Occupation around the world in the middle group. Synopsis of GCD on the world around in the middle group “Interesting discoveries. The teacher opens the envelope

© Dybina O. V., 2010

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This manual will help teachers of preschool institutions to successfully organize and carry out work to familiarize children 4-5 years old with the outside world - the subject environment and the phenomena of life around them. The manual includes work planning, classes, games, classes, didactic games.
In order to make it easier for teachers to plan work on this section of the program for the education and upbringing of preschoolers, the content of the work is presented by topics. For the disclosure of each topic, an approximate course of the lesson, game-lesson or game is proposed. This gives the teacher the opportunity to show creativity when planning classes, to include variable game, problem situations in them, making educational work even more successful, meaningful for him and the children.
The study of each topic can be completed with a final task, which can be used as rebuses, riddles, guessing drawings, etc. Similar game tasks are presented in the workbook of Dybina O.V. I know the world: Workbook for children 4–5 years old. - M .: TC "Sphere", 2009.
Teachers should pay special attention to the fact that when getting acquainted with the outside world it is impossible:
- be limited only to a monologue-story about objects, phenomena of reality: it is necessary to include as many actions as possible in classes (sit on a chair, sofa; put on clothes and walk around in it; invite your mother, treat your grandmother, etc.);
- overload children with a large number of questions;
- use only the form of cognitive activities in the work.
Work to familiarize 4–5 year old children with the outside world must be built in accordance with their psychological characteristics, choosing adequate forms, means, methods and techniques of interaction with preschoolers and striving to make this process more accessible and effective.
In the middle group of the kindergarten, acquaintance with the outside world is carried out both in the form of game-lessons and in the form of a didactic game, in which the game rule regulates the actions and relationships of children, and the correct solution of problems ensures the achievement of the goal of the game. When organizing and conducting games, activities, didactic games, it is important to create an atmosphere that allows each child to realize their activity in relation to the world around them.
The manual provides additional material: options for classes, games, activities, games that can be used in working with children outside of class, on a walk.
To familiarize children of the middle age group with the outside world (objective environment and phenomena of the surrounding world), two classes per month are allotted.
The teaching staff of kindergarten No. 179 "Snowdrop" ANO DO "Planet of Childhood" Lada ", Togliatti, the head - Palenova Nadezhda Petrovna, the methodologist - Kuznetsova Natalya Grigoryevna, participated in the development and testing of classes on familiarization with the work of adults.

Distribution of material for the academic year

Sample class notes


1. Tell me about your favorite subjects

Software content. To consolidate the ability of children to find objects of the man-made world in the environment; learn to describe an object, naming its name, details, functions, material.
Material. Algorithm: symbols of the natural or man-made world, shape, size, parts, function, etc.

Lesson progress

Dunno comes to visit the children. He brings with him and shows the guys his favorite toy.
The teacher asks Dunno what kind of toy it is, what it is, what it has, what it is for, what it is made of and who made it. Dunno talks about his toy.
Dunno then asks the children what their favorite subjects are. The teacher invites the children to find their favorite items in the group, bring them to Dunno and talk about them.
The teacher shows the children a hint (algorithm) for describing the object and describes his object, for example: “This is a toy car, it has a cab, a body, four wheels; it can carry cargo; the machine is made of wood, belongs to the man-made world.
Children take turns describing their favorite items.
The game task is considered completed if all items are described correctly.
Options for complicating the lesson
1. Invite children to choose objects of a certain group for description: toys, dishes, furniture, clothes.
2. The child talks about his favorite subject without naming it, and the rest of the children guess.

2. My family

Software content. Introduce the term "family". To give children initial ideas about family relationships in the family: each child is simultaneously a son (daughter), grandson (granddaughter), brother (sister); mom and dad - daughter and son of grandparents. Cultivate a sensitive attitude towards the closest people - family members.
Material. Matryoshka with six nesting dolls, ball, basket, 3 sets of pictures (grandmother, grandfather, mother, father, sister, brother, cat, dog, birds, fish), 3 sheets of A3 white paper, text of S. Marshak’s poem “Matryoshkas ”, photos of family members of children and a teacher, one common family photo of children and a teacher, a tablet (typesetting canvas) for posting photos.
Preliminary work. Learning finger games "Who lives in the family", "Like grandfather Yermolai." Telling and reading fairy tales "Three Bears", "Goat with goats", "Three little pigs"; poems by A. Barto "Two sisters look at their brother." Album How I Spent My Summer. Games: role-playing game "Family"; didactic games "Let's set the table for tea drinking", "Daddy's, mom's household", "Let's help mom". A conversation about how to call parents, grandparents.

Lesson progress

The teacher invites the children to guess the riddle, and find the answer in the group, on the shelf with toys.

In this doll girl
The sisters are hiding.
Each sister is
For a smaller dungeon.
He praises the guys for the correct guess, picks up a nesting doll. He asks if the children want to meet the guest Matryoshka.
The teacher, on behalf of Matryoshka, gets to know the guys: “My name is Grandma Matryona. I am a wooden doll, chubby, ruddy. In a multi-colored sundress, with a lace handkerchief in his pocket. I didn't visit alone. With me is my husband - grandfather Anton, my two daughters Masha and Dasha and my grandchildren: Marishka, Irishka and Timoshka - a little more than a nut.
The teacher is interested in where the listed relatives of grandmother Matryona are. Invites the children to look for them.
Children look for and find insert nesting dolls in a large nesting doll. All dolls are placed on the table.
Teacher. Guys, is it possible to say that all nesting dolls are one big, friendly family? Why? (Children's reasoning.) Grandmother Matryona loves to play different games with her grandchildren, and used to play with her daughters when they were little. She wants to play with them and with you.
A didactic reasoning game “Who left? Who's come?"
The teacher calls the actions and manipulates the toys, the children name the nesting dolls.
Teacher. Grandma left... (Matryona.) Her eldest daughter came... (Masha.) The eldest daughter left, her two daughters came running ... (Marishka and Irishka.) The girls ran away, grandfather came ... (Anton.) Another daughter came to grandfather Anton ... (Dasha.) Dasha's little son also came ... (Timoshka.) Grandfather… (Anton), daughter… (Dasha) and little granddaughter... (Timoshka) left, and grandmother Matryona came again.
Grandma Matryona. What kind of families do you guys have? Who is in Olya's family (Vova, Olesya, Ksyusha, Masha)? I suggest you try to make a portrait of your family from pictures.
The game "Make a portrait of your family" is held.
Three children take part in the game. On the carpet are sheets of A3 white paper and three sets of pictures (grandmother, grandfather, mother, father, sister, brother, cat, dog, birds, fish). The teacher invites each child to make a portrait of his family from the pictures. The game is repeated 2-3 times.
Grandmother Matrena praises the children and says that the family is the most precious thing a person has. All family members love each other, take care of each other.
Teacher (referring to Matryona). You know, Matryonushka, our guys like to look at photos of their family. Let's tell stories about our families. I will tell the first family story. (Puts the photograph on the easel.) In this photograph, my family is depicted in the summer at the dacha. As a family, we love to grow vegetables, swim in the river, sunbathe, relax, and fish. In this photo, my closest relatives: my husband and our children - a son and a daughter.
Further, the children who wish to tell about their family from the photo. Grandmother Matryona puts all the photos on an easel, praises the guys for interesting stories about the family and draws attention to the fact that in all the photos the family members are smiling, they are close to each other - they feel good together.
Then the teacher shows the children individual photographs of their family members and asks questions:
- Who is Vanya for his mother? (Vanya for mom's son.)
- Whose children are Vanya and Tanya? (Children of mom and dad.)
Whose grandchildren are they? (Grandchildren of grandparents.)
- Whose mother is this? (Mother Tanya, daughters, girls.)
Whose grandmother is this? (Grandmother of Tanya and Vanya.)
- Who is Vanya's sister? (Tanya, girl.)
Grandmother Matryona says that she loves her affectionate grandchildren very much and asks if the guys know how to be affectionate.
A game with the ball "Call it affectionately" is held.
Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle is a teacher with a ball. He throws the ball to the child and calls any family member, for example: "Mom" (dad, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather). The child who caught the ball should call his mother affectionately (mommy, mommy, mommy, mother).
Next, the teacher draws the attention of the children to the basket that Grandma Matryona brought with her: “Whoever Grandma Matryona puts a basket in her palm should put good deeds that the whole family does at home into it.”
Children stand in a circle. The teacher walks in a circle, puts a basket in the child’s palm, and he calls the good deeds of the whole family (cook delicious food, go to the store, take care of a sick grandfather, wash dishes, wash clothes, vacuum, walk the dog, work in the country, etc.). d.).
Matrena thanks the guys for the basketful of good deeds they named. The teacher thanks Grandma Matryona and the children and concludes: “You all have mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, someone has a brother, sister. This is family. Family members live together, love each other and take care of each other. Family is very important for every person. The family can be big or small. The main thing is that family members love each other, be attentive and caring towards each other.”
In conclusion, grandmother Matryona invites her large family and all the children to drink tea with a pie.


3. Parsley goes to work

Option 1

Software content. Teach children to group objects according to their purpose; develop a desire to help adults.
Software content. Pictures depicting items needed for games and for work in the garden, in the kitchen, in the apartment; three layouts: garden, kitchen, room.

Lesson progress

The teacher shows the children a letter from Petrushka and reads it. In the letter, Petrushka says that she is visiting her grandmother. He plays, draws, walks, and also helps his grandmother. Today she gave him three tasks: to plant carrots in the garden and water the flowers; cook soup; clean up the room (remove toys, dust, vacuum). But Petrushka got confused in the tools needed to complete the tasks, and asks the guys to help him.
The teacher shows the children models of the garden, kitchen and room and explains the task: you need to take one picture, look at it carefully, name the object, tell how it is used and for what work it is needed, and then put the picture to the appropriate layout. For example, a vacuum cleaner is used to clean a carpet, it needs to be turned on and vacuumed, so a picture of a vacuum cleaner needs to be added to the room layout.
The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that among the pictures with tools there are pictures with toys. They need to be selected and put in a box. The task is considered completed if all the pictures are laid out correctly.
At the end of the game, the teacher invites the children to tell Petrushka in a letter what items he will need to complete the tasks of his grandmother.

Option 2

Software content. Develop the ability to group objects according to their purpose; improve coordination and accuracy of movements.
Material. Pictures depicting tools (rake, shovel, watering can) or toy rake, shovel, watering can; flower pot; Petrushka doll; screen.

Lesson progress

Petrushka comes to visit the children and brings pictures depicting tools (rake, shovel, watering can) or toy rakes, a shovel, a watering can and a flower pot.
Teacher. Guys, look and name what Petrushka brought? (Rake, shovel, watering can, flower pot.) Why do you think Petrushka needs all this? (Parsley will work.) Do rakes belong to the natural or man-made world? (To man-made.) And the shovel? (To man-made.) And the earth? (To the natural.) And the watering can? (To man-made.) Let's plant a plant and teach Parsley to do it. First you need to water the ground, then dig a hole, plant a plant, sprinkle with earth and water again. Now tell us what tools we used and what each item is intended for. (A watering can to water; a shovel to dig; a rake to loosen; earth so that everything grows in it; the sun so that everything warms.)
Now draw the items necessary for work, and Petrushka and I will see who can draw better.
The children start painting.

Option 3

Software content. To form the ability of children to classify objects according to their intended purpose; fix the names of professions; to cultivate interest in the work of a gardener, cook, doctor, carpenter, tailor.
Material. Pictures with the image of Petrushka in the form of a gardener, cook, doctor, carpenter, tailor. Object pictures (tools and a few extra items).

Lesson progress

Teacher. You guys already know that our friend Petrushka went to his home in a fairyland, and today he sent a letter. This is what he writes: “Hello guys! I am writing to you from afar. I really like it here. I learned a lot of interesting things about people of different professions and even wanted to work with them. Since I will not come to you soon, I am sending pictures in which the artist painted me at work. And you guys guess what I want to work.
What do you think, who does Petrushka work for? (Shows a picture.) That's right, here he is a doctor. And who is here? (Cook.) Who is Petrushka in this picture? (He is a gardener.) How did you guess? (He is planting flowers.) In this picture, Petrushka is a tailor, he sews clothes for children and adults. In his hands he has a centimeter, with which you can find out how much fabric is needed for trousers or a skirt. Who is in this picture? (Joiner.)
Parsley asks you to help him choose the items he needs for his work. I will show pictures, and you will guess whether Petrushka needs this item for work or not.
If the child correctly names the object, the teacher gives him a picture. The one with the most pictures wins. The game is designed for five players.
A variant of complicating the game is possible: children who are already familiar with the game can play independently for 1-2 people.

4. My friends

Software content. To form the concepts of "friend", "friendship". To cultivate friendly relationships between children, encourage them to do good deeds; learn to cooperate, empathize, show care and attention to each other.

Lesson progress

The teacher invites the children to listen to L. Kvitko's poem and say who it is about.

About these guys
No wonder they say:
"They are for each other
They stand up high."
There are two of them, but it seems -
Stomping platoon,
When preparation
Goes to battle.
Zhukov study,
Sitting by the river
And very willingly
They eat pies.
One sighs
The other one breathes.
One sneezes
The other one also sneezes.
They don't fight
Almost never,
After all, fighting is not a sport,
Wrestling is yes.
Where is the first
There, therefore, will be the second!
They stand for each other
Mountain guys!
Children. This is a poem about friends.
The teacher clarifies: “What is a friend? What does it mean to be friends? (Children's statements.)
The teacher leads the children to the conclusion: real friends are those who take care of their friend or friends, help them in everything.
Then the teacher invites the children to play a game that will help test the friendship. Invites two guys - friends.
An outdoor game "Cross the swamp" is being held.
A “swamp” is separated on the floor (a section 3–4 meters long). The teacher gives the children two boards.
Teacher. Who will cross the swamp faster without getting their feet wet? But do not forget that you are friends, and the swamp is very insidious.
Children "cross the swamp" on the boards, helping each other if necessary.
Teacher. Well done! Happy is he who has a friend. I wonder if everyone has friends? Let's check.
The didactic game "Name your friends" is being held.
The teacher takes out lotto cards with the image of fairy-tale heroes, invites the children to combine the cards into groups and name the fairy-tale heroes - friends:
- Cheburashka, Crocodile, Gena;
– Karabas-Barabas, Duremar;
- Pinocchio, Malvina, Pierrot, Arlekino;
- Koschey, Baba Yaga, Goblin, Serpent Gorynych;
- Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf.
Teacher. Fine! Why does each character have their own friends? What unites them? (Children's statements.) That's right - common interests, goals, hobbies. Which of you wants to tell us about your friend (without calling him by name), about your hobbies, joint games? And we will guess who it is. For example: “I am friends with a boy from our group. He loves to build sand cities. And I always help him. Who is this?"
Children (4-5 children) optionally tell in turn about their friends.
Teacher. What are you good fellows! Everyone is fine, you are smiling, but do you know why? Because we were talking about friends. Talking about friends is pleasant and joyful. Who can be called friends? (Children's statements.) Which of you have friends, raise your hand. Who would like to make a pleasant surprise for others? I suggest you make a gift for your friend or girlfriend out of paper, plasticine, and then give your craft to your dear person. Our lesson is coming to an end. But friendship stays with us forever. Cherish friendship, cherish friendship - be true friends to each other.


5. Parsley goes to draw

Software content. Continue to teach children to group objects according to their purpose; develop curiosity.
Material. Large picture "Clown draws"; small pictures depicting tools and materials for drawing.

Lesson progress

Petrushka comes to visit the children, takes out a large picture “The Clown is drawing” from the folder and asks the children to tell what is shown on it.
Then Petrushka shows small pictures and asks the children to help him pick up tools and materials for drawing. Children select pictures with tools and materials for drawing, name objects, tell how they are used and what they are for. Pictures depicting objects that do not correspond to the task are put aside by the children.
In order for Petrushka to use the tools and materials for drawing correctly, the teacher suggests that the children divide the pictures into three groups:
1) tools for drawing with paints;
2) tools for drawing with pencils;
3) tools for drawing with crayons.
Children explain why the objects were assigned to this group. The game task is considered completed if the guys correctly classified the items.
Then the teacher organizes the game "Find a Pair" in order to consolidate the ability to determine the purpose and functions of objects. The game uses pictures depicting objects that perform the same and different functions.
Teacher. Guys, last night they brought me a package and a letter. Do you want to know what is in it? The letter came from children from another kindergarten. They invite us to play the game "Find a Pair" and describe it. What's in the package? Here are envelopes with pictures. Each envelope contains four pictures depicting objects. All objects perform some function. What does it mean "an object performs a function"? (Children's answers.)
With the help of a teacher, children explain what they are doing with the help of this item, how it is used. Then the children name the objects shown in the pictures and talk about their functions.
The teacher distributes one picture to the children.
Teacher. Listen to the task: the guys who have pictures with objects for carrying weights will sit at the first table, the children who have pictures with objects for drawing will sit at the second table, the guys who have pictures with objects for lighting the room will sit at the third table. Now hold up the pictures of things that help you learn, and then the pictures of things that help you work. Well done! They did a good job.

6. Our kindergarten is so good - you won’t find a better garden

Software content. Clarify children's knowledge about kindergarten. (A large beautiful building with many cozy groups, there are two halls (music and sports), a spacious kitchen where cooks prepare food, a medical office where children are helped. Kindergarten resembles a big family where everyone takes care of each other.) To expand knowledge about people of different professions working in kindergarten.
Material. Photos: general view of the kindergarten, group rooms, music and sports halls, kitchen, medical office; photographs of children engaged in various activities; photographs of kindergarten workers. Whatman sheet, glue, felt-tip pens, colored paper.

Lesson progress

The teacher asks the children if they love their kindergarten; do they like to play, study, work; How many friends do they have in kindergarten?
Invites the children to make a photomontage about the kindergarten at a common stand. He draws their attention to the photographs, asks them to find among them a photograph of the kindergarten building.
Together with the children, he places a photograph of the kindergarten building on a piece of drawing paper and sticks it.
The teacher invites the children to answer questions and clarifies that each answer is presented in the photo. Draws attention to the fact that after each answer they must find the right photo and stick it on a common stand.
In the course of the conversation with the children, the teacher sticks all the photos on a sheet of drawing paper.
Questions for children:
What is there in kindergarten? (groups, children, adults, toys, etc.)
- Many groups - is it good or bad?
What is our group? (Large, bright, beautiful, cozy, etc.)
What are the guys doing in the group? (They play with toys, read books, take care of flowers, study, etc.)
– What rooms, besides group rooms, are you familiar with? (Music and sports halls, kitchen, medical office, etc.)
- What professions work in kindergarten? (Educators, cooks, nurse, manager, music director, carpenter, watchman, etc.)
What kind of work does a teacher do? Assistant teacher? Cook? Laundry worker? And so on.
- What can you tell about the educators, the cook, the health worker, the teacher's assistant? What are they?
The teacher summarizes the answers of the children and leads them to the conclusion that the kindergarten is large, beautiful, many children attend it; people of different professions work in kindergarten, their work is significant and important.
During the conversation, a sheet of drawing paper with photographs is drawn up with colored paper.

Purpose: To form ideas about insects.



Formation of ideas about the appearance and lifestyle of insects.

Refinement and expansion of the vocabulary on the topic.

Improve the grammatical structure of speech (coordination of nouns with adjectives in gender and number, learn to complete words with the appropriate endings in phrases), to learn to find sentences - fables.

Strengthen the ability to answer questions on the content of the work.


Development of coherent speech, auditory attention, fine and general motor skills, education of the correct air stream.


Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility.

Education of respect for nature.


Demonstration material: a module with butterflies, subject pictures on the topic, small toys depicting insects.

Handout: pieces of plasticine, coloring sheet, colored pencils.

Preliminary work: Examination of insects on the territory of the kindergarten, acquaintance with literary works: G. H. Andersen "Thumbelina" , A. Bianchi "How the ant hurried home" , "Spider - Pilot" , G. Glushnev "Grasshopper and Grasshoppers" , S. Mikhalkov "Academy of Sciences" , G. Skrebitsky "Lucky Bug" , V. Zotov from the book "Forest Mosaic" ("Ladybug" , "Grasshopper" , "Chafer" ) , K. Ushinsky "Bees on exploration" , K. Chukovsky "Fly Tsokotukha" ;

listening to an audio recording by N. Rimsky-Korsakov "Flight of the Bumblebee" , A. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers" ; watching cartoons "Luntik" , "Maya the bee" , "Winnie the Pooh" , "Under the Mushroom" .

Productive artistic activity (drawing, application, modeling using natural material of insects) in evening time.

The course of directly educational activities.

1. Organizational moment. Creating an emotionally positive background

The teacher invites the children
Stand up, stand up children in a circle
You are my friend and I am your friend.
Let's hold hands tightly
And we smile at each other.

The teacher offers to stand in a circle around the rotating module, on which paper butterflies are fixed.

Teacher: Spring is in full swing. Cherry blossoms. The insects woke up. Today we will talk about insects, find out what you know about their appearance and lifestyle. Look what beautiful butterflies flew to us. Blow on them to make them spin in the air. How will you blow?

Children. You need to take in air through your nose and blow on a butterfly, without puffing out your cheeks, stretching your lips with a tube.

Educator: Right. Do the exercise.

2. Guessing riddles and looking at subject pictures with images of insects.

All the inhabitants of this clearing were bewitched by an evil sorceress and they are now in danger. To save them, you need to solve riddles.

On the chamomile at the gate
The plane landed.
golden eyes,
Who is this? (Dragonfly.)

Here's a little baby
On the shoulders - a straw.
You can't see him with glasses
And he is stronger than an elephant. (Ant.)

winged fashionista,
striped dress,
Growth, though crumbs,
Bite - it will be bad. (Wasp).

Who waves their hands at them -
The nose and forehead are smeared with green.
And who does not stick to them -
Eat with honey and drink with honey. (Bees.)

I grow like a worm
I eat leaves
Then I fall asleep
I wrap myself.

I don't eat, I don't look
I lie still.
I come alive in the spring
I leave my house

I flutter in the meadow. (Butterfly)
I am a spotted insect
If I get my hands on
I pretend to be sick hard,

I will faint. (Ladybug)
Jumped in the grass all day
I lost my violin somewhere.
And now sad by the river

Our green... (grasshopper)
I caught him on a flower
Clamped as it should in the hand.
He buzzes: "I'll ask without hands,
I - well - well - not well - iron, I - well - well - ...


The teacher places object pictures depicting insects on a magnetic board.

A striped bee flew to us yesterday, (1)
And behind her a bumblebee-bumblebee and a cheerful moth, (2, 3)
Two beetles and a dragonfly as eye lanterns. (4, 5)
Ants came and brought a blade of grass, (6)

And the spider looked at everyone, weaved nets and sang songs. (7)
How many insects are mentioned in the poem?

Children: About a bee, a bumblebee, a moth, beetles, a dragonfly, ants, a spider. 7 insects.

Educator: They also talk about a spider. But you must remember that the spider is not an insect, although it looks like insects. Many insects are considered beneficial. Bees and bumblebees pollinate the flowers of fruit trees, so there are many apples and pears in our gardens. Ants destroy harmful insects. But most of the butterflies are harmful because they lay eggs, from which caterpillars hatch. These caterpillars eat the leaves of plants and harm them. But you must remember that insects should not be destroyed. No need to catch butterflies and dragonflies, beetles and ants. Insects are small and defenseless. (The teacher shows an image of two insects, a butterfly and an ant). Pay attention to these two pictures. Who is pictured here? What is special about you? Let's try to make a comparative story. First, you will tell what insects are called. Compare how they look, list the body parts of the insect, what benefits or harms they bring.

1st R. This is a butterfly and an ant. The butterfly is very beautiful, yellow, and the ant is small brown.

2nd R. A butterfly has six legs and antennae; an ant also has six legs and antennae.

3rd R. Butterfly lays eggs, caterpillars hatch from them, which harm plants. And ants destroy harmful insects, they are beneficial.

Educator: Well done! You made up a good story and compared two insects.

I offer you a warm-up for fingers. (children are divided into 3 groups)

(Children choose a coloring sheet with an insect and any task from the 3 proposed 1. color. 2. roll balls for a ladybug from plasticine and attach, 3. roll up flagella-paws for a spider and put them on a template.)


In the morning the butterfly woke up
Stretched, smiled
Once - she washed herself with dew,
Two - gracefully circled.

Three - bent down and sat down,
At four, she flew away.

3. Game "Find an insect"

Educator: Here we are again in the clearing.

How can we determine that there is a living world around us?, (audio recording of forest noise plays) you can hear the birds singing, the rustling of the leaves of the trees.

Children: you can hear and see birds.

Educator: How can you detect insects?

Children: In the forest, you need to carefully look under your feet and walk carefully.

Educator: I suggest that you be researchers and find insects in the clearing .. Call whoever finds who immediately. (small insect toys are laid out on the rug)

The little villagers are grateful to you for saving them and want to play hide and seek with you. They love to hide. Here are our insects, you close your eyes, and I remove one of them. And you have to tell me who I hid?

Educator: After all, each insect has its own unusual color. Why is the grasshopper green? (answer)

Educator: Do beetles have brown or black backs? (answer)

Teacher: Who are they hiding from? (answer)

Educator: Guys, look at the ladybug. She is so bright! It is clearly visible in the grass and on the bark of a tree. Any bird will notice it. Where can she hide? It turns out that the ladybug does not have to hide, because she has a secret: she herself knows how to defend herself from enemies. In a moment of danger, she secretes milk, which smells very bad, so no one eats a ladybug. And since she, like a real cow, gives milk, then she was named "ladybug" . It is bright red for everyone to see: it is dangerous to eat it!

Guys, why not touch, offend ladybugs and other insects? (answer)

Educator:. Yes, insects are alive. They cannot be offended. But you can admire them and watch how they fly, run, jump, play, listen to how they buzz. Guys, who will tell me what kind of inhabitants of this small clearing live here? (list)

Educator: And how can they be called in one word? (insects) But you know that if insects disappear from our planet, then plants, animals, birds will disappear. They cannot exist without each other. Insects are part of nature. Therefore, you can not kill insects, but only protect, love and protect them.

4. Presentation: "Insects"

5. The game "Call it affectionately." (Negotiating a word with the appropriate endings in phrases, reinforcing the ability to coordinate nouns with adjectives in gender and number). L. I will pronounce phrases, and you will finish them. Only one condition, we call insects affectionately.

Yellow butterflies:, black ant:, red ladybug:, green grasshoppers:, blue beetle:, white butterfly ... Well done!

6. Didactic game "Correct the mistake" (Development of auditory attention, learning to find sentences-fables.)

Educator: Shows a picture with an insect.

Educator: Grandma flies near the flower?

Reb. No. It's a butterfly

Educator:. The saw flies and buzzes.

Reb. This is a bee.

Educator: The bow is creeping along the branch.

Reb. This is a beetle.

Educator: Mura sat on the cheese.

Reb. No. It's a fly that landed on cheese.

7. The result of the activity. (assessment of children's work).

Educator: Offers to remember who they talked about in class, what games and exercises they liked.

Teacher: You did a very good job. Well done! Clap yourself.

Abstract of the lesson on the world around

in the middle group

Subject: "Pets"


    to form the concept of pets;

    develop a mental operation - generalization;

    Raise an interest in observing the life of pets.

Lesson progress:

Psychological setting for the lesson.

Let's enjoy the sun and the birds, (children raise their hands up)

And also rejoice at smiling faces (Smile at each other)

And to everyone who lives on this planet (shrugs)

"Good morning!" let's say we are together (join hands)

Our eyes are watching.

Our ears are listening carefully.

Our feet do not interfere with us.

Our hands help us.

Guys, this morning the postman brought us a letter. Let's find out who wrote it to us.

This is a letter from the grandparents from the village. This is what they write: “Hello, dear girls and boys. We had a misfortune - all the animals fled from our yard. Please help me find them." We'll help you find it. And to find, you need to solve riddles.

I serve the master

The master's house to the watchman,

I growl and bark loudly

And I drive out strangers.


- The very first animal that man made his friend was the dog. This happened during the joint hunting of ancient people and wild dogs. Dogs helped man find and drive animals into deep pits, and man shared with them part of the prey.

Guys, the dog has its own house, what is it called? (Booth).

Right. What are the benefits of a dog?

Children: The dog guards the house.

There are dogs of different breeds: hunting, rescue, guide dogs, shepherds, sled dogs, watchdogs.

For thousands of years, the dog lives with people. She guards cattle, warehouses, houses, helps hunters track down the beast, guards the border, leads the blind through the streets, saves people in the mountains and on the water.

Cargo carries, hay chews,

waving its tail,

mane shakes.

I-go-go, I-go-go,

I will go far.


Where does the horse live?

Children: In the stable.

Right. What do you think is the benefit of the horse?

Children: Helps people in the household - carries a cart, people.

In the old days, peasants harnessed the horse to the plow and plowed the field. Horses carried both hay from the meadows and firewood from the forest. And now horses are indispensable in the village.

She says "moo-moo!"

At night he sleeps in his barn,

Goes to pasture during the day.

Gives milk to all of us. (Cow)

Where does the cow live?

Children: In the barn.

What benefits does a cow bring to people?

Children: Gives milk, and sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir are already being made from milk.

Guys, what do cows eat? (grass)

Cows have an excellent sense of smell: by smell, they perfectly distinguish between edible herbs and inedible ones.

Cows are herbivores. In summer they graze in the meadow.

What do they eat in winter? (hay)

From milk, people have learned to cook many healthy, tasty, nutritious foods. Which? (sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese and others.

And sour cream, and kefir,

Cream, ryazhenka and cheese,

Cottage cheese, butter, curdled milk,

Milk for delicious porridge

Our Burenka gives us!

Horns, beard,

The wool is long.

Who else gives us milk? (goat)

Where does the goat live?

Children: In the sheepfold.

What are the benefits of goats for humans?

Very healthy and tasty goat milk. Cheese, cheese, cottage cheese and sour cream are prepared from it.

Goats of the Angora, Orenburg breeds are valued by people for their wonderful wool and warm fluff. Beautiful shawls, sweaters, hats, scarves and mittens are knitted from goat wool.

That's right guys. Warm socks, scarves, gloves are knitted from goat wool and it gives very tasty milk.

I am small, white,

timid, timid,

I give wool to my mistress

For scarves and sweatshirts. (sheep)

In ancient times, sheep's wool was valued more than gold, it was called the golden fleece.

I have a piglet

Instead of a ponytail, a hook

I like to lie in a puddle

And grunt: “Oink! Oink!”


Children - Pig.

Right. Pigs give us meat, delicious sausages, sausages, sausages.

Where does the pig live?

Children - The pig lives in a pigsty.

What does a pig eat? (grain, vegetables)

Pigs are unpretentious in food. They are omnivores.

In winter and summer, pigs are kept in a barn, fed with grain and vegetables. Pigs' favorite treat is acorns.

Though velvet paws,

But they call me "scratch"

I'm good at catching mice

I drink milk from a saucer.


A cat is a flexible, graceful and very clean animal. She loves her owners, her home, she likes to soak up the warmth and comfort, take a nap in the sun or in an easy chair.

Guys, do you want to turn into cats yourself? Then… turn around one, two, three around you and turn into cats. Listen and look at me.

Children perform movements in accordance with the text.

Here the window is open. (hands to the side)

The cat came out on the ledge. (imitation of the soft, graceful gait of a cat)

The cat looked up, (throw back your head, look up)

The cat looked down. (lower head, look down)

Here I turned to the left, (turn your head to the left)

She looked at the flies. (turn your head to the right, look at the fly)

Stretched, smiled (corresponding movements and facial expressions)

And sat down on the ledge. (sit down)

What obedient kitties! But it's time to turn into guys: one, two, three, turn around yourself and turn back into guys.

Well done guys, all the animals were returned back to the yard. Grandma and grandpa are happy with your work. Let's remember which animals we helped to return?

(Pig, goat, sheep, cow, horse, dog, cat)

And how can you call all these animals, in one word? (Homemade.)

What do all these animals have in common? (all are covered with hair, all have 4 legs or paws, all have a muzzle, tail)

The game "Whose baby?"

Let's play an interesting game "Whose baby?". Stand in a circle, I will alternately throw the ball to you and name the adult animals, and you will throw it back to me and call their cubs.

(Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle is a teacher who alternately throws the ball to the children, naming adult animals. Children call the baby animals.)

The cow has a calf

The dog has a puppy

The cat has a kitten

The horse has a foal

The goat has a kid,

The pig has a piglet.

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Goat - pig - wolf - cow.
Rabbit - hare - horse - goat.

Guys, what do you think, is it necessary to take care of pets?

"Feed the Animals"

Perhaps our animals are already hungry. We have to feed them.

On the board are subject pictures with food for animals.

Children choose an animal treat for their family.

I'll give the cows hay. I will feed the pigs vegetables

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution

"Kindergarten No. 74"

Plan - a program to familiarize yourself with the outside world

middle group

for the 2017-2018 academic year.

Educators: Gracheva N.V.





Cooperative activity

Independent activity

Replenishment of the development environment

2 weeks

Subject: target walk « What is a street.

Program content:Form elementary ideas about the street; draw the attention of children to houses, buildings for various purposes, the sidewalk, the roadway. To consolidate knowledge about the name of the street on which the kindergarten is located; to encourage the guys who name the street where they live. Explain the importance of every child knowing their address.


1. Target walk to the pedestrian crossing.

2. Guessing riddles about transport.

1. Looking at photos with views of the city.

2. Examination of the album "Berezniki".

1. Photos with views of the city.

2. Album "Berezniki".

3 week

Subject: What has autumn brought us?

Program content

1. Expand children's ideas about vegetables and fruits. To consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. Explain the benefits of natural vitamins.

Literature: O.A. Solomennikova “Classes on FEEP”, p.28

1. Reading and dramatization of the Russian folk tale "Turnip".

2. Drawing and modeling vegetables and fruits.

1. Considering illustrations depicting vegetables and fruits.

2. Games with models of vegetables and fruits.

1. Illustrations depicting vegetables and fruits.

2. Models of vegetables and fruits.



Cooperative activity

Independent activity

Replenishment of the development environment

4 week

Subject. « Our nursery is so good - you won’t find a better garden.”

Program content:Clarify children's knowledge about kindergarten. (A large beautiful building with many cozy groups, there are two halls (music and sports), a spacious kitchen where cooks prepare food, a medical office where children are helped. Kindergarten resembles a big family where everyone takes care of each other.) To expand knowledge about people of different professions working in kindergarten.

Liter. O.V.

Dybin “Classes on ozn. from okrug.",

1. Memorizing poems about kindergarten (individually).

2. Excursions to the classrooms of kindergarten workers.

1. Considering pictures depicting the life of a kindergarten.

2. Looking at photos of kindergarten employees at their workplaces.

3. Role-playing game "Kindergarten"

1. Pictures depicting the life of a kindergarten.

2. Photos of kindergarten employees at their workplaces.

3. Attributes for the role-playing game "Kindergarten"



Cooperative activity

Independent activity

Replenishment of the development environment

2 a week

Subject."Home for Tassel".

Program content: give children an idea of ​​the forest as an ecosystem, show the relationship of animal organisms in nature.

Liter. See developments.

1. Conversation "Where do squirrels live?".

2.D / and “Whose children are you?”

3.D / and "Wild animals"

1. D / and "Guess who it is?"

2. Consideration of the album "Houses of wild animals".

1. D / and “Whose children are you?”

2.D / and "Wild animals"

3. D / and "Guess who it is?"

4. Album "Houses of wild animals".

3 week

Subject."Journey into the Past of the Armchair".

Program content: To consolidate knowledge about the purpose of household items (stool, chair, armchair); Develop a retrospective view of objects. Learn to identify some features of objects (parts, shape).

Liter. O.V. Dybin “Classes on ozn. from okrug.",

1. Conversation "History of the chair"

2. Reading the fairy tale "Three Bears".

3. Guessing riddles about furniture.

1. Viewing the album "Furniture"

2. D / and “What is superfluous?”

1. Album "Furniture"

2. D / and “What is superfluous?”



Cooperative activity

Independent activity

Replenishment of the development environment

4 a week

Subject. « Let's help Dunno to fashion dishes.

Program content: To expand children's ideas about the properties of natural materials. Learn to compare the properties of sand and clay. To form ideas that toys and dishes can be sculpted from clay. Strengthen the ability to sculpt from clay.

Liter. O.A.

1. Reading the fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky "Fedorino's grief".

2. Experiments with wet and dry sand.

1. Viewing the album "Dishes"

2. Consideration of Dymkovo and Filimonovo toys.

1. Album "Dishes"

2. Plasticine



Cooperative activity

Independent activity

Replenishment of the development environment

1 Week

Subject."Wonderful bag" - looking at fruits and vegetables.

Program content: introduce the names of fruits, learn to describe fruits, develop logical thinking, develop the need to create something with your own hands; consolidate knowledge of colors; to cultivate independence, the desire to bring joy to the character.

Liter. See developments.

1. Reading poems about vegetables and fruits.

2. Guessing riddles about vegetables and fruits.

3. D / and "In the garden, in the field, in the garden"

3.D / and "Name it in one word"

1. Considering natural vegetables.

2. Consideration of the albums "Vegetables", "Fruits".

1. D / and "In the garden, in the field, in the garden"

2. D / and "Name it in one word"

3. Album "Vegetables"

4. Introduce natural fruits.

4 a week

Subject."Tell me about your favorite subjects."

Program content: To consolidate the ability of children to find objects of the man-made world in the environment. Learn to describe objects, pronouncing their name, details, functions, material.

Liter. O.V. Dybin “Classes on ozn. from okrug.",

1.D / and "Describe the subject"

2. Guessing riddles about toys.

3. Reading poems by A. Barto "Toys"

1. Examining toys.

2. Reviewing the album "Toys"

1. Contribute the album "Toys"

2. Place in the corner of the book an illustrated book of poems by A. Barto "Toys"



Cooperative activity

Independent activity

Replenishment of the development environment

5 a week

Subject."My mom is a wonderful doctor."

Program content: To form concepts about the importance of the work of a doctor and a nurse, their business and personal qualities. Develop an emotional benevolent attitude towards them.

Liter. O.V. Dybin “Classes on ozn. from okrug.",

1. Individual and group conversations with children about the profession of their parents.

2. Reading poems about various professions.

3. Guessing riddles about professions.

4. Developing lotto "Who to be"

1. Role-playing game "Hospital"

2. Considering the album "Professions"

1. Developing lotto "Who to be"

2. Album "Professions"

3. Enter the attributes for the role-playing game "Hospital"



Cooperative activity

Independent activity

Replenishment of the development environment

2 a week

Subject."Journey into the past of clothing."

Program content:Give the concept that a person creates objects for his life; develop a retrospective view of these items (learn to navigate the past and present of clothing items)

Liter. O.V. Dybin “Classes on ozn. from okrug.",

1. Conversation "History of clothes"

2.D / and "Tell me what clothes."

3. Guessing riddles about clothes.

1. Considering the album "Clothes"

2. D / and “What is superfluous?”

1. Album "Clothes"

2. D / and “What is superfluous?”

3 week

Subject: " A flock of bullfinches on rowan branches"

Program content

1. Expand children's ideas about the diversity of birds.

2. Learn to highlight the characteristic features of a bullfinch.

3. Develop curiosity.

4. Raise the desire to observe the birds arriving at the site and feed them.

Literature: O.A. Solomennikova "Classes on FEEP", p48

1. Birdwatching.

2. Feeding the birds.

3.P / and "Sparrows and the car"

1. Examining the album "Birds".

2. Drawing and modeling birds.

1. Album "Birds".



Cooperative activity

Independent activity

Replenishment of the development environment

3 a week

Subject."Petrushka goes to work."

Program content: To teach to group objects according to their purpose (satisfaction of the need for labor actions); develop a desire to help adults.

Liter. O.V. Dybin “Classes on ozn. from okrug.",

1. The teacher's story about what tools are and what they are for.

1. Considering the album "Tools of Labor"

1. Album "Tools"



Cooperative activity

Independent activity

Replenishment of the development environment

2 a week

Subject."What are these things for?"

Program content:To form children's ideas about objects that facilitate the work of people; teach how to correctly pronounce the names of tools, their parts, actions with them; classify instruments. To cultivate a positive attitude towards the work of adults and a careful attitude to things.

Liter. See developments.

1. Making riddles about tools.

2. A conversation about the profession of a carpenter.

1. Consideration of tools with an explanation of their purpose.

2. Consideration of illustrations depicting various tools.

1.Introduce various tools.

2.Illustrations depicting various tools.

3 week

Subject."Health Secrets"

Program content:to teach children to independently monitor their health, to know simple methods of self-healing, to be able to provide themselves with elementary help; to consolidate children's knowledge about personal hygiene items: comb, soap, towel, toothbrush, washcloth, handkerchief and the skills to use them; instill in children the desire to take care of their health.

Liter. See developments.

1. Conversations about health.

2. Reading poems about sports and sports equipment.

3. D / and "Useful - harmful."

1. Consideration of sports equipment.

2. Consideration of albums "Winter sports".

1. Bring in sports equipment.

2. Albums "Winter sports".

4 week

Subject."Defenders of the Fatherland".

Program content:to give children knowledge about the army, to form their first ideas about the types of troops, aboutdefenders of the Fatherland; enrich vocabulary with new nouns and adjectives: paratrooper, tanker, pilot; to cultivate a sense of pride in one's army, to arouse a desire to be like strong, courageous warriors, love for the Motherland, for native people, cultivate kindness, the ability to make friends.

Liter. See developments

1. Learning physical minutes "To become strong and dexterous."

2 Guessing riddles about military equipment.

3.C / r game "Border guards"

1. Viewing the album with representatives of various branches of the military.

2.Consideration of illustrations, pictures with military professions.

1.Album with representatives of various branches of the military.

2.Illustrations, pictures with military professions.

5 week

Subject."My friends".

Program content: To form the concepts of "friend", "friendship"; foster positive relationships between children, encouraging them to do good deeds. Learn to cooperate, empathize, show care and attention to each other.

Liter. O.V. Dybin “Classes on ozn. from okrug.",

1. Learning proverbs, sayings about friendship,

2. Reading fairy tales and stories about friendship, friend.

3. Game "Compliments"

1. Drawing on the theme "My beloved friend."

1. Audio recording of V. Shainsky's song "When my friends are with me."



Cooperative activity

Independent activity

Replenishment of the development environment

2 a week

Subject."Our Carnival".

Program content: To acquaint children with the history, traditions of the Russian people, with Russian folk games.

Create a positive emotional state.

Continue to enrich vocabulary (Shrovetide, buffoons, fun, etc.).

Liter. See developments.

1. Reading Russian folklore (proverbs, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes, incantations).

2. Folk game "Gate".

3. Listening to Russian folk songs.

1. Considering the illustration of Maslenitsa.

2. Consideration of the album "Russian folk costumes".

1. Illustration of Maslenitsa

2. Album "Russian folk costumes".

3 week

Subject."My city".

Program content:Continue to fix the name of your native city (village), introduce you to its sights. Cultivate a sense of pride in your city (village)

Liter. O.V. Dybin “Classes on ozn. from okrug.",

1. Considering the album "Berezniki, my Berezniki ..."

1. Fix the name of the hometown, knowledge of the home address.

2. Develop attention, memory.

3. to instill in children a sense of love for their city.

1. Album "Berezniki, my Berezniki ..."

2. Postcards with views of the city of Berezniki.

4 week

Subject."Migratory birds".

Program content: To expand children's understanding of birds, their lifestyle and appearance, to continue to differentiate the concepts of "wintering" - "migratory" birds.

Develop thinking, coherent speech, auditory and visual attention, fine motor skills. Expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic.

Liter. See developments.

1. Birdwatching.

2. Guessing riddles about birds.

1. Viewing the album "Birds"

2. Examination of illustrations depicting migratory birds.

1. Album "Birds".

2. Illustrations depicting migratory birds.



Cooperative activity

Independent activity

Replenishment of the development environment

2 a week


Program content:Generalization of children's ideas about space, to acquaint children with the history of the origin of the Cosmonautics Day holiday, to give initial information about the planets of the solar system. Activate the children's vocabulary with the words: space, planet, astronaut.

Liter. See developments.

1. Conversation about space.

2. Guessing riddles about space.

3. Mobile game "Cosmonauts"

1. Consideration of the planets of the solar system.

2. Drawing the starry sky.

1. Toys of the planet of the solar system.

3 week

Subject: On a visit to the mistress of the meadow

Program content

1. Expand children's ideas about the diversity of insects.

2. To consolidate knowledge about the structure of insects.

3. To nurture respect for the environment.

4. Develop the ability to guess riddles about insects.

Literature: O.A. Solomennikova “Classes on FEEP”, p.59

1. Reviewing the album "Insects", "Safety in nature."

1. Album "Insects", "Safety in nature".

4 week

Subject. Ecological trail in spring.

Program content: Expand children's ideas about seasonal changes in nature. Show the objects of the ecological trail in spring. Build respect for the environment. To give elementary ideas about the relationship between man and nature.

Liter. O.A.

Solomennikov "Acquaintance with nature in kindergarten",

1. Guessing riddles about the seasons.

2. Repeat poems about spring.

3. Work with the calendar of nature.

1. Consideration of the albums "Spring", "Trees".

1.Album "Spring", "Trees".

2. D / and "Seasons"



Cooperative activity

Independent activity

Replenishment of the development environment

1 a week

Subject."Animals of hot countries".

Program content: Consolidation of ideas about the animals of hot countries and their features, the names of the cubs.

Repetition of the scheme for compiling a story-description of an animal.

The development of the ability to compare animals on essential grounds.

The development of coherent speech, fine motor skills, attention.

Education of cognitive interest in the fauna of hot countries.

Liter. See developments.

1. Conversation about the animals of hot countries.

2.D / and “Whose children are you?”

3.D / and "Animals of hot countries"

1. D / and "Guess who it is?"

2. Consideration of the album "Animals of hot countries".

1. D / and “Whose children are you?”

2.D / and "Animals of hot countries"

3. D / and "Guess who it is?"

4. Album "Animals of hot countries".

3 week

Subject."In the Land of Insects".

Program content: Clarify children's knowledge about insects, their characteristic features, adaptability to living conditions; to teach to express facial expressions, gestures and plasticity of their movements; attention development. Act according to the algorithm based on the scheme. Act according to verbal instructions;
cultivate respect for insects, love for nature.

Liter. See developments.

1. Guessing riddles about insects.

2. Considering insects for a walk.

1. Examining the album "Insects".

2. Consideration of illustrations depicting insects.

1. Album "Insects".

2. Illustrations depicting insects.



Cooperative activity

Independent activity

Replenishment of the development environment

4 a week

Subject."Journey to the Forest"

Program content: expand children's ideas about the forest; to cultivate love for the native land, animals of the forest; enrich and activate the vocabulary of children; to form the ability to transfer the rules of safe behavior into the game with the participation of an adult; form the habit of a healthy lifestyle;

Liter. See developments.

1. Talk about wild animals.

2. Guessing riddles about wild animals, about a healthy lifestyle.

3. P / and "Hares and the wolf."

1. D / and "Find out who it is?"

2.D / and “Where is whose house?”

3. Considering the album "Wild Animals".

1. D / and "Find out who it is?"

2.D / and “Where is whose house?”

3. Album "Wild Animals".


1. The program of education and training in kindergarten. Edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova. - M. Mosaic-Synthesis, 2006.

2. Dybina O.V. "Familiarization with the subject and social environment." (Middle group). M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2014. - 80 p.

3. Solomennikova O.A. “Classes on the formation of elementary ecological ideas. Abstracts of classes. - M.: Mosaic-Sintez, 2009. - 80 p.

For several years I have been working at MBDOU No. 1 "Birch" on the problem of "Education of eco-culture and environmental awareness of preschool children using game forms of activity."
I have chosen this direction because one of the main tasks of upbringing and education is the formation of an ecological culture and environmental consciousness, the foundation of which is reliable knowledge of ecology and practical skills aimed at protecting nature.
To implement this problem, a long-term work plan was drawn up in the middle group to get acquainted with the outside world, which includes such sections of the Education and Training Program in Kindergarten / ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova, as:

  • subject environment. Phenomena of social life.
  • Natural environment. Ecological education.

Long-term planning of classes in the section "Child and the world around":

subject environment. Phenomena of social life.
Natural environment. environmental education
in the middle group of kindergarten


A week

Program subsection


Program content

II week We live in the city To consolidate and expand children's knowledge about the city, to develop curiosity; cultivate a caring, caring attitude towards your city
III week Walk around the city To expand children's ideas about the diversity of natural phenomena, to develop children's knowledge about transport. Cultivate resilience.
IV week subject environment. Phenomena of social life We're going to visit (my family) Clarify children's knowledge of family ties, develop speech, cultivate love and respect for their loved ones
5th week subject environment. environmental education "The street is full of surprises" (How to behave on the street) To teach children the rules of behavior in the yard and on the street, to consolidate ideas about seasonal changes in nature, to develop skills about their health
A week

Program subsection


Program content

II week subject environment. Phenomena of social life What are we? Teach children to see signs of similarities and differences; develop speech, cultivate an attentive attitude towards each other
III week subject environment. environmental education "Pets" (who lives with us) To consolidate children's knowledge about pets; to develop the ability to highlight signs of similarities and differences, to cultivate a humane attitude
IV week subject environment. Phenomena of social life What are we? To teach children to name parts of the face, to develop the ability to determine the emotional state, to cultivate caring
5th week subject environment. environmental education Autumn drops gold Learn to independently find signs of autumn, develop knowledge about the cause-and-effect relationships of nature
A week

Program subsection


Program content

I week subject environment. Phenomena of social life To the forest for mushrooms and berries Introduce children to some properties of wood; expand children's ideas about wild mushrooms and berries; develop respect for nature
II week subject environment. environmental education How do animals prepare for winter? Expand children's ideas about the lifestyle of forest doors and sedentary birds in the fall, develop speech, cultivate a love for nature
III week subject environment. Phenomena of social life And again in the garden To teach children to classify objects according to typical characteristics, to develop speech, to cultivate politeness
IV week subject environment. environmental education Where vegetables in the store Learn to distinguish vegetables in appearance, develop knowledge about vegetables, cultivate goodwill
5th week subject environment. Phenomena of social life What for what? (We help mom cook) Learn to recognize vegetables and fruits, develop knowledge about food, cultivate curiosity
A week

Program subsection


Program content

I week subject environment. environmental education Fruits on store shelves Learn to distinguish fruits and garden berries in appearance, develop knowledge about fruits and berries, cultivate responsiveness
II week subject environment. Phenomena of social life All jobs are good (professions of people) To teach the correct name of people's professions, to develop children's knowledge of professions, to cultivate respect for people of any profession
III week subject environment. environmental education Where did bread come from To acquaint children with how bread was grown in the old days; to develop children's knowledge about bread, to cultivate a careful attitude to bread
IV week subject environment. Phenomena of social life Winter in the city Learn to independently find signs of winter, analyze, compare, draw conclusions, develop the ability to observe, cultivate love for nature
A week

Program subsection


Program content

II week subject environment. environmental education Winter sings - calls out, shaggy forest cradles (excursion to the winter park) Learn to talk about winter phenomena in the life of nature, develop speech, cultivate curiosity
III week subject environment. Phenomena of social life Forest dwellers - animals To teach children to talk about the preparation of forest animals and birds for winter, analyze, draw conclusions, develop speech, cultivate observation
IV week subject environment. environmental education barnyard dwellers Learn to find similarities and differences between domestic animals of the village and wild animals, develop speech, cultivate curiosity
A week

Program subsection


Program content

I week subject environment. Phenomena of social life About those who can fly (birds) Learn to find signs of similarities and differences in birds; develop speech, cultivate caring
II week subject environment. environmental education Inhabitants of the poultry house Learn to find signs of similarities and differences in birds; develop speech, cultivate a caring attitude towards nature
III week subject environment. Phenomena of social life Water dwellers - fish To teach to talk about fish, to develop the ability to observe, to cultivate responsiveness
IV week subject environment. environmental education We are going to the zoo To teach children to talk about the animals of our and other countries; develop speech, cultivate a culture of behavior
5th week subject environment. Phenomena of social life "Holidays" Defender of the Fatherland Day Talk about the military, develop a desire to defend the Motherland, cultivate a sense of pride in one's Motherland
A week

Program subsection


Program content

II week subject environment. environmental education Holidays Continue to acquaint with the holiday of March 8 - International Women's Day .. Cause a desire to please mothers and grandmothers with a gift. Raise love and care for mother and grandmother.
III week subject environment. Phenomena of social life How to receive guests To teach children how to behave at a party, how to receive guests, develop logical thinking, cultivate respect for people.
IV week subject environment. environmental education Weather and mood Teach children positive and supportive communication with peers, help them understand what the role of the owner of the house is when receiving guests.
5th week subject environment. Phenomena of social life What is your favorite activity Determine with the children their preferences in games and activities, compare curiosity, cultivate friendliness
A week

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Program content

II week subject environment. environmental education Spring breeze through the window To teach to find the characteristic signs of spring, to develop the ability to analyze, compare, draw conclusions, cultivate curiosity
III week subject environment. Phenomena of social life How to behave at the table Teach children to use forms of politeness, to thank for the service rendered. Develop the ability to take care of all things, cultivate modesty
IV week subject environment. environmental education Let's take care of nature To teach how to behave in nature, to develop an idea of ​​what actions harm nature, spoil it, and which contribute to restoration. To educate children in environmental awareness in children.
5th week subject environment. Phenomena of social life About those who can fly Learn to talk about birds, activate the names of birds in speech, determine the color, shape, size of birds. Cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards birds
A week

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Program content

I week subject environment. environmental education Spring awakening of nature (Tour of the forest park) Teach yourself to find the characteristic signs of spring; develop the ability to observe, describe, establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships; develop respect for nature
II week subject environment. Phenomena of social life six legged moms To expand children's knowledge of characteristic features, to develop the ability to see signs of similarities and differences; cultivate respect for all living things
III week subject environment. environmental education Seasons To consolidate children's ideas about the main features of all seasons, to develop the ability to independently find them and express them in speech, to educate attention
IV week subject environment. Phenomena of social life Spring in the village (we plant plants) To expand children's ideas about the life of domestic animals in the spring, about the work of people in the village in the spring. Cultivate love for the native land
5th week subject environment. environmental education Repetition Encourage a story about birds flying to the site, consolidate knowledge about trees. Cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards birds

Used Books:

1. Avdeeva N.N., Knyazeva O.L., Sterkina R.B. Safety: Textbook on the basics of safety of children of vital activity of children of senior preschool age / N.N. Avdeeva R.B., O.L. Knyazeva, R.B. Sterkin. - M .: LLC "Publishing house AST-LTD. - 1998. - 160 p.
2. Vakhrushev A.A., Kochemasova E.E., Akimova Yu.A., Belova I.K. Hello world! The environment for preschoolers. Methodical Recommendations for educators, teachers and parents - M .: Balass, 2006. - 304 p ..
3. Knyazeva O.L. I, you, we: Social-emotional development of children from 3 to 6 years old: Textbook-methodical manual for preschool educators / O.L. Knyazeva, R.B. Sterkin. – M.: Enlightenment, 2004. – 93 p.: ill.
4. Noskova T. A. Program. Ecological education of preschool children. A practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. - Kirov: "LONA-PLUS" - 2008 - 232 p.