Cucumber face masks at home: cleanliness recipes. Wonderful Rejuvenation Recipes with Fresh Cucumber Masks

Facial skin care takes a lot of time and effort. In order for the skin to look smooth, tender, it is necessary to regularly make face masks, of which there are a lot today. One of the most popular cucumber masks is, which is used to eliminate freckles in the summer, redness or some kind of irritation on the face.

What are the benefits of whitening cucumber face masks

The most practical and effective are considered cucumber masks, because:

  • moisturize,
  • rejuvenate,
  • relieve inflammation of the skin on the face,
  • eliminate bags and dark circles under the eyes,
  • cleanse the skin of various pigmentations and other skin problems.

Therefore, the cucumber brings good benefit, as it contains many necessary elements for all types of facial skin. This vegetable contains whitening micronutrient calledphylloquinone.

If there are any open wounds on the face, then any masks will be contraindicated. Very rarely, cucumber can cause an allergic reaction. Before applying the mask on the face, you should first try on the wrist. If all is well, you can safely proceed to such a procedure.

Let's take a closer look at the following questions that you need to know about.

A fresh cucumber picked from your garden is best. But if this is not possible, then to prevent allergies, it is recommended to peel the cucumber and pull out the seeds.

It is advisable to make a cucumber face whitening mask every day, then there will definitely be a positive result. As you wish, grate the washed cucumber or cut into round pieces. Then apply gently on the face and ready cucumber face mask whitening. How much to keep? — you ask. Answer: No more than 20 minutes. Rinse off with clean, warm water and never dry with a towel.

In order not to buy ready-made and expensive masks, the best option is cucumber face mask whitening at home. Preparing such a mask at home brings the following benefit:

  • inexpensive;
  • lack of chemicals, which reduces the risk of allergies;
  • speed and ease of preparation.

We offer several recipes for preparing a cucumber face mask.
  1. The most common recipe: Peel half of the cucumber and chop with a blender or grater. In this pulp, add two tablespoons of aloe juice and one tablespoon of any kind of honey. To obtain a thick mixture, add another tablespoon of milk powder. Apply to face and lie down for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with clean water and do not rub with a towel. The finished mask is used only once, that is, if something is left, then the next day it is necessary to prepare it again.
  2. Similarly to the first recipe, add only one teaspoon of liquid honey or fresh lemon juice to two tablespoons of cucumber pulp and repeat this procedure every morning.
  3. If strongly worried about age spots on the face, then it is good to add finely chopped green parsley to the cucumber pulp, which has a bleaching property.
  4. For the disappearance of freckles in spring or summer, this recipe is offered: grind a few leaves of aloe together with a peeled and washed cucumber in a blender. In the resulting mixture, add a quarter of a raw egg, then 2 grams of pearl powder and flour, until a sticky mixture is obtained. It is also applied to the face for 15-20 minutes, rinsed with clean water, but the procedure can be repeated twice a week.
Cucumber face mask whitening video

We watch a video clip of a step-by-step, correct procedure with cucumber masks.

Hello my dear readers!

A vegetable that you can’t do without either on a holiday or on an ordinary day, with which delicious salads are obtained, and which is salted or eaten fresh is, of course, a cucumber.

We know quite a lot about it, not only as a food, but, in particular, that there are wonderful cucumber masks that have an amazingly effective effect on the skin.

In this case, only 3% of useful substances are in cucumber (and the remaining 97% is water).

But at the same time, he is able to work wonders with our skin, which you can learn about from this article, as well as get acquainted with popular mask recipes.

From this article you will learn:

Cucumber masks - recipes for use and useful properties

The chemical composition of cucumber and the benefits for the skin

Fragrant green fruit in its composition has many trace elements:

  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • selenium;
  • fluorine;
  • zinc;

As well as a set of vitamins, so important for our body:

  • vitamin A;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • pyridoxine;
  • folic acid;
  • cyanocobalamin;
  • PP, or niacin;

Almost every element has its own, special effect on the skin.

So, for example, niacin, phylloquinone and biotin are designed to regenerate the skin, rejuvenate it, even out complexion and whiten.

Pyridoxine also stimulates cell renewal, while folic acid reduces redness.

Ascorbic acid teaches the skin to breathe when retinol nourishes it and protects the moisture inside.

Cucumber masks - indications and contraindications

Cucumber masks are the perfect product for the dry type, prone to flaking, irritation, and redness.

The use of such masks will help to cope with these ailments.

The indications also include:

  • insufficient level of skin hydration;
  • acne and pimples;
  • pigmentation on the face -, post-acne, age spots;
  • mature, aging skin.

Recipes for cosmetic masks with cucumber for the face

Start your acquaintance with cucumber masks with this interesting video.

So, let's take a closer look at the basic recipes on how to prepare the most effective cucumber masks.

Cucumber mask with oatmeal and carrots

This anti-aging mask perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin, and is also able to whiten it. For cooking you will need:

  • fresh cucumber;
  • carrot;
  • oatmeal;
  • sour milk.

Cucumber must be peeled, then grated or use a blender. From the resulting porridge you need to take three tablespoons.

Carrots are also needed mashed, a similar amount. Mix vegetables, then add oatmeal, milk. Mix everything and apply for twenty minutes, then rinse and moisturize your face.

Mask with cucumber and white clay

Whitening mask, well tones, moisturizes and cleanses. Can be used for all types. For her you need:

  • a tablespoon of cucumber puree;
  • half a spoon of white clay;
  • a teaspoon of boiled water.

Add chopped (previously peeled) green fruit, mix well, add water and mix again. When you get porridge, you can apply it on your face for a quarter of an hour. After rinsing, wipe the skin with thermal or mineral water, and after the same amount of time, you can apply a cream.

Cucumber and sour cream - cosmetic mask

This mask also cleanses and brightens well, improves color, moisturizes and refreshes.

You only need two components: a couple of tablespoons of sour cream with a high percentage of fat content and one green vegetable.

As usual, the cucumber must be peeled and chopped, send sour cream to it and mix everything. Distribute and leave for 20 minutes.

Cucumber and protein face mask

For cleansing and moisturizing, and will also help to narrow the pores in a short time.

It is necessary to mix two tablespoons of cucumber juice with one whipped.

Apply for 15 minutes, after washing, you need to moisturize the skin with cream.

Cucumber mask with milk

Makes the skin soft, brightens, nourishes and moisturizes. Required:

  • cottage cheese;
  • milk;
  • cucumber;
  • olive oil;
  • parsley.

Grind the cucumber, add a tablespoon of cottage cheese, chopped greens in the amount of a teaspoon and a spoonful of milk to it.

Mix and only then add ½ tsp. oils. Apply for twenty minutes, cleanse the face with cold water.

Cucumber and Lemon Face Mask

Approved for use for all types, refreshes and tones well, has a whitening effect. Squeeze juice from grated cucumber and combine it with lemon 1 to 1.

Soak a piece of gauze in this liquid, apply to the skin and hold for 10 minutes.

Rinse with cool water and then wipe with mineral or thermal water. Allow the face to dry on its own.

Aloe and cucumber mask

Great option for oily skin.

Cucumber mask with herbs

It is able to soothe irritation and relieve redness, moisturizes well, therefore it is suitable for dry skin. Ingredients:

  • chamomile tincture;
  • cucumber;
  • basil or mint leaves.

Mix crushed leaves (2-3 pieces) of any of the herbs with cucumber and add three tablespoons of chamomile tincture.

Mix and distribute evenly. Walk around with the mask for 15 minutes, then cleanse your face with warm water and moisturize it with cream.

Cucumber and honey mask

Peel and rub the vegetable, add a couple of teaspoons to it and mix. Spread evenly over the skin and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly and apply a moisturizer.

Mask with lanolin and cucumber

A nourishing mask that can whiten and brighten, thereby improving the complexion.

It will take three tablespoons of chopped cucumber mixed with a teaspoon.

Stir the mixture, then remove some of the excess juice. Apply to face and keep for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

cucumber lotion

You can also make an amazing cucumber lotion using this.

Well, if you are too lazy to prepare cucumber cosmetics, you can always buy ready-made cosmetics based on cucumber juice ...

For example, this natural super cucumber water lotion, aloe and witch hazel. Highly recommend!

This is an organic, very gentle non-alcoholic tonic with natural cucumber and witch hazel extract, a wonderful thing!

How often to make cucumber masks and do they have contraindications?

The main thing remains that the masks, which include, must be used regularly, this is the only way to achieve the desired effect.

Along with indications, as usual, contraindications.

Do not neglect them, because you can harm the health of the face:

  • Neoplasms;
  • damage;
  • Infectious diseases of the skin;
  • Pustular rash;
  • Individual intolerance.

Here you need to look at other components that you include in them and their individual characteristics (honey, eggs, oils)

Be beautiful and take care of yourself and be sure to include cucumber masks in your skin care!

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Alena Yasneva was with you, see you soon!

In the chemical composition of cucumbers, you can find a huge amount of nutrients that nourish and moisturize the skin. That is why the cucumber face mask is considered to be a very effective beauty remedy. It is quite easy to prepare and brings a visible effect in a very short time.

The importance of a cucumber face mask in the conditions of modern life with its rapid rhythm and stress cannot be overestimated. It relieves tension, improves the appearance of the skin as a whole.

The composition of the cucumber includes mineral salts, enzymes, vitamins and organic acids that promote skin rejuvenation, while there are no irritants, which allows the use of cucumber masks for women with dry, combination and oily skin.

The benefits of cucumbers and masks from them can be judged by the content of such important vitamins:

  • Vitamin A (or) - moisturizes the skin, eliminates peeling.
  • B1 or thiamine - provides a rejuvenating effect and protects the skin from adverse conditions.
  • B2 (riboflavin) - allows the skin to breathe well.
  • B5 (pantothenic acid) - rejuvenates, smoothing existing wrinkles.
  • B6 (pyridoxine) - improves the body's metabolic processes.
  • B9 (folic acid) - treats rashes and acne well.
  • Vitamin C (or ascorbic acid) - gives the skin elasticity.
  • Vitamin E (or tocopherol) - restores skin cells.
  • H (or biotin) - renews damaged tissues.
  • K (or phylloquinone) - whitens the skin, eliminates swelling and redness.
  • The well-known vitamin PP - gives the face freshness.

What effect can you expect?

Used regularly, a cucumber face mask will provide:

  • Moisturizing the skin.
  • Skin nutrition.
  • Rejuvenation.
  • Whitening.
  • Elimination of rashes.

The cucumber mask also helps to eliminate acne, skin irritability, it removes beauty from inflamed areas of the skin. Removes dark circles, reduces bags under the eyes, smoothes wrinkles, makes pigmentation less noticeable.

Cucumber and skin match, which facilitates the use of a cucumber mask without the threat of causing an allergic reaction. Therefore, the reviews on the cucumber face mask are extremely positive.

Cucumber mask will be useful for both young and old. Therefore, it is used at any age and for any skin.


The cucumber mask is simple and affordable. It is useful, as already noted, for any type of skin. Dry skin mask moisturizes and eliminates peeling, making it smooth and supple. For oily skin, it is an effective remedy that removes excess fat, while cucumber juice will tighten pores, thereby preventing inflammatory processes.

To get the maximum effect, you must follow some rules and recommendations:

  • The cucumber must be fresh and must be chilled beforehand.
  • Wash and cut into thin slices.
  • Put on the skin of the face, being in a horizontal relaxed position.
  • Cucumber can be rubbed on a grater, choosing a large or small link as desired.
  • To get cucumber juice, it is better to use a juicer.
  • After some time, the mask from the face must be washed off with water; when using cucumber circles, you do not need to wash your face with water.
  • It is necessary to use chopped cucumber immediately, until it has lost its beneficial properties.
  • If you wish, when making a mask, you can additionally use natural products, for example, honey, sour cream and others.
  • Before applying a cucumber mask, it is advisable to apply a special scrub that will remove the top layer of keratinized skin.

The use of cucumber masks (to obtain the greatest effect) should be carried out in a course. The course may have to last at least 10-15 days. After a short break of 7-10 days, the course is taken again.

The beneficial properties of cucumber are not in vain widely used in cosmetology. On their basis, a large number of effective products used for facial skin care, various creams and lotions are created.

Being at home, making cucumber masks is very simple, since cucumber is always at hand in the summer. Fresh and high-quality vegetables should be used, but it is recommended to keep them in the cold beforehand, for example, in the refrigerator.

You can use cucumber slices, grated gruel or juice. Additionally, various natural products are used to enhance the effect of cucumber. There are a large number of options for face masks using cucumber. It is necessary to choose the most suitable, based on the goal, as well as by selecting suitable additional components.

One of the options for using the beneficial properties of cucumber is to rub the skin of the face with cucumber juice. To do this, you can use a juicer, or you can grate the cucumber and strain the juice through cheesecloth. The finished liquid can be frozen and ice cubes can be used, wiping the skin with them. You can make compresses by soaking gauze in juice and applying it to the skin (for about 20 minutes).

A cucumber face mask at home is quite easy and simple, while it is very effective and useful, quite affordable, does not take much time and does not require a lot of money. A large number of recipes allows you to choose the most acceptable option.

For dry skin, cucumber mask is a very effective and indispensable remedy. It moisturizes, makes it smooth and elastic. For the preparation of such masks, in addition to cucumber, other natural ingredients are used. Consider several recipes for cucumber masks for dry skin:

  • Chopped cucumber and two tablespoons of sour cream are mixed, the mixture is applied to a cleansed face and then washed off with cool water after 10 minutes.
  • Grated cucumber is mixed with a few drops of lemon, then the mask is removed with a swab after 15 minutes.
  • Combine cucumber with milk and cottage cheese, add parsley and olive oil, combine everything and apply the mixture on your face. After about 15 minutes, rinse your face initially with warm, and subsequently with cold water.
  • Add mint and basil leaves, chamomile infusion to the chopped cucumber.
  • A good option for a nourishing mask is a mixture of cucumber with sunflower oil, cottage cheese and milk.

To eliminate excess fat and shine on the skin of the face, as well as to narrow the pores, cucumber is used, both in its pure form and with additives. Here are some application examples:

  • Put mugs or strips of cucumber on your face and hold for a while.
  • Mix the grated cucumber with oatmeal until it looks like thick sour cream, apply on the face, rinse with water after 20 minutes. Apply twice a week.
  • To combat acne, a cucumber mask with baking soda is a good option.
  • Oily skin can be wiped with a mixture of four parts cucumber and one part vodka.
  • Beat the egg white and combine it with cucumber juice. Hold for 15 minutes on the face, then rinse with water.

A cucumber mask smoothes wrinkles in all places, including around the eyes, where very delicate and sensitive skin is located. To do this, you only need to use some of the suggested recipes:

  • Grated cucumber is mixed with milk, low-fat cottage cheese, chopped parsley and olive oil. Everything is thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin of the face, after 20 minutes it is washed off with water.
  • Mix grated cucumber with potatoes - it turns out an effective tool in the fight against wrinkles. This mask should be kept on the face for a short time - only 5-7 minutes.
  • Combine cucumber with white cosmetic clay.
  • For the skin around the eyes, cucumber with the addition of parsley is used.
  • Mix grated cucumber with rose water, add a tablespoon of cream, beat with a mixer until foam forms, apply on face for 10 minutes, remove with a swab soaked in rose water.

Freckles and pigmentation can be lightened using cucumber, it is also possible to improve the complexion, make it more attractive. For this, the following recipes are suitable:

In addition, cucumber helps in removing signs of fatigue from the skin of the face. Cucumber juice will help get rid of swelling and eye fatigue, remove bags and circles under the eyes. To do this, cut slices from a frozen cucumber and put on your eyelids.

Watch the video: How to whiten your face at home. Facial whitening mask (cucumber, oil)

Watch the video: Cucumber face mask at home

Those who have already used this miracle vegetable and experienced its positive properties, know how effective it is in this or that case. And the reviews on the cucumber face mask are proof of this.

Homemade masks have always been considered excellent means of combating various skin imperfections, and besides, they are available to everyone. The cucumber face mask is no exception. Its use for many years will help preserve the beauty and youth of the skin.

What are the benefits of cucumber masks?

Cucumbers contain a lot of useful and nutritious substances, thanks to which the skin of the face is almost instantly refreshed, moisturized and improves its tone. And their regular exposure helps to eliminate such shortcomings as acne, blackheads and age spots.

And this happens due to the fact that the cucumber contains such substances as:

  • retinol - vitamin A, which helps moisturize the skin, preventing the formation of dryness and flaking;
  • tocopherol - vitamin E, responsible for cell renewal;
  • niacin - vitamin PP, which gives a healthy glow to the skin;
  • folic acid - tightens pores and creates a barrier to new pore formation;
  • thiamine - vitamin B1, which rejuvenates the skin and provides protection from environmental influences;
  • biotin is a vitamin H that promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues.

Cucumber also contains B vitamins (B6, B2, B9, B5), vitamin C and vitamin K, which reduces swelling and eliminates redness on the face. It also contains organic acids, which help prolong the youthfulness of the skin. It is precisely because this vegetable has brought all these components together that the cucumber mask is very popular in cosmetology.

Cucumber masks for oily skin

For oily skin, a cucumber mask is suitable, which includes the following ingredients:

  • juice of ½ medium lemon;
  • cucumber juice - 2 tbsp. spoons.

By mixing these ingredients, you will get a unique consistency in which you need to moisten a small piece of gauze. Then put it on your face for about 15 minutes. This cucumber face mask perfectly fights oily sheen, tones and whitens the skin.

You can also mix strong vodka and cucumber juice together in a ratio of 1:4. It will turn out a kind of lotion, a cotton swab is wetted in it, with which the skin is rubbed. To achieve the result, you need to do such procedures daily. Store the lotion in the refrigerator, so you can immediately prepare it in large quantities.

The following mask will also help eliminate greasy shine, which includes:

  • mineral water - 1 liter;
  • cucumber juice - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.

The protein should be well ground and mixed with cucumber juice. The mass resulting from mixing these ingredients is applied to the face, after which it is washed off with mineral water. The exposure time of the mask is 20 minutes.

Cucumber mask for acne and pimples

With the formation of acne and pimples on the face, probably everyone has come across. But few people know that cucumber can help anyone get rid of external imperfections quickly and forever. For this you will need:

  • baking soda - ½ teaspoon;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • boiling water - 2 cups.

A cucumber mask for acne and blackheads is prepared as follows - you need to make a gruel from a cucumber using a fine grater, which is then poured with boiling water. And after it cools down a bit, add soda. Strain the resulting mixture, pour out the water, and apply the gruel on the face for about 20-25 minutes in an even layer. Rinse off with normal running water.

Rejuvenating cucumber masks

Cucumber face masks contribute to the complete renewal of cells, resulting in rejuvenation and tightening of the skin. For slight signs of aging, you can use the following mask. To prepare it you will need:

  • Freshly squeezed cucumber juice - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Rose aromatic water - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • fat cream - 1 tbsp. spoon.

We warn you right away - the mask is not washed off! It is necessary to mix all the ingredients together and beat with a mixer or a whisk until a stable foam is formed, which is then applied to the skin with light movements to act for 15 minutes. After the time has passed, you need to take a cotton swab, soak it in rose water and clean your face from the foam.

If the signs of aging are very noticeable, the following cucumber mask is suitable, for the preparation of which you will need:

  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • natural honey - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Peel the cucumber and grate on a fine grater. Then mix it with honey. Apply the resulting mass in an even layer on the face for 10 minutes, then rinse as usual.

Cucumber mask for dry skin

Dry facial skin always needs proper hydration and nutrition, which the following cucumber mask will help to provide, for cooking we need:

  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.

To prepare the mask, you need to grind the pulp of the cucumber (can be grated) and mix it with sour cream. As a result, you should get a kind of cream that needs to be applied to the face for an effect for about 20 minutes. "Cream" is washed off with cool water.

Moisturize and refresh the skin by mixing the crushed pulp of one cucumber with white clay. Clay must first be diluted with warm water. As a result, you should get a mixture that is not too thick, but not too liquid. It should be easy to lay on the skin, while not flowing. If the consistency turned out to be thick, you can simply add a little water, if it is liquid - dry clay. The effect of the mask is 10 minutes. Wash off with cool, but not cold water.

A mask of cucumbers and cottage cheese requires the following ingredients for preparation:

  • milk - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • medium-sized cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • cottage cheese - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • parsley - 2 branches.

Grate the cucumber on a fine grater (no need to peel) and add the rest of the ingredients to it, while parsley must first be chopped. As a result, a homogeneous mass should be obtained, which must be applied to the skin of the face for 10 minutes, then rinse with running cold water.

The use of these masks allows you to make your skin healthy and beautiful. But remember, no matter what mask you choose for yourself, the main thing is to do it regularly. After all, it is regularity that will allow you to achieve the desired result!

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Cucumber masks are widely popular due to their universal action and ease of preparation. During the harvest season, the product will moisturize the face in the best possible way, eliminate excess pigmentation, and saturate the cells with oxygen. The use of home remedies has its own characteristics, which must be followed.

The benefits of cucumber face masks

  1. The composition whitens the skin, removes freckles and age spots. Due to this, the tone of the face is evened out.
  2. Cucumber is responsible for normalizing the acid-base balance. For this reason, vegetable-based formulations are considered hypoallergenic and suitable for almost everyone.
  3. If you combine cucumber with egg white, you will create a powerful remedy for cleansing pores and stable activity of the sebaceous glands. As a result, the formation of blockages in the ducts is prevented.
  4. Cucumber pulp and vegetable-based juice saturate the epidermis with moisture and oxygen. If you apply a one-component mask to the area around the eyes, dark circles disappear over time.
  5. Masks with a cucumber base are used in the fight against acne, purulent acne, open comedones. In combination with medicines, home formulations will save you from the problem.
  6. Cucumber juice is useful for increased dryness, premature aging, dullness and general fading of the skin. Vegetable accelerates the production of collagen fibers.
  7. In summer and winter, cucumber eliminates excessive irritation, prevents the harmful effects of UV rays, frost, and wind on the skin. When bathing in chlorinated water, the vegetable forms a protective film.

Indications for the use of cucumber masks

  • lack of moisture in the skin (dryness, peeling);
  • the presence of irritation, rash, age spots, freckles;
  • acne, open comedones (black dots);
  • excess fat, open pores;
  • uneven terrain;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • fading or dull skin with a green, gray, yellow tint.

Contraindications to the use of cucumber masks

  • infectious diseases of the skin;
  • allergic reaction to the components of the masks;
  • neoplasms of unknown nature;
  • open ulcers.

Features of using cucumber face masks

  1. Before applying the mask, test on a separate area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. Spread the composition on the bend of the elbow, wait a third of an hour and rinse. If there is no redness and unpleasant itching, proceed with the procedure.
  2. Masks are made from cucumber pulp. You can get it with a grater, blender or food processor, meat grinder. Cucumber is often used as a lotion. In this case, you need to throw the crushed pulp on gauze, squeeze the juice.
  3. The mask is aged for at least half an hour, it can be longer (specified separately in the instructions for the mask). Throughout the use, relax your muscles as much as possible, do not talk, rest.
  4. If the product contains clay, gelatin, starch or egg white, leave the composition to dry completely. Then carefully remove, like a film, wash yourself.
  5. Therapy using cucumber masks is carried out for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes. In the first case, the duration of the course is 2 months with a frequency of three times a week. In the second - 3 months, frequency - 1 time in 10 days.
  6. You can make an extra tonic from cucumber juice by diluting it with water. Soak a cotton pad in the composition, wipe your face with it immediately after washing off the mask.
  7. Combine therapy with masks with skin treatment with cosmetic ice. It is enough to squeeze out the juice or send the cucumber mask into molds, freeze, apply once a day after waking up in the morning.
  8. Choose high-quality raw materials for the preparation of masks. Cucumbers should be fresh and without bitterness. If the fruits are a little wilted, soak them in cold salt water for 20 minutes.
  9. The peel of a cucumber contains a lot of toxins (if the fruits are store-bought). For this reason, it is recommended to remove the skin so that it does not harm the skin. It will not be superfluous to remove large seeds.
  10. Cosmetic masks cannot be prepared for the future, use them in 1 session. You can also spread cucumber slices over your face, touching your eyes. This move is easy to use and effective.

Oatmeal and kefir

  1. The composition is aimed at softening and moisturizing the skin, as well as combating peeling. Measure the hercules harvest, grind with a coffee grinder, pour into a bowl.
  2. Warm up 60-70 ml. kefir (fat content 3%), fill them with raw materials. While the components are infused, peel a large cucumber, grate it without peel and seeds.
  3. After 10 minutes, mix all the ingredients, apply a thick layer on the steamed face. Gently massage into skin to exfoliate. Hold for a third of an hour.

Parsley and sour cream

  1. Rinse 40-45 gr. (1 bunch) fresh parsley, pat dry with paper towels. Send to a blender, turn into gruel. Add 50 gr. fat thick sour cream or yogurt, 10 ml. olive oil.
  2. Now prepare the cucumber, remove the buttocks, peel off the peel, remove the seeds. Cut into cubes, also turn into a puree. Add to the first mass, make a homogeneous composition.
  3. Apply with a brush on the face in a thick layer. Now cut off the gauze, make holes for the eyes, nose and lips. Put on top. Keep the mask on for about 25-30 minutes.

Mint and Chamomile

  1. Measure out 40 gr. pharmacy dry chamomile or collect fresh inflorescences. Pour 80 gr. steep boil. Mash a handful of fresh mint leaves in a mortar, mix into the broth. Cover, insist 1 hour.
  2. After this period, strain the liquid, heat it. Pour in 25 gr. gelatin and leave it to swell. At this time, make a gruel from half of the cucumber.
  3. Combine all ingredients. Steam the skin beforehand to open the pores. Apply the mask in a thick layer, rub. The duration of the funds is half an hour.

Lemon juice and starch

  1. Squeeze the juice from a third of the lemon, grate the citrus zest. Mix with 15 gr. potato starch, 30 gr. fat sour cream. Separately, make a pulp from a whole cucumber, removing the skin.
  2. Connect the components together, evaluate the consistency of the mask. If it is too thin, add more starch or wheat (sifted) flour. Steam your face, apply the product.
  3. Let it work for 20 minutes. When the set time expires, get rid of the composition. It is advisable to wipe the face with ice based on cucumber juice to close the pores and protonate the epidermis.

Bread and cabbage

  1. For this mask, you can take fresh white cabbage or sauerkraut. You will need 50 gr. Mash the products into porridge using a combine.
  2. Separately, break 2 slices of gray or black bread, remove the crust. Pour the crumb with hot milk or yogurt, leave for 15 minutes. Squeeze out the liquid, it is not required.
  3. Mix cabbage with bread, add 40 gr. ground cucumber pulp or 50 ml. vegetable juice. Turn the composition into a homogeneous gruel, apply tightly on the face. Hold for 25 minutes.

pumpkin and dill

  1. Wash a bunch of fresh dill, put in a blender and make a pulp. Cut a slice of 7 * 7 cm from the pumpkin, separate the pulp and chop it into cubes. Place the fruits in a saucepan, add 40 ml. water, simmer for 10 minutes.
  2. Now mix the boiled pumpkin with dill, chop again with a blender. Squeeze the juice from a whole cucumber, add to the first composition. If the mask is liquid, pour 20 gr. starch.
  3. Mix the ingredients, apply a thick layer on the skin. Massage, go to rest for half an hour. It is important to keep the mask with the muscles as relaxed as possible. Wash off after 40 minutes.

Soda and sea salt

  1. This mask is only suitable for oily skin with enlarged pores. The composition normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, cleanses and smoothes the epidermis.
  2. Mix 3 gr. drinking soda with 20 gr. ground sea salt. Rinse the cucumber, cut off the buttocks from it, remove the peel. Scroll the pulp with a blender or combine, add to the bulk components.
  3. Scoop the product with your fingertips, apply a thin layer on the face. Do a light exfoliation to remove dead skin particles. Wash off after 5-10 minutes.

gelatin and milk

  1. Heat 60 ml in a saucepan. milk with a fat content of 2.5%. Add to it 20 gr. gelatin, leave to swell for a quarter of an hour. Prepare cucumber. It must be peeled and tips, mashed.
  2. Mix all ingredients. Evaluate the structure of the mask. If it is thick, microwave the mixture for 10-15 seconds. Before applying, steam the skin so that the beneficial substances penetrate deep into.
  3. Be sure to spread the product in a thick layer. After application, let the mask dry, the gelatin should set. After about 35, remove the composition like a film. Wash with foam.

Curd and honey

  1. It is advisable to choose fatty cottage cheese, it nourishes and moisturizes the skin better. Wipe 50-60 gr. product through a sieve. Melt a couple of 40 gr. honey, mix with cottage cheese.
  2. While the mass is cooling, rinse and peel the cucumber. Cut off the ends, pull out large seeds. Chop the fruit into cubes, immerse in the blender bowl. Make a puree.
  3. Mix the cucumber base with cottage cheese, spread a thick layer over the cleansed face. Rub for 3 minutes, then wait another half an hour.

Egg white and strawberries

  1. Select 6 large strawberries, wash them, free from sepals. Now peel the cucumber, chop into slices. Immerse the berry with the vegetable in a blender, turn it into a homogeneous mixture.
  2. Cool the chicken egg, separate the protein, beat it into a viscous foam. Mix to the first gruel, pour 20 gr. corn flour or starch to thicken the composition.
  3. Let the mask sit for 15 minutes. Then start applying it on your face with a cosmetic brush. Work well on all areas except for the eye area. Hold for 20-25 minutes.

Potato and apple

  1. It is allowed to prepare a mask from fresh or boiled potato tubers. Grate the vegetable along with the skin. Now cut the center out of the green apple, mash it without removing the peel.
  2. Cucumber is prepared in a similar way: peeled, chopped with a blender or grater. Now combine all the ingredients, apply the mixture very tightly.
  3. To prevent the mass from falling off, fix it with a bandage. Most importantly, pre-cut holes for the lips, nose and eyes. Stay relaxed, the mask works for half an hour.

Lanolin and beeswax

  1. Wax is sold in honey shops and pharmacies. Cut off a 3 * 3 cm cube from a whole briquette. Melt it in a saucepan or microwave, add 15 gr. lanolin.
  2. Separately, grate a large cucumber on a grater, removing the skin from it. Place the component on gauze, squeeze out the juice. Stir the liquid into the wax while it is still warm (melt more if necessary).
  3. Dip your fingertips or a brush into the contents, scoop up a little of the product and treat the skin. Make several thin layers, let each of them dry. Remove the mask after 30 minutes.

Yogurt and clay

  1. Clay of white, pink or blue color is ideally combined with dairy products. Measure 45 gr., Dilute with warm drinking water according to the instructions. Stir, let stand 10 minutes.
  2. After that, strain 50 gr. yogurt (without sugar and dyes), mix with 20 gr. corn starch. Add this mass to the previous one, squeeze the juice of one cucumber here.
  3. The mask can be distributed. Do not touch the area under the eyes and upper eyelid. Scoop up the mass with a brush, make a thin layer on the skin. Wash off after complete hardening.

Cream and rose water

  1. Rose water for the body is sold in almost all cosmetic stores, the liquid is released in bottles. Pour off 45 ml., mix with 40 ml. warm fat cream, pour 25 gr. wheat bran.
  2. Knead the mass, leave it to swell. Cut off the buttocks of the cucumber, remove large seeds, if any. Grate the vegetable, put it on a bandage, squeeze out the juice. Add it to cream.
  3. Soak a cotton pad in the mixture, wring it out. Walk over their face, making several layers. Wait for each one to dry. Leave the mask for half an hour, wash your face.

Peach and carrot

  1. Choose large carrots. Clean it and wash it, rub it into a fine section. Peel 2 peaches, remove pits and peel, chop into a pulp. Mix with carrots.
  2. Start preparing the cucumber. Remove the seeds from the fruit, remove the skin. Make a gruel by rubbing or scrolling the fruit with a blender. Mix all components, add 2 ml. boric acid.
  3. If the composition is very liquid, thicken it with starch or gelatin. Apply to the skin in a thick layer, do not treat the area around the eyes. Hold for a third of an hour, remove with water.

Cucumber masks can be done over a long period (more than a year). However, do not forget to interrupt the therapy to allow the skin to rest. For best results, change recipes every week. Consider the most popular formulations with gelatin, starch, egg white, potatoes, white clay, cottage cheese, boric acid, fatty sour cream or yogurt.

Video: cucumber face mask