Basket with spruce cones. Online reading of the book Basket with fir cones Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky. Basket with fir cones

Composer Edvard Grieg spent autumn in the woods near Bergen. All forests are good with their mushroom air and the rustle of leaves. But the mountain forests near the sea are especially good. They hear the sound of the surf.
Once Grieg "met in the forest a little girl with two pigtails - the daughter of a forester. She collected fir cones in a basket.
- What's your name, girl? Grieg asked.
“Dagny Pedersen,” the girl answered in an undertone.
She answered in an undertone, not from fear, but from embarrassment. She could not be frightened, since Grieg's eyes were laughing.
- That's the trouble! Grieg said. - I have nothing to give you. I don't carry dolls or ribbons or velvet hares in my pocket. Look, Dagny, I've got an idea. I will give you one interesting thing. But not now, but ten years from now.
Dagny even threw up her hands.
- Oh, how long!
You see, I still have to do it. I'll do it maybe in a few days. But such things are not given to small children. I make gifts for adults. You are still young and do not understand much. Now give me the basket. You can barely carry it. I'll take you and we'll talk about something else.
Dagny sighed and handed Grieg the basket. She really was heavy. There is a lot of resin in spruce cones, and therefore they weigh much more than pine cones.
When the forester's house appeared among the trees, Grieg said:
- Well, now you will run on your own, Dagny Pedersen. There are many girls in Norway with the same first and last name as yours. What is your father's name?
- Hagerup, - Dagny answered and, wrinkling her forehead, asked:
- Won't you come to us? We have embroidered tablecloth, red cat and glass boat. Grandpa will let you take it in your hands.
- Thank you. Now I have no time. Farewell, Dagny!
Grieg smoothed the girl's hair and went towards the sea.
“I will write music,” Grieg decided. - On the title page I will order to print: "Dagny Pedersen - the daughter of the forester Hagerup Pedersen, when she is eighteen years old."

Everything was the same in Bergen.

Everything that could muffle the sounds - carpets, curtains and upholstered furniture - Grieg removed from the house long ago.

All that's left is the old sofa. It could accommodate up to a dozen guests, and Grieg did not dare to

throw away.

Friends said that the composer's house looked like a lumberjack's house. It was decorated only with a piano.

If a person was endowed with imagination, then he could hear among these white walls

magical things - from the roar of the northern ocean, which rolled waves from the darkness and wind, which

whistled his wild saga over them, until the song of a girl cradling rag doll.

The piano could sing about everything - about the impulse of the human spirit to the great and about love. White and black

the keys, running away from under Grieg's strong fingers, yearned, laughed, rattled with a storm and anger

and suddenly fell silent.

Then in the silence for a long time only one small string sounded, as if it was Cinderella crying, offended by her sisters.

Grieg, leaning back, listened until this last

the sound did not cease in the kitchen, where the cricket had settled for a long time.

It became audible how, counting the seconds with the accuracy of a metronome, water dripped from the tap.

The drops kept saying that time was running out and that we should hurry up to do everything that was planned.

Grieg has been writing music for Dagny Pedersen for over a month.

Winter has begun. Fog shrouded the city up to its throat. Rusty

steamers came from different countries and dozed by the wooden piers, snoring softly on the steam.

Soon it began to snow. Grieg saw from his window how he flew sideways, clinging to the tops of trees.

It is impossible, of course, to convey music in words, no matter how rich our language is.

Grieg wrote about the deepest charm of girlhood and happiness.

He wrote and saw how a girl with green shining eyes was running towards him, choking with joy. She

hugs him by the neck and presses her hot cheek against his gray unshaven cheek "Thank you!" she says, not yet knowing herself

for which she thanks him.

“You are like the sun,” Grieg tells her, “Like a gentle wind and early morning.

bloomed in your heart White flower and filling your whole being with the fragrance of spring.

I have seen life. No matter what they tell you about her, always believe that she is amazing.

and beautiful. I am an old man, but I gave the youth my life, work, talent. I gave everything away without a return.

Therefore, I may be even happier than you, Dagny.

You - White Night with its mysterious light. You are happiness. You are the light of the dawn. Your voice shakes my heart. May everything that surrounds you, that touches you and what you touch, that pleases you and makes you think, be blessed." Grieg thought and played about everything he thought. He suspected that he was being eavesdropped. they were tits in a tree, sailors from the port, a washerwoman from a neighboring house, a cricket, snow flying from an overhanging sky, and Cinderella in a darned dress. Each listened in his own way. The tits were worried. the sailors sat down on the steps of the house and listened, sobbing. The laundress straightened her back, wiped her reddened eyes with her palm, and shook her head. listen to the ringing that poured in streams from the house.

And Cinderella looked, smiling, at the floor. Near her bare feet stood

crystal shoes. They flinched as they bumped into each other in response to the chords

flying from Grieg's room.

Grieg valued these listeners more than smart and polite concert goers.

At eighteen, Dagny graduated from high school. On this occasion, the father sent Dagny to Christiania to stay with his sister Magda.
Magda worked as a theater dressmaker. Her husband Niels served in the same theater as a hairdresser.
Dagny often went to the theater. It was an exciting activity. But after the performances, Dagny did not fall asleep for a long time and sometimes even cried in her bed. Frightened by this, Aunt Magda calmed Dagny and insisted on going to the concert for a change.
It was a warm June. There were white nights. Concerts were held in the city park under open sky. Despite the evening, neither the conductor nor the musicians turned on the lights above the consoles.
Dagny heard symphonic music for the first time. She had a strange effect on her. All the overflows and thunders of the orchestra evoked in Dagny many pictures that looked like dreams.
Then she shuddered and looked up. She felt that thin man in a tailcoat, who announced the program of the concert, called her name.
Uncle Nils looked at Dagny with either horror or admiration. And Aunt Magda looked at her the same way.
- What's happened? Dagny asked. Magda grabbed her hand and whispered: -Listen!
Then Dagny heard the man in the evening dress say:

Listeners from last rows asking me to repeat. So, the famous musical play by Edvard Grieg, dedicated to the daughter of the forester Hagerup Pedersen Dagni Pedersen, on the occasion of her eighteenth birthday, will now be performed.
Dagny sighed so deeply that her chest hurt. She wanted to hold back the tears that rose in her throat with this sigh, but it did not help. Dagny leaned over and covered her face with her hands.
At first she didn't hear anything. A storm roared inside her. Then she finally heard the shepherd's horn singing in the early morning and, in response to it, with hundreds of voices, with a slight start, the string orchestra responds like an echo.
The melody grew, rose, raged like the wind, rushed over the tops of the trees, tore off the leaves, shook the grass, beat in the face with cool spray. Dagny felt a rush of air from the music and forced herself to calm down.
Yes! It was her forest, her homeland, her mountains, the songs of the horns, the sound of her sea! So, it was him! The gray-haired man who helped her carry a basket of fir cones. It was Edvard Grieg, a magician and a great musician! So this is the gift that he promised to give her in ten years!
Dagny was crying, not hiding, with tears of gratitude.

By that time, music had filled all the space between the earth and the clouds hanging over the city. Light ripples appeared from the melodic waves on the clouds. Stars shone through it.

The music was no longer playing. She called. She called for herself to that country where no sorrows could cool love, where no one takes away happiness from each other, where the sun burns like a crown in the hair of a fabulously kind


The music stopped. Slowly at first, then growing, applause thundered.

Dagny got up and quickly walked to the exit of the park.

Everyone was looking at her. It may have occurred to some of the listeners that this

the girl was that Dagny Pedersen, to whom Grieg dedicated his immortal thing.

"He died! thought Dagny. - For what?" If only we could see him!

If only he were here! With what a rapidly beating heart she ran

would have met him, would have hugged his neck, pressed her cheek, wet from tears, to his cheek

and say only one word:

"Thank you!" - "For what?" he would ask. “I don’t know…” Dagny would answer. — For what

you have not forgotten me. For your generosity. For the fact that you opened before me that beautiful thing that a person should live with.

Dagny walked through the deserted streets. She did not notice that behind her, trying not to catch her eye, was Niels,

sent by Magda. He swayed like a drunk and mumbled something about a miracle that had happened in their little life.

The darkness of the night still lay over the city. But in the windows, the northern dawn was already taking on a faint gilding.

Dagny went to the sea. It lay in deep sleep, without a single splash.

Dagny clenched her hands and groaned from a sense of the beauty of this world that was still unclear to her, but engulfed her whole being.

“Listen, life,” Dagny said quietly, “I love you.

And she laughed, looking wide open eyes to the lights of the ships. They rocked slowly in the clear gray water.

Niels, who was standing at a distance, heard her laugh and went home. Now he was calm for Dagny. Now he knew that her life would not pass

Composer Edvard Grieg spent autumn in the woods near Bergen. All forests are good with their mushroom air, with the rustle of leaves. But the mountain forests near the sea are especially good.

They hear the sound of the surf. From the sea it constantly brings fogs, and from the abundance of moisture, moss grows violently. It hangs from the branches in green strands to the ground. In addition, in the mountain forests lives, like a mockingbird, a cheerful echo. It is just waiting to pick up any sound and hurl it over the rocks.

Once Grieg met in the forest a little girl with two pigtails - the daughter of a forester. She was collecting fir cones in a basket.

It was autumn. If it were possible to collect all the gold and copper that is on earth, and forge thousands of thousands of thin leaves from them, then they would make up an insignificant part of that autumn dress that lay on the mountains. In addition, forged leaves would seem rough in comparison with real ones, especially with aspen leaves. Everyone knows that aspen leaves tremble even from the whistle of a bird.

What's your name, girl? Grieg asked.

Here's the trouble! Grieg said. - I have nothing to give you. I don't carry dolls or ribbons or velvet hares in my pocket.

I have an old mother's doll, - the girl answered. - Once she closed her eyes. Like this!

The girl slowly closed her eyes. When she opened them again, Grieg noticed that her pupils were greenish and the foliage gleamed with lights in them.

And now she sleeps with her eyes open,” Dagny added sadly. - old people bad dream. Grandpa also groans all night.

Listen, Dagny, said Grieg, I came up with an idea. I will give you one interesting thing. But not now, but ten years from now.

Dagny even threw up her hands.

Oh, how long!

You know, I still need to do it.

And what is it?

You'll find out later.

Can you make only five or six toys in your entire life, Dagny asked sternly?

Grieg was confused.

No, it's not like that, - he objected uncertainly. - I'll do it, maybe in a few days. But such things are not given to small children. I make gifts for adults.

I won’t break it, ”Dagny said imploringly and pulled Grieg by the sleeve. - I won't break it. Here you will see! Grandpa has a glass toy boat. I dust it off and never chipped off even the smallest piece.

“She completely confused me, this Dagny,” thought Grieg with annoyance and said what adults always say when they find themselves in an awkward position in front of children;

You are still small and do not understand much. Learn patience. Now give me the basket. You can hardly drag her. I'll take you and we'll talk about something else.

Dagny sighed and handed Grieg the basket. She really was heavy. There is a lot of resin in spruce cones, and therefore they weigh much more than pine cones.

When the forester's house appeared among the trees, Grieg said:

Well, now you'll run on your own, Dagny Pedersen. There are many girls in Norway with the same first and last name as yours. What is your father's name?

Hagerup, - answered Dagny and, wrinkling her forehead, asked: - Won't you come to us? We have an embroidered tablecloth, a red cat and a glass boat. Grandpa will let you take her in your arms.

Thank you. Now I have no time. Farewell, Dagny!

Grieg smoothed the girl's hair and went towards the sea. Dagny, frowning, looked after him. She held the basket sideways, cones falling out of it.

“I will write music,” Grieg decided. - On the title page I will order to print: "Dagny Pedersen - the daughter of the forester Hagerup Pedersen, when she is eighteen years old."

Everything was the same in Bergen.

Everything that could muffle the sounds - carpets, curtains, and upholstered furniture - Grieg removed from the house long ago. All that's left is the old sofa. It could accommodate up to a dozen guests, and Grieg did not dare to throw it away.

Friends said that the composer's house looked like a lumberjack's house. It was decorated only with a piano. If a person was endowed with imagination, then he could hear magical things among these white walls - from the roar of the northern ocean, which rolled waves from darkness and wind, which whistled its wild saga over them, to the song of a girl cradling a rag doll.

The piano could sing about everything: about the impulse of the human spirit to the great and about love. White and black keys, escaping from under Grieg's strong fingers, yearned, laughed, rattled with a storm and anger, and suddenly fell silent at once.

Then in the silence for a long time only one small string sounded, as if it was Cinderella crying, offended by her sisters.

Grieg, leaning back, listened until this last sound faded in the kitchen, where the cricket had settled for a long time.

It became audible how, counting the seconds with the accuracy of a metronome, dripping from the faucet of an ox. The drops kept saying that time was running out and that we should hurry up to do everything that was planned.

Grieg has been writing music for Dagny Pedersen for over a month.

Winter has begun. Fog shrouded the city up to its throat. Rusty steamboats came from different countries and dozed at the wooden piers, quietly snoring on the steam.

Soon it began to snow. Grieg saw from his window how he flew sideways, clinging to the tops of trees.

It is impossible, of course, to convey music in words, no matter how rich our language is.

Grieg wrote about the deepest charm of girlhood and happiness.

He wrote and saw how a girl with green shining eyes was running towards him, choking with joy. She wraps her arms around his neck and presses her hot cheek against his gray, unshaven cheek. "Thank you!" she says, not yet knowing what she is thanking him for.

“You are like the sun,” Grieg tells her. - Like a gentle wind and early morning. A white flower bloomed in your heart and filled your whole being with the fragrance of spring. I have seen life. Whatever you are told about her, always believe that she is amazing and beautiful. I am an old man, but I gave the youth my life, work, talent. I gave everything away without a return. Therefore, I may be even happier than you, Dagny.

You are the white night with its mysterious light. You are happiness. You are the light of the dawn. Your voice shakes my heart.

May everything that surrounds you, that touches you and that you touch, that pleases you and makes you think, be blessed.

Grieg thought so and played about everything he thought. He suspected that he was being overheard. He even guessed who was doing it. They were tits on a tree, sailors from the port, a washerwoman from a neighboring house, a cricket, snow flying from the overhanging sky, and Cinderella in a darned dress.

Everyone listened in their own way.

The tits were worried. No matter how hard they tried, their chirping could not drown out the piano.

Sailors who had gone on a spree sat down on the steps of the house and listened, sobbing. The laundress straightened her back, wiped her reddened eyes with her palm, and shook her head. The cricket crawled out of a crack in the tiled stove and looked through the crack at Grieg.

The falling snow stopped and hung in the air to listen to the ringing that poured in streams from the house. And Cinderella looked, smiling, at the floor. Glass slippers stood beside her bare feet. They shuddered as they bumped into each other in response to chords coming from Grieg's room.

Grieg valued these listeners more than smart and polite concert goers.

At eighteen, Dagny graduated from high school.

On this occasion, her father sent her to Christiania to visit his sister Magda. Let the girl (her father considered her still a girl, although Dagny was already slim girl, with heavy blond braids) will look at how light works, how people live, and have some fun.

Who knows what awaits Dagny in the future? Maybe an honest and loving, but stingy and boring husband? Or the job of a saleswoman in a village shop? Or a job at one of the many shipping offices in Bergen?

Magda worked as a theater dressmaker. Her husband Nils served as a hairdresser in the same theater.

They lived in a little room under the roof of the theatre. From there one could see a gulf motley with sea flags and a monument to Ibsen.

Steamboats all day called out to open windows. Uncle Nils studied their voices so much that, according to him, he knew unmistakably who was buzzing - “Norderney” from Copenhagen, “Scottish Singer” from Glasgow or “Joan of Arc” from Bordeaux.

Aunt Magda had a lot of theatrical things in her room: brocade, silk, tulle, ribbons, lace, antique felt hats with black ostrich feathers, gypsy shawls, gray wigs, jackboots with copper spurs, swords, fans and silver shoes worn at the folds. All this had to be hemmed, repaired, cleaned and ironed.

On the walls hung pictures cut out of books and magazines: cavaliers from the time of Louis XIV, beauties in crinolines, knights, Russian women in sundresses, sailors and Vikings with oak wreaths on their heads.

The room had to climb a steep staircase. It always smelled of paint and varnish from the gilding.

Dagny often went to the theater. It was an exciting activity. But after the performances, Dagny did not fall asleep for a long time and sometimes even cried in her bed.

Frightened by this, Aunt Magda calmed Dagny. She said that you can not blindly believe what is happening on stage. But Uncle Niels called Magda a "brood hen" for this and said that, on the contrary, in the theater one must believe everything. Otherwise, people would not need any theaters. And Dagny believed.

But still, Aunt Magda insisted on going to the concert for a change.

Niels did not argue against this. "Music," he said, "is the mirror of genius,"

Niels liked to express himself sublimely and vaguely. He said about Dagny that she was like the first chord of an overture. And Magda, according to him, had witchcraft power over people. She expressed herself in the fact that Magda sewed theatrical costumes. And who does not know that a person every time he puts on new suit, completely changed. So it turns out that the same actor yesterday was a vile murderer, today he became an ardent lover, tomorrow he will be a royal jester, and the day after tomorrow - folk hero.

Dagny, - Aunt Magda shouted in such cases, - shut your ears and don't listen to this terrible chatter! He himself does not understand what he is saying, that attic philosopher!

It was a warm June. There were white nights. Concerts were held in the open-air city park.

Dagny went to the concert with Magda and Niels. She wanted to wear her only White dress. But Niels said that beautiful girl should be dressed in such a way as to stand out from the surroundings. In general, his long speech on this subject boiled down to the fact that on white nights it is imperative to be in black and, conversely, in dark, sparkling white dresses.

It was impossible to argue with Niels, and Dagny put on a black dress made of silky soft velvet. Magda brought this dress from the dressing room.

When Dagny put on this dress, Magda agreed that Niels was probably right - nothing set off the strict pallor of Dagny's face and her long braids with a reflection of old gold like this mysterious velvet.

That's it! Magda replied. - Something I did not see around me crazy handsome when you came on a first date with me. You are just a chatterbox for me.

And Magda kissed Uncle Niels on the head.

The concert began after the usual evening shot from an old cannon in the port. The shot meant sunset.

Despite the evening, neither the conductor nor the musicians turned on the lights above the consoles. The evening was so bright that the lanterns burning in the foliage of the lindens were lit, apparently only to give splendor to the concert.

Dagny listened to symphonic music for the first time. She had a strange effect on her. All the overflows and thunders of the orchestra caused Dagny to have many pictures that looked like dreams.

Then she shuddered and looked up. It seemed to her that a thin man in a tailcoat, announcing the program of the concert, called her name.

Did you call me, Nils? Dagny asked Uncle Nils, looked at him and immediately frowned.

Uncle Nils looked at Dagny with either horror or admiration. And Aunt Magda looked at her in the same way, pressing her handkerchief to her mouth.

What's happened? Dagny asked. Magda grabbed her hand and whispered:


Then Dagny heard the man in the evening dress say:

Listeners from the last rows ask me to repeat. So, the famous musical play by Edvard Grieg, dedicated to the daughter of the forester Hagerup Pedersen Dagni Pedersen, on the occasion of her eighteenth birthday, will now be performed.

Dagny sighed so deeply that her chest hurt. She wanted to hold back the tears that rose in her throat with this sigh, but it did not help. Dagny leaned over and covered her face with her hands.

At first she didn't hear anything. A storm roared inside her. Then, at last, She heard the shepherd's horn singing in the early morning, and in response to it, with hundreds of voices, with a slight shudder, the string orchestra responded.

The melody grew, rose, raged like the wind, rushed over the tops of the trees, tore off the leaves, shook the grass, beat in the face with cool spray. Dagny felt a rush of air emanating from the music and forced herself to calm down.

Yes! This was her forest, her homeland! Her mountains, the songs of her horns, the sound of her sea!

The glass ships foamed the water. The wind blew in their gear. This sound imperceptibly turned into the chime of forest bells, into the whistling of birds tumbling in the air, into the haunting of children, into a song about a girl at her window, a loved one threw a handful of sand at dawn. Dagny heard this song in her mountains.

So, it was him! That gray-haired man who helped her carry a basket of fir cones home. It was Edvard Grieg, a magician and a great musician! And she reproached him that he did not know how to work quickly.

So this is the gift that he promised to give her in ten years.

Dagny was crying, not hiding, with tears of gratitude. By that time the music had filled everything, the space between the earth and the clouds hanging over the city. Light ripples appeared from the melodic waves on the clouds. Stars shone through it.

The music was no longer playing. She called. She called me to that country where no sorrows could cool love, where no one takes away happiness from each other, where the sun burns like a crown in the hair of a fairy-tale kind sorceress.

The music stopped. Slowly at first, then growing, applause thundered.

Dagny got up and quickly walked to the exit of the park. Everyone was looking at her. Maybe some of the listeners came up with the idea that this girl was the same Dagny Pedersen, to whom Grieg dedicated his immortal thing.

"He died! thought Dagny. - For what?" If only we could see him! If only he were here! With what a rapidly beating heart she would run towards him, hug him by the neck, press her wet cheek from tears to his cheek and say only one word: “Thank you!” - "For what?" he would have asked. “I don't know…” Dagny would have answered. - Because you have not forgotten me. For your generosity. For the fact that you opened before me that beautiful thing that a person should live with.

Dagny walked through the deserted streets. She did not notice that behind her, trying not to catch her eye, was Nils, sent by Magda. He swayed like a drunk and mumbled something about a miracle that had happened in their little life.

The darkness of the night still lay over the city. But in the windows, the northern dawn was already taking on a faint gilding.

Dagny went to the sea. It lay in deep sleep, without a single splash.

Dagny clenched her hands and groaned from a sense of the beauty of this world that was still not clear to her, but engulfing her whole being.

Listen, life, - Dagny said quietly, - I love you.

And she laughed, looking wide-eyed at the lights of the ships. They rocked slowly in the clear gray water.

Niels, who was standing at a distance, heard her laugh and went home. Now he was calm for Dagny. Now he knew that her life would not be in vain.

Answers to school textbooks

Grieg “wrote and saw a girl with green shining eyes running towards him. She hugs him by the neck and presses her hot cheek against his gray unshaven cheek. “You are like the sun,” Grieg tells her. - Like a gentle wind and early morning. A white flower bloomed in your heart and filled your whole being with the fragrance of spring. I have seen life... it is amazing and beautiful. I am an old man, but I gave the youth my life, work, talent. Therefore, I may be even happier than you, Dagny ... "
He was heard, each in his own way, by the tits in the tree, the sailors from the port, the washerwoman from the next house, the cricket, the snow, and Cinderella. “The tits were worried ... The sailors who had gone on a spree sat on the steps of the house and listened, sobbing. The washerwoman wiped her reddened face with her palm and shook her head. The cricket crawled out of a crack in the tiled stove and peeped at Grieg through the crack.
The falling snow hung in the air to listen to the zeon streaming from the house. And Cinderella looked, smiling, at the floor. The glass slippers at her feet trembled in response to chords.

2. Why did Dagny leave home? Where did she end up? How does the heroine characterize her attitude to the theater?

At the age of eighteen, Dagny graduated from high school, and her father sent her to stay with his sister Magda, a theater dressmaker. Magda and her husband Niels lived in a little room under the roof of the theatre.
“Dagny often went to the theater. It was an exciting activity. But after the performances, Dagny did not fall asleep for a long time and sometimes even cried in her bed. In the theater, Dagny believed everything. She remained as sensitive, sweet, impressionable as in childhood.

3. What surprised and shocked Dagny at the concert? How did she guess that Grieg's famous play was dedicated to her? Is it just because her name was called?

Dagny went to the concert with Magda and Niels. “Dagny listened to symphonic music for the first time. She had a strange effect on her. The overflows and thunders of the orchestra caused Dagny to have pictures that looked like dreams. Then it seemed to her that the host of the concert called her name. And he repeated that the piece of music was dedicated to her on the occasion of her 18th birthday.

4. Could the heroine understand what Grieg wanted to tell her? What did she regret?

Dagny could not hold back her tears and covered her face with her hands. At first she did not hear anything, because inside her a storm was roaring. Then (? she heard a shepherd's horn singing in the early morning, and a string orchestra responded to him. “It was her forest, her homeland! Her mountains, the songs of horns, the sound of her sea! .. Dagny wept with tears of gratitude.” She regretted that Edvard Grieg had already died, and she would not be able to thank him for the wonderful gift.

5. Would you agree that everything that happened at the concert can be called the most intense moment of the story? Explain.

What happened at the concert can be called the most intense moment of the story. Dagny realized that the person who helped her carry the basket of cones was Edvard Grieg. And the play is the gift he promised her ten years ago.
“Music filled all the space between the earth and the clouds hanging over the city ... The music no longer sang. She called for her to the country where the sun burns like a crown in the hair of a fairy-tale kind sorceress... In the influx of sounds, a familiar voice suddenly appeared. “You are happiness,” he said. “You are the brilliance of the dawn.”

6. Come up with a title for each part of the story. Why did Paustovsky divide the text in such a way? How are the parts of the story related to each other?

1) Grieg's meeting with Dagny in the forest and his promise to write music.
2) Grieg writes music for Dagny.
3) Dagny comes to visit in her aunt Magda. Magda's room.
4) Symphony concert on a white night in a city park.

7. Determine the main idea of ​​Paustovsky's work. What is it?

This story is about the beauty of the world and man, about how beautiful art reflects life. Dagny imagined that she would thank Grieg "for having discovered for me that beautiful thing that a person should live with."

8. Make a plan and retell the text.

Retelling plan
1) The composer Edvard Grieg liked to spend autumn in the woods near Bergen.
2) One day Grieg met the forester's daughter in the forest, but he didn't have anything to give her.
3) Grieg walked Dagny home and decided to dedicate musical composition, which he will write for her eighteenth birthday.
4) Grieg's house is completely empty and looks like a lumberjack's dwelling.
5) Grieg has been writing music for Dagni Pedersen for more than a month.
6) Grieg, while working, imagined Dagny, pictures of Scandinavian nature, real people and fairy tale characters.
7) When Dagny turned eighteen, she came to visit Aunt Magda.
8) Dagny often went to the theater, but she was very worried about what she saw, then her aunt suggested attending a concert for a change.
9) During the concert, Dagny suddenly heard her name sounded from the stage.
10) Everyone learned that Grieg dedicated his essay to Dagny - it was a gift that he promised her ten years later.
11) Dagny will no longer be able to say “thank you!” to Grieg.

9. Talk to a friend about "I love listening to music." The questions in the Workbook will help you.

I like to listen to music both with friends and alone. With friends, I like to listen to fast, cheerful and loud music, and when alone I prefer to listen to a calm, quiet melody without words. I also love listening to different types of music. public transport, through headphones, so as not to disturb anyone. At the same time, I like to look out the window and find in the player such a melody that would correspond to the movement of the vehicle: either bravura, if we are driving fast, or slow, if we are standing in a traffic jam.

Lesson Objectives:

  • continue to acquaint children with the work of K. G. Paustovsky;
  • to form in children positive motives for educational and cognitive
  • activities, creative initiatives and activity;
  • develop children's speech, vocabulary;

Planned achievements in the lesson:

  • ability to analyze emotional condition heroes;
  • the ability to analyze what has been read;
  • fostering a love for music;

Demo material: portrait of the writer, portrait of the composer E. Grieg, illustrations of children, recording of E. Grieg's play "Morning", "Solveig's Song", a basket with fir cones.

During the classes

"The Magician and the Great Musician" (the epigraph is written on the blackboard) K.G. Paustovsky

I. Organizational moment

Guys, today in the lesson we will continue our acquaintance with the work of K. G. Paustovsky. And on the example of the story "Basket with fir cones" we will try to answer the question "How should a person live" at the end of the lesson?

Look at the epigraph on the board. Where do these words come from? To whom are they dedicated?

II. Checking homework

What is the story you read about? What do you know about Grieg?

What the words of the first row tell us: The northern country of Norway: forest, mountains, sea, the city of Bergen. (Location of the story)

What do the words of the second row say: Edvard Grieg, Dagny Pedersen, Hagerup Pedersen, Magda, Niels (heroes of the story).

How many parts did you divide the story into? What do you know about Grieg? (Selection of the best titles)

III. Work on the analysis of the story.

Analysis of part 1 of the story.

What did the composer E. Grieg do in the forest? Why did they come here more than once? Why did the forester's daughter Dagny come here? Why did she collect fir cones?

What did it look like autumn forest? (retelling close to text)

What techniques does the author use? (personifications - the echo picked up, threw the sound, lives and waits for the echo. Epithets - cheerful echo, mushroom air, autumn outfit . Metaphors - green strands, growing wildly. Comparisons - foliage is compared to copper and gold, echoes with a mockingbird.)

Look at the picture. What scene is he depicting? What did Dagny and Grieg talk about?

Expressive reading of the dialogue between Dagny and the composer (by roles)

What is the most important thing in a conversation? ( The composer wanted to make a gift)

What gift speech ideas in dialogue?

Why did Grieg want to give Dagny a present? ( The author does not directly answer this question, but we can guess that Grieg liked her.

How did Dagny appear before the composer and before us? ( She is small, but hardworking, dragging home a heavy basket of cones. She is trusting: she immediately told the stranger about the house and toys. She is sweet, beautiful: she has big, like a doll's green eyes, a quiet voice from embarrassment. She is sensitive: she thinks tenderly of the old grandfather and sympathizes with him. And most importantly, she Kind heart, knows how to think and grieve about others.)

What did Dagny hope to receive as a gift?

Why did Grieg postpone the gift? ( A material gift is things. toys. And Grieg conceived a spiritual gift - music. Small children do not always understand music, so the composer promises it in 10 years. She will then be 18 years old.

Analysis of the second part of the story

What can the description of the composer's house tell the attentive reader?

What was the decoration of the house?

Music cannot be expressed in words. But what is the skill of the writer? ( He uses the technique of personification, and we hear how the piano of the great composer can sing about the outburst of the human spirit and about love, and the keys can yearn, laugh, rattle with storm and anger.

Read the description of winter. How is this place like a poem? ( The author uses personifications: winter wrapped up, steamboats came, dozed, sniffing.)

Why did Paustovsky include a description of the winter city in this part of the story? ( The composer should draw inspiration not only from nature, but also from the environment around him, because he reflects all the surrounding life in his works)

What was the music written by Grieg about? (read the sentence in which the main mood of the melody composed for Dagny is expressed in words?

Who was the first listener? What feelings did the music evoke in them? Let's try to hear how the composer draws nature, how the music changes (The recording "Morning" by E. Grieg sounds)

Do you think Edvard Grieg was a happy person? Find words in the text that confirm this.(" I am an old man, but I gave the youth my life, work, talent. I gave everything away without a refund. Therefore, I may be even happier than you, Dagny."

Physical education minute

We'll get some rest.
Let's get up, take a deep breath.
The children were walking in the forest
Watching nature.
Looked up at the sun
And all the rays warmed them.
Miracles in our world:
The children became dwarfs.
And then everyone stood up together,
We have become giants.

Conversation on the 3rd part of the story.

Has anything changed in Dagny's life? What has she become?

What can be said about the girl's relatives? What was special about Aunt Magda's room?

Analysis of the 4th part of the story.

Where did Dagny like to go in the city? Why did she cry after the performances? (She remained as sensitive and impressionable as she was in childhood)

Here she is going to a concert with her uncle and aunt. Describe the portrait of Dagny.( Slender girl with heavy blonde hair long braids the color of old gold, beautiful, with shining big eyes, dressed in a long theatrical black dress from mysterious velvet)

In what unusual setting did the concert take place?

What miracle happened in Dagny's life? What feelings did she, Magda, Niels experience when the initiation was announced?

Read what Dagny heard in the music dedicated to her? (Music plays.)

Why did Dagny cry while listening to Grieg's music? ( These are tears of gratitude. People cry not only from grief, but also from great good feelings besides, Dagny is sorry that the composer died, and she will not thank him.)

What feelings do you think arose in her soul: amazement, admiration, gratitude, joy, delight, regret?

Did other listeners like Grieg's music?

IV. General conversation.

What do you like about Grieg's music? It is beautiful because the composer glorified his homeland, had the gift of singing nature and the spiritual world of man in sounds: his courage, loyalty and purity.

What was the main idea that Dagny discovered for herself? ( You opened for me that beautiful thing that I must live Human .)

V. Summary of the lesson.

What beauty have we discovered in the story of K. G. Paustovsky? ( We talked about the beauty of nature, oh beautiful people. They have a sweet appearance, noble deeds, we talked about the inner and outer beauty of a person. About a good life (we must believe that it is amazing and beautiful. About spiritual gifts. About music, literature, theater, about art forms that teach you to see beauty.)

What is the story you read about? ( About the beauty of the world and man, about how beautiful art reflects life

Can the words "The Magician and the Great Musician" be attributed to K. G. Paustovsky?

We should be grateful to K. G. Paustovsky for giving us such a wonderful story about E. Grieg - this kind magician and great musician. Both of them are masters of their craft. One with words, the other with feelings awakens pure and kind feelings in us. And people of all times are grateful to them for this.

VI. Reflection.

Pupils, giving their feedback on the story, fill the basket with fir cones.

VII. Homework.

Record the story in a reader's diary. Compose quiz questions on the text for the development of observation when reading.

Have you met people who willingly gave, gave good mood, smile, soul? Tell about them. Book recommendation for extracurricular reading. (Presentation by the teacher of books by K.G. Paustovsky about beauty native nature and good deeds of people.)

Additional tasks (quiz questions.)

Where in the story is the country where the events take place named?

How long did E. Grieg write music for Dagny?

How did the port city know about the sunset?

What secret of girlish beauty was prompted by the kind uncle Nils?

This video tutorial is dedicated to the topic “K.G. Paustovsky. The story "Basket with fir cones." From the fascinating narration of the teacher, you can learn many interesting literary facts about the work of K.G. Paustovsky. Although the story "Basket with Fir Cones" is a fictional story, an analysis of this work will allow you to plunge into a true story about a man who subtly feels nature - Edvard Grieg, a famous Norwegian composer.

In the 30s. XX century Konstantin Paustovsky addresses the theme of the relationship between man and nature. The appearance of such an expressive miniature can be considered a kind of prologue to the beginning of this new creative stage:

Rice. 2. V.A. Lugovskoy ()

On the evening of that day, when maple leaves ran along the streets next to us, Lugovskoy(Fig. 2) came to me and, obviously embarrassed, said:- You know, such a case. I just went to telephone exchange to call Moscow, and from the very gates of our park a maple leaf followed me(Fig. 3) . He ran at my very feet. When I stopped, he also stopped. When I walked faster, he also ran faster. He did not leave me a single step, but he did not go to the telephone exchange: the stairs are too steep, and besides, this is an institution. Must be autumn leaves entry is prohibited there. I patted his back and he waited for me at the door. But when I left, he was gone. Obviously, someone drove him away or crushed him. And, you know, I felt bad, as if I betrayed and did not save my funny little friend. Is it really stupid?“I don’t know,” I answered, “it’s more sad ...

Rice. 3. Maple leaf ()

The most important idea of ​​the writer's works is the idea of ​​the beauty and poetry of the human soul. Paustovsky tries to awaken in his readers the most beautiful and tender feelings.

Story "Basket with fir cones"- fictional, but at the same time true story about a man who subtly feels nature - about the famous Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Edvard Grieg ()

Edvard Grieg is a famous Norwegian composer, who in his work reflected the life, customs, rituals, traditions of his home country who told the whole world about them.

Norway is a country of impregnable rocks, dense forests, winding sea bays (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Nature of Norway ()

The people who inhabit this country are brave, proud, accustomed to subjugate the elements, to conquer them. The folk art of Norway is as unique and beautiful as the life of the people and the nature of this country. Norway is rich in songs, legends, legends about Viking campaigns, about the mysterious forces of evil spirits.

Norway is also rich in music. They say that the most beautiful tunes were stolen by daredevils from evil spirits, that these tunes can make not only people dance, but also mountains.

The original art of a small country became known to the world thanks to creators such as, for example, Heinrich Ibsen (famous Norwegian playwright) (Fig. 6) and Edvard Grieg (composer).

Rice. 6. Heinrich Johan Ibsen ()

Composer Edvard Grieg spent autumn in the woods near Bergen.

All forests are good with their mushroom air and the rustle of leaves. But the mountain forests near the sea are especially good. They hear the sound of the surf. From the sea, fog constantly inflicts, and moss grows violently from the abundance of moisture. It hangs from the branches in green strands to the ground.

In addition, in the mountain forests lives, like a mockingbird, a cheerful echo. It is just waiting to pick up any sound and hurl it over the rocks.

Once Grieg met in the forest a little girl with pigtails, the daughter of a forester. Her name was Dagny Pedersen. She collected fir cones in a basket (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Grieg meets Dagny ()

It was autumn. If it were possible to collect all the gold and copper that is on earth, and forge thousands of thousands of thin leaves from them, then they would make up an insignificant part of that autumn dress that lay on the mountains. In addition, all forged leaves would seem rough in comparison with real ones, especially with aspen leaves.

In the description of nature, the real, the authentic, is important; the real is opposed to the fake.

- That's the trouble! Grieg said. - I have nothing to give you. I don't carry dolls or ribbons or velvet hares in my pocket.

Grieg noticed that her pupils were greenish and the foliage gleamed with lights in them.

In the portrait of a girl, we observe an organic connection with the forest, with nature.

The meeting aroused in the composer a desire to give Dagny something, and it becomes clear that this gift could be music (Fig. 8).

- I'll give you one interesting thing. But not now, but ten years from now. I make gifts for adults, learn patience.

Grieg himself thought:

“I will write music.On the title page, I will order to print: “Dagny Pedersen - the daughter of the forester Hagerup Pedersen, whenshe is eighteen years old."

Rice. 8. Edvard Grieg and Dagny Pedersen ()

Grieg had no doubt that in ten years his piece of music would be heard by Dagny and she would feel the sounds of her forest, the nature that had surrounded her since childhood. Music, according to Grieg's idea, was to pass through time and space.

Everything was the same in Bergen.

Friends said that the composer's house looked like a lumberjack's house. It was decorated only with a piano(Fig. 9) .

See what pictures the reader's imagination has recreated in the composer's empty house, which looks like a woodcutter's dwelling. What did Grieg want to create and what did he want to inspire a person entering into life?

If a person was endowed with imagination, then he could hear magical things among these white walls - from the roar of the northern ocean, which rolled waves from darkness and wind, which whistled its wild saga over them, to the song of a girl cradling a rag doll.

The piano could sing about everything - about the impulse of the human spirit to the great and about love. The white and black keys, escaping from under Grieg's strong fingers, yearned, laughed, thundered with a storm and anger, and suddenly fell silent at once.

Grieg has been writing music for Dagny Pedersen for over a month.

Grieg wrote about the deepest charm of girlhood and happiness. He wrote and saw how a girl with green shining eyes was running towards him, choking with joy.

Grieg wanted to convey to the young girl a sense of the beauty and joy of life:

- No matter what they tell you about her, always believe that life is amazing and beautiful. I am an old man, but I gave the youth my life, work, talent. You are the white night with its mysterious light. You are happiness. You are the light of the dawn. Your voice shakes my heart.

At the age of eighteen, Dagny graduated from school, and her father sent her to visit his sister (Fig. 10).

Rice. 10. Adult Dagny Pedersen ()

Her sister worked as a theatrical dressmaker, and her husband Nils worked as a theatrical hairdresser. Dagny was able, while living with them, to often go to the theater. A very interesting reflection on the role of theater in human life appears in the story. According to Uncle Niels, one must believe everything in the theater, otherwise people will not need any theaters. And Dagny believed.

And so Aunt Magda insisted on going to the concert.

It was a warm June. There were white nights. Concerts were held in the open-air city park.

Dagny heard symphonic music for the first time in her life:

She had a strange effect on her. All the overflows and thunders of the orchestra caused Dagny to have many pictures that looked like dreams.

So, - Dagny heard, - now the famous musical play by Edvard Grieg will be performed, dedicated to the daughter of the forester Hagerup Pedersen Dagny Pedersen on the occasion of the fact that she turned eighteen years old.

See how Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky conveys music using words:

Dagny sighed so deeply that her chest hurt. She wanted to hold back the tears rising to her throat with this sigh, but it did not help. Dagny leaned over and covered her face with her hands.

She downloaded and heard nothing. A storm roared inside her. Then, at last, she heard the shepherd's horn singing in the early morning, and in response to it, with hundreds of voices, with a slight shudder, the string orchestra responded.

The melody grew, rose, raged like the wind, rushed over the tops of the trees, tore off the leaves, shook the grass, beat in the face with cool spray. Dagny felt a rush of air emanating from the music and forced herself to calm down.

See what the girl is going through at this moment:

Yes! This was her forest, her homeland! Her mountains, the songs of her horns, the sound of her sea!

The glass ships foamed the water. The wind blew in their gear. This sound imperceptibly turned into the chime of forest bells, into the whistle of birds tumbling in the air, into the hooting of children, into a song about a girl - her beloved threw a handful of sand into her window at dawn. Dagny heard this song in her mountains.

So this is the gift that this man promised to give her in ten years!

Dagny experienced strong feelings under the influence of Grieg's music:

Dagny was crying, not hiding, with tears of gratitude. By that time, music had filled all the space between the earth and the clouds hanging over the city. Light ripples appeared from the melodic waves on the clouds. Stars shone through it.

The music was no longer playing. She called. She called me to that country where no sorrows could cool love, where no one takes away happiness from each other, where the sun burns like a crown in the hair of a fairy-tale kind sorceress.

In the rush of sounds, a familiar voice suddenly appeared. “You are happiness,” he said. “You are the brilliance of the dawn!”

The music stopped. Slowly at first, then, all growing, applause thundered.

Dagny clenched her hands and groaned from a sense of the beauty of this world that was still unclear to her, but engulfing her whole being.

- Listen, life, - Dagny said quietly, - I love you.

So ends the story of Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky "Basket with fir cones". We see how Dagny came to a concert of symphonic music, heard, understood, felt this music, saw in this music all her past life and believed in magic power art. And Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky helped us to understand this power of art.


  1. Ladygin M.B., Zaitseva O.N. Textbook-reader on literature. 7th grade. - 2012.
  2. Kuteynikova N.E. Literature lessons in grade 7. - 2009.
  3. Korovina V.Ya. Didactic materials on literature. 7th grade. - 2008.
  1. Biographies of the greats and famous people ().
  2. ().
  3. ().


  1. Retell the description of the autumn mountain forest close to the text.
  2. Remember what thoughts Grieg visited when he wrote music for Dagny. Voice them. What were Dagny's thoughts when she heard the music? Compare these thoughts.
  3. Discuss the role of music in the story.