitable. To restore the functioning of blood vessels, it is best to wear a bracelet on your wrist.

The mysterious properties of jade stone

It is believed that there are magical properties of jadeite stone. In ancient times, it was believed that with its help you can influence the weather.

Today, this magical gem is used in eastern types of alternative therapy, namely stone therapy. Massages are performed with smooth, polished and heated stones, believing that they are able to cleanse the body of negative energy and various diseases. The stone is quite resistant to temperature changes, and therefore it is ideal for such procedures. Jadeite saunas are incredibly popular today.. In Eastern culture, it symbolizes longevity and eternal youth.

But the ancient magicians attributed to him the ability to unite the hearts of lovers; 2 identical amulets were made for the newlyweds, which they wore on the day of their engagement. In addition, talismans with jadeite were worn to protect against evil energy and enemies. Merchants asked craftsmen to create bracelets with this stone, believing that it would increase profits and attract good luck.

Astrologers advise purchasing it, since according to the horoscope it suits almost all zodiac signs, but carries its own message for each. It is worth knowing who this product is suitable for and who should avoid contact with it. So, It will have the most favorable effect on such signs:

  1. Virgo. Promotes the acquisition of inner strength and peace. Develops intuition and improves relationships with loved ones.
  2. Scales. It will help overcome indecision and strengthen willpower.
  3. A lion. For this sign, the stone carries the greatest positive energy, promoting good luck and the accumulation of internal strength.
  4. Fish- get rid of apathy and gain the ability to enjoy life for real.

For other signs, the mineral carries more neutral information.

stone care

Like any gemstone, jade requires proper care and storage. They take care of him in the same way as for jade. It is worth saying that no stone should be worn on the body for too long, as it has the ability to accumulate negative energy.

To cleanse a mineral, it is enough to remove it from yourself and place it under running water or, if the type of stone allows, immerse it in a container with salt for a certain time.

Basic care rules:

  1. Do not expose to mechanical stress.
  2. Avoid sudden changes in temperature. True, this does not apply to all varieties of jadeite.
  3. Do not use chemicals when cleaning.

How to determine the authenticity of a jadeite stone (video)

To clean the product from dirt and dust, wash it in soapy water, then rinse it under running water, and then wipe it dry with a soft cloth.

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The semi-precious stone jadeite is a predominantly green mineral, superior in hardness to granite - due to the similarity of color, it is often confused with. Until the 18th century, both of these stones were called jadeites, until mineralogists established the difference in their chemical composition.

In the commercial assortment, jades and jadeites to this day are often referred to under the general name “jad.” However, jadeite, which is a rarer, harder and more durable mineral, is valued significantly higher (mostly this applies to “imperial”, a rare variety of the mineral).

History of the origin of the stone

Jadeite has been known to mankind since time immemorial. During the Neolithic period, the mineral was used by primitive people to make stone tools and weapons for hunting.

Five thousand years ago in China, jadeite was available only to members of the imperial family, who had dishes and slept on pillows made of this beautiful stone.

Jadeite, crushed into powder, was actively used in Chinese medicine to treat heartburn, diabetes and asthma.

The Aztecs and Mayans began mining jadeite, which was considered a sacred stone and was used to make necklaces, carved figurines of gods and cult amulets, already two thousand years BC. In the culture of these peoples, the mineral was valued more than gold.

One of the most revered shrines in Thailand is considered a half-meter statue of Buddha, made in the 15th century from an unusually beautiful translucent jadeite with an emerald hue.

In the Middle Ages - after some depreciation - the mineral became available to wealthy Chinese. Wanting to ensure eternal life for a deceased relative, they placed a cicada (considered a symbol of resurrection and immortality) skillfully carved from orange jadeite into the deceased’s mouth.

In the Chinese temple of Vothosa there is an almost two-meter statue of a seated Buddha, a century ago carved from a huge block of white jadeite brought from Burma.

The popularizer of jadeite in Russia (in the 19th century) was C. Faberge, who created unique items from it for the royal court.

A necklace made of jadeite magatas (ancient amulets shaped like a fang or claw of a wild animal) is to this day one of the three mandatory attributes of power of the Japanese emperor.

Physical properties

Jadeite, which forms in rocks at relatively low temperatures and under very high pressure, is a chain-linked sodium aluminosilicate.


  1. Chemical formula – NaAlSi2O6.
  2. The specific gravity of the mineral is 3.3 g/cm3.
  3. It has neither luminescence, nor dispersion, nor pleochroism.
  4. In nature, it occurs in the form of dense felt-like aggregates with a fine-grained structure. A fresh fracture of jadeite resembles sugar, sparkling with facets of countless and very small crystals. It is the fine-grained structure, clearly visible to the naked eye, that is the main feature that makes it possible to distinguish jadeite from jade, which has a fibrous-tangled structure.
  5. The hardness on the Mohs scale is 7, so the stone is very difficult to polish.
  6. Soluble in any acids.
  7. In the flame of a blowpipe, a small piece of mineral melts easily, forming a ball.
  8. The exceptional viscosity of the stone makes it suitable for the finest carvings.

Place of Birth

Large deposits are located in:

  • Chinese province of Henan;
  • states of Jammu and Kashmir (India);
  • the American states of Nevada, Wyoming and California;
  • the Guatemalan department of El Progreso (there are stones of a very rare blue variety);
  • Mexico;
  • Japan;
  • Kazakhstan (Itmurundy field).
  • In Russia, a jewelry and ornamental mineral is mined at the deposits of the Polar Urals (Left Kechpel, Karovoe, Pusierka).

The best examples of jadeite jewelry come from Myanmar (formerly Burma). Mining has been going on in Kachin State since the 13th century. Only here you can find precious stones of the "imperial" variety, which have extraordinary beauty and the highest quality.


Jadeite - contrary to popular belief, it can be painted not only in different shades of green. In nature, there are stones of white, pink, red, purple and blue colors. It has been established that the gem acquires red or yellowish shades as a result of prolonged weathering.

According to the requirements of the trade classification, jadeites are usually divided into groups:


The best jewelry varieties are "imperial": pure translucent stones, painted in emerald green. The cost of such stones, sometimes cut, can exceed the cost of emeralds.


Natural utility grade jadeite is opaque and most often colored bright green, although in nature there are stones with a white matte color and a cloudy pattern. Black shiny minerals are quite rare. The color of these ornamental stones is characterized by heterogeneity.


Also lacking transparency, they are characterized by the presence of small spots and transparent veins. Painted green or gray-green, they are most often used as a decorative material, and only a few examples are suitable for making jewelry.


Dark green jadeites strewn with black spots are called chloromelanites. They owe their dark color to impurities of sodium silicate, iron and aluminum.

Stones of a dense green color with dark inclusions are called jade-albites or albite jadeites.

Magic properties

The magical properties of jadeite can resist the effects of any type of negative energy. The stone can protect its owner from envious people and ill-wishers, protect against street thefts, and ward off major troubles.

Ancient people endowed the stone with the ability to change the weather, so with its help, sorcerers and shamans performed a ritual to help stop a heavy downpour or cause rain in the midst of a drought.

The mineral, which facilitates the search for a life partner, helps not only to create a strong family, but also to prevent the occurrence of conflicts, scandals and the likelihood of adultery. That is why it is often called the “peacemaker stone.”

It is necessary to wear it constantly for people suffering from mental disorders: its effect will help to relax, soften anger, and reduce nervousness.

For people with low self-esteem, the mineral will help them gain confidence in their own abilities and make the right and mature decision.

Having succumbed to the positive influence of the stone, its owner loses the ability to commit illegal and immoral actions.

Medicinal properties

The fact that the mineral has medicinal properties is indicated by its name, which translated from Spanish means “kidney stone.”

There are two versions explaining the etymology of the name:

  1. The Europeans, who christened the gem jadeite, believed that it was capable of healing a patient suffering from renal colic.
  2. They are often kidney shaped.

Lithotherapists claim that the mineral heals a person’s bioenergy, thereby improving his condition.

If you have health problems, jewelry with jadeite should be worn constantly:

  1. The owner of a jadeite bracelet will gain vigor and can hope for normalization of heart rate. There is an opinion that with the help of a bracelet you can get rid of any ailments, especially psychological disorders.
  2. A ring with jadeite, constantly worn on the index finger of the left hand, can relieve tension from the eyes and relieve myopia.

Jadeite necklaces and bracelets help heal patients suffering from:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • stomach colic;
  • surges in blood pressure;
  • salt deposits;
  • intestinal diseases.

Also used in the treatment of:

  • male impotence;
  • female infertility and frigidity;
  • diseases of the reproductive organs;
  • colds;
  • sleep disorders

Green stones help to calm down and relieve tension. Red colored specimens, endowed with the ability to improve blood clotting, contribute to the rapid healing of wounds. White jadeites eliminate weather sensitivity and activate the immune system.

Jadeite can be used to treat pets, you just need to put it next to the place intended for their rest.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

Jadeite, ruled by Saturn, Venus and the Moon, is ideal for those born under the sign Libra. With its help, they will be able to build reliable family relationships.

His zodiac sign enjoys no less patronage Virgo. The support of the stone will make Virgos more confident in their abilities.

People can count on powerful energy support from jadeite Lions.

For a person born under the sign of Capricorn, Cancer or Sagittarius, possessing jadeite can bring nothing but misfortune. Under the influence of the stone, he can become lazy, callous and mentally unbalanced.

Jadeite harmonizes well with representatives of all remaining zodiac constellations, enhancing their positive qualities.

Talismans and amulets

For a long time, jadeite has been credited with a close connection with the weather and natural phenomena. It is believed that a jadeite amulet can protect its owner from the elements: fire, lightning, storms and hurricanes.

A jadeite talisman will help a businessman make a successful and profitable deal, all he has to do is hold it in his fist while concluding it.

Possession of a jadeite amulet, which gives a person prudence, helps him avoid mistakes and unjustified actions.

The owner of the stone gains the ability not to get involved in conflicts, which helps him establish relationships with work colleagues or family members.

Jadeite is a stone that improves the microclimate of family relationships. It eliminates unreasonable jealousy, forcing you to trust your partner, helps you find a common language with children and facilitates the process of raising them, promptly telling you what they should be protected from and what they should be helped with.


To make jewelry - rings, pendants, brooches, beads and bracelets - different types of jadeite are used (most often belonging to the imperial, commercial and utility grades).

A gold frame activates the hidden energy of the stone, while a silver frame helps the mineral have a calming effect.

When creating jewelry with jadeite, the jeweler most often gives the stones a cabochon appearance.

Other uses of stone

For a long time, jadeite was used exclusively as an ornamental stone.

In addition to jewelry, it was used to make candlesticks, goblets, boxes, vases and writing utensils.

Crushed jadeite, which has a lower quality but is more blocky, is an ideal stone for arranging a bathhouse. This is facilitated by its unique characteristics: high density, optimal heat capacity, the ability to withstand heating up to 1000 degrees without collapsing or deforming during sudden temperature changes, including sudden cooling.

For the bath

“Bath” jadeite is used:

  1. When building stoves for saunas and Russian baths.
  2. As a stone backfill for a sauna stove. Chemically inert jadeite, which does not react with water even at very high temperatures, promotes the formation of steam, which has a healing effect on all organs (especially respiratory) and tissues of the human body. It disinfects the air in the steam room, normalizes blood pressure and improves the condition of people suffering from spinal diseases.

Jadeites are occasionally used in the production of cutting blades for glass cutters.

The polished mineral is actively used in stone therapy: with its help, massage parlors perform unique facial and body massages.

In ancient times, incredibly durable and heat-resistant jadeite was used to decorate walls in steamy rooms. Nowadays it is used for interior decoration and in construction.


The price of jadeite products depends on the quality of the stones used.

When evaluating a stone, take into account:

  • its transparency;
  • color intensity;
  • grain;
  • presence of inclusions.

The cheapest (from 2 to 3 dollars per kg of crushed mineral) are utility stones. Jadeites of the "imperial" variety are valued above all. The cost of the most precious samples can reach 50 thousand dollars per gram.

You can buy stones and jewelry from them in specialized salons, at exhibitions and sales of gems and in online stores.


Since, due to improper care and careless cleaning, jadeite may eventually lose its natural beauty and unique properties, it should be treated very carefully.

The rules of care are extremely simple:

  1. To store jadeite jewelry, you need a separate case with upholstered walls.
  2. Jadeite products should be protected from dust, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight and mechanical damage.
  3. It is unacceptable to store the stone in a room with high humidity.
  4. During cleaning, jadeite jewelry should be removed.
  5. Jade jewelry should be cleaned at least twice a year. To do this, it is enough to wash them thoroughly with warm soapy water using a piece of soft sponge. The washed jewelry should be blotted with a soft cloth and dry well. The use of chemicals is strictly prohibited.

How to distinguish from a fake?

The microstructure of natural polished stone is not smooth, but reminiscent of a porous orange peel.

When buying expensive stones, you can resort to using a refractometer. The refractive index of natural jadeite is 1.65-1.66 units.

In 2016, a huge (weighing about 175 tons) jadeite monolith was found in one of the Burmese mines. The approximate cost of the stone is at least 170 million US dollars.

The world's largest faceted imperial jadeite was presented in 1980 at an emporium (exhibition and sale) of precious stones held in the capital of Burma, Rangoon. The cost of translucent emerald green jadeite weighing 750 carats was about 2 million US dollars.