Raising a child 2 3 years old boy. Child development at the age of two and a half years. Understanding the world around us

At the age of 2 years, the child begins to show his character, and for parents this often becomes a difficult test. The child begins to recognize himself as a separate person, and since he does not yet have the skills of self-control and does not see the difference between bad and good behavior, he uses crying and hysterics to express his independence and attract attention. During this period, parents should be patient and model the correct behavior of the baby. The principles of proper upbringing of a 2-year-old child will help them with this.

Principles of raising a 2 year old child

What techniques can be used to raise a 2-year-old child? There are no universal tips here, so in many cases you will have to act empirically, adapting to the individual characteristics of the baby. But at the same time, it is still worth adhering to the basic principles of raising a child at 2 years old.

Keep calm. Even when your child is having a tantrum or another outburst of anger, you should show complete equanimity. By using punishment in such cases, you will not achieve the desired result. The baby will only feel even more offended, and this will provoke him into new, sometimes even more violent hysterics. Try to completely ignore any annoying behavior of your child, unless it leads to situations that are dangerous to his health. Behavior to which you do not react in any way will gradually stop - the child will understand that tears and screams will in no way help him gain the attention of adults. Some parents make a grave mistake here: knowing that they can raise a 2-year-old child and wean him off tantrums using this technique, they forget that it does not work unless praise is used at the same time. It is very important to encourage and praise your baby every time he behaves correctly, even if just 5 minutes ago you had to endure his next tantrum.

Avoid stressful situations. Try to provide your child with a constant daily routine. When the baby gets used to it, he will know what to expect during the day - after meals there will be games, then sleep, a walk in the evening, etc. This will make him calmer and more obedient. If some day is out of the usual routine, tell your child about it in advance. For example, warn him when someone comes to see you or if you and your baby are planning to visit some places where he has not been before. Little children get tired of new experiences very quickly, so try not to disrupt your child’s daily routine too often, and if you need to go somewhere with him, it’s better to do it for a short time. It is recommended to increase the time that the baby can be away from home gradually.

Learn distraction maneuvers. When a child does not react to your comments and refuses to obey, try to distract him with something. Some spontaneously invented game is best suited for this. For example, if a baby categorically refuses to get dressed and go outside, instead of strict persuasion, which can only push him into another hysteria, start dressing him up with a rhyme or counting rhyme, or invite him to dress “for speed.” Some parents, who are concerned about the question of how to raise a child at 2 years old, do not consider it necessary to use this technique and use a variety of excuses - there is no time, this is all unnecessary, why spoil him, let him learn discipline. But you should not neglect such methods. The child reacts very well to any game processes, and you can come up with interesting distracting tricks both on the go and in advance. This way you will develop creative thinking in your baby, and most importantly, you will learn to easily negotiate with him without tears and hysterics.

Give your child the right to choose. An important principle of raising a child at 2 years old is the development of his independence. There are situations in which there can be no compromise, for example, if the baby does not want to sit in a car child seat, and you need to go, you will put him there anyway. But in some other cases, let him choose what he wants to do, thereby teaching him to make decisions himself. At the same time, it is important to go to the end and accept his choice, even if you know that in fact the baby wants something else. For example, if you offered him to play, and he refused only out of a feeling of contradiction, do not persuade him - this way you will show the child that his choice has certain consequences, and he is responsible for them.

Engage your child. How to raise a child at 2 years old if he constantly shows his independence and wants to do everything himself? Make it beneficial for him: give him simple tasks and try to notice which ones he does most willingly and what he does best. At the age of 2 years, the child tries to imitate adults, so he will be happy to do the same things that mom or dad do. Water a flower with him, let him “help” in the kitchen, ask him to bring something while cleaning. Any such task should begin with the words “help me, please,” so that the child understands the meaning of his actions. Also, try to keep your child busy every day with educational games, creativity, and teach him something new.

How to properly raise a child is difficult to answer unequivocally, because there is no ideal strategy for raising the future generation. All babies have their own personality from birth. Young princesses and little gentlemen are all different. Some babies are thoughtful and calm, others are funny and curious, others are naughty fidgets, and others are closed and silent. Therefore, the tactics of the educational process cannot be the same. Only the mother knows the character of the baby. Therefore, it is she who must choose the methods that are ideal for her baby. Psychologists can only outline a general strategy and recommend how not to act in order to protect the fragile young psyche from traumatic factors.

How to raise children correctly - psychology

In order for the baby to grow and develop correctly, parents need to organize suitable conditions for this. First of all, for comprehensive harmonious development, a child needs parental love and caring attitude. When a child feels indifference on the part of a significant adult, fertile ground is created for the emergence of a huge number of problems. We are not talking exclusively about behavioral deviations. The occurrence of health problems is also a reality.

Sometimes it happens that significant adults love a child, but the baby does not feel it. Therefore, it is necessary to demonstrate love to the little ones in any available way, hug them, talk about your own feelings, kiss them. The child should feel the unconditionality of parental love, understand that his parents will love him no matter what and will always help.

Most parents are interested in how to raise a child correctly, because the future existence of their child depends on this.

First of all, you should accept your little one completely, regardless of apparent shortcomings. Many parents make an almost irreparable mistake, trying to fit the baby into their own ideal of a human subject. And when they fail to do this, they feel disappointed. The child always feels parental disapproval, understands that they do not believe in him, that he could not meet parental expectations. As a result, the little ones suffer, which gives rise to many problems.

Your child, whether he is a three-year-old or a teenager, needs to be supported when he needs it. Children should understand that in any difficult situation, they can always rely on their parents. It is parents who instill a sense of security in their children.

It is not recommended to scare children with various popular horror stories. For example, when, for educational purposes, significant adults scare a baby that if he behaves badly, a woman will come and take him away, the child understands what is said literally. He thinks that some terrible person will enter the house, and his parents will allow the old woman to take him away. This results in a feeling of insecurity, and the authority of the parents falls. The baby no longer feels safe.

You should be more interested in the child’s life, talk about various topics with him, especially those that interest the baby himself, spend more leisure time together, doing enjoyable activities for both. Spending time together, filled with bright positive emotions, contributes to the emergence of friendly interaction between adults and children.

You need to respect your own child; you should not brush aside the words of the baby, his opinion. Phrases like: “don’t be smart”, “it’s too young to give out advice” are unacceptable. It is necessary to praise the offspring even for the slightest successes.

In order to teach a child anything, it is necessary to take into account one childhood characteristic - kids brilliantly remember everything that interests them. Therefore, there is no reason to hammer knowledge into a child; it is better to make classes interesting for him, and also that they include playful moments.

Notations should not be overused. After all, they are boring and completely uninteresting to the baby. It is better to demonstrate the desired behavior through your own actions. Children always take the actions of their parents as a model.

How to properly raise a child from birth

It is better to start the educational process from the first decades of the baby’s life. The active development of babies occurs just in the first year of their life. At the stage described, they adapt to the environment and gain their first valuable experience. After all, in just 12 months, the baby needs to learn to coo, smile, respond to parental voices, mood, and distinguish intonations.

Often, parents of infants pay more attention to following the daily routine and diet, proper care, rather than the educational process. It is before the age of one that the basic habits of the offspring are laid down on the subconscious level, inclinations and personality traits are formed. The further maturation of the baby is mainly determined by the educational process in infancy.

Conventionally, the annual stage of educational work is usually divided into 4 stages in accordance with trimesters.

This stage involves the formation of “correct” habits in children and the prevention of the formation of harmful ones. In addition, here parents should properly organize the baby’s nutrition. This is very important for adequate weight gain and the development of addiction to the regime.

In this trimester, the baby should develop habits such as:

– without a pacifier, immerse yourself in the Morphean kingdom on the street;

– spend some time in the crib, having fun on your own;

– hold the head;

– show displeasure when changing a diaper;

- fall asleep without motion sickness.

It is also recommended to pay serious attention to the hygiene of the baby. Toddlers' mornings should begin with mother's friendly smile, hygiene procedures, which include washing the baby's hands and face, washing, and changing a diaper. These daily activities will help the offspring develop the habit of keeping themselves clean.

To develop the habit of holding the baby's head, you need to lay him on his tummy. Gradually, the baby will get used to the described action, and the muscles of the neck and back will become stronger.

In order for the child to start gurgling, you should play with him more often. It’s also good if the baby hears nursery rhymes and children’s songs. Any action directly related to the child needs to be commented on, told, for example, how to put on rompers or change a diaper. When talking with a baby, it is recommended to smile, since this is how the culture of communicative interaction is established.

In the next trimester, visual, sensory and auditory perception of the world develops. The stage under consideration includes preparing the offspring for speech. Here it is recommended to include musical melodies of various genres. At the same time, it is better that they are harmonious and light: classics, children's tunes, modern motifs. In order for a child to walk and begin to babble, his attention must be directed to other sounds. He should be introduced to the surrounding reality, attracting his interest to the chirping of birds, the sound of flowing water, and the rattling of a tractor.

The mental formation of the baby at the stage described should begin with communicative interaction. Parents need to play with their child, shaping his perception. It is recommended to start practicing while awake, when the offspring is not bothered by anything and is cheerful. Such activities should bring pleasure to the baby, so you should not play with the baby when he wants to eat or is capricious. At this stage, the moral and aesthetic foundations of education are laid, which the child receives as a result of communication with relatives.

Love and joyful emotions given to the baby will become the starting point for forging a moral and aesthetic behavioral model. In addition to the above, the routine should also include daily exercise and massage. At this stage, the exercises should be more varied, since their goal is to prepare the baby for crawling.

The stage of the third trimester is marked by the restlessness of the offspring and his curiosity. The activity of children at the described stage increases significantly. Since the child has already learned to crawl and sit down, and some babies are trying to stand up, it is time for physical training.

First of all, the baby must be given freedom of movement around the home. Therefore, the possible route of his travel should be secured as much as possible. In this trimester, babies are increasingly interested in the contents of drawers and cabinets, so it is recommended to remove any items that could harm the baby.

At this stage, you can already make your first attempts to potty train your child. It is necessary to sit the baby on the potty after feeding, walking, sleeping. After some time, the baby will understand the purpose for which he is placed on the potty. At approximately seven months of age, you can begin to teach your baby how to wash his hands. Thus, the concept of cleanliness is formed.

By putting on tiny bibs before feeding and changing soiled clothes immediately after they get dirty, mothers instill neatness in their children. At the same time, adults need to comment on each action and explain it.

Play activities are important for children, regardless of age. Through it they learn about the world. At seven to eight months of age, you can show your baby simple toys and how to manipulate them, for example, showing how a ball rolls or the wheels of a car spin. Also, at the stage described, you can already show individual parts of the head: nose, eyes, ears. It is necessary to work with babies in the third trimester every day. Here you should also familiarize your offspring with the prohibition words: “impossible.” For example, when a baby fights during play activities, it is necessary to say “no”, explaining the reasons (it’s unpleasant for me, it hurts).

In the fourth trimester, raising a child covers absolutely all areas of its activity. Here the baby actively interacts with the adult environment and tries to walk independently. When a baby stands on knives on his own, he should be encouraged. First, you need to help the little one, lead him, holding him by two hands, then by one. After a while, the baby will be able to linger, standing on his feet, for a few seconds.

The mental formation of a baby is based on instilling in him the skill of manipulating objects. A full-fledged educational process includes close communicative interaction with the offspring. You should talk to your little one constantly, but it is not recommended to copy a child’s speech or lisp. This can give rise to the formation of a speech defect.

How to properly raise a 1 year old child

Human personality, according to psychological research, is formed at an early stage of existence. Therefore, it is very important during the educational process that a one-year-old baby acquires the experience necessary for future existence, which will become the foundation of his attitude towards the environment and surroundings.

At the stage under consideration, the game process is the prevailing type of activity. However, due to his age, the baby cannot independently organize his own leisure time. Therefore, it falls on the parents' shoulders. It is necessary to show the child possible manipulations with toys, for example, how a doll walks, a frog jumps, or a car transports. Role-playing games are also important; together with your little one, you can treat a sick bear or cook dinner for a bunny. However, the plots of the games should be primitive so that the child understands them well.

At the same time, during playful leisure time it is necessary to closely monitor the offspring. The game will reflect a child’s idea of ​​existing family relationships, the world, and people. Observation will allow parents to promptly correct negative ideas or destructive attitudes.

The one-year-old understands exclusively visual-figurative appeal. Therefore, in order to convey some information to the baby, you need to model the situation based on fairy tales and taking your favorite heroes as examples.

You also need to constantly explain to the little one how to behave, what is good, what actions are bad. In addition, parents should always remain a positive example, since kids always imitate the adults around them. At this stage of upbringing, parents should regularly clean, put things in their designated places, and demonstrate through their own actions that they comply with the daily routine and hygiene rules.

How to properly raise a 2 year old child

In the period under review, the educational process should differ in relation to boys and young ladies.

Raising a boy should include, first of all, the expression of love in various forms: hugs, kisses, conversations, joint games. It is forbidden to hit or offend the baby, as he may grow up insecure, aggressive, angry or distrustful. The boy must be raised within strict boundaries, without excessive lisp, but also without domineering manners.

You should not limit the boy’s physical capabilities and his activity. It is normal if the baby often walks with broken knees, because the future defender of the family and the Fatherland is growing.

When addressing a baby, it is better to use his name, or call him “son,” and it is better not to use diminutive forms such as “honey” and “bunny.” The child must realize from an early age that he is growing into a man and in the future will become the breadwinner and protector of the family.

The education of young ladies must be aimed at developing creative potential. Girls, in comparison with their “antipodes,” are more balanced, diligent, and calm. Monotonous manipulations are easier for them. They have a developed imagination and a sense of beauty.

It is necessary to encourage daughters’ desire to express their own feelings, to compliment the young princess, to shower her with praise and tenderness. Girls should grow up to be confident, self-sufficient, and be able to recognize false feelings.

Children should be given the opportunity to choose their own play. From childhood, little ladies need to be taught that they can achieve a lot in life. You can show them photographs of successful ladies - doctors, politicians, actresses, explaining to them along the way that when they grow up, they can become just as successful and respected aunts.

How to properly raise a child at 3 years old

A three-year-old child is a rather serious test of strength for parents. After all, the baby has already grown noticeably and started talking. The baby already has an active position in expressing his own aspirations. At a certain point, the baby’s behavioral response and his actions began to change dramatically. The previously obedient toddler turns into an obnoxious “bandit”. This is how the three-year crisis manifests itself.

The most important thing here is patience on the part of significant adults. Any situation of disobedience of the offspring that arises should be assessed extremely soberly. It is necessary to understand the feelings of children and skillfully use children's whims against them. For example, when a toddler refuses to put away toys, but rather scatters them, you should ask the child never to collect them.

In the period described, various requirements and prohibitions were ineffective. It is better to try to switch the child’s attention to activities that are more exciting for him.

It is not recommended to react too violently to hysterical attacks. However, there is no need to indulge all sorts of children’s whims either. A three-year-old tests the boundaries of what is permitted. How much can his parents afford? If you give the little one what he wants at the slightest, then he will develop the habit of starting to tantrum at the slightest provocation. You need to try to distract the offspring from the provoking factor, to something else interesting.

The educational process at 3 years old should be based on consistency. If the mother forbade the baby to do something, then the father should not allow him to do it. This rule should be especially clearly conveyed to compassionate grandmothers and kind grandfathers.

And most importantly, toddlers should be raised with love. It is necessary to take care of the offspring, train them, and show them the desired behavior by their own positive example.

How to raise a choleric child

A choleric child is tireless by nature. Nature has endowed such a baby with powerful energy potential. From an early age, the baby shows his intolerable temperament, and loved ones say in bewilderment: “What a character!” The task of the adult environment in a particular case is to help the baby grow moderately flexible, restrained and compromising.

The little owner of this temperament endlessly moves, which is characterized by impetuosity and abruptness, as if someone is chasing him. Such a baby cannot stand long waits, and therefore is not able to sit idle in one place for a long time. The child’s conversation is emotional, the words sound abruptly and quickly. He does not speak, but chatters, swallowing words and syllables. Sometimes he gets so carried away by monologues that he is unable to hear anyone.

Often loses control over himself, starting to shout and argue loudly. Raising a 3-4 year old choleric child is not easy. This kid loves adventure and risk. At the same time, the baby’s susceptibility to sudden changes in mood plunges those close to him into bewilderment.

A kid can easily change his mind at the last minute. You never know what to expect from him. He can behave unconventionally in any situation. The baby himself often does not understand what is happening to him due to his impulsiveness. A child with a choleric temperament makes decisions instantly, his ideas are spontaneous, but often interesting. The baby is quickly captivated by everything new, but he also easily forgets about it in a short time. During training, he shows abilities if the child is interested at the moment.

The little choleric person falls asleep with difficulty and takes a very long time. Restless sleep, depending on the impressions of the day.

A choleric person has a lot of positive qualities: fearlessness, risk-taking, courage, determination, self-confidence, perseverance. At the same time, a tendency to stubbornness, restlessness, cockiness, conflict, impatience, playfulness, which gives parents certain difficulties in raising a choleric child.

Considering that choleric children are emotionally unstable, their parents need to master the ability to control their own emotions. Before speaking to your child out of impulse or frustration, you need to stop, take a few deep breaths or count to ten and just think about whether notations and screams aimed at the baby will help in your situation.

An energetic choleric child must be involved in doing useful things, for example, household chores. The child must see the final goal and result of his work. Teach your child to recite the stages of work out loud, then to himself, and strictly adhere to his plan.

For choleric people it is very important to engage in active sports. This will allow you to give vent to your energy, and training will teach you to calculate your strength. Such a baby simply needs living space, so you should go for walks with him as often as possible.

Designing, needlework, drawing, and manual labor can help develop attention and perseverance. It is important for parents not to bother the baby if he is distracted, and to encourage patience and diligence every time. It is important to teach your child to think through his decisions in advance, assessing his reserves of strength, and only then take action. Politeness should be taught in any situations, since the spontaneity of a choleric person often hurts people’s pride.

It is especially necessary to pay attention to the ability to establish relationships in a children's team, since parents will not be able to be there all the time. The choleric person's problem is imposing leadership on other children. The second problem of a choleric child is the desire for variety, so regular friends do not stick around. In this case, it is necessary to encourage the child to analyze his behavior, sort out conflict situations with him, and discuss films and books. It is necessary to teach the child to control his emotions, taking into account the interests of other people.

Humor will help in the fight against the bad mood of a choleric child. Show your child a way to release accumulated emotions: you can hit a toy, throw or hit a pillow. This will be better than taking out your anger on parents and children in kindergarten. Breathing exercises can also help with self-control. When the child’s emotional stress increases, you can use distracting techniques, for example, interest him in something else and switch him to this activity. Sometimes just a hug and reassurance is enough. Adults need to observe the behavioral manifestations of their baby as much as possible and influence even before he gets angry or bursts into tears. It is strictly forbidden to tease a little choleric person.

In this article:

Speaking about how a child’s development proceeds at 2.5 years old, one significant change can be noted compared to a one and a half year old baby: the baby’s actions begin to be conscious. The child understands a lot, makes contact with pleasure, and is ready to compromise with adults. If parents adhere to parenting based on trust, then 2 years and 6 months is exactly the period when you can begin to negotiate with the baby in an amicable way.

Physical development of the baby

At 2 years and 6 months, the baby is quite physically developed and visually already in many ways similar to an adult. The child walks confidently, both forward and backward and sideways, runs, jumps, maintaining balance.

Parents, Those who plan to introduce their children to sports can begin to do this purposefully from this age, not limiting themselves exclusively to morning exercises. In your child’s room you can install an age-appropriate mini-sports complex with different equipment. A baby at this age will have no problem finding a use for them, spending energy to their benefit.

At 2.5 years old, you can also practice hardening. From time to time, the baby can be allowed to walk barefoot, both at home and outside, gradually reduce the temperature of the water in which he will bathe, and ventilate the room more often.

First steps towards independence

At 2.5 years old, the child becomes noticeably more independent. He no longer just knows how to walk, go down the stairs and use the toilet. The baby eats independently, washes his hands, brushes his teeth, dresses and undresses, hangs clothes on a hanger and puts shoes on a shelf.

To prevent the child from losing interest in developing self-service skills, parents need to constantly praise him, motivating him to improve. For example, if your baby doesn’t show a desire to brush his teeth, you can invite him to do it together, watching the reflections in the mirror. Same In this way, you can help your child with collecting toys, dressing and undressing, without forcing in any way, but only by leading by personal example.

It will be great if at 2 years and 6 months the child already has his own small but pleasant responsibilities around the house. For example, you can entrust your child with feeding pets or watering flowers, thus instilling in him a sense of responsibility. Such simple activities will bring pleasure to children, and sincere praise from adults will instill in them a sense of self-confidence.

At 2 years and 6 months, the baby is already independent enough to play without his parents for half an hour. The baby enjoys doing puzzles, construction sets, and applied arts.

How does a baby develop mentally?

At 2.5 years old, the baby distinguishes more than five colors, knows their names, and groups objects according to a certain characteristic. Also at this age, kids are already familiar with basic geometric shapes and figures.

In the third year of life, children’s imagination begins to actively work, so parents should find time for joint creative activities with the baby. A child can be captivated by modeling, drawing, applique or design. All these activities do not help not only the development of thinking, but also the development of fine motor skills of the hands, which in turn will stimulate the baby’s speech.

At 2 years and 6 months, you can and even need to read with your child. At this age, the baby will already be able to recognize letters and form syllables. When working with your baby in this way, you will need to try to maintain his interest, captivating him with games and not overstraining him with demands.

Books with pictures and poems may already appear in a child’s life. In the third year of life, a child is able to listen to an adult read for half an hour. As an experiment, you can try to entertain your baby with audio stories from time to time.

Baby speech development

Experts are confident that it is possible to train the speech of children aged two years and six months not only by developing fine motor skills, but also by singing. Children at this age enjoy listening to singing and sing themselves if
parents encourage this activity. You can play children's melodies for your little one and learn simple songs with him.

After two years, children's vocabulary significantly expands. Every day new words appear in it, and some of them are even unfamiliar to parents, since they are the product of the child’s imagination.

Joint reading of poems and fairy tales will also help develop speech, during which parents can motivate the child to communicate by offering to finish familiar lines.

About collaboration skills

At two years and six months, babies are sensitive and responsive. The baby gladly fulfills the demands and requests of adults, and is happy to provide all possible assistance at the right time. The baby observes the behavior of the parents, is sincerely upset if the adults are offended, and tries to cheer them up. This behavior is a serious leap in the baby’s development.

If a second baby appears in the family, then a two-year-old baby can become a real assistant to parents. He will feel like a senior: he will be happy to rock the stroller
crumbs, throws away the diaper, finds a pacifier. It is important for parents to encourage the baby’s initiative without limiting his communication with the younger child.

At two years and six months, the baby is able to remove a plate and cup from the table. Noticeable changes also occur in the child’s communication with peers. The baby is trying to establish contact with the children and agrees to share or exchange toys.

At this age, kids argue a lot. Through argument, they try to master communication skills. Communicating with the baby in the third year of life becomes especially interesting for both adults and children. The baby is able to carry on a conversation, he understands humor, fantasizes, laughs, and is ready to surprise not only with new words from his vocabulary, but also with his actions.

Suitable toys for a child

At 2 years and 6 months, you need to select toys for your child that will contribute to his development. These can be toys that develop thinking, motor skills, eye, imagination and patience. The most suitable options are listed below:

You can also come up with homemade toys for kids of this age. These can be different boxes and caskets that the baby can close and open, laces, as well as containers with bulk cereals in which the baby can look for objects, pouring, sorting cereals, etc.

Emotional background of the baby

At 2 years and 6 months, the child becomes especially emotional. He is proud of himself if he copes with tasks, shows tenderness and love towards dear people,
experiences feelings of joy, envy, anger, can feel sad, show compassion, and be afraid.

At this age, children do not know how to evaluate the actions of others. They often do not understand why they are being punished and are unable to appreciate a good deed. A baby at two years and six months is already interested in nature, admires landscapes, and watches with interest the behavior of animals and insects. He knows how to make associations between objects, phenomena or events that he has encountered.

Attachment to family

Children aged two and a half years experience strong attachment to their loved ones, especially to their parents. At the same time, children tend to treat loved ones differently. Thus, children love their mother reverently and tenderly, while they love to play with their father or grandfather more than anything else.

Even a short separation from loved ones can cause serious stress for children. The baby has an urgent need to feel the constant closeness of his mother and is not ready to remain without her for a long time.

Kindness towards a child from strangers or unfamiliar people awakens a response in him. The baby is ready to make contact with people for whom he feels sympathy. It is at this age that you can try to attend early development schools with your baby, gradually take a closer look at kindergarten, get to know the teachers, and switch to a “kindergarten” daily schedule to simplify the child’s adaptation in the future.

Crisis 2.5-3 years

As noted above, children aged two years and six months try to be especially independent. They deliberately refuse help and try to do everything on their own everywhere. The favorite phrase of a baby of this age is “I myself!” Due to the development of the emotional sphere, children do not always adequately perceive the treatment of adults; they deliberately become stubborn only in order to defend their opinion.

At the first signs of such behavior, parents should understand that the child has begun a crisis at 2.5-3 years old, and his stubbornness is an attempt to become independent. At such moments, it is important to be patient and try to support the child and establish contact with him.

Lack of attention, excessive rudeness, and even more so unfair treatment will only cause a negative reaction in the child. The baby may lose trust in its parents and begin to behave even worse. It is very important to understand that the crisis of this age is another stage that you need to go through yourself and help the child survive by surrounding him with love, affection, and warmth.

Neuropsychic development of the baby

The main skill of a baby at the age of 2 years and 6 months is the ability to use words to express thoughts, desires and emotions. Most children at this age already have an excellent vocabulary, which is updated with new words every day. If at two and a half years old the baby does not try to pronounce individual words, does not show a desire to repeat after adults, imitating sounds, he needs to be shown to a pediatrician.

At 2 years and 6 months character
the baby changes noticeably. He is capricious, stubborn, and tries to cause provocations. The main reason is the above-mentioned crisis of the third year of life. The best way to reason with a child who cannot control himself is to deprive him of your attention for a while.

At 2 years and 6 months, children play role-playing games with great pleasure, in which they try on the roles of a doctor, teacher, bus driver, and so on. During such games, children come up with interesting dialogues and act out situations they have observed in the lives of adults.

As for social development, at this age it is largely related to the characteristics of the child’s upbringing and character. It is important that parents show by example how to behave correctly, how to control emotions, behavior, and actions. Seeing the restraint of adults, children will also learn to behave appropriately, avoiding breakdowns.

Excitability, stubbornness, hysterics... What to do about it?

The behavior of a two-year-old child is in many ways similar to the behavior of a one-year-old child, but new features also appear in him. Which?

Speech mastery

One of the main milestones in the development of a child of this age is the acquisition of speech. As soon as a little person learns to formulate his desires and thoughts, he moves to a new level. In general, between 2 and 3.5 years, when phrase speech should normally appear, there is less crying and frustration.

And yet, the child will master the full volume of his native language later, only by the age of 4. So far, not every child can formulate his every desire or condition. And this can give rise to a variety of discontent and frustrations. It’s very disappointing when you want to talk about what book you should read, but no one understands you. Or you ask to wear a purple blouse, but no one reacts, and they also ask: “What, what?”

All this can cause great frustration, screaming and even such vivid forms of behavior as hysterics and throwing on the floor.

Normal tantrums: how to deal with them?

On average, once a week you can expect a child of this age to be upset to the point of tears. Hysterics occurring up to 2-3 times a week can be considered the norm - much depends on the temperament and intensity of the child’s development. But if hysterics and tears are repeated up to 2-3 times a day, then the baby is either going through a critical period of development or is experiencing prolonged stress. If neither one nor the other is true, then you should contact a specialist: a neurologist, or a psychologist, or a homeopath.

Only future phlegmatic people manage without irritation and hysterics at the age of 2-3 years. That is, parents should prepare themselves for encounters with episodes of hysterics and learn to react to them correctly and behave correctly.

One of the main parenting skills that is acquired at this time is containing emotional resistance, irritation and anger of the child. What it is?

Here is a fairly typical example: a child does not want cartoons to be turned off. Or he doesn’t want to leave the sandbox and yells about it. A situation that few parents have not encountered. What might emotional containment look like?

Firstly, it is important not to connect to the child’s emotions - not to start speaking in a raised voice, screaming and getting angry.

Secondly, it is worth explaining to the child in a calm voice in an accessible language what is happening to him: “Vanya, you are very upset, you are angry, you don’t want... to leave the walk. Many children who are 2 years old really don’t want to go home , when it’s time for lunch. But..." And then you list your own arguments why you should definitely go home.

This measure does not give immediate results; on the contrary, screaming and crying in the first minutes after such an explanation can only intensify.

But the long-term, cumulative effect is very good: over time, when 2-6 weeks have passed from the start of using this behavior interpretation method, you will notice that the child begins to read not only his own behavior, but sometimes yours as well: “Mom is tired, mom wants to lie down.” Over time, the child's ability to better understand his own condition, as well as the feelings and desires of other people, will only develop.

Why is this necessary? Despite the fact that our baby is already a speaking creature, the motives and reasons for his own behavior are most often incomprehensible to him. Even when the word “I” is already actively used, it is very difficult for the baby to understand and name the reason for his own joy or frustration. The child’s own complex desires and reluctances also cannot yet be clearly formulated. And here mom can help a lot, as a “children’s translator.”

Interpreting a child’s behavior is a universal way of responding to tantrums and other disruptions in his behavior.

Early and late speaking children

At this age, a lot depends on how large the child’s active vocabulary is. Thus, a 2.5-year-old person can pronounce complex philosophical speeches, or he may barely be able to say a two-word phrase.

And this determines behavior. That is, the psychological ages of well- and poorly-spoken children will be different if their calendar ages coincide. And if the child does not yet actively speak, then the characteristics of his behavior will most likely relate to, and this is not a developmental delay, but a variant of the norm. And the time it takes to develop active speech is a highly heritable factor, and this happens differently in each family.

As a result, the child's maturity and the parents' demands on him between 2 and 3 years depend on how well the child speaks. And often for those children who began to speak early, parental demands are too high, and these demands sometimes become an unbearable psychological burden for the little person.

Love of tradition and the importance of routine

The child’s nervous system still retains features of a tendency toward inertia. This is not as pronounced as between one and two years, especially when the baby begins to speak freely, but it is quite noticeable. Young children are big conservatives and do not like innovations in food, clothing, arrangement of toys and the sequence of events during the day. It is difficult for a child of this age to offer not only a new, unfamiliar dish, but also familiar food in unfamiliar dishes.

And during weekends and vacations, when the usual routine is disrupted, children can behave much worse. This happens because the baby is highly dependent on the degree of fatigue and the number of impressions. This is another feature of the age of 2-3.5 years. If a child is knocked out of his usual routine for one reason or another, and there are too many impressions, he will behave worse than usual.

And nothing can be done here. It is possible to influence the behavior of a child of this age only when he is calm, not too tired, well-fed and not out of his usual rhythm - in the so-called “green” range. But if at least one of the conditions described above is violated, any attempt to influence the child will lead to difficult behavior or hysteria.

Excitability is a common feature of age

It is much easier for a child of this age to become overexcited than to calm down, and this is not an individual characteristic, but a general feature of the age. Many means of folk pedagogy are aimed at extinguishing excitement: nursery rhymes, fables, lullabies. We modern parents are often not very good at reassuring. We are committed to development and creating a learning environment. We weren't taught to calm down. In general, it often seems to us that if a child cries, it means that something wrong is happening.

There may be two thoughts fighting within a parent. The first: “Children shouldn’t cry, we need to urgently do everything he wants” - this is from the repertoire of permissiveness. And the second: “How dare he yell, because I told him...” - this is from the arsenal of the kindergarten teachers with whom we communicated in childhood.

I am not at all a fan of children crying a lot. And yet, until the age of 4-4.5 years, until the control of the cerebral cortex over emotions and states of arousal matures, a temperamental child may have a lot of tears and screams. Not because you are bad parents, but because the child is that age.

And, of course, you should try to predict crying and upsets in advance, avoid them if possible, and respond competently. But in general, this behavior is normal and expected.

The baby depends on the emotional state of the adult

The child depends on the mother’s condition; he is affected by the so-called “law of contagion of emotions.” That is, the baby connects to the main, strongest emotion that prevails in the adult who is currently with him. And if the parents have a quarrel or conflict, the child begins to behave restlessly or inappropriately - not because he wants to, but simply because he cannot do otherwise. Psychological defenses do not yet work at this age. And therefore, it is useless to tell your baby to “calm down” when you yourself are nervous. He cannot create an island of calm himself, but can only join your island of calm and confidence.

Negativism and stubbornness are signs of growing up

The child’s own opinion and resistance to what the parents say and want from him begins to appear. This behavior is a sign of a 3-year-old crisis, and in these cases it is best to switch the child’s attention and turn the situation into a playful one (more on this in the next article). But if you start “butting heads” with a child, arguing with him on equal terms, stubbornness will only intensify, especially in temperamental children.

Peer contacts

Between 2-3 years, the child begins to show a steady interest in peers, their games, and behavior. The child singles out one of the children and calls them his friends. In my opinion, at this age it is very useful to attend classes where children are present with their parents. This will have the maximum developmental effect, because the age of separation from the mother has not yet arrived.

Children most often at this time play not together, but near each other, looking with great interest towards their peers. This is the first stage of playing together, and the actions of other children should be commented on and explained to the child. This will help him further understand the behavior and relationships of other children.

Let's summarize:

When a child cries or screams, do not think that you can immediately “turn it off.” Emotional processes at this age are inert.

Take advantage of any opportunities to switch attention - this is the golden key in raising a child of this age.

Do not compare your baby with others: a child’s temperament and character are a lottery ticket, and there is little opportunity to influence him.

Hello, loving mothers and fathers. We are used to raising children in the same way we were raised. Did our parents know what is now available to us? I understood the nuances of the development of small children. What is the upbringing of a 2-3 year old child: psychology, expert advice for your attention. Want to figure it out? Then let's go!

Let's start with the worst thing - hysteria

When you read child psychology, you get the feeling that crises won’t end until you’re 18, or maybe until you’re 100... As soon as we successfully survived, a new one immediately began.

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We dealt with hysterics easily. If the baby started to get hysterical, we put him on the bed, he screamed for about 5 minutes, then he calmed down. When he calmed down, he got out of bed and came to me to hug. Moreover, the entire time he was crying, no one held him; he lay there on his own until he calmed down. At 3.5 years old the hysterics stopped. Another type of hysterics is when a child screams and gets angry and wants to somehow direct this anger at you, either to hit or bite. This rarely happened to us, but when it happened, I took him in my arms and hugged him tightly, he calmed down in 1-2 minutes.

At this age, or more precisely under the age of 5, children do not know how to control their emotions, they learn to do it.

The main thing is not to lose your temper; it is better to take the child to another room and wait while he cries than to hit him in the butt. Since this method, firstly, does not help. Secondly, physical punishment works up to a certain age. Thirdly, you will lose a trusting relationship with your child and undermine your authority. After all, when he was feeling bad and difficult, you didn’t help, but took advantage of his defenselessness, used force, didn’t show an example of behavior, but chose a simple way to solve the problem that was convenient for you. The child will not forget this, and if he does, this event will become part of his life, will remain in the subconscious, and will be written down as a program of behavior in such situations.

Why physical punishment is a bad method

As soon as the child becomes physically strong and can fight back, he will either do so or simply leave. Thus, during adolescence you will not have an instrument of influence. And if he does something bad, and at this age it’s not just getting dirty in a puddle, you won’t be able to protect him in any way from a bad situation or influence, because you don’t have authority and aren’t able to solve problems. And it will be more difficult for you to solve problems in a different way other than yelling and fighting, because you are used to this simple method. And after 40 years, when you are already more dependent on children, when you need pity, perhaps support, the child will not feel pity for you, understanding, and will even experience irritation with any problem or reminder of you.

If the baby loves to listen to fairy tales, then at this age therapeutic fairy tales are very helpful, with the help of which in the evening, before bedtime, when the child is already calm, you can discuss all the conflicts that occurred during the day and show the child how, using the example of the hero of the fairy tale, he can come out from the situation, how to resolve conflicts, how to avoid hysterics.

Some development features

It’s interesting to observe different styles of parenting and interaction between mother and child on playgrounds. One mother is too strict, while the other is completely oblivious to her offspring’s misconduct. Why is this happening? A child, of course, is a blank slate on which you can draw what you need, but after giving birth myself, I radically changed my mind.

Much depends on the temperament of the baby, his mother. It is difficult to keep a hyperactive child in place; parents are exhausted and complain about activity and restlessness. But I can make you happy a little. The diagnosis of hyperactivity itself is made by a psychiatrist quite rarely, and excessive mobility and impatience go away on their own, by adolescence. It is important to accustom the fidget to a routine so that the child learns to plan his time. Some features of the development of children 2-3 years old:

  1. The child learns about the world through imitation. An adult is a standard. Don’t ask where THIS suddenly came from (gesture or action). Everything from you, dear parents.
  2. The leading type of activity is with objects (the baby will reach out to his peers closer to the 3-year mark). Help your child discover new things, show what can be done with objects.
  3. Active development of speech function. If before 18 months speech is formed quite slowly, then after 2 years the baby can consciously perform complex actions at the command of an adult. Passive vocabulary is expanding rapidly. The baby shows interest in the conversation of adults, listens attentively, tries to understand what they are talking about.
  4. During this age period, the child gradually learns to master the norms of behavior that are accepted in society.
  5. The child’s actions are involuntary, spontaneous, he does not plan in advance to take away a toy from someone, this decision comes to him suddenly. Children are not yet able to plan their actions.
  6. The baby begins to actively use facial expressions when communicating with peers and adults.
  7. Gets to know your body. Studies its properties in different positions.

The child is easily charged with the feelings of other children if someone nearby is crying and your baby may scream loudly. But he still does not know how to empathize, to put himself in the place of another.

How to educate correctly?

No, I won’t be able to give you an exact answer to this question, but I’ll probably be able to determine the main directions of educational activities.

Speech and physical development

If the baby does not speak, but understands the spoken word, is able to follow the commands and requests of an adult, actively imitates, looks straight into the eyes - there is nothing to fear. He’ll start talking a little later, you won’t be able to close your mouth, believe me (I was just such a silent person). Read more fairy tales, poems, folk nursery rhymes. Develop fine motor skills.

Sensory development

This is the knowledge of the forms and properties of objects. When buying a sorter, pay attention that it should not have more than 4 different shapes (that’s enough for a start). First, you name the child a shape (circle, square), introduce it, then use your finger to outline the boundaries of the shape and lower it into a suitable hole. Allow the baby to pour water and pour objects from one form to another. Just prepare the area in advance to make cleaning easier. Cut it out. Glue, draw simple geometric shapes. Roll sausages and balls from plasticine. This is what needs to be done in early preschool age.

Patriotic education

It’s hard to imagine how you can tell a 2-year-old child about Russia. But it is from childhood that the foundations of morality are laid. Develop noble feelings for yourself, turn to the origins of national, moral culture in everyday life. Children quickly remember everything and absorb it like a sponge. The simplest patriotic education is cartoons, old Soyuzmultfilm cartoons, filled with bright, strong images of real heroes, strong women (“blue eyes”, “wild swans”).

Musical development

Children love to dance to music. Organize exercises every morning and a small disco in the evening. Select the music carefully; it should have a clear rhythm and a restrained tempo. Teach your baby to squat, put his foot on his toe or heel, spin around himself, and jump merrily. Develop your hearing and coordination of movements.

Environmental education

I have already written that the standard for a baby in early childhood is an adult. So you will have to educate yourself rather. Explain to your child that littering is bad, show by personal example. It is best to establish a caring attitude towards nature at the very beginning of your baby’s life.

Features of behavior

Moms may continue to complain that their baby falls asleep Badly, by the hour, spins around in the crib for a long time, and at night screams in his sleep. Come up with a ritual after which you put the baby in bed. Avoid active, outdoor games before bedtime. Drink tea with chamomile, mint or lemon balm. Sleep will gradually improve and by 2.5-3 years it will return to normal. Perhaps you go to bed too late and the child is already overtired. This is exactly what happened to us. After we started going to bed an hour earlier, we began to fall asleep without hysterics.

Features of behavior include disobedience, frequent hysterics, screaming, confrontation and stubbornness. These are signs of a crisis period of 3 years. Crisis periods are necessary for the baby, the main tasks of development are not to harm, but to help pass this difficult path without losses.

Also during this period, the child may refuse to eat on his own; I have already written about how to overcome this and how to teach it.

  • do not practice physical punishment;
  • punish after the fact, and not after some time, the baby simply will not connect these two events;
  • teach independence;
  • encourage the baby. At this age, the baby may already feel a sense of pride when he is praised;
  • do not contradict in matters of education;
  • establish a routine;
  • spend a lot of time outdoors;
  • when offering something, provide the right to an imaginary choice (will you do this? - or that?);
  • do not be led by hysterics (tears for the sake of tears).

The right to choose helped us a lot. A child, for example, does not want to go for a walk. Don't ask this question at all if you need to go. And ask, for example, “what hat will you wear.” When the baby gets the right to choose, he will immediately calm down because he was listened to. But under no circumstances ask him if he wants to go for a walk if you absolutely need to go to the store, because if he answers “no” and you go anyway, it will be traumatic for him, and you will thus not recognize his opinion.

Did you like the article? I tried to fill the article with bright, joyful photos so that you remember that hysterics do not last forever. And there are many joyful and pleasant moments, and the more of them, the calmer and more cheerful you are. You just need to wait out this age and behave with dignity, so that the child has an example of how to behave in crisis situations and how to control their emotions.

The book “How to set rules and boundaries of what is permitted for a child” and additional educational materials for parents A step-by-step guide for parents of children from 1.5 to 7-8 years old. A professional psychologist with 17 years of experience will reveal simple steps that will allow you to explain any rules and restrictions to your child so that they understand, accept and follow them. [format - e-book (PDF), 30 pages + additional bonuses and gifts] Online book