Good dating service. How I tried to marry a foreigner

  1. Foreign dating sites or international dating sites for serious relationships?

Every woman at any age, who at least once, even for a moment, dreamed of marrying a foreigner, asked herself the first question - how can this be done? The first thing that comes to her mind is a "dating site". In itself, this concept is quite general and even vague somewhere.

Therefore, my conversation today is about how the average woman searches the Internet for information about dating sites and what she can find by entering certain queries.

Let's start with the fact that someone calls such places "international dating sites for serious relationships", and someone "dating sites with foreigners", there are more specific preferences "dating sites with Germans" (French, Americans, Jews, etc. . etc.)

Already regarding the first formulation, I can tell you that the first two interpretations that I gave - international dating sites for serious relationships, or an international dating site, or a dating site with foreigners - are quite viable. Dating sites focused on a narrower audience - Germans, French, Italians and others like them - are usually half-dead and few in number. Even the largest dating site, such as KUPID, crashed, deciding to create a dating site with men from Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland). Apparently, they decided that there is an overabundance of men there and the site will have a lively and fairly growing replenishment. Alas, this did not happen, and this "daughter" of Cupid rested in the Bose. international dating for serious relationship

Therefore, if you would like to get to a certain country, then you should look for an opportunity to go there and go ... on your own. In the matter of the international search for a foreign husband, we must rely on our skills, our requests (adequate) and on the Lord God that he will take care of us.

Small example. When I was looking for a husband on a dating site, at some point - and not right away! – I realized that I don’t want to live in a northern country where there is little sun. Well, I can't go there! And she began to consider men from warm regions, and not from any particular southern country. Now I live in Florida, which I am very happy about - there is a lot of sun, it is warm all year round. Some people don't like Florida because of the humidity. I do not complain, I got what I asked for, for which I always say THANK YOU!

However, as paradoxical as it may seem, an adequate request for a man is not born by itself, it is gradually carved out in your head and heart. And until it turns out, you will not find anything worthwhile even on the most golden sites of acquaintance with foreigners, whether with compatriots. Sorry for the truth.

  1. Dating sites with foreigners for marriage, for a serious relationship or communication?

The second point, which is usually added by those who want to find a suitable dating site with foreigners, is “for marriage” or “for a serious relationship” and less often “for communicating with foreigners”.

On this occasion, I want to note that such formulations are not without meaning, since at present you can find sites for virtual ... (oh, I won’t write here, otherwise the search engine will recognize this word), however, they are more focused on “domestic consumer”, and in the description of dating sites with foreigners the word “virtual” can only be used in the meaning of “virtual communication”. But I would not advise you to put this word into a search engine at all, because you will run into targeted advertising of that very “virtual cupcake”, and far from virtual communication.

And so international dating sites with foreigners all beat their heels in the chest and say that they are all created exclusively for marriage and serious relationships.

I would not use the phrase “dating sites for communicating with foreigners” in the search, it’s somehow chastely smeared, so I don’t know what can jump out to you in this case.

  1. Are dating sites with foreigners free or without registration?

I am personally perplexed by the requests “dating site with foreigners without registration” or “dating site with foreigners is free”. Now I will explain why.

Dating site with foreigners without registration - how is it? Do you go there for a walk? Who will write to you there if you are not registered, if there is no profile, no photos? Where do you write - to the grandfather's village?

I don’t know if there are international dating sites on the Internet without registration, but if there are, then it’s definitely impossible to find anyone decent in terms of the male population there. So twisting the muzzle in the pockets on both sides leads to general deceit and swindle even before you come to this site. No registration means no serious attitude to acquaintance. Then why waste time on such nonsense?

The second query “free dating site with foreigners” withstands the first cordon of criticism, because such sites – really live dating sites with foreigners for marriage and free for women – still exist. Even more than that, initially ALL international dating sites were free for women for two reasons.

The first reason is due to the inability to accept payments from the territory of the former USSR. Twenty years ago, we did not see any trace of bank cards, and then the computer was only in large organizations, and not in every home.

The second reason is that more women will come for free (since you don’t have to pay), and on them, as a bait, they will catch men who can pay for membership on a dating site.

By the way, abroad all dating sites are paid - for both men and women. No discrimination, everyone pays!

But I can assure you that the owners of paid sites are not stupid either, so they always insert the word “free” into the description of their site, for example, in the context of “free registration”. The word “free” is there, they give you this site, you go there, you see in big letters “free registration”, you really register for free, and then, baby, everything turns out to be for money!

You want to jump off such a free dating site with foreigners, but there it was. The questionnaire is not deleted, and you remain forever in the site database, increasing its number and already attracting men to come in, you see, someone will pay. According to this principle, the website is built. Those who do not believe can come in to inquire.

Therefore, there is no particular fundamental difference what you write in the search query “foreign dating sites are free” or simply “foreign dating sites”.

  1. The best dating sites for foreigners, or serious, or popular?

I am especially touched by those who are looking for "best foreign dating sites" or "serious dating sites" or "popular dating sites for serious relationships" or "rated foreign dating sites".

If you do not own this question, then I can tell you that search engines do not miss the word “best” unless it is backed up by official confirmations. Read between the lines - never. Further, between dating sites there are no competitions, prizes from academies or independent rankings that can be trusted. Oh no!

Why, I will explain to you later. In the meantime, take it for granted that if you're stuffing words like this into your search to find the really "best" or "popular" or "serious" or "rated" ones, you're firing a cannon at the moon. The request will simply be rebuilt not by ranking, but by the money that dating sites (normal, pumped up) invest in the promotion of a particular word.

  1. Dating sites with foreigners with or without reviews?

It is impossible not to mention here those who approach the issue of finding a dating site with foreigners seriously, namely with the search query “Which dating site is better reviews” or “dating site with foreigners reviews”. At first glance, the request is correct, thoughtful. But only for the first.

Because at a second glance, I have a lot of additional questions:

  • How credible is this review, even if it has someone else's wedding photos attached to it?
  • Is this review an additional advertisement for the site?
  • If it's a bad review, who wrote it? Competitors?
  • How adequate are those who wrote the review (for example, a bad review)

Sometimes, having a good command of the art of copywriting myself, I see a “professional hand” in the text. From this, the credibility of the review drops to zero. By the way, many information business trainings teach you how to write the right reviews. Some people do it for money. By the way, for very little money. If you are led by these unknown by whom and it is not clear why the written reviews - the flag is in your hands!

To add a spoon of honey to this barrel of tar, I can say that on every (!!!) dating site with foreigners there is probably one happy couple, and maybe more than one. Such is life, their happiness did not depend on the place where they met each other, but the site can be quite proud of being the cause and mediator of their happiness. So the American forum Russian Women Discussion can deservedly be proud of the fact that it was on it that we met with my husband.

And the last request that I wanted to comment on is "List of dating sites with foreigners." Well, of course, give us, give us on a silver platter a ready-made list of dating sites with foreigners, and even in the rating and reviews. So that the best site for dating foreigners is in the first place, and the last one (which is two million three hundred and twenty thousand one hundred and forty-eight?) is the most overwhelming?

And we will believe again that the first site on the list is the best ...

Excuse me, but what is the “best dating site”?

  • Where some solid millionaires want to pick up free Slavs?
  • On which real live men, and not womanizers and bred or lovers of virtual sex?
  • On which there are no Nigerian scammers, who are now actively disguised as indigenous and alien residents of foggy Albion?
  • In which all foreign men and only with serious intentions, only married, only marriage and nothing less?
  • On which one of the above, or all together - a package?

Tell me, do you yourself believe that this is possible? That somewhere there is a dating site with foreigners, or, as we also said, an international dating site where such a “sterile” selection of men is possible?

I don't believe it because I've never seen anything like it. We may be offended, but no one in the world is concerned about us being quickly, successfully and free of charge in marriage to a foreigner or in some other way to arrange our fate.

The salvation of the drowning is the work of the drowning themselves!

And based on this life-affirming hypothesis, let's summarize today's conversation.

Brevity is the sister of talent, and everything ingenious is simple. In other words, if you enter the phrases “foreigner dating sites” or “international dating sites” as a search query into Yandex or Google, as well as, at worst, “Dating site to marry a foreigner”, “International dating sites for serious relationships ”, and even “Tell me a dating site with foreigners” - you will get the same issue as with other longer variations.

I hope the question is how to find a dating site with foreigners, we have sorted it out with you? I can assure you that this conversation about dating sites is not over. It has just begun.


Rina Piantanida

Dating and relationship expert

When copying part of the article or the entire material, a link to the original is required!

Every girl dreams of meeting a loved one and creating a happy family! Sometimes it can be difficult to meet a man for a serious relationship: the modern pace of life, hard work leave less and less time for yourself, for finding your soulmate and for relationships in general. That is why many girls decide to use the services of a dating site and try for.

What attracts girls to men - foreigners?
Sometimes this desire to escape from everyday life: the bright appearance of men - foreigners, another country, a warm climate, other customs and culture - seem tempting when it is raining outside the window and there are sad, self-contained faces on the streets. Often men - foreigners are more open; take seriously their role as husband, father and support of the family; ready to provide for a wife and children; and smile more :-) Communicating on international dating sites and learning more about men - foreigners and life in another country, you can come to the decision to leave and move to another country for permanent residence. Such a decision must be made carefully, not succumbing to a fleeting impulse to drop everything and leave. And if the decision is made, and a serious attitude cannot be broken by visa formalities and distance, then you simply need to visit a dating site with foreigners for a serious relationship.

Why are foreigners looking for girls to create a family from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus?
Slavic girls are the personification of natural beauty, the embodiment of the image of a loving wife and a caring mother. These qualities are highly valued.

What are the components of success on a dating site with foreigners for a serious relationship?
1. It is necessary to tell as much as possible about yourself in the questionnaire: about your interests, outlook on life and try to describe the man you would like to meet.
2. Pick up beautiful photos of good quality, which will present your appearance in the most favorable way. As in real life, the rule "meet by clothes" applies. Photos should make a good impression on a man so that he wants to know more about their owner. How to choose photos for a dating site with foreigners, told
3. Be punctual and respond quickly to emails! Having received an answer in a couple of days, a man may already lose interest in dating.
4. Be active! Do not be afraid to write to men first, tell about yourself, be interested in the life of a man, ask him questions. Men - foreigners are sure that girls from Eastern Europe have self-confidence, which allows them, if they like a man, not to hesitate to take the initiative to start dating.

The fernliebe team sincerely wishes you to meet a worthy man and create a strong and happy family!

Bridesandlovers is a leading international dating site that connects single men from all over the world who are looking for love, romance and marriage with Russian women. If you are looking for a foreigner for marriage - Bridesandlovers is what you need. Registration is simple and free on the Dating site with foreigners.

British network of dating sites, time-tested.

Bridesandlovers is part of the British dating network RedSquare Cupid. We have a great reputation in this area and offer 24/7 information support to our clients. We have thousands of verified users and we are committed to providing a secure communication experience at a serious level. As long as you are a user of the site - you can be sure that you are in good hands.

Dating site with foreigners for free at Bridesandlovers

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How to create your profile the right way

We are sure that international dating sites with foreigners online can give you high chances of meeting exactly the man you are looking for. We recommend that you use the services of a dating site with foreigners online for free to meet the man of your dreams. Here are a few reasons why you should create your profile on the dating site Bridesandlovers.

Fast and Free: Online dating sites offer us the easiest and fastest way for single women to meet single men from around the world. Create a free and fast profile on Bridesandlovers dating site and start dating online. With registration, you will get access to the full functionality of the site absolutely free. The site has a huge database of single men who want to make new acquaintances with Russian women.

Safely: Meeting other single people through online dating on a trusted site is much safer than doing it in person. Foreign dating on Bridesandlovers is a safe environment for chatting and dating online. Here you can always count on the help and support of site administrators. Ask any question that interests you. The site has a service that allows you to hide your photos and personal data until you are ready to reveal them.

Choice of people to chat with: When creating your profile online, you can choose the people you want to chat with using the search criteria. The site has a quick search and an advanced one that will help you find exactly the man you are looking for, thereby making your possibilities limitless.

Absolutely free: Some online dating sites charge a certain fee for creating a profile. Registration on the dating site Bridesandlovers is absolutely free. Using the site, all the functionality of the site is also free for all registered women.

Going abroad: An online profile allows you to meet other single people who do not live in your area. If you want to meet a single man who lives a few kilometers away from you, you do not need to plan a trip to the USA or Canada, Australia or any other country in Europe. Your profile on the international online dating site Bridesandlovers will help you meet a foreign man without leaving your home.

Variety of forms: There are different types of foreign male profiles that you will find online. Some are looking for dating, others - love, serious relationships, friendship, communication and so on. On the site you will meet both young and old men. Whatever type of men you are looking for, you can be sure to find them online.

International dating site with foreigners - a few rules for online dating for free

Creating a profile on an online dating site is very easy, but there are a few rules that you must follow in order to get maximum success and find your perfect match.

1. Grab attention with an interesting profile- The first thing men will pay attention to is how your profile is filled out, your photos. Who exactly are you looking for on the site, who are you and what do you do. Make your profile so that men can be interested in you.

2. Profile photos- A photograph replaces a thousand words. Your profile should have a photo that tells a lot about you. Try to choose your best photos, don't post group photos. Profiles with photos have been proven to attract 10 times more engagement than profiles without them. The more interesting your photo, the more likely you are to find the man of your dreams.

3. More details- Provide basic details such as your age and profession, whether you have children, what kind of relationship you are looking for, where you live, your hobbies, interests, hobbies and so on. Don't forget to describe what you are looking for in a foreign man; provide information about your values ​​and beliefs. Honesty is the key at this stage.

4. Pay attention to grammar- Grammar mistakes turn most people off. Check your profile and make sure it doesn't contain any grammatical errors.

Many single women and men have already created their successful profile and started their foreign acquaintances. You can too! With the information we have shared with you, you will now be able to create a great profile and find an acquaintance with a foreign man in no time. Open a free profile on the Bridesandlovers dating site and say goodbye to your status as a single woman.

Dating foreigners

A lot of girls and women in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries of the former union consider the possibility of marrying a foreigner as a very good prospect.

But, this issue has its undoubted advantages, as well as its negative sides. Let's deal with them.

Positive aspects of marriage with foreigners

  1. Foreign men are more romantic and considerate

It cannot be said that men in the post-Soviet space are bad. This is wrong. Simply, they are less sensual towards women than foreigners. What is the reason for this? Hard to tell. Perhaps the mentality is to blame for this, maybe education, maybe the state of affairs and the role of women in society. But the fact remains. Acquaintance with a foreigner will be more romantic.

  1. standard of living abroad.

I do not think that our women are guided by men from the Congo, India and Bangladesh. Of course, our people want to go to Western Europe, the USA and Canada. In these countries, the standard of living is very high, this also applies to wages and benefits and, in the end, pensions. It should be noted that the vast majority dating sites with foreigners, are guided precisely by the listed Western countries. Affiliate programs of dating sites are “sharpened” specifically for men from prosperous countries. For example, on which we set up an experiment, for this article it refers to such “welfare-oriented” dating sites with foreigners. We will talk about this experiment later in the article.

  1. Opportunity to change environment.

Loving the motherland is good. But, there are places in the expanses of the former USSR where not only there are no prospects, but even hope has long since left those places. Despite this, our most beautiful women continue to live in these places. The natural desire in this case is to leave both the place and the country of residence. The solution to this problem, very often, can be an acquaintance with a foreigner and, of course, marrying him and moving, say, to sunny Italy, or refined France.

Marrying a foreigner is not only a chance to find a soul mate, but also to see the world.

Negative aspects of dating a foreigner

  1. Another way of life

Naturally, even if you are not going to leave for Iraq or China, it is worth taking into account that even in neighboring Europe, the way of life there is very different from ours.

  1. Legislative system

Acquaintance with a foreigner, according to the idea of ​​our women, should invariably lead to marriage. But, as long as you are not a husband and wife, you are deprived of many rights in a foreign country. For you, everything can turn out to be a problem, at first glance, banal tasks: from the problem of opening a bank account in your own name, to the inability to properly put a seal in a foreign country.

  1. Religion of the new Motherland

These issues are not discussed. And again, most of the women want to go to Western countries, where the main religion is Christianity. But, nevertheless, when meeting a foreigner, it is best to inquire about his religion so that this does not become a “pleasant” surprise upon arrival.

  1. First impression is deceptive

The first acquaintance with a foreigner and the candy-bouquet period is good. And even after living a little in your homeland, a foreigner is unlikely to immediately show his whole character. But, on its territory, the game will go by its rules. So, what this person will be like when he gets you and takes you to his place, it is very difficult to say for sure.

Unfortunately, from time to time, foreign suitors turn out to be banal scammers. True, statistics show that more often scammers "care" our elderly women.

Many of our women are not averse to marrying a foreigner

  1. Child problem

I think we all have heard on the news more than once that foreign husbands do not give children to our women. A child, by right of birth, receives the citizenship of the country where he was born. Accordingly, if you left for a foreign husband, then the child is a citizen of that country. If you never became a civilian there, then naturally in the event of separation, the child will remain with his father.

Rating of dating sites with foreigners

1 place


one of the most reputable dating sites with foreigners. The site has existed since 1999 and managed to arrange the personal lives of a huge number of people. We personally tested this service (was a necessity) And here are some important advantages that I would like to highlight ...

Site advantages:

  1. The site works exclusively with men from prosperous countries A: USA, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, etc.
  2. Western men base - over 50,000
  3. Each foreign man goes through several levels of verification, for compliance with photographs, place of residence, income level.
  4. For girls from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, site absolutely free. Foreign men pay for everything.
  5. The female component of the team personally tested the site for effectiveness (read about our experiment on this international dating site below in the article).
  6. The site has a very extensive affiliate program, which guarantees constant updates of the lists of foreign men on the dating site.
  7. The built-in online translator will help if you do not know a foreign language yet.
  8. Responsive support team will help with any questions you may have.
  9. the site is focused on dating foreigners for a serious relationship.

Our rating for the dating site with foreigners Free-Russian-Dating.NET: 9.5 out of 10.

2nd place

Marriage with a foreigner from a legal point of view

Marriage contract with a foreigner

The marriage contract for us is still a kind of daboo. But, in the Western world, this is a common practice. When meeting a foreigner, you must be mentally prepared to conclude such a document.

It should be said right away that this measure is voluntary. There is no law obliging to conclude a marriage contract in Western countries.

When is the marriage contract signed? It can be signed both before and after the official conclusion of the marriage union.

Important points when concluding marriage contracts

  1. Both the husband and the wife, when signing the marriage contract, must have their own legal representative, otherwise, the marriage contract will be declared illegal.
  2. If you do not understand the language of the country where you sign the marriage contract, be sure to make a certified translation
  3. The marriage contract only affects property, so nothing can be specified in the marriage contract regarding children.
  4. The marriage contract must be fair and take into account the interests of both parties. That is, if your foreign husband wants to indicate that even after 20 years of marriage you do not receive anything in a divorce, such a contract will be declared illegal.
  5. Any contract, including marriage, can be challenged in court. Remember this!

With whom will the children remain after a divorce from a foreigner?

It is important to understand that the court always takes into account the importance of communication with both parents.

The most successful option is to negotiate peacefully with a foreign husband regarding child custody. Unfortunately, such cases are very rare and most often, parents begin to struggle for the child with all their might.

Here are some important points about children married to a foreigner:
  • If you had a child from your first marriage and the foreign husband did not officially adopt him, then he has no right to this child.
  • It is important not to do rash acts, such as: trying to run away with children without a court order, restricting or prohibiting their communication with their father, and so on. In this case, the court may simply take the children away from you, considering that you cannot properly raise them.
  • The concept of "Deprivation of parental rights" does not exist in Western countries. So, communication with children can only be limited, but not deprive forever.
  • Child abuse in any form is taboo. Even if you hit a child in the back with a belt, you can get serious problems with the guardianship authorities, so Soviet methods of education in Western countries will not work.
  • Also, in case of a divorce from a foreign husband, you can be sent to special psychological training for divorced couples.
  • Children during a divorce do not appear in court.
  • If necessary, in case of a divorce by a foreign husband, you will be provided with a lawyer and an interpreter.

As for the court decisions when divorcing international couples, it is worth saying that the decisions are usually very formulaic. Here are some typical decisions of Western courts in matters of guardianship.

  1. The child lives one week with the father and one with the mother.
  2. 5 days of the working week the child lives with one of the parents, and Saturday and Sunday with the other.
  3. The child lives 11 days with one of the parents, on Friday after school he goes to the other parent and leaves him only on Monday morning.

Today, acquaintance or even marriage with a foreigner will not surprise anyone. You can get acquainted with the inhabitants of other states both on a trip abroad and at home, walking along the streets of your native city, but it is much easier to meet lonely people through the Internet.

These rules are for those who are interested in dating foreigners online for communication, marriage, language learning or travel together. After all, among the huge number of people on the Internet there are those who just want to chat, play in a dream relationship, and not just seriously inclined to fall in love and get married.

11 rules for dating foreigners

  1. Define your end goal

Even if you want to find partners for communication or language learning, there are people who need the same. Most foreigners on dating sites register a profile out of curiosity, not believing in the reality of the result, and only 5-10% eventually meet someone in person. So write in your profile: “I want to meet interesting people and chat, and life will show where this will take us.” You may have more fans than those ladies who only demand serious meetings with marriage-minded candidates!

  1. Take good photos

It doesn't matter if you want to meet for a serious relationship or communication for the purpose of learning a language, an attractive, smiling profile picture is a must. Practice the art of the selfie, buy a tripod and get creative! Bright colors of clothes and beautiful landscapes as a background look great in the search results on the portal of the marriage agency.

  1. Answer right away

If someone has written to you, reply as soon as possible. Check your email 2-3 times a day. Applicants write to several girls they like at the same time, you can already start a lively conversation until the other lady wakes up to answer.

  1. Dating Foreigners For Marriage Works Better If You Speak English

Even if you do not really like the applicant, take the opportunity. Do not promise him unforgettable love, tell him that you are not sure that you are suitable for each other in the long term, but you are ready to start communication and, perhaps, become his friend. Let him decide for himself whether he wants to continue the conversation.

  1. After exchanging 2-3 emails, offer a video chat has a free online chat for women that keeps you anonymous. After getting to know each other, exchange email addresses, talk via Skype. The biggest problem for all English learners is that it is difficult for them to communicate live with native speakers from the UK, USA, Australia, New Zealand. Online communication will help overcome this problem. For those seeking dating for the purpose of marriage and a serious relationship, it is important to demonstrate that you are a real lady, and not just a bunch of photos and letters.

  1. Until you meet in person, it's all unreal

Don't think it's love until you've met your lover in real life, held each other's hand. Some fall in love before they meet, talking for hours on camera and Skype. Strong feelings may arise, but keep them under control. If you want a real relationship, your goal is to meet in real life.

  1. Your safety comes first

Any serious man understands that for a woman her safety comes first. Before the meeting, you definitely need to talk on the video several times, and also ask him to show his documents, send his address and phone number. Only when you are 100% confident in the candidate and nothing bothers you - only then is it worth meeting in person.

  1. A laid-back approach works best

Focus on the process. Enjoy everything - viewing new profiles, writing the first messages, talking through the webcam and on the phone, organizing meetings, communicating in general. If the process gives you pleasure, acquaintance and development of relations with a foreigner will take place at ease.

  1. Constantly send a man new photos

To make the relationship real for him, take new interesting pictures every day. Start with personal ones and, as communication develops, send pictures with friends and family. The tripod and the camera should become your true friends!

  1. Men don't try to offend you

Some girls are constantly offended by guys. They are not trying to offend you on purpose, they just do not think. The ability to communicate with the opposite sex is a skill, just like playing sports or driving a car. Rather let him know how you feel when he says or does certain things and what you want him to do in return. Learn to build.

  1. You can do it!

If other Slavic women have managed to achieve this, you can too. Whether you're looking to meet foreigners living abroad for language learning or marriage, anyone can do it. By learning a language, you greatly increase your chances of building a serious relationship. Anyone can learn to drive a car or speak a foreign language. Including you.