When does first trimester depression go away? How to deal with depression during pregnancy? Causes and risk factors

Depression during pregnancy is a dangerous neurosis that threatens the mental and physical well-being of mother and child. Almost every seventh woman is diagnosed, half of the cases require serious help.

Traditionally, depressive disorder has been treated with antidepressants. For a pregnant woman, drugs are the worst of the therapeutic agents, followed by a trail of side effects. The lack of help in this severe neurotic situation also provokes pathologies in the development of the fetus. Therefore, the syndrome of depression requires a mandatory “solution”. A favorable outcome depends on therapeutic "terms".

Depression during pregnancy - what are its origins, how is the nature of the course expressed, the risks for the mother and fetus? Cope on your own, seek help from loved ones, whom to trust in this world of protracted bad weather? We will talk below about a neurotic illness that any woman can face and for which it is almost impossible to prepare. Alas, pregnancy is not always a happy event.

Causes of depression during pregnancy

"You are pregnant!". For the next nine months, you "should" be a happy smiling mom, immersed in sweet cares, surrounded by attention, love and reverent attitude from the whole world. The idyllic picture of a woman carrying a child has little in common with reality.

The hormonal system during this period provokes the emergence of pathological emotions, for a long time ignored problems begin to fill the living space at a catastrophic rate, not to mention serious injuries (loss of a loved one, break with the "father").

Even happy women (with a prosperous family, material situation) undergo emotional storms, exploding for any reason and falling into states of hopeless blackness. The same mothers who find themselves in a difficult life situation (an unplanned child, the absence of a husband, a poor financial situation) will almost certainly perceive their pregnancy as unwanted, and life as not developed and unsuccessful.

So, depression during pregnancy can be triggered by the following reasons:

  • unsuccessful pregnancies in the past that ended in miscarriage;
  • severe previous pregnancy with multiple complications;
  • psychophysical problems (hormonal failure, severe toxicosis, change in appearance);
  • poor financial situation in the family;
  • lack of warmth and support from the husband or his absence;
  • psychological trauma of the past (domestic violence);
  • untreated depression in the mother or other family members (relatives, close people);
  • unplanned pregnancy.

Any stressful situation in the present or past can lead to the development of one of the most severe psychoneurotic disorders. The disease, in principle, can affect every person - even mentally stable and endowed with strong immunity against stress. After all, it is not in vain that the problem is being discussed today in the context of the most dangerous neurotic syndromes and becomes the “leader” among them.

A pregnant woman is distinguished by a special susceptibility, suspiciousness, anxiety - the specifics of the "position". Mom is not so much in a state of euphoria from an imminent birth, but is preoccupied with a million other issues associated with the situation. An already tense situation can explode at the slightest pretext. And life has many reasons. There is only one "reason" - our human psyche, which develops and forms under the influence of countless conditions.

It must be remembered that a depressed husband or any other close person who is in this state is “contagious”. It has been established that neurosis tends to be "transmitted" in a circle of emotionally close people. Therefore, during the examination, it is so important to establish the correct picture, to discover the true cause, and not to use generally accepted formulas.

Depression during pregnancy - what does it look like?

The disease expresses itself with a number of symptoms that are stable (lasting from two or more weeks):

  • a state of despondency or apathy - loss of interest in what is happening;
  • increased irritability, tendency to hysteria, tearfulness;
  • low self-esteem, total uncertainty about oneself and the future;
  • appetite disorders - excessive or lack thereof;
  • a feeling of hopelessness, meaninglessness, other decadent states;
  • hypertrophied sense of guilt;
  • behavioral disturbances - motor excitation or slow movements;
  • thoughts of suicide.

The spectrum of manifestations of depression is extremely wide - from aggressive behavior to unwillingness to live. The first “call” is increased tearfulness and fears for a favorable pregnancy prognosis. Tears can begin to flow in streams for no reason, it is impossible to fall asleep, awakening is painful. At this time, relatives may incorrectly "rank" the situation.

The development of the clinical picture of depression can be perceived as a typical condition of a pregnant woman with her whims. The symptoms are so similar to the behaviors that are widespread among pregnant women. The persistent nature of the syndrome should cause concern and be a reason to see a doctor.

It is known that the emotional state of the mother affects the development of the child. The first weeks and months of pregnancy are the most vulnerable period. Depression at any stage of pregnancy can lead to tragedy.

Effects of mother's depression on children

It has been established that the depressive disorder of a pregnant woman has a strong impact on the development of the fetus and the health of the child in the future. Are there some possible consequences of an untreated neurosis:

  • increased risk of preterm birth;
  • miscarriage;
  • the birth of an underweight baby;
  • early childhood mortality;
  • respiratory failure;
  • neurological disorders;
  • cerebral paralysis;
  • depression in a child in the future;
  • hyperactivity syndrome or other behavioral / mental disorders in the baby.

The level of the stress hormone cortisol during depression is significantly increased, which threatens the life of the fetus. Therefore, it is not necessary to treat the disease as a bad mood and let it flow by itself - this is fraught with tragic consequences. Our mental state influences our physical state and vice versa.

You can ignore your own health, but when it comes to the life of a little man inside you, delay is tantamount to deliberate sabotage. Even an unwanted pregnancy must be passed with head held high and thoughts directed to the future.

In addition to the fact that depression during pregnancy threatens the child, it becomes the cause of postpartum nervosa. And this will lead to the fact that the mother will be incompetent in the field of caring for her child. The joy of motherhood will pass by, all warm maternal feelings will be absent. And all this can be avoided. You can defeat the disorder and you need to do this in order to be a happy person, woman, mother.

Depression during pregnancy by trimester

Changes in mood in the first weeks of pregnancy are a common consequence of this condition. It is necessary to distinguish between increased emotional sensitivity in the first trimester and depression. The first is a physiological norm due to changes in hormonal levels. The main sign of a depressive syndrome is a protracted nature, obsessive talk about one's anxiety, beliefs like "everything is bad, but it will be even worse."

The second trimester forces a woman to think deeply about her condition, which can lead to the thoughts “my life because of the child will no longer belong to me.” The harder the physical reminder of the situation (back pain, toxicosis, painful coarsening of the mammary glands, weight gain), the more pessimistic thoughts become. And the addition of other problems - financial, interpersonal - can provoke a real disaster.

The third trimester is most often characterized by a state of panic even in the most balanced women. The maximum load on the organs, a feeling of dependence on others, fear of the upcoming birth, obsessive thoughts “I am no longer interested in my husband”, “he is with me only out of pity”, loss of sexual attractiveness, dissatisfaction with oneself - an “ideal” basis for depression or depression. development from mild forms.

At each stage, neurosis affects the health of the mother and, most importantly, the fetus. Untreated depression during pregnancy will develop into (in addition to the harm that has already been caused to two participants in the process). Therefore, the question of the need for treatment is not discussed today. Disputes are only about methods of therapy. It is beneficial for the pharmaceutical industry to support its “product”, “safe” antidepressants for pregnant women appear annually. The side effects are often ignored.

Treating depression during pregnancy with medications

An antidepressant is a traditional cure for depression. There are a huge number of pharmacological drugs on the market, and almost any of them has a teratogenic effect. You need to understand that an antidepressant is the “last” treatment, an extreme measure. Drug treatment is fraught with the development of fetal defects, which manifest themselves in:

  • cardiovascular diseases in a baby (often - congenital heart disease);
  • lagging behind in psychophysical development;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • problem with adaptation
  • pulmonary hypertension.

In extreme cases, if the risk from depression outweighs the possible risk from drugs, pregnant women may be prescribed: Prozac, Paxil, Celexa, Serzon, Fluoxetine, Paroxetine, Citalopram. Fortunately, if earlier the prescription of these drugs was uncontrolled and ubiquitous, today they are used less frequently. Even the “relatively safe” ones from this list guarantee only the absence of the risk of miscarriages and stillbirths, but do not exclude possible malformations (in any case, we must not forget: self-medication is dangerous, a doctor’s consultation is necessary).

There is a lot of talk on the Internet about St. John's wort as a "harmless" herbal antidepressant. As for its use during pregnancy, it must be clearly understood that the active substances contained in St. John's wort are not much different from those obtained chemically. In addition, there are absolutely no studies on its effect on the fetus. Therefore, it must be recognized that St. John's wort is not harmless. And all the warnings that we talked about fully apply to St. John's wort.

Treatment of depression during pregnancy with electroconvulsive therapy

Electroconvulsive therapy, despite its "dangerous appearance", is safer for a pregnant woman than antidepressants and other psychotropic drugs. But the method is used only in the treatment of particularly severe forms of depression that directly threaten a woman's life.

The procedure consists in applying an electric current to cause a seizure, as a result of which the stress hormone is suppressed. Among the side effects of the method: increased arterial and intracranial pressure, increased heart rate, short-term memory loss, increased uterine tone. The risks to the fetus are extremely high.

Thus, untreated depression and its "wrong" treatment are fraught with almost the same consequences. Psychotherapy is becoming the only safe way out of the impasse, and its effectiveness is no longer criticized today. Non-drug therapy for depression is possible - and this is one of the main discoveries of our time.

Treatment of depression during pregnancy with psychotherapy

Mild depression can be corrected "at home". But the game of "psychotherapist" does not always end favorably. The role of the “healer” of the soul can be tried on by a husband or any other close person. But you must be firmly convinced that the condition of a pregnant woman does not pose a danger to all members of the game: mother, fetus, "psychotherapist" and other participants.

  • it is necessary to involve a pregnant woman in any process, useful activity;
  • organize a complete relaxing holiday;
  • normalize the diet, sleep / wakefulness;
  • physical education for pregnant women, swimming are excellent natural antidepressants;
  • art therapy, yoga will help you find harmony with yourself;
  • heart-to-heart conversations are vital for a pregnant woman, as well as active communication in general.

The help of loved ones is extremely important in this situation, but it is important to understand that depression is a disease. The “sick” needs sympathy, but sinking into a depressive state with her, sharing her pessimism, supporting her despair is impossible. It is necessary to maintain an "emotional distance".

Professional psychotherapeutic help will help to avoid the pathological development of the scenario. Non-drug treatment of depression during pregnancy through hypnotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy is an effective and safe way to correct the condition [ , ]. The psychotherapist will help to gain a sense of spiritual comfort, eliminate the causative factor, correct distorted beliefs, and “teach” correct positive thinking.

On the issue of prevention

Ideally, when the onset of pregnancy is preceded by the prevention of depression, which consists in a set of measures:

  • normalization of the climate in the family;
  • improvement of the financial situation;
  • the ability to prevent and resist conflicts;
  • elimination of mental trauma and phobias through psycho-correction or auto-training;
  • healthy sleep/wake patterns;
  • complete and balanced diet.

In reality, it is much more difficult to acquire “mental immunity”. And life always strives to demonstrate one more of its facets, the one to which there was no vaccination. Psychotherapy is not only a vaccine against depression, but also the only way. There is no safer and more efficient alternative.

Mom needs to realize that her condition requires treatment. Timely seeking help (in the early stages) will greatly facilitate the process of recovery and recovery. Pregnancy can be happy and should be. Don't blame yourself, take action!

A dangerous mixture of pregnancy and depression. What to do with obsessive thoughts and raging hormones, who to contact, how to deal with and what to expect? Many will be interested in these questions and not in vain. After all, depression in pregnant women can have serious consequences and affect not only the mother, but also the child in the future.

Depression and pregnancy are a pretty dangerous mix.

Not for every woman, the fact of future motherhood is absolute happiness. Individuals who are naturally despondent and sensitive to stress are subject to a disorder such as depression during pregnancy or prenatal depression.

Depression is a mental disorder in which there is a loss of interest in life, a negative or indifferent attitude towards oneself and the world around, and sudden mood swings prevail.

There are three types of causes of depression in pregnant women:


  • Lack of joy hormones in the body and hormonal imbalance in general;
  • Permanent and severe toxicosis;
  • Chemical and physiological changes within the body;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • Current health problems of the expectant mother;
  • Increased fatigue.


  • Problems in the family, domestic nature;
  • Lack of support and approval from relatives and the future father;
  • financial instability;
  • Strong emotional experiences (due to the loss of a loved one, work, etc.);
  • Unsuccessful pregnancy or childbirth in the past;
  • Unplanned voluntary or forced conception, as a result of which a woman's life changes dramatically.

Domestic problems may well be the cause of depression


  • External changes in the body of a woman.

Depression in pregnancy has certain symptoms, namely:

  • Dominated by pessimism or depression for two weeks;
  • Loss of interest and indifference to favorite activities and things;
  • sleep disorders;
  • Constant fatigue;
  • Excessive appetite or lack of it;
  • Thoughts of suicide;
  • distraction;
  • Psychomotor agitation or, conversely, lethargy.

Depression can be diagnosed only after passing special tests, questionnaires and talking with a doctor. During the first conversation, the psychotherapist determines the level of depression using the Hamilton, Beck and anxiety scales. If the data obtained is not enough, a blood test is performed to determine the genetic predisposition by identifying special genetic markers.

Depression in an expectant mother during pregnancy greatly affects her unborn child. Abnormalities in embryonic and postembryonic development may occur, but the most common consequences are:

  • stillbirth of a child;
  • Death of a child shortly after birth;
  • neurological disorders;
  • cerebral palsy (infantile cerebral palsy);
  • ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and other mental and behavioral disorders;
  • premature birth;
  • Underweight in a child;
  • Respiratory system disorders;
  • Depression in a child.

Depression increases the production of the stress hormone cortisol in the body. This can lead to adrenal dysfunction and a host of related illnesses. Even if a woman is indifferent to her own health, she must take care of the nascent life within herself. And delay in this situation is tantamount to deliberate sabotage.

If we talk about the official diagnosis, then according to the International Classification of Diseases of the Tenth Revision, this disease is called recurrent depressive disorder.

Depression during different periods of pregnancy

  • First trimester.

The first three months of pregnancy is called the "denial period". The expectant mother still leads her usual way of life, without feeling significant changes (especially if there is no toxicosis). For some women, giving up bad habits or increased exercise is a difficult test. This may be the reason for the development of depression during pregnancy in the early stages.

During pregnancy, the body is completely rebuilt, so emotional instability for a woman in this position is normal. It is normal and the emergence of new fears and worries. Emotional sensitivity and mood swings are the result of hormonal changes. But if a pregnant woman talks about death or the perishability of being for a long time, and is convinced that it will only get worse, you should consult a doctor.

Depression in the first trimester is dangerous because such an emotional state can affect the child. Such children suffer from sleep disorders, lag behind their peers in development and are underweight.

  • Second trimester.

During the second third of the pregnancy, a woman begins to think about the future with the child, about responsibility and the fact that with the advent of the child her life will no longer belong to her. This period is also called the "search for lost objects" due to the fact that the expectant mother is trying to find a replacement for old, lost habits.

Depression during this period may appear due to:

  • financial problems;
  • insomnia;
  • Changes in hormonal levels;
  • Problems in the family;
  • Experiences of a woman about physical changes (weight gain, back pain, frequent urination, toxicosis, pain in the chest area).

At this time, the emotional state of a woman directly depends on the physical.

  • third trimester.

Depression during pregnancy in the later stages is most likely to develop. The most difficult time not only for the expectant mother, but also for loved ones falls on the last three months. Panic seizes a woman at the thought that childbirth is coming soon, she is no longer satisfied with her own body and she does not intend to listen to others. At such a time, expectant mothers seek solitude. However, this condition does not always develop into depression.

Do not forget that depression can negatively affect the baby.

In the last months before the birth of a child, all pregnant women lose their self-control. There is no rest from the gloomy prospects of caring for your own child that arise in your head and the realization of how much time and effort it will take. The woman feels miserable and helpless because of the physical changes that are taking place. There are more and more alarming symptoms for diagnosing a depressive disorder.


First of all, a woman in this position needs support from loved ones in order to be listened to and heard. Most often, depression develops in expectant mothers if they are often criticized in the family and most of the time they are left to their own devices.

In order not to fall into the risk zone, you must:

  • Healthy sleep;
  • Complete nutrition, including vitamins, vegetable fiber, fish, meat;
  • Do not overwork;
  • A constant stream of positive emotions;
  • Walks in the open air;
  • Communication with other pregnant women;
  • Possibility to stop working for a certain time;
  • Moderate physical activity.

It is important to understand that mood swings and a pessimistic attitude at some moments are absolutely normal, and all thoughts about a difficult future are somewhat exaggerated.

How to deal with depression during pregnancy

Depression cannot be cured on its own. But everyone can and should engage in its prevention - do what you love, do not focus on negative thoughts and do not deny yourself communication with loved ones. Taking psychotropic and similar drugs without consulting a doctor can only aggravate the situation.

Violations of the emotional plan in a pregnant woman are fraught with disorders of higher mental functions in a child - memory, speech, thinking, perception. After conducting studies in which 2-week-old children participated, scientists from Singapore stated that depression during pregnancy affects the development of the brain - the speed of impulse transmission through neurons decreases, the pathology of brain structures.

Due to violations of the emotional plan in the expectant mother, the higher mental functions of the child may also be disturbed.

There are two main ways to get rid of depression during pregnancy:

  • medical;

It is necessary to realize that there are no ideal drugs, they all have contraindications and side effects. So, doctors approach the selection of medicines for the expectant mother with the utmost responsibility. In such cases, psychiatrists or psychotherapists write prescriptions together with gynecologists.

Antidepressants are prescribed when:

  • The woman had a depressive disorder before conception, and after her condition worsened;
  • The course of the disease is asymptomatic;
  • There is a frequent return to depression after an apparent recovery;
  • It is difficult to achieve improvement in the patient's condition.

For treatment, inhibitors of the reuptake of hormones of happiness - norepinephrine and serotonin are most often used. But when they are taken, there is a risk of developing heart disease, craniosynostosis and umbilical hernia in a child, since modern antidepressants tend to penetrate the placenta through the blood into the fetus. For the mother, this can be fraught with gastrointestinal upset, dysfunction of the central nervous system, frequent urination, allergic reactions, and problems with the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

In some cases, it is necessary to enhance the effect of antidepressants, and for this the doctor prescribes lithium salts, clonazepam, etc. The medication is canceled at the moment when the depression ends and there is no risk of an exacerbation or its return.

  • Psychotherapeutic;

Hypnosis or individual and group therapy is used to treat mild to moderate depression.

The most common psychotherapy for treating depression in pregnant women is Aaron Beck's Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. The meaning of the approach is to show the patient the real state of affairs. A woman in this position has an incorrect idea about many things related to her and the child, and she perceives the words of others - even the closest people - in a negative way. The task of the doctor is to make her see how things really are. This therapy is very successful and, as a result, the patient finally begins to objectively realize herself.

The last trimester of pregnancy is the most difficult time not only for the expectant mother, but also for the next of kin. In this case, the doctor resorts to interpersonal or interpersonal psychotherapy. At the receptions, the expectations of future parents are discussed, their social roles are determined and assistance, if necessary, is provided in getting used to a new niche in the family. The goal of this therapy is to get rid of all sorts of disorders with the help of rational-positive thinking.

  • Electroconvulsive therapy;

The essence of the method is to suppress the production of the stress hormone cortisol with the help of convulsions caused by an electrical discharge. It is prescribed only in cases of severe depression and is a safer treatment than antidepressants, although the risk for the health and life of the fetus is huge in this case. Side effects in this technique include increased uterine tone, high blood pressure, rapid pulse, and short-term amnesia.

  • Acupuncture;
  • Physical exercise;

With a mild degree of depression, playing sports in acceptable quantities can significantly improve the patient's well-being. However, self-study at home is ineffective; to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to attend special classes in yoga, swimming, Pilates or aerobics.

  • Herbal antidepressants.

St. John's wort is currently the most common herbal remedy for depression. It is not compatible with other antidepressants, and can greatly harm the body if the pregnant woman has an individual intolerance. The effect of St. John's wort on the fetus and mother has not been fully studied by science, so when using it as a medicine, it is necessary to be aware of the risk that the patient is taking.

An experienced psychotherapist can help you deal with depression.

The safest method of treatment at the moment is psychotherapy.. There are many side effects from drugs and all sorts of exogenous effects on the body of the expectant mother. If the main cause of such a severe depressive state lies in the thoughts of a person, and not in his physical condition, then the most effective way to improve his well-being will be a conversation.

Studies show that women are 3 times more likely to be depressed than men. This is largely due to the fact that women are more willing to share their psychological problems with others. However, there are objective reasons for this state of affairs. They arise from the peculiarities of the functioning of the neuroendocrine system of the female body, which is clearly manifested during pregnancy. This condition even has a well-established name - prenatal depression.

It is worth bearing in mind that depression during pregnancy is not just a bad mood, which can be transient. This is a persistent state of anxiety and pessimism that lasts for several weeks. It is characterized by negative thoughts, a constant feeling of self-doubt and inability to cope with problems. The severity of the condition can also vary. In some women, it can be expressed only in a headache and a decrease in appetite, in others - in obsessive thoughts about suicide.

There are several implicit reasons due to which depression appears during pregnancy. First of all, a depressive state can be before pregnancy. Depression can haunt a woman if the pregnancy is unwanted.
An important role is played by hereditary factors. Objective circumstances can also influence - material problems, stress due to a change in the usual way of life, conflicts with loved ones, toxicosis and other complications of pregnancy, etc. Sometimes depression occurs in women whose previous pregnancy ended in a miscarriage or ended unsuccessfully for other reasons. However, it often happens that depression occurs for no apparent reason.

Of course, not every pregnant woman suffers from depression. Moreover, during pregnancy, depression in women is slightly less common than in other periods of life. But for expectant mothers, depression is a big health hazard. It has a negative impact on the development of the fetus and can cause various complications, premature birth, the birth of sickly children or children with low birth weight.

Features of prenatal depression in different periods of pregnancy

In different periods of pregnancy, depression is usually caused by different causes and has its own characteristics. The first trimester of pregnancy is characterized by changes in behavior and mentality, primarily due to somatic causes - restructuring of the hormonal balance and the work of all organs. But psychological reasons also contribute to the change in the emotional state - the realization of the need to change the way of life, the rejection of certain habits.

The second trimester has a different effect on a woman. The expectant mother begins to understand that her life after the birth of a child will change dramatically. Many familiar life things have to be revised. And not always consciousness is ready to put up with it. Added to this are also negative somatic factors - back pain, weight gain, insomnia, frequent urge to urinate.

But the most difficult psychologically is the end of pregnancy. Depression during pregnancy usually manifests itself in full force in the later stages. The painful expectation of the moment of the birth of a child, the fears associated with them and the realization of enormous responsibility can make even the most cold-blooded people panic. A woman can be in a bad mood for a long time, angry at her husband, mother-in-law or mother. Objective circumstances also contribute - a large belly makes a woman clumsy, interferes with proper rest, which leads to rapid fatigue.

How to get rid of prenatal depression?

If you find symptoms of depression in yourself, then you need to take them seriously. This condition will not go away on its own, it must be dealt with. And it is quite possible to defeat him. First of all, the family and loved one should surround the expectant mother with care and warmth, make her forget about all her worries. In addition, it is necessary to analyze what objective reasons could lead to this condition, and, if possible, eliminate them. As for a bad mood - a harbinger of depression, there are simple methods that can raise it.

The case is dark

It would seem that pregnant women should glow with joy and happiness. But this is not always the case. Especially often, longing rolls over women on gloomy autumn or winter days. You won’t go for a walk - it’s cold and disgusting on the street, to the store or guests too - for the same reason. It remains to sit at home, within four walls, and they are already quite tired of them during the decree (and how much more will you have to sit after giving birth!). As a result, the mood becomes quite dull. Apathy, weakness, loss of strength appear. Nothing pleases - I just want to sleep and eat (preferably sweet and more), and then sleep again.

If depression occurs in autumn or winter, then it is called seasonal depression. But, fortunately, it rarely comes to real depression. More often than not, it's just a low mood. And it decreases due to the fact that in autumn the content of serotonin in the brain, a biologically active substance that regulates mood, decreases. When serotonin is low, it deteriorates. Moreover, the deficiency of this substance is directly related to the deficiency of light. In October-November, the sun rarely peeps through the sky - it hides behind lead clouds. Days become short, nights become long. We, in fact, find ourselves in the power of eternal darkness. And she does her dark work with our mood.

Add in changeable weather here, and you will understand why expectant mothers feel, to put it mildly, not very good. However, the frills of the weather are not a reason to fall into a real depression: the baby is very dependent on your mood. When mom is sad and sad, he gets nervous. And if the mother “gets stuck” in longing-sadness for a long time, her increased anxiety can be inherited by the child. So it's time to declare war on the blues. Moreover, it is not such a difficult task.

10 steps to a good mood

Here are simple tips to help you cope with the blues and defeat the negative mental attitude.

Let there be light

If the mood deteriorates due to lack of light, therefore, you need to “brighten” your living space as much as possible. Get up early, walk in the morning and afternoon - so you "catch" more sunlight.

Love to wander before bed? Avoid dark paths, choose well-lit routes. You can go to the city center - an abundance of bright light bulbs and shop windows will "illuminate" not only your path, but also your mood. By the way, at home, too, do not save on light bulbs: poor lighting is dangerous for the human psyche.

Add brightness

Wear bright clothes (or at least bright accessories: scarves, hats, bags), make bright screensavers on your mobile and computer screens, hang yellow or orange curtains at home - these colors energize and positive, put a vase with citrus fruits - tangerines and oranges will “disperse” your spleen not only with their cheerful color, but also with their aroma.

More activity

Of course, during the "interesting position" you will not famously dance salsa or sweat in the gym, but there is an alternative: swimming, walking, yoga for pregnant women. Yes, there - you can be active at home.

Do a general cleaning (just don’t lift heavy things): sort out kitchen drawers, wash dishes to a shine, put things in order in cabinets - there will be no time after childbirth. And all this - under cheerful, incendiary music. You will see - the mood will improve.

Are you pissed off and can't calm down? Iron ... linen. Monotonous hand movements - they took a thing, spread it out, ironed it, folded it, took another one - they have a calming effect on the nervous system.

Rejoice in pregnancy

This will put you back in good spirits. Get in a positive mood. Remember that every day of your current state is a miracle that may never happen again. Go shopping. Buy tiny "baby" things, bottles, a bathtub, diapers - everything you need after childbirth (and don't believe in signs: buying baby clothes is a huge pleasure for the expectant mother). Think over the design of the nursery: sew pillows, curtains, draw a couple of pictures (if you don’t know how, find lessons for beginners on the Internet).

Drop the "anchor"

If you find it difficult to get rid of some gloomy thoughts - you endlessly scroll through them in your head like a broken record - try to stop them using the method of pleasant memories. Sit comfortably, remembering some pleasant episode. Dive into memories. It is important to refresh all the nuances in your memory, as if it happened to you quite recently. Felt in the grip of pleasant emotions

Associate them with some kind of action: touch the watch on your hand, twist the wedding ring or touch the earring. This is the psychological "anchor". When despondency or sadness suddenly floods over you again, it is enough to repeat the same action in order to again experience a surge of joy.

Eat good mood food

Some foods increase the production of serotonin. Among them are bananas, chocolate (thirty grams a day will not harm even those who are afraid to get better), citrus fruits, dates. Eat more fish, seafood, various cereals (especially oatmeal) and dairy products. But coffee and tea increase anxiety, it is better to replace them with berry fruit drinks and herbal decoctions - with mint, thyme.

veto negative information

Do not watch the news on TV (there is always a lot of negativity) and do not study it on the Internet. Thrillers, action films, films with a bad ending are banned. If you really watch the "box", then only educational and entertaining programs, comedies, melodramas and programs about raising children.

Don't stay at home

When cats scratch their hearts, I want to hide in a corner and not communicate with anyone. However, such seclusion will only aggravate your condition. On the contrary, go out more often - meet friends, get out to the theater, cinema, exhibitions, rest home (at least for the weekend) or to the country. This will help you switch.

Pamper yourself

Start doing at least three "good things" for yourself every day. For example, make a face mask, eat your favorite ice cream (just don't get carried away), buy a new tunic. It would seem a trifle, but the mood will improve.

Find the good in everything

Is it raining outside the window? But how well you sleep at such moments! Is there a biting wind outside? But how cozy and warm at home with a cup of fragrant tea and under a soft blanket! Replace negative thoughts with positive ones and the blues will subside.

What Not to Do

scold yourself

Say, “I am a future mother, I should be joyful and contented, and not sour with longing!” There is really no point in turning sour - you need to get out of this state. However, you also have the right to sometimes cry and be out of sorts. After all, it is impossible to program yourself for 100% joy.


November is the most depressing month of the year. What if I get depressed too? Our ancestors had no idea about any seasonal blues - in the fall there was a lot of work: they simply had no time to be sad and cry. So you do not allow yourself to be bored, then melancholy will not have a single chance.

Two weeks of sadness

True depression can be suspected only when unpleasant symptoms persist for more than two weeks. Among them are depression, anxiety, drowsiness, apathy, mood swings (for example, it “rolls” stronger in the morning and weaker in the evening, or vice versa), difficulty concentrating, inability to concentrate, loss of appetite (or a constant desire to eat), headaches, fatigue , irritability, indifference to everything that happens.

During pregnancy, depression is still an infrequent occurrence - nature made sure that the expectant mother had enough physical and mental strength to carry the baby.

But if you suspect it is depression, it is recommended to consult a psychotherapist. Only he can suggest how to get out of this state. Of course, sometimes useful advice can be obtained from relatives or friends, but they will be based only on the personal experience of other people, which may be erroneous. And the sooner you see a specialist, the greater the chance that depression will not harm your health and the health of your child. Sometimes you can do without medication, but in a severe case, you will have to use antidepressant drugs. Do not be afraid to use medicines, since today drugs have been developed that do not harm the health of the expectant mother and her child.

Pregnancy is definitely a wonderful time. But sometimes it is overshadowed by psychological problems.

One of the most common conditions during this period is depression, which is diagnosed in about 10% of expectant mothers.

It is important to understand that this problem is a rather serious disease that can adversely affect the condition of the child. Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor in time.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes and is NOT a guide to action!
  • We kindly ask you DO NOT self-medicate, but book an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!


For a long time, it was widely believed that during the period of bearing a child, certain hormones are produced in the female body that prevent the appearance of depressive states. However, over time, experts have noticed that stressful situations and physical activity, which often accompany pregnancy, significantly increase the likelihood of developing depression.

Additional problems for expectant mothers only exacerbate their condition. For example, one of the most common factors leading to depression is relationship difficulties with the baby's father.

Also, depression during pregnancy can be due to the influence of such factors:

Constant stress Problems at work, quarrels, moving, divorce, etc. often lead to such violations.
Low salary
  • During the bearing of a child, the financial situation of the family is of particular importance.
  • If earlier a small income caused only a slight disappointment, then during pregnancy it can cause severe panic and anxiety, because the upcoming cares for the baby fall on the shoulders of future parents.
Psychophysical problems
  • In this case, we are talking about toxicity.
  • Constant nausea and unsatisfactory physical condition significantly worsen the mood of a woman.
  • If the pregnancy was also unplanned, the risk of developing depression increases significantly.
Negative past pregnancy experience
  • Medical psychologists say that depression can be associated with unsuccessful childbearing or infertility.
  • Also, the risk of psychological disorders increases if the pregnancy occurs after a miscarriage, difficulties with conception, a large number of medical procedures.

Some women face disrespectful treatment during childbearing, which also provokes emotional disturbances. Depressive states often occur in expectant mothers who have suffered from emotional or physical abuse in the past.

At risk are women who already had depression before pregnancy. Also, the likelihood of developing this disorder is higher in those whose relatives suffer from psycho-emotional disorders. This history can cause both prenatal and postnatal depression.

First trimester
  • Psychologists call this time the period of denial. Despite the birth of a new life, the expectant mother is not yet aware of her situation and does not take it into account when planning her own activities.
  • Such problems are quite common, since the woman does not yet feel the baby's tremors, in addition, the stomach is absent at this time. Of course, this situation is possible only if she does not have toxicosis.
  • This period is considered quite difficult, because significant changes occur in a woman's body. Of course, they also affect the nervous system.
  • The mother-to-be faces all sorts of fears and stressful situations. Depression during early pregnancy may be due to the inability to do things you love or the need to give up habits.
  • Mood swings and irritability are quite common in the first trimester. It is not necessary to say at the first symptoms that a woman has developed depression.
  • Moreover, such manifestations are considered one of the first signs of pregnancy. If such changes have become protracted, there is talk of death and the meaninglessness of existence, it's time to sound the alarm.
  • Depressive conditions at this time can have a variety of consequences for the expectant mother and child. Canadian scientists managed to establish that children in the future may face sleep disorders, problems in mental development, and be underweight.
  • At this stage, a woman is already aware of her position and begins to plan her future life. Psychologists call this period the search for the lost object, which is understood as favorite work, everyday life, entertainment. However, it is at this time that many women open up new opportunities.
  • At the same time, sensitive representatives of the weaker sex, who are prone to depression, may face quite serious psycho-emotional problems. Depression develops under the influence of various factors. It can be problems with loved ones, sleep disturbances, changes in the balance of hormones, an unfavorable financial situation.
  • During this period, there is a strong relationship between depression and pregnancy. Negative thoughts come from weight gain, lower back pain, breast engorgement, or an increased urge to urinate. It was at this time that a pronounced relationship arises between physical changes and the psychological state of a pregnant woman.
  • This period is even called depression, because even the most balanced women lose control of their emotions. They constantly think about the complexities associated with caring for a child.
  • Very often there is a feeling of hopelessness and loneliness. Often, women are dissatisfied with their partner, who does not have to make adjustments to their lifestyle.
  • Depression in late pregnancy is very common. These problems are exacerbated by major physiological changes. The abdomen acquires an impressive size and interferes with normal movement.
  • Many women believe that they have lost their attractiveness, and this often causes increased resentment and tearfulness. The emotional state is significantly aggravated due to physical and psychological fatigue.
  • Before childbirth, women can behave quite strangely. They try to retire, take long walks in the fresh air, prepare things for the child. However, these features do not at all indicate the development of depression.


In order to notice depression in a timely manner and provide assistance to the expectant mother, you need to know what signs are characteristic of this condition:

Deterioration of mood
  • The first symptom of this disorder is a persistently bad mood. A pregnant woman is not happy.
  • Of course, negative emotions are sometimes replaced by a good mood, but this is extremely rare.
  • If therapy is not started on time, then periods of positive emotions will occur less and less.
high anxiety
  • With the development of depression, a woman experiences panic fear.
  • First of all, it concerns premature termination of pregnancy - this phobia can become an obsession.
  • A woman constantly expects trouble, which leads to tearfulness and emotional instability.
  • Sometimes she can cry for no reason.
  • The expectant mother loses interest in the events taking place around her.
  • In difficult cases, she is not even interested in preparing a dowry for a child.
  • In such situations, a woman sits or lies for hours, completely immersed in depressive thoughts.
  • Sometimes expectant mothers begin to blame themselves for literally everything, and they can do it for no reason.
  • In such cases, a pregnant woman may consider herself a burden on loved ones.
  • She is sure that she will not be able to cope with maternal functions.
  • Such thoughts can completely deprive a pregnant woman of rest.
Sleep problems
  • During the period of bearing a child, women often lose their sleep rhythm.
  • They may suffer from insomnia or increased sleepiness. However, insomnia is more common.
  • The expectant mother cannot sleep because of negative thoughts and experiences.
  • A constant lack of sleep negatively affects the emotional state of a woman, which creates a vicious circle.
Increased aggressiveness
  • Emotional instability can manifest itself in the form of the appearance of unreasonable aggression.
  • In such cases, a woman literally turns into a fury, which does not allow everyone around her to live normally.
  • At the same time, the expectant mother herself suffers from such a situation, because she is aware of the inadmissibility of her own behavior.

The effect of depression during pregnancy on the fetus

Doctors say that depression quite strongly affects the development of the child and his health in the future. If this violation is not dealt with in a timely manner, the following consequences may arise:

  • miscarriage;
  • premature birth;
  • insufficient body weight of the child at birth;
  • the development of respiratory failure in the baby;
  • early childhood mortality;
  • neurological disorders;
  • depression in the baby in the future;
  • hyperactivity and other mental disorders in a child.

Depression is associated with an increase in the stress hormone cortisol. This poses a real threat to the life of the child. Therefore, this disease should not be left to chance - it can cause tragic consequences.

In addition to the fact that depression negatively affects the condition of the child, it can lead to the development of postpartum neurosis. As a result, a woman simply will not be able to fully care for the baby.

She will not be able to experience the joy of motherhood. Therefore, depression during pregnancy should never be ignored.

How to help yourself

To minimize the likelihood of developing depression or reduce its manifestations, a pregnant woman must follow certain rules:

Respond in time
  • The sooner you notice depression and take action, the easier it will be to eliminate its symptoms.
  • To do this, you need to relax and have fun as much as possible.
  • If you like shopping, then you should go shopping, and for those who love nature, you definitely need to go on a picnic.
Organize the right way of working
  • To avoid increased stress, you need to carefully plan your day.
  • It is best to do this in the evening.
  • It is important to remember that the schedule should not be very tight, otherwise there is a possibility that you will not have time for everything.
  • Problems like this will only make things worse.
Get yourself a good rest
  • During the period of bearing a child, a woman should rest a lot.
  • Do not take on all the household chores. In such a situation, it is better to ask relatives for help.
  • Remember that fatigue is very dangerous for the expectant mother. It can accumulate, which as a result will cause increased irritability and depression. Such conditions are fraught with the appearance of depression.
Keep track of nutrition
  • Everyone knows that a properly composed diet is very important for the normal well-being of the mother and the unborn baby.
  • If you don't eat well enough, you're more likely to develop depression.
  • If the disease has already appeared, it can lead to a decrease in appetite. Therefore, a pregnant woman needs to make an effort on herself to eat.
Provide full range of motion
  • Depression often causes apathy, which invariably reduces physical activity. To improve your condition, you need to try to move more. At the same time, it is worth remembering a sense of proportion and avoiding overwork.
  • To improve your mood, you can do water aerobics or just walk in the fresh air. As for walking, doctors advise doing them at least 2 hours a day.
  • Thanks to being away from home, the emotional state of a woman is significantly improved, because monotony does not have the best effect on her health.
Take care of your appearance
  • Every woman wants to look perfect. If you do not take care of your appearance, the depressive state only worsens.
  • Therefore, in any conditions, it is worth allocating time for self-care.
  • To improve your mood, you can buy a new thing or visit a beauty salon.

How to behave to close people

Quite often, close people fail to understand the emotions and experiences of the expectant mother. They begin to get angry and nervous, to advise the woman to pull herself together. However, she is unable to do so.

In fact, during depression, the expectant mother needs the support of loved ones more than ever. However, she does not always realize that she needs help. Thanks to the correct behavior of relatives, a woman will be able to quickly overcome depression.

It is very important for her family members not to succumb to the mood of the expectant mother. To do this, you need to constantly remind that depression is a temporary phenomenon, and therefore the condition of a pregnant woman will soon return to normal. It is very important to avoid criticizing the expectant mother, do not blame her. At the same time, it is important to remind that she is not to blame for the appearance of this condition.

Of course, she needs a good rest. However, if you fully assume her responsibilities, there is a risk that the woman will feel unwanted and abandoned, and this will only worsen the situation.

Depression during pregnancy is a serious problem faced by many women. In no case should this condition be left unattended, because it negatively affects the health of the woman herself and the development of her baby. If depression has severe manifestations, you should definitely consult an experienced doctor.

Depression during pregnancy is becoming an increasingly common ailment. How to cope with depression during the entire period, in the last weeks and in the postpartum state, a six-step scheme and much more awaits you in this article...

In the old Japanese cartoon "Taro - the son of the dragon", a poor pregnant woman was exhausted with guilt because she ate two small fish ("devoured" a village whose inhabitants would not even have enough of these fish to smell), and turned into a dragon. Everything got worse...

Hello friends! I can’t say for sure how the ladies of the old centuries perceived their position, but in modern times depression is practically the norm. Why? There are many reasons, from poor ecology to the modern rhythm of life. But the expectation of a child should be one of the happiest moments in the life of any person. Let's figure out what kind of negativity is bugging us, and how to deal with it.

Does she sneak around unnoticed?

No! Even if it seems to others that a woman in the position “winds herself up”, or “she doesn’t know what she wants” - her syndrome has specific reasons that can be seen with the naked eye. If you want. And if you don’t want to, you won’t even notice the inscription in meter-sized red letters.

First of all, the depression of a pregnant woman should not be viewed one-sidedly. Personal character traits and predisposition matter, but not radically. It is clear that if the expectant mother has a tendency to panic for any reason, she will quickly enter a state of depression. Although, there are reverse examples, when pregnancy makes a nervous and insecure woman calm down, come into balance, and realize her significance.

Nine months is a short time, less than a year, and during this time another body must form and grow in one body.

Softer advisers tell how to help yourself - they offer to find entertainment, start walking, visit to do a business for which there was never enough time, go to the hairdresser, buy a new dress.

Depression in the later stages of forum regulars is considered the most understandable, because the additional load and the approach of childbirth make the mother even more vulnerable. But it is no less important to find ways to deal with both in the second trimester and in the early stages.

Positive emotions are very important for the whole period, but they are unlikely to be cured if a callous, inattentive environment awaits at home, which wants only one thing: for you to stumble and not bring them with your whims.

Can there be anything more beautiful than the birth of a new life? The female body is tuned very finely, a pregnant woman may subconsciously feel that the people around her are full of fears, for example, of a financial nature, and are not happy, but think to themselves: “What if this child becomes a burden?”

Mommy also feels what annoys everyone with her painful condition. Carrying a child is a serious psycho-physical condition. The most important thing that everyone who is nearby needs is patience, tact and attention.

Any female in nature instinctively protects her offspring. When she carries cubs in herself, she becomes especially sensitive, reacts to the slightest signs of threat. Man is the same animal, and can, like them, perceive danger at the subconscious level. If a spouse (daughter, daughter-in-law) in a normal state is able not to notice someone's discontent - a pregnant woman, she will definitely notice everything, or imagine.

Those around you should remember that a child in the womb is a huge additional burden on the body: physical, hormonal and psychological. There is nothing more stupid than saying: "Pull yourself together", or "Be patient, everything will work out." You can't step over a problem, you have to solve it. Any deviation in psychological balance requires help.

Action plan

If you are still overtaken by depression during pregnancy, then we fight it - collectively. Better like this:

  1. Take your spouse to a doctor, let him assess her condition, calm her down, explain that there are no fears, the baby is developing normally, and for nerves he will advise soothing teas, or something else that is just as safe.
  1. Try to understand that a child cannot be unwanted, even if he is the second, third or tenth. They didn’t want him - they should have been better protected, but now there is no turning back, love.
  1. Convince your spouse that the baby is desired and loved, just like herself.
  1. Teach yourself not to get annoyed, even if through auto-training (this is only for 9 months, and it can go faster if you behave correctly).
  1. Pay more attention to the pregnant woman so that she does not feel abandoned.
  1. The future mother herself should really do something that is pleasant for her, relax more, drink vitamins and walk in the fresh air (swimming also does not hurt). And it’s especially good if these activities and walks are done with your husband.