How to choose a pumice stone for your feet. Pumice brush and regular pumice for feet: rules of use and history of appearance

Rough skin is a problem for women. How to properly clean your heels with a pumice stone is a popular question. After all, it is very difficult to imagine a girl in a fashionable outfit, with a beautiful hairstyle and makeup, but with cracked heels that look ugly from sandals. Agree, such a picture will obviously not attract men, but rather repel them.

It doesn't matter if the heels are not in perfect condition. Rough skin can appear due to improper shoes, low-quality tights, socks. Yes, and the usual hormonal surge can affect this factor. No need to get upset and give up. The problem is quickly fixed. The main thing is not to waste time and visit a beauty parlor. If this is not possible, you should use a pumice stone. This should be done so that cracks, wounds, abscesses do not appear on the legs. We will talk about the technique of performing the procedure below.

How to clean your heels with a pumice stone? If you still don't have an answer to your question, read the article carefully. After all, with your wrong actions, you can aggravate the situation. To prevent this from happening, you need to choose the right pumice stone and learn how to use it. This is what we will do now.

What is pumice?

Before proceeding to the discussion of the main issue, it is necessary to find out what pumice is. This is a natural material that needs to be treated with heels. It has a porous structure, due to this it is very light. It is formed from the eruption of volcanic rocks (lava). The color is different, ranging from black, ending with light shades.

Initially, its purpose was - use for industrial purposes. Pumice was used as an abrasive material for polishing stones and metal. It was added to cement, it gave a good shrinkage.

Over time, the breed began to be actively used in cosmetology. She does a pedicure. Pumice stone easily removes rough, cracked skin.
There are several types of pumice:

  • natural;
  • Artificial.
The first option is preferable. Experts advise paying attention to it for a number of reasons:
  • Natural material, environmentally friendly;
  • When lava erupts, gas comes out, which quickly “corrodes” the rock, forming small holes. Pumice after solidification is porous, not heavy;
  • The service life is great. The material does not crumble or break. This is important if there are cracks on the heels. If the smallest microparticles get into them, it can lead to suppuration and wounds;
  • Pricing policy is moderate (from 50 rubles);
  • Availability. Can be found in any cosmetic store.


Quickly absorbs moisture;
Dries for a long time. Due to this, microbes can appear. After the procedure, experts advise subjecting the pumice stone to heat treatment.
In order for pumice stone to serve for a long time, it is important to properly care for it:

  • After each procedure, thoroughly rinse the pebble under running water;
  • Dry. If you can do it outdoors, great. Otherwise, send the material to the oven for a couple of minutes;
  • Disinfect your pumice stone periodically. This can be done using a special tool or ordinary medical alcohol.
Remember, pumice is a personal hygiene product. Do not let strangers use it. There is a chance of getting a fungus or other microbes.

Terms of use

We turn to the main question, how to work with pumice. Experts assure that there is nothing complicated in the process, it is enough just to follow the step-by-step technology:

  • Fill a basin or foot bath with warm water. Be sure to add cosmetics: soap, foam, lotion. If the skin has cracks or wounds, you can use a decoction of herbs. Ideal chamomile, calendula;
  • After the skin has softened, turned white, proceed to the main procedure. Soap the coarsened areas with soap, take a pumice stone and begin to remove the excess layer of the epidermis with massage movements. Do it slowly. You should not feel discomfort, pain, itching;
  • Removed the stratum corneum, wash off the remnants of the skin with soap and water;
  • Scrub your feet. You can make the remedy yourself, using honey, coffee, sea salt, oatmeal and other ingredients for this;
  • Make a light massage, rinse off the scrub;
  • Dry your feet dry;
  • Lubricate with cream.
If there is a fungus on the legs, it is impossible to carry out such a procedure. Cracked heels also need to be cured first, and only after a pedicure. This can be done with the help of special creams and a cosmetologist.

To make the pedicure go smoothly, the masters recommend paying attention to the following points when working with pumice:

  • Do not use pumice stone on dry skin. Thus, you can remove too much, reach the meat. Walking after that will hurt;
    After the skin has steamed out, blot it with a towel so that water does not drain when working with the product;
  • Use herbal decoctions. In this case, you will remove fatigue from your legs, remove germs and bacteria;
  • Pumice should be used only on problem areas. Undamaged skin should remain untouched. A big mistake is to act around the entire perimeter of the foot, wounds and irritation occur;
  • How to understand that the procedure should be completed? You will feel a slight burning and tingling sensation;
  • You can not use the tool every day. You will "erase" the skin. It is recommended to carry out the procedure once every 2 weeks. For preventive purposes even less often (once a month);
  • After completing the process, be sure to apply a moisturizer. The skin becomes thin, stretched. If it is not moistened, cracks will appear.
    Follow the rules and your heels will be perfectly smooth.

How to choose a pumice?

Buying a stone is not a problem. It is sold in pharmacies, cosmetic stores, large supermarkets. Ordering products online is not recommended. You will not be able to see the quality of the material, feel the product.

When purchasing pumice, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

  • Material. It is important that it be natural, of high quality, not crumble;
  • Form. The pumice must fit in the hand. Then it is convenient and easy to use it. The design and color of the product does not matter at all;
  • pores. The more holes, the better. Ideally, they should be small;
  • Integrity b. Take a closer look, there should be no chips, sharp corners, bumps, bulges;
  • The rock should be loose, but at the same time hard and resilient;
  • If there is a lace, this is only a plus. You can hang a pumice stone behind it so that it dries.
These simple tips will help you make the right choice and get the product that suits you perfectly.

Every girl should look beautiful. It is important to take care of your beauty from an early age. Often, ladies are faced with the problem of rough skin on their legs. This happens for many reasons, especially after wearing winter boots. To get rid of an unpleasant phenomenon, you need to do a pedicure, use a pumice stone. There are rules here. Failure to comply will lead to terrible consequences, up to the appearance of bloody wounds. How to clean your heels with a pumice stone, was described in the article. Advice was also given on the choice of means. Use them, and your legs will be beautiful, without rough skin.

At first glance, it would seem that rough skin on the feet is not such a problem. But this is definitely not said about women who take care of their appearance, including the attractiveness of the skin of their feet. I so want everything to be perfect, not only in summer, when women's legs attract many looks, but all year round.

Pumice stone for feet. How does it act on the skin?

What is this seemingly nondescript, porous, like sandpaper, pebble? Few people know that real pumice is a natural substance bestowed by nature itself. During a volcanic eruption, hot lava mixes with water and turns into foam. As it cools, it hardens and becomes a porous stone.

The beneficial properties of pumice have been known since antiquity.

Pumice has been famous for its exfoliating properties since ancient times. Surprisingly, ancient Greek beauties used it to remove not only rough skin on their legs, but also hair.

Today, it is widely known as a means of cleansing dead skin cells of the legs, mainly feet, which is a worthy competitor in terms of effectiveness for modern cosmetic products for foot care.

How to use pumice?

However, despite the time-tested effectiveness of pumice, many take it for an obsolete relic that is not worth attention, complaining about the aggressiveness of its impact. Indeed, if you do not know the elementary rules of use, even "a medicine can become poison."

So what is secrets of successful use of pumice stone at home?

  • The first important rule is that pumice must not be used dry.

Before you decide to cleanse your feet with this porous “brush”, soak your feet in a warm bath. You can add decoctions of herbs, sea salt, and starch to the water. After the water procedure, dry your feet with a towel.

  • Pumice is contraindicated for use on soft areas of the skin.

It is intended only for cleansing the coarsened "dead" dermis. By making a few light circular movements with a pumice stone in the area of ​​coarsened areas, you will erase the stratum corneum.

  • You can't rub your skin too hard.

The movements should be light, otherwise, if you feel a burning sensation, you will reach the sensitive layers of the dermis, causing irritation and, in connection with this, a lot of unpleasant sensations in the future.

  • It is impossible to carry out cleaning manipulations with pumice stone too often.

Daily use is possible only if rough corns appear. So, the peeling course should last no more than two weeks. As a preventive measure, you can wipe your feet with pumice stone up to two times a week.

  • After cleansing, rinse your feet with water at room temperature.

Then be sure to apply a cream that nourishes the skin. It is good if the nutrient contains vitamins or herbal extracts that soothe the skin.

Attention! Be careful if you decide to get rid of corns with a pumice stone. Overzealous with strong pressure, the layers of the epidermis are injured, as a result, an open wound may form. And this is a direct entry for infections that provoke inflammatory processes.

Of great importance is the shape of the pumice stone. You need to choose one that fits easily in the palm of your hand. The effectiveness of the cosmetic procedure directly depends on the convenience of its use. In addition, when choosing pumice, do not forget to pay attention to the level of porosity: the smaller the pores, the more gentle the effect on the skin.

The problem of rough skin of the legs will not leave any woman indifferent. Of course, for the time being, it is quite possible to “turn a blind eye” to this shortcoming, allowing events to develop their own way.

But there comes a moment when the coarsened, unattractive appearance of the skin of the heels loudly declares itself. And also the appearance of corns and corns. And we are immediately feverishly trying to take measures that can remedy the situation ....

Creams and ointments, which are at hand in this case, most often turn out to be ineffective, and an ordinary pumice stone, known for centuries, but not forgotten by wise women, comes to the rescue.

In today's article, the Beauty Pantry decided to tell you how to use pumice stone for cosmetic purposes, and what results it brings.

Why do you need a pumice stone for your feet?

Pumice is a porous substance of natural origin, it would seem that it has long outlived its age.

But this is not at all the case: to this day, this remedy perfectly cleanses the keratinized layer of cells and softens the skin, which allows it to compete successfully.

It is pumice that will help get rid of calluses, eliminate corns, make the skin soft and pleasant to the touch again, like a baby's.

Of course, one should not expect lightning-fast results. To achieve a visible result, you will have to devote time to your heels every day for several weeks, and after that, reduce the procedures to the required minimum - 1-2 times a week.

How to use pumice stone at home?

It is no secret that pumice stone is so unsightly in appearance that, it would seem, it does not deserve attention at all. Moreover, there is an opinion among the people that it is “aggressive” and can injure the skin or cause even more harm.

Rumors are not unfounded, because in inept hands, even what benefits others can turn into harm. Therefore, the Pantry of Beauty draws attention to the rules for using pumice, which will help achieve the desired result:

1. Pumice is never used for dry skin. Moreover, the skin must be cleansed, and be sure to steam it out, after which it is slightly dried with a towel. For a steam foot bath, sea salt or decoctions of plants, such as chamomile, can be used, which will carefully take care of not only the health of the skin, but also the general condition of the legs, relieving fatigue.

2. Pumice is used only for problematic, hardened, hard skin areas. On a steamed leg, a few movements will be enough to notice the obvious result - this tool effectively erases "unnecessary" dead skin. As soon as a burning sensation occurs during pumice treatment, the procedure is completed.

3. Pumice is not recommended for daily heel care. Do not forget: its main task is to erase unnecessary skin, therefore, as soon as it is achieved (after a week or two of daily procedures), the use of pumice is reduced to preventive care several times a week.

4. At the end of each procedure, the legs are rinsed with cool water and a nourishing cream is applied to the skin to prevent further drying of the skin and its coarsening.

How to choose a pumice stone for your feet?

So, the only question that escaped our attention is how to choose a pumice stone that is ideal for cosmetic procedures?

In principle, the entire assortment available for sale is suitable, with the exception of fakes (synthetic "pumice" is not so hard in structure, does not have all the properties of natural pumice and breaks quickly).

There are several nuances when choosing a real product. So, it is recommended to choose a pumice stone for heels that is comfortable to hold in the palm of your hand, as well as with smaller pores, since it has the most gentle effect on the skin.

The beauty of a woman lies not only in attractive features given by nature, spectacular makeup and stylish clothes. It is impossible even to imagine a luxurious woman unwashed, unkempt, with greasy hair, without manicure, pedicure and epilation. Under such conditions, any beauty, even the most perfect, will inevitably go out. In order to maintain her attractiveness, a woman has to put in a lot of effort. But numerous assistants come to her aid, allowing her to monitor her beauty and take care of her face, hair and body.

You have to be beautiful from head to toe. In order for the legs to always look attractive, it is necessary to carefully monitor the formation of rough skin on them - callus. You can remove it in many ways, but at home, the easiest way to clean your heels is with a pumice stone.

What is pumice and why is it needed?

To understand the conduct of home pedicure work, you need to find out what the pumice stone for the feet is made of. Pumice is a light porous material of volcanic origin. It can have large and small pores, a different color, which is due to a different combination of minerals at the time of the volcanic eruption. When the red-hot magma poured onto the earth, gas bubbles remained inside the boiling mass. When solidified, they remained in the mass, forming cavities. Thanks to them, pumice stone is so light, floats on the surface of the water and effectively cleans rough dead skin.

Now it’s worth finding out why you need a pumice stone for your feet. Despite the fact that pumice is widely used in various fields as an abrasive for cleaning and polishing various products, we most often associate this material with pedicure.

A pumice stone can be very successful at home for pedicures and heel cleansing, or it can be used to maintain good condition of the feet in between visits to a beauty salon.

This remedy is much gentler and safer than the outdated razor blade scraping of dead skin. This method stimulates the active growth of callus, the formation of cracks and corns, and a razor can cut you badly. Cleaning with a pumice stone is safe if you follow simple rules exactly. It promotes thorough cleaning of the feet, gives them a neat and attractive appearance, prevents the active growth of dead skin and its coarsening.

Important! Pumice is the same personal hygiene item as a washcloth with a toothbrush. Each member of the family must have their own pumice stone and not allow anyone else to use it. This is due to hygiene and safety issues, since with this tool a stubborn fungus can get on the skin of the feet and nails.

How to use a pumice stone

In order for the heels to always be pink and smooth, you need to know how to properly clean the heels with a pumice stone. It's very simple, you just need to learn the basic rules:

Before starting the procedure, the feet should be thoroughly steamed in a bath of warm water.

You can add soap, shower gel, baking soda, sea salt, herbal decoctions or special maceration products to the water. All these substances improve the soaking of dead skin, simplify cleaning, improve its quality, turn a purely hygienic process into a real spa treatment.

If you do a pedicure on your own, at home, take advantage of the moment when the cuticle is softened, apply a suitable remover on it and gently remove it with an orange stick, push it back with a pusher, clean your nails from pterygium residues.

After wiping your feet with a soft terry towel, proceed to clean the skin with a pumice stone. To gently clean your heels with a pumice stone, do not make sudden movements and do not try to remove as much skin as possible, this can lead to injury. Act slowly and gradually.

Rinse clean feet, pat dry and apply your favorite foot cream. When the feet are dry and the cream is absorbed, you can proceed to applying nail polish.

To perform such a procedure, many tools are not required, only a good pumice stone for the feet is important. If the pumice stone does not slide well on the heels, you can use soap or shower gel. The remains of the smallest particles of the skin to an ideal state will help to bring the use of a scrub specially designed for the legs - it has larger and coarser particles. Special peels also work well, gently exfoliating various particles from the heels.

After using all the products for the legs, it is necessary to soften the skin with a cream or lotion. Otherwise, the skin that has become thin on the heels will dry out, stretch and may crack, and this will create severe discomfort and spoil the appearance of the feet, especially in the summer, when everyone walks in open shoes.

Important! Never use a pumice stone on dry heels - there is a very high risk of peeling off too much skin to "live meat", and acting on dry skin can lead to the formation of cracks and peculiar burrs that will give the heels an untidy look and cling to stockings.

Existing types of pumice

By origin, all pumice is divided into the following types:

  1. Natural.
  2. Artificial.

The most convenient option is a natural pumice stone on the handle. It is easy to use it in hard-to-reach places, processing not only the heels, but also the toes. It is best if such a pumice stone has the shape of an elongated oval or a rectangle with rounded corners - it is more convenient to use it.

For heels, it is also worth buying a larger pumice stone to make it easier to peel off a particularly rough layer on the heels, to remove corns. The best option for home use is natural, unpainted, medium-grit volcanic foot pumice.

Now electric pumice stone for feet is very popular - a special device that simplifies and speeds up cleaning the heels. Unlike regular pumice, most devices of this type work better on dry heel skin.

Another remedy is a liquid pumice stone for the feet. In fact, this is a scrub containing pumice particles, with which you can quickly put in order not too neglected heels.

Important! Try to buy pumice stone with medium sized cavities, they are the easiest to work with. Large cavities can peel off a very large layer of skin, which can lead to severe thinning of the skin on the heels and the appearance of dangerous, unaesthetic and painful cracks. If you have already purchased such a product, buy a fine-grained pumice for grinding, and when working with the first one, with large pores, try not to get too carried away with the process.

Which pumice is better, how to choose it and where to buy

Natural pumice is the best choice for home use. It is non-toxic, hard to injure and lasts a very long time with good care. Artificial pumice, on the other hand, can be made from low-quality materials that can release harmful substances. In addition, such pumice has sharp edges of the cavities, because of which it can inflict various injuries on itself. These too sharp edges do not allow smooth polishing of the heels, rough areas appear, and this is a direct path to very painful and poorly healing cracks.

How much a pumice stone costs for feet depends on its origin, design and brand. The most inexpensive natural pumice stone looks like a simple bar or resembles a piece of toilet soap. Sometimes a hole is made in it for threading a rope - this is how pumice is dried after use.

More expensive models have a comfortable handle, some types are equipped with a brush or a special emery insert for “fine finishing” on the reverse side. The choice of product is entirely related to the personal preferences of the owner, who decides for himself which one to purchase and how to use pumice for the feet.

Pumice is an inexpensive product and is sold in all supermarkets and pharmacies. You should not save and buy a very cheap product - it will quickly fail and you will again have to spend money on buying a new pumice stone.

What can replace pumice stone for heels?

The best option for foot care at home is a foot bath with a pumice stone. But if it is not there, this is not a reason to walk with rough, untidy heels. A modern roller pumice stone for legs can replace the usual device. It is used to treat dry heels. You can act on wet skin, but then the risk of removing too thick a layer of skin and damaging the feet increases. Among the advantages of such a device is the simplification and acceleration of the procedure for cleaning the heels. If you use the device constantly, rough skin simply does not have time to form and there will always be perfectly smooth skin on the heels.

Another great way to replace a pumice stone for your feet is to use laser files specifically designed for pedicures at home. They also work on dry skin, clean very carefully and carefully, literally polish the heels. These files are produced by many companies, they come in different shapes and sizes, often with a long handle, in which another small file is hidden, designed for processing toes and hard-to-reach areas. With such a file, as with pumice, it is very easy to maintain an excellent shape and condition of the skin of the feet.

An ordinary foot file will work as a temporary replacement, but it is more suitable as a tool to maintain the good condition of the heels.

Quality natural pumice stone is a great home remedy for pedicure, which will give your feet the necessary gloss and make them beautiful and attractive at any time of the year, regardless of visiting the salon.

Pumice stone is a very effective remedy for getting rid of rough skin on the soles of the feet. It will also help in case of formation of corns or corns on them.


Pumice is a light and durable material of natural origin, consisting of volcanic glass. It owes its porous structure to the process of rapid solidification of volcanic lavas with simultaneous abundant release of gases.

The color range of pumice is very wide - from black, brown and yellow to white and bluish hues.

In industry, it is used as an abrasive for grinding and polishing stone, wood and metal, it is added to lime and cements as a hydraulic additive, filters and various catalysts are added from it.

In everyday life, pumice is especially popular as an indispensable tool for removing rough skin on the soles of the feet.

Terms of Use

Carefully prepare the skin of the feet for pumice treatment by carefully washing and steaming it.

As a solution for foot baths, use warm water with the addition of sea salt, starch, chamomile or calendula decoction.

After keeping your feet in the bath for 5 to 10 minutes, proceed to remove the stratum corneum from them. Applying a pumice stone, lubricated with soap or shower gel, to the area to be treated, perform reciprocating and circular movements with it. Take your time, the pressure should vary from light to moderate.

A signal that the cosmetic procedure needs to be completed will be a slight burning sensation in the area that you just worked on.

To avoid damage to the skin, do not try to remove rough skin in one go - the proper use of pumice stone provides for daily cleansing sessions for 1-2 weeks.

For sensitive and delicate skin, sessions are carried out every other day, after which the procedure is reduced to one or two sessions per week.

When using pumice, take into account the degree of its abrasiveness: use a stone with large pores in the initial stages of cleaning the skin, subsequently replacing it with a material with fine pores and a less abrasive degree.

At the end of the procedure, rinse your feet with cold water, wipe dry and apply a nourishing softening cream to the skin to prevent it from drying out.

pumice stone selection

When choosing pumice for cosmetic procedures, give preference to a material with moderate or fine porosity.

It is desirable that the bar has a rounded shape, without sharp edges that can damage the skin. Take it in your hand, the pumice stone should lie comfortably in the palm of your hand, without slipping out of it.

With an effort, press a piece of pumice to the edge of the table or try to pick it with your fingernail - high-quality material should not prick, crumble or wrinkle.

Avoid buying artificial pumice stone made from synthetic materials - low-quality fakes do not have the necessary rigidity and often break. The best pumice is natural.

Take care of yourself! Be always healthy!