How to break energetic ties with ex-men. How to break unnecessary energy connections

It is important to know how to break the energetic connection with a man, because such a connection negatively affects the life and health of a woman. It is believed that the mark that remains after sexual contact lasts for seven years. Let's figure out how to eliminate traces of energy binding and get rid of it forever.

It happens that a woman has been married for a long time, raises children and is happy. But the echo of old connections with former lovers is always present in her life: for seven years there has been an attachment with every man with whom she had sexual relations.

It is impossible to close yourself off from this - even after breaking up, a man continues to feed on feminine energy on a subtle level. That is why in any religion special attention is paid to female chastity.

In the modern world, rare girls date only one man throughout their lives - traces of old connections continue to exist, former partners draw energy from a woman. That is why it is necessary to use techniques for getting rid of old connections in order to leave the past in the past and not waste energy in vain.

Cleansing methods to break old connections

Many girls are interested in how to break it off if you cannot forget it yourself. Let’s say right away: if feelings and memories about him still live in your heart, techniques will not help to remove emotions. But they will bring a feeling of relief, cut off the energy channel - thanks to this, the chances of meeting new love will increase.

If you don’t have feelings for a man, performing the techniques will be very simple, and the connection will end quickly.

  • Take a piece of paper and write down the names of all the men you have had sex with in the last seven years. Even if it was casual sex or a relationship that meant nothing to you
  • You can also include in the list those men with whom you did not have sexual relations, but for whom you had any feelings
  • It is best to carry out techniques for getting rid of old connections on the 19th lunar day - this period of time is most suitable for parting with everything superfluous and unnecessary
  • After completing the techniques, clean up the house and take a shower. Cleanliness should be not only in your soul, but also around

Letter of grievances

Use this method with men who have offended you. If you have not forgiven, feel anger, resentment or other negative emotions that haunt you, use this method.

Proceed this way:

  1. Have a pen and a blank sheet of paper ready
  2. First, describe all the negative feelings you have towards the man. Don’t be shy in your expressions, write harshly and clearly about what you are offended by, angry about, what actions he has caused you pain
  3. When all the negativity is on paper, proceed to the next step. Thank the man for all the good moments that happened between you, list his attractive character traits. Feel sincerely grateful
  4. Ask for forgiveness for your actions that may have been unpleasant to the man
  5. Finally, acknowledge that this person came into your life for a purpose. He brought you experience, taught you something, played an important role in the development of your personality
  6. Don’t mince words - write about your feelings in as much detail and sincerity as possible. As soon as you feel that you have “written yourself out,” mentally let the man go and thank him. Burn the letter - immediately after this you will feel tremendous relief.
  7. Then you can take a bath, put on clean clothes, drink water, and believers can pray.

Very often, after such practice, a man may reappear in your life - call, insist on a meeting. You need to politely talk to him, thank him and let him go without continuing the conversation.

If the letter did not help 100% the first time, repeat the technique several more times.

Meditation “Burning Connections”

The energy of fire is incredibly powerful. It is often used in various practices to get rid of old connections.

  1. Choose a time when you can be quiet and alone. Set yourself in a good mood, be calm and relaxed
  2. Mentally imagine a man with whom you had sexual intercourse. “Place” his image strictly opposite to yourself
  3. Then imagine that your bodies are connected by multi-colored threads that come out of each chakra (seven in total)
  4. Pick up a lighter or matches, light a fire and begin to burn through these threads that unite you. Feel completely how you let go of this man - you must really be ready to say goodbye to him
  5. In the end, look at yourself and the man as if from the outside - make sure that there is not a single connection left between you. At this point the technique is considered complete.

A similar meditation is worth doing for every man with whom you have had a relationship over the past seven years. It is very easy to check which one is still feeding on your energy - it will appear in your life in the near future.

Also, as in the previous case, after meditation you need to do some general cleaning, throw away all the old trash and especially memorabilia that remind you of your ex-men.

Watch a video about a popular way to get rid of old connections using Larisa Renard’s method:

And remember: every person who comes into your life ended up in it for a reason. Each one taught you something, gave you experience, and helped you open up. Therefore, try to get rid of negative emotions and accept any situation as a lesson necessary to heal your soul.

After successfully completing the practices, you will feel filled with energy that will no longer be wasted on ex-men. It is very important not to renew contacts with those who begin to appear in your life again.

Each of us has had relationships that brought little joy, and more often brought emotional distress, anxiety and suffering. Perhaps you are still in a similar relationship. Thoughts about another person consume almost all of your time, taking away your strength and desire to move towards your own goals. You live by the deeds and feelings of this person, forgetting about your interests and needs. And it’s not always about a love affair. Often our mental energy is taken away by parents, bosses, annoying co-workers, always complaining girlfriends, etc. If you're tired and feel like you've had enough, it's time to do technique for breaking energy connections.

Lie down or sit down, take a comfortable position. Close your eyes. Calm down. Breathe evenly and calmly. Restore even and calm breathing. Direct your attention to relaxing all parts of the body. First your eyelids will become heavy. They get heavier and heavier and finally stick together tightly. The muscles of your body begin to relax. The forehead relaxes. Cheeks relax. The jaw muscles relax. The facial muscles are completely relaxed. Then relaxation moves to the neck muscles. The chest muscles relax. The abdominal muscles relax. The back muscles relax. The muscles of the torso relaxed. Your hands begin to relax. Shoulders relaxed. Forearms relaxed. The hands relaxed. The legs begin to relax. Thighs relaxed. My legs are relaxed. Feet relaxed. The muscles of your body are completely relaxed. You breathe deeply and evenly. Internal organs begin to relax. You feel your intestines, stomach, and heart relax. Pay attention to how your lungs fill with air as you inhale and how they empty as you exhale. With every breath, your heart beats calmer and more rhythmically. Pleasant warmth spreads throughout the body. All the surrounding sounds immerse you even more in a state of relaxation. Everything that comes into your head, you let go. You just fix them and let them pass by your consciousness. You concentrate on your breathing. You are resting. You may even feel drowsy. This is a good state for you. This is a special condition of the nervous system. In this state, you can easily construct pictures in your head as you wish.

Imagine in front of you an image of the person with whom you want to make an energetic break. Imagine it in every detail and detail, starting from your feet to the top of your head. Mentally imagine the image of the connection that exists between you. It may look like an umbilical cord or rope connecting your solar plexus or some other points of your bodies (usually these points are connected to the energy centers of the body: pubis, navel, solar plexus, chest, throat, forehead). Maybe it will be a channel or conductor between your hearts. This is just your personal image. Each connection is special.

In my practice, there was a case when the connection was represented in the form of a magnet in the heart of another person, and particles of the client’s energy shell were attracted to this magnet. Or another case when this connection looked like a pipe connecting the solar plexuses of two people. A powerful pulsating stream of red-orange color came from the client towards the man, and a thin stream in the opposite direction.

In your image, you also need to imagine exactly how the flow of energy flows through an imaginary channel: what color this energy is, from whom it is directed to whom, what intensity.
Immerse yourself in this image, imagine it as believably as possible: in color, in sounds, in sensations. Perhaps it will be the sound of a mountain river, or a drawn-out howl. Perhaps this image will begin to cause you bodily discomfort. This is fine. You are moving in the right direction with your visualization. Once you have managed to feel the connecting channel and the energy flow in it as realistically as possible, take the energy coming from you to the other person back. Mentally say: “I return everything that is mine to myself, I give everything that is yours to you. I return everything that is mine to myself, I give everything that is yours to you. I return everything that is mine to myself, I give everything that is yours to you.” Redirect the flow of your energy towards yourself.

After that, make a break. You can imagine an ax or a saw if the channel seemed to you like something solid. You can imagine a candle that you hold to the umbilical cord, if that was the image. You can light a fire under the rope if the connection looked like this. In any case, make a movement with your hand that repeats the action that you mentally perform. If you chop, then a sharp swing that breaks the connection. If it's fire, then imitate holding a candle. Your body needs to remember how you did the break. Draw the remnants of the connection into yourself or mentally dissolve.

If after these actions there are any wounds or holes left in your image, close them and mentally heal them. The client was repairing a rupture in a pipe with a metal patch with forged rivets. The goal is to become whole and unharmed.

Then you can imagine yourself as pure dense light. Relax in it, gain strength, fill every cell of your body with light and love.

When you return to a physically pleasant, relaxed and calm state, you will be ready to go out into the real world and be independent. Do several breathing cycles (inhale-exhale). Open your eyes and return to reality.

If the traumatic relationship has existed for many years, then the technique may have to be repeated more than once. But each time it will become easier and easier for you, you will feel how the importance of the other person in your life decreases, and your strength noticeably increases.

But that’s not all: you will need a fair amount of courage not to restore an unpleasant relationship, since the consumer of your energy will suddenly begin to get sick, suffer and ask for help. First of all, feel sorry for yourself. Live in love, comfort and joy.

With love, Liliya Akhremchik, psychologist, coach

Has it ever happened to you that you suddenly feel a loss of strength, a sharp deterioration in your health, or bad luck out of the blue?

Does it happen that some snatches of phrases and images from the past pop up on their own, inexplicable feelings, something like regret or despair? If so, know that most likely you have many unfinished energetic connections with other people.

They can form on many energy centers, but most often the outflow of energy occurs through the lower centers.


It is known that it is impossible to “take away” energy (from the etheric body) directly. You can provoke a person to give it away (through manifestations of the astral or mental body). Below we can see a number of methods by which “nice people” can provoke us to lose the energy of our chakras (energy centers).


Putting things in order for another person.

Do not allow the task started to be completed, or the statement be completed.

Finish things for other people on your own initiative.

Demonstration of completed projects that require a lot of time, a photograph of a completed house.

Excessive list of cases when performing an action, there are a lot of regulating papers.


Throw a tantrum.

Scroll the dynamo.

Show lack of pleasure “Is that all you can do?”

Increase speed, fuss: “Come on quickly, finish quickly.”

Apologize for not understanding the joke: “When do you laugh?”


Actions without request or consent towards a person: “Come on, drink.”

Compare a person with someone else who is doing worse, with results and money: “Yes, I’m doing much better.”

Profanity, rudeness, swearing, command form.

Do something instead of something else: “I’ll do it myself.”

Payment of financial bills without agreement: “I will pay.”

Display of wealth: “I have a suitcase full of money.”

Demonstration of connections, social status: “Yes, I had dinner with the president yesterday.”

Obsessiveness when communicating: “You need this, I’ll stay with you for a month.”

Ignoring other people's opinions, interrupting.

Demand for confirmation: “Are you sure you want this? And you need it.”

Anticipatory actions: ask someone to do something, and then start doing it yourself.

The question with the lack of choice of action is to decide 5 or 10.

Punishment of initiative, for example when choosing a solution.

Prohibition on choosing anything without explanation, clothes, toys, cars.

Taking the initiative to do what is assigned to another.


Induce a feeling of guilt - “Everyone has caring children, but ours...”.

Indifference to the gift, the attention shown, the flowers given are immediately re-gifted.

Arouse pity: “Help, good people, there has been nothing to eat for a month.”

Break communication (unfinished dance).

Remind me of my heartfelt attitude: “Remember, I gave it to you.”


Demonstratively leave the performance (benefit performance).

Manner of speech, intentional errors in speech (parody).

Negative assessment of creativity: “Do you think this is poetry?”

Notice inconsistencies, for example, a negative assessment of appearance.

Convict of plagiarism.


Demand compliance with directives, without reflection and motivation.

Solve problems for another person, customize the answer.

Comparison with another “smarter” person.

Manifestation of excessive erudition, cleverness.

Criticism of intelligence and ways of thinking: “What fool wrote this?”

Praise only for what coincides with my “correct” opinion.


You need to cut off energy connections.
This is a technique for getting your energy back from those people to whom you gave it.
It allows you to harmonize existing relationships, and end unnecessary ones easily and safely.


Psychologists, consultants, healers, teachers and other representatives of “helping” professions

Energy connections are formed between you and your clients (patients, students). If you have helped a person once, he subconsciously begins to consider you the source of his well-being. This is how energy connections are formed. And later, when you are in a difficult situation or when your health deteriorates, the person connected to you begins to unconsciously drain your energy. Such connections should be terminated.

For men and women, at the end of a relationship and in divorce

Former lovers are usually tied very tightly, which is why they cannot feel freedom from each other for a long time. From time to time, someone “pulls the string,” causing themselves or their ex-partner to experience sudden bursts of passion, sexual desire, or anger. Women usually become more attached to their partner, so they give more energy. They definitely need to cut off this connection. To prevent this from happening, and you can build a new life and relationships normally, cut off the entire past.

Those who have made various promises, oaths and vows to other people

This could be done in a fit of love, parental or friendly feelings, as well as out of guilt or pity. It could even be forgotten childhood vows, which, however, are still valid. You could promise a person to love him or protect him forever, to achieve some success together, or something else.
For example, friends swear that they will only get married together; as a result, if one of them does not have a good personal life, the other cannot build a relationship either. Even if the oath seems to be “good” - for example, to always protect someone - this is a very limiting vow. He puts you in the eternal position of a “rescuer”, and the person supposedly “protected” by you – in the role of a “victim”, depriving a person of his own strength. Each person must be protected by his own connection with the Supreme. If you take this place... You understand - this is incorrect for yourself - in the end your strength will not be enough not only for someone else’s life, but also for your own. If you are bound to someone by such vows, no matter which side, cut off such moments immediately.

For those who cannot forgive offenders or let go of people from the past

Unforgiven grievances and unfinished relationships pull you back all the time, forcing you to think about your “enemy” again and again, in fact, feeding him with energy. Likewise, he can also pull the string from his side. Emotionally, you would like to never see this person again, but in fact, you continue to exchange energy with him through your connection. If you want to develop and own your power to the fullest, it’s time to forgive people from the past and cut the etheric threads that bind you.


Modern children are very serious beings with strong abilities who still know little about themselves. Babies are born very kind and sensitive, and tend to take on the problems and negativity of everyone they love. They act with the best intentions, but... Alas, this is not their destiny. Such children easily make vows to save or heal their parents and many other people. As a result, their strength is not enough, they begin to get sick, study worse, they begin to have behavioral disorders and nightmares. It is advisable that you teach your children the technique of cutting energy threads. And also do it yourself with your parents and children.
Perform the technique of cutting unnecessary energy connections regularly, with each person and situation individually.

People who died

The same thing happens with the dead, for the shell dies, but the soul lives eternally, like our vows.


Sit comfortably, and mentally call and communicate with the person with whom you want to make a settlement. Those who have certain vision can very clearly see this person and the connections themselves.

Mental communication occurs as in ordinary life and can be arbitrary.

Say the following words mentally:

  • I call upon (name) and ask you to appear before me.
  • Greet the image of the person as you would in normal life.
  • Thank this person, group of people and situation for all the invaluable experience, training and education, science, information, advice, participation, emotions, for your ignorance... and for everything that you consider and feel necessary.
  • I cancel all my vows, promises, and all programs that are in any way associated with this.
  • I ask you to take away from me and everything that relates to me - everything that is yours back, and I ask you to return everything that is mine, only in its pure form. (this is where the energy exchange between you takes place).
  • I apologize for everything and forgive you for everything. I ask you to forgive me, let me go, and I mutually release you. Thank you for everything...
  • I give and send the energy of love and spiritual light to repay the harm I have caused and transform the disharmonious consequences. Thank you and goodbye...

During the calculation process, you can see energy threads connecting you - imagine a knife in one hand, a torch in the other - cut this thread first on yourself and burn it with fire, then on the one with whom you are calculating. The person you called may not agree, then firmly, you need to repeat your request three times. After the exchange of energies, you will feel some relief, thank the called person for carrying out the calculation, wish him happiness and let him go.

All energy processes are very individual and have many subtleties. Therefore, if something doesn’t work out for you, if you have an inner desire to fully cleanse, restore and harmonize your energy - contact us.

The energetic connection with a man after a breakup does not disappear without a trace. The woman continues to feed with her energy those who were once close to her.

The energetic connection between a man and a woman occurs during intimacy - intimate or spiritual. The fact is that in the process of communication there is a powerful energy surge, which triggers an intense exchange of energies. This creates a strong mental connection that unites a woman with her lover. At the same time, this energetic connection can become a black hole if your relationship has long outlived its usefulness. Naturally, such a binding is eliminated only after six to eight years. Even if you had one date, even if the man is a thousand kilometers away from you, the energetic connection continues to exist and deprives you of vitality.

Why is it necessary to break energetic connections?

Let's get to the heart of the problem. Let's say you are happy, successfully married, gave birth to beautiful children, but the ghosts of the past constantly haunt you. The echo of old connections does not fall silent and continues to exist, depriving you of feminine energy. For several years, and we are not talking about two years, but about six or even nine, contact with former partners makes you defenseless. It is impossible to hide from this - even after a disagreement, the man continues to “feed” on you.

In the modern world, few girls meet exclusively with one single partner throughout their lives, so traces of old relationships continue to exist, former lovers drag women to the bottom on a subtle level. In this regard, experts strongly recommend using the technique of getting rid of energy connections in order to leave the past in the past forever and no longer waste your energy.

Rules for breaking energy connections

Most women are interested in how to break the energetic connection with a man if they do not have the strength to forget him on their own. Let's face it: if your feelings for him still make you feel pain, these techniques will not help you remove those feelings. However, they can give a feeling of relief and break the energy channel, so that you can again breathe freely and think about new relationships.

If feelings for a man have long cooled down, then breaking the energy connection will be quite easy. What to do:

  • Take a piece of paper and write down on it the names of all the ex-men with whom you have been intimate over the past ten years. Even if it was a chance meeting that ended in intimacy, or a relationship that meant nothing to you. The list should include all men who in one way or another aroused strong emotions or sensations in you.
  • The technique of getting rid of energy binding must be carried out on the 19th lunar day, so coordinate the date in advance with the lunar calendar. On these lunar days, you can get rid of everything unnecessary and devastating as easily as possible.
  • Before performing the technique, it is recommended to clean the apartment,, if possible, carry out energy cleansing, take a shower, and put on clean clothes. Cleanliness should be not only in your soul, but also around you.

How to free yourself from attachment and regain your feminine energy

After breaking up with a man, you need to get rid of the energetic connection that binds you with strong invisible threads. The following technique will help with this.

  • Sit comfortably, relax all your muscles and close your eyes.
  • Imagine a clean space around you.
  • Remember all the men with whom you want to break the energetic connection. Invite them one by one into this space you have created in your imagination.
  • Pay attention to where each of them is located, what feelings this or that man evokes.
  • Find these sensations in your body. This is the location of the energy channel.
  • Look at the man who is in your space. You should notice the energy threads, see their color and direction. Figuratively speaking, you and him are connected by an energy rope, which you will now cut in your thoughts once and for all.
  • If it was a strong love, a sexual relationship or a powerful energy addiction, then imagine that you are burning the severed rope with fire.
  • Observe your feelings. Thank this man for the valuable experience that he gave you, and say goodbye to him forever, let him out of your space.
  • Open your eyes and repeat the practice with every man who has played a role in your life. After this, burn the list of names and scatter the ashes to the wind.

Do this technique as many times as necessary until your condition improves dramatically. If thoughts about this man keep coming back to you, there may be a deeper reason that needs to be worked through with a specialist. Dear ladies, we wish you a great mood, love, happiness. take care of yourselfand don't forget to press the buttons and

Many women complain that after a breakup they cannot forget the person and feel a certain attraction. People who work with energies explain this by saying that during intimacy, a certain connection is formed between partners, which can naturally disappear only after seven years. If a couple breaks up, but the energetic connection between a man and a woman remains, various problems may appear, both on a spiritual and physical level. That is why it is important to interrupt all existing contacts as quickly as possible.

How to break the energetic connection with former partners?

There is a certain ritual that will allow you to regain lost energy and break contact. It is best to carry it out on the 19th lunar day. Make sure in advance that nothing interferes or distracts you. After sunset, sit in a dark room and light a candle. Relax and try to remember all your sexual partners over the past seven years.

Scheme on how to break the energy connection:

  1. Connect the thumb and index finger on your right hand to make a ring. Lower it down your abdomen to the area where the uterus is located. The thing is that it is this organ that is responsible for feminine energy, and there are threads that connect with the past.
  2. To stop the energetic connection with your ex, imagine a dial in this place, and place the ring at 12 o’clock. In this case, the dial should look down.
  3. Turn your head to the left, which will symbolize the past. As you inhale, remember the man with whom you had sexual relations. After this, turn your head forward, which symbolizes the present.
  4. In order for the energetic connection between lovers to be interrupted, it is necessary, moving counterclockwise in a spiral towards the center, to collect the thread of the past. Make three such circles.
  5. After this, turn your head to the right side, that is, to the future, and while exhaling, throw out this energy thread.

The ritual must be repeated for each guy with whom you were intimate