Arrange a gift in a basket. Gift Baskets - Design Tips

Surprise your beloved woman by presenting a healthy, fragrant and inviting fruit basket. In a world where it is customary to give sweets, flowers and champagne, a gift set of fresh berries and fruits will definitely surprise the fair sex.

Kit Benefits

Fruit gift basket is a unique gift of a new generation. Despite the fact that the contents of the presentation will be eaten with pleasure, the impressions will remain until the next holiday.

  • You can use not only familiar fruits, but also exotic fruits, berries and nuts.
  • The flight of fancy is unlimited. If you undertake to arrange the basket yourself, then this process is guaranteed to captivate you. Perhaps in the near future it will even turn into a hobby.
  • Get creative by adding wine, candy or champagne. And if you use ingenuity and improvised means, such as foil, glue and sparkles, then your surprise will become even more original.

What fruits can be used

Gift baskets for women should be bright, appetizing and juicy. With such a present, you will definitely emphasize their femininity and sexuality, and healthy vitamin fruits are perceived much more flattering than sweet high-calorie sweets. Tip: do not use perishable fruits and berries if you want to prepare a gift a few days before the celebration.

  • First, use juicy and flavorful fruits like tangerines, oranges, grapefruit, limes, and pomelo. These citrus fruits can be found in any store, but their appearance guarantees delight in the fair sex.
  • Secondly, complement the gift basket for women with exotic fruits. Coconut, pineapple, banana, kiwi are ideal. In season you can find mango, dragon fruit or sweet melon.
  • Thirdly, do not neglect the berries. You can always use sprigs of green or lilac grapes.

  1. To make a fruit gift basket look impressive and expensive, you should follow our tips.
  2. It is recommended to start making a gift a few hours before the holiday so that all the ingredients do not lose their presentable appearance.
  3. Put only clean fruits and berries in the basket. To do this, gently rinse all the fruits under warm running water, and then gently blot each part with a paper towel. Please note that moisture can cause rotting of fruits and berries, especially if the basket is stored for several days.
  4. Do not cut the fruits, otherwise they will be covered with an ugly dry crust.
  5. Choose only those fruits and berries that have a whole skin without dents, damage or rot. This applies more to bananas and grapes. The first fruits may darken after a few hours of storage, and the berries will begin to emit an unpleasant smell of fermentation.
  6. Store your fruit gift basket in the refrigerator to prevent midges.

How to arrange

To give the present elegance and high cost, it is best to choose. Unlike gift wraps and cardboard boxes, a woman will definitely find a use for baskets. To date, you can pick up containers made of bamboo or plastic. Choose a basket with a comfortable handle, separate compartments and a closing lid. Subsequently, such containers can be taken with you on a picnic or used as a useful decor in the kitchen.

To make the fruit gift basket look spectacular, you can use lace or satin ribbon. Make a beautiful bow, glue it to a beautiful serpentine and wrap it around the handle of a wicker container. Choose a ribbon that is bright and noticeable so that it literally screams, which is part of a wonderful present. For example, a red wide ribbon looks great, which can wrap the entire basket around the perimeter. Lay out fruits, starting from the largest, gradually moving to the smallest, so that the woman can see what ingredients she has in her gift.

Which is better: order in a store or do it yourself

Definitely a handmade gift is considered the best and will be appreciated. However, you can get a custom-made fruit basket if you don't have the time and desire to mess around with the design.

Another great tip: get brown twine or rough linen and gun glue. Grab a bottle of wine or champagne to match the wicker design. Apply the adhesive base in a thin layer, and then wrap the container with a thread so that there are no gaps left. Take a look at the photo below. It will tell you how to properly arrange wine or champagne.

Handmade pros:

  • You will spend at least 5,000 rubles on a corporate gift, and the basket will consist of simple fruits (apples, oranges, plums). If you want to make an exotic surprise, then you will have to fork out a lot, because one present costs at least 10,000 rubles. By making a gift yourself, you will save a lot, but put your soul and love into the process of registration.
  • You can use any details to decorate the fruit gift basket. Sweets, champagne, original postcards or soft toys - this is just a small range of what you can add to a wicker container.
  • By saving on preparing a presentation, you can make it more spectacular and enjoyable. For example, order the delivery of fruit baskets, and the fair sex will receive a fragrant surprise at any time, while at work or at home.

How to make original champagne

What could be better than a fruit and champagne gift basket? Only if you add sweet candies to this amazing present. Let's make a miracle and turn an ordinary boring bottle into an original pineapple that is indistinguishable from a real fruit.

You will need a whole bottle of wine or champagne, double-sided tape and round yellow (orange) candies wrapped in foil. To make the decor look as similar as possible to a fruit, take green paper and cut out long leaves from it. Wrap the bottle with double-sided tape and glue the candy in a circle so that there is no gap left. If you are making such a gift for the first time, then the photo below will help you. Please note that brown twine can be used to heighten the effect, which is wrapped around the glued leaves.

Summing up

Fruit basket will be an unforgettable gift for any occasion. Surprise your beautiful women by giving them such an unusual gift. We guarantee that all the fair sex will be delighted, both small and adults. And if you want to surprise them, you can put in small envelopes with coupons (money) or attach notes with wishes and congratulations.

How to please the birthday boy who has everything? What gift to make a picky and sophisticated gourmet? How not to miscalculate with a gift to an unfamiliar person? Check out the gift baskets. This is a great option for any celebration!

Who can give a grocery basket

A grocery gift basket is a universal and at the same time individual and special present. Due to the variety of filling, you can always pick up a gift for the most captious taste. A detailed description will allow you to know exactly what the gift basket contains. The photo will help evaluate its appearance and compliance with your aesthetic needs.

A separate advantage of such a gift is that it is convenient to send it by mail by courier if it is not possible to present it to the birthday person in person. Price categories of grocery baskets also vary greatly depending on the content and design, allowing you to choose a gift according to your financial capabilities.

Composition of gift food baskets

Gift can have different content. The most popular are expensive alcoholic drinks - good champagne, wine, whiskey, fruits, including exotic ones, high-quality foreign chocolate and cheeses. The basket itself is made only of high quality materials and is decorated with satin ribbons and various accessories. It will not be a shame to present such a gift both among friends and at a corporate party, and the hero of the occasion will definitely appreciate the attention shown.

Types of gift food baskets

Gift shops give their customers a choice. A grocery gift basket can be presented with standard content or completed at the request of the customer in accordance with his wishes. In addition, it is possible to order an empty basket and fill it with delicacies or even homemade delicacies. At the same time, the basket can already be decorated and have a beautiful presentable appearance, but you can also purchase a simple wicker blank if you want to do the decor of the gift yourself.

Thus, a grocery gift basket can be of the following types:

  • Empty without decoration is an ideal basic option for those who want to think over a present from and to.
  • Empty with decor - well suited for giving treats prepared by oneself, or in the case when the proposed range of fillings is not suitable for the addressee of your gift.
  • A ready-made basket with standard content is the best option for busy people who do not have enough time to deal with all the details of the gift themselves. Here everything is already thought out for you - it remains only to choose a gift to your taste.
  • Ready-made basket with individual filling. In this scenario, the content is selected from the options offered by the manufacturer; usually. All classic products are available - alcohol, sweets, cheeses, fruits, decor elements.

Gift baskets for men and women

Like any good gift, a grocery gift basket should be chosen according to the tastes of the recipient and what the giver wants to say with his gift. Of course, a lot also depends on the gender of the addressee. For example, gift baskets for men, in addition to expensive strong alcohol like whiskey or scotch, may contain items that a woman is unlikely to like - ashtrays, cigars, guillotines and cases for them, matches, etc. Alcohol is often accompanied by glasses or piles (depending on the type of drink), as well as Swiss or Belgian chocolate of various brands.

A gift grocery basket for women is less “harsh” in content. Instead of whiskey or scotch, preference is given to wine or champagne, much attention is paid to decorative inserts that give the basket a solemn and festive look. In addition, almost every model provides flowers - natural or artificial. Everything depends on the wishes of the customer. And of course, there is a wider range of sweets. If in men's baskets preference is given to classic chocolate with a minimum of fillers, then women's baskets delight with a variety of various fillings and additives. Sometimes a small soft toy or decoration may be attached to such a gift.

Themed gift baskets

The filling of the gift basket can be either neutral, suitable for any occasion, or narrowly themed. For example, on sale, depending on the season, you can find baskets:

Such baskets differ not so much in content as in external design. Traditionally, an elegant spruce twig, a little tinsel, or even a small Christmas ball are added to New Year's presents. For Valentine's Day baskets, hearts and Teddy bears have become an indispensable accessory, for Easter ones - painted eggs, etc. The content can also vary. For example, in you will certainly find a bottle of good champagne, which, by the way, can be opened under the chimes.

Fancy gift baskets

However, who said that a grocery gift basket should be exactly filled with products? After examining the range, you will see that there are a variety of options for gift sets on sale:

And having decided on the choice of a gift basket, do not forget to purchase a beautiful bow, ribbon, soft toy or flowers with a postcard for it. Whoever you present such a present to, this person will appreciate your foresight and individual approach. After all, elite delicacies will surely appeal to those who are cool about flowers and trinkets.

A do-it-yourself gift basket is a very presentable and most useful gift, because you can put everything you love, tasty or useful for your friend, colleague, boss or loved one into it.

Coming back, I repeat that such a variety of goods on the market sometimes makes it difficult to choose really something interesting and original. But if you are full of imagination and desire to make or arrange a gift yourself, it can be a do-it-yourself gift basket.

I offer several ways to arrange a gift basket with your own hands, accessible to everyone without special decorating skills.

To make a gift basket with your own hands you will need: - a wicker basket, a swan, etc. - artificial flowers, berries - tape - glue gun - lighter - scissorsGift baskets

There will be no such master class, but I will try to describe in order the course of my actions on how to arrange a basket.

DIY gift basket:

1. An important point: after cutting all the tapes, we process them with a lighter. 2. We always start with decorating the handle when it comes to a basket. To do this, we wrap it with tape periodically applying glue to it with a glue gun.

If you are making a wedding basket, as well as a ribbon, glue a string of beads on top in a spiral.

4. We glue flowers or berries at the base of the handle.

5. We glue the leaves, applying glue to the edge of the leaf and, as it were, inserting it under the flowers.

6. We glue the tapes, for this you can immediately fold a piece of tape in half, apply glue to the ends and attach it as you need. Hold until the glue has cooled down.

7. We decorate the base near the other end of the handle, making it less catchy.

8. We make out the frame of the basket, you can drape it with ribbons, you can imitate a corset, it is better to make bows separately and then glue them.

Filling a gift basket with your own hands

9. We fill the basket with: - fruits - necessary small things in everyday life - sweets - cookies, homemade - cosmetics - alcohol

Do not forget about the postcard, it can be not only with congratulations, but simply with good wishes.

gift baskets

10. We wrap everything in cellophane, tying it at the top with a bow.

These are the gift baskets I got with my own hands

how to make a shopping cart

Gift baskets can be a great gift for almost any occasion, but buying ready-made options for your loved ones can cost you a pretty penny. By creating your own gift baskets, you can tailor unique content for the recipient and save some money at the same time. Use the same base for each basket and change the content depending on the chosen theme.


Basket base

    Choose a topic. Almost all gift baskets are themed to some extent. If you decide on a style, it will be easier for you to come up with content. Choose the theme of your gift basket at the very beginning.

    • Sometimes the theme is based on some event or set of circumstances. For example, you could come up with a Christmas themed basket for the holidays, or a get well basket for someone who is sick, or a housewarming basket for a couple who just bought their first home. Since these baskets are themed, they are generally easier to put together.
    • On the other hand, you can decide on the topic of the basket based on the interests and personality of the recipient. For example, you can make a spa basket for a workaholic who needs to relax, a romantic basket for a loved one, or a garden basket for a digger. Because these baskets are independent of external factors, they tend to be more versatile.
  1. Make or buy gifts. You can include store-bought items, homemade items, or a combination of both in your gift basket. Most importantly, make sure that the items you choose fit your theme.

    Please select the appropriate basket. Of course, wicker baskets are the most popular choice, but you can consider options made from different materials. In fact, a “basket” doesn’t have to be just a basket: boxes, bags, and glass jars will also work, depending on the theme.

    • Note that baskets can be made from wood, plastic, fabric, and metal. Wooden baskets work well for traditional gifts, but may not be strong enough if you give them to children. For children, it is better to take the option of plastic or fabric.
    • Gift boxes or bags, muslin bags, canning jars, plastic buckets, and wooden crates can also be used in place of regular baskets. They might even fit better with the theme of the basket. For example, a plastic beach bucket works great for a beach-themed children's gift basket.
  2. Fill the bottom of the basket with filler. Regardless of the basket you choose, you should fill the bottom of the basket with crumpled paper or some other type of filler before you put your presents. This filler will provide a smooth, decorative base.

    Lay gifts inside. Arrange the items inside the basket by placing them directly on the filler. To secure them in place, add more filler to the space between them.

    • As a rule, the highest gift is set in the center. Arrange the other gifts, from largest to smallest, around, turning them right side up. Try to make the basket look harmonious from all sides.
    • On the other hand, you can arrange the smallest items first and the larger items closer to the back of the basket. All gifts must be face down.
    • Regardless of how you arrange the items, make sure the basket and loose items can stay upright if left untouched.
  3. Wrap the whole basket. Wrapping a basket can secure individual gifts and at the same time protect them from moisture and damage. Cellophane, stretch film and fine mesh are the most common packaging options.

    • Cellophane can be taken in the form of separate sheets, which must be collected around the basket from the bottom up. You can also buy a large plastic bag and put a basket in it. In any case, tie a ribbon around the place where the gift will be opened.
    • Stretch films and bags cover the basket from top to bottom. Gather excess packing material under the basket and then use a hair dryer or blow dryer to compress the entire film from bottom to top. No ribbons required.
    • Use fine mesh only if you do not need to protect gifts from moisture. Tie the net around the basket from the bottom up and close with a ribbon. You can also use gauze and thread / twine.
  4. Attach an accompanying postcard, if desired. You can choose to include a full-size greeting card or omit it altogether. However, gift baskets often include a 9cm x 5cm postcard.

Basket for children

    Consider using a toy as a basket. To make gift wrapping as fun as possible, choose a large toy-shaped container instead of a regular basket.

    • The most worthwhile options might be carts, large toy dump trucks, plastic beach buckets, plastic treasure chests, or doll strollers.
    • If that doesn't work for you, try sticking with kid-friendly or kid-friendly options. The most common are brightly colored plastic baskets, plush animal-shaped baskets and aluminum pails featuring the child's favorite characters.
  1. Consider the age and personal interests of the recipient. This should determine the type of toys you will fill the basket with. Make sure the individual items are safe and fully age appropriate for the child. Choose toys that best take into account the personal interests of the child.

    • For example, educational toys and toys without small parts will be more appropriate for toddlers. While these toys are safe for all ages, they most likely won't appeal to older children.
    • There is no need to assume that the traditional "boy toys" and "girl toys" will be of interest to a particular child, unless you know the child well. Some boys are indifferent to transformers or toy cars, and not all girls are into dolls or tea sets. If you don't know for sure what your child likes, it's best to consult with someone more knowledgeable before choosing gifts.
  2. Choose one main toy. Usually gift baskets contain several valuable items, but if you focus on one toy, it will be more attractive and interesting for the child.

    • For example, a toddler's primary toy might be an electronic alphabet, while an older child's primary toy might be a popular board game (or video game, if that's within your budget).
    • If the basket itself is already an excellent toy for a child, then it is not necessary to make a central gift. For example, if a cart acts as your basket, and the child is still quite small and can ride in it, then this cart can be regarded as both a basket and the main gift.
  3. Surround the main gift with small trinkets. Regardless of what your main gift is, it should be only one. Do not overload the basket with expensive or carefully selected toys. It is better to place small gifts around the central toy that will highlight it, but not overshadow it.

    • For kids, balls, plush toys and cars (designed for kids) are perfect. For older children, you can take small puzzles, yo-yos, superhero figures, transformers and dolls.
    • Limit the number of "useful" gifts. You may be tempted to put a few things in the basket to help the parents (such as clothes or school supplies), but if there are too many, the child will lose interest in the contents. Don't put more than one or two "practical" items in your shopping cart, and try to keep them fun or with interesting designs.

Baskets with edible gifts

  1. Choose a rustic-style basket. Themed food baskets are one of the most popular options, and a traditional wicker basket will work for many occasions. However, if this idea does not appeal to you, try to stick to a cute and cozy design.

  2. Narrow down your options. The decision to please a person with a basket of tasty products is a good initial idea, but the concept of “food” is too broad to remain within a specific topic. Try to choose a certain type of food or take those that go well with each other.

    • Here are popular examples:
      • Baskets with wine and cheese. In such a basket you can put one or two bottles of wine and a few heads of cheese, which is served with wine.
      • Baskets with exquisite tea or coffee in combination with cookies (for tea) or cakes (for coffee).
      • Baskets with chocolate. Take chocolate products in different shapes and flavors.
      • Baskets with fruits and nuts. There are several types of fresh fruits and jars of salted nuts or nuts of different flavors.
    • Consider what kind of food the recipient prefers. If he likes chocolate, perhaps a theme in this style would be very appropriate. On the other hand, such a basket will not suit a person who does not have a love for sweets.
    • Take into account the time of year. Certain seasons and holidays are associated with different types of food, and you can take advantage of that. For example, autumn is pumpkin, apples, cinnamon and caramel, while winter is hot chocolate and mint.
  3. Use a combination of fresh, pre-mixed, and industrial products. The specific combination of products depends on the chosen theme and your culinary skills, as well as how long it will take before you donate a basket.

    • If you'd like to donate the basket later that evening or the next day, you may want to include more fresh produce such as fruits, cheeses, and homemade cakes. However, this is not the best idea if you are preparing a basket a week in advance.
    • If you need to keep your basket for more than a few days, opt for canned and manufactured foods, as well as ready-to-eat mixes. Ready mixes are perfect for those who like to spend time in the kitchen.

  • Add expensive skin and hair care products. The recipient should have everything they need to enjoy their “spa day” at home. In fact, you can include both popular and rare bath products in the set.

    • Popular products are what most people keep in their bathroom at all times: shampoo, conditioner, body lotion, and facial cleansers. Rare, expensive products are what most people indulge in infrequently: bubble baths, effervescent bath tablets, exfoliating scrubs and body sprays.
    • Popular bath products can be turned into rare or expensive products by purchasing luxury brand products, as well as organic or handmade products.
    • Choose a flavor. Items don't have to smell the same, but they do need to be in the same range of scents so they can all be used on the same "spa day". Pick the recipient's favorite scents (if you know them) or opt for popular options like rose, lavender, or vanilla.
  • Sometimes the choice of gifts is like a lottery, especially when it comes to gifts for unfamiliar people. It is very difficult to choose the right thing for a birthday person, being unaware of his passions and interests. Arriving empty-handed is a sign of bad taste, so pay attention to such a versatile gift as a holiday basket.

    Gift baskets in a festive design, filled with flowers or fruits, will be a wonderful surprise for any celebration. This type of presentation is very popular in Europe, where it is customary to give it instead of the traditional bouquet of flowers. Moreover, you can give it to both a man and a woman, the main thing is to choose the right products for the set.


    Surprise your sweetheart with a romantic basket filled with fresh flowers and fruits. Cover the bottom with rose petals, and then place oranges, apples, and grapes in it. To complete the decoration, arrange fresh roses around the edges and place a bottle of her favorite alcohol in the center of the arrangement.

    Such a pleasant surprise will certainly create the necessary mood for a romantic evening, and exquisite flowers and a bottle of good liquor will impress even the most sophisticated woman.

    To ignite the fire of passion, give the lady of your heart a set consisting of fruits, champagne, a music CD with romantic soundtracks and a package of candles.


    The option for the boss should be as strict and neutral as possible. Skip the flowers and fill your jar with high-end spirits, a variety of cheeses, and gourmet delicacies. The highlight of the gift can be a good diary, which is sure to come in handy in your work, or a high-quality fountain pen.

    It is customary for business partners to give products of their own company, so the gift should be supplemented with a thing produced by your company. Exotic fruits and good brandy will also be appropriate.

    A set for a colleague should consist of a package of quality tea or coffee, a box of chocolates and cookies. If you are going to congratulate several team members at once, please note that the contents of the baskets should be the same for each employee.


    Children will be delighted with the candy-chocolate basket, complemented by a soft toy. Lollipops, a variety of dragees, a jar of chocolate paste and cookies will surely delight the baby. A young lady will be delighted with a baby doll or a beautiful doll, and a young man with a robot or a toy car.

    A gift basket for newborns should contain a set of diapers and towels, bibs, socks, cute hats and rattles. It is customary to give such a gift to parents for the birth of a child. , baby food and various baby care items are also suitable for filling the basket.

    Choose items in the same color scheme and don't forget ribbons and bows for decoration. For girls, shades of pink and lilac are suitable, and for real men - blue and green.


    Italians like no one else know a lot about good food and the right gifts. The true taste of Italy will be revealed by artichokes, pesto sauce, various types of pasta, lasagna and the famous Taja olives. You can also put olive oil, bread sticks and balsamic vinegar.

    The fruit composition must be composed of Sicilian oranges, tangerines and grapes. Diversify this list with traditional Italian tomatoes, a bunch of spinach and basil, and various spices. A set of Italian spices will give dishes a savory note typical of Mediterranean cuisine and will be highly appreciated by gourmets.

    Italians are excellent cooks, so a wooden cutting board or a set of wooden spatulas would be an appropriate addition. An Italian basket should be made of vines, and such a themed set should be decorated with olive leaves.


    Sunny Brazil is famous for its exotic fruits and colorful carnivals. A colorful basket filled with tropical fruits and artificial flowers will be an original gift for any celebration.

    Make a set of bananas, oranges, pineapples, mangoes and grapefruits. Ditch apples and grapes and focus on tropical gifts like the exotic avocado. The real highlight of the composition will be carom, a unique star-shaped fruit brought straight from Brazilian plantations.

    Decorate the basket with bright artificial flowers to keep up the Brazilian theme. A colorful half-mask, decorated with multi-colored feathers, in the spirit of Rio de Janeiro, will give a carnival mood.

    For real film buffs

    Fried wings, a collection of popular action films, and a couple of packets of crisps - what else do you need for a good movie night? Real men will appreciate the themed basket for the film buff. Find out in advance about the preferences of the hero of the occasion and burn a selection of films to disk.

    Pack a bottle of quality beer, a pack of saltine crackers or pretzels, nuts, popcorn and a practical bottle opener. For avid football fans, prepare a scarf with the logo of your favorite team, a fan's tune and a couple of flags.

    The grocery set can be supplemented with props from your favorite movie, you will definitely like this one. If the birthday boy likes adventure pictures, a hat and a toy whip in the spirit of Indiana Jones will cause him real delight. Give a fan of detective stories an inexpensive decorative smoking pipe like the one that Sherlock Holmes had. A smoker will use it for its intended purpose, and a non-smoking man will decorate his desk with this stylish accessory.


    If you are fond of needlework, you can decorate the present to your liking, adding ribbons, beads and various decors, and to make the base, you only need a tube of glue and thick cardboard.

    For the bottom, prepare a square measuring 10x10 centimeters, and for the walls - 15 strips 30 centimeters long and 4 strips 40 centimeters long. Take a thirty-centimeter strip and, stepping back 10 centimeters on each side, put it on the edge of the bottom. This will help to keep the dimensions in the process of weaving. It is necessary to glue the bottom to the basket at the very end of the work.

    Then perpendicularly lay the second blank on top of the first on the adjacent side of the base, stepping back 10 centimeters from each edge. Parallel to it, place the third workpiece, inserting its end under the horizontal strip. Leave a small gap between adjacent strips. The remaining four strips continue to lay out in parallel, alternating position above / below the horizontal strip.

    Now you need to take five more blanks and, according to the same principle, fill the remaining space on the bottom, weaving them in a checkerboard pattern. After that, grease the cardboard base with glue and carefully connect it to the basket.

    Turn the product over so that the cardboard bottom is on the bottom, and bend the strips up. Braid the walls in a checkerboard pattern using 40 cm long strips cut in advance. From the remaining thirty-centimeter strip, make a handle by fixing its ends on the inner walls of the product with glue.

    Universal gift

    Give up banal bouquets and present the birthday man with a beautiful, elegantly decorated basket. The rules of etiquette allow you to give them not only to close people, but also to business partners, colleagues and superiors. Such a present would be appropriate for any celebration - from anniversaries and weddings to professional holidays and corporate parties.