A conspiracy for a good study at the institute. Conspiracy for excellent study

Conspiracy to study can help a child a lot. It may seem strange, but toddlers and older children have the same (in terms of level) problems as adults. They face envy and insecurity, lies and misunderstandings during their studies. The circumstances are different, the reasons too, but they can be solved, including, and. Why not let parental love(while the baby is still small), and then his strength to attract external patrons who will arrange "favorable conditions" for him to gain knowledge.

Conspiracy for a child to study

“A person in his hand will not hold fire, he will burn himself and throw it away. So let no one offend or disturb my child, otherwise he will burn his hands and make trouble. I forbid him to put pressure and swear, curse and curse, offend and scold. And today, and tomorrow and the third day, always, let trouble not touch him! I cover my child Angel with a wing, send him to study. Let his talents develop, and everyone around rejoice! Amen!"

This conspiracy to study must be read on the first day of school. They say after him little student looking when he goes to his "work". If problems begin, then pronounce it again, let it be a talisman for him. The parent word, most often, is stronger than any external influences don't forget about it.

Conspiracy for son to study

If the varmint began to be distracted and complain about him, then perform the next ceremony. It is also suitable for girls too mischievous. It is necessary to slander the drink that the baby drinks at breakfast.

“I speak to my son from mischief and mischief, from laziness and stubbornness, from combustible tears, from painful words, from vain threats, from dangerous deeds. I lock it with my words, I protect it with good deeds! So be it! Amen!"

The ceremony is performed for seven days in a row. Even on weekends, be sure to make such a slander on a drink. You will see his behavior become more calm. Over time, hobbies will appear that will lead him away from offensive and unnecessary mischief.

Conspiracy for a good study

This ceremony takes place on Thursday afternoon. Just not the ninth. It is necessary to go to the fruit-bearing garden. If there are no berries or fruits in it, then just imagine them on the branches. Just make sure these trees are fruitful. Look at the branches and say these words:

“The juice goes along the branches, the fruits (name which ones) fills. The sun fills them with light. The whole earth blossoms for them. The bees give birth to their labor, the rain blesses the ovaries with moisture. So let the knowledge flow to the student (name), like juices into the fruit, like the sun into the leaves, so that both teachers and friends will be pleased with their skills. So that parents are proud, and different people marvel! For a life of joy, for prosperity, so that there is no lack of knowledge! Amen!"

Pick a leaf or twig from a tree and bring it home. It must be put in the room of your child. And if you perform the ceremony during fruiting, be sure to collect fruits (berries) and feed your student.

Conspiracy for excellent study

It is necessary to write the data below the words on a white sheet and hide it in the student's room. It is also advisable to buy the Icon of St. Eustathius and also hang it indoors. Then the conspiracy can be placed behind the Holy Face. And the words are:

“The stars in the sky move, do not stand, look at the earth with surprise. There, the student (name) takes knowledge by storm, does not get tired, does not lag behind! He turns his talents into experience, he multiplies his abilities, he is ahead of everyone. By the will of the Lord, a gift is given; it develops only through labor. The student (name) is a joy. Lord, he is a beloved son, for him study is a holiday, his talent will become invincible! By the will of the Mother of God and His Son. Amen!"

A conspiracy for excellent studies (on your own)

Older young people can join simple magic themselves. To do this, there are several rituals that help to cope with learning difficulties, develop an optimistic attitude towards it. On Monday morning, you need to say the following words to your favorite pen:

“Lord, help me, reward me with patience. Lord, let me study calmly, work joyfully, complete tasks, not shirk, not be afraid, but cope with all the difficulties! Amen!"

Horseshoe conspiracy to study well

If possible, then purchase a horseshoe that fell from a hoof. And if this is not expected yet, then buy a souvenir. It is tedious to wash it in saline solution. Let it stay at home for a few days. And on Sunday morning, put it on a pure white handkerchief, say these words:

“As a horse works, is not lazy, so I work, do not know worries. Let the new be understood, the mind be filled with experience, let there be no difficulties or troubles, let me know the whole White light! I happily go to the lesson, I know it will be a good idea! I will pass the exam perfectly, everything will be fine! It is said, like a steel horseshoe on the ground, do not break, do not turn away. It will be a good knowledge path! Amen!"

The horseshoe is tied into a scarf with seven knots. You need to store it in the place where you usually do it. For example, in the corner of the box desk put it in. May it lie and protect your future successes.

Conspiracy to study for underachievers

If there is a solid blockage in studies, then, of course, you need to pull yourself up. And for this it is necessary to create all conditions, including magical ways. Indeed, sometimes it is difficult to catch up with the program, not because it is extremely difficult, but because of your own fears and self-doubt. Buy black lentils. Count thirty-three grains and read the following plot on them:

“I will boldly continue the work of Christ! I will work, not knowing care, I will work, but not have fun. There will be success for everyone for fun, there will be joy from knowledge, there will be light from tasks! Amen!"

The grains must be sorted into different places one by one. Do not forget the bag with which you go to school and other places important for the process of acquiring knowledge. Just don't take them out of the house. In order not to be lazy and not tired, be sure to say these words in the morning, when you wash your face:

“Christ created the world for us, his children. For us to study, his Plan was embodied! I fulfill Christ's covenant, I don't know laziness! Amen!"

Get a good education not easy. Sometimes learning just doesn't work for you or your child. When long studies do not help, you can turn to the help of white magic. Read the plot for a good study and get rid of problems at school or university.

Reading conspiracies will help you successfully get an education

Rituals for good study

These rituals will help those who cannot understand any subject in any way or those who lack perseverance. Some ceremonies are performed at the teacher's benevolence, because in some situations the teacher deliberately lowers the grade. Sometimes learning is hindered by the fact that the child is offended. For such cases, too, there are magical rituals.

Do not be afraid to conspire to study - it belongs to white magic and does not harm anyone. They can further enhance opportunities if you are already a good student and go to new level. They are also read during the session, exams or writing a diploma - it will be easier to pass tests.

With the help of a conspiracy, you can change the attitude of the teacher to the student

Rituals for yourself

The simplest conspiracy to study is an appeal to the sage Solomon. It is repeated three times a day:

“As Solomon was wise, so I shine with wisdom. As the Magi are omniscient, so I possess knowledge. How everyone sees from above heavenly bodies, so I know everything. I do not shy away from studying, I try my best, I enjoy the admiration of mentors.

For students, a rite on a ring or bracelet is suitable. This thing is spoken, and it becomes like a talisman. The ritual should be carried out according to the rules. It is important that:

  • you were the first owner of the thing;
  • never lost or forgotten;
  • works when the thing is put on you or in your hands.

How to conduct this powerful rite:

  1. After 12 o'clock at night, take a white piece of paper and a piece of jewelry.
  2. Draw a circle around the product.
  3. Now fold the paper and tie with a black cloth.
  4. Read the words:

“My talisman is mine (product name). Save me from dark looks, bring success. If the talisman is on me, then the dark forces will be on the sidelines.

Leave the product in paper until morning. In the morning, put on a thing, and burn the paper and scatter the ashes in the wind.

More difficult white rite- on a button. With it, you need to do several manipulations. But this ritual is strong and fast acting.

To get started, choose the item with which you will open the button. It is important to choose the one that you will wear to the exam (or to school). Then cut off the button and perform the ceremony with it:

  1. For a few seconds, you need to place the object in the fire of a candle.
  2. Then cool in water.
  3. Get a button out of the water and speak:

“Bring, button, luck to the servant of God (name), and not just luck, but real luck, so that she is lucky in teaching, in thinking and speaking. Strongly I sew you, firmly I conjure you. So that all troubles pass by, and joys come to visit every day, so that everyone loves the servant of God (name), but praises, and sets an example for everyone. How many buttons sewn to sit, so much the servant of God (name) to succeed in school! My word is strong, there is no other! Amen."

Additionally, the button can be sprinkled with sugar. This is more suitable for a child who loves a book and is interested in learning. Sew the item in place firmly so that it does not accidentally come off. Follow these rules every week:

  • the first 7 days do not wear a thing with a charmed button;
  • eat something sweet (jam, sweets, honey) to make learning sweet;
  • every week the thing needs to be washed and dried well.

You can talk buttons on several sets of clothes. The subject also affects luck in the exam.

Rituals for a good study for children

Conspiracies for their child to study are carried out by parents. Everyone will be able to choose the ritual that suits him so that the child learns well. But for children, parental support and connection are also important, so make time for lessons with your child.

The simplest conspiracy for excellent study should be read when the son or daughter is busy with lessons:

“I appeal to you, O Great Rodomysl, I ask not for myself, I ask for my own child. Put reason in his little head, give diligence in teaching, put wise words in his mouth. Point your almighty finger at him, protect him with your shield from enemies leading to an empty road.

And also the prayer-conspiracy will act on the personal belongings of the child. It is done in the evening, as soon as the moon begins to rise. Take a personal item and read a prayer:

“Lord Jesus Christ, our God, truly dwelling in the hearts of the twelve apostles and by the power of the grace of the All-Holy Spirit, descended in the form of fiery tongues, and opened their mouths, so that they began to speak in other dialects! Lord Jesus Christ Himself, our God, send down that Holy Spirit of Yours on this child (name) and plant in his heart the Holy Scripture, which Your pure hand inscribed on the tablets of the legislator Moses, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

After pronouncing the words, cross yourself. Prayer also helps in exams. A child can also take part in the ceremony, then he needs to repeat everything exactly after the adult.

Only the father conducts a ritual to increase the mind - especially if you need to speak to your son. For the boy, the focus on the father is more important in terms of energy.

If the child does not want to take part in this, do not force it. Let the father put his hand on his head when he sleeps. During this, the father reads a prayer for his son:

“O Lord God and our Creator, in His image we, the people, who adorned Your chosen ones, taught Your Law, so that those who listen to him marvel, revealed the secrets of wisdom to children, gave Solomon and all those who seek her - open the hearts, minds and lips of Your servants these (names disciples) in order to comprehend the power of Thy Law and successfully learn the useful doctrine taught by it for the glory of Thy Most Holy Name, for the benefit and organization of Thy Holy Church and the understanding of Thy good and perfect will. Deliver them from all the wiles of the enemy, keep them in the faith of Christ and purity throughout their lives, so that they will be strong in mind and in the fulfillment of Your commandments, and thus taught, glorify the Most Holy Your name and they will be heirs of Your Kingdom - for You, God, are strong in mercy and good in strength, and all glory, honor and worship, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, is due to You, always, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

Such strong conspiracy carried out only once a year. It's good if you don't pray right before the end school year, and in September.

Also read the conspiracy for good luck in exams. It should be pronounced shortly before an important date.

On the morning of an exam or the night before an exam, grab a diary and sprinkle it with salt. During this, say:

“As the salt hit, so the good mark will hit!”

Say the words as many times as you want your son or daughter to get. A productive ritual for good luck is carried out with water.

Invite the child to spend it with you (this conspiracy is pronounced by the one to whom it is directed):

  1. On a glass of water you need to read the words:

    “I call for good luck and luck, so that tomorrow brings good news to me. I got the mark I needed and was satisfied!”

  2. Leave the water in a place where it will not be spilled or drunk.

In the morning, the child should drink half of the charmed water. You can give it in a bottle directly to an exam or test. Coins, pins and other inconspicuous objects also speak for good luck. There is a love spell to study from Vanga, but there you should speak the horseshoe in a “whisper”.

Such a rite will help overcome the excitement and fear of a serious test. When preparing for it, do not cause stress in your child, do not yell at him - negative energy parent destroys the integrity of the child's aura, its protection falls. If positive energy children do not have enough, the rite will not work.

The child must drink the charmed water

Rituals against bullies at school

IN modern world many violent children. Sometimes they interfere with the child's schooling. So that he is not offended at school, perform a ceremony with a cat's eye stone.

Buy from a stone store or order it online. Choose a small, inconspicuous stone.

Sew it into the lining of the child's clothes (so that he does not know), along with two pieces of paper, on which should be the words:

“The angel of my children, bright, kind. I release my child on you. Protect him, protect him from the eyes of enemies, from heavy fists, from malicious laughter. Send him your success. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The amulet will help not only in communication with peers, but also in studies. You can prepare several amulets for your child: sew one into a jacket, the other into the lining of a backpack.

Complicated but effective rite spend with church candles. Guide him to the nearest waning moon. How to do it:

  1. In the eastern part of the house (secretly) light three church candles.
  2. Arrange them in the form of a right triangle. In the middle, put a photo of the child (not older than 2 months ago). Read her words:

    “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! For my long prayers, good efforts, good deeds, the Lord God gave me a desired baby, a slave (child's name). He will be my support and help in a difficult moment, an indispensable support. In the meantime, I will protect him, do not give offense. Neither an evil eye, nor a heavy hand, nor a zealous heart will overtake him, bypass him. My word is strong, and on it is the seal of the holy archangel Michael, the hand of St. Sergius of Radonezh. Amen".

  3. Extinguish the candles with any convenient way except for puffing. Place the photo in the Bible. The page will be prompted by an inner voice.
  4. Early in the morning next day bury candle stubs under three different trees. Say:

    “I separate the earth, I close the evil mouth with wax. I beat off the heavy hand for all eternity. motherly love I guard and protect. Let it be so".

The next day, go to the temple and place near the icons of the Virgin, Jesus Christ, Holy Trinity and Archangel Michael a candle for the health of the child. Now no one will bully at school.

Rites for the sympathy of the teacher

So that the teacher or teacher does not find fault, read these words:

“Just as the seasons go round and round in circles, so does my academic success follow me around. The sun and the moon will never converge, but I and my teachers will always find mutual language, for in teaching I am a sponge, in diligence I am a flint, in knowledge I am a storehouse.

In order for the teacher not to find fault with the child, a conspiracy with an egg will help. For the ceremony, take raw egg and when the child sleeps, put it against your forehead and whisper:

“As the egg appeared before the chicken, so the student is more important than the teacher. Shut the mouth of my son's teacher (name of the teacher) with rotten eggs so that he does not disturb my son in vain. Amen."

In the morning, prepare this egg for the child (boil or make scrambled eggs). After a while, the teacher will treat the son or daughter favorably and will not find fault.

Conspiracy for successful study


This magic works at home without special attributes and complex actions. The consequences of the rituals for a good study are only positive, they will not harm the parents or the child in any way. For a good study on yourself or children, perform the necessary rituals, following the instructions.

Also, against the teacher's nit-picking, there is a ritual for a chicken egg. The magic of parents works well for their child.

Complete collection and description: a strong prayer that children learn well for the spiritual life of a believer.

Prayer for a child to study well, addressed to Sergei Radonezh, contributes very well to the acquisition of knowledge. IN early years Radonezhsky, this great educator of the Russian land, also had a hard time learning. Parents gave the young Bartholomew (the name of Radonezh in the world) together with two older brothers to learn to read and write. Studying was easy for the brothers, but Bartholomew lagged far behind, which caused the anger of the teachers and the chagrin of the parents. The lad himself sincerely desired to learn the sciences, he prayed with tears about this, but his studies did not move forward. One day, at the behest of his father, he went to the field to hiccup the runaway horses and met a hermit who prayed fervently and for a long time about something. Noticing the youth's attention, the elder asked what he wanted, and Bartholomew said that he wanted to succeed in his studies. Then the elder, at the command of the Lord, told the boy that from now on he would have no difficulties with education. And so it happened - Sergei Radonezhsky not only mastered the sciences himself and succeeded in knowing God's plans, but after himself led many others to an understanding of the Orthodox faith. Prayer for the child to study well with Sergei Radonezh greatly facilitates the process of understanding and memorizing the material being taught for the child.

Orthodox prayer to the Mother of God for the child to study well at the institute

At the icon of the Mother of God “Increasing the Mind”, a prayer for the child to study well at the institute not only increases school performance, but also helps the child use the knowledge gained for good. Prayer also helps to establish mutual understanding in the family between parents and children.

The text of the prayer for the children to study well to St. Sergei of Radonezh

O reverend and God-bearing Father our Sergei! Look at us graciously, and those who are attached to the earth, raise us to the heights of heaven. Strengthen our cowardice and confirm us in the faith, yes, we undoubtedly hope to receive all that is good from the mercy of the Lord God through your prayers. Ask through your intercession for the gift of understanding science and all of us with prayers that help (with the help of your prayers), on the day of the Last Judgment, partly get rid of the shuiya part, the right countries of the community of being and the blessed voice of the Lord Christ to hear: Come, bless my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from composition of the world. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Strong prayer for children to study well

How does one pray to God for children so that they obey and study well at school?

Prayer before the start of training

Lord God and our Creator, in His image we, the people, who adorned, Thy chosen ones taught Thy Law, so that those who listen to him marvel, revealed to the children the secrets of wisdom, Solomon and all those who seek her bestowed - open the hearts, minds and mouths of Thy servants (names) in order to comprehend the power of Thy Law and to successfully learn the useful teaching taught by it for the glory of Thy Most Holy Name, for the benefit and dispensation of Thy Holy Church and the understanding of Thy good and perfect will. Deliver them from all the wiles of the enemy, keep them in the faith of Christ and purity throughout their lives - may they be strong in mind and in the fulfillment of Your commandments and so taught, glorify Your Most Holy Name and be heirs of Your Kingdom - for You, God, are strong all glory, honor and worship, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, always, now and forever and forever and ever, is due to mercy and blessings in strength and to You. Amen.

Prayer before teaching

Good Lord, send down to us.

All parents understand important role education plays a role in life. Unfortunately, not all children have a natural perseverance and craving for knowledge. For many, being in school is like a punishment. And if in primary school children are still afraid to openly rebel against teachers and parents, then having matured a little, literally in a year or two, the child becomes uncontrollable. He does not respond either to the criticism of teachers or to the exhortations of his parents. In order not to bring to such a dangerous moment, you need to read Orthodox prayer so that the child learns well.

Strong prayer for the child to do well in school

Prayer for a child to study well, addressed to Sergei Radonezh, contributes very well to the acquisition of knowledge. In his youth, Radonezhsky, this great educator of the Russian land, also had a hard time learning. Parents gave the young Bartholomew (the name of Radonezh in the world) together with two older brothers to learn to read and write. Studying was easy for the brothers, but Bartholomew.

1. “From affection, people have completely different eyes.”

Rev. Ambrose of Optina

2. “Don't pressure your kids. Whatever you want to say to them, say it prayerfully. Children do not hear with their ears. It is only when Divine grace comes and enlightens them that they hear what we want to tell them. When you want to say something to your children, say it to the Mother of God, and She will arrange everything. This prayer of yours will be like a spiritual caress that will embrace and attract children. Sometimes we caress them, and they resist, while they never resist spiritual caress.”

3. “Tell God more about your children than children about God.”

“The soul of a young man yearns for freedom, so he hardly accepts various advice. Instead of constantly giving him advice and censure for any trifle, lay it on Christ, the Mother of God and the saints and ask Them to reason with him.

“Treat children like colts, pulling them up and loosening them up.

Prayer to the icon Mother of God"Murom" ("Ryazan")

The icon is famous miraculous help learning. Prayers are read only to icons consecrated in the church. You can buy an icon of the Mother of God in the church, consisting of many icons. See here.

“O Blessed Virgin, Mother of the Lord of the Higher Forces, Heaven and earth, Queen, city and country, our Almighty Intercessor! Hear us praying to You, ask God, Your Son, our shepherd jealousy and vigilance for souls, wisdom and strength as a city governor, truth and impartiality to judges, reason and humility as a mentor, love and harmony as a spouse, obedience as a child; offended - patience, offending - the fear of God, grieving - complacency, rejoicing - abstinence. To all of us, however, the spirit of reason and piety, the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and truth have descended. Hey, Lady Pretty Pure! Have mercy on your weak people: take the scattered ones, guide those who have gone astray on the right path, heal those who are ill, support old age, young chaste.

All children have different learning abilities - someone easily remembers the material, one has only to read it once, someone needs cramming. Everyone at school has their favorite lessons, where time flies by interestingly and imperceptibly, and there are hated subjects, in which, in general, nothing is clear. Such incomprehensible objects become sources of bad marks, which is natural. How can you know a subject well if you cannot understand it? Usually this happens if the child missed the beginning of the material, or simply listened to it. Making up for lost time is never easy. Shouldn't be scolded for bad marks and help the child to understand the incomprehensible material. Having overcome difficulties with joint efforts, go to the temple and thank God for help and miraculous prayer ask for stability so you can continue to study well

A miraculous prayer at the icon of the Quick Hearer, so that the child learns well

They help to cope well with the difficulties of learning prayer from the icon of the Mother of God.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

As the constellations of the sky of the Lord do not leave their place

without the knowledge of the Almighty, so is the mind of a servant of God (name)

won't leave common sense and may the strength of his mind be replenished.

In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and.

Prayers and conspiracies to school to study well!

It is strange that few parents, grandparents use prayers and conspiracies to school for their children and grandchildren. So that they study well and the knowledge taught at school is assimilated without much difficulty. It would be better for parents or grandmothers to read prayers and conspiracies for children. Prayers to study well and conspiracies (whispers) to school from parents will help your children to protect themselves throughout their studies.

Who, if not a parent, will pray for their child, who, if not a grandmother, will read to her grandson a conspiracy for a good study !?

First of all, any parent must understand that it would be better for the child to know the prayer “Our Father” by heart. It's not difficult to read a prayer before school. Let him get used to it, explain to the child, you need to read the prayer “Our Father”, as if greeting God and asking him before school.

Mother's words are sacred. A mother's prayer for children pulls a manifestation and a quick reaction higher powers. She is able to protect the child from the troubles and dangers of life, luring happiness for the child, as well as the blessing of the Lord.

A rare mother is capable of wishing evil own child. Mothers of newborn children pray especially often. Previously, maternal prayer was said due to the increased mortality of infants. Every mother, fearing to lose her little blood, seeks to raise both a petition for the health of the child and praise to the Lord for his birth, hoping for a divine blessing.

Orthodox Christians showed sincere faith in the power of the Lord, asking for the forgiveness of the Lord, asking for God's help in worldly affairs.

Today, believing mothers also strive to trust in the will of God, both Orthodox and those who profess other world religions. Mortality (Praise the Lord) has become less frequent, but diseases continue to attack babies. To get some.

In order for the children to obey you, read this prayer in the morning and evening at least once a week.

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, hear me, unworthy servant (name). Lord, in Your gracious power, my children, Your servants (names). Have mercy and save them, for Your name's sake. Lord, forgive them all the sins, voluntary and involuntary, committed by them before You. Lord, guide them on the true path of Your commandments and enlighten their minds with the light of Christ for the salvation of the soul and the healing of the body. Lord, bless them at home, at school, on the road, and in every place of Your dominion.

Lord, save them under Your holy shelter from a flying bullet, poison, fire, from a deadly ulcer and vain death. Lord, protect them from all visible and invisible enemies, from any disease, cleanse them from all filth and ease their spiritual suffering. Lord, grant them the grace of Your Holy Spirit for many years of life, health.

The most powerful prayer is the one that comes from the depths of the heart, the one that is supported by the strongest power of love and a selfless, sincere desire to help another.

A mother's prayer can serve as a model for such a prayer.

Parents love their children not for merit and deeds, they love them simply for what they are. Parents wish their children only the best, the good, and they wish it disinterestedly, from the depths of their souls. When a child is sick, the mother is also sick, but she is sick more strongly - she is sick with all her soul. At such moments, mother sincerely, with tears in her eyes, turns to the Almighty with a prayer, in the hope of a quick healing of her little blood. It is at such moments that the whole power of prayer, its power and goodness, is “revealed”. It is in moments like these that miracles happen.

And trust me, it's not easy beautiful words and strong epithets, this is the real truth, which I have felt more than once both on myself and on my children. If they ask me: “Oleg, what are your earliest memories in your life?” - I will answer.

Persons on site: 8

Parents' prayers for children

The prayer of parents for children has great power. There are cases when, through the prayers of a mother, a terminally ill child recovered, and a child who was far from parental home, at a certain moment he felt an invisible protection that protected him in dangerous life situations. Pray for your children, and they will always be under the protection of the Lord.

Daily prayer for children

Lord Jesus Christ, be Thy mercy on my children (names), keep them under Thy shelter, cover from all evil lust, drive away from them every enemy and adversary, open their ears and eyes of the heart, grant tenderness and humility to their hearts. Lord, we are all Your creation, have pity.

A mother's prayer works wonders. Do not neglect this remedy to protect your children from adversity and disease. We offer some of the most powerful prayers for mothers for children, which will definitely help you in a difficult moment. Read them with faith and everything will be fine!

Mother's prayerful sigh for her Prayer. children about the health of the child. Prayer for the well-being of God.

children! To the Creator of all creatures, applying mercy to mercy, You made me worthy to be the mother of the family; Thy goodness granted me I dare, and I say to the children: they are Your children! That is why You gave them life, revived them with a soul, revived them, their immortal baptism for life, in accordance with Your will, adopted them and accepted them into the bowels of the Church, Lord, His! Keep them in a blessed state until the end; sanctify their lives to be partakers of Thy Sacraments; covenant with your truth; may it be sanctified in them and through them holy name Your! Send down Your graceful help to me in their upbringing for the name of Your glory and.

What mother does not dream of an excellent student who brings only good grades and admiring reviews from teachers from school. Unfortunately, not everyone's dreams come true and far from every child learning is a joy and comes easily.

Many women complain about complete absence a son or daughter has a desire to study, and as a result - poor grades and unwillingness to study at home.

In such a situation, magical intervention would be appropriate. It will not be difficult to make a conspiracy for a good study, but the results can please not only teachers and parents, but also the child himself.

Types of rites and performance

Conspiracies for study are of several types:

prayers for a good study.

Such rituals are done so that the child becomes interested school curriculum and became more attentive in class and began to devote more time to homework. rituals for good luck.

Such magic helps to successfully pass exams and get high.

Also ask

Peace be upon you is not funded by any organization, foundation, church or mission.

It exists on personal funds and voluntary donations.

Prayers for the child to study well and with pleasure

Under the study as a whole is understood not only getting grades at school, but also the acquisition of some skills and knowledge. In addition, in general, study is the development of the world as a whole. IN early years every child learns, for residents of the metropolis the most typical variant is schooling.

If you want to help your own child study, you can use the following options for prayers and conspiracies, which are offered below.

What saints help in your studies?

There are a number of saints who can help with your studies. For example, miraculous images of the Holy Mother of God:

Before these icons of the Mother of God they pray in order to win positive results V educational activities and in order for the child to gain interest in learning, become more active.

These images are lists from the sculpture of Our Lady of Loreta and have miraculous properties.. They appeared in Rus' in the 16th century and many people testified to the positive effect of praying in front of them. There is also a considerable amount of modern evidence of the miraculous power of these icons.

Another characteristic example is the appeal to Saints Cyril and Methodius, who are the creators of the alphabet and, in fact, the language, thanks to which you can read this text. Therefore, these saints are directly related to learning and can give a certain blessing.

There are many other saints in front of the images who are prayed for so that the child learns better, in particular:

Each of these saints has special qualities. Eg, Ksenia Peterburgskaya, among other things, is considered an assistant to all students. She has her own church on Vasilyevsky Island in St. Petersburg, where a huge number of students come before the session in order to “pass a note”: they write on a piece of paper what they thought (most often good grades at the session) and stick a piece of paper into the wall of the church.

As many students say, such an appeal really helps and the session ends in a positive way. Some additionally pray before the image or take the icon with them to the exam.

How to pray?

In order to pray for the child to study perfectly, you should visit the temple and light a candle to the chosen saint or saints. After that, you may well pray in your own words, sincerely tell your problem or request, ask that the children study well.

In addition, if you have icons of the necessary saints in the house, you can pray without going to the temple. The best option is when you have an altar. At a minimum, it is useful to use church candles when you read a prayer.

If you cannot formulate your own thought in the way you see fit, use the canonical formulas - prayers. The following are variants of several sacred texts.

What prayers to read?

Lord God

To begin with, a couple of prayers to the Lord, which you can read in the church, for example, in front of the icon of the Savior. And also this prayer is read before the start of study.

Good Lord, send down to us the grace of Your Holy Spirit, bestowing and strengthening our spiritual strength, so that, attentively taught to us, we may grow to You, our Creator, to the glory, to our parents for the consolation, the Church and the fatherland for the benefit.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, bless me for teaching (or for an exam), send Your holy help, until I can achieve what I want: what is pleasing to You, Lord, and useful to me. Amen.

And this one after school:

“We thank Thee, Creator, as if Thou hast vouchsafed us Thy grace, in a hedgehog heed to teaching. Bless our bosses, parents and teachers who lead us to the knowledge of the good, and give us strength and strength to continue this teaching.

Mother of God

Now the prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, which is best read in front of the previously noted icons of the Virgin. If you do not have an icon at home or cannot visit the temple, use the computer screen where you can install the desired icon.

O Blessed Virgin! You are the Bride of God the Father and the Mother of His Divine Son Jesus Christ! You are the Queen of Angels and the salvation of people, the accuser of sinners and the punisher of apostates. Have mercy on us too, who have seriously sinned and not fulfilled the commandments of God, who have violated the vows of baptism and vows of monasticism, and many others that we promised to fulfill. When the Holy Spirit departed from King Saul, then fear and despondency attacked him, and the darkness of despair and a joyless state of soul tormented him. Now we all have lost the grace of the Holy Spirit because of our sins. The mind has become bustled with the vanity of thoughts, forgetfulness of God has darkened our souls, and now all kinds of sorrows, sorrows, illnesses, hatred, evil, enmity, vindictiveness, malevolence and other sins are oppressing the heart. And, not having joy and consolation, we call to You, Mother of our God Jesus Christ, and beseech Your Son to forgive us all our sins and send us the Spirit of the Comforter, as He sent Him to the apostles, but comforted and enlightened by him, we will sing to You a song of thanksgiving : Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos, who has added to our minds for salvation. Amen.

Nikolay Ugodnik

Here is a universal prayer to Nikolai Ugodnik, which helps in studies too.

Oh, all-holy Nicholas, the most beautiful servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me a sinner and despondent in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me the remission of all my sins, having sinned from my youth, in all my life, deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me the accursed, implore the Lord God, all creatures of the Sodetel, to deliver me from air ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

These are the most strong prayers. For the rest of the saints listed earlier, you can find prayers in the prayer book.

If you would like to try any additional methods, then you can use conspiracies to improve your studies. The following conspiracies can only be read by parents or close relatives. In this way, you can help your own child learn better.

For a good study

You will need to purchase three red candles on which it is written full name child. After that, you make a spiral and carefully twist the candles to be lit so that they immediately light up and burn as evenly as possible. Candles are installed where the child studies, most often on the table, and when they burn, it is pronounced three times:

"Burn, flame, flare up! Squirm from my breath! So that the servant of God (name) also burns for study. Amen!"

After that, just wait until the candles burn out. Hide the remaining cinders in the room in the child's objects, but in such a way that your child does not find these ritual objects. Such a ritual is performed every six months and can help schoolchildren and students.

With church candles

This option is used in the presence of a child, but if the child does not like participating in such a ritual, then you may well use other options that are taken in photographs or objects. So in you sit the student quietly on a chair and take three lit church candles. Then read (by heart) the following conspiracy three times:

“Thoughts are quick, deeds are quick, memory is strong! Mix wisdom and cunning in the water, Come together all together and go to the servant of God (name). So that my child shines with his mind, strikes everyone with his mind. From now on and forever. Amen!"

After that, illuminate the child with the sign of the cross. Then cross yourself.


Used as a kind of maternal farewell, which must be said when you see your child to school and he crosses the threshold of the house. If you take to school, you can read after the child says goodbye to you and crosses the threshold of the school.

“I let you go from my eyes, but I leave you in my heart. I will watch over you, protect, save, and prevent troubles. Blood from my blood, flesh from my flesh, you are not related to me. Amen."

Such a text must be remembered and used every day. Over time, this positive parting word will become a habit. In addition, you imagine (when reading) your child who is doing well in school.

For concentration

Sometimes children in general have normal attitude to study and can study normally, but concentrate poorly. In order for the child to study better and pass various tests well, this conspiracy will help. To fulfill it, several conditions will be required: firstly, the conspiracy is read on Thursdays, and secondly, only in the evening after moonrise.

“Lord Jesus Christ, our God, truly dwelling in the hearts of the twelve apostles and by the power of the grace of the All-Holy Spirit, descended in the form of fiery tongues, and opened their mouths, so that they began to speak in other dialects! Lord Jesus Christ Himself, our God, send down that Holy Spirit of Yours on this child (name) and plant in his heart the Holy Scripture, which Your pure hand inscribed on the tablets of the legislator Moses, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

After that, you need to cross.

To add intelligence

As a rule, this conspiracy is read by a close relative of male line , but it is quite possible for women to do it, although in this version the conspiracy is considered a little less strong, but still effective. One way or another, in left hand a lit church candle is taken, and the right one is placed on the child's head or (if the child does not like to participate in such rituals) on the pillow on which the child sleeps. After that it reads:

“O Lord God and our Creator, in His image we, the people, who adorned Your chosen ones, taught Your Law, so that those who listen to him marvel, revealed the secrets of wisdom to children, gave Solomon and all those who seek her - open the hearts, minds and lips of Your servants these (names disciples) in order to comprehend the power of Thy Law and successfully learn the useful doctrine taught by it for the glory of Thy Most Holy Name, for the benefit and organization of Thy Holy Church and the understanding of Thy good and perfect will. Deliver them from all the wiles of the enemy, keep them in the faith of Christ and purity throughout their lives - may they be strong in mind and in the fulfillment of Your commandments and so taught, glorify Your Most Holy Name and be heirs of Your Kingdom - for You, God, are strong all glory, honor and worship, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, always, now and forever and forever and ever, is due to mercy and blessings in strength and to You. Amen."


Conspiracies for a good study of a child

Constellations of the sky of the Lord
don't leave their place
without the knowledge of the Almighty.
So is the mind of a servant of God (name)
won't leave common sense
and may the strength of his mind be replenished.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Conspiracy for success in sports and other competitions

Another amulet will help a child or even a student to be successful not only in studies, but also, for example, in sports, for some other competitions. You need to take a bowl with clean water, lean over the water and read these words:

I look at myself. I am above the water, I am in the water.
Everywhere I'm first. And at school, too.

Conspiracy for good study and successful passing of the exam

Going to the exam, even if the material is learned, there is always excitement, uncertainty. To set yourself up for the best and enlist support heavenly powers, you need to do the following: shake the dress 3 times before putting it on, with the words:

Those who followed the Lord became his disciples. And I follow the Lord. Lord, send me good luck in teaching, In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

It often happens that the teacher dislikes the child. He considers him incapable, worse than others. To avoid such situations, so that luck accompanies the child, have your student read these words every time he opens the doors of a school or educational institution:

The truth is that beyond this threshold is my strength! Amen!

The same conspiracy contributes to good luck for adults, for example at work.

Conspiracy to successfully pass the exam for students

On a piece of paper, write the following text in blue ink:

How bright is the sky on a clear morning,
So clear and bright are my thoughts.
How my father and mother love and pity me,
So have pity on me teachers.

The leaflet should not be shown to anyone, folded 2 times and put in the left pocket, after reading it 3 times in the morning before leaving the house.

Before entering the exam, you need to quietly read the plot three more times. Success is guaranteed!

Read more prayers addressed to the Holy Elders and to our Lord.

Able not only to provide knowledge, but also to tire the child. And so that he subsequently completely loses interest in learning. And then to other things. As a result, ratings will drop. Accordingly, in higher educational institution fail to do so. What prospects in life then can we talk about? Conspiracies for a good study will help prevent this. With the help of them, children will achieve excellent success, they will be lucky even during the exams. Due to this, it will be possible to reduce fatigue, restore his interest in life, in each of its manifestations.

Benefits of conspiracies and prayers

What conspiracies for a good study can be used? The most common are those that increase the child's interest in acquiring new knowledge. And the quality of teaching in such a situation will not play a special role. With the help of rituals and prayers, you can stimulate him to search for answers to those questions that arise. He will start reading books, looking for materials on the Internet.

In addition, conspiracies for good study will help in improving abstract thinking and creativity. All this will help to reveal the talents in the child. In order to cope with inattention, absent-mindedness, such conspiracies for good study are suitable, which involve the use church candles. They are the simplest and most effective. What need to do?

Performing the rite

It will take 3 hairs of a child and the same number that have passed the rite of consecration. The conspiracy should be carried out at midnight, when the family will sleep. This is the main condition for this ritual. If you want your child to do well in school, put the candles on the floor, light them one by one, and burn the child's hair. In this case, it is necessary to pronounce the following words: “The first is knowledge. The second is attention. The third is perseverance. As the fire burns brightly, so the mind of my child flares up. And the love for learning wakes up. Tomorrow he will wake up a new person!”

Rituals that reveal talent

Not only conspiracies, it is also popular in studies. A rite is also often used to help discover new talents. This requires the use of holy water. You will also need additional ingredients. The ceremony requires salt (3 pinches), the same amount of ash, a sharp knife and a glass without edges. What will need to be done when all the ingredients are collected?

A conspiracy for a good study of a child, for his success must be pronounced at midnight. To do this, you need to sprinkle salt with ash on the table. Take a knife and draw a cross, being careful not to cut the surface. Good luck will be achieved if you can find three large coals and salt crystals. Throw them into a glass, into which you first need to pour holy water. At the same time, the words should be pronounced: “Thoughts are smart and fast, come together in the head of a servant of God (the name of your child), teach him wise things, but never leave him and help him become a great person! Amen!"

Prayer gives you confidence

You can read conspiracies and prayers for a good study, which will help you gain confidence and attitude. In order for your child to study diligently, in the evening before going to bed, read the words that are dedicated to his patron saint. At night you can read the prayer "Our Father" and St. Tatiana. All this is required to be done in a whisper, being at the child's bed.

Some conspiracies must be read before important events

Exist specific conspiracies to do well in school. It is required to use them immediately before a significant event. For example, before an exam. Due to this, the success of the child will significantly increase. You can also tell him about the rituals that the students use. And they like to hide textbooks and notebooks under the pillow, coins under the left heels. Often you can hear their screams from the window, accompanied by waving their notebooks. Such measures may help the child good service. He will tune in properly and discard all existing doubts.

You can advise him to read a strong conspiracy for a good study at school. This must be done at night. With the help of the prayers described above, he will be able to clear his mind of negative emotions, of fear, which creates significant obstacles on his way to excellent marks.

Ritual using textbooks

Those conspiracies for a good study for a student in which a textbook or abstract with the presented materials take part are very popular. The child will be able to achieve success if you use not only a similar paper source, but also a few hairs from his head. What need to do?

At midnight, two consecrated candles should be placed on the table. Between them it is necessary to place a paper source. It must be opened on the page on which the information necessary for memorization is located. It is worth putting a hair on it. Burn the rest. In this case, it is necessary to pronounce the words “The book is smart! Tell your secrets to the servant of God (name of your child). A strict teacher! Do not judge too harshly the servant of God (the name of your child), the Lord Jesus and the Mother of God! Have mercy on your humble servant (name of your child). Give him knowledge and joy!”

What needs to be done to achieve success in sports?

It may be necessary not only to conspire for a good study of a son or daughter. There are also rituals that help in sports achievements. It is recommended to perform them before the competition. And they will help only if the child has talents in this area. What ritual will help bring good luck in sports competitions?

The conspiracy is recommended to be pronounced on a small icon, which depicts the patron of a son or daughter. It will need to be sewn into the lining of the clothes in which the child will perform. Can be put in the inside pocket. However, in this case, it may fall out during the competition. It will be great if the icon stays there for at least a year. To do this, you will need to wash the clothes yourself, as they should not be detected.

Conspiracy text

It is necessary to say the following words: “Fast as a doe, strong as a bear, dexterous as a falcon, keen-sighted as an owl, and (your child’s name) will overcome everyone! Have mercy, Lord, on your servants, help them in good undertakings! Amen!" When your son or daughter achieves some success, it should be consolidated. Accordingly, the plot should be pronounced every month using the same icon. You should also visit the church, read prayers glorifying the patron of the child. If this is not done, then there may be a variety of and not entirely pleasant consequences from playing sports. For example, injuries or failures, followed by a negative attitude.

Mothers have the strongest bond with their children.

It is also necessary to highlight the factor that this conspiracy should read the most close person. The best option is to use such witchcraft by the mother. The strongest bond will be established between her and her child. In such a situation, the result will be achieved almost one hundred percent. But if the father reads the plot, then a positive effect can be achieved through great effort and prolonged use of magic. Not to mention other relatives.


In this review, the most popular conspiracies, prayers and rituals were considered. They should be resorted to if it is necessary for the child to achieve success in school or in sports. The recommendations should be followed as described above. Otherwise, the results may not be expected at all. You should also read the conspiracy on September 1 for a good study, so that the son or daughter immediately proves himself with better side, declared their capabilities and talents. You yourself must decide whether to believe these conspiracies or not.