Phrases about daughters are short. Touching words of gratitude for daughter from mom

Statuses about two daughters are only for those who appreciate real beauty. For the happiest moms and, of course, for those who are looking for good statuses.

Two daughters - two little fluffs

  1. So, she gave birth to two daughters, it remains only to find them a good groom.
  2. Previously, I did not particularly believe in God, but now I am infinitely grateful to him for you, my girls ...
  3. It's crazy, you seem to have only recently been born, and already arguing about who will carry my dresses.
  4. My girls, let love and happiness attack you, never let go!
  5. I understand that I should be their girlfriend, but I really want to teach them everything myself. Not to be taught by experience.

Motherhood is happiness, and two daughters at the same time are incredible happiness. Do you agree? Then put beautiful statuses about two daughters.

  1. Daughters who get along are great. And… unrealistic.
  2. I tell my daughters to think with their hearts. Then you won't regret it...
  3. We are two fashionistas-daughters, and their fashionista-mother. We are a real thunderstorm for our dad's wallet.
  4. My daughters will never break boys' hearts. They will only let the worthy in, and so they will find themselves an excellent mate!
  5. The desire to go to the disco arises in two cases: when you are a young girl, and when you are the mother of a young girl.

My beauty is born by me

Daughters are a joy, because we all used to be the same little girls. More about this in the statuses about 2 daughters.

  1. My daughters are going to school soon. But the real life lessons will begin when they give birth to two just like themselves.
  2. If you have two daughters, you will no longer take time for your beloved. But you see a piece of yourself in their faces, and gladly give them everything you have.
  3. I raised my second daughter much easier simply because at that time I had raised the first one.
  4. If I need wise advice, I just talk to my kids. About anything. And in these conversations you can find infinite wisdom.
  5. Only when I had two girls, I realized that my mother definitely noticed that my sister and I tried on her dresses!

Beautiful statuses about two daughters can be set not only for mothers, but also for fathers. After all, children are a real reason for pride.

  1. Cool is when you take one girl from the hospital with her dad, and the second - the same company, but also her sister.
  2. In the morning I smile at least twice - the eldest and the youngest.
  3. To be honest, I didn’t believe before that motherhood is happiness. But these two put everything in place in my head.
  4. If you have two daughters with character, a real paradise is when they stop the war and make up.
  5. Two daughters are rarely alike. Whoever says anything...

Two daughters - like lights in the eyes

The status “I am a mother of two daughters” will make more than one of your friends shed tears. Therefore, rather install what you like the most!

  1. They act up, laugh, are afraid, smile timidly when they are shy. My daughters. So beautiful... always.
  2. Previously, she was looking for the meaning of life, and then she gave birth. Two, or rather two.
  3. I sometimes wonder how I have the tenderness to raise two such pretty daughters.
  4. So I lived up to the moment when on March 8 they give me two drawings signed in girlish handwriting.

Two daughters are, of course, two little helpers, but very often they are also two little spoilers. And it is they who can become the heroines of the status of mother of two daughters.

  1. I like to collect stories about my girls more so that I can tell them later when they grow up.
  2. Does your child paint walls? There is good news here. You could have two of these children.
  3. If you didn't get enough dresses as a child, have two daughters. This is where you play...
  4. Two daughters is an opportunity to have a bachelorette party any time dad leaves.
  5. And it seems that they were just born and fought for dolls, and now the youngest is getting married ...

I want to be the wisest, real protection for them.

Status about two beloved daughters - for those mothers who want to be friends for their girls. At any age, they will appreciate such a phrase in your status bar.

  1. No, being a mom is not easy, don't even count on it. But then you realize that you are doing everything for a reason...
  2. I hug. One and two. Both got sick. I'm scared. But at this moment I understand that I have no right to be weak.
  3. If you don't feel responsible looking at your child's face, you are hopeless.
  4. My biggest fear is being a bad mother to my two daughters.

Despite everything, raising two daughters is not so cloudless and sweet. About possible difficulties - in statuses about two daughters.

  1. There is no sadder moment when the daughters are already growing up and getting married. You wish them happiness, and quietly understand that you yourself are left without them ...
  2. The most difficult answers were given not to the tasks from the exams, but to the questions of my little daughters.
  3. My girls, this life is not easy. But I hope to the last that it will be much easier for you than for me ...
  4. Having become the mother of two daughters, she began to understand how much it hurt her when her own children were rude. Even for a moment.
  5. You feel the full speed of time when your children grow up.

If you have a little daughter, do everything in order to grow out of her not only a princess, but also a truly wise girl. Do you agree? Don't forget to post it in the status!

Every person, without exception, dreams of a friendly family. And if you already have one, then you are incredibly lucky. Share a piece of happiness in statuses about your daughter and husband.

It's good when there is someone to try for

  1. Someone endlessly promised mountains of gold, and someone just stayed nearby and gave me a wonderful daughter!
  2. I love hugging them together - my king and our little princess!
  3. Yes, we have already experienced a period of sweet sighs, but without each other we would not have been able to ...
  4. My family is my moral protection from all adversity.
  5. I love it when my husband notices that my daughter looks like me ...
  6. My girl's eyes are as bright as her dad's. I burn with them.
  7. Ice cream is the best way to bring the family together.
  8. I sleep late, I wake up early. Now you understand that I don't feel sorry for them?!
  9. Probably, life sent me so many trials in order to give me a wonderful husband and a charming angel in return.
  10. Honey, let's teach our daughter only the best! Perhaps then she will not know adversity.

So friendly and real

The status of a daughter and a husband does not have to be filled with tenderness, but it simply does not work out differently. What phrase would you choose?

  1. I am sure that my girl will be happy because she sees love every day. True love is not ideal, but sincere man and woman.
  2. Children may well be the meaning of life, but they will be happy only with diversified parents.
  3. All bad mood passes as soon as I see the smile of my husband and daughter.
  4. Now my husband and I do everything for her, and we dream that when we grow old, she will do the same for us.
  5. The most valuable piece of information I could pass on to my daughter is where I found such a wonderful husband.
  6. I'm afraid to spoil my daughter the way my husband spoiled me.
  7. I just don't know which is more precious: "Honey, I love you" or "Mommy, I love you."
  8. I love it when they both smile in their sleep - a beloved cat and a small kitten.
  9. The greatest happiness is to protect the fruit of your own love together with your soulmate.
  10. There were many mistakes in my life, but I still managed to create a wonderful family.

To be the best means to be a mother and wife

It has long been proven that the happier a person's family is, the more fun and easier his life is. To achieve this is the greatest merit of every parent. And if you have the same mission in front of you, bolder set the status about your daughter and husband!

  1. I will definitely teach my girl how important it is to choose a good boy, and how feigned girlfriends can be.
  2. I love when I have a whole free day and we can do something together.
  3. Family happiness is not taught either at school or at the institute. But it seems that I managed to build it without special education ...
  4. Sometimes my husband and I think that the stork brought us the most charming daughter he could.
  5. Everyone around is posting photos with children, but I have no time. My husband and I are better at this time to just talk with our child.
  6. Just yesterday, you were looking at the world incomprehensibly with sparkling eyes, and today you have practically grown up. Dad and I love you baby!
  7. Over the years, I realized that I don't want the rich or famous. I just need a person next to me. And the best thing is that he was with me all this time.
  8. I know firsthand that seeing a cooked dinner after a terrible day at work is sometimes better than a bouquet of 1001 roses.
  9. When I want to give up, and it seems that there is no strength left, I just remember for whom I still live.
  10. Staying at home with the whole family on a rainy day is priceless.
  11. Looking at my family, sometimes I envy myself. People, appreciate the family!

The two dearest people

A caring parent is already boundless happiness for every child. And if there are two of them, and they act together, then the baby has nothing to be afraid of at all. And what status about your daughter and beloved husband will you choose?

  1. Do not skimp on words of praise and love, because you definitely have something to praise them for. And you just need to love!
  2. My daughter is nothing but an extension of my love for my husband.
  3. If I lack something besides my daughter and hubby, then, probably, only my son.
  4. My beloved and I do not want her to grow up - she is so timid and infinitely sweet.
  5. It’s good that there is a family, and you don’t have to cope with all the hardships alone.
  6. When you have a good husband, you only think about your daughter getting the same one.
  7. And, you know, I have two meanings in life - one is tiny, with pigtails, and the second is strong and very beautiful.
  8. My husband and I are scared to imagine that someday this happiness will have to be given in marriage ...
  9. For my happy life, I have to work hard. But, unfortunately, I can always see the fruits of my labors!
  10. If a man is a king, a daughter is a princess ... It turns out that I am a queen ?!
  11. It's nice to remember in the middle of the working day that you have a wonderful man. But remembering that you have a wonderful daughter is even better.

Let every mother put the status: “I love my daughter and husband”, let everyone around know that true joy cannot be bought for any money. True joy is in the family.

Daughter Quotes - I am his crazy, love-spoiled, one and only daughter.

A good daughter is worth two bad sons.

Daughters are harder than in war.

The main joy in my daughter's life is getting smeared with chocolate.

Watching your daughter get ready for a date is like handing a million dollar Stradivarius to a gorilla. Jim Bishop

There is no greater joy for the elderly than a daughter. At least until the granddaughter appears. - Euripides

I don’t know what it’s like to have sons, but I’m sure that there are more positive emotions from daughters (not to mention the fact that you can just admire them). Stephen King. Duma Key

Every mother hopes that her daughter will find a better husband than hers, and is convinced that her son will never get such a good wife as his father. Martin Andersen-Nexe

I will not let my daughters learn foreign languages, because it is enough for a woman to know one. John Milton

The mother was most afraid that her daughter, in addition to her talents, would also inherit a sharp tongue. - R.Sheridan

A mother can hope for unquestioning obedience to her daughter only if she constantly serves her as an example of prudence and a model of perfection. Alexandr Duma

What mother would not sacrifice herself and anyone else for the happiness of her daughter? Helen Bronte

You are warmer than sunlight and much more valuable than any precious stone, my dear daughter.

The only marriage that gives a man unfeigned joy is the marriage of his daughter. Marcel Achard

It is the daughter that is the subject of special pride of the pope.

For a father, there is no suitable person for his daughter. He will show paternal rights to everyone.

Life sucks. Am I happy? Something like that. I have a daughter, which means I'm happy. Ben Affleck

Spout, sponge, hair,
rosy cheeks,
genuine beauty,
It's all from my daughter.

Don't limit the child... Don't clip his wings... Let him choose his own path. Know that once he spreads his wings, he will not let yours fall.

Three daughters - ruin. Japanese proverbs and sayings

If daughters always obeyed certain mothers, they would certainly never become grandmothers.

Mom looks at her daughter and tries to get used to her happiness. But how can you get used to it, to such happiness? This is now a surprise for the rest of my life: I am the mother of a daughter.

Every mother should remember that one day her daughter will follow her example, not her advice.

She was born into the world
For the whole family to enjoy.
Shouting AGU - hello,
Having warmed up a little.

A daughter is a blessed creature!

Why do you think an adult daughter goes to her mother, whom she has not seen for a long time? Do not you know? Ask for help, even if she doesn't understand it herself. Oleg Roy. Daughters-mothers, or holidays in Atyashevo

Only my daughter will be cooler than me!

A modest daughter is a good night, a father's happiness, a sage's sapphire. Muhammad Okar

If you want to raise good children, spend half as much money and twice as much time on them. Esther Selsdon

Mom, you have so many wrinkles on your face because you think a lot! I see, daughter, you don’t have them at all, that’s why.

Vacationers from Moscow are sunbathing on the beach. Mamul, look meduza! Mom: Meduza, meduza! It's a zlafan!

Minibus. Bitcoin. Girl: -Mommy, can you imagine, I think that soon you will be a grandmother. Pale mother: - Lord! And who is the father? Sighing, the daughter answers: - I can’t turn around, therefore I don’t know ...

I found a notebook with my daughter's problems and worries about her life. Now I definitely know that all my worries can be called childish.

We do not always understand that our dearest and closest friend is our mother. Only when she leaves everything around fades and an unbearable heaviness settles in the heart.

I dream that years will pass and my fifteen-year-old child will ask: “And who, the one you fell in love with for the first time?” And I will proudly answer: “The one that gave birth to you, the one that I fall in love with all the time again, love!”

Pink cheeks, a small nose, beady eyes ... Wealth, fame - not the main thing. The main thing is sleeping next to each other !!! My adorable baby!!!

My parents insist on positive behavior before the registry office, on marriage under a contract with the main condition: the bride is a gift and, according to the law, a return to the donor is not possible.

I know that my mother worries about me and therefore often gives advice, although I have long been an adult. And although I do my own thing, you should know and remember that I always love you, as before in childhood!

I will come to you, my mother, kiss your wrinkles, let the years stubbornly fly by ... only you, my mother, LIVE ...

Dad's friends say to their sons: Look what a daughter he has grown up - smart, beautiful! My mother convinces me that my husband will run away from me. Who to believe?

And mom now thinks that her daughter has already had breakfast, lunch and everything cleaned up. The daughter, in fact, has not washed her face yet, she is sitting in her pajamas. Naive mom.

Mom, I went to my friend to spend the night. Well, daughter, when you come, write to me in contact that it came well; D

The daughter fell asleep on the sofa in front of the TV, the father quietly takes her in his arms to move her to bed. Daughter through a dream: put it where you took it

Mother's hands are the embodiment of tenderness ... (Victor Marie Hugo)

Mom and six year old daughter are lying on the beach! - Mom, why are some men in shorts big, and others small? - Well, you know, some rich people have a big one, and the poor have a small one! - Mom, look at you uncle looks and grows rich!

It’s good that mom doesn’t hear me talking ... she wouldn’t recognize her daughter

A mother's heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles. (Pierre Jean Beranger)

My mom has the best daughter!

Motherhood is the most difficult of jobs, bringing joy.

When there is a daughter, there will be someone better than my beloved ...

And you try, when it's bad, just spend time with your mother more often, just communicate. Personally, it helped me, and she is pleased. After all, mom is the most precious thing! And we pay so little attention to her!

A mother's heart is an abyss, in the depths of which there is always forgiveness.

I still can’t forget my mother’s eyes: blue as the sky, tender as a flame ... I will carry a light in my soul in a year, I want you to know, mom, I love you!

Only my husband will have the best wife and only my daughter will be more beautiful than me!

A mountain of muscle in 30 days! Become the most powerful among friends!

They released their children into the life, like white doves into the sky! But he is not destined to fly who managed to forget his father and mother!

Mom, you are thousands of kilometers away from me and you think that you know better? .. well, you have eyesight!

The daughter looks in the mirror and says “who will get such beauty” mom shouts from the kitchen “God give him strength, health and patience”

The meaning of life is mom's smile

Mom with a 5-year-old girl in the store. - Maaa, maaa ... - What is the daughter? - Maaa, well, buy a chocolate bar! - No, I won't buy it! - Well, then I'll fart! Here the blackmailer is growing

In any case, each of you mom gave to try the soup for salt

After washing, I put on my jeans, and they ate on me ... .. my mother told me in childhood: daughter, don’t kick the machine with your foot, she will take revenge .... !!

My mother is very kind. When I came home late as a child, my father took off the belt from his trousers, they fell from him, and my mother said: oh, baby, go for a walk)

On the bus, mother to son: hold on! And then you fall, hit, and I'll give you another kick ...

Mom is a person who will replace everyone. But no one will replace her.

Mommy Mommy, the best in the world .... My mom will always help and understand)))

- Mom, meet me, this is my boyfriend! He doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, doesn’t swear! - Aren’t you bored with him, daughter?

Statuses about little daughters and sons make up most of all the statements that are filled with social networks. And no wonder - such an important event in the life of adults as the birth of a child cannot go unnoticed. We offer options for statements for social networks about the birth of a daughter.

Statuses about little daughters original

  • "The most sincere hugs are childish. They do not need to be earned. A child hugs you just for being you."
  • "I never grumble at my daughter for making a mess. After all, she gave me much more - the meaning of life."
  • "Before a daughter is born, parents never feel so powerful and helpless at the same time."
  • "Daughter is an angel sent by heaven to protect the family."
  • "A woman never tries so hard to take care of herself as when she becomes the mother of a girl."
  • "With the birth of a daughter, parents remember that in life you can enjoy everything."
  • "The thinking of a child is much broader than that of an adult. The kid believes that toys are alive, that trees, swaying, create wind, and all people without exception are kind."

Statuses about daughter: beautiful

  • "A child's hands smell of fresh spring wind, wild flowers and mother's love."
  • "More fairy tales are collected on the eyelashes of a sleeping child than in all the books in the world."
  • "The love of parents when looking at the pink leg of their little daughter will not fit any status."
  • "A daughter's year is such an important period in her life that cannot be compared with any graduation from school and marriage."
  • "They say there is always a meaning to life. But you never feel it as strongly as after the birth of a baby."
  • "The beauty of a girl in the future depends on how much her parents loved her in childhood."
  • "A little daughter is a combination of the most subtle tenderness, the greatest joy and the highest love."
  • "A daughter is the only gift of fate that you don't want to be separated from even for a second."
  • "When God gives parents a daughter, he blesses them with it."

The statuses about the daughter are beautiful, like the feelings themselves that overwhelm her parents. Therefore, do not be afraid to express them.

Meaningful sayings about daughter

Statuses about little daughters in every word are filled with meaning. It is important to be able to convey this feeling - the feeling of being aware of yourself as a parent.

  • "In front of no woman does a man try so hard to be courageous as in front of his daughter."
  • "It's always spring in the house, as long as the sonorous laughter of a child sounds in it."
  • "There is no more sincere person in the world than a baby."
  • "The forgiving heart belongs to little children."
  • "In the eyes of our daughter - the whole world."
  • "The calmest and happiest child lives in a family where parents love each other."
  • "Kissing a little daughter is like touching heaven."
  • "A wife allows her husband to love only one woman more than herself - their daughter."
  • "There is nothing a man is more proud of than his beautiful and happy daughter."
  • "With the first smile of our daughter, we realized that we had not known beauty before."
  • "We need to live in such a way that our daughter, looking at us, would dream of becoming the same."
  • "It turns out that happiness can be held in the hands. Kiss and cover with a blanket."
  • "I'm never ashamed of my daughter. I should only be ashamed of myself."

Funny statuses about daughter

Statuses about little daughters are always the funniest. After all, every step and new word of a child causes a smile not only among his relatives, but also among ordinary observers.

  • "With the birth of our daughter, our house turned into a warehouse of hairpins, ribbons, handkerchiefs and dolls."
  • "A daughter's mother faces a difficult choice every day - a hairpin with a butterfly or a flower?"
  • "Our daughter taught the cat to stand still when combed with a broom."
  • "The most delicious tea in the world - from the roots and leaves, prepared by my daughter."
  • "If the house has become quiet for a moment, perhaps the flower pot has already been turned over, and the cat is being bathed in the toilet."
  • "Our newborn daughter has her own opinion from the first days. For example, she is absolutely sure that 7 am is night and 11 pm is morning."
  • “Only with the birth of my daughter I realized that I was already an adult. After all, I can give my candy to someone.”
  • "Nothing changes a man's mind about discos and alcohol like a growing daughter."