Why does a dog's mouth stink? What to do if your dog's mouth smells bad

Quite often you can find complaints from dog owners about a peculiar unpleasant smell from the animal's mouth. Some owners do not pay much attention to this, since such a deficiency can be easily explained by the lack of proper oral hygiene. Naturally, such statements are not unfounded, because the dog is not familiar with hygiene items, which is why a fetid aroma comes from the mouth. What are the causes of a strong bad smell from the mouth of a dog and how to deal with it? Read further in the article.

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Causes of an unpleasant odor

Rotten breath in a dog can appear in a dog of any age, even. This disease is called halitosis. There are not so many reasons for the occurrence of a bad aroma from the mouth.

In young dogs

  1. For example, it can be the replacement of teeth in puppies. In a baby of a small breed, it happens that there are milk teeth that sit quite firmly in the mouth. They are difficult to loosen and cannot fall out without the influence of external factors. When the integrity of the gums is broken in such a place in the puppy's mouth, food and various kinds of infections get into the wound, inflammation occurs and bad microflora multiplies. This is the reason for the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the puppy's mouth.
  2. A dog’s breath can also smell bad because food remains or objects that the dog gnawed got into the gap between the teeth. Carried away during the gameplay, a small dog can chew toys, sticks and other things into pieces. Chips from them clog the gaps between the teeth, which also provokes an inflammatory process.

Why does adult dog breath smell bad?

  1. Tartar is one of the most common causes of bad breath. Despite the fact that this sign does not threaten the health of the dog, plaque on the teeth is not as harmless as it might seem. General intoxication, enamel destruction and foci of infection can greatly affect the well-being and even spoil the comfortable life of your pet.

  2. Gingivitis (inflammation of the gum tissue) is another possible cause of odor. In this case, the gums swell and redden, may bleed.
  3. If you notice that a dog has an unpleasant smell of acetone from his mouth, this may be a clear sign of an imbalance in the metabolism of carbohydrates in an animal. This is how diabetes manifests itself.
  4. Ammonia aroma can signal a disease of the urinary system.
  5. A sharp rotten smell can be a signal of severe liver damage with the development of necrosis.
  6. Another cause of unpleasant odors is helminthic invasion. Ascaris eggs are the cause of infection of the animal's body. However, more dangerous neighbors are also possible, such as tapeworms or tapeworms.
  7. A putrid smell can also appear when a malignant tumor growing in the dog's mouth is destroyed.
  8. A specific rotten smell can also be when the dog gets too much protein with food.
  9. Finally, dysbacteriosis due to a change in food or water can be the cause of the aroma.

Ways to eliminate odor

So, we figured out why the dog smells from the mouth. Now it’s worth understanding what to do in order to get rid of the stench. At home, you can get rid of a bad smell only on the condition that you do not harm the dog.

  1. With the formation of tartar in the pet's mouth, you can give him soft vegetables or vein bones. Such training for the pet's teeth will help get rid of the deposits formed at an early stage of the process. So you can remove even soft growths.
  2. An old folk recipe with which you can get rid of stones in the teeth of a dog is tomato juice. Just add a small amount of juice spoons to your pet's food and after a few weeks the plaque can be removed with a gauze swab.
  3. Toothbrushes and toothpaste are now a common accessory for caring for the teeth of animals. Minimal effort is required to get rid of the unpleasant odor in the animal's mouth.
  4. In the presence of an ammonia smell or the aroma of acetone, it is imperative to show your pet to the veterinarian and undergo a comprehensive examination.

Video "Brushing your teeth"

How to properly brush your dog's teeth at home, you can see in the next video.

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Many dog ​​owners complain that their dog's mouth (ie, mouth) smells bad. Why might this problem occur? It would seem that the food is of good quality, and there seem to be no problems with digestion.

Why else might this be a problem? Why does the morning licking of the owner turn into torture?

The most common cause of bad breath in people is digestive problems. Dogs don't always. In them, the cause of this problem is diseases of the oral cavity. One of the most common among them is the presence of tartar, paradentitis and / or gingivitis. One disease provokes another, so they are interconnected.


This problem can have a number of reasons:

  1. If the dog just ate the fish. He can’t brush his teeth like a human, and a fishy aroma comes from him for a long time.
  2. Such a "flavor" can signal gum or tooth disease. For example, in the main part of fighting dogs, the jaw is slightly or severely deformed. In this case, food can get stuck in small crevices. .
  3. If it stinks from the mouth of a fish, but the animal did not eat it, this may be a consequence blockage of the anal glands. Bacteria are formed from it, and when the dog licks its “fifth point”, they fall into the mouth. As a result, an unpleasant amber appears.
  4. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic disorders can also appear as a fishy "flavor" from the jaws of the animal.

If any, especially 3 and 4 signs are observed, then you must definitely show the dog to the veterinarian.

Rotten and rotten



If a dog smells like urine from its mouth, then urgently need to see the veterinarians. Because, most likely, the smell of ammonia is associated with kidney problems. But there can also be problems with the liver: one of the most serious consequences is Cushing's syndrome.

How are kidney or liver problems and bad breath related? Slowing down the excretion of metabolic products from the body leads to the formation, even increased release of ammonia by the tissues.


In any case, this is not a normal smell for an animal. Blood smells like iron. The cause of the smell can be wounds in the oral cavity, in particular - in the larynx.

It may also be in the following cases:

  1. Maybe in puppies, teeth are hard to change and blood is coming out, hence the smell.
  2. If all the teeth are in place or the dog is an adult and does not need a change of teeth, then the first thing the owner needs to do is to donate feces for blood.


This problem most often occurs when diabetes. Concomitant symptoms - severe thirst, change in body weight, symptoms such as itching and fatigue can "join".

The appearance of sores on the skin is possible, and the animal itself is most likely lethargic. This disease must be treated throughout life.

You need to consult a good doctor, because. This pathology is very dangerous for its complications.


The most likely reasons:

What to do?

First of all, show the animal to an experienced veterinarian. For this specialist to say for sure that there is nothing dangerous for the life of the dog. And in this case, you can treat the problem at home. It is advisable to combine home remedies with those prescribed by a veterinarian.

  1. In the case of tartar formation, it is useful for the animal to do “teeth gymnastics”, i.e. give hard vegetables - apples or carrots and give vein bones. Helps at the initial stage of tartar.
  2. A recipe used 30-40 years ago may still be relevant today. Give your dog a few tablespoons of tomato juice. After a few weeks, the plaque is removed with a cotton swab.
  3. Toothpaste and brush. To care for the teeth of a pet in our time, this is a familiar attribute. Of course, a paste specially created for animals is used. Sometimes just applying it to your dog's teeth is enough. Most often, this method helps with tartar.
  4. If the owner's efforts are not enough, a veterinarian with an ultrasonic plaque removal device will come to the rescue.

Useful video

This video will help you understand the causes of the unpleasant smell from the mouth of your wet nose and suggest solutions:


  • The smell from the mouth of a dog can indicate both an internal violation and external causes. External causes are not so dangerous, but no less unpleasant. They just can be solved faster.
  • The first thing to do if your dog's mouth stinks is: contact a qualified veterinarian at least once so that the specialist accurately explains the cause of the smell. In the case of animals, it is always better to overdo than underdo!
  • You can, after visiting the veterinarian, treat with home remedies. For example, tomato juice.
  • But you should not be limited only to home remedies, especially if the matter is serious.

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Halitosis in pets is very common, but not every owner knows the reasons why a dog has bad breath. Today we will look at the main causes of an unpleasant smell from the mouth of a dog and figure out how to eliminate them.

Many dog ​​owners complain about bad breath from a pet. According to experts, this phenomenon can be triggered by many different factors, ranging from improper oral hygiene to serious diseases of the internal organs.

The main task of the dog breeder is to carefully look at the condition and behavior of the dog, try to determine the nature of the smell and the intensity of its manifestation. Such observations will help the veterinarian to correctly determine the cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Diet disorders

At the first manifestations of halitosis in a dog, it is necessary to review the pet's diet. If your preference is for commercial pet foods, look for leading brands that meet the manufacturer's stated quality level.

When feeding with natural food, it is necessary to carefully familiarize yourself with the acceptable and undesirable food products in the pet's diet. So, not all dogs are suitable for feeding fish and seafood, some animals react poorly to legumes, white bread and fresh cabbage.

If the dog's mouth stinks, try to remember if the dog has been digging through food waste or a trash can the day before. Often, such a desire to taste waste and various inedible objects on the tooth provokes an unpleasant smell from the animal's mouth.

Change of teeth

A fetid odor can be observed not only in adult dogs, but also in puppies. During the period of change of milk teeth to molars, small wounds form in the oral cavity. Blood from wounds, getting into the mouth and mixing with saliva, acquires an unpleasant odor, which will help to get rid of more thorough hygiene of the animal's pasture.

Pathologies of the urinary system

Old and weakened dogs often suffer from various diseases of the urinary system. Take a close look at the condition and well-being of the animal, and also pay attention to the fetid smell from the mouth. So, in case of chronic renal failure and other pathologies of the kidneys, the dog's mouth will smell strongly of ammonia.

Other characteristic symptoms include lethargy, weakness, lethargy, decrease in the number of bowel movements and daily amount of urine, lack of appetite, vomiting, heart palpitations, and sharp pains in the abdomen.

Diabetes in a pet

Some breeds of dogs, as well as older animals, are prone to diabetes. This disease poses a serious danger to the life of the animal, if the disease is not diagnosed in a timely manner and appropriate measures are not taken.

In diabetic dogs, the oral cavity of dogs can smell unpleasantly of sour fruit, while the animal is constantly thirsty, urinates often and loses a lot of weight.

Video "The dog smells bad from the mouth"

In this video, a veterinarian will show you how to deal with bad breath in your dog.

How to fix the problem

Having caught an unpleasant smell from the mouth of an animal for the first time, not every dog ​​breeder knows what needs to be done in this situation. Please note that this phenomenon does not always indicate improper oral hygiene in a dog.

Often, bad breath can be a harbinger or a clear symptom of some serious disease, including malignant formations. For this reason, it is not recommended to independently diagnose the condition of the animal and prescribe treatment for it.

The correct diagnosis should be made by a specialist who will first examine the patient, as well as make a number of laboratory tests and diagnostic manipulations. Features of treatment directly depend on the identified cause of this problem. Most often, conservative treatment is prescribed, accompanied by enhanced oral hygiene and correction of the pet's diet.

If the situation does not interfere with the normal life of the animal and does not pose a danger to his life, you can cope with the problem and continue treatment at home. However, in difficult cases or at an advanced stage of the disease, surgical intervention is indispensable.

Prevention measures

Many dog ​​owners often wonder why the dog has an unpleasant stink from the mouth and whether this problem can be somehow prevented. Most of the diseases that appear in pets occur due to improper nutrition or inappropriate care of the animal.

In order to prevent the occurrence of halitosis in dogs, it is recommended not to neglect visits to the veterinarian, who also examines the oral cavity of the animal. According to experts, many dental problems at the initial stage are easily eliminated at home.

To get rid of plaque, which eventually hardens and turns into tartar, you can use the soft bones and hard vegetables present in the dog's diet. It is also worth trying to wipe the dog's teeth with a cotton swab dipped in a solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%).

Experienced dog breeders pay attention to any changes that relate to the health and well-being of the pet.

Particular attention should be paid to the condition of the teeth and the mouth in particular. Unpleasant odor, plaque on the gums, tooth decay in a dog are signs of more serious problems and diseases.

Causes of an unpleasant smell from the mouth of a puppy

Before you get scared of the unpleasant smell from the dog's mouth, it is worth considering a few nuances. First of all, the age of the dog.

A disease that develops as a result of health problems, characterized by stink, is called halitosis. The disease occurs in a puppy as a result of several reasons.

Reasons why a puppy's mouth stinks unpleasantly:

  1. Dental problems with teeth. Sores on the gums can fester and produce a foul odor.
  2. Loss of milk teeth. In the process of loosening a milk tooth, the gum may suffer.
  3. Inflammation of the gums as a result of foreign bodies getting between the teeth: chips, remains of toys, bones.
  4. Viral diseases of the larynx, provoked by bacterial attacks, should be included in the list of possible causes of stinking amber from the puppy's mouth.
  5. Suppuration of the microflora of the stomach as a result of improper or inappropriate nutrition for the dog breed. Often this happens with the Chihuahua breed.

A strong smell is already indicative of more serious problems that require professional intervention.

Why does a dog's mouth smell like fish, rotten meat or rot

An unpleasant smell can have a characteristic color, reminiscent of the "aroma" of fish, rotten meat or rot. Each option has its own reasons and features of origin.

First, you should independently examine the oral cavity - the reason may lie in problems with the gums, teeth, tongue.

Note! In such cases, the owners may confuse the described amber with acetone. This option carries no less serious danger to the dog.

Aroma can be the cause of illness or its result. The owner must monitor the pets and know exactly what the dog ate.

Often such unfavorable odors come from the dog as a result of improper snacking.

It is worth paying attention to the age of the pet - older dogs are more susceptible to attack by microorganisms.

Why does a dog smell like rotten meat, fish, rot from the mouth:

Terrible "flavor" feature

Reason No. Fish Moldy stuff Rot
1 The pet ate fish of normal quality. The fragrance can last for several hours because the animal cannot brush its teeth.

To kill odors can re-eating, brushing your teeth

Problems with the mucous membrane of the oral cavity of the animal.

In the presence of mechanical damage, inflammatory processes, plaque, putrefactive odors may occur, turning into amber, resembling rotten meat

2 Features of the anatomy of the jaw sometimes lead to the fact that food remains between the teeth. An inherent problem in fighting dog breeds. The only way out is to brush your pet's teeth In older individuals, problems with the functioning of the kidneys or urinary system can be traced.

The process of frequent urination leads to problems with the rest of the internal organs.

Due to daily licking, odors from the external genitalia are transmitted to the oral cavity along with urine.

3 Blockage of the anal glands leads to an increased "aroma" of fish from the mouth. The dog conducts hygiene measures in the form of licking, and bacteria enter the mouth Diabetes is the cause of many problems with the pet's body. Unpleasant "flavors" from the mouth with a characteristic color is one of the problems.

Additionally, there is a decrease in body weight, constant thirst, constant inflammatory and purulent processes after mechanical damage to the skin, mucous membranes

4 Serious diseases that are present in the gastrointestinal tract, hormonal disruptions, metabolic disorders
  • An infection in the respiratory tract that develops as a result of the presence of pathogenic microbes.

    In the process of exhalation, the stench will obviously spread into the environment.

  • Improper nutrition with an unbalanced regime, provoking the work of the stomach and intestines

How to get rid of a strong smell

In the presence of dog mouth ombre, good owners instantly wonder what to do about the problem.

There are several options for "treatment", differing in a constructive approach that corresponds to the cause of the occurrence.

How to remove the disgusting "aroma" from the mouth:

  • If the pet has no health problems, you can solve the problem of unpleasant odor by carrying out hygiene procedures: remove tartar from the veterinarian, brush the dog’s teeth every day.
  • If it stinks from the mouth strongly, and the reason lies in diseases of the digestive, respiratory, urinary or reproductive systems, then complex treatment is necessary.

    Only a veterinarian will be able to conduct an examination and prescribe treatment.

  • If the dog eats very poorly and irregularly, then the stink from the mouth can be eliminated by adjusting the diet and quality of food.
  • Heal wounds and inflammatory lesions in the oral cavity using special products for animals.

    It is sometimes simply impossible to get rid of the stink from the mouth of an old dog, so it is not worth striving for an ideal or positive result by all means and methods.

    It is enough to carry out daily brushing of the teeth, reducing the amber at least partially.

Attention! Too much protein in the diet can also lead to bad breath. It is worth reviewing the pet's diet, the size of the portions.

If new foods appear in the diet, there is an overload of nutritional supplements, then the results can be unpredictable.

Sometimes the stench is the result of several health problems, you need to conduct a comprehensive examination, take into account all the nuances of the pet's life, preferences and habits.

Useful video

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Bad breath, or halitosis, is a very common problem and in most cases it indicates diseases in the oral cavity or in the internal organs, so you should not ignore it.

Let's take a look at the most common causes of bad breath in dogs.

Special taste preferences

One of the simplest causes of an unpleasant odor is a dog eating excrement and other “goodies”. Sometimes a pet manages to feast on something forbidden even under the vigilant supervision of the owner. At home, you will have to brush his teeth well, rinse his mouth and wash the hair around his lips with dog shampoo. But if your pet is inclined to “vacuumize” the sidewalks, then you definitely need to do competent training, see what is lying around on the street, up to the poison scattered by ill-wishers.

Problems during the period of changing teeth

In dogs under one year of age, bad breath is often caused by improper teeth replacement, during which bite is disturbed, gaps form between the teeth and pieces of food get stuck in them. In such a favorable environment, pathological microflora quickly develops, and the products of its vital activity cause an unpleasant odor. Lack of hygienic brushing can lead to gum disease.

Mucosal damage

Injuries, foreign bodies in the oral cavity, small erosions or scratches the dog could get by chewing on a plastic toy, a bone, or grabbing something on the street. Immediately, the wounds can be difficult to notice, but over time they become inflamed, bacteria join and halitosis appears.


Hard deposits (even at first glance insignificant) lead to the fact that the gums move away from the neck of the tooth and a pocket forms in this place, pieces of food get into it and, as a result, bacteria develop. As they grow, the pocket expands and becomes inflamed, the tooth becomes shaky and, if plaque is not removed in time, it falls out.

Internal problems

Bad breath can cause a number of diseases of the internal organs. For example, kidney failure is usually accompanied by the smell of ammonia from the mouth, and the retention of certain metabolic products leads to the formation of erosions and ulcers on the gums or tongue. With diabetes, the smell of acetone may appear, as a result of a violation of glucose metabolism in the body. An unpleasant sour smell may indicate an ulcer in the stomach or duodenum.

In adult and elderly animals, the cause of halitosis may be neoplasms of the oral cavity or internal organs.

When an owner contacts a veterinarian complaining of an unpleasant odor, he should be aware that sometimes a routine examination may not be enough. Definitive diagnosis may require the animal to be sedated for a more detailed examination, x-rays, and in some cases blood and urine tests.

Take care of yourself and your pets!