School script for a festive concert by February 23. Scenario of the festive concert "February 23 - celebrates our country" for children of senior preschool age. Children read poetry

Leaders take the stage.

Presenter 1: There is a beautiful day in February
When we congratulate men.
There is no "Man's Day" on earth,
But we are correcting the error.

Presenter 2: Even though you don't wear a uniform,
But we know that in difficult times
You, like all soldiers,
Save the Motherland and us.

Presenter1:- On February 23, the whole country will celebrate a great holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. The word "Fatherland" is of the same root as the word "father", "Fatherland", "father's house", "father's land. Fatherland is our country, Motherland.

Presenter 2: We dedicate today's concert program and all the kind words and wishes addressed to you to the Defenders of the Fatherland.

Presenter 1: In the old days, they talked about men who defended their homeland with respect and pride.

AT 2- How proudly the word "Men" sounds! And what does it say?

IN 1- A man is courage

AT 2- Will.

IN 1- Magnanimity.

AT 2- And nobility.

IN 1- Courage.

AT 2“And strength.


Happy Defenders Day

Happy holiday, friends.

Do not congratulate on this day

You can't.

On this day, we wish everyone

Happiness, blessings, prosperity,

So that in the service and at home

It was all right.

So that health never

Didn't let you down

So that you have a cloudless

Everything was from now on!

That he became universal,

Everyone is pretty clear...

Happy Defender's Day. A country!

Happy holiday!

No. 1 Alina Ilkaeva performs. Music by Fayzi, lyrics by Tukay. Bayram Bugen.

Speaker Akhmarova Ilyana. Volkov. "Rainbow".

AT 2. Every year on this day we remember those who defended our Motherland from the enemy, stood up for its freedom and independence.

IN 1 I am a Russian person, and Russian nature
Kind to me, and I sing it.
I am a Russian man, the son of my people,
I proudly look at my Motherland!

No. 2 Barashkov Artem performs. Russian folk song "In the forge"._________________________________________________

Vedas 1. Everyone reveres this glorious day

In it on the face of all the courage features

Any man keeps a fragile world

Serving the Fatherland, with valor on you

Not everyone can accomplish the feat

Especially - in the stream of peaceful days,

But everyone must serve the Motherland

Hurt soul and heart only about her

February brought us a great holiday

Defenders of the Fatherland - vivat!

Protects from storms and thunderstorms

Russian warrior is a valiant soldier.


V.2: The Russian folk song “Motherland” performed by Kurbangaliev Aizat sounds for you.
Matishev Runar performs. Tat. national song "Su yes, oyzalasenme."

AT 2. On this day we remember not only those who went through the difficult paths of the war, who forged victory in the rear, but also those who, decades later, performed their international duty in Afghanistan and Chechnya.
No. 4 Enzhe Zakirova performs. "Memory". ???????(Guitar)________________________________________________

AT 2: The events of the Afghan war are becoming more and more distant over the years, but those who went through them are not forgotten. Poems are written about them, Heroes, songs are sung, stories about their exploits are passed from mouth to mouth. All this is a tribute to the memory of a warrior who honorably fulfilled his soldier's duty.

№5Mursalimov Danil speaks. "Song of the Elusive Avengers". Speaker Mitrieva Rufina. Batyr-Bulgari. "Guy with an accordion." __________________________________________________

AT 2: Russia…

Like a word from a song

birch young foliage,

Around forests, fields and rivers,

Expanse, Russian soul -

I love you my Russia

I love, I deeply understand

Steppe pensive sadness

I love everything they call

In one broad word Rus'.

№6_Tuiguldina Elvina speaks. Babadzhanyan. "Elegy".________________________________________________
Speaker Abdalova Dinara. Namb.

IN 1: On this day we traditionally congratulate our dear dads!

My dad is not serving now, but sometime

He, too, was a faithful soldier of the Motherland,

He also held a combat machine

Peace guarding the Russian guys

Now he works hard

So that our native land is rich and strong.

No. 7 Our dear dads, for you the next number is performed by the vocal ensemble "Song about dad".________________________________________________
Vedas 2: Today we want to congratulate our boys, the future Defenders of the Fatherland.

When our children become adults,

They, too, will be called to serve as soldiers,

After all, any Russian man should,

Be able to go into battle for Russia

Let the guys protect the country from enemies

And honestly carry out military service

We will be proud of our guys

Long live the valiant Russian soldier!

AT 2: No. 8 Ilkaev Artur performs. Music by Poplyanov, lyrics by Tatarinov. "Tin soldier". ___________________________________________
Speaker Sagidullina Vika. Chaikovsky. "February. Maslenitsa".

IN 1: Let the sun shine in the peaceful sky
And the trumpet does not call for a hike.
So that only in the exercises of soldiers
Move forward on the attack.
Let spring thunder instead of explosions
Nature awakens from sleep
And your children sleep peacefully
Today, tomorrow and always!
Good health and happiness
To all those who defended our world.
And who is guarding him today
And who fully gave the debt to the Motherland!

No. 9_The junior choir "Spring song" performs ________________________________________________

IN 1: Thank you soldiers
For a life,
For childhood
For the spring
For the silence
For a peaceful home
For the world we live in.

No. 10 An ensemble of teachers performs. Saidashev. "March of the Soviet Army". ___________________________________________

AT 2:- Our dear men, boys! Today, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, let us say one more wish, the last and most important thing - may the sky above your head always be peaceful!

IN 1: Everything has its time - leisure and fun,

A mountain of other problems awaits you tomorrow,

And our holiday is coming to an end,

It's time to say goodbye, my friends.

Happy journey, thanks for your attention,

Happy journey, see you soon, friends!

1. Immediately after the victory of the armed uprising of the Bolsheviks in Petrograd on November 7-8, 1917, the Soviet government had to fight not only with internal enemies who did not want to go into a bright communist tomorrow, but also with external enemies - World War I continued and hostilities took place on the territory of Russia .

The Soviet government, in order to protect the Soviet state from Kaiser's Germany, began organizing regular armed forces.

2. On January 28, 1918, the chairman of the Council of People's Commissars V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin) signed a decree "On the organization of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army

(RKKA), and on February 11, the decree "On the organization of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Fleet" - (RKKF). Workers who voluntarily expressed a desire to serve in the ranks of the armed defenders of the Fatherland were accepted into the Red Army and the Red Navy.

1. On February 18, 1918, the Austro-German and Turkish troops, treacherously violating the truce, invaded Soviet Russia and proceeded to occupy Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltic states.

On February 23, the Day of the Red Army was held in Petrograd under the slogan of defending the socialist Fatherland from the "Kaiser's troops." In Petrograd alone, tens of thousands of volunteers rose up to repulse the enemy. The newly formed units of the Red Army immediately entered the battle against the German troops.

2. Since 1922, February 23 has acquired the character of a great national holiday. 2013 is the anniversary year. Our army is 95 years old. This figure indicates that today's holiday is a holiday of real men, young men, boys, each of whom is our protector, future soldier.

Unannounced song "Future Soldier"


1. There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland. Some choose it once and for all, become officers and cannot imagine another life. And someone dreams of something else and sees himself as a builder or engineer, programmer or doctor.

2 . But no matter what path the young men choose, in the life of any Russian man there comes a period when he goes to serve in the army. And then the house in which he lives turns into a house where a soldier is expected. Soldiers are waiting in our village today _____________________________________________________________________________________

1 . Soldier! You are doing an honorable service!

And on a festive day you proudly stand in line.

Yes, military service is sometimes not easy,

But love for the Fatherland is hot, deep!

2. We want to wish you this holiday

So that you are lucky, invincible!

Let your commanders be proud of you!

And thank you for protecting our peace!

  1. And to you, fathers and mothers, grandparents, sisters and brothers, the brides of our soldiers, we wish health, success in everything and givethe song "I serve Russia" performed by Anatoly Ermolaev.


1. On this wonderful day, we cannot ignore the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, those who fulfilled their duty to the Motherland. From the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day

and wish them health, good spirits and all the best. Congratulations for you on our stage Panov Viktor . The song _____________________________ sounds for you


2. Everyone is well aware of the words of Suvorov: “The soldier whodoes not dream of becoming a general.

1. And I will allow myself to rephrase: "The general who does not dream of a strong rear is bad." Everyone, of course, understood who I mean by the rear: wife, girlfriend, lover.

2. For you men, our generals,sings Oksana Kotkova.

Song my general.


1 . To the face of gray hair and wrinkles,

Calm, confident look.

Men, men, men

Now they are sitting in this room.

2. I don't believe stupid rumors

Fewer men, they say.

Knocking on closed doors

They look away in fear.

1. Like, now men are getting smaller,

They completely forgot about honor.

They save our lives

And everyone controls everything!

2. About chivalry, they say, there is no mention ...

In my opinion, this is a lie.

Men, you are! To you men

We dedicate our performance!

1 . Performed by the trio "Spring" soundssong "What to give you."


1. The next number of our holiday program - the song "Bibika" - is, it seems to me, the answer to the question "What to give you", asked by the previous participants in the concert.

2. Why do you think so?

1. Yes, because Bibika, i.e. The car remains the favorite toy of men of all ages.

2. Well, it's hard to disagree with that.

3. So, our holiday continues with a children's vocal trio withsong Bibika.

Soldier and sailor.

Soldier: Hello dear friends, hello dads and grandpas!
sailor : Hello! So it sounds like a military.
Soldier: The concert continues!
sailor : I would clarify: the operation codenamed "Concert" is developing successfully. All artists are in uniform.
Soldier : In what form?
Sailor: In the best, artistic.
Soldier : On the stage, I would say, battle formation.
sailor : What is it with you, sailor, for a military language like this: “I would say ...” You need to speak differently, in a military way! Look at the hall...
Soldier: I'm watching.
Sailor: You look - but you see nothing! And you see how the audience and guests are sitting? Yes, even at such a military holiday! Well, sort it out in rows! Sixth row, pull up! Twelfth row, put aside the talk! Nineteenth row, straighten your shoulders! That's how to speak the military language! And I'm sure everyone here will understand me. However, we will talk about this topic a little later. And now we need to adequately fulfill the instructions of the concert command and speak to our dads and grandfathers. Well, are you ready?
Soldier: Yes sir! The order must be followed. Give me music! Dancers, on stage!

Dance "Sunflowers"


Dear dads, uncles!
We wholeheartedly want
Now congratulate you on the most
Bright holiday for men!

With the one that is sure
Included now in every home ...
War begins
He commanded: "Rise!"
And this command sounds
By the way, for us...
Five minutes - and we are dressed,
We got up cheerfully from dawn
In a year, maybe for the first time!
And washed without further ado,
We show up in all our glory.
What is Vasya, even Rita, -
As one! In short everything!
May I apply?
We want to congratulate you!
And accept flowers from us
Tulips bright in bloom
Because on defense
Our happiness is worth
You are at the military post!
For us to live in peace
They went to school and kindergarten.
We don't need wars at all

We need peace for all the guys!-
And with smiles on their faces
We tell our families:

We are just like dads!

We want to be like them!

There is a table in the hall, letters are on the table, two presenters are sitting at the table.

Presenter 1:
Hello, dear people present at the solemn event in honor of our courageous men of the team (company name), tireless defenders of the Fatherland!

Presenter 2:
Good evening (it is possible that the celebration will take place in the daytime, then the greeting “good afternoon” is appropriate) friends! The festive evening (day) is just beginning, and guests are already rushing to us.

Presenter 1:
And where there are guests, there is fun, dancing, laughter, music and songs. This is guaranteed by us, the leaders!

Presenter 2:
You are present at the most awesome corporate party of all corporate parties and at the most awesome of all festive evenings "Evening Mail" (out of all Daytime Mail celebrations)!

A woman (women) comes out and sings (sing):

Here someone rolled down the hill,
Probably my dear is crawling.
It has a flared hem,
She drives me crazy.

And something is sticking out of it,
And it hurt right in the chest.
Why, why did I meet
Its on the path of life?

Why when he crawls past
Waving to me invitingly?
Do I deserve this happiness?
Why did you disturb my peace?

Oh, he would seduce more than one,
But if you leave it here,
Handsome, honey and bunny,
Other women will take away!

I will see his friend - immediately
Heart flutters chest...
Why, why did I meet
Its on the path of life?

Crawl and what? Let not hefty
Which is not, but will be mine!
I will lift my husband from all fours,
Shake it and bring it home!

(Song alteration based on the song “Here is someone down the hill”). If women in the team are not very confident in their vocal abilities, then the group can perform the song - it's easier that way. If there is a lady with good vocals, then she can handle it herself.

Presenter 1:
With their song, the female group of the collective (group name)/ well-known performer (singer's name) not only opened (opened) our gala evening (day), but also fulfilled (performed) insistent request (name of the man from the team) convey some soulful song about men.

Presenter 2:
And here (Name of another male from the team) literally demands to be included in the gala evening in honor of the defenders of the Fatherland ditties.

Leading, pronouncing the texts of requests, pick up letters, look at them, etc.

Presenter 1:
What demanding viewers in the team (Company name)! But nothing prevents us from satisfying their desires, moreover, without getting up from this cozy table. Dear those present at our glorious celebration, look and listen!

sing two grandmas (women are dressed appropriately):

We value all defenders;
Let's all pour a glass.
And Petrovich (patronymic of the boss or the most honorable, older man) - a glass,
For better protection!

We are ready to sing songs
Men at least a whole century.
And we confess love
Just don't get it!

Bored in our village
Without men, we, even kill,
We don't have enough defenders.
And life will be more fun.

Presenter 1:
And here is a completely atypical request from (full name of the chief accountant). I ask you to congratulate everyone on the 200% prize and give them a themed dance. Something I don’t understand, what was supposed to be in the forest, to put it mildly, to glue flippers so that (full name of the chief accountant) would wake up such generosity? What is the reason?

Presenter 2:
And I think that the award should always be given without any reason!

A dance is performed to the song "Cabaret" performed by Liza Mineli "Mani". The dance or its elements are borrowed from the corresponding scene in the film.

Presenter 1:
Domestic sausages, rolls, canapes, cheese (hereinafter, what is displayed on the festive table)- here is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for our stomachs.

Presenter 2:
So let's not upset them!

Contest. Two or three women and two or three men are called. Pairs are created: man-woman. A bib is put on a man, it is advisable to wear something else under it, or you can immediately put on a raincoat. The men sit on a chair. Women are given Chinese sticks and a bowl. In a bowl of broth with noodles, chopped sausage, you can put dumplings. Women feed men, who must completely eat such a soup (the liquid itself can be drunk). There is only one condition - a man does not have the right to help his partner with his hands. The first couple who coped with the task are poured a glass of champagne and additionally given a bottle of champagne and a man "cake", "tank" or "bouquet" of socks. The second pair - a glass of champagne is poured and the man is given a pair of socks (if there is also a third group, then the man from the second group is given 2 pairs of socks, and the man from the third group is given 1 pair of socks and champagne is poured into the glass for this team).

The general raising of glasses to a toast from the hosts.

Presenter 1:
Pour more strong and very strong asks (Name of male colleague).

Presenter 2:
How? They just seem to be done!

Presenter 1:
Songs, dances and competitions are good and even excellent, but beer, vodka and wine are better!

Presenter 2:
I want to, but I can not help but agree!

The hosts let three paper airplanes into the hall. Whom they fly to or near whom they land, they make toasts.

Raising glasses.

Presenter 1:
It's time to gather all your strength into a fist and go to the dance.

Presenter 2:
The right, and, most importantly, timely decision!

White dance. Ladies invite their male counterparts.

Presenter 1:
Wants more affection and erotic bias in solemn events (full name of the man's colleague).

Presenter 2:
Serious claim. But you can't do anything, you have to do it.

Three chairs are brought into the hall, which are placed a little apart from each other. Young colleagues of the girl with slender naked (the degree of nakedness to taste, but exactly to the knees the legs should be bare) sit down on the chairs. Two or three men are called.

Presenter 1:
Dear men! You are now given time to feel. Then your eyes will be closed, and you will have to guess the owner of the legs by touch.

A man one by one approaches the ladies and, to the cheerful music, they feel, remember. Then the men close their eyes tightly and are taken out of the hall. At this time, the girls leave the chairs, and their place is taken by men from the audience, who roll up their pants to their knees (maybe someone will express a desire to sit in their underwear). The contestants are brought in one by one (the others are outside the door and preferably away, with them, so that they are not bored, one of the hosts is located, and the second leads the competition in the hall). Of course, the hall should not give out with their laughter or in plain text that a replacement has taken place. So, the contestant is blindfolded, he is brought to the chairs. The music of a frank erotic bias is turned on and the man begins to feel. The task remains the same, the man must guess the legs. If he is completely at a loss, then after a couple of minutes of his torment, you can ask for the help of the hall, which should hint where the owner of the legs comes from. For example, to name a department, hairstyle or something else, but do not explicitly suggest (the contestant himself will suffer for an explicit hint, this should be explained to the audience so that the audience does not spoil the game for the hero of the occasion). The main prize is given to the contestant who most guessed the owners of the legs without prompts. Then in descending order, the fewer successes, the easier the gift, but everyone should leave with a gift. Then, as a consolation prize, the girls who left the chairs are invited to dance or give their kisses to the contestants.

Presenter 1:
And then there was the last letter.

Presenter 2:
And difficult, but collective!

The entire women's team stands up and congratulates the men. This can be done in different ways. After reading a comic poem (each one line) or the presenters begin: “Our dear men, we wish you ...”, then each woman says one thing that she wishes. For example, to be brave, lucky, loved (it is not necessary to limit yourself to one word, you can use a phrase or a short poem).

Compulsory delivery of gifts.

The script of the festive concert for the Defender of the Fatherland Day
Prepared by: teacher of history and social studies Yeremeeva Ekaterina Ivanovna
Name of the educational organization: GBOU of the Republic of Mari El "Kazan boarding school" 1 Leader.
Good afternoon dear friends!
It was not in vain that you were gathered into this hall -
Defenders of the Fatherland Day
Celebrates humanity again!
2 Lead.
Centuries pass, years go by...
We have always defended our native country!
And from the most distant times it was like this:
Forget about everything, since the enemy is approaching!
Peasant, worker abandoned business,
When Russia was waiting for their protection!
1 leader.
About the exploits of the fallen, the victory of the living
Hear from older people
About how they fought in Afghanistan, Chechnya,
How to survive in this crazy war.

How worthy of the title of a fighter,
You young men will repeat to the end.
Defenders of our beautiful country,
You are dear to us and desperately needed!
2 Lead.
And on this beautiful and joyful day
We wish you a thousand times not too lazy:
Let there be prosperity on your table!
May peace prevail in our land!
Song "Soldiers of Russia"
He will put on a soldier's uniform today
You see him off, and the tears are a river
He waves his hand to you, beautiful and proud
You write letters to him, he will return home
The soldier goes to serve the motherland
The soldier leaves to defend the peace
Your soldier serves to live peacefully
We could under a clear sky with you
Time will pass quickly and fate will give you
Long-awaited meeting, everything is ahead of you
But today your soldier protects his home
Faithfully serves the Motherland, you just wait for him
A considerable load falls on the soldier's shoulders
But the soldiers of Russia are faithfully serving
May it be peaceful for them, every day, every evening
And let the soldiers know that they are loved and expected
1 Lead:
Today we all have gathered here on a special occasion, the holiday is approaching - February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day!
2 Lead:
In all ages, the heroism and courage of the soldiers of Russia, the power and glory of weapons have been an integral part of the greatness of the Russian state. For several decades now, we have been faithful to the tradition of widely and nationwide celebrating the Defender of the Fatherland Day and celebrating it with special solemnity and warmth.
1 Lead:
February 23 is the day of the military glory of Russia, which the Russian troops earned on the battlefields. Initially, a high meaning was laid in this day - to love and defend your Motherland and, if necessary, be able to defend it, and Russian soldiers had to defend their native land more than once, and the Russian soldier always fulfilled his duty with honor.
2 Host: And now we invite you to remember the history of a wonderful holiday in honor of the defending heroes.
Festive report dedicated to the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland.
Slide 2.
Defender of the Fatherland Day. Today it is a holiday of all those who defended, protects and is ready to defend the Fatherland.
We stand at the post, platoon and company,
Immortal like fire, calm like granite.
We are the army of the country, we are the army of the people,
Our history keeps a great feat.
Slide 3.
Today marks one of the days of Russia's military glory - Defender of the Fatherland Day. This date was established by the Federal Law "On the days of military glory and memorable dates in Russia", adopted by the State Duma and signed by the President of the Russian Federation B. Yeltsin on March 13, 1995.
slide 4.
It was generally accepted that on February 23, 1918, Red Guard detachments won their first victories near Pskov and Narva over the regular troops of Kaiser Germany. These first victories became the "birthday of the Red Army."
Slide 5.
Since 1946, the holiday has been called the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. In 1922, this date was officially declared the Day of the Red Army. Later, February 23 was celebrated annually in the USSR as a national holiday - the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy.
slide 6.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the date was renamed Defender of the Fatherland Day. For some people, the holiday on February 23 remained the day of men who serve in the army or in any law enforcement agencies.
Slide 7.
Nevertheless, most citizens of Russia and the countries of the former USSR tend to consider Defender of the Fatherland Day not so much as the anniversary of the victory or the birthday of the Red Army, but as the Day of real men, Defenders, in the broadest sense of the word.
slide 8.
Among the traditions of the holiday, which have survived to this day in the former Soviet republics, are honoring veterans, laying flowers at memorial places, holding festive concerts and events, and organizing fireworks in many cities.

slide 9.
This holiday embodies everything that women appreciate in men: courage, strength, care and responsibility.
slide 10.
Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday primarily for the military. But at the same time, this is a holiday for all men, those who are ready to join the ranks at any moment in order to defend their loved ones, their loved ones and their homeland with weapons in their hands. And since protecting the weak at all times has been an occupation for real men, Defender of the Fatherland Day has long and firmly been associated in our minds precisely as a men's holiday. Slide 11.
This holiday, from the moment it appeared in our calendar, remains unchanged in its content and the level of popular love for it, but at the same time, Defender of the Fatherland Day also has a very interesting history. Suffice it to say that during its existence it was renamed several times and arose under rather interesting circumstances.
slide 12.
What was the name of the holiday of all men in different years of our history:
1919 -1946 Day of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army
1946-1992 (until May 7) Day of the Soviet Army and Navy
1993 – 1994 Russian Army Day
1995 – 2012 Defender of the Fatherland Day
Since 2002 - Defender of the Fatherland Day is a public holiday
slide 13.
We praise those who did not cry
From your pain
But did not hide the tears
On the graves of friends
Those who were men
Not in words
Coward did not celebrate
Sitting in the bushes
Those best
Sons of mankind
Those who are on guard of the Fatherland!
slide 14.
Let service and work not always be simple,
We wish you to live, love, work,
And if a lucky star smiles at you,
That and to the general to rise.
We congratulate you on the holiday -
Defender of the Fatherland Day!
slide 15.
February is the busiest month of the year! Maybe that's why the biggest and most severe men's holiday appeared in February?! Protecting our Motherland, they protect us - all those who need their strength and support.
slide 16.
Video clip - congratulations for men on February 23.
moment of silence
1 Host: For some people, the holiday of February 23 remained the day of men who serve in the army or in any law enforcement agencies, the day of defenders in the broadest sense of the word. There, however, most citizens of Russia and the countries of the former USSR tend to consider Defender of the Fatherland Day as the anniversary of the great Victory or the birthday of the Red Army.
2 Host: The war took the Russian people by surprise more than once, but they steadfastly endured all the hardships and hardships of a terrible time.
1 Host: There is not a single family in Russia that has not been touched by the war. For many, this is the greatest feat of the people in the entire history of the world, and at the same time, this tragedy, which in no case should be repeated.
2 Host: A moment of silence is announced!
Poems of students
1 student
The holiday of all our warriors -
That's what this day means!
Day of brave defenders
Yes, and just all the guys.
2 student
Every boy can become a soldier
Fly through the sky, sail through the sea,
Guard the border with a machine gun,
To protect your homeland.
3 student
Defenders of the Fatherland
On this day we will glorify
You are our property
And we won't leave you.
4 student
Live in peace with your surroundings,
With comfort and love in your heart.
Let no one ever attack
Protect the life of your door!
5 student
Our own army
Guards the peace of the country,
So that we grow up, not knowing troubles,
So that there is no war.
6 student
Praise to the Defenders of the Fatherland!
There is no more reliable shield for the Motherland.
Let's wish them good luck
And completing combat missions!
Song my army.
Slender ranks under the clear sky, -
These are our glorious regiments.
I am with you tankers and gunners,
Pilots, shooters and sailors.
My Army is strong, strong.
My army is brave, brave.
My Army is proud, proud.
This song is about my army.
Our Army is the strongest.
Our army is the most courageous.
Our Army is the proudest.

You were furious and fearless
And the earth burned under you.
You fought bravely, and the banners of the enemy
They fell under the walls of the Kremlin.
Our Army is strong, strong.
Our army is brave.
Our Army is proud, proud.
This song is about my army.
Our Army is the strongest.
Our army is the most courageous.
Our Army is the proudest.
And the holy protector of children, CHILDREN!
You became a secret dream
Dear Army.
I will grow up and become a soldier!
I will be strong, brave, proud.
Chorus: after the first verse
Poems of students
7 student
May today in your name
February twenty third
All words of congratulations sound
Closer to the night - salutes thunder.
8 student
You are a man, even if not a warrior,
Worthy of congratulations today:
Stand up for the Fatherland
In a dashing hour, you can’t shrink from trouble.
9 student
Army native -
Defender of the country
Arms and courage
Keeps us from war.
10 student
February 23 - Day of the Russian Army!
The guns are firing upwards, everyone is pampered with salute.
They send thanks from the whole country to the soldiers,
That we live without war, peacefully and calmly.
11 student
February Defender of the Fatherland Day
Frosty, like a character, like steel.
Men's day of strength, wisdom and honor,
This is what February gives us!
1 Host: February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day, but do not think that this is an exclusively military holiday! After all, this is also a holiday for all those who stood up for the defense of the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War, who protect us now. This is a holiday for boys who in the future will be ready to stand up for the honor of the Motherland. And in general, this is a holiday for everyone who is not afraid to stand up for themselves, for their family and loved ones.
Video clip "Soldier".
2 Lead:
To everyone who served
And who will serve
We want to offer this concert!
So, greet the participants of the concert with your applause.
Number 1: Song "I want to be like you."
Number 2: Poem "Feast of February 23"
Today is a holiday for the soldiers.
Lines in a row on the square.
Soldiers are standing on the parade ground
An overcoat with a cap suits them.
Motherland, Motherland
Our warrior is called to protect.
On an anxious day and in a difficult hour
They are ready to close us.
They don't need knee tremors
After all, they have a country behind them.
And each of the soldiers is a hero.
He entered into an unequal battle with the enemy.
No one blundered, no wilted,
I want to be like them.
Today is a holiday for the soldiers,
The awards on the chest are shining.
And every country remembers
Who was awarded the medals.
3 room: Scene "Father and Son"
2 Lead:
You know that the life of a soldier is not easy, but he performs the most important task - he protects the peace and tranquility of ordinary citizens, his country! The Russian land has long been famous for its warriors, famous generals. A wise people came up with a proverb: "The soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad."
4 number: Song "future soldier"
Russia is a huge country
In it the army is brave and strong
The brave boys are growing up
And they will come to her aid in time
We just grow up a little
We will go to the Russian army
We will serve valiantly
And we will cherish the Motherland
The boy is a future soldier
And there is no turning back for him
The boy is the future hero
And for friends always mountain
Chorus: the same
1 leader.
On a wonderful holiday for men,
On the day of strength and glory of the country,
We wish you good happiness
Great Russia sons!
Number 5: Chastushki
6 number: Song "War"
Number 7: Dance "Apple".
1 leader.
The February wind turned the pages, putting things in order in the calendar Then he suddenly decided to stop at the date of February 23, A long time ago the holiday was established ... What can I say, the tradition is strong Congratulations to the boys again - we wish them peace and good. Events and faces change, And someone gets a new rank, But we girls want to be proud of The reliability of the country's defenders.
Number 8: The song "Russian guy" sounds
Hello my dear sun
I am writing to you from the battlefield.
A crow is circling above me,
I'm just not in a hurry to die.
We will still walk with you
Let's dance under the night sky.
After serving, I will come home,
And you will tell your girlfriends:

Russian guy does not run from bullets,
The Russian guy does not moan in pain,
Russian guy does not burn in fire,
Russian guy does not sink in water.
Let not soon, but again at the table
Our whole family will come.
Let's sing about love with a guitar
And hug, not melting tears.
Again, the rocket went into the sky,
I am far from home now.
I want you to wait for me.
I will return to you, just believe!
Number 9: Scene "How to get away from the army."
10 number: Noise orchestra
Number 11: The scene "The army is a family."
Number 12: Song "Defenders of the Fatherland"
1 Lead:
Victory over enemies was given to our soldiers through numerous sacrifices and suffering. They gave their lives, going to their death and defending their people, their homeland!
A deep bow to them for this, for that great love, without which it is impossible to sacrifice life for the sake of other people, without which it is impossible to be a real soldier, warrior.
2 Presenter: We congratulate all real men on the day of the defenders of the fatherland. And I wish that every man could give birth to a healthy son under a peaceful sky in love, in agreement to build a cozy house, and in joy plant a whole garden near him. And so that you never have to take up arms, protecting your family and your home. Peace love and happiness to you.


Hosts: Suvorovets and Nakhimovets

young soldier


The venue for the celebration should be decorated in such a way that all those invited to it could immediately feel the atmosphere of military service. Stands should be hung in the foyer "The glory of arms does not fade", "Warriors-heroes are our fellow countrymen", "Historical were, or those whom we beat", etc. I would like to see prominent places in the foyer and in the hall posted posters and banners with military aphorisms, proverbs and sayings. We offer some: "A soldier is led to glory - by study and work", "A soldier must be healthy, firm, resolute, truthful" (Suvorov A.V.), "Whoever swears an oath with his heart, the enemy will not bend", "The Russian army carries high honor and dignity", "The main thing in life is to honestly serve the Fatherland".

The scene is decorated strictly and concisely: right in the center, in the depths of it, there is a decorative panel depicting the Order of Victory or soldiers of the three branches of the Russian Armed Forces: an infantryman, a sailor and a pilot. Below are flagpoles. In front of the panel, at the top, there is a movie screen that lowers during the action. There are many flowers on the stage. Of course, in the assembly hall of the school, the design will be more modest, and here the word is up to the organizers and directors of the holiday.

The concert begins with a verse from the song by V. Basner and M. Matusovsky "Where the Motherland Begins..." sounded on the radio.

Where does the Motherland begin?

From the picture in your primer.

With good and faithful comrades,

Living in a neighboring yard.

Or maybe it starts

From the sound of wagon wheels

And from the oath that in youth

Did you bring it in your heart?

Where does the Motherland begin ...

The song is gradually mixed. The curtain opens. A young man enters the stage. This is a school graduate who has already served active military service. He performs the monologue "Where does the Motherland begin ...".

Young soldier.

- Where does the Motherland begin? Yes, of course, from the song that in childhood our mother sang over the cradle to us, and, of course, from the picture in your primer, and from the good and faithful comrades who lived in the neighboring yard ... And yet, as I now understand, it begins, first of all, with that oath, with that military oath that you took to her when you joined the ranks of the Armed Forces, becoming her soldier, warrior, and therefore her defender.

... And how long have we in fashionable costumes with hairstyles resembling lion's manes, danced the most dashing dances with the girls in discos and strummed guitars in the yard? How long has it been, hushed and shorn, waiting at the military registration and enlistment office for an officer who, with difficulty, put us in line and led us to the station, to the train? And how long has this train arrived at its destination, in which the same guitar was strumming? Only now her voice had already changed, her voice was breaking. Yes, the one who played on it also broke. And those who listened in silence also broke down ... Recruits, newbies, arrived in our military unit, which has become our home today. And the army days began.

— Get up! Equal! Attention! And so many, many times.

- Private Korkin, why haven't I finished the command yet, and you are already fulfilling it?
- I do everything as you taught, comrade ensign: I carry out the command from a half-word!

- And why were you late for the formation, Private Kutsenko?

“Because everyone was lined up before I arrived.

Oh, this drill training! You can say, from the rise to the end. And when some hour of free time falls out, everyone again and again remembers the parental home. I will not forget how one of my colleagues said to me:

“You know, I had a great dream.

- What is it?

- I dreamed that I could not pay for living in the barracks, I was evicted from it, and I returned home ...

However, at first the foreman himself reminded us of the parental home.

“Welcome, guys, to our friendly army family,” he greeted us. “Here you can feel at home. And always remember that you are one family, and the commander is your father.

Immediately after these words, one of us took a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it.

- What are you doing? the foreman asked.

“I feel at home,” the recruit replied. - When my father spoke, I always lit a cigarette.

- That is great! The foreman praised. After smoking, go to the company toilet and wash everything there to a shine. The toilet is part of our home, and keeping it clean is the responsibility of zealous family members. Especially when you consider that the commander is both dad and mom for you at once ... And now - "Become! Equal! Attention!" And, of course, "Set aside!"

I also remember another funny incident. The ensign lined up our company and announced:

“What I tell you will please and upset at the same time. First, good news. Today, at company training for the forced march, the pace will be set by Private Mundshtukov.

We hummed happily: Mundshtukov is a fat man and runs extremely awkwardly.

“And now, guys, a little disappointment. Private Mushtakov will set the pace for the company on my motorcycle. Are you clear?

... Alas, it happened at first and not everything is clear.

I need two volunteers to do a difficult job. What? Not a single volunteer in the entire platoon?

— Not a single one, comrade ensign.

- Well, young people, you apparently do not yet know the army order: if there are no volunteers, they are appointed. Privates Peskovi Kravchenko, get out of the line!

... Well, then the shooting began. I remember how our company commander, seeing my zero results of firing from a machine gun, changed his face. I won't lie, I was upset too. Even with resentment he said:

- Comrade senior lieutenant, from such results I am ready to shoot myself!

Shoot yourself, you say? the commander asked. - I wonder how long you will fall into yourself?

... And again: "Company, step harder! One, two, three ... one, two, three! Company, stop! Private Zheludkov, what happened?

“Nothing special, comrade senior lieutenant, the belt has fallen off.

- Why was there such a crash?

- So the machine is tied to the belt!

- Private Gordeev, why do you start cleaning the machine gun?

- First of all, I'll check the number of the machine.

Why is this?

"To make sure it's my gun and not someone else's."

…Yes, that’s how it was at first. But we gradually got used to it, became more serious, more collected. Pulled up in all disciplines. And in terms of discipline, too. And they pulled themselves up physically. Others even ten times ... On the horizontal bar. There were no longer those who wanted to show their "erudition" in front of the formation, to argue with the authorities. But it seems that quite recently we could, with obvious resentment, declare to the unit commander:

- Comrade senior lieutenant, where is justice? .. The order says that I received a "rusty machine gun" penalty, but my bolt was rusty! I think the penalty should be lowered accordingly!

Today, such a statement would seem to us, at best, an inappropriate joke. Today we understand that it is impossible to fight with rusty machine guns, that without real military discipline one cannot win in battle ... And what it means to "be in constant combat readiness" - we also understand this very well today. But this is today. And how funny to remember the first months of our service! Is it possible to forget how the foreman turned to us, walking in the ranks:

- Who sings well?

“Caruso,” one of the soldiers joked.

- Caruso, sing along! the foreman ordered.

... But will you forget another, no less anecdotal case ... The ensign walks along the parade ground and sees us standing in a circle, and cigarette butts nearby.

— Whose cigarette butts? he asks sternly.

“Draws,” one of us reports briskly. - If you want, you can take it and smoke it!

No, today we, who have passed through secondary school and military school, reason and look at life in a completely different way. Now we have understood, realized that it is we, even if retired, who are the defenders of the sacred borders of our Motherland. And those who joined the military formation after us will also understand this. And they will also understand, as we did, that the Motherland - from its northern borders to the southern ones - begins with us. I personally have no doubt about this. Yes, and you, I think, too.

So with the holiday, dear friends, with the wonderful holiday of the Defender of the Fatherland!

The melody of the song "Where does the Motherland begin ..." sounds, the young man leaves the stage. There is a short pause, and now, to the sounds of a military march, with bouquets of flowers in their hands, the guys of elementary grades come out onto the stage. As they take turns reciting the text, they perform the "Holiday Greeting". After the words "We know how the Victory came" it is appropriate to lower the movie screen and show, for example, footage of the Victory Parade on Red Square or the film "Liberation". However, everything here depends on the availability of certain film shots. After the words about the award, it is appropriate to present flowers to several invited As for the "Holiday Greetings", it continues without stopping during the screening of film frames.

Dear dads, moms,

We wholeheartedly want

Now congratulate you on the most

Bright holiday for men!

With the one that is sure

Included now in every home ...

It begins with a military command:

"Climb!" And this command sounds

By the way, for us...

Five minutes - and we are dressed,

We got up cheerfully from dawn

In a year, maybe for the first time!

And washed without further ado,

We show up in all our glory.

What is Vasya, even Rita, -

As one! In short, everything!

And with smiles on their faces

We tell our families:

- May I apply?

We want to congratulate you!

And accept flowers from us

Roses are bright in bloom

Because on defense

Our happiness is worth

You are at the military post!

For us to live in peace

They went to school and kindergarten.

We don't need wars at all

We need peace for all children!

We know how victory came

In that war that died down,

And, of course, how is the grandfather

Don't congratulate you and me!

Grandfather put on his medals,

They have no number and count...

- It was the case, they fought, -

The grandfather speaks with a smile.

Yes, and our grandmother too

Of the shy was not;

We can be proud of her -

What is not like a feat

In the days of the war, her deeds?!

And she was a milkmaid

And an excellent nurse

And worked at the machine ...

Surround her with a gift

We can't be sure!

I'm wrong, tell me, right?

- Well, of course, you are right, grandfather!

What a holiday today -

Better, maybe not!

The guys leave the stage to the sound of a march, and the presenters, Suvorovets and Nakhimovets, enter it.


Hello dear comrades, hello friends!


We wish you good health! So it sounds like a military.


The concert continues.


The operation, codenamed "Concert", is developing successfully. All artists are in uniform.


In what form?


In the best artistic.


On the stage, I would say, battle formation.


What is it with you, sailor, for a military language like this: "I would say ..." You need to speak differently! Here, look at the room...



You look and see nothing! And you see how the audience is sitting? Yes, even at such a military holiday! Come on, sort it out in rows! Sixth row, pull up! Twelfth row, put aside the talk! Nineteenth row, straighten your shoulders! That's how to speak the military language! And I'm sure everyone here will understand me. However, we will talk about this topic a little later. And now we need to adequately fulfill the instructions of the concert command and read verses dedicated to military songs. Well, are you ready?


Yes sir! The order must be followed. Give me music!

The following verses are read by the presenters in turn against the background of music.

How many songs about the army are composed,
How many songs about the fleet are composed!
We are supposed to remember them on a holiday,
Yes, and we also do not mind singing them!
Let the accordion furs unfold,
Let the timpani and trumpets strike,
The song-friend of the meeting is waiting with the veterans,
Partisan circling glades
And strides to the soldiers' club!
There are such hidden words in it,
What can not touch our hearts:
About the big military roads,
About the battles near Moscow and near Vienna
And about that guy with Malaya Bronna!
Glorious history comes alive
Everything that has been seen and passed ...
The song teaches us the most important thing:
Infinitely love your Motherland!
On earth, on the seas, in the skies
The song is a faithful companion of the Victory.
So let's remember those songs we
With whom our grandfathers went into battle!

The hosts leave the stage, and a group of guys, performers of the "Vocal Block" enters it. In the course of the "Vocal Block" it would be nice to "reinforce" the songs with appropriate film frames. The block begins with the performance of "Aviamarch" (music by Y. Khait, lyrics by P. German ).

We were born to make a fairy tale come true

Overcome space and space,

The mind gave us steel arms - wings,

And instead of a heart - a fiery engine.

Higher, higher and higher

We strive for the flight of our birds,

And breathes in every propeller

The tranquility of our borders!

Do you remember, comrade, how we fought together,

How did the storm hug us?

Then we both smiled through the smoke

Her blue eyes

Thundered the attack, and the bullets rang,

And evenly scribbled a machine gun.

And our girl passes in an overcoat,

Burning Kakhovka is coming.

Under the hot sun, under the blind night

We had to go through a lot.

We are peaceful people, but our armored train

It's on the siding.

("Song of Kakhovka", music by I. Dunaevsky, lyrics by M. Svetlov).

You fly out of the way, bird,

Beast, get out of the way!

You see, the cloud is swirling,

The horses are running ahead!

And from a raid, from a turn

By the thick chain of the enemy

Shot from a machine gun

The machine gunner is young.

Eh, tachanka - Rostovite,

Our pride and beauty

Cavalry cart,

All four wheels!

(Song "Tachanka", music by K. Listov, lyrics by M. Ruderman).

Apple and pear trees blossomed

Mists floated over the river.

Katyusha went ashore,

On a high bank, on a steep one.

Came out, started a song

About the steppe gray eagle,

About the one you loved

About the one whose letters she kept.

(Song "Katyusha", music by M. Blanter, lyrics by M. Isakovsky).

On the border of the clouds go gloomily,

The edge of severe silence is embraced.

On the high banks of the Amur

Clock Homeland stand.

They live there - and the song is a guarantee -

Indestructible strong family

Three tankmen - three merry friends -

The crew of the combat vehicle.

(Song "Three Tankmen", music by Dan. and Dm. Pokrass, lyrics by B. Laskin).

A friend flies to a distant land,

Native winds fly after him.

Beloved city in a blue haze is melting,

A familiar house, a green garden and a gentle look.

Comrade will pass all the battles and wars,

Not knowing sleep, not knowing silence.

Favorite city can sleep peacefully

And see dreams, and turn green in the middle of spring.

(Song "Beloved City", music by N. Bogoslovsky, lyrics by E. Dolmatovsky).

There were two friends in our regiment,

Sing a song, sing!

If one of the friends was sad,

Laughed and sang another.

And who would have thought, guys, could -

Sing a song, sing

That one of them was wounded in battle,

That someone else saved his life!

(Song "There were two friends", music by S. Germanov, lyrics by V. Gusev).

A warm wind is blowing, the roads have been blown away,

And the thaw is again on the Southern Front.

Snow melts in Rostov, melts in Taganrog,

We will remember these days someday.

About fires,

About friends and comrades

Somewhere, someday we'll talk.

I will remember the infantry, and my native company,

And you for letting me smoke.

Let's smoke, comrade, one at a time,

Let's smoke, my friend!

(Song "Let's smoke", music by M. Tabachnikov, lyrics by J. Frenkel).

Oh dear...
Dust and fog
cold, anxiety
Yes, steppe weeds.
You can't know
Shares of his:
Can you fold your wings
In the middle of the steppes?
Dust curls under the boots -
steppes, fields,
And the fire is raging all around
Let the bullets whistle.
Oh dear...
Dust and fog
cold, anxiety
Yes, steppe weeds.
Is it snow, wind
Let's remember, friends.
We love these
You can't forget.

(Song "Roads", music by A. Novikov, lyrics by L. Oshanin).

Little blue handkerchief
Fell from slumped shoulders.
You said you won't forget
Affectionate, joyful meetings.
Sometimes nocturnal
We said goodbye to you...
No more nights!
Where are you, handkerchief,
Dear, desirable, dear?

(Song "Blue Handkerchief", music by E. Petersburg).

Field, along the steep coast,
Past the huts
In the gray overcoat of an ordinary
A soldier was walking.
There was a soldier, a servant of the fatherland,
A soldier walked in the name of life,
saving the earth
Protecting the world
The soldier went ahead!

(Song "Ballad of a Soldier", music by V. Solovyov-Sedoy, lyrics by M. Matusovsky).

As a soldier went forward with victory, yes, -
Time for the song to rumble, rumble!
Many songs can be sung in a row
And how much to sing - but not to sing everyone,
don't sing everyone!
Eh, you, killer whale, fast-winged,
You, our dear side, dear, yes.
Oh, you, my killer swallow,

(Song "Killer Swallow", music by E. Zharkovsky and O. Kolychev).

All soloists (perform the first verse and chorus of the song "Victory Day").

Victory Day, how far it was from us,
Like a coal melted in an extinct fire.
There were miles, charred, in the dust, -
We brought this day as close as we could.
This Victory Day
Smell of gunpowder
This is a holiday
With gray hair at the temples.
It's joy
With tears in his eyes.
Victory Day!
Victory Day!
Victory Day!

(Song "Victory Day", music by D. Tukhmanov, lyrics by V. Kharitonov).

The soloists leave the stage. The presenters come out to it - Nakhimovets and Suvorovets.

Well, sailor, let's continue our topic?


Is it about military language?

Well, in general, yes. Moreover, a funny story happened in our barracks not so long ago. The orderly forgot how it is supposed to wake up the unit, and in the place: "Company, get up" - he shouted: "Company, stop spending the night"!


Yes, and we, the sailors, such incidents also occur. They say that the admiral once, turning to the crew, said: “I see some of you neglect swimming training. And at your base there are all the conditions for this. However, something is not visible that some were drawn to the water. And what could be better than water? - "Pepsi-Cola, Comrade Admiral," burst out from one of the sailors.


Well, they say it, but try to check it again! And here's what I myself heard with my own ears ... The father took his little son to a military parade. The boy liked the musicians of the military orchestra, who were marching ahead of the column, so much that he asked his father: “Dad, why do we need other soldiers, those who are not in the orchestra?”


And one boy boasted: they say, in the presence of his father, even admirals take off their caps.


It can be seen that his father was the commander-in-chief of the fleet, is it not otherwise ?!


Yes, he was not the commander-in-chief, he just worked as a hairdresser.


Well, since you and I began to recall all sorts of funny military stories, I can’t help but tell one ... So, the personnel of the company were preparing for the exercises. The ensign saw that one soldier was heading into line with a mop.

“What is that, Private Sidorov?”

“But, Comrade Ensign,” he said, “you yourself said that we would participate in the operation to clear the area.


Yes, a funny story, unless it's a joke. However, jokes are jokes, but it's time for you and me to announce the next number. I think it would be quite nice to remember the dance.


Agree. And what do you think the dance should be like?


What's there to think about? I think it's marine. We haven't had him in concert yet.


But was there a soldier, so to speak, land?


Wasn't either.


So let's combine these dances together and announce one ... So to speak, a combined arms dance. Well, how?


All clear. Both a soldier's and a sailor's, in a word, a military, but purely peaceful dance!

At the end of the dance, the hosts announce on the radio:

Strong, durable and hardened
Become a dream of any of us.
The hour will come and the champions
We will win the fight more than once.
In the Russian army and navy
No wonder sports are highly respected,
And we don't mind at all
That sport each of us lives!

The "Sports block" of the holiday begins, which includes group gymnastic and acrobatic performances and demonstration performances on individual sports equipment. The "sports block" ends with a spectacular dance with rings or maces. However, it's not a bad idea to continue this stage action with a performance by guys with trained dogs - future border guards - or a demonstration of sambo techniques. After a short pause, already familiar to us Suvorovets and Nakhimovets, in the hands of them letters.They perform the interlude "Letters".


Well, sailor, dance!
What is it?
You have received a letter.

Nakhimovets makes several tap-dance steps. Suvorovets gives a letter. Nakhimovets reads and smiles.


What could be more joyful than letters that come from the parental home! Imagine a picture: a soldier's postman enters the barracks. There is such attention to him, as if he is going to perform a great miracle right now ...


It's definitely a miracle! Especially when he pulls out a large stack of letters and immediately distributes them ...


No, that's just the point, that not at once! Before handing the envelope to the lucky man, he certainly says: "Dance"!


And how can one not dance here, if the legs themselves ask to dance for joy! Still, letters from home!


And not just from home. Soldiers write from all over the country. And not only relatives, but also complete strangers: war and labor veterans, builders and miners, oil workers and metallurgists, and even pensioners.


And everyone, of course, asks the same question: "How are you served?"


Not quite so ... People trust the soldiers in letters with their innermost thoughts, wish them the best success in military affairs. Well, of course, they give advice so that the guys in the service do not have a hitch or a hitch. The warrior even learns some letters by heart. Especially from girls. So that later, say, on guard, not to go into your pocket for a word ...


For what word?


Behind the written, of course. Because the Charter does not provide for this. And it is not a sin to remember good words even in the most difficult circumstances. Only to myself, of course. And then they say: a soldier read a letter from his beloved girl and forgot about all his duties. And that letter was only three pages shorter than Tolstoy's War and Peace. Unless, of course, discard the preface. But for a particularly long time he puzzled over the question: "Has the girl begun to love him more or less since the last letter?" Because that time she kissed him a thousand times, and this time - only nine hundred and ninety-nine. In general, I read so much that I didn’t stay out of line even without an outfit.


And they told me: a sailor received a letter, tore the envelope, and a blank piece of paper fell out from there. The comrades, of course, were surprised: from whom, they say, is this, and the sailor smiles: "From sweetheart."


Why was he smiling? She didn't even write a word to him!


And he explained it this way: "We quarreled with her just before the call, and since then we have not talked."


Well, such a letter is rare! Our girls understand how the soldiers need their letters. Is it only girls? All Russians understand. And all of them wish the soldiers success in their service, health and protect our beloved Motherland like the apple of their eye!


That's what it is, the order of the Fatherland. The command of all fathers and mothers.


Order of brothers and sisters. Friends and girlfriends. You, boy, protect their peaceful life, the peaceful work of the whole people, so be a worthy son-warrior!


Is this an excerpt from a letter?


And he did the right thing. Nobody should forget this!

Music saver. Suvorovets and Nakhimovets leave the stage. Readers already familiar to us come out to her and line up in one line. The lights on the stage are gradually fading. A flashing spotlight highlights a man in an officer's uniform. It can be a military instructor or a military commissar. He addresses the hall.

Friends, on this great military holiday, we cannot but remember those immortal heroes who gave their lives for the freedom, honor and independence of our Motherland! Eternal glory to them! Nobody is forgotten and nothing is forgotten! Let's honor their blessed memory with a moment of silence. Everybody get up!

After a minute of silence, the officer gives the command to those on the stage:

- Equalize! Attention!

And in complete silence, against the background of the sounding melody of Y. Frenkel's song "Cranes", the recitatives recite verses, the last word of which is picked up by all the participants in the action who went on stage.

Check, check, check -
An excited voice above the ranks.
Forever the names will not fade
For the homeland of the fallen heroes.

And the whole system freezes,

And we answer
Short answer word
And proudly sounds, and winged.
Through the eyes of the heroes of the planet
Today he is looking at a soldier.
They are with us - our comrades,
And the whole system freezes,
When the names of the fearless are spoken
And we answer

A bright light flashes on the stage. Suvorovets and Nakhimovets come out.

Well, our holiday is coming to an end.

Oh, it's a pity that we still have more than one year to study military affairs!

Nothing, nothing, time flies fast. Don't worry! And the defense of the Motherland is still in the reliable hands of our fathers, brothers and senior comrades.

And for those whom the Motherland is calling for military service today, I propose dedicating a good song. What do you say to that?

I will say: "I obey! That's right!"

The melody of Y. Frenkel's song "You serve - we will wait for you" sounds. It is gradually mixed, and verses are heard against its background performed by Suvorovets and Nakhimovets. (Recitative).

Under sunny skies
Under the warm rain
Under the snowy blizzard ringing
You serve, guys, we will wait for you,
Just write us letters more often!
you to the army units
The trains will be dispersed
And more than once in the middle of the night
Raise the alarm...
We will always miss you
But two years
not so much!
Think back to your parents' home.
It is not easy, but the work of a soldier is honorable ...

You serve, guys - we will wait for you,
Only do your military duty holy!

The apotheosis of the holiday is a dance composition to the tunes of V. Solovyov-Sedoy "On the Road!", V. Shainsky "In Two Winters", V. Pleshak "The Crew is One Family". However, the selection of melodies depends on the choreographer, however, the melodies themselves must be recognizable and military.

But now the dance is over, and under the arches of the hall again, but already in its entirety, D. Tukhmanov's song "Victory Day" sounds. It is performed by all present